HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000175_Wasteload Allocation_19990326NPDES DOCUHENT :;CANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0000175 Unimin Quartz Operation Document Type: Permit Issuance (WaSte1Oad Allocatio -,. Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: March 26, 1999 'Miss dactirnertt is printed on reuse paper - ignore arty content on the rezzerse wide urnmin Quartz Operation P. O. Box 588 Bakersville Hwy. Spruce Pine, NC 28777 (828) 765-4283 Fax: (828) 765-0912 March 26, 1999 Mr. David Goodrich Chief, NPDES Unit Division of Water Quality NC DENR 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 Dear Mr. Goodrich: Thank you for the time which you spent meeting with us on Friday March 19th in your office concerning our fluoride -bearing effluent, being discharged into the North Toe River, Mitchell County. I am attaching to this letter the promised revised final version of the Ceriodaphnia Dubia testing information which we reviewed in that meeting. The three companies: K T Feldspar Corporation, The Feldspar Corporation, and Unimin Corporation performed the Ceriodaphnia Dubia Acute and Chronic toxicity testing to support their position that there should be no reduction in the total fluoride poundage per day discharged by the three companies. The present limitation of 574 pounds per day of contained fluoride should be maintained without change. We believe the above toxicity testing demonstrates that an in -stream waste concentration limit of some seven parts per million fluoride would be protective of the indigenous species in the North Toe River. That conclusion is based upon a chronic to acute ratio of .20 (8 ppm chronic failure versus 40 ppm NOEC acute for Ceriodaphnia Dubia) calculated from this testing. Applying that .2 factor to the 36.1 ppm F- acute toxicity rainbow trout limit provides an allowable waste concentration of 7.2 ppm fluoride. That value is some 400% of the present North Carolina standard of 1.8 ppm F- and is about 175% of the 4 ppm fluoride limit allowed under the Federal EPA Drinking Water Standard. The above testing involved the water flea Ceriodaphnia Dubia, which is the organism used for quarterly toxicity testing required for each company under its NPDES permit. This testing included both chronic and acute toxicity determinations using state - certified independent laboratories which routinely perform such testing. The tests were performed using North Toe River water (the receiving stream), to remove effects which might be due to the laboratory synthetic water called for in the quarterly test. The protocol used for the test, including the designed fluoride doping levels, is attached. The results allow calculation of a chronic to acute ratio based upon measured response of the organism for which toxicity must be measured under the existing NPDES permits. It allows replacement of an assumed chronic to acute ratio quoted in the June 1986 NC DENR report "North Carolina Water Quality Standards Documentation: Toxicity of Fluoride to Fresh Water Biota", which assumption was deemed to be conservative even at that time. The new data clearly supports the companies' position that the present standard is set artificially low at a level not substantiated by scientific observation. The new chronic to acute ratio described above utilized the most adverse data set obtained from duplicate testing at the two entirely separate laboratories. Table 1 and Chart 1 summarize these test results, and Appendix 1 provides the detailed laboratory results. In summary, the acute toxicity tests showed zero mortality at all fluoride concentrations from 0.1 ppm up to and including 33 ppm F. In the chronic toxicity testing, failures were observed at the 7.0 ppm and 14 ppm F levels. The second lab's data are shown in attachments Table 2, Chart 2 and Appendix 2. The acute toxicity data from the second laboratory confirmed zero mortality at all fluoride concentrations, from 0.1 to 41.5 ppm F. On the chronic toxicity test, the second laboratory shows a `Pass" at all levels, from 0.1 ppm through 15.9 ppm F. These results would give a chronic to acute ratio of about .40. Application of this factor (.40 chronic : acute ratio times 36.1 ppm acute trout level) yields an allowable fluoride in -stream waste concentration of 14.3 ppm To incorporate results from both of these data sets, the Average Reproduction for Ceriodaphnia Dubia was itself averaged for each pair of observations at a given fluoride concentration, and then compared to the averaged control reproduction. By this means, the data shown in Chart 3 was obtained. In that case, a nominal 16 ppm fluoride chronic toxicity level is obtained, as that is the only concentration at which an averaged "Fail" result occurs. The resulting chronic to acute ratio would be about .4 (16 ppm/40 ppm), and gives an allowable in -stream waste concentration of about 14 ppm F when applied to the rainbow trout acute toxicity data previously referenced. At this time, we are requesting that the NPDES permit fluoride poundage per day be left unchanged. We believe the data clearly shows the status quo is fully protective of the environment. We will consider the potential for Site Specific Water Quality Standards, and look forward to reviewing the draft document you mentioned. We may wish to explore that approach, as well as rule making procedures, for the 2006 — 2010 permitting cycle which will arrive sooner than any of us care to admit. Once again, we appreciate the time provided by departmental staff in listening to our proposal. We anticipate receiving your letter confirming DENR's re -permitting strategy to allow for an orderly renewal of each of our individual NPDES permits. cc: Forest Westall Regional Supervisor Water Quality Section Division of Water Quality NC DENR 29 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Joe Turner Plant Manager The Feldspar Corporation P. O. Box 99 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Sincerely, 5. 9 Charles F. Stover Regional General Manager Unimin Corporation Matt Matthews Aquatic Toxicology Group Leader Water Quality Section ND DENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Dennis Buchanan Plant Manager K-T Feldspar P. O. Box 309 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 TABLE OF CONTENTS Fluoride Toxicity Testing Spruce Pine, North Carolina February 23 — March 4, 1999 Description Page Basis for Toxicity Testing 1 Chart 1— Chronic Toxicity (ETT Environmental) 2 Chart 2 — Chronic Toxicity (ETT and Burlington Labs) 3 Chart 3 — Chronic Toxicity (Average both Labs) 4 Table 1— Summary of Test Results (ETT Environmental) 5 Appendix 1— ETT Environmental data 6 — 10 (Chronic and Acute Toxicity data) Table 2 — Summary of Test Results (Burlington Research) 11 Appendix 2 — Burlington Research data Summary data Chronic Toxicity Test Acute Toxicity Results 12-13 14-35 36 — 55 1)Df4 FD 12_._ CERiODAPITNIA DUBIA ACUTE AND CONIC TOXICITY TESTING 1. The successful bidder will collect North Toe River water from the river at Bent Road, Avery County (immediately above the Spruce Pine Water Intake at North Carolina 19E bridge in Avery County). The water collected will be used to adequately condition Ceriodaplm a prior to the testing outlined below, so that the q organisms are used to this water versus the synthetic water normally used for North Carolina DENR chronic toxicity testing. 2. The successful bidder will collect the necessary North Toe River water(s) the necessary to perform the conditioning above, as well as the water required for acute and chronic tests specified below. The bidder should indicate whether one single large sample of water to be split into aliquots as necessary to perform those tests, or whether separate water samples are required in order to have sufficiently fresh water for the entire testing protocol. 3. The successful bidder will make up the various fluoride (F) concentrations required for each of the 17 individual tests, and will also analyze and report the fluoride concentration actually measured during each of those tests. 4. The 17 individual tests are set out below. The 0.1 ppm fluoride test is intended to represent the background fluoride level within the river, and could be considered to be a control on the experiment. The intent is that no fluoride be added to this water, but that the actual fluoride concentration be measured and reported upon by the successful bidder. Acute Toxicity:Testing (8 total) Chronic Toxicity Testing (9 totall 0.1 ppm F (no fluoride added) • 0- 1 ppm F (no fluoride added) 5.0 ppm F 0.5 ppm F 10.0 ppm F 1.0 ppm F 15.0 ppm F' 1.5 ppm F 20.0 ppm F 2.0 ppm F 25.0 pprn F 3.0 ppm F 30.0 ppm F 4.0 ppm F 40.0 ppm F 8.0ppm F 16.0 ppm F 5. The successful bidder will provide full written document on form ATIor AT3, (plus bench sheets,) as appropriate for each of the 17 tests outlined above. Those forms should include residual chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, F, and any other parameters normally required under the North Carolina DENR protocol. 6. The bidder is to provide all sample containers, coolers, chain of custody forms, etc. 7. The successful bidder will provide all written results within 10 days after commencement of testing of the Ceriodaphnia. (No later than 20 days following issuance of purchase order). 