HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051457 Ver 1_USACE Correspondence_20060804DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: August 2, 2006 Regulatory Division Action ID No. 200330194 Cyndi Karoly NCDWQ 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Dear Ms. Karoly: 7.77 771 J Please reference the June 27, 2005 Public Notice issued by the Corps, soliciting comments on The Cleveland County Sanitary District (CCSD) application for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to construct a dam and reservoir on the First Broad River, north of Lawndale, Cleveland County, North Carolina. The Corps has decided, based on the scale and potential intensity of the proposed impacts, comments received on the public notice and review of similar projects requiring an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that this proposed activity may significantly affect the quality of the human environment. A Notice of Intent to prepare a draft EIS for the proposed project was published in the Federal Register on July 12, 2006. The Corps is initiating the scoping process by inviting you to attend an interagency scoping meeting to be held on August 22, 2006, 10:00 a.m. at the CCSD office, 439 Casar Lawndale Road, Lawndale, North Carolina. The purpose of this work session is to introduce the project and solicit input on potential alternatives, and major issues to be addressed in the EIS. Specific issues to be discussed are potential impacts to endangered species, historic properties and water quality and general environmental and socioeconomical considerations. Please also be prepared to identify and discuss any permits or approvals that may be required by your group or agency. The following is a brief summary of initial project information regarding the project area, existing land use, cultural resources, protected species, and water resources: Project Location The proposed project, known as the First Broad River Reservoir, is an approximate 2,245 -acre impoundment of the First Broad River, associated tributaries, and adjacent wetlands located north of Lawndale, Cleveland County, North Carolina. The proposed dam would be located approximately 1.4 miles north of the Town of Lawndale, downstream of the CCSD office on Casar Lawndale Road. The approximate coordinates of the proposed dam location are 2 35.4335406 N and 81.5685226 W (Lawndale USGS Quadrangle Sheet). The impoundment will extend along the First Broad River from the proposed dam location to a point approximately 10 miles upstream in the vicinity of Casar Road (NC 10). A vicinity map is attached. Project Description Preliminary plans estimate the construction of an 83 -foot high dam across the First Broad River. The proposed earth -filled dam may be approximately 1,245 feet wide at the base and have a 1,000 -foot wide spillway on the south side. The specific dam dimensions are subject to revision as additional analysis and design are completed. The dam will create a reservoir with a surface area of approximately 2,245 acres impounding those areas below elevation 860 feet msl. Flooding impacts are estimated to include the loss of 24 miles of river and stream habitat and approximately 1,400 acres of forested and agricultural land. Existing Land Use and Site Conditions The proposed project area includes rolling to hilly lands primarily used for residential and agricultural uses. The project area ranges from broad alluvial flats to steep slopes. Natural vegetation is found adjacent to the river and tributaries and consists of Piedmont/Low Mountain Alluvial Forest (using Schafale and Weakley's Classification of the Natural Communities of North America, Third Approximation (1990)). These areas are dominated by river birch, tulip poplar, sycamore, red maple, black walnut, box elder, ironwood, American holly, and invasives including Chinese privet, multiflora rose, and Japanese honeysuckle. The riparian zone of the First Broad River is continuously wooded in a narrow band providing a wildlife corridor. Fishery surveys identified 18 species of fish. The river supports a warm water fishery including sunfish, chub, and suckers. Transportation Infrastructure Preliminary studies indicate that the reservoir will impact five existing bridges or culverts and necessitate approximately 2.2 miles of roadway improvements on North Carolina Department of Transportation roads. The roadway improvements are associated with work necessary to construct the five new bridges and the elevation of the roadways on either side. The bridge/roadway improvements are to occur at Mauney Road (SR 1513), Oak Grove Clover Hill Church Road (SR 1509), Delight Road (SR 1512), Kistler Road (SR 1514), and Hicks Hill Road (SR 1501). Cultural Resources A Phase I archaeological survey was performed on accessible portions of the project area (based on land owners' permission) in July 2003. Two sites were determined to be potentially eligible for the National Resister of Historic Places. These two sites will require additional investigation to more fully determine their potential eligibility if they will be affected by the proposed reservoir. Preliminary research of the existing records of project area historic architectural properties indicates that there are no known properties currently listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRNP). A historic architecture survey will identify any properties in the project area that are potentially eligible for the NRNP. All survey results will be coordinated with the State Historic Preservation Office in accordance with the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Threatened, Endangered, and Federal Species of Concern An identified population of the federally threatened dwarf -flowered heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora) is located within the proposed impoundment area. Consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act will be required prior to issuance of any permits. Species currently listed (April 27, 2006) with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for Cleveland County include the following: Common Name Scientific Name Status Vascular Plants Dwarf -flowered Heartleaf Hexastylis naniflora Threatened Sweet Pinesap Monotropsis odorata FSC* Torrey's Mountain -mint Pycnanthemum torrei FSC* Carolina (Gray's) Saxifrage Saxifraga caroliniana FSC* *FSC - federal species of concern. A species under consideration for listing, for which there is insufficient information to support listing at this time. Only the heartleaf has been found within the project area. Two species of Hexastylis have been identified within the project area, H. naniflora and H. heterophylla. Streams and Wetlands The project area is located in the Broad River Basin. The proposed project would result in impacts to approximately 24 miles of river and stream habitat. There are 15 intermittent streams and 31 perennial streams that drain into the First Broad River in the project area. Four major tributaries that enter the First Broad River within the impoundment area are Hinton Creek, Stoney Run Creek, Grassy Branch and Crooked Run Creek. Approximately 5 acres of wetlands adjacent to tributaries to the First Broad River have been identified within the proposed impoundment area. 4 If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may submit written comments pertinent to the proposed project to Mr. David Baker, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208, Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006. Also, please note that future public involvement, to include a public scoping workshop, is planned. Times and locations for future meetings will be announced. Further information regarding the proposed action or the EIS process may be obtained by contacting Mr. Baker at (828) 271-7980, extension 225. Sincerely, Tom Walker Chief Asheville Regulatory Field Office AMP 1 inch equals 5,000 feet Project Vicinity Map First Broad River Reservoir Source: USGS Cleveland County, NC ri