HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000353_Staff Comments_19930511NPDES DOCUMENT !CANNING COVER SHEET NC0000353 The Feldspar Corporation NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change 5-.44) Cex7,001/5. ) Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: May 11, 1993 Thus document is printed on reuse paper - igziore any content on the rerertse side DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 11, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Randy Kepler THRU: Ruth Swanek Carla Sanderson FROM: fi \ SUBJECT: Comments on the Draft Permits for UNIMIN Corp.Spruce Pine -Quartz (NC0000175), UNIMIN Corp.Spruce Pine -Mica (NC0000361) and Feldspar Corp.(NC0000353) Per review of the April 30th memorandum from Mike Parker concerning the Feldspar Companies, Technical Support will defer to the Asheville Regional Office on all recommendations. cc: Forrest Westall State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr.; Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: April 30, 1993 Coleen Sullins Randy Kepler Permits and Engineering ectio Forrest R. Westall ` ti' ' Regional Water Quality Supervisor Michael R. Parker0 Environmental Speciarist Feldspar Companies Draft NPDES Permits Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary 44V-1 • (71 As you know the draft NPDES Permits fo.r The Feldspar Corporation, K-T Feldspar Corporation, Unimin Corporation -Quartz Operation and Unimin Quartz -Mica Operation, were sent to public notice and comments were received from The Feldspar Corporation and Unimin Corporation objecting to several items in each draft permit but specifically the lowering of the fluoride limitations. Staff of the Asheville Regional Office met with officials of The Feldspar Corporation on April 6, 1993, and worked out their concerns with the draft permit. Additionally, we have had several telephone conversations with Unimin Corporation officials and have worked out solutions to their problems with the draft permits. Refer to the attached letter from Mr. Bill Shalter dated April 7, 1993. Unimin Corporation has agreed to eliminate any fluoride discharge at the Mica facility (NC0000361) until such time as the Company determines if they will construct a fluoride processing plant at that facility. It is estimated that it will be at least two years before any decision is made. Please be aware that Mr. Shalter was assured that he could apply for an NPDES Permit that would allow for a fluoride discharge at some future date should the company decide to build another plant. Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville. NC. 28801 • Telephone 704.251-6208 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Acnon Employer Coleen Sullins Randy Kepler Memo April 30, 1993 Page Two It was agreed that the draft permit (NC0000175) for Unimin's Quartz facility would be modified to reflect the fluoride limits of the existing permit. The Feldspar Corporation's draft permit would be modified to reflect the fluoride limits of the existing permit. K-T Feldspar did not object to the draft NPDES Permit (NC0000400). However, in fairness to all concerned, it is recommended that their draft permit be modified to show the existing fluoride limits. Attached to this memo are amended copies of the draft NPDES permits. It is recommended that the limits be sent out as draft to each company for comment or to public notice if that is required. If you have questions, please call me at 704/251-6208. ummin UNIMIN CORPORATION Corporate Geology Environmental Affairs Mine Planning Ms. Coleen Sullins Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Ms. Sullins: April 5, 1993 Per my phone conversation with Mike Parker on April 2, 1993: Unimin requests that NC0000175 and NC0000361 discharge limitations be changed to reflect the current 218 lb/day monthly average and 436 lb/day maximum daily fluoride as specified under Configuration II, which is representative of the current conditions among the three users of hydrofluoric acid in the Spruce Pine area. Additionally, at this time Unimin Corporation does not know whether groundwater remediation at the Mica plant (NPDES NC0000361) will be required by the state as a of an approved corrective action plan. Thus, Unimin requests that monitoring for toluene,. benzene, and methyl tert butyl ether (MTBE) be required only if and when groundwater remediation is conducted. We understand that if future fluoride discharges are needed at either our Quartz or Mica plants, that the right to obtain these permits or authorizations will not be diminished, and the application will be reviewed without prejudice. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Z,(142 )131.�/�Q William D. Shalter Mgr., Environmental Affairs WDS:NCNPDES93:klh CC: Roy Riddle (UNIMIN) C.F. Stover (UNIMIN) A.J. Regis (UNIMIN) Mike Parker Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 59 Woodfin P1., P.O. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28802 402 Mill Street • P.O. Box 297 • Utica, IL 61373 • (815) 667-4228 - Fax (815) 667-5281 THE a� CORPORAT/ON Post Office Box 99, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 A subsidiary of az' Corporation (704) 765-5500 FAX: (704) 765-0203 March 15, 1993 Ms Coleen Sullins NC Division of Environmental Management P, 0, Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Dear Ms Sullins, As per our conversation on 3-12-93, please note that these comments will be sent after the 3-15-93 deadline. After reviewing the draft NPDES Permit # NC0000353, for The Feldspar Corporations, Spruce Pine, NC operation, we would comment as follows: 1. The Public Notice list The Feldspar Corporation and Permit # NC0000353 as being in the Neuse River Basin. This should be corrected to read French Broad River Basin. 2. The Draft Permit cover sheet list the expiration date of the permit as 12-31- 96, making the permit effective for less than 5 years. We understand your reasons for this change, but feel that some adjustments should be made to adjust the fees and permit application requirements. The fees and expense incurred to reapply before the 5 year period is over should be considered when new Permits are required. 