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Cranston Print Works
i � $� 1 ti 't !� ,hr�- -�'"- �� may`. .. -.�-._. �{- 4 1 ���:•. rr I P Vi SFILE" r ;, •, ,f� NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF k ,g ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVIsIOf4SHEVILL R WATER QUALITY i AsHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE , IAS ; NCDEhIR GROUNDWATER SECTION a, fuA +�� ?'•' December 7, 1998 ',J}(MEe B.HUNT Jq?,�:.'y: GOVERNOR Mr. Henry A. Donaldson Cranston Print Works Company �!e Webster Division q�tt 2 Worcester Road, Webster, MA 01570-0130 � �Vwreie'INtDevlrr." _.B[ORETARY } '�, Subject : Groundwater Sampling Cranston Print Works �e e�hxa7 Fletcher NC Facility Henderson County At�'11�El70N Ht�Wi1Rn•J� :� . PEdbIRlCTOR�=' ,'�� _ This office has reviewed information provided as a result of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment at the 'subject site. The results included analytical data for ofathels of lead and chrmium data provided indicates lthat n 5 mthere rarelno Review exceedances of the North Carolina Groundwater Standards * , ,; (2L) for chromium and lead in samples analyzed, for dissolved constituents according to Groundwater Section trM�Jx Al policy on metals determination. If you have any comments or questions, you may contact me or Kay Dechant at (828) 251-6208 . p'I i Sincerely Donald R. Link, L.G. Regional Groundwater 4-,- Supervisor ,-Y > � \lkd ' V.,A . _ •r• ^`T cc: Arthur Mouberry R� Don Greene INT[PbNAN6[IYILOINO,EY WOOOFIN PMCI,AEMEVILLE,NC 2 0101 4 4 1 4 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1AFFIRMATIV[ACTION EMPLOY9R•00%MYCLEB1199E POOT•GONEUM6R RAPER 2UPMII11pi1 3 0 1998 November 25, 1998 NC DENR-DWM UST Section Asheville Regional Office Interchange Building 59 Woodfin Place Asheville,NC 28801-2414 Attention: Ms. Kay Dechant RE: Chrome and Lead Analyses for Groundwater at the Cranston Print Works Facility, Fletcher, North Carolina,AES Project# 8404.01 Dear Ms. Dechant: Alpha Environmental Sciences, Inc. is providing this additional summary letter to provide clarification for recent sampling and analysis results for the above referenced facility. As we recently discussed with you, Alpha has resampled the monitoring well in question, specifically monitoring well MW-4 (Alpha number) and analyzed the sample for both total chrome and total lead as well as dissolved chrome and dissolved lead. The results were recently reported to our client and show that the dissolved levels are at or below 2L Groundwater Standards for both metals. As we discussed with you, it is our understanding based on a hand written faxed diagram that the well resampled by Pace Analytical identified as MW-3 matches with the well Alpha identified as MW4; therefore, Pace's results from MW-3 and Alpha's results from MW-4 are the same well. hi addition, we have contacted our analytical testing laboratory to confirm the sample preparation method. The laboratory confirmed that their sample method was in accordance with EPA method 3030K which utilizes a microwave oven to heat the sample rather than the hot plate used in method 3030C; however, all of the parts of the method are exactly the same. Therefore, as we understand it, the sample collection and sample preparation and analysis were carried out in accordance with State guidelines and the metal sampling requirements under NC DENR. Should you have any question with regard to the information contained in this letter or concerning the results, please do not hesitate to contact us. PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTALCONSJL LTING Engineering Services Provided by Alpha Engineering Services, PA Corporate Office: Service Office: 367 DELLWOOD RD., SUITE A-2, POST OFFICE BOX 31 660 RIVERLAND DRIVE, UNIT B WAYNESVILLE,NC 28786 • 828-452-3449/ FAX 452-7828 CHARLESTON,SO29412.843-795-1220/FAX 795-1296 Respectfully submitted,' " Alpha Environmental Sciences,Inc. Roger D.Moore,P:G. Professional Geologist/Division Manager RDM:dps � l T) CRANSTON PRINT WORKS CO C�MLU D WEBSTER DIVISION ) 6 2 WORCESTER ROAD. WEBSTER, MA 01570 0130 508 943-0520 `d FAX 508-943-3468 �—•-- •- . Section BY FACSIMILE: 828/251-6452 AND A&tevu=Regmnel OffOffice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 11, 1998 Mr. Don Link Groundwater Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 59 Woodfin Place Asheville,NC 28801 Re: Groundwater Sampling Fletcher, North Carolina Facility Dear Mr. Link: As follow up to sampling we conducted at our Fletcher Facility and submitted to you in a letter dated October 20, 1998, Owen Manufacturing had monitoring well MW-4 resampled. Enclosed please find the results of this sampling which was conducted by Alpha Environmental Sciences Inc. In their letter to Owen Manufacturing Alpha noted that results for chromium and lead were at or below the 2L groundwater standards for the dissolved analyses. They concluded that these results, the recent results obtained by Pace Labs and information in the State's files indicate that no further action is recommended. If you concur with this recommendation or have any questions or concerns please contact Don Greene at our Fletcher Plant at 828/684-6411 Ext. 204 or 828/684-8634 or myself at 508/943-0520 Ext. 756 Sincerely, Henry A. Donaldson Manager Safety and Environmental Services cc: D. Greene T. Palazzo AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY i 672 11/05/98 15:54 %Y401 943 6791 CRANSTON PRINT 16009 .NOV-05-98 THU 10145 AM 0, D, OWEN NANUFROTURING FRX Nu, (U9 i_aa uaul . �1—pg-1998 9=35P*� Als, PUA h KL1M HL✓rw—G���irti.urricry�..� �•-�•�. ••�•• • I I I I I1111111111 111111111111111 November 5, 1998 Owen MarrufaetVring Post Office Box 457 Swennanoa,NC 29778 Attention: NIr_William?Ott RE; Resampling of MW-4 for the Limited Phase U Site Assessment, Cranston Print Works.Facility,Fletcher,North Caroline, AES Project 0 8404.01 Dear.Mr. Pott: In accordance with your request, Alpha Ettviro nmmtal Sciences, 1ne. has resaznpled monitoring well n=bered MW-4 at',the above referenced facility in order to co�rnn the detections of chrome and lead originally reported in our Limited Phase II Site t��mow ent dated September 28, 1998. The return visit included prop P >�$ of monitoring well using a submersible battery aperated purge pump. Water was purged from the monitoring well until temperature and conductivity readings had stabilized indicating that the sample was representative of the surficial aquifer. A sample was then collected from the monitoring well, placed in a nitric,preserved polywethyllenbottle and placed' in an ice filled cooler on site. Chain'of-ousted. reeord shipped With the sample to the analytical testing laboratory. The sample was requested to be analysed for total and dissolved chromium and total curd dissolved lead, the two (Z) constituents which had exceeded Lhe 2L standards as noted in the Phase 11 Site Assessment. When tested using thane methods for comparison,the sample show lf the tlY different results indicating that a small amount of particulates is carrying cbxomium and lead into the groundwater sample. The dissolved results show the most accurate levels of the metal's constituents because the samples are. filtered in the laboratory prior to analysis. For monitoring Well MW4, the results show that chromium and lead are at or below the 2L goundwater standards for-the dissolved analyses. Based on these levels detected and relatively similar results detected in the aunples analyzed by Pace Analytical,we would recommend no further action with regard io'the chromium and lead in groundwater at this site. The State Santpiing and analysis which ended in 1987 dorcrrnined thal no further action wks necessary related to the cleanup of the cbr minrn e waste. We have reviewed the file information available at the Asheville Regional pppFLSSJONAL.'k'NVIIJON E-N-rALC(YNSULriNG Lngiacc,iat Scrn,n.16 provided 6y Alyhes t:,44inrcrinR SQn!I(es, PA svviag Office: Carpordle U1Fee-' 060 RrVL•RLANND 121tM,UNIT 8 11/05/98 15:54 %2401 943 6791 CRANSTON PRINT Z 004 kV-05-98 THU 10:45 AM C, D. OWEN MANUFACTURING MA NU, (U4 400 uaui yy4 y;:t AM T--XUM ALNNA-•tNVI1KUNM&1NIAL /IOuflyG/iSEL7 I the assessment of the waste release and with concerning the site, both with regard to rogatd to sampling and monitoring arid the termination of monitoring upon achieving clean samples for a period of several yws. We would recommend no furthstion tion, therefore, regarding the metals detected at the site. Should you have any q regard to the information contained iu our report, please do not hesitare to contact us. Respmotfully submitted, Alpha Environmental Sciences,Inc. I Roger D, Moore,P.G. Professional Geologist/Division Manager RDM:dps I 11/05/98 15:54 V401 949 6791 CRANSTON PRINT (6005 NOV-05-98 THU 10:46 AM C. D. OWEN NANUFACTURiNG FAX U. ru4 [aa uaui w Lrnw 6lvv anus URING .r...... .. II I �I (,W9:TON 1PIU14T WORKS ANALy'T1CAL RESULTS—CHROMIUM AND LEAD MONITORING WELL MW-A RESULTS DiCAC ZL STANDARD m m Chromium Total- ug1~ltere 0.25 0.05 Chromium-Dissolved 0:05 • 0.05 Lead Total-nnYiltered '10.01 0.015 0.005 0.015 Lead-DI$SOIVed i i i z'DozADsap eusto.rr� u�nos sYaaurbag ;c adzoJ .fmzy SDSTb�J WCTroYeD y�ioN 65006# d0prmuag 83Sa'N tm1bQ�L(6EM U&UugE7K 907DO�f �FuTzFd DELAb# SSSRQa{=7 ZI£6# e�kpi'xQ asssa'uuay fdHxSsraH�jQ � LzoCOALL# SAOS�e9'�3i13�� ANC KHd'SK luamgae�OV 7� =ant;;o aA,F�naex3 iaT�a Al 'eCTOxaouts • stsoc0sanb .tug oAeq peX ;t aor;;o Yne 10ezu00 0; aaesTsau you op aseaTd (s) aaaus s;sdTeue PZMO'e"p- laN3 uo urous ass e:jTneaz a4S 'SE-E -d3D OIF sa/Pue sa:k"M Pup lagvm 3o s?sdTeuy aka sc; spoRnayi Fld3 :9irfl-MS tenupLi mAS4M ptTog aKy `uOSs?p3 R3BL/K3LS 9POgs1(� pXVVt 63S g37N 8 suoc,-1otuleLT ,Cxo�+�sog8j zno ut pamlo;sad gzsu�1]ace=duga�asa;as anoge atyy sno�S sad paidTeuo ua8q I P 10'$03�8: 7oaCoSd sXsom Otxssd uogeuea:, uotadtse6aaa14390:ld LOLOT861 8 guTyeay IeoiaeTeuv - ;au 9848z :)R 'aTT!ASOtfAvm Z"V a'A?ns P4oe( PO 'Ttaa L9E TV jU.SL .%T,.u,a egdtx asoot„� xa6og •3Yg 866T •2Z �agoa�o zL6t PPP77Od 1 yE£9•LL£(ie61uva aga- a8(tOfi1 tit8b +si'aP(dwayQ PY97daAm7ioaRMib6it �r�sx •axrs�nsxoa �nu1 s 'tv]OY aZtL%sa �� 1, o££9LZ£i6£ Ti=9T 8E6tlZL/0i i0 3�Jbd G ,� 8Z8L�5790L '1V1N3WN0211;nN3—VHelb wOti3 Wd9£'6 8661�90-•l l _ f��n cc� } ni nu vu.l nNimn.l.OvAnNVW N3M0 TO WV 9b:0I nH.1 96-90-AON 900PI Mud NOIGNVHO T9L9 M TOtQ 99:9T 96/90/TT �` i ��,t�tOt�LOBa9 I i 2/Bb' ot°'0 pYin tze4 as 66/YL/,ot cirt too'o a/m, SOO'0 yeAtossSa - 7�'1 SZOL QL 96/LL/Ot 4rot L00'0 /6m 50'D pan'(06etQ - wltcWgl�(: OfiSL dt 86/ZC/OZ SESS [0'O /6m SZ'O LLRiS'07nL- 06LL 3C H6/2L/fit SZST f00 sxtnt'I azzxa IrMSI c Asa= a0zZw �s g3Z1[$IM a�� s �ozsasssa s6rtvot= a-AEQ ®Zaaiss b-MW eldS snoec Y�S14w ro-co�ots6 az qu7 aaa LOLOt66 zagmng zaps0 7x3 86/�?/OZ PaAizztt a�>QQ es(soM au?xg cto7au�s, as >t5 ', 98LBL 7� 'ntSFneaw[��y i L-� �afn5 peon pad+TTBC t9E LO' BOir9 # zaa[ozd ® szam+soxS�exQ Q*tdT� sluebi ]uatij� 3 v�3 vyva sisx''Ir►����xOeu o cztztcsos� ztsaceas OX I JVjLNUW OIIJAM '�NI aKLL't11BN07 al3 9£E9LMM LC:9T 6fi6TiZZlaT ZB '30vd WV9E°6 Et661-59-1I. Tncn Pp.; t,n)RnU uH�L ,v��1N1N�(ll�dj(1NdW N3M0 4 '0� Wd 9b Ot f1HL. 96-50-nbN L00[ Mud N019MVE0 T6L9 M I06$ 99:9T 96/90/TT k' CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD OCT] ; Enviramnentai TesUnp & Consulting, IRc. ETC Work 0(der: 1 Ire 2926 Walnut Grove Rd. Memphis, TN 3B1 tl {3011327.2750 FAX(9011327-6334 a c Fars R+auRa jlflfaySTl1 RBQ088t LLo " oraponV Hare Phone R : (B aY��52• 34`1q - cn l NC • Fe71/ : 41.E 452- -1$2Y RUSH {{1o[e ecial QeteCtian IirDiU o!rt(ethodll r�.P T Proje0f/5iue RD! • � Q D PzINY We wo4Y5 PC I CtMK1ow o " pIHInK J Pro Qu 1 GM oLI.OI t Westovretcr 4 Sludge tiv C o 2 Aqueous SOT dveM r o = 30 " Pwyarl Mm"Wicontact 6 Other o-Y y m FOr.cq- Mcottr✓ a seUrsafinMM r� SemrAe 5ampt+ Type z S Comments f rn l01 Semple U I=E o canS ID/thxober Osplh Date. Time Magus Grah(Comp - N �9 r GaaCi z :c - ' •a a z Ttn H I�Z (C� 1 z - cH s n u u c c c Sarr9fed BY IAWt d of S119m+n rds/ 1 ®leCooter Temp ROnerks - c tie t ¢p,M f Fr��K OATS TIME Ser�1P Daiwa"Oroup 1D RftLhlQUIS`ED BY Ldan1 OATF THE RECEIVED BY isl®n1 -�T .4xk +� Nt Gt.4z..LSS. �021-aIQ. 1loW WE TIME BELl—wulsiao BY tFg,) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY (sign) AE,CEIVUD BY LAB (Prfnits;gn) DATE OUISRED BY ldpnl DRTE TI AtE t a+to Na Idwraeory. Pirdc Oapy lot Eidd Crerr. a:e�aoCslao�eaea+r�xSs r� DlrlrauGen: OryVurl aM Velour sresmpaCy+emPl o OricInd CODY returMd w71h(IVM+.YePe W COPY far ETC,NM flies. o m NTIV. -I1' 99(W'ED) 15 42 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 002 CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY WEBSTER DIVISION 2 WORCESTER ROAO. WEBSTER,MA 01570-0130 50&94&0520 FAX 508-943-3460 BY FACSRwMk: 829/251-6452 AND CERTIFIED MAIL. RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 11, 1998 Mr.Don Link Groundwater Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 59 Woodfin PIace Asheville,NC 28801 Re: Groundwater Sampling Fletcher,North Carolina Facility Dear Mr.Link: As follow up to sampling we conducted at our Fletcher Facility and submitted to you in a letter dated October 20, 1998, Owen Manufacturing had monitoring well MW-4 resampled. Enclosed please find the results of this sampling which was conducted by Alpha Environmental Sciences Inc. In their letter to Owen Manufacturing Alpha noted that results for chromium and lead were at or below the 2L groundwater standards for the dissolved analyses. They concluded that these results,the recent results obtained by Pace Labs and information in the Stata's files indicate that no further action is recommended. If you concur with this recommendation or have any questions or concerns please contact Don Greene at our Fletcher Plant at 829/684-6411 Ext. 204 or 828/684-8634 or myself at 508/943-0520 Ext. 756 Sincerely, XW -) Henry A Donaldson Manager Safety and Environmental Services cc: D. Greene T. Palazzo P AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY srl NOV. -11' 9B(WED) 15:43 WEBS,TERR ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 003 FAX TfMSMrffAL CRANSTON PRINT.WORKS COMPANY WEB$TER DIVISION 2 WORCESTER ROnO_WEES)ER. MA•)iS7"130 PRONG:(1Q3)M-w2Q ASSCRAN(CALENCR<EEUNd.PAX(SOE)943A46E a 0 M on f o>r iv�?) VV DATE: _ lwj /O /9FZP k/e ty Own-a,- FROM: /Jt 4 f' / d S TO: {/ COMPANY: �3 FAX NUMBER: Number of pages including this cover sheet: COMMENTS: Ca 1Z Al c. f r9 eAQ, AN EMPLOYEE-OwNEO COMPANY NOV, -11' 98(WED) 15:43 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 004 11/05/98 15:54 TP401 943 0791 CRANSTON PRINT NOV-05-88 THU 10:45 AM C, D. OWEN MANUFACTURING FAX NU:—0 cat) UUUI �003 . 17—fly-1598 9=351U`I rf2UM /iLvrv+�ervv lnW.n•s..i..ti ,---- All • IIIi111111111N 111111111Ililli November s; 1998 • Owen Msnuf ieniring Post Office Box 457 Swannanoa,NC 29778 Attention: Mr_William Pott RR: Resatmpling of MW-4 for the I.imS[ed Phase II Site Assessment, Cranstoa print WotRs,Facilityr Fletcher,North Carolina, ARS1 Project#8404.01 1 Dear.Mr. Pott: In accordance with your inquest, Alpha Environmental Sciences. lno. has recampled monitoring well numbered MW-4 at the above refewneed facility in otdm'to confam the detections of ehmme and load originally reporrod in our Limited Phase ll Site Assessment dated Septembor 28, 1999. The retrun visit included proper purging of the shallow monitoring, well using a submersible battery OP=1dd forgo pump. Water•was purged from the tnorritoring well until temperature and Conductivity readings had stabilized indicating that the sample was representative of the stir5taal aquifer. A sample was than collected.from the monitoring well, placed in a nitric,preserved polyetl+ylene bottle and placed in an ice filled cooler on site. Chain�of-custody record was Completed and shipped with the sample to the analytical testing laboritcay. The saruple was requested to be analywd for total and dissolved chromium and total sold dissolved lead, the two (2) constituents which lad' exceeded the 2.L stmndards as noted in the Phase dI Site Assessment. When tested using these methods for comparison,rba samples show slightly different results indicating that a small amount of particulatuts is carrying same of the chromium and Iead into the gmundWater sample. The dissolved residua show the most accurate levels of the meral's const[6ents because the samples are, filtered in the laboratory prior to analysis, For monitoring well M W-4,the results show that chrolniu M and lead are at or below the ZL groundwater standards far the dissolved analyses. Based on thefts levels detected sad relatively Similar peclis detected in the samples aaalyzad by Pace Analytical.we would recorrsmead no further action w9th regard is the chromium and, lead in groundwater at this site. T11e State sampling.and analysis whiob ended in 1997 determined that no further action%49 necessary related to the cleanup of the ebromiurn waste. We have revicw*a the file information available at the Asheville Regional Offlee i PR(.)r—S51UNA1.V.NV1RONW,VTALCGN'+uLT]NGi Cnpi,wrriet h•roico*Peet/ea by A104 DWieerrier SNr104 PA 9ervip Office. --t:urp�rRtlC1�N6�:+-Twrnrrr.nrvv ,i 560RIVE•1l ANDPR1Va.IINIT5 NOV. -I1' 98(WED) 15:44 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 005 kV �0011/05/98 15:54 '$401 043 5781 CRANSTON PRINT -05-98 THU 10:45 AM C. D. OWEN h1ANUFAC'1"uRINU PM NU. Iu4 COO uaul 4 11';IaS-1t:s S J,ESPM rKUM aU+w.--hNv1MJNMMNIHI- 0W&&tGltfdtl ' ~• � II 1 concerning the site, both with regard to the assasanegt of the waste release and with regard to sampling and monitoring acid the tennin'ticm of monitoring upon achieving clean samples for a period of soveral years. We would recommend no further acdva. therefore, regarding the metals detooted at the site. Should you halm 5ny questivn with regard to tho information contained in our report,plaaae do not hesitam to contact us. Respectfully WbraiTt4 Alphg Euvironmenthl Selenees,Ina. Roger b,Moore,P.O. Professional GevloeietlDivision Manager i • RDM-.dps t i NOV, -11' 98(WED) 15:44 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 006 11/05/08 15:54 V401 040 6701 CRANSTON PRINT U 005 NOV-05-88 T U 10:4 r•6 Aft .�' .OWEN t1RNUFROTURING FAX NU. fu4 Ou Wul 1. V41 w, AWWi f , M09TON YRINT W(iM S AHALYTI AL RESULTS WE d AND LIAD - R.1.M RESULTS WCAC M,STANDARD Chromic Total-unflter 0.25 0.05 Chromium-Dissolved 0.05 0.05 Lead oral-lmfdtered ' 0.01 0.035 Lead-Dissolved 0.005 0.015 I I l NOV. -11' 98(WED) 15:44 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 007 11/05/96 15:55 V401 943 5791 OWSTON PRINT ®008 NCV-a-s THU 10,48 AM C,D, OMEN MANUFACTUKINU 1-1m nu• iu4 eazi uQui 17 E5-1998 9.36AM FROM ALPHA-EW;RE)NmEt4TAL 7244527628 P4GE 01 10/22/1990 16:11 =3275334 VCI ZNMONy1maz.TFS'TINGleCONSVLMNO.IPIc. EM 44Ytti wal>*taG�o.c Yoa4�p¢mplds,tN t19111�(901)EQrgt70�FA%(9011397•ti#14 . Fowedtd 19� October 22, 1998 Mr. Roger Moors Alpha Environmental 367 Dellwood Road Suite A-Z wayhesrille. KC 20786 Rafe PZalytical Testing ETC Order • 9830707 Project DeaCriptiOr �c=anstca Print works Project .8404.01 I The above reEeraaFed projncr; ttae been analysed Pas your inacructiora- The Analydsaen re performed in our laborwtozy WastetMmnuale5w1e 6stEPA Methord ds ZOVlthe/SathAnsly�so£n6ater The Sa}id and Rastee and/or 40 CPR part 136. The results are shove on tkI attached analysis sheet Is) please dv apt hesitate to contact our Office i£ you have any ` questions. sincerely. 2Satli pera, IV Cb109 Executive Officer rt Attachment i AL4FDl ESiP I Cert1fications i Tennessee 1tTN0a0a7 OkSah9oma3 #9311 Arkansas Alabama #40739 j V4rg4nia #00506 KentuCJ� Y900s7 Usa�t�2W8 OFsayuXeers NGz'th Ca�.'o11Aa Oj-015 $curb Carelind 04 0 02 002 " NOV. -11' 9B(WED) 15:45 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 008 11/06/98 15:65 V401 943 0701 CRANSTON PRINT NOV-05-99 THU 10!49 AM C.D. %EN MUFROTURING hm NU. (ULI ezz UOUL �007 11-25-1993 9.36AM FROM ALPHa-EWIIRonWENTPL 704452182d VY'e Oarr 112 10122:199H 16:11 901327633a ETC MVIROMMMITAL C.ID,< a N�[®vr1 ue 3NSULTINi z&.11 ' IN01tgAmc,NAj gM DATA 631M Client Name Alpha Invlronmeatal project 0 3404.0i 3s? neuvood ae+ad suiea A-a N/ayaeavilla• J=C 20796 Site xn Cranston Print Worse I Date Arrived 1042/913 F,CC Qrder Number 9930707 j ETC Lab 10 99WW-al Marrta :siQ17BOM SHPY !DO NW-4 j sample Data :30r11f98 DML-ZZCN TZw aArs SL6T Itism+T 'QFi�2 LrlsiT A1(ItxY$i77 atT11LYLED HY JtOGTAG'D - pp.yyp� 0.25 WL O.D3 1.529 30/Z3/9E OF 7,190 rOq��� _ a;OF01vRd 0.05 wp/L 0.03 1525 1D/'22/90 or 7330 4Ead - aiS0e1v06 '0-OUS mg/L 0.002 3.4X7 7.0/Z2/90 TV 7491 Wad 0.010 m1r. 0.092 1417 10/2;190 TO 1421 i I RSDIiAI A�>7A � „ z CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORDag fnvitamnanuil Testing&Consulting, Inc. eJ1 ETC Walk Order: 292E Walnut Grove Rd. co m N"his,TN 36111 �� m o i901i327.2750 FAK(9011327-6334 sc qmw v aana Fa9na A:CB Z9 Y3t 3Y`i9 , F.s Nwutm Analysis Requessed kpitf, CNS. �CVCS -S IhK.- FyM/: 4C><. ySZ-'T@ZI RUSH1NDI0 aCial d'eteCllDn lir0lLS Ol mepladlf io m Prgjaaisiu p 3g C.Eyy+KToN f i1NT (a100.1Cs PC i J � 9e91au/ MsIdK E Stud a �1{O+i gal sNa71•waur p 5 L_a ProjNel_lAutWw`(C,annCC 111Waouc - OARdsero - = 3 p6Cr Q_ i'r¢em 310111SS&Ai M y `Q A cn P U f sat swrpf. 5am�a Sam9L TYP• •5 V cammunts Sm m c i cane RII IF.mbx oroa. [L[• Tim• MNo7+ "hr- ]2w a 3 mw- LA ID Zt aQ Ma 2 -- ---- --- - - - S.� a ac a ' •z 1 �so - �x2 -3 C: G f, m M1 e u .P u w u 'A smpl•d By IAI?md of"omn, llelptj[pdk+YkmY Remarks gAm RuEy, 4ME 6n pla Dd Ivery efaV 10 O+Im TIME pppF1WED By kips/ M7F �sau�1 a ih r-^JA l4 t l Alt 14 46 attYiGtlISHED DP idpnl DA11F Y1MC BFLEIYED BY (si9ni Dllff TIME BY ltFa1 DATE TI►tE 11ECEIUBD BY LAS (Prinds;9n) — DATE Tvm - QU15NED t ,a a7nridulisnl CripTxl.nlY®Emv.raemP�+M•rupGafn N•IiwrtuY.Piri% 'Y tar liod Claw. auc�a�ancocauans o 4rida+l e4W?mWm.4 with NW II.Y09orr COY tar EYE,IM aNr. � � DAL CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMP WEBSTER DIVISION p Q d 2 WORCESTER ROAD. WEBSTER, MA 015700130 D 5089430520 5089 � 2 6 FAX 508- 4334-346e BY FACSEKME: 323/251-6452 AND C 0!jndw&-Section CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Asheville Re¢ional�_ t October 20, 1998 Mr. Don Link Groundwater Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Groundwater Sampling Fletcher, North Carolina Facility Dear Mr. Link: In our letter of October 13, 1998, we reported lead and chromium levels above groundwater standards in one of seven monitoring wells that were sampled as part of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment conducted at our Fletcher Facility. We have resampled this well and four other wells in the same general area as stated in our letter. The results of that resampling are enclosed for your review. Please note that no chrome levels exceeded standards. A lead value of 0.025 mg/I was detected in Well No. 3. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Don Greene at our Fletcher Plant at 828/684-6411 Ext. 204 or 828/684-8634. Sincerely, cif �L Henry A. Donaldson Manager Safety and Environmental Services cc: D. Greene T. Palazzo P AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY oum - 10/20/98 10:04 V1 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT 10004/011 -Rom: PACE ANALYTICAL FAX NO . : 704 252 4618 10-20-98 08:30A P .01 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. A 54 Ravenscroft Drive PaceA w.+l.�+ie.�l Asheville, NC 28801 Tel: 704.254-7176 KAsh�eyflle P 704-252.4618 � 26WOctober 2G. 1998 ' ondwale-Section Re ional Office I Mr. Donald Greene Cranston Print Works Co. Fletcher Division US Route 25 Fletcher. MC 28732 RE: Pace Project Number: 931717 Client Project ID: Monitoring Well Sites Dear Mr. Greene: Enclosed are the results of analysis for sample(s) received by the laboratory an October 16. 1998. If you have any questions concerning this report. please feel free to contact me. Sincerely. ;.1 M1, 4.11-0 Jennifer 3ones Project Manager Enclosures i Abnre cN Ced&g& OgQk TN l Drinking Water ton I00 NC Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS FLEnvironmemlal 96387 NC Arinlong Water 37712 1 hts report shMI-ot be reproduced,exceol -`. SC 6nmronmental 99030 without thf.written consent of Pace Analytical SeNl-"s, Irc - 10/20/98 10:04 'al 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT 10005/011 FROM: PALE ANALYTICAL FAX NO. : 704 252 4618 10-20-98 08131P P.02 Pace Analytical Services.Inc. 54 Ravenscroft Drive P l Asheville,NO 288D1Ad C Mwa1Y+:n'I Tel.704 25d 7176 Fax:704.252-4618 DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 1 Cranston Print Works Co. Pace Project Number: 931717 Fletcher Division Client Project ID: Monitoring Well Sites US Route 25 Fletcher. NC 28732 Attn: Mr, Donald Greene Phone: (704)884-6411 Solid results are reported on a vet weight basis Pate Sample No; 9378157 Date Collected; 10/16/98 Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: PACE MW #5 Date Received: 10/16/98 Parameters Results Units PRL Analyzed Analyst C45# Footnotes Metals ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium NO mg/L 0,02 lo/19/98 KEK 7440.47.3 Date Digested 10/17/98 Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 20OF Lead 0.005 mg/L 0.005 10/19/98 UK 7439.92.1 Date Digested 10/17/98 :ati� _a Geniflcaion IDs, TN Dri>QfY- 98Q NO Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water FL EnNronrn4ntal 96317 96317 NC Drinking Water 37712 Thls report shall not be reproduced,except In full, SC Environmental 99030 without the written consent of pace AnaiAlcal Services.Inc, 10/20/98 10: 05 '—'tl 1 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT U006/011 FR011: PACE ANALYTICAL FAX No . : 704 252 4618 1e-20-98 00:31R P .93 Pace Analytical Services,Inc, .. 54 Ravenscroft Drive Datro Anawtlral Asheville, NO 28801 Tel:704.254.7175 Fax: 704.252-4618 DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 2 Pace Project Number: 931717 Client Project ID: Monitoring Well Sites Pace Sample No: 937817S Date Collected: 10/16/98 Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: PACE PM #4 Date Received: 10/16/98 Parameters Results Units PRL Analyzed Analyst CAS# Footnotes Metals ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium ND mg/L 0.02 10/19/98 KEK 7440.47.3 Date Digested 10/17/9a Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 200F Lead NO mg/L O.005 10/19/98 KEK 7439.92-1 Date Digested 10/17/98 Laboratory 0-nificatlon IOv I„a¢nratory CanificaUon IDs NC Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water 02980 FL Environmental 95317 NC Drinking Water 37712 This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, SC Environmental 39030 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc, 1U/2U/08 10:05 Ul 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT L0007/011 FROM , PACE ANALYTICAL FAX NO . ! 704 252 4618 10-20-98 0813iP P.04 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 54 Raverlscroft Drive Pare Ana Xtleal Asheville,NC 28801 T81: 704-254-7176 Fax:704 252 4618 DATE: 10/20/96 PAGE: 3 Pace Project Number: 931717 Client Project ID: Monitoring Well 51tes Pace Sample No: 9378183 Date Collected: 10/16/98 Matrix: Water client Sample ID: PACE MW #3 Date Received: 10/16/98 Parameters Results Units PRL Analyzed Analyst CAS# Footnotes Metals ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium NO mg/L 0.02 10/19/98 KEK 7440-47.3 Date Digested 10/17/98 Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 20OF Lead 0.025 mg/L 0.005 10/19/98 KEK 7419.92.1 Date Digested 10/17/98 j,38oratonr CertificetigpflQ Labo/a�ory GedlficatiopjQ9. 02980 NC Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drmrom Water 90317 FL Environmenlai 98317 NC CrinWig water 37712 This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, SC Environmental 99030 wimholu the written consent of Pare Analytical Services.Inc, 10/20/98 10:06 ^p1 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT Z 008/011 FROAi PACE ANALYTICAL FAX NO , : 704 252 4618 10-20-98 08 :31A P.05 Pace Analylieal 5ervlces,Inc. 54 Ravenscroft Drive Pace Analytical Asheville,NC 29801 Tel.704-254-7176 Fax:704-262 4618 OATf: 10/20/9B PAGE: 4 Pace Protect Number: 931717 - Client Protect I0: Monitor1ng Well Sites Pace Sample No: 9378191 Date Collected: 10/16/98 Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: PACE MW #2 Date Received: 10/16/96 Parameters Results Units PAL Analyzed Analyst CASit Footnotes Metals ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 chromium NO mg/L 0.02 10/19/90 KEK 7440.47-3 Date Digested 10/17/99 Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239,2 Prep Method: EPA 20OF Lead 0.014 mg/L 0.005 10/19/98 KEK 7439.92.1 Date Digested 10/17/98 ulkgP mt CeniflcationJPA TN Driatory G Water tlon 80 NC Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water FL Gnuronmenta 9a317l s6917 NO orihking water a7712 This report shall not be reproduced,except 1n lull, SC Environmental 99030 whhoul the written consent of Pace An®lYtical Services, Inc. r 10/20/98 10:06 ^C1 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT 10009/011 FROM: PRICE RNRL4TICRL FRX NO . : 784 252 4618 10-20-98 98 :31R P.06 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 54 Ravenscroft Drive Pace A ..alyloca1 Asheville,NG 28891_ Tel:704-254-7176 Far.: 704.252-4618 DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 6 Pace Project Number: 931717 Client Project ID: Monitoring well Sttes Pace Sample No: 93-18209 Date Collected: 10/16/98 Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: PACE MH #1 Date Received: 10/16/98 Parameters Results Units PRL Analyzed Analyst CAS# Footnotes Metals ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium NO mg/L .0.02 10/19/98 KEK 7440.47.3 Date 01gosted 10/17/98 Lead by Furnace, Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 200F Lead ND mg/L 0.005 10/19/98 KEK 7439-92.1 Date Digested 10/17/98 1 ehn,olnN CPrI fIC9gOn IOS Laboralory 5'ed&Btian IDa REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water- 02800 NC Wastewater 40 FL Environmental 08317 NC Drinking Water 37712 This report shall not he reproduced.except in full, SC Environmental 99030 without the written consent of pace Analytical Services,Inc. 10/20/98 10: 06 1 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT 16010/011 FROM PACE ANALYTICAL FAX NO. : 704 252 4618 10-20-98 08 :32A P.07 Pace AnalytiCal 58/VIC0, Inc, 54 Ravenscrott Drive P..rp Analytical Asheyille,NG 28601_ ra�c r.� �a� Tel.704 254 7176 Fax:704.262,4618 DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 6 Pace Project Number: 931717 Client Project I0! Monitoring Well Sites Pace Sample No: 9378217 Date Collected: 10/16/9B Matrix: water Client Sample 10: EQUIPMENT BLANK Date Received: 10/16/98 Parameters Results Units PRL Analyzed Analyst CAS# Footnotes Metals iCP Metals Method: EPA 20C.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium NO mg/L 0.02 10/19/98 KEK 7440-47-3 Date Digested 10/17/98 Lead by Furnace, Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 20OF Lead NO mg/L 0.006 10/19/98 KEK 7439-92.1 Date Digested 10/17/98 I eborato�emificadon IDg I, 6oratory Carrflcaticn IDS REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water 02980 NC Wastewater 40 FL EnHronme tal 96317 NC Drinking Water 37712 This report shell not be reproduced,except In lull, SC Environmental 99030 wilhodt the written Consent of Pace Analgticsl Services,Inc. 10/20/98 10:07 L)1 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT tQ011/011 F,ROn: PACE ANALYTICAL FRX NO. : 704 252 4618 10-20-98 08:32R P.08 Pace Analytical Servlees,Inc. 54 Ravenscroft Drive Pace Analytical Asheville.NG 28801 Tel!704.254-7176 Fax;704,262-4618 DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 7 Pate Project Number: 931717 Client Project ID; Monitoring Nall Sites PARAKTER FOOTNOTES No Not DetecteC NC Not Calculable PRL Pace Reporting Limit Laboratory CertiA=ti;n IDs Laboratory.Ceriific1tQn IDs NC Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water 02980 NC Drinking Water 37712 This report shall net be reproduced,except in full, FL Environmental 06317 SC Enwironmental 99030 without the written conoenlef Pece Analytical Services,Ino, OCT. -20' 98ME11 15: 12 WEEB,SST,ERREENG•IIN+EERING TEELL:55008► 943 3468 P. 001 FAX 1 NS A � JL AL CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY WEBSTER DIVISION 2 WORCESTER ROAD_WEBSTER.4A 115704190 PHONE Mn M4520 MECHANICAL ENQnJEE X0 . FAX:009)943.3469 OCT 2 0 1998 GROL)NDWATER SECTION l ) ASHE'ILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DATE: QG FROM: HQ Y) r-/ 119od-J 66iq / y TO: Lo>i L �> L v 2 rou�,d Wry:der- Sic.I uo COMPANY: U01L CZ M/121 a LhP-t 90Y , �11 , R e.S FAX NUMBER: e_& ) D,5-)- 6 V,57 2. Number of pages including this cover sheet: COMMENTS: X�i AN E%AP1,CYE=-0WNE7 COMP"Y OCT. -20- 98(TUE) IS:13 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 002 CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY WEBSTER DIVISION 2 wCRCEsrFR ROAD.WE95TER.MA 01570-0130 50&9410520 FAX 509-943.3468 BY F'ACSEVII - 9281251-6452 AND CERTMED MAIL,RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED October 20, 1998 Mr.Don Link Groundwater Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 59 Wood$n Place Asheville,NC 28801 Re: Groundwater Sampling Fletcher,North Carolina Facility Dear Mr.Link: In our letter of October,13,1998,we reported lead and chromium levels above groundwater standards in one of seven monitoring wells that were sampled as part of a Phase A Environmental Site Assessment conducted at our Fletcher Facility. We have resampled this well and four other wells in the same general area as stated in our letter. The results of that resampling are enclosed for your review. Please note that no chrome levels exceeded standards. A lead value of 0.025 mgA was detected in Well No. 3. