HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6211206_Property Deed_20220314BK 11210 PG 0624 FILED ELECTRONICALLY CUMBERLAND COUNTY NC J. LEE WARREN, OR. FILED Aug 09, 2021 AT 10:34:17 AM BOOK 11210 START PAGE 0624 END PAGE 0626 INSTRUMENT # 36769 RECORDING $26.00 EXCISE TAX $310.00 Prepared by: William Lockett Tally Tally and Tally, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, PLLC * * *TITLE NOT CERTIFIED BY PRFPARER* Mail to: Gray Newell Thomas LLP NORTH CAROLINA CUMBERLAND COUNTY Revenue GO WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made this the 15r day of 04v 6 k., $ � , 2021, by and between BRAD TYSON LEE and wife, SILVIA LEE, 4305 Sanderos� Road, Fayetteville, NC 28312, hereinafter called GRANTOR; and R CHI LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, 3947 Dunn Road # 5, Eastover, NC 28312, hereinafter called GRANTEE; WITNESSETH; That the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable considerations to it paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the GRANTEE, and its successors and assigns, certain property located in the CITY OF t�l� It 0 TOWNSHIP, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA- and more particularly described as follows: 2021 PIN 0477-09-9650 SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. submitted electronically by "Gray Newell Thomas LLP Fy-r" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Cumberland county Register Of Deeds. The land conveyed is NOT principal residence of the GRANTORS. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, unto the GRANTEE, and its successors and assigns, forever. And the GRANTOR covenants that it is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to convey the same in fee simple; that the said premises are free from encumbrances, other than restrictive covenants and easements appearing of record, and that it will warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this deed the day and year first above written, /-,- BR41?, TYSON SILVIA LEE State of —fq- ' 4- � ( ( - ti C-0 -S �2c- � (44. County I, I t � ,,,� c. 'Cico -,f t he undersigned, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that '--UFR—AD TYSON LEE AND WIFE, LEE Grantor(s), personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing tristrUJ110111'. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, 9 1 4;' /'?az t My commission expires: ) ( / � / 2 02- 4�4 atai-y Public SEAL EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description BEGINNING at an iron stake in the northern margin of Sanderosa Rd/SR 1833 (60 ft. right-of-way), said iron stake being N 75d 00' 00" E 859.17 ft. from the Southeast corner of the Russell C. and wife, Susan Marie Humphries property as recorded in Deed Book 2526 Page 248, said beginning point also being N 15dOO'U0^VV3O.U8ft. from the southern line (centerline nfSanderoaandjofthe Colon Alexander Carter property of which is this a part and as recorded in Deed Book 322 Page 186, Deed Book 322 Page 297. Dead Book33O Pego83. Deed Book34Q Page 194ond Deed BookGSO Page 163aU duly recorded in the Cumberland County Registry and running thence N 15d 00'00" W 1134.33 feet to an iron stake in the northern line of the Colon Alexander Carter property, thence running with the northern line N 74d 48' 05" E 396.40 ft. to margin of Sanderosa Road; thence running with the said northern margin S 75 d 00' 00" W 396.40 ft to the point of BEGINNING and being 10.3228 acres as shown as parcel B on a plat of the property of Colon Alexander Carter Heirs Tract #3 recorded in Plat Book 87 Page 34, Cumberland County Registry. Grantors hereby restrict the use of the property to only single family homes with uminimum heated square footage uftwo thousand four hundred (2,4O0sf)square feet. Grantors hereby restrict the use of the property that nomobile ormanufactured homes may be placed wuthe property. Grantors hereby restrict the use of the property that no chain link fences may be erected oothe property. These use restrictions are hereby conveyed tothe Grantee hytile Grantor and they are intended tn run with the land.