HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03149_Well Construction - GW1_20220216 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD G For Internal Use Only: 1.well Contractor information: Var, .W, Alfred Kiesling Sr FROm TO DESCRiPT10N Well Contractor Name �Eb 16 7 11 Z-I ft. 0 Uni� 2670-A NC Well Contractor Ce"'fration"lumber G Tar. M,%TERLA.L FROM TO UkIdETER TMHIC-NESS B & K Well Drilling Inc ft. ft- 61/4 in. SDR-21 PVC M-Ts us :ANNER: -1-HICKNESS MATERIAL . .ER-.- G:OK Company Name FROM .1.0 DIAMETER 2.well Construction Permit 0: 17 17 ft. ft. Lisr all applicable Kell c0llstrucriO"pc;nits i.e.UK.Corona.state slanalict.etc.j ft. ft. Y: .4.Well Use(check well use): HWKNESS MATERIAL FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE Water Supply Well: ft (t. in. . ClAgricultural unicipal/Public in. err.1denlial Water Supply(Single) ft. 015cothern`131(Real ine/Cooli Ilg supply) Water Supply(shared) DResidential W ALD"Ou!'I C)IndustrizKonunercial ei i s>100,000 GPD FROM TO n-,TERIAL E_%LPLACEMF_NT METHOD& oirrigation 0 rL 20 ft- Bentonite Pour Non-Water Supply Well: ft. ORc�ovcqy okfollitorilIg ft. ft. Injection Well: 06roundwater Rentiediation X 0Aquifer Recharge OAquifer Storage and Recovery ElSaiiiiiry Barrier FROM TU ro-M L MIAF,MPI".4CFMEIVT METHOD ft. C Aquifer Test oStormwater Drainage CSubsidence Control oExperimental Technology 0.44*�r._V) DGeothermal(Closed LOOP) oTracer FROM TO DESCRIP (color.hardness.soil/rock tYpe,Ersm MM S-1 oGeothermal(Heatine 00ther(explain under#21 RemarLq) I ft. ;n -r jqooling Return 6 f'- 4.Date Well(s)Completed: _11—La—awell fD# 167 ft. 0 Sa.Well Location: 160 ft'. ft. ni,,,�4 Facility ID (if applicable) Fa,itity/o%vrerNarae ft. ft. ft. Physical Address,City.and zip RK J� We 7.1-9 — pal.ce,Identification No,(PIN) County longitude in degrees/roinutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 5b.Latitude and 7-2.Cerfifi a' n: (it'v,ell field.one Wilong is%utticient) N Simaturt Cerified mien ng this form. Wel 00tact er ate 6.ls(ar )the well(s): CPermanent or ETemporary i that the zeIl(s)was 15A NCACO2C.010or 154 NCACO2C,02on Bell Construction standards and deal a ccry 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: C:Yes or 2 NNO ofihis rrcnrdha�5 bcrnp,,o,idrdn,th,,v.riloivner. - 11 rhis is a repairfillow kno%r well.-anst—wein informalin),and explain the nature Ifth., back of thisfio-1. 2.3.qite diagram or additional well details: repair under#21 remarks section or on the You may use the back of this'page to provide additional well construction info 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed Loop Geothermal Wells having the same h additional pages if necessary. (add'See Ovee in Remarks Box).You may also attach construction.only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONSI drilled: d 9.Total well depth below land surface'. 7' Submit this GW-1 within 30 Aays of well completion per the following: For alulliPle 11-clis lislall,lepits-if different fe.jantple-3(¢1_700 and 2@q 00.) 24a. For Original formto Division of Water Resources (DR), ., 10.Static water level below top Of casing: 40 All Wells:(ft.) Information Processing Unit,l6l7 MSC.Raleigh.NC27699-l6l7 If muter level is above casing.use 24b.For il2hs62m Wells:copy to DWR.Underground Injection Control(IUC) r 6118 Program, MSC.Raleigh!NC 27699-1636 I I.Borehole diameter: 9-am, Air Rotary 24c.For Water &I 1 11116; 11)en-Loon,Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the - 12.Well construction method: coun viron mental health department of the county where installed (i.e.auger,rotary.cable,direct push.etc.) i FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells producing lloo.000 GPD:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA .over - - 13a.Yield(gpnI) Method of test.Air Lift pernli I program, In,I MSC,:Raleigh.NC 2/(Wy Chlor. TabS 4,mount: 1 1/2 Lbs 13b.Disinfection type' Division of Water Rcsources Revised 6-6-2019 Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Em ironmcntal Quality