HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050666 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20050614FEB-3-2006 14~:-26 FROM:dWQ-WETLANdS 9197336893 T0: 97155637 P:Z~3 --• --.__.. .. .. .._ ......~_ ,'•-',t,ri.:Kf.ca:S~:zl.~..~1~.:.L-aXi~'y ab-ika„u.,~..=tYYb:ir,i - 7Stn'?,y~fi'.+.1f.:Y:~2".?.f.{M+:~.:r1v.Ki7'lo..a.-r~.a. o~~~ wAr~~Q~ ~' r ? ~ O ~ Mr. Ron Den Adel 1 X o ~Toastb. Wacker i?r. Chicago, iL, 60506 ~aub~ect: The Bridges ax Mnt Hill Dear Mr. Adel: Mil^luet F. 6asle}•, Gcwernar willinn G, RwSS Jr., secretary 1dar8t CaroGno Deportment of E7rvieonme~ and Namrel Resouress Alen B', rlititek, P.1, Director Division of Wuer Qasliiy 3tuie 14, 20fl5 MECk]enburg C¢unty DWQ Project #OS-Ob6b Q~c~~on~~ JUN 2 2 2005 a~vR - warms Qaral.rry uns~vua sr-,~~ eRgn~ Tb.e Division of'OVater Quality (pWQ} reocived your application for a X01 ~'atex Quality Certificgation for the subject project on Apzil 22; 2005. Mr. tnilatl sohnson oftbuis office has visited the sate and reviewed the application.. The following informatiozlleomments are needed by this office in Ot'derto complete ourreview: a} Please pr'o'vide a detailed diagram for the two proposed road crossings and sewer line ~ss~tag far the development. 'I17e design for the road srmssings should 'include effozts to maintain the base flow in the stream ehanneL Sills .inside the culvert(s) &nd construction of floodplain benches upstream and dovvnstreara of the culverts may be required to prev~7,t over widening bf the channel. An open cut is proposed far the cansizuction of tine sewer line across Goons Creek. To minim+2e . sediment impacts to the creek (Goose Creek is listed on the State's 303d list as as impaired stream), directional. b4,~ would be the preferred method of installation. If this is not feasible, please provide an explanation. b} The mitigation plan proposes 800 linear ft, of stream restoration for the proposed stream impacts of 654 linear ft. Given, that approximately 3600 linear ft. of Goose Creek runs through the project, enhancement and/or strea-na sta~on a£tlte entire section of the creek and tributaries is the recammtmded optipn, lrve~p .tllou~ C~goSe Creek has been channelized istraighte~aed), cattle access td the creek appears to be the primary"cause of channel instability. 1~emoval oftlie cattle from the creek, stabilization of ttie banks; and site-specific enhancement of problematic areas along the channel would probably be more cost effective and provide for greater water quality bernefits. o) It is noted thPlt 1~ are proposed adjas:enf to the oa-site streaia~s- Please provide the width of b'uff'ers p~posed aaozag ail streams/creeks (i.e. 50-ft.,100-ft., etc.) throughout the project, d~ Criven the naxlu~e and size of the proposed project, the stream's classification, and it's listing on the • State's 303d list of impaired waters, thexe are concerns regei'dztlg cumulative impacts of this project. Such being the case, it is nrequested thacc you provide a detailed quantitative analysis ("Cumu7ative Impact Policy" for 401 and Isolated WQtlsnd Progxam) of the potential water quality impacts assaeiated with the project. DWQ's criteria fox d~t~g the need faz the above noted analysis are:1) Is growth likely to be induced by the development? 2) Are exisfing uses of the water likely to be impacted by tlae devclopment4 3) Axe additional regulatory measures needed? 5hoitld yta~t have question regarding this matter, please contact IvLS, Cgrldi K,aroly at {919) 733-9721. ~~~ ~a _ _ _ dl' ralll 7dott1t Cerotinn 1?lvr.+icm ei Water ¢tratiry 610 East tenter Ave„ Suitt: 361 Mvnrc:vill y NC 28115 Phoa~ {!04} X63-1b99 C~ S~+'l~ hike+Yi~t: h26.~rIrSS9te.nc.us FAX (7l?4}6t,3~040 1-$77~y23~b748 kn Equhl OppttrtrrntiylAlt6ntatlve Aetlen Empbyar-50°:'o RaeydndJlO% Prst Ca~umar Paper FEB-3-2006 10:26 FROM:DWQ-WETLANDS 9197336893 Mr. Ron Den Adel Juo,e 1.4r 2045 Page Two T0: 97155637 P:3~3 e) It is pro~oset~ that the e~isti~ pad t~,iu be drained. Please provide demos far draining the pond .and •br~chiiig fine dam. Xour details sbauld specifically address the protection of the strcatxz. and wetland that catists below the pond. Please be advised that't,~s p~j~ vrill be pla~ccd on hold until such time a$ the requested information has bee~o..recciv~d. pursuxnt•to 13A N~A.C 2H .Q547(h). ~n.addition, this o~iee is requesting. ~1e1q~y Carps of Eagisxeezs withhold processing the 444 p~xoit tmtil the requested information is provided. If you ~~ ~y questions, please contact lvlr. Alan Johnson at (704) 6G3-1699 ~or Ms. Cyndi $aroly in l~aleigh at (914) 733- 9721. • ~~~~~ cc; Cozps o£ Engineers-Asheville O~iee Cyrtdi Karoly -Wetlands Unit Gh~s ~u~ysman Central Files ~ D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Strzface Watez FroYectiam Regional Supervisor ~aT' ~~~ CND H.;P1~,.,~,;G oa....~