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Don Greene at our Fletcher Plant at 828/684-6411 Ext.204 or 828/684-8634. Sincerely, lien ry Donaldson,Manager Safety and Environmental Services cc: A Greene T.Palazzo P • AN EMPL[NEEAWNEO COMPANY �s7a OCT. -20' 98(TUE) 15: 13 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 003 I.0/20/98 10:04 ^p 1 704 884 SG34 CRANSTON PRINT Q 004/011 FROM1 PACE ANALYTICAL FAX NO .1 704 252 4618 10-20-50 00'san P.el Paco Analytical 5erwcas,Inc. 54 Ravertseroft Drive, Asheville,NO 28801 Par.@ Analytical Tel:704.2*7178 Fag:70d.252.4618 October 20, 1995 Mr. Donald Greene Cranston Print Works Co. Fletcher Million Us Route 25 Fletcher. NO 28732 RE: Pate Project Number: 931717 Client Project I0: Monitoring Well Sites Dear Mr_ Greene: Enclosed ore the results of analyses for aample(s) received by the laboratory an October 16, 1998. If you have arty Questions concerning this report. please feel free to contact me. Sincerely. Jennifer .lanes Project Manager Enclosures I n6nlatnN Gerliaealien IDS Leberatery CetUftaaticClQS NC Waslewatm 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water 02990 NC DAnkln9lMaler 07719 FL Envionmehlal 96317 Sc Environments' GRO30 This reportsheonet6ofPace oed,erceSwryl ll, wltnout th►wMOen consent of Pame AnaNecal Services,Inc. OCT. -20' 98(TUE) 15:13 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 004 • 10/20/98 10:04 ' 1 704 664 8834 CRANSTON PRINT U 005/011 FROM; PACE RNRL4TTCGL FAX Ne. % 704 252 4618 10-28-96 08131S P.e2 Pace Analytical SeNIG43.Im, 54 RavanseraM Drive n y a ati ry l Ashayllle,NO 288D1 P8rn Aria-- i 7e1:)0425d•71T6 Fax 704.252.481a DATE: 10/20199 PAW! 1 Print Works Co. Pace Project Humberi 931717 Cranston Client Project ID,. Monitoring Well Sites Fletcher DivicPrint cn Works US Route U Fletcher. NC 28732 Attn: Mr. Donald Creche Phone: (704)684.6411 gelid results are reported on a wet weight 1545t5 Pace Sample NO: 9378157 Date Collected: 10/16/9a Matrix-. Water client Savla 1D, PACE WW y5 Date Received: 1D/15/98 Parameters Results Units PAL Analyzed Analyst CA50 Fonriotes Metals ICP Metals Method% EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium ND m9/L 010Z 10/19/90 KEK 7440.47.3 Date Digested 10117/9a Lted by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method_ EPA 20OF Lead 0.005 mg/L 0.005 10/19/98 KEK 7439.92.1 Data Digested 10/17/99 t.,L..�Ig-.r,nftatlarl ICIe heb41gl9aC�ncetbn iDA NOWastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS 7NDrinkingWemr onMI NC Ddnking Water 37712 FL arrdronmvntal ea317 Thlr report shall nel be reproduced,ekeeDl In full, SC EAtdrenmenlal SSC30 w4heut th&wrllten consent v}Pace Amel0031$uNisas,Inc. OCT. -20- 98(TUE) 15:14 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 005 10/20/98 10:05 01 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT Cnos/all FRom1 PALE ANALYTICAL FAX 110. 1 704 252 4618 18-28-98 80131R P.03 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 54 Aavenicnoft Orive Dare Analy j egl AsheylllA,NC 28801 Tel:704.254.7175 Fax;704.252-46i4 DATE: 10/90/98 PAGE: 2 pace Pro?ecc Number: 931717 Client Project ID: Monitoring Yell Sites Paco Sample No: 937817S Date Collected: 10/29/98 matrix: eater Client Sample ID: PACE NH i4 Date Received: 19/16/98 Parameters Results units PAL Analyzed Analyst CASA Foatmtes Metals ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 thrcmium NO mg/L 0,02 10119/98 KEK 7440.47-3 Date Digested - os 10/17/98 Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 20OF Lead NO mg1L 0.005 10/19/98 KEK 7439.92-1 Data Digested p S 10/17/98 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS !N DrIn ing WAI I wallun Us NC Wastewater 4o TN DrinWng Water ozsao NO Dnnking mee 777i2 This report snail Rai be reproduced,except In full, FL EnHronm4ntal 90?17 SC EpNtoninotal 99030 without the written cement of Pane Analytleel Serv:eea IM OCT. -20' 98(TUE) 15: 14 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 006 l0/20/98 10:05 %Y1 704 684 8534 DxANSTUR rKilrl- FROM: PRcE RNRLVTICRL FAX 'MO. : 704 252 46te 18-20-99 Saf 131NrC, P-04 Pace AnalytICS1 84 Revenecrolt Drive Pane Analytlul Asheville,NC 28801 Tolt 704.254-7176 Fax:704 267 4618 DATE: 10/20/915 PAGE: 8 Pace Project Number: 931717 Client Project 10: Monitoring well Sites Pace sample No: 9375123 Date Collected: 10/16/98 Matrix: water C1,1ent Sample ID: PACE Hw #3 Date geceive4: 10/16/98 Peralaeters Results Units PAL Analyzed Analyst CAS# FootncteS Metals IV Metals method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium ND mg/L 0.02 10/19/98 KEK 7440-47-3 Date Digested 10/17/98 Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 200E Lead 0.025 mg& 0.006 10/19/98 KEK 7439.92-1 Date Di4asted 0 DIS 10/17/98 cwaaleWal001a1°4 oA" REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Dilr&gWater OWN FL UwArenmeMPLI 9e911 NC 0dnking Vrarer UT712 This repon Shall not to mpredueed,escepl In full. so Etnironmental 80= Oholp the when awasnl of Pace AnalVlieel SeNncee.Inc, OCT. -10- 98(TUE) 15:14 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 007 - -10/20/95 10:08 V1 704 584 8634 CRANSTON PRINT 0 008/011 PROM PACE ANALYTICAL FAX NO., 704 252 4610 1e-20-90 08131A P.05 Pace Analytical ServIc8s,Inc. 54 Revanscrott Olive ASDaville,NC 28801 Tel:7D4.264.7176 Fix:7D4252 4918 DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 4 Pace project Number: 931717 Cliant Project I0= Monitoring Well Sites Pico Sample No: 9378192 gate Collected: 10/16/98 Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: PALE PW#2 Date Received: 10/26199 Parameters Results Units PRL Analyzed Analyst CASs Footnotes Metal ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chromium ND mg/L 0.92 10/19198 KEK 7440.47.3 Date Digested 10/17/98 Lead by Furnace, Method 239.2 119thad: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 20OF Lead 0.014 mg1L 0405 10/19/98 KEK 7439.92.1 Date Digested 10/17/96 Nowaineweler 4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS I raomro finer a 80 NCWeeleweter 4a 7N onnklnq Waxer oeseo NDDrinkM§Vftler 27712 FL EnNrommenlitl 96317 SC Eriviranmerael 99030 This report Shia no[be ertepl In full, wir�ul the wrllUM1 coheent of P POCEete h0910ca191rv1rc5,Ins. OCT. -20' 98(TOE) 15:15 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 008 10/20/98 10:00 V1 704 684 8834 CRANSTON PRINT U 009/011 FROM: FACE ANALYTICAL FAX NO. : 7e4 252 4618 1e-20-98 96;31A P.e6 Pace Analytical SeTVICeS,Inc. 34 Ravenscroll Drive Asheville,NO 20091 Tel:704.254.7176 Far:704.=-4618 DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE; 5 Pace Project Number: 931717 client Project 10: monitoring Well Sites Pace sample ND: 9378209 Date Collected: 10/16/98 Matrix• eater client 5apple 10: PACE w Data Received: 19/16/99 Parameters Resul is Units PAL Anatyaed Analyst CASA1 Footnotes Metals ICP Metals Method: EPA 200.7 Prep Method; EPA 3010 Chromium NO mg/L 0.02 10/19/90 KEK 7440.47.3 note Digested 10/17/08 Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method; EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 200F Lead ND n9/L 0.005 10/19/98 KEK 7439-92.1 Date Digested 10117/99 LvEorwlev rcAlfemrion IOa mho 1 ry CenMewtlon IDa NC Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TIN DrInftWolof 02090 NC Drinking Water 37712 FL Ilh0onmenlal e6317 9C Envirormlenlal 9300p This o w ip shill not t reproduced.except rvfull, wilheut Ih4 wrillan consent pAGe Analytical Servlcel,Inc. OCT. -20' 98(TUE) 15:15 WEBSTER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 009 ' 10/20/98 10:06 V1 704 084 8634 CRANSTON PRINT Q D10/011 FROMI PACE ANALYTICPL FAN Na,1 704 252. 4619 10-20-90 09;52A P.07 Pace Ahawcal services,Inc, 54 Bavenscroft Drive Pace Anal ..�:.,�1 A9havllle,NC 20601_ n__ Tel.704.254.7176 Fox:70d.262+d01e DATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 6 Pace Project Number: 931727 client Project 1D: Monitoring Well Sites Pace Ssmple No: 9378217 Data Calletted: 10/16/93 Matrix: Water client Sample ID: EOUIPMEWT BLANK Date Received, 10/16/98 ParAffwurs Results Uhits PAL Arwlyted Analyst CASH• Footnotes Metals 1CP Metals Method: EPA 2011.7 Prep Method: EPA 3010 Chroellum NO m9/L 0.02 10119/98 KEK 7440.47-3 Dote Digested 20/17/99 Lead by Furnace. Method 239.2 Method: EPA 239.2 Prep Method: EPA 20OF Lead ND mg/L o.oa5 10/19/98 KEK 7439.92.1 Date Digested 10/17/9A t aba[dl4tis®nlRcerien lDs I e6oralo �eAlat rl Ne Waslawaler as REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking Water 929e0 NODApkingweler 3771z FLEodnmenlal 99217 wi 5C Endronmenial 99030 Th16 raper[shell not be reproduced,exaes n full, m lhoui the wrlluln GOn4en!of Pace Anglylicel services.Inc. OCT. -20' 98(TUE) 15:15 WE88TER ENGINEERING TEL:508 943 3468 P. 010 10/20/98 10:07 V1 704 684 8634 CRANSTON PRINT IQ 011/011 • •FROM PRCE RNRLYTICRL FRH NO, r 704 252 4e10 10-20-9e 38r72R P,ee Paco AnalylloOl services,Inc. s 54 Ravenaerott Oriva Pace Analytical Asheville,NO 25001 Tel!704.2554.7176 FU,704.252-4618 GATE: 10/20/98 PAGE: 7 Pace Project Number: 931717 Client Proles III: Monitoring Well Sites PWATER F00TNOTES NO Not Detcdoa NC Nat Calculable PRL Pace Repertine Lilait Laboratory CaMe glen Ina 1 pboployiyP,arltillerxen ICa NOwaatewalar 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TN Drinking water 02e80 NC DtlnfrinG Water 37712 Thi4 re God shah not be repraduwd,aXtept In lull, FL Emr(renmemsl Goal? SC En.ironmmal 9=0 allhoul the wdtl0n eenaeM of Pace Malyrlal Serviaee,)no, CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY CORPORATE OFFICES 1381 CRANSTON STREET,CRANSTON,RHODE ISLAND 02920-6789 401.943-4800 FAX 401-943.3971 BY FACSIMILE: 828/251-6452 AND CERTIFIED MAIL,RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED October 13, 1998 R O L5 D Mr. Don Link pCT 1 9 is Groundwater Section GROUNDWATER SECTION North Carolina Department of Environment ASHEVIILE REGIONAL ORI( and Natural Resources 59 Woodfin Place Asheville,NC 28801 Re: Proposed Sale of Fletcher, North Carolina Facility Dear Mr. Link: As you may know, Cranston Print Works Company has signed a contract with a North Carolina company to purchase our Fletcher, NC textile print plant and surrounding property ("Property"). In conjunction with that,the proposed purchaser had a Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment conducted of the Property. The results of the Phase II,just provided us in the past several days, indicate levels of lead and chromium in excess of the groundwater standards at one of the groundwater monitoring wells; in total, the Phase II surveyed seven monitoring wells. This information is inconsistent with the State's past monitoring of these wells,which testing included lead and chromium. In light of that and the need to confirm or correct these recent results, we will promptly arrange for additional testing to be done at the specific well which shows higher than acceptable levels of lead and chromium. We will retain Pace Testing to conduct these tests which we will then send to you and our prospective purchaser, as well. If you have any questions or concerns about our intended course of action, please contact Donald Greene, Environmentalist, Fletcher Plant, at 828/684-6411 (extension 204)(telephone)or 828/684-8634. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Hen onaldso Manager of Safety and Environmental Services cc: D. Green T. Palazzo We AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY 10/13/98 09:15 %2401 943 8991 CRANSTON PRINT 0 001 CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY CORPORATE OFFICES 1381 CRANSTON STREET,CRANSTON,RHODE ISLAND 02920•6789 401-M4800 FAX 401.943-3971 BY FACSIMILE: 823/251-645Z AND CERTIFIED MAIL,RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED October 13, 199R POSt-it'Fax Note 7671 Dam �� ,3 0 1 1, Pa To LL From Mr.Don Link Coil, K C co Groundwater Section =' __ G 1 Phone er U North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 59 Wnndfin Place Asheville,NC 28801 Re: Proposed Sale of Fletcher,North Carolina Facility Dear Mr.Link: As you may know,Cranston Print Works Company has signed a contract with a North Carolina company to purchase our Fletcher,NC textile print plant and surrounding property Property'). In conjunction with that,the proposed purchaser had a Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment conducted of the Property. The results of the Phase 11,just provided us in the past several days,indicate levels of lead and chromium in excess of the groundwater standards at one of the groundwater monitoring wells;in total,the Phase Il surveyed seven monitoring wells. This information is inconsistent with the State's past monitoring of these wells,which testing included lead and chromium- In light of that and the need to confirm or correct these recent results,we will promptly arrange for additional testing to be done at the specific well which shows higher than acceptable levels of Icad and chromium. We will retain Pace Testing to conduct these tests which we will then send to you and our prospective purchaser,as well. If you have any questions or CW=nS about our intended course of action,pl asc contact Donald Greene,l nviroamentalist, Fletcher Plant,at 82 816 84-64 1 1 (extension 204)(telephone)or 8281694-8634. Thtulk you for your cooperation in this muter. Sincerely, Hen naldson Manager of Safety and Environmental Services cc: D. Greene T-Palazzo . Wm AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPA14Y CLASS IV HAZARDOUS WASTE INJECTION FACILITY ON CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY AT FLETCHER, NORTH CAROLINA Facility Identification Cranston Print Works Company is located in Henderson County, North Carolina, on U. S. Highway 25, 0.7 mile south of the Town of Fletcher. The Company employs approximately 550 workers and specializes in the printing and dyeing of cloth for other companies. Summary As a result of a survey the EPA made in conjunction with their RCRA Program, it was learned that Cranston Print Works Company had been opera- ting three Class IV injection wells, without a permit, at their plant site in Henderson County from about March of 1974, until November 19, 1980. The Company reportedly was unaware that they were in violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-214.2(b) and ceased use of the wells immedi- ately. During the period of use, approximately 39,000 gallons of chromium plating and rinse waste was disposed of in the wells. On February 11, 1981, the sludge and liquid waste in the wells was pumped out by SCA Services, Inc. and taken to an approved hazardous waste disposal facility at Pinewood, South Carolina. The wells were then filled and abandoned according to specifications provided by the Division of Environmental Management. Data collected from monitor wells and borings at the facility indicated that the chromium has not migrated to any significant extent from the injection well sites. An increase in the total dissolved solids content of naturally occurring groundwater has been detected over 120 feet west of the wells. Analysis of water from the monitoring wells from November of 1981, through June of 1984, show a general decrease in total dissolved solids concentrations in vicinity of the wells indicating dilution and dispersion of the pollutant plume. It is not expected to have any signi- ficant impact on the groundwaters of the adjacent property. Introduction This report is a summation of the history, use, cleanup operations, well abandonment, and follow-up monitoring at an unpermitted Class IV injection well facility operated by Cranston Print Works Company in Henderson County, North Carolina. - 2 - Geologic and Hydrologic Environment The site is located in the flood plain of Cane Creek with a slope of 0 to 2 percent. The overburden of alluvial materials consists of approxi- mately 20 to 30 feet or more of fine sand, sandy silt, clayey silt, with layers or lenses of grey clay and sand and gravel . The permeability of these materials is inconsistent due to their poorly sorted nature and variable clay content. (See Attachment I) The injection zone for each well was through the open bottom of the wells which ranged from approximately 8 to 14 feet below the land surface, although some leakage undoubtedly occurred between the joints of the cement casing. The nature of the alluvial materials to which the dis- charge was made is described in the preceding paragraph. The overburden is underlain by fractured porphyroclastic mylonite and ultramylonite. The porphyroclastic mylonite is light to dark grey in color with round to lenticular porphyroclasts, commonly of microcline, 1 to 8 mm across. The fine-grained ground mass of the rock consists essentially of quartz, plagioclase, microcline, muscovite-sericite and biotite-chlorite. The ultramylonite is similar in composition to that of porphyroclastic ❑lylonite except the porphyroclasts are less than 0.2 mm in diameter. These geologic units (Figure 1) taken from the Geologic Map of the Skyland Quadrangle, North Carolina, by Abdallah E. Dabbagh, 1981, are a part of the Brevard Zone which strikes to the northeast and is bounded on its northern and southern borders by thrust faults approximately 1 mile to the northwest and 1 mile to the southeast of the injection well sites. Figure 2 illustrates a generalized cross-section across the general area from the same geologic map. The depth to the water-table on the site averages 4 feet below the land surface but may range 2 feet higher or lower depending on seasonal precipitation. The naturally occurring groundwater quality on the site was charac- terized by analysis of a sample (Table 1) taken from borehole B6, slightly upgradient from the injection wells shown in Figure 3. The water is low in specific conductivity, dissolved solids , chlorides, and chromium content. The chromium waste is generated during the process of plating copper rollers with designs to be printed on cloth. Once the printing operation has been completed, the design on the roller is removed by a caustic stripping solution. The chromium wastewater consisting of rinse water and caustic stripping waste is then treated to convert hexavalent chromium to trivalent form. The waste also contains some chromium paste used in finishing the rollers. - 3 - Durino the first five years of operation, from 1974, through 1978, approximately 15,000 gallons of chromium waste stripper and sludge was discharged into the wells . Beginning about 1979, and through 1980, approximately 24,000 gallons of chromium rinse water with a chromium concentration of 52.5 mg/l (a result of one analysis) was also discharged to the wells. This amounts to a total of approximately 39,000 gallons of chromium waste being disposed of in the wells from about March of 1974, to their closing on November 19, 1980. Table 2 illustrates the chemical composition of the supernate in the injection wells on February 6, 1981, before the wells were pumped and on April 29, 1981, after being cleaned. Analysis of the sludge in the wells performed in accordance with "Characteristics of EP Toxicity", Federal Register, Vol . 45, No. 98, is exhibited in Attachment II. Well Design and Evaluation Three Class IV injection wells are located on the site (Figure 3) and were constructed according to the diagrams illustrated in Figure 4. Well A was constructed by the use of a backhoe on or about March of 1974. The well is cased with cement pipe, has an inside diameter of 6 feet 6 inches and is completed to a depth of 10 feet below the land surface. The bottom of the well is lined with small stone. The well by its design would allow leakage of waste materials through its bottom and between the joints of the cement casing into the water-table which is approximately 4 feet below the land surface. Wastewater from the stripping and rinsing operation was disposed of in this well . Well B was constructed by the use of a backhoe on or about March of 1977. The well is cased with cement pipe, has an inside diameter of 6 feet 4 inches and is completed to a depth of approximately 9 feet below the land surface. The bottom of the well is lined with small stone. The type of waste being disposed of and leakage characteristics of the well is similar to Well A. Well C was constructed by use-of a backhoe on or about March of 1978. The well is cased with cement pipe, has an inside diameter of 4 feet and is completed to a depth of approximately 14 feet 6 inches below the surface. The leakage characteristics of the well and the water-table depth is similar to Well A and B. The type of waste being disposed of in the well was primarily chromium paste used in finishing the rollers . No monitoring of the injection wells or the surrounding groundwater was conducted during their operation other than approximations of the amount of waste disposed of and an occasional analysis of the waste. 4 - Regulatory Controls On January 30, 1981, the Division of Environmental Management received a list from the EPA of Hazardous Waste Sites in North Carolina which were reported to the EPA under the RCRA Program. The list included 17 facilities that reported they had injection wells. As a part of the UIC Program, an investigation revealed that only Cranston Print Works actually had injection wells. A telephone conversation with Cranston Print Works on February 4, 1981, revealed they had three Class IV injection wells in use until November 19, 1980, and since that time they have been having the chromium waste taken to SCA at Pinewood, South Carolina. The Environmental Operations Section of the Asheville Regional Office was notified of the findings on February 5, 1981, and made a site inspection and collected samples on February 6, 1981. As a result of this inspection, a letter (Attachment III ) was sent on February 11, 1981, informing Cranston Print Works that North Carolina General Statute 143-214.2(b) prohibits the discharge of any waste to the groundwaters of the State by means of wells. This letter also stated that the matters of cleanup, groundwater monitoring, or other actions to be taken by the Company will be discussed with them on February 13, 1981, at a meeting at the Asheville Regional Office of the Division of Environ- mental Management. On February 13, 1981, a meeting was conducted with representatives from Cranston Print Works and the Division of Environmental Management. At the meeting, representatives from Cranston Print Works stated they were unaware they were violating any regulations at the time they were using the injection wells, and they had not considered the wells to be waste disposal facilities, but rather waste sludge storage facilities. They also stated they had the sludge and supernate (approximately 8,000 gallons) pumped from the wells, as discussed with Division personnel on February 11, 1981, and taken to SCA, an approved hazardous waste disposal facility at Pinewood, South Carolina. It was agreed that the Company should contact a firm specializing in subsurface studies to conduct a site investigation. This investigation would include test boring and analysis of samples of soil and water from the borings to determine to what extent the plume of pollutants had migrated from the injection wells. The Division agreed to provide personnel at the site when the boring was conducted to determine the location of the boring and take water samples at specific depth from the boreholes. On April 28 and 29, 1984, Soil Systems, Inc. conducted ten test borings on the site and collected soil and water samples for analysis. During the boring operation samples of water were taken by Division personnel with the results being previously shown in Table 1. A map illustrating the migration and extent of the pollutant plume from the specific conductivity of the groundwater at a depth of 10 feet is illustrated in Figure 5. The map indicates the plume is moving westward and has migrated over 120 feet from the injection wells. However, analyses conducted on the same samples at the 10 feet depth indicated they has not been any significant migration of chromium from the injection wells. The chromium apparently is being retained in the clays and silts. - 5 - After the information from the site was collected, the injection wells were abandoned by filling them with crushed limestone to help maintain a high pH level and filled with several feet of concrete at the top. Five monitor wells (Figure 3) were installed at the site in November of 1981, and have been and currently are being sampled semi-annually by the Division of Environmental Management. Results on these analyses from November 17, 1981, through June 20, 1984, indicate an overall improvement of the groundwater quality in the vicinity of the injection wells as a result of dispersion and dilution of the pollutant plume. The monitor wells were constructed using 4-inch inside diameter Schedule 80 PVC casing and well screen. The well screens were gravel packed and the wells were grouted with cement from the top of the well screen to land surface. The specifics of each well are as follows: Well No. 086u7 - Total Depth 20 feet Well Screen from 4 to 20 feet Well No. 086u8 - Total Depth 10 feet Well Screen from 5 to 10 feet Well No. 086u9 - Total Depth 20 feet Well Screen from 15 to 20 feet Well No. 085u10 - Total Depth 10 feet Well Screen from 5 to 10 feet Well No. 0813u11 - Total Depth 20 feet Well Screen from 15 to 20 feet Groundwater samples have been taken from these wells by the Division of Environmental Management since November 17, 1981, at six-month intervals for the parameters listed below: PH Phosphorus, Total Aluminum Alkalinity Specific Conductance Cadmium Bicarbonate Fluoride Chromium, Total Carbonate Sulfate Lead Chloride Arsenic Lithium Dissolved Solids Calcium Mercury Hardness, as CaCO3 Magnesium Silica Hardness, Non Carbonate Sodium Silver Nitrogen, Ammonium Potassium Zinc Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Iron Barium Nitrate & Nitrite Manganese Copper Results of the latest analyses taken on June 20, 1984, do not indicate any violations of the Classifications and Standards Applicable to the Under- ground Waters of the State of North Carolina. Initial samples taken on November 7, 1981, had indicated what would have been violations on total dissolved solids, total chromium, lead, and pH. iyr - 6 - Conclusions Evaluations from monitoring data on the site indicate no serious degradation of the groundwater has taken place at the sites of the injection wells on the property of Cranston Print Works Company in Henderson County, and since cleanup has taken place, recommend that no action be taken against the Company for the illegal use of injection wells. The hazardous chromium waste is now being taken to SCA, an approved hazardous waste disposal site located at Pinewood, South Carolina. TABLE CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF THE SUPERNATE IN THE WASTE INJECTION I4ELLS AT CRANSTON PRINT WORKS BEFORE AND AFTER REMOVAL OF THE CHROME WASTE Well A Well A Well B Well B Well C Well C Parameter (2-6-81) (4-29-81) (2-6-81) (4-29-81) (2-6-81) (4-29-81) Alkalinity (mg/1 ) 109 - 126 - 285 - Carbonate (mg/1 ) <1 - <1 <1 - Bicarbonate (mg/1 ) 133 - 154 - 347 - pH 7.6 7.3 8.0 8.8 6.2 7.9 Chloride (mg/1 ) 270 3 510 224 1700 11 Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) 1010 181 2620 1250 7990 365 Hardness as CaCO3 (mg/1 ) 82 - 240 - 320 - Non-Carbonate Hardness (mg/1 ) <1 - 110 - 35 - Specific Conductance (uMhos) - 230 - 1700 - 450 Silver (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 - <50 Aluminum (ug/1 ) - 200 - 400 - 1300 Barium (ug/1 ) - <1000 - <1000 - - <1000 Calcium (mg/1 ) - 16 - 22 - 17 Cadmium (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 - <50 Chromium, Total (ug/1 ) 6800 <50 98,000 5800 15,000 140 Chromium, Hexavalent (ug/1 ) 1900 - 22,000 - <50 - Copper (ug/1 ) - 110 - 560 - 590 Iron (ug/1 ) - 1300 - 400 - 1000 Lead (ug/1 ) 1300 <100 36,000 <100 3300 <100 Magnesium (mg/1 ) - 2.4 - 2.4 - 2.0 Manganese (ug/l ) • ,. 830 - 70 - 200 -~ Nickel (ug/1 ) <100'. - <100 - 100 - Potassium (mg/1 ) - 2.2 , - 14 4.2 Sodium (mg/1 ) - 43 - 420 - 84 Zinc (ug/1 ) 90 <50 350 <50 320 <50 TABLE 1 CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES FROM BORE HOLES ON THE PROPERTY OF CRANSTON PRINT WORKS Bore Hole No. B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 Depth Sampled Feet 10 10 15 25 31 10 15 20 25 26 Date Sampled 4-27-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 pH 6.6 6.3 - 7.2 7.2 10.4 8.4 7-.5 7.1 7.0 Chloride (mg/1 ) 14 11 12 8 7 - 56 31 4 5 Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) 319 233 216 146 106 - - 252 - - Specific Conductance (uMhos) 600 315 295 200 180 1300 1125 600 160 175 -Silver (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 - - - - <50 <50 Aluminum (ug/1 ) 1100 <100 200 - - - - 1100 - Barium (ug/l ) <1000 <1000 - - - - - - <1000 - Calcium (mg/1 ) 40 - - - - - - - - - Cadmium (ug/1) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 - - - <50 <50 . Chromium, Total (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 14,000 120 100 <50 <50 Copper (ug/1 ) 50 <40 <40 <40 - - - - <40 <40 Iron (ug/1 ) 10,000 1100 - - - _ _ - 18,000 - Lead (uo/1 ) <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 - - <100 <100 <100 Magnesium (mg/1 ) 10 - - - - - - - - - Manganese (ug/1 ) 1500 740 - - - - - - 400 - Potassium (mg/1 ) 3.2 - - - - - - - - - Sodium (mg/1 ) 62 - - - - - - - - - Zinc (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 - - - <50 <50 TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES FROM BORE HOLES ON THE PROPERTY OF CRANSTON PRINT WORKS Bore Hole No. B4 B4 B4 B5 B5 B5 B6 B6 B6 B7 B7 Depth Sampled Feet 10 15 20 10 15 20 10 15 20 10 20 Date Sampled 4-28-81 4-28,81 4-28-81 4-28,81 4-28-81 4-28,-81 4-29-81 4-29=81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 pH 6.6 6.6 7.2 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.3 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.5 Chloride (mg/1 ) 3 4 8 9 8 3 2 2 1 6 7 Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) 119 113 148 207 204 169 150 150 224 208 288 Specific Conductance (uMhos) 165 205 225 430 470 205 90 80 110 350 360 Silver (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 Aluminum (ug/1 ) - - - 100 300 8000 500 - 1000 1200 400 Barium (ug/1 ) - - - <1000 <1000 <1000 <1000 - <1000 <1000 <1000 Calcium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - - Cadmium (ug/1) - <50 - <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 Chromium (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 Copper (ug/1 ) - <50 - <40 <40 <40 <40 <40 - <40 <40 Iron (ug/1 ) - - - 8000 - 15,000 1000 - - 4800 2200 Lead (ug/1 ) <100 <100 <100 <100 -<100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 Magnesium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - Manganese (ug/1 ) - - - 1600 570 270 1200 - 260 1100 1400 Potassium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - - Sodium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - 40 Zinc (ug/1) - <50 - <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES FROM BORE HOLES ON THE PROPERTY OF CRANSTON PRINT WORKS Bore Hole No. B8 B8 B8 B9 B9 B9 BID B10 B10 B11 Depth Sampled Feet 10 15 20 10 15 20 10 15 20 10 Date Sampled 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 pH 10.5 9.6 8.2 6.4 6.9 - 6.5 - 6.8 - Chloride (mg/1 ) - - - 3 - - 10 - - - Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) - - - - - - 312 - - - Specific Conductance (uMhos) 1150 1400 700 100 175 110 440 210 160 90 Silver (ug/1 ) - - - <50 - - <50 - - - Aluminum (ug/1 ) - - - - - - 100 - - Barium (ug/1 ) - - - - - - <1000 - - Calcium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - Cadmium (ug/1 ) - - - <50 - - <50 - <50 - Chromium, Total (ug/1 ) 11,000 9600 510 <50 <50 300 <50 <50 <50 - Copper (ug/1 ) - - - 40 - - <40 - - Iron (ug/l ) - - - - - - 20,000 - - - Lead (ug/1 ) <100 <100 - <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 - Magnesium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - Manganese (ug/1 ) - - - - - - 1800 - - Potassium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - Sodium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - Zinc (ug/1 ) - - - <50 - - <50 - <50 - BY..........................DATE ............... SUBJECT ......................................................................... SHEET NO. ...............OF........... CNKD. SY .............DATE ............... ........................................................................................... JOB NO. ................................... ......................................................... ......................................................................I.................... .................................................., ppproxin �G jAQJJ �� crsc[eor' "ot rrr,uueli —•— 89Oe peC 1 Plc C O NJ t,CT LU l 0.T CQ J)e-p k O Ti 1-amQ S ur-P%L a- �`--rau K7fA a:C er IN 4L. ViC;"4 (n)f- LLT Craps�ow Prllx� Works r k t7g0.NC�O NG $7 (350) .