HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03208_Well Construction - GW1_20220310 WELL CONSTRUMON x&ca�(Gw_-1) ForIutrnd Use o�, �:. L Well Coanacwr rnformadon: - L . S , l�el;e a a.,, 14.WATER ZQNFS.,. WeIICoatroct:eName PROM TO DEStBiP17Ox' -71 R R NCWeIl Carffw1d=NuWb= LS,UDTEBG'A.SiTIG 5m?i as�d;Wah ca12 R' .r•+•^r.... -. FROM TO niAWIRTM I THEO S M&MMEAL R R is Camp�n�.Naa - 2.WacoaErtvcHonPamitl6: D�l b FROM+FROM RCAsn�iGORTo87NG M.. .,. .�� To � Tmms= MszsavL.. . DraIIWft-&—aemaa e-pa&a a-Mr—Cmoay.satm Ymdmrq or-) R it C,7/a/ 3.Wen Use(tbecitwell user _ $ R Water SapplTWeII: :n7.=scttE . - ' y ilytr-r�+x.: �:v.'a;�:' i? >:�k :,i': aw"^=_:.• FROM TO DTAMSPM ' SWrSEM I TREMDWSMATaItW. ❑AVicub a'al ❑Muaicipal/i'ttblic R S in OGeotbemtat(Hea(mg/Cooliog Supply) % ages Water Supply(single) & R tm ❑b dusnial/Comm=iai '"=Water Supply(&—d) im 'on []Wells>100000GPD FROM TO MAIMMAL IMMACKNOMMEMOD&AMOUNr Noa-WaterSapplyWdl: 0 -IL R eAr K ❑ 4002Mm9 ❑Recovery R R Injection Wen: '�- • 8 ClAquihrRechup ❑GrotmdwaterRemediad= R •i19-MM/GRAVELPACS•I•_ _ i=aY:sCxZe.^" e�:�=g-g- OAgmferStora$eaud'Recovay IISaliuityBatria .• FROM TO MATIItrAL INNACZNZRrBtl�9a ❑AgndaTest .❑StosmwatcrDraiaage s, t; ❑PxpaimentdTeclmdggy ❑SubsidemeContoi R 8 (Closed Loop) ❑Tracer -2&1DRUMG3AG altsehaddidabriva�"if— 'x ❑Geodm=d(He8d*`CW Return) ❑Otba( under#21 Remarks)) �°oM & an R a ox sots - 4.Date Well(a)Completed: Z-/y -l/ Wen ID# R 52.Well Lotatioa: .; R IL I &C115 Faeility/OwmrName FaeslityMg Cif applicable) ffi �. R -. R ft k COY Pxmel Id cnNo.(FIN) 5L Latitade and longitude is degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees (if W-A field one Wong is suffieieat) 22 Certification: 6 TE(are)the weIl(s):: ent nr ❑Tempor:r. �s / Sigaamte of cadfii i reII 4 Duos . 9ysfg�migrldsfarng lhweayearllJyrinrrte,.rJt(s),.os(rive)eontaxeedD�aciaoosd�aor,.id, 7.I3 this a repair to an esstiag wel b,. O.Yas or t ISANCAC 02C.0100 cr ISAIMAC 02C.0200 WcU Couaavton Samdmdr and dYaa copy ljd4rBasgaaterliUo�abmwn:rBromaoraeaoabJbn+mlonandaplabf�lieaaaoeofrhe ofrhftncoordhatberappwidsdmdiaxeRowav N ' nrpaa�orlerl2l�emarTs saaron oroa lhebarPofddrfarm 23.Site diagram or addiaioaaiwell detilfi V 8.For GeoprobeMI T or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wens baviog the same You may use the back of this page to provide additimal va eonstntction h& consftnetion,09y 1 OW-1 is•neeaed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of weIIs (add'See Oven'itiReniar3cs Box}You may also attach additional pegs if may. drflled 24.SQBMIZTAL P SPRUMONS ' 9.Total wa-deptit below land surface:_ D ( ) Foramtnpls,.,rDaaadgday�nae(eo Vk-3@200•a„d2gi00� r Submit thisGW-1within30days'ofweIIeompletionperthefonowhW. 10.Static water level blow bop of easing: Z 0 A) 24a. For All Wells: Ongmal Bonn to Division of Water Resmoes (D%n rwatwkndrs alimK C=ft)No•+- bfamtationPmrasing Unit.1617M5C.Raleigh.NC27699LI617 1L Borehole diameter. 24b:For Infection Wens mu Copy to'DWR.UadeMnd lWeedon Control(IUC) � {�) Pto$am,1636 MSC,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 12.Well eonslractioa method: "R o 2,T _ ,✓ 24c.For Water Saaaly and Oren-Loon Geothermal Rdma Welic Copy to the Cie .may. ti.daeetpmb.etc) ": county—envaanm epa[tment covuly "ad FOR WATER SUPPLY WEl±1S ONI;Yi, 24d:For Water Wells 'rodug' _W over 10AW GM..ClpY W,DWF%(;=A 13a.Yidd(gpm) Method of test: Permit Pmgam,l 11 MSC,Ralei 11 13bh Dlsh&cdon type: Amount: Z �" Fomt GW-1' Nadi Carolina Dq==ofBmft==W Quality-Division of WaterMo==_ Revised 6&MIS