HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0043125_Wasteload Allocation_19830726NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNIN`: COVER SHEET NC0043125 The Patterson School WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance (Waste1oad Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: July 26, 1983 Plain document is pririted on reuse paper - ignore any content on the resrerse side Facility Name: s�� NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Engineer. Date Rec. # 7-1 !.c Date' ✓ Existing ✓ Alle00 S 'LC e l &L�wei/ Permit No.: Pipe No.: © County: Proposed Q WI- Design Capacity (MGD): 0- D Z 5- Industrial (% of Flow): Domestic (% of Flow): /90 eo Reference USGS Quad: (Please attach) Requestor: a1 cc (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Receiving Stream • (.t.i `f/ i)KiAl l Vet- Class: Sub -Basin: Q,i - 0 *-P / 1)Xi;f Regal Office Design Temp.: SDrainage Area: G.O O1 r\I Avg. Streamflow: 7Q10: (-) r.ItA Winter 7Q10: 30Q2 • CD Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall) : 0.15 mr. Slope. 1 51 cr", CD E Velocity (fps) : Ki (base e, per day, 2 °C) : 0.5? K2 (base e, per day, °C) : 13, 56, 0 t., 0 a) CID CU CIA Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments EcD5 30 "nil N 1--t3-K1 I5 rn&l Do Co "WI J SS 3o rn5A Pr.rel 0,-.14 . (O CO / n n rn I .P k 6 —8,S z, u. Original Allocation Revised Allocation Confirmation Prepared By: t4-r nt Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) --Fr- lJ J7 Or Reviewed By: Date: i - ZG 1 3 rrr,,prn REQUEST NO. : 806 **************:k****** WASTELO(tD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM ********************* FACILITY NAME TYPE OF WASTE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE RECEIVING STREAM 7010 : 0.0 CFS DRAINAGE AREA : : PATTERSON SCHOOL DOMESTIC CALDWELL o S r UT YADKIN RIVER W7010 : 0.00 SO.MI. CFS REQUESTOR : DAVE ADKINS SUBBASIN : YAD01 3002 : STREAM CLASS :C CFS ************************ RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS *$********************** WASTEFLOW(S) B0D-5 NH3-N D.O. PH FECAL COLIFORM TSS (MGD) :0.025 (MG/L) :30 (MG/L) :15 (MG/L) :6 (SU) :6-8 .:`.; (/100ML):1000 (MG/L) :30 ^rr ******************************************************************************** FACILITY IS : PROPOSED ( ) EXISTING (VI -NEW...„.( ) LIMITS ARE : REVISION ( ) CONFIRMATION (OF THOSE PREVIOUSL.Y ISSUED REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY: MODELER SUF'ERVISOR,MODELING GROUP REGIONAL SUPERVISOR PERMITS MANAGER APPROVED BY : tun. DATE DATE __DATE DATE DI�I-S-iO"i4-DIRECTOR TCE 0R -DATE =