--- COMM j' RbaNdoNecl 'Srasi u Asiit(90) 40o t4(IbS, C�ror+G 00 VQt Treat boo 13ld�. p' +O' �40 . Sca!C. I " - c pF• ) $osi +stNo� rtn Sco-la O t4w 5c Zoe dole amA Wumabet- Wid^•It Spe:eiftc Co�Vt OT L f'OUN��r tN WMF1ps Fee+ Below 4-ke. Spe-Aic, COPAA Vi�y cop curs '' ff tt l or I Ah�a WaAer } - t'a6ic iN LLMhog a�" 'It@ (q�atsf ts�osa( ac4a1' , oIP ioFeL4- belet.J4 w-sov,,R e- r o HEWED JUN 25 1984 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Ground Water Section Asheville Regional Office GROUNDWATER SECTION 22 June 1984 � r\ MEMORANDUM { TO: Rick Shiver Don Link FROM: Arthur Mouberry, Head Groundwater Operations Branch SUBJECT: UIC Report Attached please find a copy of a report format that has been provided by EPA. This format and evaluation guide is to be used by you in completing the report on the abandoned UIC wells in your region. E If you have any questions on the attached please call AM/cbe Attachment: IJUNZ01984 00 REGIONAL FACILITY OUTLINE Ground Water Section CLASS I HAZARDOUS WASTE INJECTION FACILITY REPORTAsheville Regional Office (ONE REPORT FOR EACH FACILITY) (Facility Identification (Summary Introduction Geologic and Hydrologic Environment s .Stratigraphy Jnjection and Confining Intervals' ,Structural Geology Ground Water Occurrence and Quality ,r -Waste Characteristics and Compatability Well Design and Evaluation Well Construction Well Evaluation and Testing 'Monitoring and Reporting Regulatory Controls (UIC, RCRA, NPDES ) Permit History Compliance Evaluations Enforcement and Remedial Actions Conclusions Site Evaluation Engineering Evaluation Recommendations References Appendices (as needed ) ,r LVLLJJAl1l.A\ W1✓u / CLASS I JHAZARDOUS WASTE INJECTION WELLS r �J �i3llYlvl� ( S S���G'y10\ let41tzLu� d,olG >� .^ F L C/ i o DATE I. GF MML IDENTIFICATION DATA 1. Operating canpany name and address Telephone ( ) well name/rnmber 2. Owner of well/facility 3. Location of well County City . Address 4. NPDES Permit NO. RCRA I.D. No. Other I.D No. II. GENERAL WELL DATA 1. Type of facility Q on-site Q off-site Q other Q federal 2. Is all the hazardous waste disposed of through injection wells generated on site? Yes ❑ No ❑ 3. Operational status Q Active Q Continuous disposal Q Temporarily abandoned 0 Intermittent 4. No. of injection wells at this facility 5. SIC code 6. Date well drilled 7. Regulatory aspects. a) Regulation under which this well/facililty was permitted b) Changes in State regulatory requirements since well was permitted c) Explanation of coordination/review affecting the control of injection well d) roes the State have interim status under the RCRA program? III. GEDLGGICAL DATA 1. Injection and confining formations - a) Name and age b) Injection interval(s) : Fran feet to feet. c) Lithology d) Thickness e) Lithology of confining layer f) Thickness of confining layer g) Description of local and regional geologic features considered in siting and permitting of well h) Porosity(%) effective total i) Permeability(gpd/ft ) 2. Reservoir fluid data a) Original bottom hole pressure calculated measureo b) Fluid chemical characteristics c) Physical characteristics: S.G. : PH TDS(mg/1) : d) Canpatability tests performed with injected fluid and results 3. Geohydrology of aquifers a) Depth of 3,000 ag/1 TDS water b) Depth of 10,000 ng/l TDS water c) Direction of ground-water movement d) Wells providing drinking or irrigation water within a five-Mile radius of the injection well. See table below. No./Name Location Capacity Formation Population Type' of gpm Name or Served of Well Depth Well Attach map Attach additional table as needed. ` single family, rural, comunity, PWS. e) Underground sources of drinking water(USDWs) and hydrological character- istics of overlying and underlying strata, and injection formation. (1) Geology of area Attach geological cross-section map showing overlyin2 and underlying strata, and injection formation. - 4 - (2) USDW description Use table below. Nave/ Depth Thickness Total Dissolved Hydraulic gradient Formation ft. ft. Solids (TDS) (with direction) Attach additional table as needed. NOTE: Information is for all USDWs penetrated by the well, or within a one�ile radius, or within two hundred feet below the well injection zone. IV. WELL DESIGN AND CCNSM=ICN 1. Total well depth (ft) Surface elevation (ft) 2. Casing and tubing: Hole Size( in. ) Pipe Size(in. ) Thickness( in. ) Depth Set(ft. ) Grade casing tubing other Tubing material 3. Cementing program Pipe Size(in. ) Cementing interval Fran ft. to ft. Aamnt of cement(sacks) Type(API) Additives 4. Packer: Type Depth Material 5. Logging and coring program - 5 - 6. Canpletion data: Open hole 0 Perforated Q Screened Q Stimulation Q interval(s) 7. Area of review at time of permit issuance. a) No. and types of wells penetrating disposal zone in ACR b) No. of wells plugged/abandoned in ACR 8. Surface facilities - RCRP./NPDES programs. a) Description of surface facility under the RCRA program b) Description of ground-water monitoring under RCRA progran V. INJECTION DATA 1. Fluid characteristics. a) Process(s) frcm which waste(s) originates b) Type(s) of all waste constituents injected c) Chemical concentrations of all wastes d) Ranges and variations of chemical concentrations or fluids injected. e) waste type - List the EPA four (4) digit codes associated with the hazardous wastes that are disposed of in the injection well and the annual volume of each(See 40 CFR Part 261 for Identification and Listing of Hazardous waste) . Annual Quantity Disposed of Code in gallons 0 oaoc� 0000 Attach additional table as needed. - 6 - f) Physical measurements: S.G. 0 'IDS Q pH Q Viscosity Q 2. Operation characteristics. a) Date injection began b) Injection pressure(psi) - c) Injection rate(gpm) d) Annular fluid type 3. Special conditions(describe) 4. Preinjection treatment and changes in waste characteristics VI. WELL TESTING 1. Listing of mechanical integrity tests, results and dates canpleted. 2. Listing of workovers/remedial actions/corrective actions in ;OR, and dates performed at time of permit issuance. VII. MONITORING REQUIREMENT'S 1. Injection fluid. a) Frequency of injection fluid analysis b) Use of continuous recording devices: Pressure 0 Volume/ rate 0 Annulus Q 2. Monitoring wells. a) No. of monitoring wells uses to monitor migration of fluids or water quality b) Parameters measured c) Frequency of sampling d) Location of monitoring wells relative to injection well(geographic and geologic) e) Description of mDnitoring results VIII.INSPECTION AND SURVEILLANCE FOR INJECTION WELLS ONLY 1. Type of inspection: Scheduled 0 Periodic a 2. Frequency of inspection: Monthly Q Annual Q Other 3. Date of last inspection 4. Inspection agency: State �] EPA 5. Type of inspection UIC Q RCRA NPDES Q 6. Describe data collected during inspection 7. Actions witnessed: Construction 0 Plugging 0 Abandonment 0 Operation 0 8. No. and description of emergency responses 9. Canplaints received about project 10. Description of compliance record under FORA program 11. Date and circumstances of last RCRA inspection -o- IX NONCo1PLIANCE/ENFORCEMES7r ACTIONS FOR II17ECI'ICN WELLS ONLY 1. Noncompliance Actions. a) Well construction Q b) Well operation Q c) Monitoring s reporting d) Other(specify) 0 2. Enforcement actions. a) Type of action: Informal State 0 Notice of violation Administrative order q EPA Q Judicial b) Resolution of enforcement action c) Other well actions X. REMEDIAL ACTICN 1. Remedial action performed. a) Casing repaired/squeeze oement �] b) Tubing/packer repaired Q c) Other remedial action 0 2. Description of remedial action performed in (1) above XI. PEWIT LIMITATIONS 1. NPDES program. a) NPDES permit limitations on disposal well(s) : Yes NO Q b) Type of limitation: Vollmie(gpd) Pressure(psi) Type of waste -9- Mass of specific constitutent(Kg/day) Monitoring c) If specific oonstitutent is limited, explain how limitation was derived. ( i.e. guideline, BPr, BAT, BEJ, etc. ) 2. State UIC permit limitations XII. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Studies of area geology/hydrology, etc. 2. Contingency(emergency) plans 3. Safety precedures 4. Well maintenance and repairs 5. Future plans 6. Financial responsibility 7iT1y N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D - REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER -. _ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitors other Date Collected_ -� _ Time By Location or site - . Description of sampling point Sampled interval 1 w Remarks r `�,,.1 4 f^.41�-t s]- � - � �,^•- � k�.. (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. �n bQ &&o L Temp. oc Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l FAg Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l ❑A1-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/1 Carbonate m /l E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate m /1 OCa-Calcium (D) mg/l ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml O- H value (when analyzed) Lp,lP units [�]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/l E]Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 1:1Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) \ mg/1 []Fe-Iron (D) ug/l 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 1:1Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) ` mg/1 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 � Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) m4/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l [:]Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) ma/l FAn-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) u /l Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 - White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab -w: COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM _ REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, .j DATA ENTRY BY CK L< WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, / OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected { Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks +.t 0 (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: / y� Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. ( p 0 V Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis P r Alkalinity to pH 4. 5 mg/1 [2Ag7Silver (D) -b ug/1 BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/l rg6l-Aluminum (D) ' ug/1 COD mg/1 El Carbonate mg/l a Ba-Barium (D) 4,Ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 [:]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100m1 pH value (when analyzed) units F,-�Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/lCr-Chromium (D) `r� ug/l Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/l EC'u-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 F Iron (D) ,-(j o ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units Hg-;4ercury ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l OLi-Lithium (D) ! ug/1 0 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 DMg-Magnesium (D) f mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoride (D) mg/1 QMn-Manganese(D) . . _:pug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 O Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 0P1i-Lead Fj MBAS (D) mg/l F-IZh--Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/111 K-Potassium (D) - _ mg/1 Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab NU:IT'l DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR( LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD N0. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. ` Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Fj Alkalinity to pH 4. 5 mg/1 O Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 []Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD m /l Carbonate m /l E]$a-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 ECa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml 1-1 PH value (when analyzed) units Oed-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l ❑CY-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 DCu-Cogger (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Chloride (D) mg/l ElFe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kj eldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide m /l ELi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 E Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Fj Pb-Lead (D) ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 F]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/l ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 F JK-Potassium (D) mg/l Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 �. Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab "'ItUNTY ' __ N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER - -- - ------. DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline},�.,gollution monitory other Date Collected e ` { I Time BY-4- Location or site �- Description of sampling point * i,'.,; ;, "3 ,_ ,a ,, , Sampled interval ' Remarks �� (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. I Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 F-JAg-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/l ❑COD m /l Carbonate mg/1 ElBa-Barium (D) ug/1 FIColiform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 11Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 FColiform (total MF) /100ml H value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 ❑TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 1-1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 DCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 O Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units []Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 El Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide m /l 0Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l Dissolved solids (D) m /l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 oMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO-7) (D) ma/l DNa-Sodium (D) mq/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) ma/1 FPb-Lead (D) u /1 MBAS (D) mg/1 E]An-Zinc (D) u /1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) m /l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab f. 'COUNTY_ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR( LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D - QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM _ REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, ._ OTHER DATE REPORTED --� PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, ipollution monitor) other Date Collected ' Time By _ . Location or site 4 Description of sampling point p .�, .�;:_ Sampled interval t b ) F''. ' Remarks "- (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. ::.I Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis �`[~ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 L7"g-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 FjId-Aluminum (D) ;;;j Q[j ug/l COD mg/1 Fj Carbonate mg/1 E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units ❑TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/12Cr-Chromium (D) '!G ug/1 Turbidity NTU El Carbon dioxide mg/1 DCu-Conner (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E-1Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 �Pb�Lead (D) t, ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 FZn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab iCOU� - r. ' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER QUAD NO. . �� & COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D - [.� SERIAL NO. REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER _ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,', ollution monitor other ,J Date Collected '� !j J t ;�1 Time By 1 Jc-i / O� - i rJ (NN!C- \ Location or site � L T — Description 9f sampiing point JE—'k;e n, >eg g p Sampled interval }, r, 14 Remarks fir" �-�_.�_�� %!.o - (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 7 4J/C Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ~3i Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1,F1Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/l ❑ COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 FBa-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml 'y °H value (when analyzed) . units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l ❑TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l ECr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 DCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/l DFe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 1-1 Color (True) units [:]Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cya! �a mg/l E]Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l -6'"issolved solids (D) mg/1 E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 ElMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l oNa-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 r�Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 ❑An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY R r DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURI LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY - ` --" ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK - WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, -._ OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,,.pollution monitor,jother Date Collected i � Time By t' � "'' Q.ocation or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.. ) - . Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. o Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis -� ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 EJAg-Silver (D) - ug/l BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/l ❑ Carbonate mg/1 []Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 1-1 Bicarbonate mg/1 11Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units [jt$-Cadmium (D) _, ) ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) _ ug/1 Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/l E1 Cu-Conner (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 0 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 E Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ElMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 OMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l F 6-Lead (D) - ug/1 ❑ MBAS (D) mg/1 �Zil--Zinc (D) ' ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 F K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 _ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Iq Cft-'q'Y N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,,pollution monitor., other Date Collected ,Time By Location or site - f Description of sampling point „^ .t m Sampled interval Remarks s." _ a (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 Ag--Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 11Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100m1 O pli value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l ❑TOC mg/l 7 Arsenic (D) ug/l []Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units E]Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l E]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 aissolved solids (D) m /1 El (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 OMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCOg) (D) mg/1 DNa-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l 11Pb-Lead (D) ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 []An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 1-1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab CbU%4Y ; DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR( LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D " QUAD NO. . SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER _ _. DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,`pollution monitor,)other Date Collected ice_" / !Time By rKLocation or site _ Description of sampling point i;i (y�(;.,.ot' L ak Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Fj Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units F-lC'cl-Cadmium (D) ' ;' ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 Ock-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 ❑Cu-Conper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 ❑ Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 OLi-Lithium (D) ug/1 1-1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 a Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/l MZn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COU3tY f N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. ! � ,(� SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER _ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor) other Date Collected f l'W _ / _ Time By `. Location or site Description of sampling point n- ;2s Sampled interval Remarks , (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. / �} U 'Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l OAg-Silver (D) ug/1 11 HOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l EIA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 0 COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml H value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 OCu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l a Chloride (D) mg/1 1:1Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Cyanide mg/1 0Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E:]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l F]Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 1-1 Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample El Sulfate (D) mg/1- Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY f DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR(, LAB NUMBER QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. - & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ DATE REC'D DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,' ollution monitor,- other Date Collected ' 1 '`.: j Time By ,' .; -_' Location or site Description of sampling point 4ir,.-t !1, a. , ��� �1. - Sampled interval ' Remarks 1 :-L"V C LjotP- 7t�- `s (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 1_3 n n Temp. oc Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis El Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l []Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑ BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/l EAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/l 1-1 Carbonate mg/1 11Ba-Barium (D) ug/l ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 ECa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml 1-1 pH value (when analyzed) units ECd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 ❑ TOC mg/l 1-1 Arsenic (D) ug/16-Chromium ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 [:]Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 OLi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 0 Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-jZn-Zinc (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/l Q K-Potassium (D) mg/1 _ ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 1-1 Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY W64))AP,C4 nr,) N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER _ �, & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. , , 5� u, SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO„ WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED a, PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, 'pollution monitoi, other Date Collected - ,'.1 Time By i _- - Location or site Description of sampling point a i:_A (bi.Qcz L C E-". Sampled interval Remarks_ (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. °f�( emp. C Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 E]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 FA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 ElBa-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml El'pH value (when analyzed) units Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide m /1 Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ro O Chloride (D) �;,., \ m lyEFe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units DHg-Mercury (D) ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide 1 ELi-Lithium (D) ug/1 0 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l 'Dissolved solids (D) ^„ \ w ElMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l 1-1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 F]Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample El Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOU� LAB NUMBER _ & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ QUAD NO. i SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D 1 REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BYARO / iO DATA ENTRY BY CK WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, W ;��)u fir... RO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED ' G" - h- PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,(pollution monitor other Date Collected j x i Time By ) it"'„ Location or site Description of sampling point „ Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. " 'Zti Temp, oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Fj Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 DAg-Silver (D) ug/1 11 HOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 E]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 0Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units [:]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 ❑TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 E]Cr-Chromium (D) /, _L) ug/1 FITurbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 Cu-Copper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l EJ Color (True) units 0 Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Cyanide mg/1 ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 []Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 []Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 El Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 El Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/l Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/l ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER _..". DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected - Time By Location or site Description of sampling point i Sampled interval Remarks „ +z ' (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. ! ) �j /�A� Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Fj Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l []Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l RAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/l El Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate mg/l ECa-Calcium (D) mg/l ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml a pH value (when analyzed) units ECd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 El TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l OCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 EFe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/l 0Li-Lithium (D) ug/l El Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 0MM -Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mq/l ENa-Sodium (D) mq/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l RPb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/l [ ]An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY ,. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUF LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, i DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By i ' Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. CO Q 0 Temp. °C Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis 11 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 E]A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 El COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 EjBa-Barium (D) ug/l 1-1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 11 Coliform (total MF) /100m1 pH value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 O Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l11 Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 F]Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 1_1Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l FjMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 0 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 El Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,,.pollution monitgr, other Date Collected Time By Location or site - Description of sampling point -iw�; � e +c• ,Cx Sampled interval - Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. , Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 m /l EAg-Silver (D) ug/l ❑BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 QAl-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/l Carbonate m /l DBa-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate m /1 DCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units [:]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC m /l Arsenic (D) ug/l oCr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 0Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) ma/l Chloride (D) - mg/1 [--]Fe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units 0Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide m /l OLi-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 E Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l OMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l E]Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample EJ Sulfate (D) mg/1 El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY (. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOU11 LAB NUMBER _ & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT , r n QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DATE REC D DEM REPT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ut' 'ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK - \ WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, (`�( (�J , OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,tpollution monito , other Date Collected Time By I, ,: .K Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval ,''_ Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc,,,) Field Analysis By: / Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 1 G Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 Ag-Silver (D) '` o ug/l BOD mg/l Fj Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 [:PA1-Aluminum (D) //U U ug/l COD mg/l Carbonate mg/l QBa-Barium (D) -/ U UU ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/l 11CaYCalcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units F,:�67Cadmium (D) -'176 ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 __6romium (D) - '1 ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 EX-Bonner (D) ` 'f J ug/l 0 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/l Fj #e-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l �Mn-Manganese(D) �/(>Q ug/l Hardness (as CaC09) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) /'-<' ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 F]Zn-Zinc (D) - ug/l Phenol (D) ug/l 11K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/l El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER .� . QUAD NO. 'i SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM DATE REC'D ` REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ��- "ARO,' WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline;"pollution monitor� other Date Collected ?�(�.;�, � I Time By Location or site _ Description of slampling pointy �'UC4 ar r „-1f, Sampled interval Remarks_ (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 1 6&Wj Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l E]Ag-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 111-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/l 11Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 OCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml 0'pH value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 E]Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) - mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units CHg-Mercury (D) ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/l DLi-Lithium (D) ug/l ❑ Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/3, El-Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 EMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l []Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) m4/l Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/l F]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 FAn-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY r DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUI1 LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REP Q T TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO+ WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, '` ^� DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER \__- DATE REPORTED_ PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline pollution monit other Date Collected Time By rnp �).,,,.,^ k Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks '_,j4I"`� A - (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l E]Ag-Silver (D) -Ec,j g/1 BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 FlA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 El Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate m /l []Ca--qCalcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) ` �-� �' ug/l TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l oCr-Chromium (D) - ug/1 Turbidity NTU 1-1 Carbon dioxide mg/l DCu-Conner (D) «'J ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/l 11Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) ma/l ❑ Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l OLi-Lithium (D) ug/1 ❑Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 DMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) ma/l El Na- Adium (D) ma/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 Li" -Lead (D) ' i D J ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/l OZn-Zinc (D) - < i ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l Q K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED - PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval ramy �(o Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. 