8. All laboratory results are to be kept confidential and shared only with the client. Page 1 1 Chart 1 - Chronic Toxicity Reproduction vs. Fluoride Concentration ETT Laboratory Average Reproduction Fluoride Measured PPM Case 1 20.6 0.1 2 17.7 0.5 3 19.8 1 4 18.6 1.4 5 17.8 1.8 6 17.9 2.8 7 16.5 3.7 8 13.1 7.1 9 5.2 14 25 0 20 tri 2 15 a. aw 10 a) co Q 5 0 Reproduction vs. Fluoride Concentration 0 4 8 Fluoride PPM -�- ETT 12 16 Page 2 2 Chart 2 -Chronic Toxicity Reproduction vs. Fluoride Concentration (2 Labs) ETT Laboratory Burlington Average Reproduction Laboratory Fluoride Conc. PPM Measured Average Reproduction Fluoride Measured PPM Case 1 20.6 0.1 19.2 0.11 2 17.7 0.5 20.3 0.51 3 19.8 1 15.4 0.96 4 18.6 1.4 15.5 1.47 5 17.8 1.8 18.3 1.93 6 17.9 2.8 25.2 2.85 7 16.5 3.7 22.6 3.86 8 13.1 7.1 24.6 7.2 9 5.2 14 19.5 15.9 30 c 25 0 z 20 0 d 15 d 13) 10 L. a 5 0 Reproduction vs. Fluoride Concentration 0 r 4 8 Fluoride PPM -♦- Burlington -■- ETT 12 16 Page 3 3 Chart 3 - Chronic Toxicity Average of Both Labs ETT Burlington Grand Averages Fluoride Design PPM Average Reproduction 20.6 Average Reproduction 19.2 Grand Average Reproduction 19.9 Grand Avg. % of Control Reproduction 100% 0 0.5 17.7 20.3 19 95% 1 19.8 15.4 17.6 88% 1.5 18.6 15.5 17.1 86% 2 17.8 18.3 18.1 91% 3 17.9 25.2 21.6 108% 4 16.5 22.6 19.6 98% 8 13.1 24.6 18.8 94% 16 5.2 19.5 12.4 62% Average Reproduction 25 20 15 10 5 0 Reproduction vs. Fluoride Concentration 0 4 8 Fluoride PPM 12 --� Grand Avg. Reproduction 16 Page 4 TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Zemex Corporation Fluoride Testing of Ceriodaphnia Dubia by ETT Environmental Inc. 2/23 - 3/4/99 Chronic Bioassay Test Results Test Level Test Results Fluoride Concentration mQ/L 0 Pass <0.1 0.5 Pass 0.6 1 Pass 1.0 1.5 Pass 1.4 2 Pass 1.8 3 Pass 2.8 4 Pass 3.7 8 Fail 7.1 16 Fail 14.0 Acute Bioassay Test Results Test Level Test Results Fluoride Concentration mW/L 0 >100%LC50* <0.1 5 >100 % LC50 4.5 10 >100 % LC50 8.7 15 >100 % LC50 13.0 20 >100 % LC50 18.0 25 >100 % LC50 Not measured 30 >100 % LC50 24.0 40 >100 % LC50 33.0 * > 100% indicates no toxicity I.e. no mortalities were observed at any concentration of fluoride. Page 5 03/24/99 WED 10:45 FAX 704 765 0203 THE FELDSPAR CORP. Mar-24-99 10:14A ETT Environmental, Inc. 844 877 893t5 Zoos P 01 . '"_ TT f r vironmentet, Inc. (864) 877.6442 • FAX (864) 877-8938 P.O. Box 16414, Greenville, SG 29606 Measured Fluoride Concentrations Zemez - N. Toe River Water Spiked w/ Fluoride February 1999 4 Craftsman Court, Greer, SC 29650 Acute Toxicit' Tests Nominal Measured Concentration Concentration 0,0 mg/L 5.0 mg/L 10.0 ma 15.0 mg%L 20.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L 40.0 mg/L L5 . Chronic Tlcxicity Tgctc <0.1 mg!L 4.5 mg/L 8.7 mg/L 13.0 mg/L IS.0 mg/L 24.0 mg/L 33.0 mg/L /IoI-v,,, . Nominal Measured Concentration Concentration 0.0 mg/L <0.10 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.59 mgfL 1.0 mg/L 0.98 mg/L 1.5 mg/L 1,4 mgfL 2.0 mg/L I.8 mg/L 3.0 mg/L 2.8 mg/L 4.0 mg/1.. 3.7 mg/L 8.0 mg/L 7.1 mg/L 16.0 mg/L 14.0 mg/L CJ�S 3/zN 95 Fluorides were measured using Standard Methods 186 Edition SM 4500-F C. NC Certification No. 4 02 . Submitted By: Robert W. Kelley, Ph.D. Page 6 . nvr - - = v•+ . r ct r G r r v -t ru n, nC rl Ld I, 1PC . LSOw 23/ / L7y.323 P.04 Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report FornUPhase It Chronic Ceriodaphnia Facility: Zemex River Water Spiked wl Fluoride Laboratory Performing Test: ETT Environmental Comments: Pipe4 Courry: Mitchell S9nature o/ $gnature d Sample Information Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration) Hardness (mg/L) Spec. Cold. (umhos.cm) Chlorine (mg/L) Sample temp. at Receipt $ampta 1 2/23199 X <0.05 0.6 Srnpk 2 Comm! Control Effluent % '0.5 mg/L Effluent # Young 1 23 Test Info Trptttment pH lnd. pH 6inal D,O.Ind D.O. Final Temp Ind Trmp r✓+al Star) Date 2/24/99 Time 1800 - End Date 03/04/99 Time 1800, suet ca12 Days Stert 9a72 13¢75 16mgti 16 16 control control / control 7,13 7 ZS 7.37 7.10 7.06 7.60 7.58 7.61 • 7,56 a 7.42 7.50 7.32 0.4 8.0 e.5 8.2 8.7 61 0,7 8.7 6.6 8.6 8.7 8.8 24.2 25.2 24.2 24.2 ^ 25.2 24.2 24.2 25.2 24.2 24.2 25.2 24.2 Organism # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ww, 23 20 18 9 19 19 23 L 21 lost lost 20.6 Adult L L # Young 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Moan 19 19 22 20 21 20 8 19 9 20 lost lost Adult ,L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Young: 22 23 16 19 19 21 20 21 L 17 11.0 mg/L Effluent % Adult L ,L 1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L L L 17.7 1d% Final Coot Mort. SG % Corn 3rd Brood Chronic Test Results 100%. cmtloI Repro cv 10% 48 Hour Mortality Carrot NYC 0of10 I0af10 Significant? No Final Mortality Sign. 1 I of No. conc. Reproduction Analyses r�:D 9 10 Mean Repro LOEC= EC- .20 19.8 Method, Dunnetl's T Test nea' Po Normal Dist? yes Method snap -mks L 4%, Statistic Critical 0.930 Equal Val no Method eartserts Statistic Critical 15.10 20 18,6 t-Test i6 gede" Menet Donnee,Y L 1 10% Effuent % t Critical 9 10 wean # Young 18 17 19 16 20 19 19 19 19 1.4 mglL Effluent °% Adult L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Veal., -*Young Adult Effluent % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 scan # Young Adult { 'so wa IIti�r�l'#tratyst :r' • ResUl�" RiRS3/ Alti br Chtoni6Va16e NOEC= •MAIL Environmental Sciences TO: Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. otEHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh. NC 27607 DEM Form AT-3 Rev, 11/95 inn r 1 Page 7 L i 'd2I0D 2IVdS11133 2111 COZO 29L 1701. ZVd Z ' : LO 3!1Z 66/9T/C0 03/16/99 TUE 11:49 FAX 704 765 0203 THE FELDSPAR CORP. mar-i(-99 11:46A ETT Environmental, Inc. 864 877 6938 CZ 0 0 2 P-pl Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form/Phase 1I Chronic Ceriodaphnia Facility. Zemex River Water Spiked w/ Fluoride (Revised wl Measured Concs.) County: Mitchell Laborato Performing Test ETT Environmental Comments: Signature of Sample Information Collection Start Dote Grab Composite (Duration) Hardness (mg/L) Spec. Cond, (urnhas.cm) Chlorine (mg/L) Sample temp, at Receipt Sample 1 V23/99 <0.05 0.6 Stemple 2 Cmlml Control Test Info Treatment PI Inn. pH Feral 0,0. Ink 0,0. Find Tamp Ink -romp Final Start Date 2/24/99 ISlart I1: h12 1 14 rngR, 14 Time 1800 Day5 14 End Date 03/04/99 Start t 4 rpl Time 1800 Dart control De/5 c nlrol 7,13 7,25 7,37 7.10 7,36 7.60 7.55 7,61 7.Sc 7.42 7,5,0 7.32 6.9 9.0 8.5 5.2 B.7 6,6 6.7 8,7 8.8 8.8 8.7 8,8 2.4.2 25,2 24,2 24.2 25.2 24,2 24.2 25.2 24.2 24.2 25.2 24.2 Organism 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mean # Young 23 23 20 18 19 19 19 23 L 21 -lost Final Cora Mon. % % Cool 3rt1 Entree Contra; Revco CV Chronic Test Results 100% 10% lost Adult Effluent % #t Young 11.8 mg/L Adult Effluent % L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 18 19 16 17 16 20 20.6 8 9 10 11 12 Moan 19 17 19 lost lost # Young_ 1 19 2 L _L L L 17,8 % Rea 13% 48 Hour Mortality Conlroi LID of 10 Significant? Final Mortality Sign, twc 0 of 10 No or [No. conc7 Reproduction Analyses es 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mn Repro LOEC= 7.1 mg/L NoEC- v 1 17,9 Method: Ounnett's T Test TRca Normal Dist? yes Method Snap. fzs L 13% Statistic 0.961 Critical 0.930 Equal Var? no Method 84rrferts 16 21 20 19 17 2.8 mg/L Adult L L L L L 22 r D 2 20 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 moan Effluent % '# Young 16 8 21 10 16 15 23 21 17 18 3,7 mg/L Adult 16,5 stag 20% Effluent % # Young 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Q tan 9 13 8 14 17_ 11 17 18 6 18 13.1 'St -ties 7.1 7.1 mi/L Effluent Adult # Young 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 1 1 121 3 3 10 14 mg/L Adult L IL MAIL Environmental Sciences TO: Div. of Environmental Management N,C, Dept, of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Rd, Raleigh, NC 27807 _D L L 36% 14 8 9 10Mmn 7 6 2 �l5.2 L L L 75% 3.7 mg/L Statistic 19.20 Critical 15.10 t-Test Method: Punnets EtflAnt m4LE, t Critical 1.8 1,50 2.39 2.8 1.45 2.39 3.7 2.21 2.39 4,Db 2.31- 8.37 2.39 AnPlY4111 Result = PASS/FAIL or Test LOEC: 7.1 mg/L NOEC= 3.7 mg/L Chronic Value= 5.1 mg/L DEM Form AT-3 Rev. 11/95 Page 8 IN 7- 03/-24/99 WED 10:44 FAX 704 765 0203 THE FELDSPAR CORP. mar-24-99 10:13A ETT Environmental, Inc. 864 877 oWsts �003 nvlrontnsntal, Inc. P.O. Box 16414, Greenville. SC 29806 [Client: Feldspar J n Date: 2 4i99 Time: 1800 e Date: 2/26/99 Time: 1800 TA (864) 877.6942 FAX (864) 871.6938 4 Craftsman Court, Greer, SC 28650 Sample 1D: Zemex Lab 1D# T11364 Set By: SC Test Species: Ended By: RK ICerlodaphrila dubia Dilution Water: MFISF [Measures - Rep. -- - - -Cumulative orprLama Morality 2der 411hr Mr 951., Mean 1 �+- 0% . A 3' 0 0 _ <4.t mg1L 8 5 0-0 tCw 5� 0� 0. D S 0 0 Al 4.5 mg/L ($,M,ft of ?.uy A 5 0 1 0 0% B 5 0 0' C 5 ' 0 0 8.7 mg/L (eeam;nat ru N 0'%a B 5 0` 04 , C 5' a 0 , 13 mg'L (wawa Is.0) 0% B 5 0' 0 C 0 0 0• 0 5 0 0 18 mg/L (rmmival20.0) A "-' 5' 0' 0'. 0% : B+ 5,' 0. 0 C 5 0 0 D 5 , 0 0 25 mg/Ls (nominal) A S 0.- 0 0% B 5 ' 0- 0r C 5 0 0 , D 5 _ 0 0, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 48 Hour LCSO > 33 a sgiL effluent 95% Confidence Limits: Upper NA Lower. NA `Method: Spearman Karber COMMENTS: WATER QUALITY DATA Measured Va1Ui &xT eter '1 units Mu 2Ahr sir 72he e+akr IMO 111111 Dissolved Oayson rttg/L mom- iva-ren1"1 8.6 pas,aasewal 9.5 PH prrnn.,.d 7.86 poteteoesst . 7.19 8.8 7.42 'Dissolved Oxygen mg/L milt. pr►rrue.af teemswit 9.4 PH prm weave ttaat•tmcve 7.09 Dissolved Oxygen nigi1. vrr.tssewat puun ewe 8.8 92 pH `ng/L pretcns.at ..us•sf 7.26 11 7.14 Dissolved Q en mg4. engll. pripetvewif patvrsund 8.7 7.27 8.7 7.64 - 9,0 PH Rtgamind pat•nsewd 7.17 Dissolved Oxygen mglt. mgll. peAssmil por<.r+eaee.d 9.2 PH v[Mirreeat o° i-i w it 7.✓ Dissolved 01Y81m ` 8IL ingfL pr♦nrveewf cst•to. al 8.6 8.8 pH ` praa+w.t _oovraeornl 7.93 , 7.31 •Nominal concentration. All concentrations are expressed as measured concentrations except the 25 mg/L concentration for which no measured concentration was available. Approved By: " Date: 7 Page 9 9 03F•24/99 WED 10:45 FAX 704 765 0203 THE FELDSPAR CORP. islar- 24 -99 1O : 13A ETT Environmental, Inc. 864 8i i OW4i, Z 004 (864) 877.6942 • FAX (864) 877-6938 P.O. Box 164i4, Greenville, SC 29606 Client: Feldspar — Set By: SC Start Date: 2/24/99 Time: 1800 End Date: 2/26/99 Time: I1 S00 Ended B : RK rbilutioniWat�e: Ma r WATER QUALITY DATA Measured Value qet 2slt sfbr "Ms 8,8 4 Craftsman Court. Greer, SC 29650 MORTALITY DATA Measures Rop. # [Cumulative Mortality Mean 2asr +5bI Ust 'fit %u 24 mg/L , B (mx.0..t .o),C r 0 S 4'76 o 1 A 33 mglL `' g� tiud•ao) 5 0 0 5 0 D 0% A F3 D A 8 A .1111111 Sample ID: Zeroes STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Parameter Dissolved Oxygen pH Dissolved Oxygen pH 'Dissolved Oxen pH Dissolved Oxygen PH Disco{vc�i Oxygen PH Dissolved Oxyrn pH units mg/L Ingf 1. freeemni mg/L po*tvas.s1 mg/I. mg/L. mgiL mg/L progawall t miqcocwa onk4easwai peal YAWL perrerewil mg/L ^ ! mNt. mgli. peal PuiPleatiVel prelevrini Icrammewil 'Nominal concentration. 48 Hour LC50 > 33 mlEJi. effluent All concentrations are expressed as measured concentrations 95% Confidence Limits: Upper: NA except the 25 mg/L concentration for which no measured Lower: NA concentration was available. 8.7 1 724. Lab ID# T11364 Test Species*. Ce loss jIMla dubta �. cur 7.52 8.8 8.6 7.31 7.s7 • Method: Spearman Kerber COMMENTS: Approved By: Aa��! Dare: 7 -2, 4 / Page 10 10 MAR 04 '99 04:14PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.2/2 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, 11- g VE 2.. S V Mw+Pee-- Y C) F 9,1MU L-r Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic) Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 Unimin Corporation Fluoride -. Testing 2J24-3/3/99 CI__Egagj3ioassay Test Results est Level Test Result • Fluoride Concentration mglL_ 0 Pass . 