HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03029_Well Construction - GW1_20220228 J WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(G\Y-11 For Internal Use Only: I.Well Contractor Information: ter.WATER YAMA �''vrAn4- FROM TO DL4cRlrnoV Wen Coffer w,- A. n. a-731D4 R R NC Well Convacttn Certinution Nurnivi is.OUTER CASING rer mdLLeased wen, OR Lllat►.R f• tlesbte rROM TO DIAMETER �TIIICK!/eS1 MATERIAL. Cascade Drilling LP n. R Ini -Is,INNER CA91NG OR TUnINC tbrrnul e 2.Well Construction Permit 1: FROM (L TO P. DIAMETER Id T111CK!rt51 MA IAL List all 4^14"ble WU roavnetmn pn-al A C.UIG C~W.Sma Ymiescr,etc.) -/�' D VC- A. ck 3.Well Use(cbe well use): Water Supply Well: FROM PTO DIAMETER SLOT sin TIIICK'R.13 MATERIAL OAgricultoral ❑MunicipaUPublic 3DR qo R In. .010 5[}1 V(r OCemheaul(HeatingaCooling Supply) OResidendil Water Supply(single) (L tL In. :.IndumiaVCaamacfal ORaidmtial Water Supply(shared) ILCROt9' Obri tion 0Wells>100000 GPD FROM Tonn MATERIAL , EMRACEMEYTMrn1OD a AMouvr Non-Water Supply Well: �J ILP-7 n. 46 O l ,lonisoring ORecovery n. A 3 R Injection Well: R n, OAquife Recharte OGloundwater Remediation 19.8ANDIGRAVEL'PACK fa Me 6lAquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier FROM To MATZ AL VMPEAC►.Morr METHOD CL%gwrcr Test 17Stmmwater Drainage 7 IL 0 n j7Ou f ❑Lcperitamul Technology ❑Subsidence Control R R OCKo:hat:ul(Closed Loop) OTracer 20.DRILLING LOG fauseb addldead beets if OGeotbaanl(Fleatin lira Return) OOther(explain under t121 Remarks) FROMI To I DrsCRImO:I t■wr,a..a■ ..Ivrxk as arz -- R 6 n VSel Lfl 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 01_09-x Well fDO MI A n n A IIh Vn Sec.Well Location: ( R n_ I� Np CIA Pfizer �S R 3l n CLR. r&cdffy*ai=Nanz Facility MN(lrappbeable) j I n. NO R N 6 l G G p , R R 4285 N Wesleyan Blvd Rocky Mount,NC 27804 R R Payscal Atditw Cry.and Zip 21.REMARKS - - Nash Cpuw.y Parcel IA—ifiution No.(PLY) Sb.Ladutde and longitude in degreta/minota)seeonds or decimal degrees: ttf we fcid.our It'bmt a sulfciew) 22.Certification: Y N W 6.Istue)the we1)(s) rXYerlmaaml o► tJTemporary Sipattae of Certtlled well Contractor Date By rlgwUy th0 fora%I hereby eertI&Ant the tveU(t)was(were)cownicted is a rw4a tee*,A7.to this a►epW to an eaistieg well; DYn or Ah0 11:f NCAC 02C.0100 or IlA NCAC 01C.0100 104 Cowrtruclioa Suiul rib aid 9"a copy II00 Lea repay,Al a w"wl1 ca"V a Ww Iq/wtttatWr and uplatn the Rawer of the of thu record Am heew proWded so Air*wU owner. "par badm r)1 rrAtarlr saroea woo w bael 0/"tom • _ _ - 23.She dlsgrem cr addlitenal well detallt: R,For rwprcbcMFr or Closed-loop Geothir mal Wells Fusing the tame You may use the back of this pate to provide additional%%vU construction info coesvuctim,ottiy I GW1 Is eved - Indicate TOTAL NUMHER of wells (add'Seo over in RenwU Boa).You may sho attach&"tioaal pages if oa-CLUry. drilled. / 2/,litlIMITTAI.INSTRUCTIONS 9.ToW wdi depth below land surfa e: L` O (n') Rubmll this M-1 within 30 days o(Neii tompletion per the follewtng: far-nNr watt Iut d/drpdr(f/offoreu trawto-I44200'6,w 1(jl ow) 10.!static water ind hebw by of eadag; ,7• 7 (fl.) Ib. for All Wells, Original form to Division of Water Resotuca (OWR� (/.1it lrtd 4 a6o.r cadAt w •- Infomulittn I'mceasing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I-Borehole diameter._�an.) 2/b.For Inlection Wells:Copy to DWIt,Un&Wuulnl Injection Control(IUC) L I'mgram,1616 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I Well wnstrvctlaa sisethad: Sa ell 1 24e.For Water Supgly and Open-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the Its tumor,ro+*r,w's,d rcn pta2L rc) county cuitutiturricrital licalthepurunenl ot Me County W ere uUUUCd (,` I FOR WAM SUPPLY WFAI S ONLY. lid. 'or Water 1Vcll roducih over 100,000 GPD:Copy to DWR.CCPCUA Yrnnn 'ruaram, 6 � Raleigh, C 27699-1611 13a.Vield(gpm) Method of tear: 13b.Dlslaftedon type: AmoonU Forte GW-1 Nun.,Carolina Urpertmcnt of EavwnmcoW Quality.Division of Wsta Rouurcn Revkaol 6-6-201% i { Scanned with CamScanner