115�Q yda5Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l FAg-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l ❑A1-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l ElBa--Barium (D) ug/l El Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml "pH value (when analyzed) units [:]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l FTOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l FjTurbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/l E Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units11 Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/l oLi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l Dissolved solids (D) m /l 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mq/l Na-Sodium (D) ma/1 Hardness (non-oarbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 An-Zinc (D) ug/l ❑ Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY .. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. - DFM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By ` Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate mg/1 OCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml PH value (when analyzed) units EICd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 OCu-Copper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 11Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ElColor (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 OLi-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total_ as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 1-1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-Izn-zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 FJ Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab .COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY - ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. j(,0,')t.CY4,4A Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/l ❑BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 F]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l 0Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l []Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml � H value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 ❑TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 E]Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 0 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l El Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/l D Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/l OLi-Lithium (D) ug/1 11 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 F-IMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 0Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 El Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 FPb-Lead (D) ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l 1-1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample El Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY . DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUF LAB NUMBER _ & QUAD NO. " SERIAL NO. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ;AROi- WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WlRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY _ CK OTHER DATE REPORTED '�}-" - r / PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,(pollution monitor., other Date Collected Time By - " Location or site Description of sampling point .; Sampled interval Remarks t . (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. ao-'> Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4. 5 mg/1 0Ag-Silver (D) ,.trg/1 ❑ BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 ❑Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/l ❑ Carbonate mg/l ❑Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 ❑ Bicarbonate mg/l ❑Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100m1 ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units ❑Cd-Cadmium (D) -' ug/l ❑TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 `I�hromium (D) �,ug/l ❑ Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 u-Conner (D) ` '�Ji% ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 ❑Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/l ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Cyanide mg/1 ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 ❑ Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ❑Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoride (D) mg/1 ❑Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 ❑ Hardness (as CaCOj) (D) mg/1 ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 ❑""b-Lead (D) - ug/1 ❑ MBAS (D) mg/1 ❑'Ln-Zinc ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 ❑K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/l ❑ ❑ Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER - & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. ,' SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY ( ��, CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER _ DATE REPORTED ; \ PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, jpollution monitor, other l Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks E;;.P � (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. � /� 465 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 []Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD m /l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 E]A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l [:]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100m1 0' H value (when analyzed) n , units 11Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l F�Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ElCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l 0"Chloride (D) mg/1 0 Fe-Iron (D) uV1 ❑Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 E:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Q-Dissolved solids (D) 1 mg/1 1:1Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 �Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) ma/1 Na-Sodium (D) ma/1 Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab ' COUNRY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURI d LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ' ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, ' ! DATA ENTRY BY CK WRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollutionn monito , other . Date Collected ^ ( Time By �1„ Location or site 0 Description of sampling point ��..�"`Y..c < <,c.`g e_ Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 2 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l E]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 11 BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 F�Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 El Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 O Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l ❑TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 "` Chromium (D) if(� ug/1 Turbidity NTU 1-1 Carbon dioxide mg/1 Cu-Copper (D) ug/1 FlAmmonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide mg/111 Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 EMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 —Lead (D) 00 ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 F-�Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 _ Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab •COuRfy N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D - REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitory other Date Collected '1 Q{ Q Time By Location or site - Description of sampling point d " r ^; ? Sampled interval Remarks .,_--z:-;r�, -),�„ }p _ - i (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. a2.4J Umitns Temp. °C Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l OAg-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 OA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml 7 Bicarbonate mg/1 E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml a -H value (when analyzed) - - units EICd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l 0Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide m /1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l [:]Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units [:]Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 EMn-Manganese(D) ug/l ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l F�Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) ma/l ❑Pb-Lead (D) ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/l ❑An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink Copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUkTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUP4 LAB NUMBER `. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ) QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. - DEM - DATE REC'D _ REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY _ CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, B - OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. k/36 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 Ag-Silver (D) < _h ug/1 ❑HOD mg/1 r ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 [;4Al-Aluminum (D) ,% (Ju) ug/1 ❑COD m /l ❑ Carbonate mg/1 ❑Ba-Barium (D) ! (: J J ug/l ❑Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/l ❑Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units ' -Cadmium (D) : 0 u /1 ❑TOC mg/l ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 , ❑Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/l ❑Cu-Cd'pper (D) G `'�U ug/1 [:]Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/l ❑Fe-Iron (D) .3 > D U ug/l ❑Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/l ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Cyanide mg/1 ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 ❑Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) m /l ❑Mg;Nagnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoride (D) mg/l ❑$7n-Manganese(D) �,�_ ug/1 ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 ❑Pb-Lead (D) i' G% ug/l ❑ MBAS (D) mg/1 ❑Zn-Zing (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 ❑K-Potassium (D) mg/1 _ ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 ❑ ❑ Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY% N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY - CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER _ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, 'pollutionmonitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. 3�1-'L mhe5 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 [—]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD m /l Carbonate ma/1 E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate m /1 ECa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml Q pH value (when analyzed) units QCd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC m /l Arsenic (D) ug/1 ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 ECu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) ma/1 F-jChloride (D) mg/l EFe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 El Color (True) units DHg-Mercury (D) ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide ma/1 IlLi-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 El_Dissolved solids (D) mg/l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) m /l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 11 Hardness (as CaCOa) (D) mg/l EINa-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/l 7 Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY u f. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUPJ E LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO.� . SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO„ WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK ra WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, i OTHER DATE REPORTED �j PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,,.pollution monitor, other Date Collected 1 11 1 Time By `- Location or site 1' Description of sampling point - Sampled interval Remarks is„tie }!C � jS- _ (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 70 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 lgi$ilver (D) <"A"i) 110/1 BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 E]Al-Aluminum (D)Zoa ug/1 ❑COD mg/l 7 Carbonate mg/1 ElBa-Barium (D) </000 ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml 0 Bicarbonate m /l E:]Ca-galcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml PH value (when analyzed) units ❑Cd-,gadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 Q"Cr-Chromium (D) �.`.` L> ug/17 Turbidity NTU DCarbon dioxide mg/1 7 Cu-Conner (D) '4 , ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 [7]Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved .solids (D) mg/1 EIMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l Qbli�-Manganese(D) %Q ug/1 Fj Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) ma/1 Na-Sodium (D) ma/1 1. Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 E"PS-Lead (D) loo ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/l OZK--Zi'ne (D) < p (,� ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT , QUAD NO. f !_ SERIAL N0. DATE REC D DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY - ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, Pollution monitor, other Date Collected_; Q g pp Time By a _ . <,� Location or site - L Description of sampling point Ct''r.a sampled interval Sy ' Remarks ' ,-, �P - (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. T70U'mneS Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis 1-1 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l E]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l EJA1-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 7Ba-Barium (D) ug/l ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 RCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml O pli value (when analyzed) _ units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 11 TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/l Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l El Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 M.Chloride (D) mg/l Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 11 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 Li-Lithium (D) ug/l El Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 [-Dissolved solids (D) mg/l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mq/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 El An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR( LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER _ - DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor,,'other Date Collected - Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Q S Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1A�Silver (D) - ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 EIA1-Aluminum (D) ,,` ug/1 COD mg/l Carbonate m /l EIBa-Barium (D) /Ovf„- ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate mg/l DCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100m1 PH value (when analyzed) units QCd-Cadmium (D) 5G ug/1FITOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) Le�li ug/1 7 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide ma/1 EjCu-Cooper (D) .[*/U ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/l OFe-Iron (D) /Sy 000 ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l ❑ Phosphorus, total_ as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) m /l EIMg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: 7 Fluoride (D) mg/l ZMn-Manganese(D) ;7 70 ug/l 1-1 Hardness (as CaC09) (D) m5/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 7 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 DPb-Lead (D) - ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 �'Zn--Zinc (D) ' ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab tOUNT4 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTE DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks - -- (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. Q$ ps Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 DAg-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 E]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 11 Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate m /l oCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml El pH value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l FITOC mg/l ❑ Arsenic (D) u /l DCr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 [JCu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units ❑Rg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide m /l 0Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l 1-1 Dissolved solids (D) m /l 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l oMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l oNa-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l 0 Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURI LAB NUMBER QUAD N0. SERIAL N0. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor,, other Date Collected Time By Location or site _ Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks ., (pumping time, air temp, etc,.) Field Analysis By: Q Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 7 O Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 Ag7Silver (D) =^fj ug/1 BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 FiA1-Aluminum (D) 4�)G L' ug/l [:]COD mg/l Carbonate mg/l a Ba-Barium (D) '- !.J' ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 oCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units odd-Cadmium (D) -' ug/1 TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l O'Cr-Chromium (D) -' ug/1 Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ElCu-.Conner (D) "- ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 F-,. Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/l ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/l [:]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 []Mn-Manganese(D) /.- .:�.: ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l 1-1 Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/l [:]Zn-Zinc (D) - ug/1 Fj Phenol (D) ug/l K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 _ El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab '�COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. _q jo.tkAg,_Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 m4/l FjAg-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 FA1-Aluminum (D) u9/1 COD m /l Carbonate m /l oBa-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml H value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide m /l [--]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 1:1Fe-Iron (D) ug/l 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg_/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide m /l [—]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l El Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l Dissolved solids (D) ma/l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) m /l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) ma/l Na-Sodium (D) mo/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mo/l [:]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/l ❑An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab ;. s ' � (I V y �� � � V J,, Q � �� �' 1 �, � � 4 �2 COUNTY - DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR( LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .. r QUAD NO. DATE REC'D SERIAL N0. DEM REPQR,T TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY AROi WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, � `+ WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, � •��� DATA ENTRY BYE; C OTHER ,y-..� DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,(pollution monitor, other Date Collected_ Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval ] Remarks b C C i�\F (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. 20 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 mAg-Silver (D) <5 U ug/l BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/l ❑Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/l Carbonate m /l E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate mg/l ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units 4JICdy admium (D) --'�O ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 �r-Chromium (D) J�U ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l 0 du-C000er (D) A/Q ug/l [:]Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/l El Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total_ as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) m4/l Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/l L1 Pb-Lead (D) r ;'i% u /l MBAS (D) mg/11 n-Zinc (D) A5,0 ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/l K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/1 1-1 Sulfate (D) m9/1 ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab -IWCOUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD N0. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT, TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER _ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitqx�)other Date Collected Time By h� ,n�A' � Ncx�F Location or site Description of sampling point� r;A L�et P., Sampled interval .{ �• Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. ?C>UA h„ Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l OAg-Silver (D) ug/l ❑ BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l E]A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l F—]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml 0-pH value (when analyzed) _ units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l 1-1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 11 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 ElCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 O Chloride (D) mg/l 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units 0Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l El Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l 11Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 11Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l []Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l E]Na-Sodium (D) mq/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l F-]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/l 11An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab � 7 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR( LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY v ' ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, - f DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER - � DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, /pollution monitor other Date Collected Time By ;, 1. Al, Location( . Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval = i Remarks + 5. ;l (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. _Long.^_ PH Spec. Cond. ! Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l E]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 ElA1-Aluminum (D) /D O!] ug/1 COD mg/l Carbonate mg/l ©Ba-Barium (D) =/ , ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/l DCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml PH value (when analyzed) units Cd-CAdmium (D) < u ug/1 EI TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 CCi-Chromium (D) ">Z ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1-ECu-Conner (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 Fe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units HH -Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 1:1Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l [Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l 1-1 Hardness (as CaC09) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 E]Pbml,ead (D) </O p ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) G c o ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Q K-Potassium (D) mg/l Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab 7q rTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER �� & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER - DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected >'-' ; '.i Time By r � > Location or site ' Description of sampling point ;1-' sampled interval Remarks 11 (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. ! y tAM& Temp, oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 m /l E]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 11Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate ma/l OCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100m1 ❑`pH value (when analyzed) units DCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l El TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) u /1 OCr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 a'Chloride (D) m /l El Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 D Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 0MM -Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 DMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCOt) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) ma/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/l An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab 11F^ T COUNTY .. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D - QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 ❑Ag-Silver (D) >L; ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 ❑Al-Aluminum (D) , ,,:. (,;O ug/l ❑COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 ❑Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 ❑Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units ❑Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 ❑TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ❑Cu Cooper (D) - ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 ❑Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Cyanide mg/l ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 ❑ Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ❑Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoride (D) mg/1 ❑Mh-Manganese(D) ug/1 ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 ❑Pb-Lead (D) ug/l ❑ MBAS (D) mg/1 ❑Zn--Zinc (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/l ❑K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 ❑ ❑ Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ _ ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITYY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,( pollution monitor" other Date Collected Time By - Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. '21'04129 e Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 E]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 EjAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 0 COD mg/l Carbonate ma/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate m /l OCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml Q pH value (when analyzed) units 11Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/1 El Arsenic (D) ug/1 0Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/l ElCu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) u2/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l El Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mq/l []Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l El Dissolvedsolids (D) mg/1 EjMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) ma/1 Na-Sodium (D) ma/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 F�Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/lEl An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab s _ COUNTY f. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - DATE REC'D -.. �QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY AROj WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, -� WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, =A;' DATA ENTRY BY CK " OTHER DATE REPORTED 17. PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,, pollution monitor other Date Collected Time By) + ��r�Ue Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks _ 1_"" ,.E:_:ir• Y-h.:^fir ?t (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 3 G Q Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 DAgver ug/1 BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 1:1Ay,jAluminum (D) '�O b ug/1 COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 E2Ba-Barium (D) !/VU0ug/1 �Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l DCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) «j y ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/l E]Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l 0 Cu-Conner (D) �r{U ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/l ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l F IMn-Manganese(D) J/l/O(.)ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) 11tD mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l ❑Pb-Lead (D) '�/0 0 ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) = :!5U ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Q K-Potassium (D) mg/l Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D - Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY - N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER `S "! '�) & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D Zo— �. 1 QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM � ' REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY 'r, ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY ^; CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED _..•\ '-' ` ^. � PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,(pollution monitor other Date Collected ij, ller, / q- J Time By Location or site Description of sampling point A)-,f, A Sampled interval Remarks r. )Ia (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. ?j_ seTemp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 DAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 ElBa-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) T units F]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 El TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 ECr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 El Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ElAmmonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 El Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 1-1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 F-IMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mo/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 EAn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab a COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. - SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D - REPQAT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, %) WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY - - CK _�. OTHER - DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor,. other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval( Remarks ':� ,.; � -+ (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long._ pH Spec. Cond.� Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l DAg-Silver (D) ug/l 11 BOD - mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 11Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 oBa-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate mg/1 F—]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units ICd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 �-Chromium (D) J(no(J ug/1 Turbidity - NTU i Carbon dioxide mg/1-11Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 1:1Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 �Pb-Lead (D) /J J ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 _ Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D. = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab 'WUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER - QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. & COMMUNI REDEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor:, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. I J�Ma rygQgemp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l FlAl-Aluminum (D) ug/l ❑COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 0Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l DCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 RCr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 0Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 0 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units DHg-Mercury (D) ug/l El Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 DLi-Lithium (D) ug/l 0 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l El Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 EMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) ma/l oNa-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 F-IPb-Lead (D) ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 E]An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample FJ Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY j ( DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURC LAB NUMBER _ - & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, x. '--� DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER —-� DATE REPORTED <' G PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, ollution monitor, other Date Collected ; Time ByL Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 0 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 [—]Ag-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/l F]A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mq/l Carbonate mg/l E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l DCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100m1 pH value (when analyzed) units E]Cd- admium (D) u /1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 25EChromium (D) r/,QQ ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 [--]Cu-Copper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/l 11Fe-Iron (D) ug/l D Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l El Color (True) units HH -Mercury ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/l [_]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCOg) (D) mg/1 Na- pdium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 b-Lead (D) Fj MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/l ❑ Phenol (D) ug/l K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab ,COUN9Y N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks - - - (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. g0QU M 6seTemp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/l ❑ BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 m /l 111-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/l ❑ Carbonate mg/1 EBa-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 F-]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l FColiform (total MF) /100m1 H value (when analyzed) units F-]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 FTOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l []Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 FjTurbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 []Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mq_/l Cyanide ma/1 11Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) m /l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mq/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 F-]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 FAn-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab 'COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. E DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY :a;.. CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,; pollution monitor, other Date Collected__ Time By _ J ,;_ G Location or site ---�CE.n-�S�-��. ) —r ' Description of sampling point kl r,a n 14x )r Sampled interval Remarks_ - (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. -7&0tLM6ea Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 FAl-Aluminum (D) ug/l ❑COD mg/l Carbonate mg/l 0Ba-Barium (D) ug/l El Coliform (Fecal MF) /100mi Bicarbonate mg/1 E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml Q'pH value (when analyzed) units ECd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 E]Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 El Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 0 Chloride (D) mg/1 Fe-iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l El Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/l Li-Lithium (D) ug/l El Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 Mg -Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 OMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCOg) (D) ma/1 oNa-Sodium (D) ma/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l O Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 ❑An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY 1 f DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURG I LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -s QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D } REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, ~-+. ` , DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER _ DATE REPORTED . - :'C�:. �' 17 PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, c�p_olution monit , other Date Collected i-; -, ) '?� Time By �.. :; k I ( �"�)r Location or site , Description of sampling point - i%.t %u`f , "'�P Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) -- . Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 700 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l [:]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 AI.-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 0 Coliform (Fecal ME) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units ElCd-Cyadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l ' Arsenic (D) ug/1 i r-Chromium (D) r,l,� ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 E]Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 ❑ Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ❑Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 RPb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COATY ) DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURg LAB NUMBER - & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT T0: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ' ARO WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, � � DATA ENTRY BY - CK 7, OTHER Y/��'�''.._ DATE REPORTED �4'.•i . PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,/ Pollution monitor other Date Collected _Time By „ . -:Y Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval 1 ;f Remarks )�-r�P :Ak 1 (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. CFO Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Fj Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 �Ag-Silver (D) -`�;:, ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 OBa-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml PH value (when analyzed) units ._a Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 El Cr.-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 ,E Cu-Copper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/l E:]Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units 0 Hg-Mercury ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 ELi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ElMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: O Fluoride (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 D Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 a?b-Lead (D) ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 F7], 'Zn-Zinc (D) /) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER - & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY s ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER ::..4:- DATE REPORTED " '4 PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, :,pollution mon4 r, other Date Collected ,. ;"' s Time By - Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. J Q V U M ozTemp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 DAg-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 DAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l DCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml El pH value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l 0 TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l ElCr-Chromium (D) ug/l ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 DCu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l O Chloride (D) mg/1 D Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/l E]Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) ----"� mg/l FMn-Manganese(D) ug/l ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 F-]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/l FAn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURC LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO.. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, - DATA ENTRY BY CK ` WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,. pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site - Description of sampling point - Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 1/ -457 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 [:]Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 ❑A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 0Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 Eca-Calcium (D) mg/l ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 OCIr-Chromium (D) - ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 DCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 F-�Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l r� Dissolved solids (D) - m2/1 Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoride (D) mg/l I—IMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 1-1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) m4/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 a Pb-Lead (D) _ %i: ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER - & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY - ARO, WSRO, NRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER _ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor,] other Date Collected - ."i Time By Location or site Description of sampling point sampled interval Remarks - { (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. 75 14 Qg Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 []Ag-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l ElAl-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 EBa-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l OCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ H value (when analyzed) _, ,, ' units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l DCr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 DCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Cyanide ��'' mg/1 OLi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 EMg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l OMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 FINa-Sodium (D) mq/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l F-]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY P DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURC LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD.NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,.,pollution monitor other Date Collected Time By ��IR)k J llt'f ' _ Location or site Description of sampling point - Sampled interval Remarks r (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. 110 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 EAg-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 E]A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/l ❑Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l ECa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml PH value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/1 [:J r-Chromium (D) .: ug/1 Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/i ❑Cu-Copper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 1-1 Chloride (D) mg/1 E:]Fe-iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/l ElMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoride (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 Q Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/l F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 1-1 Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 m /l Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l Fj Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 E]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml PH value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/l 1:1Fe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units [:]Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l EMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) ma/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) m /l nPb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/l ❑An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR--- LAB NUMBER QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected - Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 []Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 E]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 1:1COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l OBa-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 [:]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units ECd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l 0 Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ElCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 [:]Fe-Iron (D) ug/l 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 0Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 FMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO,4) (D) ma/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 'An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab !:OU TV N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER t & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D - REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER ._ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. 0!�) (�Temp, oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAA -Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 El Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 FAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l E]Ba^Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 0 TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 [:]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/l DFe-Iron (D) ug/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 0 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 []Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 1-1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 11Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 DMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/1 [—]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 F�An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/l ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab •CNN'IY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR( LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,' pollution monitor',, other Date Collected Time By ' ,n? < e Location or site Description of sampling point �.. ��,.-;`F Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. LAy Temp, oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l QA .-Silver (D) _ ug/l BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 -I.Ar Aluminum (D) !v-'? ug/1 � COD mg/l Carbonate mg/l 12Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 OCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units �,Cd-Cadmium (D) - ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l -Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l .C`u-Conner (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l 7 Chloride (D) mg/l "Fe-Iron (D) ,-:?p �;p;�; ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units 0 Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/l ELi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 E124i'-Manganese(D) /`C)(i ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mq/1 u Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 Q'Pb-Lead (D) - ug/l MBAS (D) mg/l E]Zu-Zinc (D) _,( ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/i 1-1 Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNW DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURC LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor,, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 11Ag-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/l OAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l ElCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml El PH value (when analyzed) units [--]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 ECr-Chromium (D) �'.) ug/l ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 F-]Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ElMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCo3) (D) mg/1 E]Na-sodium (D) mg/1 3 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l ❑K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 1-1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab F_'OUNT_y 1 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURC LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DE T1 REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, � � ' WiR0, RRO, Ahoskie FO, ` DATA ENTRY BY CK .; OTHER "-�-"• DATE REPORTED - - PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,;,pollution monies, other Date Collected ^ - ? -'' Time By Location or site- Description a + of sampling point P 4 P Sampled interval Remarks -'" . s (pumping time, air temp, etc.)-•s Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond._ /G Q Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to PH 4.5 mg/1 AA -Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 EA1-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate mg/1 ECa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units d-Cadmium (D) s' `-�;) ug/1 TOC mg/l � Arsenic (D) ug/l �Cr'-Chromium (D) ` r�% ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l ❑Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 F-]Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl'Jas Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units HH -Mercury ug/l ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 11Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 E]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l RMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 []4'b-4sad (D) ? i ug/1 F-IMBAS (D) mg/1 nZA-Zinc (D) b iJ ug/l ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 El K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/l El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab CC WTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: La Long. PH Spec. Cond._L5 Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 []Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑ BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 11Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate ma/l oCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l oCr-Chromium (D) ug/l 0 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 ECu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Chloride (D) mg/1 1:1Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) ma/l Color (True) units ORg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide mg/l F�Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 11Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO--t) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab cm p `� N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER " & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. ,: SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER _ DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected - Time By .' S Location or site - Description of sampling point_ - L: Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/l BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 ma/1 OAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Q Carbonate - i mg/l OBa-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 OCa-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑. H value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) u /1 OCr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 OCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l O Chloride (D) mg/1 DFe-Iron (D) ug/l 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Color (True) units Ogg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 OLi-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) _ mg/1 11Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l EMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO't) (D) mg/1 ENa-Sodium (D) mg/l QHardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l 1:1Pb-Lead (D) ug/l ❑ MBAS (D) mg/l An-Zinc (D) u /1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab "WCO[f!R'Y -- - . DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR--- LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. - SERIAL N0. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks_ (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 ❑Ay-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 ❑Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD mu/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/l ❑Ba-Barium (D) ug/l ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/l ❑Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units ❑Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l ❑TOC mg/l ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/l ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l ❑Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ❑Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/l ❑Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Cyanide mg/l ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/l ❑ Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ❑Mmc -Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/l ❑Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) ma/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) ma/l ❑ Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/1 ❑Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 ❑ MBAS (D) mg/l ❑An-Zinc (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample ❑ Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab ► TC7� N`i � DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUP`- LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, - DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 m /l ❑Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 ❑A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑COD m /l ❑ Carbonate mg/1 ❑Ba-Barium (D) ug/l ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 ❑Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units ❑Cd-Cadmium (D) dg/1 ❑TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) u /1 []Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l ❑Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ❑Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 ❑Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg_/l ❑ Cyanide m /l ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 ❑ Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 ❑ Dissolved solids (D) m /l ❑Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 ❑Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 ❑Pb-Lead (,p�. - tig/1 ❑ MBAS (D) mg/1 ❑An-Zinc (D.) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample ❑ Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Reported by.�- 1'� Date Checked by ORGANIC ANALYSIS Supervisor Entered by , Checked by Lab No. Analytical Results � r GtG 7 /n y & 062 1'L 17 t " C. GC/MS/DS used DIVISION OF PIVIRONMUTPL tW AGUVIT ENVIROHMUITAL OPLRATIUNS SECTION July 18, 1980 Mr. Jim DeBruhl Cranston Print Works U. S. Highway 25 Fletcher, North Carolina 2P.732 Subject: :dater luality Monitor '.dells Cranston Print :forks Henderson County, 'forth Carolina Dear Mr. DeBruhl : In our conversation of July 15, 198U, regarding the construction of water-quality monitor wells, the wells should be completed to a depth of five (5) feet below the water-table and should be constructed to the following specifications : I. The wells should be constructed with Thermoplastic Water Well Casing that: A. conforms to requirements of the American National Standards Institute/Arr.erican Society for Testir;g and Materials (ANSI/AST") specifications F481 -76 for thermoplastic water-well casing pipe and couplings made in Standards Dimension Ratios (SDR) R. has a minimum wall thickness and tolerances that meets or exceeds requirements for SDP. 17 thermoplastic water-well casing pipe for nominal sizes greater than three inches (Schedule n) , C. nas a minimum wall thickness and tolerances that meets or exceeds requirements for Schedule 40 thermoplastic water-well casing pipe for nominal sizes three inches and smaller. D. has, water-tight joints that are glued or Grreaded and coupled. 1 Mr. Jim DeB ruhl Page 2 July 19, 19$7 II . The botton of each well s:iould be equipped «ith a five foot section of well screen that: A. has an accurate uniform gaga, B. has a minimum wall thicknass and toler:-once w1iich meets or exceeds requirements for Schedule 40 thermoplastic water-well casing pipe for nominal sizes three inches and smaller, C. has a -40wum wall thickness and tolerance which Teets or exceeds requirements for SDR 17 thermo- plastic water-well casing for nominal sizes greater than three inches. D. be constructed with keystone shaped 'ISF approval plastic wire or rings surrounding plastic pipe of calibrated slots cut in the pipe desi7ned to adequately prevent the entrance of formation materials ; F. has such fittings as are necessary to seal the top of the screen to the casing and to close the bottom; F. is packed with sanl or gravel , if possible, of size dependent on th nature of the formation materials. III. The wells should be grouted with sand cement or neat cement from the top of the well screen to the land surface. The wells should be bailed or pumped out adequately to evacuate three to five times the volurvs of water in the :Tells prior to sampling. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Oa jj Gon Liok Regional hydrologist Uttar cc:neath P. Dobson 4. 0. Gerald 10 �a ,2 Cod% _'' 11/17/87 S/��j/'Y2 11/1,5/�z 5�4/S3 rzf�3fg3 lo%q�t/ I I + I I 2 I I I 1 y4 k) f I 1 , Q I i I 1 I I U I I { I O � l�t-.._ r' Ibd 1 I I I �` Ow�II1Jo.05t'ou4 I I h (j? weIIM. O�yaiq_�� n_ WeIINfOYLuq I Q,;t I 1 9 F'1 �✓,� NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION RECEIVED PUBLIC NOTICE Water Quality Division Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held by the North Carolina JUL 16 1984 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development on behalf of the Environmental Management Commission concerning revisions to regulations vVestern Regional office regarding Administration, Groundwater, and Laboratory Certification. The Asheville, North Carolir,?s proposed effective date is December 1, 1984. PURPOSE: To eliminate obsolete rules, to modify and update rules to comply with present day requirements, and numerous other minor changes to improve clarity and eliminate redundancies. Significant proposed changes for each program are noted below: ADMINISTRATION: 15 NCAC 2A - ORGANIZATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION - Update delegations of authority to administer the Commission's programs. 15 NCAC 2I - HEARINGS - Revisions to allow employees of Department Office of Administrative Hearings to serve as hearing officers in Contested Case Hearings and to make procedures for such hearings as consistent as possible with the uniform procedures already in effect for other agencies of the Department. 15 NCAC 2J - CIVIL PENALTIES - To clarify the authority of the Director of Division of Environ- mental Management to give notices of continuing violations under N.C.G.S. 143-215.114(a)(2) and to more specifically define the Commission's remission procedures on civil penalties assessments as not being contested cases. GROUNDWATER: 15 NCAC 2C .0100 - WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS - Delegates authority to the Director of the Division of Environ- mental Management to issue permits and sign orders related to violations. 15 NCAC 2E .0100 - CAPACITY USE AREA WITHDRAWAL - Deletes .0105 (report of findin s of EMC with regard to water withdrawals in the Yadkin Basin?. - Delegates authority to issue permits to the Director. 15 NCAC 2E 0200 - CAPACITY USE AREA NO. 1 - Consolidates permitting requirements for groundwater withdrawals. 15 NCAC 2L 0100 - CLASSIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO THE UNDER- GROUND WATERS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - Clarifies references to the Director by adding definitions. LABORATORY: 15 NCAC 2H .0800 - LABORATORY CERTIFICATION - Proposals to expand certification requirements to include all Class III and iV municipal and industrial wastewater treatment laboratories and laboratories for Class 1 and 11 municipal plants with pretreatment programs. Certification for several parameters Is proposed to be added and requirements changed to make the program more effective. Fees are proposed to be increased to offset cost of program expansion. DATE: Tuesday, August 7, 1984, at 10:00 a.m. LOCATION: Ground Floor Hearing Room Archdale Building 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 (OVER) COMMENT PROCEDURE: All persons interested in this matter are invited to attend. Comments, statements, data, and other information may be submitted in writing prior to hearing, or within thirty (30) days after the hearing or may be presented orally at the hearing. Persons desiring to speak will indicate their intent at .the time of registration at the hearing. Statements may be • limited to three minutes at the discretion of the hearing officer and presen- tations which exceed three minutes are requested to have a written copy which will be filed with the hearing clerk. AUTHORITY: N.C.G.S. 143-215.3(a)(1); 143-215.63 et. seq.; 143-215.4; 143-215.6; 3-215.11 et. seq.; 143-215.3(a)(10). INFORMATION: Further information and copies of the proposed rules may be o tained by writing or calling individuals indicated below: ADMINISTRATION: D. L. Coburn (919) 733-7015 GROUNDWATER: Ted Mew (919) 733-5083 LABORATORY: W. B. Edwards (919) 733-3908 MAILING ADDRESS: Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Date 3 Ro5ertF. Helms, Director NOTE: The Division of Environmental Management does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap and is an equal opportunity employer. If anyone feels they have been discriminated against, a complaint may be filed with Sandra G. Horton, NRCD-DEM, P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687, or the Equal Opportunity Office, U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. 20240. Should any hearing and/or visually impaired person desire attendance at the aforementioned public hearing, please contact Ms. Horton at the address mentioned above, or at telephone number (919) 733-7015. GROUNDWATER SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL GROUNDWATER POLLUTION SOURCE SITE DESCRIPTION REVIEW BY: �ON L i►,k Rea le%we l Hv�r. amLs*TE: �I a/ ��_ W.D. PERMIT N0.►�jC.00o0337 TOWN: etkt COUNTY: T� Va"ta NAME OF FACILITY OR INSTALLATION: E. 1 Dupou A& N&-,mn,ora awA Campauv ADDRESS: P o. 'I3ox��_reVf f IJ C ag71 '2 TELEPHONE: y5- s-(o 7 ?3;I1 , 4 OPERATOR OR CONTACT PERSON: , , jA L�J I`► s�o Ew►v1rn"mewQ Chemll+ ADDRESS : P (� �AX :��n�7 reyaY . AI,C.r1g712 TELEPHONE: g$� ,TY6:'7 LOCATION (SKETCH ON BACK) : QUAD. NO. RQ /,5LAT.3��� LONG.$� u3(o' S.S�� ELEV. 2S$D TYPE SOURCE (LANDFILL, LAGOON, ETC. ) : TYPE AND QUANTITY OF POLLUTANTS: DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY OR SITE (SKETCH ON BACK) : HYDROGEOLOGIC CONDITIONS AT SITE: DESCRIPTION OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS: Page 2 THICKNESS OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS (FEET) : TYPE OF BEDROCK (FRACTURED GRANITE GNEISS , ETC. ) : DEPTH TO BEDROCK (FEET) : HYDROGEOLOGIC UNIT: DEPTH TO WATER TABLE (FEET) : TOPOGRAPHY (PERCENT SLOPE, COPY OF TOPO. , ETC.) : NEAREST STREAM: DISTANCE (FEET) : NEAREST WATER-SUPPLY WELL: DISTANCE (FEET) : SUB-BASIN: POLLUTION CONFIRMED BY ANALYSIS: DATE : ANALYST: EXPLAIN: MONITORING FACILITIES INSTALLED: NO. OF WELLS: MONITORING WELL QUADRANGLE NO. : SAMPLING SCHEDULE: SAMPLED BY: PARAMETERS: ANALYSES AND OTHER DATA AVAILABLE: REMARKS: ��rlys, �-ek f)ir]5'-S eM Vw:nk N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY - CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER �L DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, .other_ _ ?�i 'T{ L'-� C- Date Collected Time By -�! �� _ Location or site -- r. Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (.pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 ❑Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑ BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 ❑A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate mg/1 ❑Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 ❑Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l ❑ Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ H value (when analyzed) - units ❑Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 ❑TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ❑Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 ❑Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Cyanide mg/1 ❑Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 ❑ Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 [�;Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 ❑Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 ❑Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 ❑ MBAS (D) mg/1 ❑An-Zinc (D) ug/1 ❑ Phenol (D) ug/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample ❑ Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab MUM_ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR--- LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. ) ,y_ SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY CK _ OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point ..; Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. °C Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis ❑ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 ❑Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 ❑A1-Aluminum (D) ug/l ❑COD mg/l ❑ Carbonate mg/1 ❑Ba-Barium (D) ug/l ❑Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/1 ❑Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units ❑Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 ❑TOC mg/l ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑ Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 ❑Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) ma/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/1 ❑Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l ❑ Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Cyanide mg/l ❑Li-Lithium (D) u2/1 ❑ Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 ❑Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses; ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 ❑Mn--Manganese(D) ug/l ./ kI..5} C j rar1nIU M. < & �� ❑ Hardness (as CaCD9) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l ❑Pb-Lead (f1}' ug/1 ❑ MBAS (D) mg/1 ❑'An-Zinc (D) u /1 [—] Phenol (D) ug/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample ❑ Sulfate (D) mg/1 ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab ,pPU n oRC(p o DEPART dN2,00 ES r ZAB O ° 'r� 'Qp O r§ Gto� - Fo m DER e11ne DATE REC, 1) ° po Pe Psct . C°.-'1pling 11�e t. otter REC'D BY F. �°. � 1'Oj DATA A �e ..alya" � � —\BY DA7,E A ENTRY Bp 8y ` REPORTED cK OA.2A-, is FaC• Cond. � �6 Iat. (X UmAing t LOCation or Site t O�Alkalinit too It 4 5 c LOnB. e air temp etc ) S Aled intervale Da-' "late H 8.3 Bi m /1 D o DN caraOnate m A SylV C Odor value (w 1 DA1-A1 et (D) Darsen10 (D) hen anal zed m 1 DBa-Ba ?+yin (D) u /1 O�AAAearance /� rbOn di ) 1 DCa- 1um (D) u /1 lie BOD Taste V Ch10 °aide units ca1CiO �—� tide (D Dcd-C (D) u /1 D DC°1Or 1 1 O a�'ium m Ocoli DC anide(Ttue) 1 C Cr-Chrojum � u 11 OCeli arm (Fecal ) m /1 QDissoly m /1 �Fe-Iron (D) -1 U 11 I�QTOC (total m /1 DF,luoirdeed %OZids (D its DHs-Mercury (D) ug/1 l� irb; �) /100m1 Oga (D) ) _ �1 �Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 �Phosp�o`I_.- l0Oml OHatdne ss as Ca CO m /1 ❑M_g-Magnesium (D) m /1 ses-' m /1 ess p mg/1 DMn-tKa Other AnalY D 1`IBAS (nOn-CaY. ��anese (D7 ug/1 *gym., 0Phe (D) bOnatel (D) m 1 ONa-Sodium (D) ma/1 n01 (D) m 1 D Silica ❑Pb-Lead (D) ug/1!D) m /1 DAXIZinc D Sulfate !D) u /1 D Spec maple GW-54 Reglse se Con m d. D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered s d ZO/ljgp /I vp os/cm MMWWM� EPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR! LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D DEM Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY _�_.�, WaRO, a..O Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY CK -44 OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor other Date Collected - Time By , ,� ,K / I j; '-Location or site Description of sampling point I-AR, ,4 ' Sampled interval Remarks _ - - t ;F ( ` i -4 1 ( ;e ( � t-j ) (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: _ .� Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. C4-4�_D Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 OAg-Silver (D) ug/l 11 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/l E]Al-Aluminum (D) y . ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l 7Ba-Barium (D) / u 0c ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/l O Ca-Calcium (D) / i mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units ECd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l ECr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l E]Cu-Conger (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/l [:]Fe-Iron (D) - u /l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide mg/l [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l a Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ;i�; ,_, u /l ❑ Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l ❑Na-Sodium (D) mg/l 1-1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l ❑Pb-Lead (D) ug/l Fj MBAS (D) mg/1 F�Zn-Zinc (D) u /1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) •:. mg/1 Silica (D) mg/l Sulfate (D) mg/l _ ❑ Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER QUAD NO.t:D k-ZiA SERIAL NO. & COMMUNI REDEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time :, By y, ! .1 Location or site -' Description of sampling point_ Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis 1 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 Q Ag-Silver (D) ug/1 ❑ BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 — mg/1 Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/1 Carbonate - ) mg/1 Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 FICa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1 E]Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l 0 Chloride (D) ma/l 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Color (True) units 0 Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide mg/1 0Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) ma/l Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l F—]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3).(D) mg/l F—]Na-Sodium (D) ma/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 F-]Pb-Lead (D) ug/l MBAS (D) mg/1 El An-Zinc (D) ug/l Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 El Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Y . DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR--- LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, -other Date Collected - Time By Location or site . Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. PH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis 11 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l OAg-Silver (D) ug/l 11 BOD mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l E]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100m1 Bicarbonate mg/l F—]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml PH value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l QCr-Chroiit um (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 OCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/l F-�Fe-Iran (D) ug/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l 0 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 [:]Li-Lithium (D) ug/l El Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg_/l ❑ Dissolved solids (D) mg/l DMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l OMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l EjNa-Sodium (D) mg/1 ❑ Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Ej'P -Lead (D).. ug/l F-IMBAS (D) mg/l D An-Zinc (D) - u /l Phenol (D) ug/1 silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample El Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54_.Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab ;�Duay 1 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURC LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, _ WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, DATA ENTRY BY - CK OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,' pollution monitor,' other Date Collected -'ri Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks ISDas6 Qej (ptEmping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. ll Long. PH Spec. Cond. V Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l [-]Ag-Silver (D) - . ug/1 ❑BOD mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 E]A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/l E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l El Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate mg/l 11Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 11 Coliform (total MF) /100ml ❑ pH value (when analyzed) units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 0 TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/l ❑Cr-Chromium (D) ug/l ❑Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Conner (D) ug/1 El Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 E]Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 D Kj eldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units11 Hg-Mercury ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 oLi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l ❑Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: [—] Fluoride (D) mg/1 ❑Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab r-ou TT N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER QUAD NO. & COMMUNITY DEDEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D SERIAL NO, REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY - ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BYCK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, - OTHER DATE REPORTED - PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline„pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point y Sampled interval Remarks._ i__^ (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: -,Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. 1a$Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 EAg-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 DAl-Aluminum (D) ug/l COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 E]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l QColiform (total MF) /100ml 0 PH value (when analyzed) 4 units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) u /l oCr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide Mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Chloride (D) i ma/1 OFe-Iron (D) ug/1 0 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Color (True) units Hg-Mercury (D) ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 []Li-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/l 0Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l 0 Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/111 An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample 0 Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab F. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Z41 f' Date Collected L.- Time By Location or site Description of sampling point__:_ Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 L `i m /1 ❑Ag-Silver (D) ug/l 0 SOD mg/l 0 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 E]Al-Aluminum (D) ug/1 0 COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate '4 1 mg/1 OBa-Barium (D) ug/l ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate 1 3 3 ma/1 nCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) f. units EICd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/1 ❑ Arsenic (D) ug/1 Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/l 0Cu-Cooper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) t ma/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 ❑ Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Color (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 ELi-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 n Dissolved solids (D) ^'. ifs mg/1 DMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/l []Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 oHardness (as CaCO3) (D) �'`;�;� mg/l EI Na-Sodium (D) mo/l Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/l 1-1 Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 F-]An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUF-- _ LAB NUMBER h0.y,� / - & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD ' y�. SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D i REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaROr DATA ENTRY BY CK ._ WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor? other, - I Date Collected , ! Time , / By J. „ n_: ! n L�'P Location or site Description of sampling point 14 )p11 x W P f Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/l OAg-Silver (D) ug/1 BOD m /l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/l FlAl-Aluminum (D) uq/l FICOD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 EBa-Barium (D) ug/l ❑ Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml ❑ Bicarbonate m /l OCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml H value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l ❑TOC m /l Arsenic (D) u /1 a"tr-Chro ium ( :,, `.' :_.- ug/l PTurbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 F�Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) m /l Fe-Iron (D) ug/l �K eldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Color (True) units Ogg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 E]Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 El Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 EMg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) mg/1 E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l _j\j,CAI Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead 04 U ug/l ❑ MBAS (D) mg/l EJAn-Zinc (4-1 '-/.-J ug/1 ' Phenol (D) ug/l Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample El Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS%cm GW-54 Revised 10/l/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COU'Viy .. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOU] LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. - SERIAL NO. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, •:pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site - Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks L (pumping tim ,E air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. Z Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 E]Ag-Silver (D) - ug/1 FIBOD mg/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide mg/1 EAl-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/1 Carbonate mg/1 E]Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml 11 Bicarbonate mg/1 [--]Ca-Calcium (D) mg/1 Coliform (total MF) /100ml pH value (when analyzed) units EICd-Cadmium (D) ug/1 TOC mg/1 Arsenic (D) ug/1Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 ECu-Copper (D) ug/1 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/1 a Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 E Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ElColor (True) units ❑Hg-Mercury ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 11 Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 [:]Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoride (D) mg/1 []Mn-Manganese(D) ug/1 Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 ENa-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l F-1Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 7Zn-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) ug/1 K-Potassium (D) mg/1 ❑ Silica (D) mg/1 Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm D = Dissolved Analvsis - submit filtered sample GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COLT'Y N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUAD NO. SERIAL NO, DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, DATA ENTRY BY CK OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks Lw te ni `pvs (pumpiA g time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. 2 3 10jZ Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/1 ElAg-Silver (D) ug/l HOD m /l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 OA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 ❑ COD mg/l Carbonate mg/1 11Ba-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate m /l oCa-Calcium (D) m /l Coliform (total MF) /100ml H value (when analyzed) units 0Cd-Cadmium (D) u /1 TOC ma/l Arsenic (D) u /1 ECr-Chromium (D) ug/l Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 E]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Chloride (D) mg/l 0Fe-Iron (D) ug/l ❑Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) ma/l Color (True) r units DHg-Mercury (D) ua/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) m /l Cyanide mg/1 7Li-Lithium (D) ug/1 0 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) ma/1 El Mg-Magnesium (D) mg/l Other Analyses: ❑ Fluoirde (D) mg/1 oMn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l [�]Na-Sodium (D) mg/1 Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/l El Pb-Lead (D) ug/l F-IMBAS (D) m /l F-1An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) u /1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab IMMSG PRINT : YES NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS TIME 10 : 29 02/24/81 TO : FROM : ASHEVILL.E REG. OFFICE NRC*NRT95 SCREEN HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED ATTENTION : ROY M. DAVIS PER TF_.LCON EARLIER THIS A.M. , THE FOLLOWING IS A DRAFT LETTER RE CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY. MR. RICHARD A. VIEWED, RESIDENT MANAGER CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY FLETCHER, NORTH CAROLINA 2B732 WASTE DISPOSAL WELLS CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DEAR MR. VIEWEG : IN OUR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 13, 1981 , WITH YOU AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY, IT WAS DE:.CIDED THAT THE WASTE-DISPOSAL WELL PROBLEM ON YOUR PROPERTY SHOULD BE HANDLED IN TWO PHASES : ( 1 ) A FIRST PHASE TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF ANY MIGRATION INTO THE: WATER-TABLE OF POTENTIAL_ POLLUTANTS FROM THE DISPOSAL WELLS; AND (2) A SECOND PHASE CONSISTING OF ANY CLEANUP AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE NECESSARY. THE FIRST PHASE WOULD BE TO CONTACT AN ENGINE..ERING FIRM EXPERIENCED IN SOIL.. TEST WORK TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY UNCAS'IED TEST HOLES FOR THE COLLECTION MORE.. TO COME ON SCREEN TWO IMMSG PRINT : YES NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS TIME 10 : 43 02/24/81 TO : FROM : ASHEVILLE REGIONAL.. OFF. NRC*NRT95 SCREEN HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED ATTENTION : ROY M. DAVIS THE FOLLOWING IS SCREEN TWO OF LETTER TO CRANSTON PRINT WORKS OF SOIL AND WATER SAMPLES AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE DISPOSAL WELLS. THE LOCATION OF THESE TEST BORINGS WOULD BE DEi.TERMINED BY THE DIVISION OF' ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ' S ASHEV7:1._LE REGIONAL OFFICE.. WHEN THE ENGINEERING FIRM IS ON THE SITE AND READY TO START TESTING. CHANGES MAY BE MADE IN THE TEST SITE LOCATIONS AS INFORMATION IS BEING GATHERED ON THE: SOILS OR SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE WHICH IS AN INDICATOR OF THE: DISSOLVED SOLIDS CONTENT OF THE WATER IN THE TEST HOLES. IN MY ESTIMATION, AT LEAST TEN TEST HOLES WOULD BE:. NECESSARY A7 DEPTHS OF 20 TO 30 FEET TO DETERMINE THE MIGRATION OF ANY POLLUTANTS. THE: TEST HOLE NEAREST THE CENTER OF THE DISPOSAL AREA SHOULD GO TO BEDROCK DEPTH OR AUGUR REFUSAL. THE PURPOSE OF THE SOIL TESTS WOULD BE TO DETERMINE. THE DEPTHS AT WHICH CHANGES IN THE SOILS CHARACTERISTICS MAY AFFECT VERTICAL AND LATERAL MOVEMENT' OF ANY POLLUTANTS. ALSO, SOME SAMPLES OF THESE. SEDIMENTS WILL BE ANALYZED FOR THEIR HEAVY METAL.. CONTENT TO DE:TE:RMINE THE AMOUNT THEY HAVE ABSORBED. MORE TO COME ON SCREEN THREE IMMSG PRINT : YES NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS TIME 10 : 54 02/24/81 TO : FROM : ASHEVILL..E REG. OFFICE NRC:*NRT95 SCREEN HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED ATTENTION : ROY M. DAVIS SCREEN THREE OF LETTER TO CRANSTON PRINT WORKS SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE TESTS WILL_ BE MADE AT FIVE FOOT INTERVALS, IF POSSIBLE, DURING THE BORING PROCESS. SINCE THE: NATURALLY OCCURRING GROUND_ WATERS IN THE AREA HAVE A SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE OF GENERALLY LESS THAN 200 MICROMHOS, A VALUE MUCH GREATER THAN THIS WOULD INDICATE. POSSIBLE POLLUTANT imm zmuumv rmmn, uu"siJ1iNu ur 1mm HNHL ! sis ur 1mm mmauu1J rnr_Vluuau1 OPTAIINE.0, COULD NOW BE INITIATED TO DETERMINE WHAT STEPS WOULD BE NECESSARY IN THE CLEANUP OPERATION AND WHAT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WOULD BE REQUIRED. I1= YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME. SINCERELY, DON LINK REGIONAL_ HYDROLOGIST CC : END OF LETTER <3 52 tz g 20 ji is Is / d l r \ \ i \ 1 = f5 1 ins \\ 1 V I�: � J' ^Qal. vJ my PC OC 3 is / 4 r, TY r 1 JJ'or 27 Cal ins is `tO'�`_ .I I,6 hg L/ 1 it 6hg- / n'Y e J 53 / P fr a Qal ,r f 50 el Qai `\ my "/+f 9' \ / t \ L MY POR PHYROCLASTIC MYLONITE AND ULTRAMYLONITE— / l _ ;•'< Intertayered cataclastic rocks with tess than 35 percent phyliosilicate / Ehg i i \ 2^ minerals. /r . Porphyroclastic mylonfte is light gray,greenish gray,and medium to dark gray.Porphyroclasts are mostly microcline,rounded to lenticu- lar,1 to 8 mm across.The thinly laminated,fine-grained grouhdmass - I� constitutes more than W percent of the rock; composed of quartz, , r plagioclase, microcline, muscovite-sericite, bioute-chlorite, and , 'D + _ minor amounts of opaque minerals. =r. - j• yl 5% Ultramyfonite is gray to greenish gray,very fine grained to aphanitic; feldspar porphyroclastspre less than 0.2 mm in size.Composition of uttramylonite is very sin..taf to porphyroclastic mylonite. "-'� ,�' r6 cg Interlayers of porphyrodlasf3c.phyllonite and:.phyllonicc schist;_and - - dark-colored myionite ale presenfat some-'-Iaces.- - 1 ��Auf� CrCO I�a►ic. �lnn BREVARU ZONE —•-- ^ d u 3500r 3000' H i 2500' L l 6ti{j- 1500' Ins my .\' .�, .\ rr\ \ \ • \� \ �L �� � . ti_ � • .�� ` ,� � � ti; � %:cn ' •\ � .� I eng \ ti fin, \� 500' \\ \\ �` . �, �• l rti 11 r/ 11 .'�� ' SEA LEVEL •> f i. I�•:a . !� ►c��r� Z (' rnas• Sc� r i.c u nt �.-,o.Tc.,.. I FH'pn ttttttr TABLE 1 ' CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES FROM BORE HOLES ON THE PROPERTY OF CRANSTON PRINT WORKS Bore Hole No. - B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 Depth Sampled Feet 10 10 15 25 31 10 15 20 25 26 Date Sampled 4-27-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28- pH 6.6 _6.3 - 7.2 7.2 10.4 8.4 7.5 7.1 7.0 Chloride (mg/1 ) 14 11 12 8 7 - 56 31 4 5 Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) 319 233 '216 146 106 - - 252 - - Specific Conductance (uMhos) 600 315 295 200 180 1300 1125 600 160 175 Silver (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 - - - - <50 <50 Aluminum (ug/1 ) 1100 <100 200 - - - - - 1100 - Barium (ug/1 ) <1000 <1000 - - - - - <1000 - Calcium (mg/1-) 40 - - - - - - - - - Cadmium (ug/1) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 - - - <50 <50 Chromium, Total (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 14,000 120 100 <50 <50 Copper (ug/1 ) 50 <40 <40 <40 - - - - <40 <40 Iron (ug/1 ) 10,000 1100 - - _ _ _ - 18,000 - Lead (uo/1 ) <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 - - <100 <100 <100 Magnesium (mg/1 ) 10 - - - - - - - - Manganese (ug/1 ) 1500 740 - - - - - - 400 - Potassium (mg/1 ) 3.2 - - - - - - - - - Sodium (mg/1 ) 62 - - - - - - - - - Zinc (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 - - - <50 <50 TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES FROM BORE HOLES ON THE PROPERTY OF CRANSTON PRINT WORKS Bore Hole No. B4 B4 B4 B5 B5 B5 B6 B6 B6 B7 B7 Depth Sampled Feet 10 15 20 10 15 20 10 15 20 10 20 Date Sampled 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-28,81 4-28-81 4-28-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29 pH 6.6 6.6 7.2 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.3 6.6 ' 6.6 6.5 6.5 Chloride (mg/1 ) 3 4 8 9 8 3 2 2 1 6 7 Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) 1'19 113 148 207 204 169 150 150 224 208 288 Specific Conductance (uMhos) 165 205 225 430 470 205 90 80 110 350 360 Silver (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 Aluminum (ug/1 ) - - - 100 300 8000 500 - 1000 1200 400 Barium (ug/1 ) - - - <1000 <1000 <1000 <1000 - <1000 <1000 <1000 Calcium (mg/1) - - - - - - - - - - - Cadmium (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 Chromium (ug/1 ) <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 Copper (ug/1 ) - <50 - <40 <40 <40 <40 <40 - <40 <40 Iron (ug/1 ) - - - 8000 - 15,000 1000 - - 4800 2200 Lead (ug/1 ) <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 Magnesium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - - Manganese (ug/1 ) - - - 1600 570 270 1200 - 260 1100 1400 Potassium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - - Sodium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - 40 Zinc (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES FROM BORE HOLES ON THE PROPERTY OF CRANSTON PRINT WORKS Bore Hole No. B8 B8 B8 B9 B9 B9 BID B10 B10 B11 Depth Sampled Feet 10 15 20 10. 15 20 10 15 20 10 Date Sampled 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29-81 4-29- pH 10.5 9.6 8.2 6.4 6.9 - 6.5 - 6.8 - Chloride (mg/1 ) - - - 3 - - 10 - - - Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) - - - - - - 312 - - - Specific Conductance (uMhos) 1150 1400 700 100 175 110 440 210 160 90 Silver (ug/1 ) - - - <50 - - <50 - - - Aluminum (ug/1 ) - - - - - - 100 - - - Barium (ug/1 ) - - - - - - <1000 - - - Calcium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - Cadmium (ug/1 ) - - - <50 - - <50 - <50 - Chromium, Total (ug/1 ) 11,000 9600 510 <50 <50 300 <50 <50 <50 - Copper (ug/1 ) - - - 40. - - <40 - - - Iron (ug/1 ) - - - - - - 20,000 - - - Lead (ug/1 ) <100 <100 - <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 - Magnesium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - Manganese (ug/1 ) - - - - - 1800 - - - Potassium (mg/l)_ - - - - - - - - - Sodium (mg/1 ) - - - - - - - - - - Zinc (ug/1 ) - - - <50 - - <50 - <50 - swa u Qo 3 n s�ao�tnt,d c�oy.scr7a� tro saalto�o'f odslQ 1 tit i 1 k fi. rly.. l f � ( i { , k i ,ut Al ;'ra i f Hdarn f A, r , Ntbw %S. t I V . i TABLE •2 CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF THE SUPERNATE IN THE WASTE INJECTION 14ELLS AT CRA,NSTON PRINT WORKS BEFORE AND AFTER REMOVAL OF THE CHROME WASTE Well A Well A Well B Well B Well C Well C Parameter (2-6-81) (4-29-81) (2-6-81) (4-29-81) (2-6-81) (4-29-81). Alkalinity (mg/1 ) ' 109 - 126 - 285 - Carbonate (mg/1 ) <1 - <1 - <1 - Bicarbonate (mg/1 ) 133 - 154 - 347 - pH 7.6 7.3 8.0 8.8 6.2 7.9 Chloride (mg/1 ) 270 3 510 224 1700 11 Dissolved Solids (mg/1 ) 1010. 181 2620 1250 7990 365 Hardness as CaCO3 (mg/1 ) 82 - 240 - 320 - Non-Carbonate Hardness (mg/1 ) <1 - 110 - 35 - Specific Conductance (uMhos) - 230 - 1700 - 450 Silver (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 - <50 Aluminum (ug/1 ) - 200 - 400 - 1300 Barium (ug/1 ) - <1000 - <1000 - <1000 Calcium (mg/1 ) - 16 - 22 - 17 Cadmium (ug/1 ) - <50 - <50 - <50 Chromium, Total (ug/1 ) 6800 <50 98,000 5800 15,000 140 Chromium, Hexavalent (ug/1 ) ' 1900 - 22,000 - <50 - Copper (ug/1 ) - 110 560 - 590 Iron (ug/1 ) - 1300 - 400 - 1000 Lead (ug/1 ) 1300 <100 36,000 <100 3300 <100 Magnesium (mg/1 ) - 2.4 - 2.4 - 2.0 Manganese (ug/1 ) - 830 - 70 - 200 Nickel (ug/1 ) <100 - <100 - 100 - Potassium (mg/1 ) - 2.2 - 14 - 4.2 Sodium (mg/1 ) - 43 - 420 - 84 Zinc (ug/1 ) 90 <50 350 <50 320 <50 ,z SPECIALIZING IN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 231 ELM STREET (( WARWICK, RA 02886 . GC11 MAN �y PHONE. (401) 467-2452 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS REPORTTO. Cranston Print 19orks Company DATERECEIVED 10L/80 1381 Cranston Street OATEREPORTED 11/7/80 Cranston , R. 1 . 02920 PURCHASE" ORDER I Verbal Attn : Mr. Paul Pothier RJA.L.INVII 4354 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Three (3) Sludge Sample Per your request , subject samples have been analyzed by our laboratory with the following results: SAMPLE RESULTS (Total Chromium) Sludge A 0. 18 mg/1 Sludge B 0. 06 mg/l Sludge C 0.46 mg/1 . Note : Analysis performed in accordance with "Characteristic of EP Toxicity" , Federal Register, Vol . 45, No. 98, Monday, May 19, 1980. If you have any questions regarding this work or if we may be of further assistance, please contact us. APPROVED BY Ant . Perrotti suBjrcT SHEET NO. ...............OF............. CHKD. BY .............DATE ............... ...... JOB NO. ...................................... ......................................................... .......WMAIS.................... .......................................... ............... ............................ ...... Hole- L I of 214" Li $u ;,j Layer Sllu-Jae Layer Averack a— c nn lckewz to Sol ) 'i i U Ct Kit M cc�e r- D. 0% . Depth_ 4 '5A 3'0 1 LA L L— re - Diayorets 011,- ! P'RCAN Mete } H O,r Ii 7 1 i Loa�3 � Frame -eo�srd N5 1 J [ J 0 4 Aver-mc3e r - - - - - - - - TILbi� i L_cger i G O N`acK�"pf"l i F . 1 4 1 ' 5iu9� i t `� 5 ma l l S+o"e a - North Carolina Department of Natural x . Resources &Community Development . James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS SECTION February 11, 1981 Mr. Richard A. Vieweg, Resident Manager Cranston Print Works Company Fletcher, North Carolina 28732 Subject: Waste Disposal Wells Cranston Print Works Company Henderson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Vieweg: It was recently brought to our attention that Cranston Print Works Company at its Fletcher, North Carolina location has made use of wells for purposes of underground waste disposal . This is to inform you that North Carolina General Statute 143-214.2(b) prohibits the discharge of any waste to the groundwaters of this State by means of wells. Cranston Print Works Company is to immediately cease the use of wells for waste disposal in this State. The matter of groundwater monitoring, clean-up or other actions to be taken by the Company in this matter will be discussed during the February 13, 1981 meeting in the Asheville Regional Office involving representatives of Cranston Print Works Company and the Division of Environmental Management. The Company should do nothing toward abandonment or destruction of its three (3) waste disposal wells at this time as they may play a part in future clean-up or monitoring activities. Sincerely, Don Link Regional Hydrologist DL:ar cc: Mr. Marshall Rackiey Mr. Lee Laymon Mr. Bill Myers Mr. .R. L. Gaffney Mr. Ted Meet Mr. Heath P. Dobson Asheville Regional Office Interchange Building, 159 woodfin Street,P.O.Box 370,Asheville,N.C.28801 Telephone 7041253-3341 BY ..........................DATE ............... SUBJECT ......................................................................... SHEET NO. ...............OF.......... CHKD. SY .............DATE ............... ..................................................................I.......I................ JOB NO. ................................... ......................................................... ........................................................................................... ................................................... Rpproxiin +0 s /J r Mo'b�g CPO �SioCt►►�l- - _ 99Ua Pic C o NJ vc-� iv i4y ajr CL DeP4 o Te 1-Lxmd Sur4 ce- o-P GrouvALjolerott -�he< ViciNi� We 116 CQ+ Craps�ov Prtvt Works Ott, p�0.wdeN�� �asia B7 c354 S5(4 cootm f} ; E2C315) B3 1�86 (9o) 3 M,ep t sl l Coo) boo ��O` ° TreatruNt 00 SCalc'I " Gpf• �C ' �asius No'}"to SCs +a t- t O IrJO-ST�- '� i S�Sow ti WGt � pre. }Io1G oru� 1Jorwber (,,?i� 5pccif`�c CoN�yLut OT C 1'Ot�N��� IN ll.e'{nps Fee+ Below 4-ke. SpecJu Co«d+lcA"tvi�y CON+Ou P4-ke- Was�e Lisfo.sa� o��4,eWa�rer-Table iN M►+osa� adept a tc� bel�a-I-1►�s�►�raca_ ms 'Q .1'; �>- A,yh . is t Oatis / 53 so 60 . P9W i �� \ \ ,�� r ms 1148 oat ✓ < a y,�` ` f /\,� `\�i1 — ^/ "• _na.�65 ON 10, 1 _ 4_ [Jji. X �� \ - —•A A +' J�, ' � ms � Y. �� oalmy !<o , I e ! cl5 @ i i fl 1 is 1 n � II 6 55 f f / MY 'l 3� 4Cng 5�. �68 25 rlo �5 / }25 fo/ 7-7 41 \\ .,.�: / ���///��/♦♦ j oat 27 r65 85 ms / l \ r � � 85 is �A1 /I'J)81 g✓ v.2�//y my 80 / `as�_ LOat / � ' I is Id 63 25 sa "42 AD Oat yf /1 �6 16 ,( I I6 oat my �a�/� 7-q II tv� 37 MY 57 128 4 Pg Qai - 17�D o5fC- I►��p y ms ` y 1 i / qf 4( , . IL 46 \ m c8 2 p As n i� is IS ao ' �i`1 rdfes 3 is ms pfff t ms t ��\ Q21 L t-�si� �f'✓� ' � ��—a ��/ C ' MY4 - \! P9 All 155 n I t P 1Ue�:. � / -- � N 25 m f549 MY/ -- - ' 6hg sox L �5 S5 lC 10/ 0 \ __ Uq� .( �_��� 4f oat 5' i, � `..r65n r}l.p ( 56 MIS 1l A is n /AEI 6hg-X m ,53 / � Qai - Oal 16 -.. . i my riv/� z91 \ .�. Oat r\\ f Ile I \\\'\ I � ehg ! \ /r Sa J my / `. /J I �zz \ my I- Oat Y� , Creaofo,« mCLP r i � r s S P4` f 1 1 �t{ t r R r .1 t d i 01 f , i ! v , .4 f4 / f /P 73. GG ,p kvaS.. ic�ure - Was �I�- T) tsPosa � — {,ocativNS A { Crows4oa - -- — _ f)rt-o4 WorNCs �---*, -- -�- P scc, le- i i vv l Cla�r� 'ers ' r s � f l i1 ,4 1 r E i ��a: �,k0•"aks3s`�{ �y �.'M-'.'.•.'.•_w ^• ^.�..�..-..... ,ram i I Oa1> oo(> 001� -rfrr- a 'u'ki),�' (25 - o10 - -- -- - - 41 S QOIy 0�1� 00�? ool`� 00 O1 061.7 �q ! >' 00 O C7Qf� O - — - ppzJ' i' -- - - --- — — Z 19 7 QS� �,� _ Q CL�>., S Q � - QS> fl W n W onbi 000►� ! 