0.11 0.5 Pass 0.51 1 Pass 0.98 1.5 Pass 1.47 2 ' Pass 1.93 3 Pass 2.89 4 Pass 3.86 9 Pass 7.2 16 Pass 48 9 15 .9 CiE r+tte Bioassay Test Results Test Level Test Result Fluoride Concentration mglL 0 >100 °% LC50 * 0.11 5 >100°%LC50 6.24 10 >100 % LC50 10.4 15 >100%LC50 15.9 20 >100 % LC50 20.8 25 >100 % LC50 27 30 >100 °% LC50 30.5 40 >100 °% LC50 41.5 * > 100% indicates no toxicity Le no mortalities were observed at any concentration of fluoride. Page 11 Water Environmental Services - Eden Dirtision of Buffington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5678 s*cs v81 Page 1 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E Gordon Street • Kinston, N 28501� Phone (252) 520.9921 • Fax (252) 5 o- MAR 04 '99 04:13PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH 4 TO LJHIMIN QUARTZ P.1/2 Cam, APPLNDI X 2_, — 1� Ut2C.ttJG,TQtJ R.sple.0144 Axis, FAX Transmission Sheet Burlington Research, Inc. 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215-6935 Phone: 910/570-4661 FAX: 910/584-5305 FAX ONLY ,_ X FAX & MAIL DATE: March 4, 1999 TO: Roy Rittle SU *th12( COMPANY: onimin FAX #: 828-765-0912 ALU T E ToXkLkl'i FROM: John Bauxnmer, BRI Biomonitoring lab Manager SUBJECT: Completed reports You should receive 2 pages including this cover sheet. 1f yore do not receive all pages, or have a question regarding content please call me at 910/570-4661, F.xL 289. COMMENTS: Roy: Completed table Questions, please call John Page 12 ) MAR 04 '99 04:14PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.2/2 II 1 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic BIoassay Testing • Aquatio Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington. NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 Unimin Corporation Fluoride - Testing 2/24-3/3/99 Chronic_Bioassay Test ResuttS Test Level , Test Result • Fluoride Concentration mg/I, 0 Pass . 0.11 0.5 Pass 0.51 1 Pass 0.96 1.5 Pass 1.47 2 Pass 1.93 3 Pass 2.89 4 Pass 3.86 8 Pass 7.2 16 Pass =� IS .9 Acute Bioassay Test Results CA Test Level Test Result Fluoride Concentration mg/L 0 >100%LC50* 0.11 5 >100 °% LC50 6.24 10 >100 % LC50 10.4 15 >100%LC50 15.9 20 >100 % LC50 20.8 25 >100 % LC50 27 30 >100 % LC50 30.5 40 >100 °% LC50 41.5 * > 100% indicates no toxicity Le no mortalities were observed at any concentration of fluoride. Water Environmental Services - Eden Dildsion of Burtington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623.5878 Page 1 _ Page 13 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 ) z. MAR 04 '99 02:46PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH • TO UNIMIN QUARTZ P.1/22 tab FAX Transmission Sheet Burlington Research, Inc. 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215-6935 Phone: 9118070-4661 FAX: 910/584-5305 FAX ONLY _X_,,, DATE: March 4, 1999 TO: Roy Rattle COMPANY: Unimin FAX & MAIL C,1-A 12_ oth TOM C\TY -r -__,, FAX #: 828-765-0912'(-- FROM: John Baummer, BR1 Biomonitoring Lab Manager SUBJECT: Completed reports You should receivpages Including this cover sheet. If you do not receive all pages, or have a question regarding content, please call me at 910/57 4661, Ext. 289.9/ COMMENTS: Roy: Completed reports Questions, please call John 3/� Page 14 MAR 04 '99 02:46PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.2/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 March 4,1999 Unimin Corp. P.O, BOX 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Attention: Mr. Roy Rittle Enclosed please find the reports for your samples received 02/24/99, assigned to BRI Workorder 9B607. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. ohn C. Baummert Manager, Biomonitoring Dept. (336)570-4661 Ext, 289 Page 15 214.21ho Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NO 27288 Phone (338) 623-8921 • Pax (336) 623.5878 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 23E01 Phone (252) 520.9921 • Fax (252) 62a-9922 MAR 04 '99 02:46PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.3/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Poporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: FEB, MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02/24/99 11:30 SITE: 0 ppm WORK ORDER #: 9B607.001 RECEIVED: 02/24/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Fluoride by IC Analysis EPA 300.0 Started 03/02199 11:53 0.10 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BRI - Burlington 0.11 rng/L Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 Started 02/24/99 14:00 NIA Analyzed 03/04/99 by 7CB at BRI - Burlington Pass Pass/Fall MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Page 16 Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27298 Phone (338) 623-8921 • Fax (338) 823-5878 6fi4 IAD Page 1 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NO 28501 ) S Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520.9922 . MAR 04 '99 02:47PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.4/22 Effluent Toxicity Report Farm - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC5O Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES Dote: 03/04/99 MPDESif: NC Laboratory Performing Teats BURLINOTON RESEARCH. INC. x Sigture of Operator in Responsible Charge snature of Laboratory Supervisor Pipet: County: MITCHELL Counts: 0 PPM: North Toe River mmale * PASSED: -8.68% Reduction work Order: 98607-001 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Caroline Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chronic Test Results Calculated t s •0.757 Tabular t s 2.518 % Reduction = •8.68 d Young Produced 1211 24 20 79 21 28 19 N'15 12 13 Adult (L)Ive (D)ead L L L L L IL Effluent %: 100% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 Young Produced 21 15 21 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 18 Adutt (L)Ive Mead 1L L L L % Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 Control 17.64 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 19.17 Treatment 2 Control CV 31.291% % control orgy producing 3rd brood 83%c PASS FAIL [::: Check One • pH control Treatment 2 D.0. Control Treatment 2 1st sample 7.59 7.30 7.94 1st sample 2nd sample 7.46 7.16 L 7.60 7.21 s s t e t e a n 8 n r d r d t t 1st sample 1st sample 117 8 . 0 8.4 8.2 1817 8.8.3 7.43 7.31 6,86 7.41 t e a n r d t 2nd stele 8.1 8.5 8.4 8.5 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Complete This For Either Test Test start Oates 02/24/99 Collection (Start) Date Sample 11 02/24/99 Sample 2: Sample Type/Durotfon arab Carp. Duration hrs Sample 1 X Semple 2 hrs Hardness(t/t) spec. Cand.(Amhos) Chlorine(mg/l) Sample temp. at receipt(•C) L u T 2nd 1st P/P 8 A M P A M P 40 tag 85 40.5 KAU n/a 3.2 (Mortality expressed as x, combining replicates) x�, Concentration Mortality start/end LC50 tt ..__- Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average ,,,. Probst Y -- _ ,,% Spearman Karber _ Other •„_ __ pH Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnfa dubia buration(hrs): Notes Please Complete This Section Also Control start/end High Conc. C.O. Page 17 Copied from OEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) t6 MAR 04 '99 02:47PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.5/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic TbxicIty Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDE3 Testing Reporting 8 Data Handling Sorvicas 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (338) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02/24/99 11:35 SITE: 0.5 ppm WORK ORDER #: 9B607-002 RECEIVED: 02/24/99 REPOH I bD: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST MOL RESULT Fluoride by IC Analysis EPA 300.0 Started 03/02/99 11:53 0.10 0.51 mg/L Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BRI - Burlington Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 Started 02/24/99 14:00 N/A Pass Pats/Fait Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Page 18 Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc, 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (338)823.8921 • Fax (338) 823.5878 Page 2 Water Environmental Services • Kinston Division of Burlington Reward), Ino. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 23501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 I7 . MAR 04 '99 02:47PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.6/22 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LCSO Date: 03/04/99 Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES NPDES#: NC Laboratory Performing Tests BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. x Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge x Si tore of Laboratory Supervisor Piped: County: MMITCHELL Comments: 0.5 PPM m a males * PASSED: -5.91% Reduction * Work Order: 98607-002 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Teat CONTROL ORGANISMS Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Rood Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chronic Test Results Calculated t = -0.700 Tabular t ti 2.528 % Reduction n -5.91 9 Young Produced 21 15 21 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 18 Adutt (L)iVe (D)ead Effluent X: 100X TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * Young Produced 22 18 17 23 23 24 16 16 20 24 Adult (L)ive (D)ead 1. % Mortality Av9.Reprod. 0.00 control 19.17 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 20.30 Treatment 2 Control CV 21.550% % control ergs producing 3rd brood 100% PASS FAIL Check One 1st sample pH Control Treatment 2 7.30 7.22 7.94 7.48 s t e 6 n r d t 1st sample 0.0. Control 8.8 8.2 Treatment 2 8.8 8.2 • 1st sample 2nd sample 7.60 7.21 7.40 7.21 6.86 6.83 740 7.40 . a s t c t e a n a n r d r d t t lit sample 2nd sample 8.7 8.3 8.7 3. 8 8.4 8.4 8.7 Complete This For Either Test Teat Start Date: 02/24/99 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/24/99 Sample 2: / / Semple Type/Duration Sample 1 Sample 2 LCSO/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Grob x Duration C D L u Comp. hrs 2nd 1st P/F $ s A A M N P P Hardness(mg/t) Spec. cond.(u t%os) Chtorine(mg/l) Sample temp. at receipt(•C) 40 Wit �C�vv�ti 85 42.8 :fir... n/a % % % % % x x x % % % % % x % % % % X % Concentration Mortality start/end 3.2 I Notes Please Complete This Section Also start/end LCSO a Method of Determination Moving Average _ Probit Spearman Kerber Other Control 95% Confidence Limits .....