HomeMy WebLinkAboutBR 0352 Project Data SheetNorth Carolina Department of Transportation Project Data Sheet Essential Project Information  STIP Project Name Duplin Bridge No. 352 Replacement  STIP Number BR-0352  County Duplin  NCDOT Division Division 3  ROW Date 2022  LET Date 2023  Schedule Considerations None anticipated at this time.  Cost Estimates TBD  Funding Type State   Proposed Project Details  Project Description NCDOT proposes to replace Bridge #352 on Summerlins Crossroad Road (SR 1004) over Hookers Branch in Duplin County.  Project Limits Summerlins Crossroad Road between Alphin Road and Coltren Lane  Typical Section The typical section will be a 2-lane undivided roadway with 11’ travel lanes and 5’ paved shoulders.  Access Control None  Design Speed 60 mph  Right-of-Way Width 60 feet  Physical or Engineering Constraints Streams, wetlands, and surface water ponds are located within the project study area. The Outlaws Pond Dam is a major constraint on the north side of the existing bridge as the dam is classified as a high hazard dam. Avoidance and minimization measures should be utilized in these locations and proper coordination with agencies should take place.  Other Considerations No other considerations are known at this time.  Survey Request Date November 13, 2020  Design Plan Not known at this time.  Construction Recommendation The Construction Recommendation Excel Sheet is not available at this time.  Consultant Involvement The consultant did not begin under a limited Notice to Proceed. Task Order 1 was finalized on February 26, 2021.   Project History  Planning Studies None  SPOT Description N/A  Feasibility Studies None  Problem Statement N/A  Alternatives Previously Dismissed and Why N/A   Purpose & Need  Purpose The proposed purpose of the project is to replace the existing bridge on Summerlins Crossroad Road (SR 1004) over Hookers Branch. The aging bridge will be replaced on new alignment approximately 85 feet west of the existing alignment to move the bridge away from the Outlaws Pond Dam embankment   Purpose The proposed purpose of the project is to replace the existing bridge on Summerlins Crossroad Road (SR 1004) over Hookers Branch. The aging bridge will be replaced on new alignment approximately 85 feet west of the existing alignment to move the bridge away from the Outlaws Pond Dam embankment  Need(s) The project is needed to replace the existing bridge and remove Summerlins Crossroad Road (SR 1004) from the Outlaws Pond Dam embankment. The bridge approaches have been previously damaged during hurricane events and the Outlaws Pond Dam is currently classified as a “High Hazard Dam” since its failure could lead to the loss of life.  Supporting Data N/A   Alternatives Currently Under Consideration  Alternative 1 Replace bridge 352 over Hookers Branch on new location (south of existing bridge) away from high hazard dam.  No Build The No-Build Alternative is the baseline comparison alternative for the design year (2040). The NoBuild Alternative would not provide any improvements to the bridges except what is generally needed to maintain the bridge.   Public and Agency Coordination  Anticipated Permits The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will determine what type of permit, if any, will be used. There are potential impacts to streams and therefore a permit will likely be required. The Division of Coastal Management will determine if a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) is required. Wetlands are located within the project study area, so therefore a major permit is anticipated. No other permits are anticipated.  Federal Agency Involvement The lead federal agency will be the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Other agencies involved will include the NCDOT, NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), and Duplin County.  Public Involvement Strategy A Public Involvement Plan will be prepared, and a strategy will be developed to ensure the public has meaningful input throughout the decision-making process. The public involvement strategy is dynamic and will be updated accordingly throughout the life of the project.  Merger Screening Date NCDOT will use the Merger Pre-Screening form to determine if the project requires a Merger Screening.  Potential Merger Triggers No potential merger triggers are anticipated at this time.   Existing Conditions  Functional Classification Major Collector  Strategic Highway Corridor None  AADT Based on the NCDOT Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Mapping Application, the existing AADT on Summerlins Crossroad Road is 1,700 vehicles per day.  Access Control None  Typical Section Two lanes with 10’ lanes  Right-of-Way Width 60 feet  Posted Speed 55 mph  Structures (bridges, RCBC, etc.) Bridge superstructure: End bents: steel caps on steel piles @ 6’4” CTS, timber bulkheads Bridge substructure: Steel plank deck on I-beams   Railroad Involvement N/A  Other Adjacent Projects None   Preliminary Resource Inventory Table  Utilities There are three (3) utility owners within the proposed project limits. Utility relocations are anticipated.  Hazardous Materials No registered underground storage tanks (USTs) are located within the project study area.  Known Potentially-Eligible National Register of Historic Places/Districts A request has been submitted to NCDOT Cultural Resources for a historic architecture screening. The screening will determine the likelihood of historic structure(s) standing in the Area of Potential Effects (APE) and determine the need for a survey. A survey for historic architecture is not anticipated.  Other Cultural Resources A request has been submitted to NCDOT Cultural Resources for an archaeology screening. The screening will determine the likelihood of archaeological resources in the Area of Potential Effects (APE) and determine the need for a survey. A survey for archaeological resources is not anticipated.  Wetlands Wetlands are located within the project study area, totaling approximately 1.29 acres.  Streams Two streams are located within the project study area, totaling approximately 406 linear feet. Hookers Branch and one unnamed tributary to Halls Marsh are located within the project area.  FEMA Floodplain Detailed Study Area The project study area is not located within a FEMA floodplain.  Water Supply Watersheds No water supply watersheds are located within the project study area.  Riparian Buffer Rules The project study area is not located within a Riparian Buffer Area.  Active Agriculture Active agriculture fields are located within the project study area. The majority of the project study area is classified as prime farmland or farmland of statewide importance.  Parks, Greenways, Game Lands, Section 4(f) & Section 6(f) Properties None  Environmental Justice Populations The census tract within the project study area meets the criteria for Environmental Justice for minority and poverty populations. The demographic study area also meets the NCDOT threshold for Limited English Proficiency (more than five percent of the population speaks Spanish). It is unlikely that this bridge replacement project would result in disproportionately high and adverse impacts. However, the Direct and Indirect Screening Tool will make this determination.  Other Resources (i.e., Wild and Scenic Rivers, TVA, Scenic Byways, etc.) None   Project Management Approval  The need for the proposed change is sufficient to justify the impacts to the scope, schedule, and budget.  Project Manager  Name   Signature   Date    Supervisor  Name   Signature   Date