000)� — o oo poo '-> o(7C7 000WO 17 � --- I - - - - -��- -� - -Q r--T —$33 t� n5 7 - _QSI 1 i g �b�t� h�tb�lfi ►�/�ti/� !�/6z/fi 1�/6�/�' f 1 Ih 1s/-SClh l,5/9CIf, 1913-ff�h i T ._- i III i oQh oo I> � ' QO!> -F- _ C717 C 001 > OQ15 doff — coo�$ I� y � — _ �01 A Qy 001 o roFrl QS> <2-q Q.9> QS>. QS> �� VA� as> 2S> - - p5 a Q- > Q5> p c> f wa w Q 0421 t7oal SG1 f _ZIo 1�* oT W��sn���r��- TL h CT �fl 0 a q zn a r ti �vn?J 1gal dwyl; 2fa-LVV nvNovaiL) :A0 5 Si 1H�1� �nJ�W tV --j- -_ — -- _ _ _ _ � . �_ __ o _ . — �- _ _ — _ — - - � — — _' _— __ 1- - TRiiLlr £• 4r-- `1IcA-1,, ANALVY �5 �.--_'E�LE_ �.��-- ••S-- ', �I�.I��fp} /WGI well Li uiell 13 Will rt kll C Parr Me, 3lca�bae;���l��"1111 -YL W�2 - I.J_T� 347 P 14 -- &12 `l.q a so_ 9 S t _u e Y L4Oo 00 < 5D 98,00v _ _ 57200 oo I --- 144_. lr-o I-j �..�acl a 7U;,51�� ;2_00 -<3 BY..........................DATE ............... SUBJECT ......................................................................... SHEET NO. ...............OF............. CHKO. BY .............DATE ............... ........................................................................................... JOB NO. ...................................... ......................................................... ........................................................................................... ...................................................... QpProxi(n �� N 4 f /4 n r M BMat+ //' iur� �o f � u►j cYrO 88OIISo) pBlnMql M W..,.______---------L �iclure - Spec'ipima CoNjuc4ivily a4r - Cz DeP -4z o Te I..amd Sure o-F &rouv8Wfae.r iN 4e_ ViciNi We 116 Q+ Craws+cN Prtwt Works B0.5�a Q H7 (350) 5 C43 AbapdoNeJ 1641N BnSlu 82(315) ® C 83 �o �(o BqoC9o) j� boo Wo�te Trea�i+�evt 00 _ _ -- Vat Llldg• p 10 40 Scab C'1" : GPf. 2r,' Basios Ito+ -6 scs.Ia OlJas D'++spa5o. `Will O om f4ole ama Nu f"lbG rl 6Ji" .S pBG;Pl t, CoN�V4 OT CTfeuNAWa4vr I" 04ho5 tFee+ Betmo 4-k@ Specific Cor+dva- v-&i / com4iDvn 'DisQosa� oP+h, Lj"; . Tab�� iN uMhe5OJ adep4-r. oP tofu bel«�-�►e svr�'rce ....t.. JT.1 �I Q ^ �,� vrv'll j.. �5 �Yi .vim• IT lyry er crWI 1.01 7 �t at to-�'x 't`^ � n � w st BY ..........................DATE ............... SUBJECT .-........ ......... .................................................. SMELT NO. ...............OF........... CMKD. BY .............DATE ............... -........................-............I.......... ...................................... JOB NO. ................................... ......................................................... ...................................... ............................................ ....... ....... ..........-... ......................... Approxiel ef ct"A cp qu Pic- c o"8 uc-4 iv j4), a+ cLDeP4, o -P -rt �-wjj Sur-4Lct-- o-� &rauxxA )a:�cr ItJ - ke- Vic' ili'l� 464W�a Hti Dta.Sia / Abaw"cNec� r, �YtIN BaSfU t /82C315) Ty pa ~ Qt r 00) (aoo _Hoo _� �• * ChroN+G 4(l559a a ►rea�ne.+� 00 - nt .51dg- IaG O i0 20' 90 y{ SCa!_,I �! � Gam• .�=- • OWO-s ' `-- r 14�G�p l W Cl 1 cm 14ole- ama NOm+ toer bi' I.TCOUNC1�r !N Y.M�905 Feed- Below 4-ke. specttio C*P AwC6%? y C004wrs 3 P 4-RE wasS e Z)!Sp6s,CL c�1he Wader Tub:= iw iPthas a� adep�4 0 tr below-l4 sv+ c� SUBJECT SHEET NO. ...............OF.............. CHKD. BY .............DATE ............... ...... Joe NO. ...................................... .........................................I............... ......W.. ............................................................... ...................................................... Nole (10 1(0 Fi Li $ uiJ Layer Id sludge Loyer I-h�ckeijs to So� I Avero-,�e- :z 1781 i Ke- Mo.Rerial a o4w,\ e 41 LjLj Smati 4 i-o p e- ON F. LL- P\ yy I �ura i'a , r4xre\ ,s ov- Wata�m T) ispo5a, ) z 9 tj 4" AiuN -----� � Mole e 'Board + Free Zoarg CNf�'1eNT � � — GeM@i.1'I' ` C0.+yINg C.QS(N4 i e , Aver -- — — — - ~ TabtE- l,a�j�r wo.{er -ra61e " Loy e�r ! icbuic� le- ON ��7_ 7 �1 i� y L. L- i 3,0,. Layer- Small S+Cpe VON �Q�'C7r� f -Ply. .. WE L.L- C D pp —Bent Creek i i BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY co / i _ '° ice,✓ / _ Z ATTACHMENT I ` IProposed J New 1 Treatment I Area I B-7 Existing Pond AIL B-5 B-10 B-2 O Existing Pond B-8 B-3 B-6 B-11 B-1 Existin B-9 O Buildin B-4 North Existing Road Legend Project Location of Boreholes Cranston Print Works O Existing Wells Fletcher, North Carolina Job No. '472-15040' Scale: None So'si.Sys$®ens, Inc. �� RECORD OF SUBSURFACE-EXPLORATION Boring k Project Name: Branton_Print Works i)8tB Of Boring: 4/28/81 SiI9:F7etcher. N C. Project No.: 472-15040 DESCHiPTIDM DEPTH 'ELEV. SAMPLE N MC REMARKS SURFACE ' Firm brown fine sandy silt with. 1S5 8 i" trace roots (alluvium) j �. Firm gray clayey silt with trace 5 v Groundwater fine sand and gravel (alluvium) 2SS �5 t -� @ 24 hrs. j. Very firm-reddish brown slightly - silty medium to fine sand with 35S 30 f 10 ,-Very dense grayish brownish fine sandy silt 4SS 82 ' Auger refusal 11.5 . 7 `I -I :9+ I 7 i ' I 1 ` I L �l RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring g--2 Project Name: Cranston Print works Date of Boring:; 4/28/81, Site: Fletcher, N.C. Project No.: , 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N M, REMARKS SURFACE - Stiff gray brown fine sandy silt . 1SS .15 with trace roots (alluvium) Soft grayish brown clayey silt 5z 17 Groundwater 2SS 4 @ 24 hrs. with trace roots'and fine gravel (alluvium) . -- Very firm brown%silty coarse to fine sand with- fine gravel 10 (alluvium) 3SS 25. _ Hard to very hard yellow brown. fine sandy silt with trace fine 15 gravel 4sS. 31 20 5SS 0/6" e I25a 6SS 50/4" Very dense gray silty medium.to fine sand with .trace gravel 30 Boring terminated 30.0' . 7SS "0/5 i RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-3EA Project Name: Cranston Print works Date of Boring: 4/28181 Site: Fletcher, N.C. ` Project No.: •472-15040" - DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N M * REMARKS SURFACE- - Stiff-gray clayey silt ,ith.roots "' : 15S 13 •(alluvium) . Interbedded firm gray clayey silt v_ Groundwater wth •fine sand and loose gray fine 5 258 8 ` @ 24 hrs. sand with roots (alluvium) ' sir ''. .� • -., ; ... . -� - .�.. •-. Dense brown silty coarse to .fine - sand with gravel' (alluvium) lop3SS 41 Very dense yellow brown silty fine sand with rock fragments 1531 4SS 50/3" Very hard brown fine sandy silt with rock fragments 20 5SS 0/4" Boring terminated 24.8' 25 6SS . 0/4" RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-4 Project Name: Cranston print works Date of Boring: 4/28/8l 'Site: Fletcher. N.C. 472=15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N MC REMARKS SURFACE Soft gray clayey silt with roots.' „ (alluvium) Groundwater 5c iSS 4 @.24 hrs. Very firm brown-silty coarse to .fin sandy -silt -with trace'clay 10 30 (alluvium) Very hard yellow brown and gray 3SS 0/3" fine sandy silt with trace clay . 15 20m 4SS 0/2" Boring .terminated 20.2' Y RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring 11-5 Project Name: Cranston Print works Date of'Boimg: .4/28/81 Site: 'Fletcher- N:C. Project No.- 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH I ELEV. SAMPLE N Mc REMARKS SURFACE Firm gray-clayey silt with trace fine sand and : roots• (alluvium) �.. Groundwater 5' @ 24 firs. 1SS t5 Very firm reddish brown silty'" coarse to fine sand with gravel 10 (alluvium) S 25 Very dense-gray silty coarse to, fine sand with clay and gravel :. (alluvium) 15. 0 35S 50/40 Very .dense brown silty medium to fine sand with rock fragments Boring terminated 20.V 20 1w 4§S. 50/3 RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION - Boring B'-6 Project Name; ~Cranston Print works Date-of.Boring: - 4/29/81 Site: Fletcher. H.C. - Project No.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Mc- - REMARKS SURFACE Firm grayish brown clayey silt '. with -roots -(alluvium) - P"- Groundwater 5 5 @' 24 hrs-. Very firm brown ailty--coarse to = fine sand with,-gravel (alluvium).. " "IO 2SS 50 -Bard yellow brown fine sandy. silt 1 - ` 15 .3SS 31 :Very hard brown clayey silt w t rock fragments Boring terminated 19.8' 20 4SS 50/3" . •. - . ,"Y- Ewa. nca,vnu ur auaaunrm%ar. cwrwnjnawry Boring B-7 Project flame: Cranston Print Works - Date o}.Boring: - 4/29/81 Site: Fletcher,,N.C. PtOjectN0.:4 7 2-15 0 40 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE . N REMARKS SURFACE.' Firm gray clayey silt with trace:- . fine sand and roots, (alluvium) - - - 5 LL 1 S 7 Groundwater @ 24 hrs. Very-firm gray silty gravel with- " medium to coarse sand (alluvium) 102 20 22 Very hard brown.fine sandy silt , with rock fragments 159 3S5 0/3'1 20- . 49S 0/V Boring terminated 19.8' _ RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B—R Project Name: Cranston Print works Date of Boring: 4/29/81 Site: Fletcher. N.C. Project No.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Me REMARKS SURFACE Loose gray silty fine sand with trace roots (alluvium) Groundwater @ 24 hrs. 5 15S 6 Very stiff brown silt with trace fine sand 10 2SS 23 Very dense brown silty fine sand „ with trace clay 15 3SS 50/4 4S5 50/4" 20 Boring terminated 20.0' RECORD :OF'SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIOIt! _t3orirtg B-s Project Name: Cranston Print works Date of Boring .4/24/8i Site:—Eletcher. N.C. Project No.: 472-45040' DESCRIPTION DEPTH, ELEVc 'SAMPLE N Me REMARKS SURFACE Firm gray silty fine sand with rock fragments (alluvium) Groundwater 24 hrs. - . 5 Hard to very hard brown fine sandy silt with rock fragments 10 2SS 46 i5 .3SS 50.51, - . 20 4SS 0.3" Boring terminated 20.3' ' RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIOPi Baring Project Name:-- Cranston, Print Works' Pate OI gOrIOtJ: 4/29/81 Site Fletcher, N.C. Project No. 472=15040 S DESCRIPTIOU 'DEPTH I ELEV. SAMPLE N Mc REMARKS SURFACE Firm gray clayey silt with trace fine sand (alluvium) Groundwater 5 1S5 8 @ 24 hrs. Very firm brom silty coarse to fine sand witty=trace gravel (alluvium) ' to 29S 22 0 . Hard to very hard brown slightly. .sandy silt 15 JZ� 45 4SS • 50/3" . - 20 Boring terminated 20.0' •� .. nca.vrry yr •a v.av v... r+v • = a t iTj Boring s-11 `4129/81 TrojeCt Name: '�ranaton Print Works ' _ Date of Boring:. ':Slta:- -Fl -nher N'r Project NOTE-472=15040 - i DESCRIPTION DEPTH -ELEV." SAMPLE N. MC REMARKS SURFACE Auger probe to 9.5' • Groundwater 5 @ 24 hrs. 177 Boring tercdnated 9.5' 10 —J CLASS I HAZARDOUS WASTE ItC=CN WFJi 1 'J. �/Y7 � �� l.��J ,'IIG� rw fr'c nr?rW� (y. f� I. GENERAL IDENI'IFICATICN DATA 1. operating company name and address ` 1 nmen-Into Pr LJorks Co. Telephone t7611 !c8'�-ln4 11 nx� . 105 well name/number 2. owner of well/facility n1S�np Prtt,3 t UnrkS COM*ANy Y1pr 11 C 187S 2 3. Lccation of well H C m A e r S n IJ Fed e County city Address �' r2N' �e►� Pr4A Q c r k-S Ce0,oa� I4 F( 4. NPDES Permit No. 1Voae FCRA I.D. No. Other I.D No. II. GENERAL WELL DATA 1. Type of facility �m-site Q off-site other Q federal 2. Is all the hazardous waste disposed of through injection wells generated on site? Yes ❑ No 3. Operational status Q Active Q Continuous disposal Q Taraorarily abandoned = Intermittent ( injection wells at this facility 6ic code X, 6. Date welledrilled a 317 9 7. Regulatory aspects. a) Regulation under which this well/facililty was permitted v- YI a k- P�rM•,-4�--P� b) Changes in State l�regulatory requirements since well was permitted 1 1 of Y-�Ym i -liz=� /✓c) Explanation of coordination/review affecting the control of injection well ✓d) Ltzes the State have interim status under the RC'2Fa n program? III. GEDLC6ICAL DATA 1. Injection and confining formations • - a) taan,e and age OpeN Liu Well A - t{j, b) Injection interval(s) ; Fran wel(6 feert t ,e c_-�qVe feet. ' c) Lithology ,P1- San+ d- ravel �vPrs er 1 T areY c 4Y aN d) Thickness a p 4 ---,p Z + 0 e) Lithology of confining layer Np�P f) Thickness of confining layer N A • g) Description of local and regional geologic features considered in siting and permitting of well f� In 7 n �V h) Porosity(%) effective esL rQ total esr. Z,Y4*SO1e i) Permeability(gpd/ft ) r- • r = 2. Reservoir fluid data I+�e(l R L)•` +P-; ? Wel( 83.WtPs! ,.' a) Original bottom hole pressure C. t c' 3+oc� calculated measureG b) Fluid chemical characteristics JL�4l G�II A. [�4eo•fs�ll8-g8,ee0 C-15,n y�;aoo�C-33a0 5�6+ peo1C- <So C iY 6q-17O38-51O�G- l70� c) Physical characteristics: S.G.: 7 _ ,well—A 7:o Peer �eelea,e�ay41e115 111 G1 -11 4 1olo mgl.� Pear')'c elenr� TDS(mg/1) ' 404p,€1� 7 9 4 a 15 �- d) Canpatability tests performed w th injected fluid and results 3. Geohydrology of aquifers a) Depth of 3,000 mg/1 'IDS water I l,,.k ran.,e,i (=4 . > l D.bOD PI b) Depth of 10,000 mg/1 2IS water 1L •• 0•-pu � 1Ceat >lc,eee 1— mo c) .Direction of ground-water movement West- d) Wells providing drinking or irrigation water within a five-mile radius of the injection well. See table blow. No./Nan-e incation Capacity Formation Population Type* of 9Em Name or Served of Well Depth Well 7:7s him e_ W �xcas5 0� lDo�we ! s Attach map — Attach additional table as needed. — ' single family, rural, Cmn=ity, PrS. Prio'W4(y SIu9�'B 7At '(y supplies e) Underground sources of drinking water(USDWs) and hydrological character- istics of overlying and underlying strata, and injection formation. (1) Geology of area Attach geological cross-section mar) shoainC overlvinc and underl inn strata, and in ection formation. 4 - 4.- (2) USLW description Use table below. Nare/' Depth Thickness Total Dissolved Hydraulic gradient ` Formation ft. ft. Solids (TDS) (with direction) Attach additional table as needed. s, NOTE: Information is for all USDWs penetrated by the well, or within a ore--mile radius, or within two hundred feet below the well - injection zone. IV. WELL DESIGN AND CONST13=C N 1. Total well depth (ft)b►el(B-9' Surface elevation (ft) ASL k0l e, y 5' 2. Casing and tubing: Hole Size(in.) Pipe Size(in. ) Thickness(in. ) Depth Set ft.) Grade casing WeJ 7 '+ �'�a 'r,D _ se7 Welic .5 �+ 'f10" I•D. 3" L4.5' wing A other NA Tubing material )/,� 3. Cementing program Pine Size(in. ) Cementing interval u,u k• f'ran uu9.ft. to U-N ft. Amount of cEment(sacks) -atik Tvpe(API) U , _ Additives UAik_ 4. Packer: Type N n P Depth material 5. Logging and coring program o Ne - 5 - 6. Canpletion data: Oren hole 0 Perforated Q Screened (� Stimulation Interval(s)_ bPeti+ F.. J We(I q _ !0�e71_B -4�Wellc-14, 7. Area of review at time of permit issuance. ,r a) No. and types of wells penetrating disposal zone in ACt b) No. of dells plugged/abandoned in ACR S. Surface facilities - RCRA/NPDES programs. a) Description of surface facility under the RCRA program /�)683� b) Description of ground-water monito r RCRA progrEm C Re'rc�os cfiC .0 pep'. ob�N r a MINE Ljml-, V. INJECTION DATA 1. Fluid characteristics. a) Process(s) fran which waste(s) originates b) Type(s) of all waste constituents injected CSeG Acme.,_ dN K � c) Chemical concentrations of all wastes S+e "as,hatP d) Ranges and variations atPions of chemical concentrations or fluids injected. ( Se,4t"Ch d"K e) Waste type - List the EPA four (4) digit odes associated with the hazardous wastes that are disposed of in the injection well and the annual voles of each(See 40 CFR Part 261 for Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste) . Annual ¢uantity Disposed of Code in gallons ® ® ® ® [� C7 � Cl = M = = . ® DOCK Attach additional table as needed. k1 i:f) Physical measurements: S.G. 0 '1DS Q ,pH ® Viscosity [=] y`Yr 2. operation characteristics. a) pate injection began 4Z�2q b) Injection.pressure(psi) q.44- c) Injection rate(ggn) 0.013,T, d) Ar= ar fluid type LpveruJce -�or ayear 3. Special conditions(describe) s -_ 4. Preinjection treatment and charges in. Waste characteristics W—')� e �eaS L'to rM� VI. WELL TESTIRIG ' — 1. Listing of mechanical integrity tests, results and dates completed. 2. Listing of workovers/remedial actions/corrective actions in AOR, and dates perfonmed at time of permit issuance. MA k3 P i VII. lCP1IIORLh'G REQJIP-rY—Wfl5 1. Injection fluid. (� a) Frequency of injection fluid analysis paplo-A m b) Use of continuous recording devices: Pressure 0 Volume/ rate [� Annulus Q 2. monitoring wells. a) No. of monitoring wells uses to aanitor rigrat ��f �flui' or ' water quality yy�:rn� "n a rn. . -aLj /a•j/ L1'iav�LdE- m /uV�LC b) Parameters measured c�e� Qeoe T_ � c) Frequency Of sampling ' d) LDeation of•monitoring ESE relative to ec ion we1�(geographic and geologic) ESE e. g,.cc L P Letaap -I- i e) Des cription1/11 of �Onitoring resultts�f//�, — A Y} ��I _. f111.1 •, 9 dl� A rYLJIM �pil6RlY� +1L�+.� �� yiiI.INSPEX. w AND SURVEILIANCE FOR INJD=ECN WELLS ONLY C16r,.L. na O 1. Type of inspection: Scheduled-= Periodic 2. Frequency of inspection: Monthly 0 Annual Q Other Q 3. Date of last inspection 4. Inspection agency: State [� EPA Q 5. Type of inspection UIC Q FCRA Q NPDES Q 6. Describe data collected during inspection 7. Actions witnessed: Constcuctiai Plugging Q Abandonment 'Operation 0 8. No. and description of emergency responses Mep me a 9. Canplaints received about project ko r e 10. Description of canpliance record under RCRA program �nne 11. Date and circumstances of last RCRA inspection to kAhOk1R.- IX. ACTIONS FOR DJE=ON WELITS ONLY �1. Noncompliance Actions. a) Well construction Q b) Well operation [_] c) Monitoring S reporting d) Other(specify) �✓� ,j 2. Enforcement actions. tivi� w�QQa a) Type of action: Informal State ©� Notice of violation Administrative order EPA Q Judicial �Q b) Resolution of enforcement action ir. F, 'M fi r * iruyL C jpr. - r LJ'jA.)C'0 I Y11n plir"TTCeu�iry c) Other well actions X. R&*lEDIAL A=ON 1. Remedial action performed. a) Casing repaired/squeeze cement a b) Tubing/packer repaired Q c) Other reredial action 2. Des yip ion of remedial action performed in (1) above 1 d - ' 4L( 1 ed[ (Lt / S t)e1"P I/EA&Pe .Y e.r T XI. PERMIT LJMI=ONS 1. NPDES program. l a) NlD permit limitations on disposal well(s) : Yes No Q b) 'Type of limitation: vblume(gpd) Pressure(psi) Ty;�e of waste Mass of specific constitutent(Y /day) Monitoring ._. sU I/ c) If specific oanstitutent is limited, explain how limi wasa„ nq derived. ( i.e. guideline, BPr, BAT# BFJ, etc.)., nim 2 ..U�lv,ta.Sl f 2. 'State UIC peanit-.limitatians I XII. MISCELMDOUS 1 //�� 1. Studies of area geology/hydrology, e 9r etc. ne e—j s4d(� 2. Contingency(emergency) plans j3. Safety precedures �aN� ( C Ias��/� — �ma.r, er;r✓:v R r nn Or QupUNcYcJa'2 er c. 12h: Iwv1 a� n �] 4. well maintenance and repairs �!�(� �, ��e� a baNdLa►'e✓ 5. Futureplans l ON INUe r—!2 rter MnNrtdr-Aw 6. Financial responsibility ; n k� � ✓ _:, ,.:irti/ t ,•.r ,.;call. —Cane Creekrf- r f �' . . . r N r r o m J � —mud Creek / . /A8. - \\ m � 1 - - ,- —U.S.HWY,.25 Jv ' H �.N..�tJ•� _ y � pp p �0 O C O O O O O O O j 1 —Serf Creek i i - I SLUE RIDGE PARKWAY o I y 1 ✓/ I f �1 —Carte Creek 3 'J Ci / m .�. m If / D I f e rl / ' rr /•/ ./ m I —lfud Creek ' zz it fly m ! i !i = " a -- �"Q Vf N" LP �• N_ N 4I fJ Q O O O O O p Or-O O O O O O O r t _ \ 1� N�, � o^e o^ u• . ��. � \ � ���� \/1�. ��t-_� � -13A31 V35 Mod \moo \ oo��� \, SW6 � e \ ooez h m � u Lelunav� peg m ,005E O m a a R n ,c r ; BY .......... SUBJECT SHEET NQ. ...............UF............. CHKO. BY .............DATE ............... ...... J013 NO. ..................................... ......................................................... ..... ............................................................... ..................................................... ! Maw I Hole- 1, 1 . Lic�uij Loy-pr Ave r-o-cA e- i2 71 Lo r KIL MW�eriai a� B o41-40% 41 LL- ro.n s o -P WoLfi--c "Dt'sposa.) 7 hole P4ta tom' Aole '- ! = r e L�aar� i Svr-�c.c� � I Frame. L�arsc-�i CEMENT Cc.SIN3 Gnsiwr� I F d i 1 .. I — - - - - - ` wa+er--ro,6k i f ( L i cyu i J_ ? s i c Y er { 6 I{ I 1 BY � 4.MtO4; I SUBJECT snot N Q. ............ ......I....... CHKO. BY .............DATE ............... ...... JOB NO. ...................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ... ............................................................... Maw No ie- Frce- 'Zoa rc4 L ; a eN yer Ave MLAe. (5ludqc rblc�Kek)s to so' of Well) - - - - - - 7'1 W E L L- 11V ;Ole. MCA n ,0 4 150 ar-CA - Sur -cam ram. - is Free. 13O rJ t ' ( Wsizr y t f7 �1i' ' L L- ' } I oil - - ! Ea _-�=�� - - - - - _- 6- .....:.:...... ....;., ..1-0A i E .......... ........... ...... 5"L.l NU. ...............Ur......_..... CHKD. BY .............DATE ............... ...... JOB NO. ..................................... ........................ ......................... ..... ...... ZA.lk.:s.................... ........... ....... .. ..................................................... ck w Al (o (o Frtf-e- -Zock rJ m cl Lic� uid' Lxyer IV s u-d ae- Layer A v--ra�!A e- ra 13 1 7" 41 7'10" C- Lkc 5-mixil si-owe ON 1�30 \IV F— LL— A T) �,Spcsol Lk i c�'f`i -�! ; f' .- { �r ccksOv a CAS{ T�J i { Tacte � 1 Wa•�c:r-Tables; �` i 11 y �y tip iG C Al a yff-oM i i i p p } 4 1 L yer �,� Small StdNe 52 aN BOi'I't3M • WE LL- C GROUNDWATER SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL GROUNDWATER POLLUTION SOURCE SITE DESCRIPTION ' I REVIEW BY : 1 is DATE: $�25 W.D. PERMIT NO. ( rmiite� TOWN: FIB+C_ er COUNTY: NeN Aer50w1 NAME OF FACILITY OR INSTALLATION: C rAw1Gt6N 'Pr% -- (>✓nrk-t nmo way ADDRESS: C. 2 $ 73 Z TELEPHONE: �By - 6Y// OPERATOR OR CONTACT PERSON: p6N r 1.1 rAA1sT01J�r�rJT {A�orRs C'en��a�_ ADDRESS: M . C. 2 $7 �Ii12 r TELEPHONE: (D$4-(o It// ex. .loy LOCATION (SKETCH ON BACK) : S� QttclCYlM n)� QUAD. NO. QF(((,L LAT. 35a5 07 LONG. $2 30 07 ELEV. 2[ 5Qh TYPE SOURCE (LANNDFIL`L, LAGOON, ETC. ) : 7" me_. v(rr r=/l-�Io�et e I Is 11sedl -�o l �14�OSG OT C11rAMlUM LilQ4TL�. 1 d.l ear, I aI cte-ep Well e rem o n TYPE AND QUANTITY OF POLLUTANTS: 1 Babe S- )J oga11[7uc . &3 a 1 ) B 2 Qgs weII (n 16 /1. y� ls DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY OR SITE (SKETCH ON BACK) : C stag HYDROGEOOLfOGIC CONDITIONS AT SITE: S ;5 IpLi-} S IL G -P1e4dJRla(w) wk� � DESCRIPTION OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS : `j�� /-t't'FachMPQ4L Page f THICKNESS OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS (FEET) : 0 3 fee TYPE OF BEDROCK (FRACTURED GPA14ITE GNEISS, ETC. ) : Pyre--urea( 14e�er!TwJ &NerSs Cp"'� ured� �vaeN w� e�ss� DEPTH TO BEDROCK (FEET) : Vo2n� { 0 S0 e� II HYDROGEOLOGIC UNIT: Nuc- R�dlae INNer \ IL-imaP4 me N- DEPTH TO WATER TABLE (FEET) : TOPOGRAPHY (PERCENT SLOPE, COPY OF TOPO. , ETC.) : NEAREST STREAM: U.r +-p CnNe C V ee k DISTANCE (FEET) : 0.op. (OO-ee Y NEAREST WATER-SUPPLY WELL: DISTANCE (FEET) : �p . ) QOOeY SUB-BASINt Fire_QLn ErnaA POLLUTION CONFIRMED BY ANALYSIS: x(2g DATE: ANALYST: EXPLAIN: hells chntael/ era"1T- MI ✓L�i�.� �y E' f _ O-r—� �e—X.�Cr ��rnoL j a ' a IqC R sL N r e MONITORING FACILITIES INSTALLED: yes NO. OF WELLS: Jr_ MONITORING WELL QUADRANGLE NO. 5R(nLj_7r 8(oc._gr DRlouq, nJlJ. LA_io + 096LA_ / SAMPLING SCHEDULE : I SAMPLED BY: T)iy o+ �iiyrroNn�e,uta� Mokm4 mujrWor er �ee �-eoa PARAMETERS: (rAl l4co� 5 p ANALYSES AND OTHER DATA AVAILABLE: c h REMARKS: Tl\.Os;&A u-/a ( (s have N c (eaaeJ au-F ll aye �h fus/tr3,V 11Mesld.ue aaj A7ere NeUEr P&rlKL_4&S by 7�EM Tke Moru('46,^ we-Hu F av&_ 56L4 ) ' Slnrce 0c 19W"1 am o /J /J r (( Y'� t�/�eSC.,J /�I ��3 i1 u b .�/✓ 4J.+d dryl4�S' [�� s o T G.�' rAp� alvcd!-s kaue �u Se.)+ 4. Ike Rl�� A 0 u vy 0 c i ab' CG Pp� i pvo�r Hole t'I•�ypp'" Auger{ F1�le# ZR Spec.;•f�� CoNTvc-4*v,l � 2000wm�o �e h ' Att�� I 1 1 `$ C1 "0 5 : M*eot+ water SMnle 4.,74,1 o v.�i OFe �aN Or(�a NI c odor wras cra. s4oN Pri,J WoYks $ ! _ - aPQ.aB' / O.Q�•10 !-lo���N�Ta.�k -�oY' V/ GhroArivrl was+G 1N�LUC�, N wC c (A,-81c) Au er Hole 1 f} 4PP.33 Sp7at—c cc pNJ,..% ,v�4y No tl)cTtr surd e '} kke.j Ao5er Hu lc 05A �J�J Uhw�os Spec;k ALIfrL Weerr/6ar^f�e �o4 Fra i North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS SECTION February 11, 1981 Mr. Richard A. Vieweg, Resident Manager Cranston Print Works Company Fletcher, North Carolina 28732 Subject: Waste Disposal Wells Cranston Print Works Company Henderson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Vieweg: It was recently brought to our attention that Cranston Print Works Company at its Fletcher, North Carolina location has made use of wells for purposes of underground waste disposal . This is to inform you that North Carolina General Statute 143-214.2(b) prohibits the discharge of any waste to the groundwaters of this State by means of wells. Cranston Print Works Company is to immediately cease the use of wells for waste disposal in this State. The matter of groundwater monitoring, clean-up or other actions to be taken by the Company in this matter will be discussed during the February 13, 1981 meeting in the Asheville Regional Office involving representatives of Cranston Print Works Company and the Division of Environmental Management. The Company should do nothing toward abandonment or destruction of its three (3) waste disposal wells at this time as they may play a part in future clean-up or monitoring activities. Sincerely, Don Link Regional Hydrologist DL:ar cc: Mr. Marshall Rackley Mr. Lee Laymon Mr. Bill Myers Mr. R. L. Gaffney Mr. Ted Mew Mr. Heath P. Dobson Asheville Regional Office Interchange Building, 159 Woodfin Street,P.O. Box 370,Asheville,N.C.28801 Telephone 704/253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer - - ' CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY x HENDERSON COUNTY VCRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY CPU A CORPORATE OFFICES .XY9Y 1381 CRANSTON STREET,CRANSTON,R.I.02920 RECEIVED TEL.401-943ASOO Water Quslity Division FEB 12 1981 February 9, 1981 Western Regional Office Asheville, PForth Carolina Mr. Don Link North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 370 Ashville, North Carolina 28801 Dear Mr. Link: Attached is a copy of an analysis report which lists the results of an approved EP Toxicity analysis for chromium that was conducted on the sludge which is con- tained in the chrome treatment storage sumps at our Fletcher plant. The results show that extractable levels of chromium are considerably below the 5.0 mg/liter limit set by the EPA for chromium in the extraction procedure test. Mr. Heath Dodson of the Ashville office requested that I forward a copy of this analysis to you. The chrome waste storage sumps are scheduled to be cleaned out on Wednesday, February 11, 1981, by SCA Chemical Services Company. The sludge will be handled and 'i?isposed of as a hazardous waste in accordance with the North Carolina haz- ardous waste regulations that are now in effect. Very truly yours, CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY 9 ' Jahn Wright Director of Environmental Services Technical Services Division JW:jl • T ` � V c���C.GIJKN<<i�u//`Lcc/�J V�u/. SPECIALIZING IN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 231 ELM STREET WARWICK, R.I 02886 PHONE. (401) 467-2452 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS REPORTTO: Cranston Print lVorks Company DATERECEIVED 10/3/80 1381 Cranston Street DATEREPORTED 11/7/80 Cranston , R. 1 . 02920 PURCHASE ORDER 0 Verbal Attn : Mr. Paul Pothier R.LA,LINV.. 4354 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Three (3) Sludge Samples_. Per your request , subject samples have been analyzed by our laboratory with the following results : SAMPLE RESULTS (Total Chromium) Sludge A 0. 18 mg/1 Sludge B 0.06 mg/1 Sludge C 0.46 mg/l. Note: Analysis performed in accordance with "Characteristic of EP Toxicity" , Federal Register, Vol . 45, No. 98, Monday, May 19, 1980. If you have any questions regarding this work or if we may be of further assistance, please contact us. APPROVED BY A th E. Perrotti f S 0 �� � � � t � cL fl gt �P. �. `�, r s � i c' � e � e k. k. �� � ye k� ki � { ` 9 r � $ k., 9� � ,i b 0fw d ) o �30 2 q w Lv� y ue f C7,��� ��., � � r 1 �� • ./ i s ��� ,� -��� � ��n �� � �0 � � ��T� ��, � � �. �. � , �-. ����: � �� . � , ��� -�-� � �. � �° ��� n �� ��a � � -� ��� � � � d �-/ � � , �� �, � �� . , Y \' Y NO I Q INTRA - COMPANY CORRESPONDENCE .-ROM Paul Pothier To Jim DeBruhl October 7, 1980 OUR No. RE. No. Dear Jim: Attached are copies of some drawings that I was able to make, based on the measurements that we obtained when I was at your waste water treatment plant. You may find this information useful with regard to your chrome treatment operation. John Wright and myself are evaluating the chrome waste stream at Fletcher and hopefully, with your help, we can minimize the volumes of waste to be treated and disposed of. Please call me if you have any additional questions or comments on this project. Pail Pothier Environmental Chemist PP:jl FORM 302CL ChroN,e P�-t�t �5{.� Wast�S On\ � 1lroxt� �ts� will / $tw +' iovl ElectroOckk � Vk,steS ��iSowe\\S y otil � — Prescgt �� <� to �Ll '1 l h U s k . 1/ �— avk,30 H o f j WSdw $ol h . W Q\I B S'05w� i I IF- 1'cCtrtulgtIery \ C P P to plast Ic y } VNtx CONIfh15 l00o941 -Ftbre5l�3 MAY T4.tk --r o heldty Chro•Ne. Wwste Haldtre, +reuc'}u'� � E 9 Twnk Tc\nk . T D%s PoS41 wet �— 1s Nt t tN C yNot O Fiv% Us C�� Flydro SA n• �IeCtNopl4TIN \ WwS� < 014 Well A rM C-�. Igh I �11YOWIe= w45�� S�or�gG� ., Cohfl�c?ed fo twln _ 1 -.TrC N , Gh � ci \s Fosc, aC- 1 l 111 � i f m>� hale � d � Y hrQt' bvwr � 3 y LQ�¢r Sk,,J3 }I,tcketi5 7JDr to Ma'1 ev.vl goll �w+ of will of WC11 • ToiGI UoIuw, e of 1).lell_ _A — y/y .S 3 �r- .3/ oa, S Jg11oH,$ ValuvAe o Slud� e Ica er — ,4Pproy $ S9, ia �7`or M/S 5411ops valuw, e o C 113U, � Inycr /gp�roy 77, 3 �73or 6-79 10tQ II , Trc_ 1 s ,io SIkXILJe ICA. e- V' {- SlL)cP— 1,5 � lniol� a a hak-1a c��/ �o oM o F welt A _ A,, ��l -l"O gltg v � d � ewgY� As, � �C Ca� of � ke, we ,t , Welk 0>516 1 - y / ,f ,I r,oh tote_ G i i Ll9.:Lp toyer 3 rO � e E we �1 ff'' --uO�u wL e o S1u �e- �o er - /may• 7 � at 708. 3G S�IIonS - - -C) uINAe- . —� E -- -- \ ICVLe �n4e-.h - . _ J �iy 3 a �' (oOd • / .I` nUo.LS - ul AV PrPSen l — W��( 1S lh "SL -- -0�1 LxjC cs �i.Ye A pOS e. d C3 mve A.1G "rr"� G , I - 3 F.ee �®era Y / M V 51 � �9e l4�er 3 � S�o„Q 4fi bottow of c,.,� l� _ To+4` U�(��ve of Well C — � iS. S �7` 3 or /� la 5glle�s -vcILVAV y1//ak.S not m use - "i S use — .(oY &1Sp.cctl 0 � w,.xs ie— C•�]JYn:he Cory74/e -r ` . �U 1 1 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS SECTION March 4, 1981 Mr. Richard A. Vieweg Cranston Print Works Company Fletcher, North Carolina 28732 Subject: Waste Disposal Wells Cranston Print Works Company Henderson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Vieweg: I very much appreciate you and other members of the staff of Cranston Print Works Company taking the time to meet with us on February 13, 1981, to discuss the monitoring of the movement of wastewater from the three waste disposal wells on Cranston's Henderson County property and any clean-up activity which may be demonstrated necessary and justifiable based upon the results of those monitoring activities. Monitoring and clean-up will take place at Company expense. The Division of Environ- mental Management will provide support relating to waste analytical work during the monitoring effort. The following persons were in attendance at that meeting: Mr. Richard Vieweg Cranston Print Works Ms. Susan Corner Murphy u Mr. Bill Gaffney It Mr. Jim DeBruhl " Mr. Paul Pothier " Ms. Debra Hale Environmental Management Mr. Don Link " Mr. Jim Reid " Mr. Heath Dobson " Mr. Max Hatter " Mr. Roy Davis " It was decided that the waste-disposal well study on Cranston property should be approached in two phases : (1) The first phase to determine the extent of migration into the water-table of pollutants from the disposal wells; and (2) Clean-up and groundwater monitoring requirements that are necessary and justifiable based on knowledge gained during the initial phase. Ashesille Regional Office Interchange Building, 159 Woodfin Street,P.O. Box 370,Asheville,N.C.28801 Telephone 70412 5 3-3 3 4 1 An Eaaal Onnortunity AfPir ativn Art/nn Fmnlnvor - jduwl - -. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR--- LAB NUMBER & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE REC'D QUAD N0. ^._ SERIAL NO. DEM REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY - ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other Date Collected I ; .-' 1 Time By Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat. Long. pH Spec. Cond. Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 - m /l OAg-Silver (D) - ug/1 BOD mg/1 ❑ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 m /l O A1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/l 1-1 Carbonate mg/1 OBa-Barium (D) ug/l Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 OCa-Calcium (D) mg/1 ❑Coliform (total MF) /100ml H value (when analyzed) units OCd-Cadmium (D) ug/l 0 TOC mg/l Arsenic (D) ug/l a Cr-Chromium (D� ug/1 ❑ Turbidity NTU Carbon dioxide mg/1 OCu-Cooper (D) ug/1 ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l ❑ Chloride (D) mg/l 11Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Color (True) units Ogg-Mercury (D) ug/1 ❑Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Cyanide mg/1 OLi-Lithium (D) ug/l 0 Phosphorus, total as P(D) mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) m /l OMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analp,Ases1• Fluoirde (D) mg/1 EMn-Manganese(D) ug/1 �pYnVl11EL1� rnw,��trr� <LZ-n Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/1 ONa-Sodium (D) mg/l Hardness (non-carbonate) (D) mg/1 OPb-Lead (R) ug/1 ❑ MBAS (D) mg/l O An-Zinc (D) .0 /1 Phenol (D) ug/1 Silica (D) mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample El Sulfate (D) mg/l Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER i & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AD NO. SERIAL N0. DEM DATE REC'D REPORT TO: (circle one) Groundwater Field/Lab Form REC'D BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie F0, OTHER DATE REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor) other Date Collected - ; { j Time By : Location or site Description of sampling point tj 1p11 art<. . Sampled interval Remarks ^� r ( F I .101 (pumping time, air temp, etc. ) Field Analysis By: 1/ Lat. Long. 4�i PH Spec. Cond. !m 6s Temp. oC Odor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to PH 4.5 m /l OAg-Silver (D) ug/l BOD m /l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/1 DA1-Aluminum (D) ug/1 COD mg/1 ❑ Carbonate m /l 1:1Ba-Barium (D) ug/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) /100ml Bicarbonate mg/1 F�Ca-Calcium (D) mg/l Coliform (total MF) /100ml H value (when analyzed) ( units E]Cd-Cadmium (D) ug/l TOC mg/l 1-1 Arsenic (D) u /1 Cr-Chromium (D) ug/1 Turbidity NTU ❑ Carbon dioxide mg/1 F]Cu-Cooper (D) ug/l ❑Ammonia (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 Chloride (D) mg/1 El Fe-Iron (D) ug/1 E] Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/1 ❑ Color (True) units E]Hg-Mercury (D) ug/1 Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) mg/l Cyanide mg/1 DLi-Lithium (D) ug/l Phosphorus, total as P(D) m /l O.Dissolved solids (D) mg/1 DMg-Magnesium (D) mg/1 Other Analyses: Fluoirde (D) m /l E]Mn-Manganese(D) ug/l Hardness (as CaCO3) (D) mg/l Na-Sodium (D) mg/l ❑ Hardness (non-Carbonate) (D) mg/l Pb-Lead (D) ug/1 MBAS (D) mg/1 An-Zinc (D) ug/1 Phenol (D) u /1 Silica (D) mg/l D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample Sulfate (D) mg/1 Specific Cond. UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 10/1/80 White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab . j 114r. Richard A. Vieweg Page 2 March 4, 1981 The first phase would be to arrange for an engineering firm experienced in soil test work to construct for the Company temporary uncased test holes for the collection of soil and water samples around the perimeter of the disposal wells. The soil testing firm would be responsible for providing a description of the soil materials taken from the test holes. The loca- tion of these test borings would be determined by representatives of the Division of Environmental Management's Asheville Regional Office and Cranston Print Work's Company when the engineering firm is on the site and ready to start testing. Changes may be made in the test site locations as information is being gathered on the soils or specific conductance of water removed from the test hole which may be used as an indicator of water-table contamination. In my estimation, at least ten test holes would be necessary at depths of twenty to thirty feet to determine the migration of any pollutants. The test hole nearest the center of the disposal area should go to bedrock depth or auger refusal . The purpose of the soil tests would be to determine the depths at which changes in the soil 's characteristics may affect vertical and lateral move- ment of any pollutants. Also, some samples of these sediments will be analyzed for their heavy metal content to determine the amount they have absorbed. Waste analytical work will be performed by the Division of Environmental Management during this phase. Specific conductance tests will be made at five foot intervals, if possible, during the boring process. Since the naturally occurring ground- waters in the area have a specific conductance of generally less than 200 micromhos, a value much greater than this would indicate possible pollutant migration and more complete water samples would be taken. T xtent of the further sampling would be determined in part by information currently being com il dd (,the�_Company relating to the waste dispose in e three weTls. We would—anticipate that the grid system' xtend out from the wells until the outer limits of movement of contaminated water have been established. Phase two will be designed following completion of the monitoring phase. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss this matter further prior to the initiation of phase one. I look forward to hearing from you when arrangements have been completed to bring a soil testing contractor on site. )S* lIX-1 e Don Link DL:ar Regional Hydrologist cc:Ted Mew Lee Laymon Susan Murray Paul Pothier Bill Gaffney Heath Dobson/Max Haner CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY HENDERSON COUNTY North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary v DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 16, 1981 RECEIVED Water Quality Division FEB 19 1981 Western Regional Office Asheville, North Carolina MEMORANDUM TO: Roy Davis pp �—L' FROM: Robert F. Helms -- r SUBJECT: Cranston Print Works - Waste Injection Wells Please proceed with the lead roll in dealing with this matter and keep me advised. Any support you need from Raleigh will be forthcoming. RFH/cl cc: Neil Grigg R. W. Van Tilburg L. P. Benton P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS SECTION July 18, 1980 Mr. Jim DeBruhl Cranston Print Works U. S. Highway 25 Fletcher, North Carolina 28732 Subject: Water Quality Monitor.dlells Cranston -Print Works Henderson County, North Carolina. Dear Mr. DeBruhl : In our conversation of July 15, 1980, .regarding the construction of water-quality monitor wells, the wells sh"ould be completed to a depth of five (5) feet below the water-table and should be constructed,to the following specifications: I. The wells should be constructed with Thermoplastic Water Well Casing that: A. conforms to requirements of the American National - Standards Institute/American Society for Testing and Materials (ANSI/ASTM) specifications F480-76 for thermoplastic water-well casing pipe and couplings made in Standards .Dimension Ratios (SDR); B. has a minimum wall thickness and tolerances that meets or exceeds requirements for SDR 17 thermoplastic water-well casing pipe for nominal sizes greater than three inches (Schedule 80); C. has a minimum wall thickness and tolerances that meets or exceeds requirements for Schedule 40 thermoplastic water-well casing pipe for no nal , sizes three inches and smallerr�E D. has water-tight joints that are glued or threaded and coupled. Mr. Jim DePruhl Page 2 July 18, 1980 II . The bottom of each well should be equipped with a ftve well screen that: A. has an accurate uniform gage; B. has a minimum wall thickness and tolerance which meets or exceeds requirements for Schedule 40 thermoplastic water-well casing pipe for nominal sizes three inches and smaller; C. has a minimum wall thickness and tolerance whim meets or exceeds requirements for SDR 17 thermo- plastic water-well casing for nominal sizes greater than three inches ; D. be constructed with keystone shaped "1SF approved plastic wire or rings surrounding plastic pipe of calibrated slots cut in the pipe designed to adequately prevent the entrance of formation materials ; E. has such fittings as are necessary to seal the top of the screen to the casing and to close the bottom; F. is packed with sand or gravel , if possible, of size dependent on the nature of the formation materials. III. The wells should be grouted with sand cement or neat cement from the top of the well screen to the land surface. The wells should be bailed or pumped out adequately to evacuate three to five times the volume of water in the wells prior to sampling. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,Z-1 a Don Link Regional Hydrologist DL:ar cc:Heath P. Dobson N. 0. Gerald TABLE I SPECIFIC CONDUCTIVITY AND TOTAL CHROMIUM CONCENTRATION IN GROUNDWATER RELATED TO DEPTH OF SAMPLING IN THE VICINITY OF THE WASTE INJECTION WELLS AT CRANSTON PRINT WORKS Bore Hole Sampled Interval Number 10 , 15' 1 20' 25' 31 ' 1 600/<0.05 2 315/<0.05 295/<0.05 200/<0.05 180/<0.05 3 1300/14.0 1125/0.12 600/0.10 160/<0.05 4 16540.05 205/<0.05 225/<0.05 5 43040.05 470/<0.05 205/<0.05 6 90/<0.05 80/<0.05 110/<0.05 7 35040.05 36040.05 8 1150/11. 0 140.0/9.6 700/0.51 9 100/<0.05 175/<0.05 110/0.3 10 440/<0.05 210/<0.05 160/<0.05 11 90/ Specific Conductivity in uMhos 600/<0.05 Total Chromium in Milligrams per Liter ' IL eRhnlSTanl f R/.vT �oI�iCS Sara., Mylb �2 R Oewel goo s-/" f r O / rk�c' v erg dT�/�� _ 5C.4 is 9 7 7 Z c✓%�C �idSTd�/ ' 3 LY?10 v� / ocessef �` �i4Y�.s sr 0 49 J� 0 Popes - % ,-rm pa r O z Z $�i 46. ��� � � '' � i r �; � � � � �� � �� P � P g\ � �E,.. �' .,li �I� o �> ,tom ` i. -� � �� � i ���� � �b i � Ij� �� �'1. �� � �� I � �._-- � p, rM 4r,, r�c-� N� �f DIfIslon OF ENVIRMM ?AL R04rAmEhl' E4VIROWNTAL OPCP.ATIOFS SECTION February 11. 1991 Rr. Pichard A. viewoq. IMsidont Manager Cranston Print Works Ce why Fietcher_ Korth Carolina 2873 ' Sab'ect: Nast* "1sVsal :+ells Cranston Print Vorks Ceupsny R*ndprson County. North Carolina Door Rr. Viewaq: It was reco+itiy hrouOt to our attention that Cranston Print Works Coup#ny at its Fletcher, Barth Carolina location has wads usrs of wells for purposes of undergrouM waste disposal . This is to inform you that North Carolina general Statute 143 tl4.t{h) prohibits the discharge of any waste to the Irouuhwaters of tnis State by weans of wells. Cranston Print Works Company is to imftdiately cease the use of wells for waste 4Isposai in this State. The natter of grovadwater eronitorinq, clean-up or other actions to be taken by the Cewar+y in this matter will be discussol during true February 13, 1981 mating in the Asheville Ranional nffice involvinc renresantstivos of Cranston Print Works Co"any and the Division of Ervlrommntal f'an&P , t. The rvwpany should do nothing toward sbandoment or destruction of its three (3) mast* •Jis"sal wells at this time as th4ky say play A Port in future clean-up or mmitoring activities. Sincerely, y/l1 Pon Line. Regional Hydrologist PL-ar cc: Mr. Marshall Rackley Mr. Lot Laymon 'r. Nill Myers Mr. R. L. €affney "r. Ted How Rr. Reath F. Dobson a , DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS SECTION Mr. Richard A. Vieweg, Resident Manager Cranston Print Works Company Fletcher, North Carolina 28732 Waste-Disposal Wells Cranston Print Works Company Henderson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Vieweg: In our meeting on February 13, 1981, with you and other representatives of the Cranston Print Works Company, it was decided that the waste-disposal well problem on your property should be handled in two phases: (1) A first phase to determine the extent of any migration into the water-table of Potential pollutants from the disposal wells ; and (2) a second phase consist- ing of any cleanup and groundwater monitoring requirements that are necessary. The first phase would be to contact an engineering firm experienced in soil test work to construct temporary uncased test holes for the collection, of soil and water samples around the perimeter of the disposal wells. The location of these test borings would be determined by the Division of Environmental Management's Asheville Regional Office when the engineering firm is on the site and ready to start testing. Changes may be made in the test site locations as information is being gathered on the soils or specific conductance which is an indicator of the dissolved solids content of the water in the test holes. Page 2 In my estimation, at least ten test holes would be necessary at depths of 20 to 30 feet to determine the migration of any pollutants. The test hole nearest the center of the disposal area should go to bedrock depth or auger refusal . The purpose of the soil tests would be to determine the depths at which changes in the soils characteristics may affect vertical and lateral movement of any pollutants. Also, some samples of these sediments will be analyzed for their heavy metal content to determine the amount they have absorbed. Specific conductance tests will be made at five foot intervals, if possible, during the boring process. Since the naturally occurring ground- waters in the area have a specific conductance of generally less than 200 micromhos , a value much greater than this would indicate possible pollutant migration and more complete samples would be taken. The second phase, consisting of the analysis of the results previously obtained, could now be initiated to determine what steps would be necessary in the cleanup operation and what groundwater monitoring would be required. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Don Link Regional Hydrologist cc: ////C//,��%eays2�/ fc.-✓r- (,4/0'�s �/E�c�-/✓� )�i�a�,�i.✓G- �` l.iH�OMIU/YI Gc./AS TL= �.4✓ ,oE.e (���'IPIq �o �v�s� fir- /ewe-r�fs� /NFo C'v�.rscT— �.�3 •zozv I 1 J Vlt'L�w" C.�o 'k Ca DFE2002 084 5 : 35 TERMINAL CONNECTED DFS2002 16 : 12 : 41 TERMINAL CONNECTED DFE2002 07 : 51 : 33 TERMINAL CONNECTED IMMSG PRINT : YIDS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS TIME 14 : 37 02/10/81 TO : NRC*NRT95 FROM : LELAND L. LAYMON NRC*NRT55 ON JANUARY 30, L98L_, THE NEW PROGRAMS BRANCH RECEIVED FROM EPA A LIST OF HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES IN NORTH AROL.INA WHICH WERE REPORTED TO EPA UNDER THE RC.:RA PROGRAM ON JANUARY 3(), L98L, THE NEW PROGRAMS' BRANCH Rf.-.:CE::.T.VE.D FROM EPA A LIST OF HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES IN NORTH C:AROL_INA WHICH WERE REPORTED TO EPA UNDER THE RCRA PROGRAM. THIS LIST INCLUDED SEVENTEEN FACILITIES WHICH REPORTED THAT THEY HAD INJECTION WELLS. AS A FART OF THE: UIC PROGRAM, WE BEGAN AN INVEST'IGAT.ION TO CONFIRM THE EXISTENCE OF INJECTION WELLS AT THESE SITES. OUR INVESTIGATION SHOWED THAT ONLY ONE OF THE FACILITIES LISTED, CRANSTON PRINT WORKS, ACTUALLY HAD AN INJECTION WELL. DURING A PHONE CONVERSATION ON FEBRUARY 4, L98L. WITH CRANSTON PRINT WORKS, DOUG MATHESON LEARNED THAT PRIOR TO NOVEMBER L9, L980 THEY HAD BEEN OPERATING THREE WASTE INJECTION WELLS. THIS INFORMATION WAS REPORTED TO YOUR OFFICE ON FEBRUARY 5, L98L. DON I...INK INFORMED ME ON THAT DATE THAT HE WAS GOING TO MAKE: A SITE VISIT ON FEBRUARY 6, L98L. DURING PHONE. CONVERSATIONS WITH DON AND YOURSELF ON FEBRUARY 6 AND 7, L98L, I REQUESTED THAT YOUR OFFICE NOT PROPOSE ANY IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE ACTION OF THE COMPANY AND TO ADVISE THEM NOT TO ABANDON THE WELLS ON FEBRUARY LL, L98L AS THEY PLANNED, BECAUSE: ANY ACTION TAKEN BY THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SHOULD BE COORDINATED BETWEEN THE ASHEV:I:LLE REGIONAL OFFICE, NEW PROGRAMS DEVELOPMENT BRANCH AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES. AFTER FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE PROBLEM, IT IS OUR OPINION THATA MEETIN WITH CRANTON PRINT WORKS OFFICIALS WHICH YOU HAVE SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 IS PREMATURE. THE NEW PROGRAMS BRANCH DOES NOT YET HAVE SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF INVESTIGATION THAT MAY BE NEEDED TO ADEQUATELY ASSESS THE: IMPACT OF INJECTION AT THE SITE:, AND THE RElbt_ RED ACTION AND MONTTORING NEEDED TO ACCOMMODATE STATE AND UIC REGULATIONS. PRIOR TO FURTHER ACTION, WE NEED TO DISCUSS THE MATTER WITH YOUR OFFICE TO DEVELOP THE DIVISION ' S STRATEGY. WE FEEL THAT THE MEETING YOU HAVE SCHEDULED WITH THE COMPANY SHOULD BE POSTPONED UNTIL THE STRATEGY IS DEVELOPED. 5 - I' • ' �^:/ ) v / -sr .-� ��. . �� _..Y gyp{ l � / y } ��nf 9 p 1�� TT Alt a\• � )` 6",Ei ® � \ tie \ � Ml ��� � v` � —�VeVEE��.�� a W / _ /� II a\ �•II ll� � �/� �a 1 Lit y e i -/ � � / VGA��� )q rF '� 1 � �. ,�. � .! •+ •y H• n.1 - o� V �� �� l_.�=-����(l�•\��z yl _C. ��F^ QI.� � ry~ � � •�� ^`)`' •� ad 1 ' � ;. J ,�� ,q .�.cr� tf rr:Aux/fANNF � ' - � ' �. •. �. • .1� • • - � a' lFRUIILAND N➢NW/ Y I53,IV NW y lI - L7 � i . i Y VA ' Z -ri # tg z a Ca cp DFE2002 08 : 15 : 3'5 TERMINAL CONNECTED DFS2002 16 : 12 :41 TERMINAL CONNECTED DF92002 07 : 51 : 33 TERMINAL CONNECTED IMMSG PRINT : YES NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS TIME 14 : 37 02/10/81 TO: NRC*NRT95 FROM : LELAND L. LAYMON NRC*NRT55 ON JANUARY 30 , L98L, THE. NEW PROGRAMS BRANCH RECEIVED FROM EPA A LIST OF HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES IN NORTH AROLINA WHICH WERE REPORTED TO EPA UNDER THE RCRA PROGRAM ON JANUARY 30, L98L, THE NEW PROGRAMS BRANCH RECEIVED FROM EPA A LIST OF HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES IN NORTH CAROLINA WHICH WERE REPORTED TO EPA UNDER THE RCRA PROGRAM. THIS LIST INCLUDED SEVENTEEN FACILITIES WHICH REPORTED THAT THEY HAD INJECTION WELLS. AS A PART OF THE UIC PROGRAM, WE BEGAN AN INVESTIGATION TO CONFIRM THE EXISTENCE OF INJECTION WELLS AT THESE_ SITES. OUR INVESTIGATION SHOWED THAT ONLY ONE OF THE FACILITIES LISTED, CRANSTON PRINT WORKS, ACTUALLY HAD AN INJECTION WELL. DURING A PHONE CONVERSATION ON FEBRUARY 4, L98L WITH CRANSTON PRINT WORKS, DOUG MAT14ESON LEARNED THAT PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1_9, L980 THEY HAD BEEN OPERATING THREE WASTE INJECTION WELLS. THIS INFORMATION WAS REPORTED TO YOUR OFFICE ON FEBRUARY 5, L98L. DON LINT( INFORMED ME ON THAT DATE THAT HE WAS GOING TO MAKE A SITE VISIT ON FEBRUARY 6, L98L. DURING PHONE CONVERSATIONS WITH DON AND YOURSELF ON FEBRUARY 6 AND 7, 1_98L, I REQUESTED THAT YOUR OFFICE NOT PROPOSE ANY IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE ACTION OF THE COMPANY AND TO ADVISE THEM NOT TO ABANDON THE WELLS ON FEBRUARY LL, L98L AS THEY PLANNED, BECAUSE ANY ACTION TAKEN BY THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SHOULD BE COORDINATED BETWEEN THE ASHEVILLE REGIONAL_ OFFICE, NEW PROGRAMS DEVELOPMENT BRANCH AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES, AFTER FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE PROBLEM, IT IS OUR OPINION THATA MEETIN WITH CRANTON PRINT WORKS OFFICIALS WHICH YOU HAVE SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 IS PREMATURE. THE NEW PROGRAMS BRANCH DOES NOT YET HAVE SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF INVESTIGATION THAT MAY BE NEEDED TO ADEQUATELY ASSESS THE IMPAQT OF INJECTION AT THE S:I:TF_.,- AND THE REQUIRED- ACTION-AND- - MONTTORT.NG NEEDED TO ACCOMMODATE STATE AND UIC REGULATIONS. PRIOR TO FURTHER ACTION, WE NEED TO DISCUSS THE MATTER WITH YOUR OFFICE TO DEVELOP THE DIVISION 'S STRATEGY. WE FEEL THAT THE MEETING YOU HAVE SCHEDULED WITH THE COMPANY ,SHOULD BE POSTPONED UNTIL THE STRATEGY IS DEVELOPED. CRANSTON PRINT WORKS HENDERSON COUNTY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 10, 1981 RECEIVED Water Quality Divisi-on MEMORANDUM FEB 111961 TO: Roy Davis We_tem FROM: Leland L. Laymon SUBJECT: Cranston Print Works - Waste Injection Wells On January 30, 1981, the New Programs Branch received from EPA a list of hazardous waste sites in North Carolina which were reported to EPA under the RCRA Program. This list included seventeen facilities which reported that they had injection wells. As a part of the UIC program, we began an investigation to confirm the existence of injection wells at these sites. Our investigation showed that only one of the facilities listed, Cranston Print Works, actually had an injection well. During a phone conversation on February 4, 1981 with Cranston Print Works, Doug Matheson learned that prior to November 19, 1980 they had been operating three waste injection wells. This information was reported to your office on February 5, 1981. Don Link informed me on that date that he was going to make a site visit on February 6, 1981. During phone conversations with Don and yourself on February 6 and 7, 1981, 1 requested that your office not propose any immediate corrective action of the company and to advise them not to abandon the wells on February 11, 1981 as they planned, because any action taken by the Division of Environmental Management should be coordinated between the Asheville Regional Office, New Programs Development Branch and the Department of Human Resources. After further consideration and discussion of the problem, it is our opinion that a meeting with Cranston Print works officials which you have scheduled for Friday February 20 is premature. The New Programs Branch does not yet have sufficient information to determine the .extent of investigation that may be needed to adequately assess the impact of injection at the site, and the required action and monitoring needed to accommodate State and UIC regulations. Prior to further action, we need to discuss the matter with your office to develop the Division's strategy. We feel that the meeting you have scheduled with the Company should be postponed until the strategy is developed. cc: Dr. Neil Grigg Mr. Bob Helms Mr. R. W. Van Tilburg Mr. L. P. Benton, Jr. LLL:sd Soil Systems, Inc. •` Soil and Foundation Consulting Terrain Analysis Studies 525 Webb Industrial i CEIVED Environmental Consulting Marietta, Georgia 3 Construction Quality Control Phone 404 424-620oWster Quality Division MAY 29IS81i may 18, 1981 Western Regiortial Off'ce p,,heville, North Carclina Cranston Print Works Highway 25 Fletcher, N. C. 28732 Attention: Mr. James DeBruhl SUBJECT: Report of Subsurface Exploration 6 Laboratory Testing to Determine Chromium Contamination 6 Migration Cranston Print Works Fletcher, N.C. Job No. 472-15040 Gentlemen: Soil Systems, Inc. has completed the subsurface exploration and subsequent laboratory testing for the chromium contamination investi- gation at your Fletcher, N.C. plant. Ten (10) soil test borings and one (1) auger probe were performed in the field at locations designated by you. Upon completion of each boring, a sample of the ground water in the boring was obtained. These samples, along with the soil samples obtained from our drilling operations, were brought to our laboratory for analysis. The results of these analyses are included in this report. FIELD INVESTIGATION Ten (10) soil test borings and one (1) auger probe were made on the site. The soil test borings were made using 234" I.D. hollow stem flight augers. At five foot intervals, a 2" O.D. split spoon sampler was inserted to the bottom of the hole and driven 18" with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler each 6" increment were recorded. The sum of the blows required to drive the sampler the last 12" is known as the Standard Penetration Resistance, or "N" value, and is shown on the boring logs which follow this report. The soil samples were divided in the field with a portion going to Mr. Donald Link of the State of North Carolina, and the remainder going to our laboratory for visual classification and quantitative analysis for the presence of chromium. Cranston Print Works May 18, 1981 Page 2 At the bottom of each boring, a boiler was passed through the augers and a water sample obtained. The sample was immediately filtered through cotton and later filtered through filter paper to remove suspended soil particles. The pH of the samples were then adjusted to less than 2 with nitric acid to prevent any dissolved chronium from coming out of solution. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The stratigraphy was relatively constant across the site, which was cleared and fairly level at the time of drilling. In all of the borings with the exception of borings B-8 and B-9, a soft to firm gray to. grayish- brown slightly organic clayey silt with root matter was encountered from the surface to an average depth of 8 feet. This deposit appears to be of an alluvial origin. In these borings, this strata was underlain by a very firm to dense brown silty sand with gravel to a depth of approximately 13 feet. This deposit appears to be alluvial in origin also. The alluvial soils were underlain by brownish very dense silty sands and very hard sandy silt which were residual soils formed by the in-situ decay of bedrock. A rock lense which was not penetrable by auger drilling was encountered at a depth of 11.5 feet in B-1, but due to the fact that this was not encoun- tered elsewhere suggests that it is merely a lense and does not represent a true bedrock surface. In borings B-8 and B-9, a loose to firm gray silty sand was encountered from the surface to a depth of 8 feet. This sand appeared to be of alluvial origin. The alluvium in these borings was underlain by brownish residual hard sandy silts and dense silty sands. GROUND WATER Tnz depth to ground water was recorded at the time of drilling and again at 24 hours afterwards. The depth to ground water (at 24 hours) ranged from 2.1 feet in B-9 to 4.7 feet in B-7. The depth to ground water is shown on each individual boring log. LABORATORY TESTING The results of the chromium content analysis on both the soil and water samples are shown in the tables below. so Page 3 SOIL SAMPLES BORING SAMPLE SAMPLE CHROMIUM NUMBER NUMBER DEPTH MILLIGRAM/KILOGRAM B-1 1 0-WO-1.5' 4.41 2 4.5-6.0' 5.69 3 9.5-11.0' 5.72 4 11.5-13.0' 6.22 B-2 1 0.0-1.5' 7.97 2 4.5-6.0' 7.28 3 9.5-11.0' <26.37 4 29.5-31.0' 1.98 5 14.5-16.0' 4.85 6 19.5-21.0' 3.43 7 29.5-30.0' 3.37 B-3 1 0.0-1.5' 6-..w 2 4.5-6.0' '48.27 3 9.5-11.0' 20.75 4 14.5-16.0' 17.92 5 19.5-21.0' 26.61 B-4 1 4:0-5.5' 36.23 2 9.0-10.5' 3.25 3 14.0-15.5' 6.73 4 19.0-20.5' 4.46 B-5 1 0.0-1.5' 7.64 2 9.0-10.5' 6.97 3 14.0-15.5' 4.70 4 20.0-21.5' 14.01 B-6 1 4.5-6.0' 8.41 2 9.5-11.0' 21.5 3 14.5-16.0' 14.95 4 19.5-21.0' 7.24 B-7 1 4.5-6.0' 5.58 2 9.5-11.0' 3.23 3 14.5-16.0' 5.28 4 19.5-21.0' 4.63 Page 4 SOIL SAMPLES (continued) BORING SAMPLE SAMPLE CHROMIUM NUMBER NUMBER DEPTH MILLIGRAM/KILOGRAM B-8 1 4.5-6.0' 7.08 2 9.5-11.0' 34.35 3 14.5-16.0' 22.22 4 18.5-21.0' 7.00 B-9 1 4.5-6.0' 53.66- 2 9.5-11.0' 3.07 3 14.5-16.0' 12.66 4 19.5-21.0' 25.25 B-10 1 3.5-5.0' 5.45 2 8.5-10.0' 5.16 3 13.5-15.0' 7.35 4 18.5-20.0' 7.87 WATER SAMPLES BORING SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER DEPTH A B 1 11.5' .02 und. 2 31.0' .04 3 26.5' .03 .04 40.0'5-- 4 20.5' .04 und. <0. 0 5 20.5' und. �< <o r 0 6 21.0' or n o • QlJ 21.0' it .02 < v r 8 21.0' 6.5 7.3 O.�! 9 21.0' und. .03 ?_3 10 20.0' .03 .03 {p.07 NOTES: I. Chromium expressed in mg/liter 2. Undeterminable less than .01 , i r Cranston Print Works i^iy 18, 1981 Page 5 It has been noted that the water sample from Boring B-8 had compar- atively high dissolved chromium levels. That sample exhibited an extreme resistance to filtration and as such was adjusted to an acid condition and shipped while still somewhat turbid. By acidifying a turbid sample it would tend to drive chromium present on the soil particles into solution giving an artificially high result. It is therefore quite possible that this level is not indicative of dissolved chromium in the ground water at this location. Soil Systems is appreciative of having had this opportunity to work with you on this project and look forward to working with you in the future. If we can be of any more assistance, please call us. Sincerely, SOIL SYSTEMS, INC. i Mark Lassiter Engineering Geologist � Robert M. Whitaker Geotechnical Branch Manager ML 111,14:pm ' r Proposed New � Treatment Area I B-7 Existing Pond 1 B-5 B-2 B-10 O O Existing Pond B-8 hB-3 F B-6 B-11 B-1 Existin. - Buildin B-9� O B-4 North Existing Road Legend Project 0 Location of Boreholes �� Cranston Print Works OFletcher, North Carolina Existing Wells Job No. 472-15040 Scale: Nrne Soil Systems, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring a-1 ��; -Piz$04, Project Name: _Branston Print Works Date of Boring: 4128/81 Site:Fletcher. N.C. Project No.: 472-15040 D£SCa�PT10M DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Me ( HEMARKS SURFACE Firm brown fine sandy silt with 1SS 8 -4 trace roots (alluvium) f Firm gray clayey silt with trace • fine sand and gravel (alluvium) 5 25S 5 � ) Groundwater a 24 hr_ . I Very firm reddish brown slightly silty medium to fine sand with 10 35S 30 f 'ery dense grayish brownish fine sandy silt i 4 S 82 Auger refusal 11.5' t 15 rr" t 1 n I - -t -i i 1 f RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-2 Project Name: Cranston Print Works Date of Boring: 4/28/81 Site: Fletcher. N.C. Project No.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Mc REMARKS SURFACE Stiff gray brown fine sandy silt 1SS 15 with trace roots (alluvium) Groundwater Soft grayish brown clayey silt 5 2SS 4 @ 24 hrp. with trace roots and fine gravel (alluvium) Very firm brown silty coarse to fine sand with fine gravel IN 3SS 25 (alluvium) - Hard to very hard yellow brown fine sandy silt with trace fine 150 4SS 31 gravel 20a 5SS 0/6" 25a 6S 0/4" Very dense gray silty medium to fine sand with trace gravel 30 Boring terminated 30.0' 7SS 50/5 3 1 � I a i RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-3 Project Name: Cranston Print works Data of Boring: 4/23/81 Site: Fletcher, N.C. Project NO.: 472-15040 CESCRIPTI04 DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Mc REMARKS SURFACE Stiff gray clayey silt with roots 1SS 13 (alluvium) Interbedded fi m gray clayey silt ' Groundwater with fine sand and loose gray fine 5 2SS B @ 24 hrs. sand with roots (alluvium) Dense brown silty coarse to fine sand with gravel (alluvium) 10 3SS 41 very dense yellow brown silty fine sand with rock fragments 15 4SS 50/3" Very hard brown fine sandy silt with rock fragments 20 5SS 50/4" kBoring terminated 24.8' 25 6SS 50/4" F 1 RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-4 . Project name: Cranston Print Works Date of Boring: 4128/81 Site: Fletcher. N.C. Project W.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Me REMARK3 SURFACE Soft gray clayey silt with roots (alluvium) Groundwater 52 1SS 4 @ 24 hrs. Very firm brown silty coarse to fin sandy silt wich trace clay 10 30 (alluvium) Very hard yellow brown and gray 3SS 0/3" fine sandy silt with trace clay 15 20N 4SS -0/2" Boring terminated 20.2' RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring R-5 Project Name:_Cranston Print Works Date of Boring: 4128/81 Site: Fletcher- N.G. Project No.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION CEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE IN M� REMARKS SURFACE _ Firm gray clayey silt with trace fine sand and roots (alluvium) Groundwater 5 @ 24 hrs. 1SS 5 Very firm reddish brown silty coarse to fine sand with gravel 10 (alluvium) 2SS 25 Very dense gray silty coarse to fine sand with clay and gravel (alluvium) 15 3SS 50/4" Very dense brain silty medium to fine sandy with rock fragments �J Loring terminated 20.3' 20 45S 50/3" RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION " r Boring B-6 so Project flame: Cranston Print works Date of Boring: 4/29/81 Site: Fletcher. N.C. Project No.: 472-15040 CESCRIPTiOA OEPTR ELEV. SAMPLE N MC REMARKS SURFACE Firm grayish brown clayey silt with roots (alluvium) • Groundwater 5 5 @ 24 hrs. Very firm brown silty coarse to fine sand with gravel (alluvium) 10 2SS 50 Hard yellow brown fine sandy silt 15 3SS 31 Very hard brown clayey silt with rock fragments Boring terminated 19.8" 20 4SS 50/3" I - RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION rr Boring B-7 Project Name: Cranston Print works Date of Boring: . 4129/81 Site: Fletcher, N.C. 472-15040 Project No.: DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N MC REMARKS SURFACE Firm gray clayey silt with trace fine sand and roots (alluvium) 5 1 S 7 Groundwater @ 24 hrs. Very firm gray silty gravel with medium to coarse sand (alluvium) 10 2SS 22 Very hard brown fine sandy silt with rock fragments 15 3SS 50/3" 20 4SS 50/3" Boring terminated 19.8' RECORD OF SUBSURFACE: EXPLORATION Boring B-8 AMEM Project game: Cranston Print Works Oats of Boring: 4129/81 Site: Fletcher, N.C. Project NO.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION CEPiH ELEV. SAMPLE N MC REMARKS SURFACE Loose gray silty fine sand with trace roots (alluvium) ° Groundwater @ 24 hrs. 5 1SS 5 Very stiff brown silt with trace fine sand 10 2SS 23 Very dense brown silty fine sand 3SS 50J4" with trace clay 15 4SS 30/4" 20 Boring terminated 20.0' • RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring S-9 Project Name: Cranston Print Works Date of Boring: 4/29/81 Sits: Fl-tcher, N. .. Project No.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE M Me REMARKS SURFACE Firm gray silty fine sand with rock fragments (alluvium) Groundwater @ 24 hrs. 5 Iss 11 Hard to very hard brown fine sandy silt with rock fragments 10 2SS 46 15 3SS 0.5" 20 4SS 0.3" Boring terminated 20.3' RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-10 ' Project Nama: Cranston print wnrkn Date of Boring: 4/29/81 Site: Fletcher, N.C. Project No.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Mc REMARKS SURFACE Fir© gray clayey silt with trace fine sand (alluvium) Groundwater 5 15S 8 @ 24 hrs. Very firm brown silty coarse to fire sand with trace with (alluvium) 110 on 2SS 22 Hard to very hard brown slightly sandy silt 151 45 4SS 50/3" 20 Boring terminated 20.0' r y RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION lllw v to Boring B-11 Project dame: Cranston Print works Date of Boring: 4129/81 Site:_ Fletcher r, C Project No.: 472-15040 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE N Mc REMARKS SURFACE Auger probe to 9.5' • Groundwater 5 @ 24 hrs. Loring terminated 9.5' 10