- -- _ �-- high Cone. pH rganism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duratien(hrs): Copied trap DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/99 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) D.O. Page 19 1� . MAR 04 '99 02:48PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.7/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling $ervicas 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4681 • Fax (336) 570-4598 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC; FEB. MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02124/9911:40 SITE: 1 ppm WORK ORDER #: 9B607-003 RECEIVED: 02/24/99 REPORTED: 03/04199 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATE/TiME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Fluoride byIC Analysis EPA 300.0 Started 03/02/9911:53 0.10 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BRI - Burlington 0,96 mg/ Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 Started 02/24/99 14:00 N/A Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington Pass Pass/Fail MQL = Minimum Quantitation T At it Page 20 Water Environmental Services • Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 823-8921 • Fax (338) 823-5878 9R•2 1/49 Page 3 Water Environmental Services • Kinston Division of BurUnglan Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (232) 520.9921 • Fax (252) 620.9922 MAR 04 '99 02:48PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH Effluent Toxicity Report Farm - Chronic Pass/Fail end Acute LC50 Date: 03/04/99 P. 8/22 Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES NPDES#: NC Laboratory Performing Tests RURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. x signature of Operator to Responsible Charge X .f'w.. 1gnature of Laboratory Supervisor Piped: County: MITCHEL L,� Camrents: 1.0 gm m = males '- _PASSED: 19.42% Reduction *i York Order: 92607-003 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chranle'Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS # Young Produced Environmental Sciences Brach Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 21 15 21 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L 18 L L Effluent %: 100% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced 18 14 18 11 ael 3 Adult (L)ive (D)eed LLLL PH Control Treatment 2 D.O. Control Treatment 2 1st ample 1st sample 2nd sample mt t a r a n d s a r e n d t t lot sample 1st sample 8.8 8.2 8.8 8.2 8.7 8.3 8.6 8.3 s t e a n r d t 2nd sample 8.4 8.5 8.3 8.6. 8 Chronic Test Results Calculated t = 2.337 Tabular t = 2.539 ii Reduction is 19.42 Mortality Avg.peprod. 0.00 Control 19.17 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 Control CV 21.550% 15.44 Treatment 2 % control orgs brood ing 3rd 100% PASS FAIL. x Check One LCSO/Acute Toxicity Test Complete This For Either Test Test Start Date: 02/24/99 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1; (12/24/99 Sample 2: / / Sample Type/Duration Sample 1 Semple 2 Grab Carp. Duration hrs hrs Hardnoss(mg/t) Spec. Cord.(Wrhos) Chlorine(mg/t) Sample temp. at receipt('C) D I 8 L A u M T P 40 Ma 2nd 1st P/F $ A M P (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) % x % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % L95% Confidence limits % -• x 45.9 3. �''• 2 Notes Please Concentration complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end Method of Determination Control Moving Average _ Probit spoormsn Karber Other ..r PH High -- Conc. D.O. Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubie Duration(hrs)$ Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBiA ver. 4.32) Page 21 • MAR 04 '99 02:48PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.9/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Tasting • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments ' NPDE9 Tasting Reporting a Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: FEB, MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02/24/99 11:45 SITE; 1.5 ppm PO NUMBER: ORDER #; 9B607.004 RECEIVED: 02/24/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 LfARAMETER Fluoride byIC Analysis EPA 300.6 Ceriodaphnia 9Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 DATE/TIME/ANALYST MOL. Started 03/02i9911:53 0.10 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BRI - Burlington Started 02124/9914:00 N/A Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington RESULT 1.47 mg/L Pass Pass/Fail MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Water Environmental SoMcee • Eden Division of Burlington Resew, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden. NC 27288 Phone (336) 523.8921 • Fax (336) 623.5978 Page 4 Page 22 Water Environmental San/ices -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NO 28501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520.8922 WS VW 21 • MAR 04 '99 02:49PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.10/22 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 03/04/99 Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES NPDES#: NC Pipe#: County: MITCHELL Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge 'mature of Laboratory Supervisor Nark Order: 98607-004 Comments: 1.5 ppm; m p male * PASSED: 19.13% Reduction * MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test Environmental SEiiiias Branch Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chronic Test Results Calculated t 2.569 Tabular t 2.528 % Reduction = 19.13 # Young Produced 21 15 21 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 18 Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent %: 100% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Yong Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead 15 14 L L 1 4 tel 3 16 14 18 17 L 1€ 15 X Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 Control 19.17 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 15.50 Treatment 2 Control CV 21.550X % control orgs producing 3rd brood loox PASS FAIL Check One 0. 1st sample PH Control 7.30 7.94 7.60 7.21 Treatment 2 7.13 7.22 7.19 7.02 1st sample 2nd sample D.O. Control Treatment 2 6.86 6.76 7.41 7.28 s $ s t e t e t e a n a n a n r d r d r d t t t lst sample 1st suiple 2nd sample 8.8 8.2 8.8 8.3 8.7 8.3 8.6 8.2 8.4 8 8.2 .fl 8.7 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Complete This For Either Test Test Start Date: 02/24/99 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/24/99 Sample 2: / / Sample Type/Duration Grab Comp. Duration Sample 1 X hrs Sample 2 hrs Herdness(m9/t) spec. Cond.(umhos) Chlorine(mg/t) Sample temp. at receipt('C) 2nd 1st P/F D I S S L A A U M M T P P 40 85 48.4 Na 3.2 (Mortality expressed as X, eoa+bining replicates) X X X % % % % X X X % % X X X % X % % % Concentration 1 Mote: Please Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end LC50 x Method of DeterminationControt 95X Confidence Limits Moving Average Probit r--- X -- % Spearman Kerber Other amok a� Conc. PH D.0• Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Deration(brs)$ Page 23 Copied from DEM for AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DU91A ver. 4.32) �jL MAR 04 '99 02:49PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.11/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Service 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO; Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02/24/99 11:50 SITE: 2 ppm WORK ORDER #: 9E607.005 RECEIVED: 02/14/99 REPOK I LD: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Fluoride by IC Analysis EPA 300.0 Started 03/02/991153 0.10 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BRI -Burlington 1.93 mg/L Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 Started 02/24/9914:00 N/A Analyzed 03/04/99 by J'CB at BRI - Burlington Pass Pass/Fail MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Page 24 Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc.. 370 W. Meadow Road • Edon, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623.8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Page 5 Water Environmental Services - Kinston Division of Burlington Research, In0- 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 2d501 Phony (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 Z' MAR 04 '99 02:49PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.12/22 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pasa/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 03/04/99 Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES NPDES#: NC Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTCII RESEARCH, INC. x Signature of operator in Responsible Charge wture of Laboratory Supervisor Pipe#: county: NITCHELL Comments: 2.0 ppm PASSED: 4.35% Reduction Work Order: 98607-005 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: vorth Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EMIR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 C011TR0L ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chronic Test Results Calculated t = 0.568 Tabular t = 2.508 X Reduction m 4.35 1 Young Produced Adult (L)ive (0)ead L L L L 21 15 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 18 Effluent %: 100% . TREATMENT 2 ORGAN I SMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # You Produced Adult (L)ive (D)ead 20 24 18 15 21 20 15 19 15 16 L L X Mortality Av9.Reprod. 0.00 Control 19.17 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 18.33 Treatment 2 Control CV 21.550% X control orgs producing 3rd broad 100% PASS FAIL x Check One pH Control Treatment 2 1st sample D.O. Control Treatment 2 8.8 8.2 8.3 lot sample 1st sample 2nd sample 7.30 7.94 7.10 7.16 7.60 7.21 7.14 7.11 6.86 7.41 6.71 7.25 s s s t e t e t e a n a n a n r d r d r d t t t 1st sample 2nd sample 8.7 8.3 8.6 8.2 a.4 8.2 8.5 8.7 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Complete This For Either Test Teat Start Date: 02/24/99 Collection (start) Date Sample 1: 02/24/99 Sample 2: / / sample Type/Duration sample 1 Sample 2 Grab Carp. Duration hrs hrs 2nd 1st P/F 0 I S S L A A U M N T P P Hardness(ms/l) Spec. Cond.(Wohos) Chlorine(mg/L) sample temp. at receipt(%) 40 85 51.3 n/a 3.2 (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) x x X X % % % % % % X X X X % % X % X X Note: Please Concentration Cosptete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end LC50 a % Method of Determination Moving Average Probit- Spearman Kerber Other �. Control 95% Confidence Limits x •- % --.