3. Item #1 on the supplement to the Cover sheet states that acid feed systems are used for pH adjustments. The acid feed systems that are in place are for process pH adjustments and not for wastewater treatment purposes. 4. The Effluent limitations for discharge 001 states that setteable solids are to be sampled upstream and downstream. With the issuance of our present permit this requirement was dropped. We feel that this sampling is not needed and object to the new requirements. 5. The Effluent limitations for discharge 001 gives no maximum daily flow. Will there be no maximum daily flow? 6. The Effluent limitations for discharge 001 gives a monthly average for turbidity of 10 NTU. Our present permit, and also this one limits the amount the turbidity can be raised in the stream. We object to the monthly average and request that only the stream limit be required. •M • + vy page 2 7. The Effluent limitations for discharge 001 list the Fluoride limits as 183 #/day average with a daily maximum of 366 #1 day. It is our understanding that this limit is taken from the data collected several years ago and the pie configuration that was developed by the Asheville Regional Office. We would ask that special attention be given to the division of the Fluoride available so no one company has an unfair advantage. Under the pie configuration one company can dominate the fluoride allocations by their use of HF acid and therefore limit the other companies production. Due to the lack of technical data on Fluoride removal in Wastewater we are at or near the point of maximum removal. We ask that the original limits not be reduced, as our future production levels will be increased and lower fluoride limits will pose an undue hardship on our company. 8. The Effluent limitations for discharge 001 states that daily stream sampling is reduced to three times per week, as is our present permit. The statement on pH below this indicates that samples are to be collected daily. We feel that three stream samples each week are sufficient. 9. The stormwater requirements that are a part of this draft permit will require additional time for compliance, as we are now under a mine permit that was issued in the early 1980's when the laws were not as stringent. It should also be noted that new soil and erosion controls measures will be on our new mine permit which is under review. 10. We object to the wording in item L in Part 3 of the draft. As noted above the fluoride allocation was taken from the pie configuration which we understand was to taken out to simplify the permit. This item leaves an open door to the problems of the past. Production at one company should not limit the ability of another company to survive in the market place. Please correspond with Bill Condron (Plant Manager) or myself when you have reviewed these comments. We can be reached at 704-765-5500 if you have questions. Thank you for your consideration in these matters. Sincerely Yours, The Felspar Cooration omas ( Tom ) Freeman Environment & Safety Supt. urnmin UNIMIN CORPORATION Corporate Geology Environmental Affairs Mine Planning Ms. Coleen Sullins: Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Ms. Sullins: RE: DRAFT NPDES PERMIT #NC0000175 , Certified Mail March 5, 1993 Unimin Corporation's Spruce Pine - Quartz plant can not meet the T proposed 179 lbs/day of fluorides monthly average, or the 358 lbs/day maximum proposed for Permit NC0000175. Unimin was over the proposed limit for the last ten months of 1992. We can and have met our current permit condition of 218 lbs/day average for fluoride. Unimin requests that NC0000175 discharge limitation be changed to reflect the current 218 lb/day monthly average and 436 lb/day maximum daily fluoride as specified under Configuration II, which is representative of the current conditions among the three users of hydrofluoric acid in the Spruce Pine area. RE: DRAFT NPDES PERMIT INC0000361 In our application for renewal for Unimin Corporation's Spruce Pine - Mica plant permit, our intention was to preserve the option of adding a quartz/feldspar flotation at Mica, as described in Configuration IV, for the next five year permit period. This proposed process change is not expected to occur in the next two years. In order to obtain fluoride limits of 218 lbs/day monthly average, and 436 lbs/day daily maximum in NC0000175, Unimin proposes two solutions: 1. Issue the new NPDES permits with similar configuration and the related discharge limits as are in the current NPDES permits. Configurations I and III are, of course, non -applicable and need not be listed. Configurations V and VI may or may not be applicable based upon K-T Feldspars intentions. This option is the one Unimin prefers. It preserves the status quo, grants the most flexibility, and reflects truer operating conditions than the draft permit proposes. 402 Mill Street • P.O. Box 297 • Utica, IL 61373 • (815) 667-4228 - Fax (815) 667-528: Ms. Coleen Sullins .Page-2 • 2. The second solution would be for Unimin to withdraw its request for a proposed future fluoride discharge at Mica in exchange for: a. the return to Configuration II fluoride limits as they exist now, and b. an agreement that if future fluoride discharges are needed at either our Quartz or Mica plants, that the right to obtain these permits or authorization is not diminished, and the application will be reviewed without prejudice. Additionally, at this time Unimin Corporation does not know whether groundwater remediation at the Mica plant will be required by the state as a part of an approved corrective action plan. Thus, Unimin requests that monitoring for toluene, benzene, and methyl tert butyl ether (MTBE) be required only if and when groundwater remediation is conducted. Unimin would be happy to meet with you and your staff to discuss these items. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, UNIMIN CORPORATION William D. Shalter Mgr., Environmental Affairs WDS:NCNPDES93:klh CC: Roy Riddle (UNIMIN) C.F. Stover (UNIMIN) A.J. Regis (UNIMIN) Mike Parker Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 59 Woodfin P1., P.O. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28802