HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03155_Well Construction - GW1_20220222 WELL Forhk Use o `.:- L wen Contractor Informatton: - Wen�- n�e e� IAwex�zoraRs. �,. _ FEOM Ta 'n�riox' N`CC Wen C=16t=C=e=fi=Nnmb= R R ! Ain, ,• lM �n = s s�inea: o$rna� .r r._•_. To ares�ss +•••.+Q..*. 2.Wen&mm c&npamdt#;�l�'L a'�De? 002 / 5 5 'rcoxx�ov z r&IIgVP&xhl WnCMasaenm,P l�LIIG Ess'�isi. comas:Sams rranmrr;�� '�'I R 1 L(, R sD in Tmm y 3.WeILUse(eheekwenuse). _ $ R m. Water Supply WlII: -T O eiPal/Pgb1iC PROM TO DIAMSrE& SLOTSEM 2 n AITRTA' OGeothemW(H-OneCoolm$SY) Wags Olndt:suiaUCammeseialSnpply(single) R R ta. • 'O .� eatialWatsSt:pply(� .IB.'QtVQf•t.� ..�';:;r.' - z�,.: ��a_w;::� OWens>100 0M GPD PROM To: AEUIRrAL EMPIACEMMAMMODi.►scouxr xoa-w:tersapplyweu: R Ry r,Y-eA +� ❑Recovery ILR Injection Well: A OAquftRecb OGtoundwaterRamadsdoa OAgmferSt=paadRxovery Osalkaysaaier ,L-SANID/GEtAVBLPA FROM TO MeT II1�'FamllaTPI�9D OAqudcrTeg Oft msraterDtaiaage R R ORKPedmeatel Teshnolopy Mcifiddeace Control R g OGW&=al(Clow gyp) OTracer =20:DBILLIIdG•EAG atlieihi8ditio�LL"sI>�'if'"' v;:.r. _ '• ❑C,eothe®sI(EM&9 CMHn9RO=) OOtber(cg9aiu umdec#21 Rrmad s) FIRI°M R TO IL 4.Date Weals)Completed: 1-1 1- 1- WeII M# R it sa.�Well LLota�fiaon: R ft. fG R • FaeOn.YGOw'xrNe� F��•3'�(¢aPP�e) fL r R Pldar�lAd&.;dy.and R R - SU lam, :2Ux>�aRas: r P=dId=MEff=donNo_(PJN) w ;�._w6t99r�. Sib.Latitude and longitude in deg'eesfmmut iWseconds or dechnal degree: WMM rvrv,gesp;1jr 1,ACT (�weIl Se1d,one hdloaga sadfreie>rt) ' 22.CertiBration: + t ry e 3 36 L� x $lama .149 • W 6.Is(are)the welks): anent' -or ❑Tenipo 9 1 7 L • s aqp=�estined`Nen ".�' na,e 7.1sthisa '" °"g 1+rn.IhereLyee> Ytlrrrrlre>�(s),►ar(were)cmarr�nia=wdw=V�Erli nP�m�eastltegwelh� or ONo MAN=02C.0100orI5A1VCW02C.0200WedCgvir6ra�orrShri3mdrm�d8iaampp Ijatdatsa�epa!►,f!llwetvrown,rellcaraara�for oniapdc�slhexmoaoftlre ofrhissraeodhmbearpvwldrdm8iexrlfo9mo_ 'repobiorlsrtrll rsmorlssoaron oron thebxkoftiasfarot - 'sr, 23.Me diagram or addItiond well de Rar. &For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use t o backs of this page to pmo-ide additional well info consttrtcti�,only 1 GW-1 fs neei a Indirlte TOTAL NUMBER ofwens (add'See Ovice M R,eniarls Boxj You may also attach addNoM pages ifnece,sazy. ce: dtiIled tt11-- 24.SIIBMITPAL INSTRUCTIONS . 9.Total well depth below land sarfs T�Q FosaarlffplairsIIrLstaIIdeprhrifd ( k-3(a)200'Z92gtoo� (� Submit thisGW-I 30 days of well tompletion per thefollowheg: 10.Static water level below top of easing: ft 24a.For Ali Wells: Original foxm to Division of Wetw Resomees (DWR), I}+9 lenotis�ons -+- ( ) I (nPnocessiagUaiS1617;MC.Raleigb.NC27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. f0/ gym,) 24h.Rot Tzktdon Wells:Copy to DWR,Tindaimuod lweetica Control(IUC) hDFdm,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 .. a Wen constcaction method: P 4 t a ki—A), (z a ioeQy, ) 24c For taster SnDDI and Open-Loon Geothermal Retina Wells Cogytb the :. couniy eavaoamesiat health dePmtMcat e��•-5w —msmed FOR WATER SUPPLY VMS ONLY: 24d.For Water WeltsProdadngI over 1 GPD:Copy W.DWR,CMA Liz Yield(gpm) �2,0 Method of test: Pamft Ptugtam,1611 MSC,Ralef C 1 11 13b.DlsIh&cdon type: Amount: Foffi aw I Noedi Ca=oSaa.Depatmmot ofFavaonmeotal Quality-Divmoa of WamrReswaoes Revixd 6.6-2018