-• High Conc. �--- _ - PH organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs):, D.O. Page 25 21 Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) MAR 04 '99 02:49PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P. 13/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting 8 Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Riffle SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02 /9911:55 SITE: 3 ppm WORK ORDER #: 913607-006 RECEIVED: 02/24/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Fluoride by IC Analysis EPA 300.0 Started 03/02/99 11:53 0.10 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BM - Burlington 2.89 mg/L Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 Started 02/24/9913:45 N/A Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington Pass Pass/Fait MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden,�9 Phone (338) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Page 6 Page 26 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 1E10 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 29501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520.9922 eR 2 u!• MAR 04 '99 02:50PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Dates 03/04/99 P.14/22 Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES NPDESB: NC Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. K Signs, re of Operator in Responsible Charge ture of Laboratory Supervisor Uork Orders 98607-006 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Worth Carolina Ceriodephnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test Pipe#: County: MITCHELL Comments: 3 ppa * PASSED: -31.30% Reduction * Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Crest Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607.6445 CONTROL ORGANTSHs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chronic Test Results Calculated t g Tabular t ■ X Reduction = -31.30 0 Young Produced 21 15 21 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 18 Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L Effluent %: 100X TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 Young Produced 27 16 31 26 7 26 Adult (L)ive (D)eed 29 L 33 32 23 26 26 X Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0,00 Controt 19.17 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 25.17 Treatment 2 Control CV 21.550% % controt ergs producing 3rd brood 100% PASS FAIL X Check One PH Control Treatment 2 D.O. Control Treatment 2 1st sample lst sample 2nd sample 7.59 7.32 7.60 7.31 7.40 6.78 6.91 7.43 7.11 6.73 7.16 s s s t e t e t e e n a n a n ✓ d r d r d t t t 1st sample 1st stele 2nd sample 8.7 8.9 8.2 8.1 8.1 8.0 8.3 goomomismommloommillIMMaammomm LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Complete This For Either Test Test Start Date: 02/24/99 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/24/99 sample 2: / / Sample Type/Duration Sample 1 Sample 2 Grab Coop. Duration 2nd 1St P/F D 1 s S hrs 1. A A U M H hrs T P P Hardness(ag/t) 40 Spec. Cond.(guhes) 85 Chlorine(ma/t) We - ,..0. 54.7 Sample temp. at receipt(%) Ham 3.2 Note: Please This % % % % X % % % % % X % x % % % % % x % LC50 a 95% Confidence Limits Concentration Complete Section Also so Mortality start/end start/end Method of Determination Moving Average _ Probit _ Spearman Kerber Other • Control High Cone. pH D.O. Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duretion(hrs): .. Page 27 Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) ZG MAR 04 '99 02:50PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.15/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER GRAB COLLECTED: 02/24/99 11:55 S fTE: 4 ppm WORK ORDER #: 9B607-007 RECEIVED: 02/24/99 REPOH i tD: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATE/T1ME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Fluoride by IC Analysis EPA 300.0 Started 03/02/99 11:53 0.10 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BRI - Burlington 3.86mg/L.' Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 Started 02/24/99 14:00 N/A Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington Pass Pass/Fail MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Page 28 BR-1 1na Water Environmental Services • Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Rhone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (338) 623-5878 Page 7 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Buriington Research, Inc_ 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 29501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520.9922 MAR 04 '99 02:50PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH Effluent Toxicity Report Fora - Chronic Pass/Fait and Acute LCSO Date: 03/04/99 P.16/22 Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES NPDES#: NC Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH. INC. t___- signature of Operator in Responsible Charge x lure of Laboratory supervisor work order: 98607-007 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test Pipe#: County: MITCHELL Comments: 4 ppn * PASSED: -17.83% Reduction Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creak Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced 21 15 21 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 18 Adult (L)ive (D)ead Effluent %: 100% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced 21 32 25 5 21 22 16 22 31 18 31 27 Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L L L L L L L L L L PH Control Treatment 2 0.0. Control Treatment 2 1st sample 7.30 7.48 s t a n r d t 1st sample 8.8 8.8 . e2 let sample 2nd sample 7.60 7.26 7.21 6.85 6.86 6.65 7.41 7.221 s s t e t e a n a n ✓ d r d t t 1st sample 2nd sample 8.7 8.3 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.6 Chronic Test Results Calculated t - -1.369 Tabular t - 2.508 % Reduction = -17.83 % Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 Control 19.17 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 .111.111111. 22.58 Treatment 2 Control CV 21.550% % control orgs producing 3rd brood 100% PASS FAIL Check One Complete This For Either Test Test Start Date: 02/24/99 collection (Start) Dote sample 1: 02/24/99 sample 2: Sample Type/Duration Sample 1 Sample 2 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Grab Coop. X / / 2nd 1st P/F Duration D I S hrs 1, A U M hrs T P A N P Hardness( /t) Spec. Cond.(pmhos) chlorine(mg/l) ample temp. at receipt(•C) 40 85 58.1 n/a 3.2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x LCSO X 95% Conf deuce Limits %-- x Concentration Mortality start/end Method of Determination Moving Average Probit Spearman Kerber ._. other L v. Note: Please Complete This section Also start/end Control organism Tested: Ceriodaphnio dubia Duration(hrs): _ Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) High Conc. J D.o. Page 29 MAR 04 '99 02:51PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.17/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDESTesting Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr, Roy Kittle SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02/24/9912:00 SITE: 8 ppm WORK ORDER #: 9B607-008 RECEIVED: 02/24199 REPOH I HD: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATE/TIME/ANALYST MOL RESULT Fluoride by IC Analysis EPA 300.0 Started 03/02/9911:53 0.10 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BRI - Burlington 7.20 mg/L Ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Chronic NCDEM 9/89 Started 02/24/9914:00 N/A Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington Pass Pass/Fail MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Page 30 Water Environmental Services • Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Page 8 Water Environmental Services-Kins1On Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 23501 Phone (252) 52P-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 L J MAR 04 '99 02:51PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH • P.18/22 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 03/04/99 Facility: FLUAIDE SAMPLES IJPDES#: NC Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. X SignDture of Operator in Responsible Charse gnature of Laboratory supervisor piped: County: MITCHELL Comments: 8 ppm * PASSED: •28.26% Reduction gi Work Order: 98607-008 MAIL ORIGINAL T0: worth Carolina Ceriodaphnia ChreniC Pass/Fait Reproduction Toxicity Test Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Environmental Management K.C. Dept. of EMNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chronic Test Results Calculated t -2.932 Tabular t = 2.508 % Reduction = -28.26 Young Produced 21 15 21 24 17 21 Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L 18 23 22 21 L L L l 9 18 Effluent %: 100% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced 27 16 32 31 21 23 22 26 19 23 30 25 Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L PH Control Treatment 2 D.O. Control Treatment 2 L L % Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 Control 19.17 Control 0.00 Treatment 2 24.58 Treatment 2 control CV 21.550% % control orgs broducing 3rd rood 100% PASS FAIL X Check One 1st sample let sample 2nd sample 7.60 7.21 7.26 6.65 S S t e t e a n a n ✓ d r d t t 1st sample 1st sample 118 8.8 8.2 8.2 8.7 8.3 8.5 8.4 6.86 7.41 6.65 7.22 t e a n ✓ d t 2rd sample 8.4 A.3 8.5 1 4 . a� 8. Complete This For Either Test Test Start Date: 02/24/99 Collection (Start) Date sample 1: 02/24/99 Sample 2: / / Sample Type/Duration LC50/Acute Toxicity Test Sample 1 Sample 2 Grab X Col*. Duration hrs hrs 2nd 1st P/F D 1 S S L A A u K M T P P Hardness(mg/l) Spec. Cond.