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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0076732_Affidavit_20220314 1
PO Box 631245 Cincinnati,OH 45263-1245
StarNews I The Dispatch
North Carolina Environmental
Management Commis-
Wren Thedford sion/NPDES Unit
Wren Thedford 1617 Mail Service Center
De Division Of Water Res Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
9 Notice of Intent to Issue a
1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER NPDES Wastewater Permit
Raleigh NC 27699 NC0076732 New Hanover Termi-
nal The North Carolina Environ-
mental Management Commission
propSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER wastewateres to issuer a permit NPDES
discharge to
the person(s) listed below. Writ-
The Wilmington Star-News,a newspaper printed and published in ten comments regarding the
the city of Wilmington,and of general circulation in the County of proposed permit will be accepted
New Hanover,State of North Carolina,and personal knowledge of until of3 days after the Direpublctor
the facts herein state and that the notice hereto annexed was datefthethisN notice. The DiWater
of NC Division of Water
Published in said newspapers in the issue dated: Resources (DWR) may hold a
public hearing should there be a
03/13/2022 significant degree of public inter-
est. Please mail comments and/or
ed are legal. information requests to DWR at
and that the fees charged g the above address. Interested
Sworn to and subscribed before on 03/13/2022 persons may visit the DWR at 512
N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC
27604 to review information on
file. Additional information on
NPDES permits and this notice
i may be found on our website:
branch/n pdes-wastewater/pu b I ic-
notices,or by calling (919) 707-
__.----- 3601. Flint Hill Resources; LP
[3308 River Road, Wilmington,
Legal CI NC 28401] has requested renewal
of permit NC0076732 for its New
Hanover Terminal in New
Notary,S•t VV ,C nnny of Brown Hanover County. This permitted
v ^ y facility discharges treated
d stormwater to the Caper Fear
Mycommision expires River in the Cape Fear River
P Basin. Some parameters are
Publication Cost: $161.70 water quality limited. This
Order No: 7024183 discharge may affect future alto-
#of Copies: cations in this segment of the
Customer No: 512930 1 Caper Fear River.
Please do not use this form for payment remittance.
Notary Public
State of Wisconsin
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