(phos) Chtorine(mg/l) Sample temp. at receipt('C) 85 72.8 n/a EA?' 3.2 • Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) X X x x%% x XI XI X % % % % x x % % % Concentration Note: Please Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end Control Hid' Conc. Page 31 PH D.O. mINNI LC50 a % Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Probit _ % .. % Spearman Kerber Other Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) 3 c MAR 04 '99 02:51PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.19/22 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquadc Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp, REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: FEB. MONITORING SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 02/24/99 12:00 SITE: 16 ppm WORK ORDER #: 9B607-009 RECEIVED; 02/24/99 RCPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAM ETE R DATE/TIME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Fluoride by IC Analysis Started 03/02/991153 0.10 EPA 300.0 Analyzed 03/02/99 by TAR at BTU - Burlington 15,9 mg/L NCDEMh g Pass/Fail Chronic Analyzed 903/04/99 by JCB at BR1 Burlington Pacq Pass/Fai1 MQL ^ Minimum Quantitation Limit Certifications: BRI - Burlington NC Chemistry: #85, Biomonitoringg: #002, Drinking Water: #37743, Radiation License: #001-0904-0G VA SWCB ID: #000061, Drinking Water: #00018 SC Laboratory ID' #99042 EPA Chemistry Lab JD: N000137, Bioassay Lab ID: NC2721500 Page 32 Water Environmental Services -Eden Division of eurlingron Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden. NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 BR-2 1)4D Page 9 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burtington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520.9922 3l MAR 04 '99 02:52PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.20/22 Facility: FLUORIDE SAMPLES NPDES#: NC Laboratory Performing Test: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, WC. x Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge xgnature of Laboratory Supervisor Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Dates 03/04/99 Piped: County: MITCHELL Comments: 16 ppm * PASSED: •1.74% Reduction * Work Order: 98607-88YO01 MAIL ORIGINAL TO: North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chronic Test Results Calculated t = •0.114 Tabular t 2.508 % Reduction c -1.74 iiYoung Produced 21 15 21 24 17 21 18 23 22 21 9 18 Adult tL)ive (D)eed LLLL Effluent X: 100% TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced 24 28 24 28 30 26126l6 15111 Adult (L)ive (Wad pH Control Treatment 2 D.O. Control Treatment 2 l .LILIL 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample 7.30 7.94 7.45 7.21 s t e a n ✓ d t 1st sample 8.8 8.8 8.2 8.1 7.60 7.21 7.22 6.84 6.65 7.41 7.25 s S t e t e n a n ✓ d r d t t 1st sample 2nd sample 8.7 8.3 8.3 8.1 5 11 D % Mortality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 Control 19.17 Control 8.33 Treatment 2 19.50 Treatment 2 Control CV 21.550% % control ores pry ing 3rd br100% PASS FAIL EcC Check one 8.4 8.5 8.3 8.5 LC5O/Acute Toxicity Test Complete This For Either Test Test Start Date: 02/24/99 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 02/24/99 Sample 2: / / Sample Type/Duration Grab Conp4Duration D ---- i hra L U hre T Sample 1 X Sample 2 2nd 1st P/F S S A A N M P P Hardnesstm9/l) 40 ;; i;:::: Spec. Cond.(grmhos) 85 116.8 Chtorino(ag/L) fmr• n/a Sample temp. at receiptt'C) egg 3.2 (Mortality expressed as X, combining replicates) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Concentration Mortality start/end start/end Control 1_ Note: Please Conptete This Section Mao LC50 * 95% Confidence Limits % -- x Method of Determination Moving Average Probst Spearman Kerber .r Other Nigh con*. PH o.o. Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration(hrs): Page 33 d 1 Copied from DEM foram AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) 3 II BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. 1302 Belmont Street Burlington. NC 27215-6935 Phone (336) 570-4661 Fax (336) 570-469B 370 West Meadow Road Eden, NC 27286 Phone (336) 623-8921 Fax (336) 623-5878 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD CLIENT: U(1,>s" (Or iP Facility/Site: A 7 CQl Prs i•A, SEND REPORT TO: Phone: No sC/A 3y 1 441-�-_ Li 100 tbnl .iorQon Sorel Kinston, NC 28551 Phone (252) 520-9921 Fax (252) 520-9922 Fax: Sampler: (Print) Ta, inn r (Srgnaiuru> f,,,A.-+y 1,,,,,,--.—...— . _. _..� _ `_FORBRI LAB.USE,ONLY. • Preservation Codes_ A = Ice E= NaOH , ` B =HNO3 '- F.= None - C=tf2SO4--G=CUPRIC " D = HCI- H ='HCFGO • - SAMPLE ID fl k-" ? ¢cn = c) SAMPLE COLLECTION �tiz SAMPLE TYPE NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SENT ANALYSIS REQUIRED /],/LJ f� " /512� SAMPLE INTEGRETY TED1In (4'C1 - ' .c o � w COMPOSITE GRAB STARTED ENDED uri DATE TIME DATE TIME ,e-0 a o HAND AUTO Yes Flo Z--at{-1FL• ' - .' ' - , . � Yea in .____.—_ ...._. . ,: 3 `' OZ ir�®®. Yes No .� �._. _..2_-a-1_ .__. Z C 1 I 83 ��P3 Yes No _- _ .. 1010 't� __.._ _ iiti fc 1 r fit{ \t t\ T Yes; No fp Yes' Pto��. I _.�.._.. _ ..-- ,_� t� Q yt 3 JJ'_ Yas No 2-1 ! Z l.k It j Pin Yes No —...._..._-.._.._......_.�—_._7 Z'._._ Y C kt IL {�8 •• . ." - ... . Yes No 1. jl�- `` t - .. .` • • Yes Na • • r--. rZ . ------rr_..--......t...,........... .:. 1...n cn ►.noirnnS7 VPS❑ No the e sample dechlorinated at time et coltection? Yes lJ No ill the resu FOR CLIENT USE ONLY Data Z1L4/91 pats: goo Time: Time: Received by. (Sig.) Date: Time.: Iv/tattled of Shipment d of Shipment. "WO w Un 02:52PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH r fV UR-17 7?6 .. - .-.,-., r.n.. nl:nnf log Gi..•.l Annnri r'arr:iru - 13RI - Lahnratnnr Pink - BR! - Laboratory Goldenrod - Client - Copy 1302 BE:III[ont Street Buihngton, NC 27215-6935 (3361 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Faxnc(336)5770-469B CLIENT: /71/P7/7 ar,p& ij�/8l1 Facility/Site: ,71i121 /t/G 7ii'c r 370 West Meadow flood Edon, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 Fax (336) 623-5878 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Sampler: (Print)Se;" J/ 1501 (Signature 100 East Gordon Street Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 520-9921 Fax (252) 520-9922 y / SEND REPORT TO-1�/ 19Arr/7' �r'1� - S e1 %/A-, Phono: 07,70093 J'/, e Fax C�rrP1 So?-9-%/l Purchase Order No.: • SAMPLE IfJ CHLORINATED I SYSTEM SAMPLE COLLECTION TEA AT TTTIME OFME OF COLLECTION 17 CI SAMPLE TYPE NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SENT ANALYSES REQUIRED SAMPLE INTEGAETY ;FOR , inip,A.= {4 r.) • BRI AB.;USE:ONL'X -:"- -• Preserv?tloo Codes: . ice .'• E= NaOH - B =HNO3 F= None DD= HCI .. ft= HEHO[C COMPOSITE CRAB STARTED ENDED DATE ?/Id1E— DATE TIMEc-M NAND AUTn X t./7;? 1 i/Z'er 9 Ciivirir 7,Y/C/ Yes No 1 c fe �//6-/ - . . ; Yes: No , 71 •. Yes No Yes No g•% Lf76 L 44 • • . Ycs No " Yes No • - Yes No - Yes No ; Yes No - - Was the sample dechlor[nated et Time of oaf/et-lion? Yes ❑ No ❑ A./RD WM the results be used for regulatory monitoring purposes? Yes FOR CLIENT USE ONLY ifr... Ished by �`Pi/ .,<<f stC —1g.- 9 7 r %�': 3 g- , Pt pF�i•Iifi Vl +��6 Y7 T,/[5 ived S' . f3ec© bl' (ig Date firrtct: Method of Shifxrterri�� ' Method of Shipment - - , • H0d173353d N01ENI-1JflH WdES : 2 0i►-tt7Oft MAR 04 '99 03:12PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.1/20 = TO UNIMIN QUARTZ FAX Transmission Sheet Burlington Research, Inc. 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215-6935 Phone: 910/570-4661 FAX: 910/584-5305 FAX ONLY _X..._. DATE: March 4, 1999 TO: Roy Rittle COMPANY: Unimin FAX #: 828-765-0912 FAX &MAD. 11-LOTTD k CA TY Q.0 FROM: John Baummer, BRI Biomonitoring Lab Manager SUBJECT: Completed reports You should receiv,,; - • : -s including this cover sheet. If you do not receive all pages, or have a question r garding c tent, please call me at 910/570-4661, Ext. 289. COMMENTS: Roy: Completed reports _ o Questions, please call John Page 36 MAR 04 '99 03:12PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.2,20 BUR RESEARCHINGTON Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic lbxlclty Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-8935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570.4898 March 4,1999 Unirnin Corp. P.O.BOX 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Attention: Mr. Roy Kittle Enclosed please find the reports for your samples received 03/03/99, assigned to BRY Workorder 9C104. -Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden. NC 27288 Phone (336) 623.8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Sincerely, BU,INGTON RESEARCH, INC. hn C. Baurnmer Manager, Biomonitoring Dept. (336)570-4661 Ext. 289 Page 37 Water Earonmentai Services • Kinston Division of Burlington Research Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston. NC 28501 Phone (252) 520.9921 • Fax (252) 520-8922 Bit! V$1 3-b MAR 04 '99 03:13PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.3/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxici y Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215.6935 • Phone (336) 570-4681 • Fax (338) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER, Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 03/02/99 16:00 SITE: 0 PPM WORK ORDER #: 9C104-001 RECEIVED: 03103/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER Fluoride EPA 340,2 DATE/TIME/ANALYST MOL RESULT Started 03/04/9910:00 0,10 Analyzed 0304/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington 0.11 mg/L Ceriodaphnia EPA600491027F our Acute Static Bioassay Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at MU Burlington MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit > 100 LCSO fo Page 38 Water Emironmental Services • Eden Division o{ Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623•a921 • Fax (336) 623.587B BR-z 1,1.f Page 1 Water Environmental Sery eo - Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 20501 Phone (252) 520.9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 MAR 04 '99 03:13PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.4,20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Effluent Toxicity Re ort Form - Acute LC50 Date: 3/4/99 Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Asseasments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NO 27215-6935 • Phone (338) 570-4881 • Fax (338) 570-4698 Facility UNIMIN NPDES* R&D Pipe* County Laboratory PerfOrMing Test Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 x Signal e cif Operator In Responelble Charge Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubla 'Acidified Nan DEng kern AT•1 (3W) rsv. B/08 Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (338) 823-8921 • Fax (338) 823-5878 Environmenta sciences sranc Div. of Water Quality NC Dept. of ENR 4401 Ready Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-8445 Herdneoe(mg/L) Spec. Cond.(mlcromhoc) Chlorine(mg/L) Sample temp @ rocalpt (dog. C) BRI rev. IWOG 0:VOM1SVAnd farm Page 3 9 Water Environmental Services -Kinaton Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NO 28601 Phone (252) 520.9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 3E BA-2 1:1" MAR 04 '99 03:14PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.5/20 U RESEARCH RE Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6035 • Phone (336) 570-4881 • Fax (338) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 03/02/99 16:05 SITE: 5 PPM PARAMETER WORK ORDER #: 9C104-002 RECEIVED: 03/03/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: DATE/TIME/ANALYST MCA. RESULT Fluoride EPA 340.2 Started 03104/9910:00 0.10 Analyzed 03i04199 by JCB at Btu - Burlington 6.24 mgiL' Ceriodapbnia 48-Hour Acute Static Bioassay Started 003102/99 16:55 NSt BRI -/A BurlingEon EPA600491027F Analyzed /0419 by JCB MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit > 100 LC5096 DioeSecc. v t ngtonResah, Inc. 370 W Meadow Road • Eden, NO 27289 Phone (338) 623.8921 • Fax (338) 823-5878 Bfw? IM Page 2 Page 40 Water Environmental 8eMcea-lKnston Division of Burlington Research Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston. 528501 0 ti9 22 Phone (252) 520.9021 • Fax (252) 35 MAR 04 '99 03:15PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.6/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Tesdng • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NO 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 '0 Fax (336) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC50 NPDES# R&D Plpe# Burlington Research, inc. • Cert. # 002 Signet of Operator in Responsible Charge E • • -• °noes Branch Div. of Water Quality NC Dept. of ENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh. NC 27607-6445 LC50/Acute Toxicity Teat (Mortality expressed as % combining replicates) Date: Hardne55(mg/1-) spec. Cont(rnlcrontios) Chlorine(mglL) Sample temp @ receipt (deg. C) Method of Determination Moving Average Spearman Karber Modified tram OEM farm AT-1 (3/87) teiV, 8/68 Water Environmental Services -Eden Division of Burlington Research, lno. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Dilution 314199 BRI rod. 12/35 aVamiAtMhmm Page 4 1 Water Environmental Seivices • Kinston Division of Burlington Research, inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 620-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 4.A PIMA 11*4 MAR 04 '99 03:16PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.7/2d BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicrty Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570.4696 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 03/02/99 16:10 SITE: 10 PPM PARAMETER WORK ORDER #: 9C104.003 RECEIVED: 03/03/99 REPORTED, 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: DATE/TIME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Fluoride EPA. 340.2 Started 03/04/99 10:00 0.10 Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington 10.4 mg/I. Ceriodaphnia 4-8-Hour Acute Static Bioassay SSted Started EPA600491027F 03/04/99 by KB at BRI -Burlington MQL - Minimum Quantitation Limit >100 LCSO% Water Environmental Servlces - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Ina 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden. NC 27288 Phone (336) 623.8921 • Fax (338) 623-5878 Page 3 Page 42 Water Environmental Services - Kuntvn Divis on of Burlington Rasaarch.Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NO 28501 Phone (262) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 MAR 04 '99 03:16PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.8,20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product EmAronmentat Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 11111b. Effluent Toxicity Re • ort Form - Acute LC50 NPDES# R&D P1po# Burlington Research, inc. - Cert. # 002 Signet re of Operator In Responsible Charge Environmental Sciences Bran Div. of Water Quality NC Dept. of ENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 278074445 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test, (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) modtRotf from DEM farm AT-1 (3)57) rev. 8/63 Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burrulgton Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road Eden, NC 27268 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 823-5878 Date: 3/4/90 Spec. Cond.(mlcromhos) Chlorine(mg/L) Sample temp @ receipt (deg. C) BRI NV. 12)93 etfamaxutt form Page 4 3 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, !M- UM E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NO 28501 Phone (252) 520-8921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 4 I IIR-2 1110 MAR 04 '99 03:18PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.9/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NG 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unitnin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE p0 NUMBER: SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 03/02/99 16:15 SITE: 15 PPM DATE/TIME/ANALYST MOL RESULT PARAMETER OM • WORK ORDER #: 9C104-004 RECEIVED: 03/03/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 Fluoride EPA 340.2 Started 03/04/9910:00 0.10 Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington 15.9 mg!L Ceriodaohnia 48-Hour Acute Static Bioassay Started Analyzed 03/02/99 /9916:45 JCB at BRI N/A - Burlington EPA60C'491027F >100 LC50% MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research. Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623.8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Page 4 Page 44 Water Environmental Services - Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 52 9922 4 -5 Bit-2 1AA . MAR 04 '99 03:18PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.i0/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 670-4698 Effluent Toxic' Report Form Acute LCSO • modino Iran DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8198 Water Environmental Services -Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden; NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (338) 623-5878 nvironmentel Soleness ranch Div. of Water Quality NC Dept of ENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6445 Date: Hardnees(mg/1.) Spec. Cond.(mIcrornhos) Chlorine(mg/L) sample temp @ receipt (deg. C) Wu rev. 12/03 3/4/99 Wormfttkatikmm Page 4 5 Water Environmentai Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 520-8921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 AO., VS. MAR 04 '99 03:19PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.11/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporling & Data Handling SenAces 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 03/02/99 16:20 SITE: 20 PPM WORK ORDER #: 9C104-005 RECEIVED: 03/03/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER Fluoride EPA 340.2 DATElT1ME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Started 03/04/99 10:00 0.10 Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington 20.8 mg/I.: Ceriod pphnia 48-Hour Acute Static Bioassay Started 03//04/9916: 5 at S� NBurlington EPA600491027F Analyzed 03/04/99 by MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit > 100 LC50% Water Environmental Services -Eden Division oI Burlington Research. Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden. NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Page 5 Page 46 Water Environmental SeMCes -Kinston Division of Burlington Research. Inc. cF 100 E. Gordon Street • K lnston. NC 28501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 MAR 04 '99 03:20PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.12/eW BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 • Effluent Toxic' Report Form - Acute LC50 NPDES* R&D Pipet& Burlington Research, Inc. - Cert. # 002 nvironmental times Branch Div. of Water Quality NC Dept of ENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6445 X. • • 9r. 4!!Iit LC50/Acuto Toxlclty Test (Mortality expressed as combining replicates) Modified from DEM term AT•1 (5/437) rev. 8/9/3 Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-6878 Date: Hardness (mg/L) pec. Cond.(m1crornhos) Chlorine(mg/L) Sample temp ® receipt (deg, C) BRImtiNn Dilution 314190 alformAst\oti ken Page 4 7 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division al Burlington Roseate:Nine. 100 E. Gordon Street • IGnston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax. (252) 5204922 Oft., via.% MAR 04 '99 03:21PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.13/20 BUR RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Tasting • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDESTesting Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington. NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 03/02/99 16:25 SITE: 25 PPM WORK ORDER #: 9C104-006 RECEIVED: 03/03/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER; PARAMETER Fluoride EPA 340.2 DATE/TIME/ANALYST MQL RESULT Started 03/04/9914/9 Analyzed by CB at BRI - Burlington 0.10 27.0 mg/L ' Ceriodaphnia 48-Hour Acute tatic Bioassay Started 03/02/99 16:45 N/A >100 LCSO% EPA604491027F Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Water Environmental RM oeas -E • do Division of BurlingtonNC 27288 c. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden. Phone (336) 62343921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Page 6 Page 48 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division at Burlington Research. Inc. 100 E. Gordon Sveelt � Piton. ) 5 a9�2 Phone (252) 520 88 ( MAR 04 '99 03:21PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH a P.14/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH r-- Effluent Toxici Report Form - Acute LC50 Facility UNIM1N Laboratory Performing Test NPDE8* R&D Pipet Burlington Research, inc. - Cort. # 002 &loafed horn DEM tarn AT-1 C3187) rev. Me Water Environmental Services - Eden Division of Burrmgton Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Freponing & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington. NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 ,M1114 Date: Dilution H ardnos (mg/1.) Spec. Cond.(micromhos) Chlorino(mg/1.) Sample tamp @ receipt (dog. c) 314199 Wirev.12/93 calerrnsiAatitcrm Page 4 9 Water Envtronmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Resoarch, ino. 100 E Gordon Street • Kinston, NO 28501 • Phone (252) 520.9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 14. PIRA 1,001 MAR 04 '99 03:23PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.15/20 QURLIN RESEARCH Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NP )ES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington. NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570.4698 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE SAMPLE TYPE:WASTEWATER,GRAB 03 2/99 16:30 SITE 30 PPM COLLECTED: /0 WORK ORDER #: 9C104-007 RECEIVED: 03/03/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: LPAIR Fluoride EPA 340.2 Cerio60d�ap hnia 48- our Acute Static Bioassay Started 03/02/99 16:45 N/A > 100 LC50% � - - • Burlington DATE/TIME/ANALYST MQL RESULT I Started 03/04/99 10:00 0.10 Analyzed 03104/99 by 3CB at BRI - Burlington 30.5 mks, EPA 0491027E Analyzed 03/04/99 by 7Ca at BRI MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Water Environmental Services -Eden Dlv)slon of Burlington Research. Inc. 370 W. Meadow RoPhone (336) 823.892 1 Eden, (32a) 623-5878 Page 7 Page 50 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Bur)ington Research. 104- 10o E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 28501 45 Phone (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520.9922 • MAR 04 ' 99 03 : 23PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.16/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute LC5O Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 Facility UNiMIN Laboratory Performing Test x NPDES# R&D Pipe* County Burlington Research. inc. - Cert. # 002 Comments: Date: 3/4/99 Signs re of Operator In Responsible Charge 30 PPM 1 SI nature at Laboratory Supervisor ERI# 90104-007 nvirorirtal Solar Ices Branch Div. of Water Ouality MAIL ORIGINAL TO: NO Dept. of ENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh. NC 27607-6445 Test (Mortality expressed as , combining replicates) LC60 = >ioo % 95% Confidence Limits (%) Moving Average N/0 tO Spearman Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia MoSiod Vern OEM tom AT-1 (3/87) OM Water Environmental Services -Eden Division of Burlington Reseatch, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden. NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 6234878 Tax Sample Hardnesa(M51/1..) Spec. Cond.(mIcromhos) Chlorine(mg/L) sample temp ® receipt (deg. C) Problt Kerber Other Method of Determination Mart Erbd 7.85 7105 Concentration (%)mortality (%) Start End 7.31 Control 8.1 1 8.3 7.43 High 8.1 1 8.6 PH 13AI rev. tz/s3 otVormavogetfeem Page 51 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NO 28501 9 Phone (252) 620-8921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 MAR 04 '99 03:25PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.17/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquatic bioassay Testing ► Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 570-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 a. ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: Unimin Corp. REPORT TO: Mr. Roy Rittle SAMPLE DESC: SPRUCE PINE SAMPLE TYPE: WASTEWATER, GRAB COLLECTED: 03/02/99 16:35 SITE: 40 PPM WORK ORDER #: 9C104-048 RECEIVED: 03/03/99 REPORTED: 03/04/99 PO NUMBER: PARAMETER DATET[ 1ME/ANALYST Fluoride EPA 340.2 MQL RESULT Started 03/04/99 10:00 0.10 Analyzed 03/04/99 by JCB at BRI - Burlington 41.5 Ceriodaphnia 48-Hour Acute Static Bioassay StaAnalyzed 03/02/99 /99 16:45 y JCB at BRI N/A Burlington EPA600491027F > 100 LC50 % MQL = Minimum Quantitation Limit Certifications: $RI - Burlington NC Chemistry: #85, Biomonitoring: #002, Drinking Water: #37743, Radiation License: #001-0904-0G VA SWCB ID: #000061, Drinking Water. #00018 SC Laboratory YD: #99042 EPA Chemistry Lab ID: NC00137, Bioassay Lab ID: NC2721500 Water Environmental Services -Eden Division of Burlington Research, inc. 370 W. Meadow Road , NC 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • • Fax (n336) 623-5878 Page 8 Page 52 Water Environmental Services - Kristen Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston, NC 28501 Phona (252) 520-9921 • Fax (252) 520-9922 , MAR 04 ' 99 03: 25PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.18/20 BURLINGTON RESEARCH Aquaic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services 1302 Belmont Street • Burlington, NC 27215-6935 • Phone (336) 670-4661 • Fax (336) 570-4698 Effluent Toxicity Re ort Form - Acute LC50 Facility UNIM1N Laboratory Performing Teat x NPDES# R&D PIpe# Burlington Research, Inc. - Cett. # 002 Signature at Operator In Responsible Charge Date: nvironmantal Sciences ranc Div. of Water Quality NC Dept. of ENR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-8445 Spec. Cond.(mlcromhoa) ChIorine(mg/L) Sample temp @ receipt (deg. C) Method of Determination Moving Average Spearman Kerber 140018ed treat DEM tarn AT-1 (3/87) reV.0/90 Water Environmental Services Edon Division of Burlington Research, Inc. 370 W. Meadow Road • Eden, NO 27288 Phone (336) 623-8921 • Fax (336) 623-5878 SRI rem. 12103 3J4/99 catormaVAattiarrn Page 5 3 Water Environmental Services -Kinston Division of Burlington Research. Inc. 100 E. Gordon Street • Kinston. NC 28501 Phone (252) 520-9021 • Fax (252) 520-9922 11114 1443 llI 8URL1t3GTdN RESEARCH, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY; RECORD u 3rOvqest Edon, NC�27288 Phone (336) Fax ((336) 623-B7B 623-8921 1302 BoNC Burlington, Street27215.6935 no 570-4661 Fax (336) 570.4693 CLIENT: `)/1(M SEND REPORTTO:_ ✓ purchaso Ord©r No.: Facility/Site: nature Y l : �� ` (Sig Sampler (Prrni) -- SAMPLE TYPE o cc`t" o rc z �y ANALYSIS REQUIRED COMPOSITEm3 W GRAB =o 6i1Gt�`"t -r HAND AUTO z ll SAMPLE ID DATE_ TIME DATE TIME SAMPLE COLLECTION STARTED Yost No Ye3i No Yes; ND to dechtorinated at time of collection? Yes Q No Waathesamp FOR CLIENT USE ONLY Dote- 3 D.te: Ipp©d by: (Sig. Received by: (Sig.) Method of Shipment Qhone (252) 520-9921 fax (252) 520.9922 Fax: 66f b0 anN taiWVFORBRIILABiUSE`ONI Y:Fti► "'; preservation Codas: iENIP. A ==1ce O3 F = E = NaOH B HNNone '4� C' C H2SO4 G = CUPRIC - D = NCI H S HCHO 1111111111111 ur osos? Yes No❑ Will the results be used for regulatory monitoring p p 1`FOR i:AB USESPNLY.700,01 .. plo Int aty Comment • ..1,nv-,lnro Pink - BRI - Laboratory Goldenrod - C1lont - Copy 03:26PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH r) 1II BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD CLIENT: Facillty/Site: Sampler: (Print) SAMPLE ID Yost No (Signature SAMPLE COLLECTION STARTED DATE__ ENDED DATE TIME 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215.6935 Phone (336) 570-4661 Fax (336) 570-4G96 COMPOSITE Was the sample dechlor(nated at time of collection? Y es FOR USE ONLY ❑ De e: if /bi ate. Received by: (Sig. Y:4 f) Edon, NC 27298 Phone (336) 623-5921 Fax (336) 623.5979 Phone (252)520-9921 Fax (252520-9922 D SEND REPORT TO: fie. ,T 1 Fax: r7✓ 2-1/) - 4 /// Phone:, Purchase Order No.: ANALYSIS REQUIRED fir(///,, %,�//7// y _ ._F EIRf;LAB USE;ONLY:YW. Preservation Codes:_ A-1ce. E=NaOK B = HNO3 F =.None C = H2SO4 G-= CUPRIC D=HCI H=HCHO TEMP. (4° C) No 0 MN Will the results be used for regulatory monitoring purposes? Yes ❑ No • FOR LAECUSEtONLY`g."5,�' s����• `�:�.. s. no�o• Time: Method of Shipment rani - 1 �hnr1tr rV /03-D Pink - BRI - Laboratory Goldenrod - Client - Copy H0eid3S3d N010NI1df1 Wd 2 :E2 fV m ry t)R•4T T-0a Unimin/K-T Feldspar/Felspar Corporation Meeting March 19,1999 Opening comments from Charlie Stover, Unimin- NPDES permit renewal in Dec. 2001. Wanted to meet to get DWQ ideas on Dept.'s renewal. Fluoride limits allocated #'s waited to approach and find out any changes in the permits. He also talked about data submitted to DWQ. Did some toxicity testing, fluoride toxicity testing is imprecise. Concerns: 1) knowledge of acute toxicity. Use studies on ceriodaphnia. Did acute and chronic study in past two months and sent conclusions. Existing standard is protective of the environment- overly so, standard could be increased. Acute and chronic toxicity — duplicated by two separate labs, ETT and Burlington. Chronic shows 8 — 16 ppm failure of fluoride toxicity. Reports include lab sheets from labs, show acute and chronic toxicity info to address the area of acute to chronic results. Chronic to acute results 8ppm lowest failed in chronic, 40 ppm lowest failed in acute. 7 ppm is protected , 1.8 ppm standard for NC. 2) Are any changes in fluoride calculations to be made in the permit? Feel that 1.8 ppm for fluoride is too restrictive for North Toe River. Want to know if fluoride would be ratcheted down Are we looking at the fluoride standard being reduced? What are DWQ intentions with the limits? Higher correction or lower correction? Unimin, Feldspar, and KT Feldspar can live with what they have right now. Not looking for higher poundage, don't want any reduction in existing poundage. Unimin have developed two new plants in the last couple of years, Asian market took some business. Any reduction, were there any discrepancies in calculations? DWQ will give written response to the companies and a copy of the Alcoa report by the end of April. Companies will correct typos and submit updated report to DWQ. March 29, 1999 — Rec'd letter from Unimin requesting clarification of permit renewals and recommending that 7 parts per million of fluoride would be protective of aquatic life in the North Toe River. Indicated that Unimin, K-T Feldspar, and Feldspar were requesting no change in the Fl poundage limits. April 20,1999 — Rec'd copy of letter to Rep. Gregg Thompson from Charles Case, Unimin's attorney, supporting House Bill 928 which allows for additional study on the fluoride issue. - ,t44-1(•-•-/--72 Fre,r;5:6ebel" ectii f.i. ef • kin mete/ 6) Cm? list'f7 (G6,70;117/ :. re U-er af-) tiff 1 F kjAC(47.7. , ‘ ,-- • (7-4 el f 4 (7-1741.,. (1/--cci5.-.-7 ri?7) 1 vir-ie,7 Cac;x:. //,'I- (4640afx,$) Vitt411 riot, / / - ) (2&14 I I"; 614c (low epo envoi' 127". Prke_ lebrair. ,looi 425- /flirt c6e bfatin 6-(6.17i47 .5/-1 • rp/edfre ZcoAec-f (23 cb-174/-c, /ta„ dcate... ‘ilktd /6, wtrc(�4C. dis( "Imea „4-1 Ahvern ;Ffn On Ten V L us_ :Iv. .17 - 7- 71,7t/e. lA. I1 Ca 000 175 .4csoee 400 Tq,.M of Sp.vct Ave trtvnP FaJ51,4.t cy2o Ivco.e0353 S7Nct ANf YAM. Cu4.CEbz /"rt�f by 00 003 - nv►+ wa+rt w/£r (.,w1 rc47,:vf) UJJMiII� - SafoafFoasi #ko 00304 srfAict )A 1A4 -Scltvo LdfAISL 4 fINrM in► - G2yS8.3bbi . FELD 512,94 8.31 5/4ce PINE. coon. ou. 9, z , stiweE P!AZ 1%lwip 10.S Mt KT ff,125P, 11. g 41; (INIMi.4 / 2. S At Vnlim; KT Ff1.Ds044 0 3.3 0.0I '" /,m, 1, o M; O. 7 ,14; Unimin Corp. K-T Feldspar Date Ups FI Dwn FI Ups FI Dwn FI Feb-99 1.03 0.93 Jan-99 1.13 1.05 Dec-98 1.99 1.74 * 1.67 2.17 * Nov-98 2.25 1.89 * 1.96 2.45 * Oct-98 1.77 1.7 * 1.93 2.1 * Sep-98 1.92 1.7 * 1.97 2.14 * Aug-98 1.4 1.53 * 1.21 1.42 * Jul-98 1.34 1.24 * 1.42 1.57 * Jun-98 0.8 0.77 1.1 1.17 * May-98 0.54 0.51 0.95 0.78 Apr-98 0.67 0.55 0.95 0.92 Mar-98 0.68 0.63 *U 0.629 0.95 Feb-98 0.54 0.5 0.519 0.633 Jan-98 0.57 0.54 0.13 0.806 * Dec-97 1.34 1.38 * 1.18 1.31 * Nov-97 1.37 1.38 * 1.27 1.64 *3.5u,2.9d Oct-97 1.86 1.85 * 1.76 2.06 *3.9d Sep-97 1.6 1.72 2u,2.9d 1.7 1.79 * Aug-97 1.38 1.42 * 1.18 1.53 * JuI-97 0.73 0.7 0.62 0.975 Jun-97 0.73 0.71 0.65 1.02 May-97 0.69 0.65 0.66 0.81 Apr-97 0.55 0.5 - Mar-97 0.42 0.38 0.36 0.7 Feb-97 0.65 0.58 0.6 0.96 Jan-97 0.72 0.77 0.71 0.75 * - indicates a reported sample value > the FI standard of 1.8 mg/I Values in bold indicate a monthly average > the FI standard of 1.8 mg/I.