HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201125 Ver 2_Cashiers WWTP - Qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Impact Analysis_20220303 Shaping Communities Together October 15, 2020 Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Horsepasture River WWTP and Collection System Improvements Qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Impact Analysis JacksonCounty, North Carolina Growth is likely to be induced within the Horsepasture River watershed by the proposed Horsepasture River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)and Collection System Improvements project. The purpose of the proposed project is to provide additional wastewater treatment capacity in the Cashiers, NCarea. Futuregrowth in the surrounding area is expected to follow the existing pattern of primarily commercialand both low and high density residential. Existing development, planning regulations, and proposedprojects wereconsidered in sizing future wastewater collection and treatment facilitiesto meet the needs of the growing community. No cumulative effects are anticipated for groundwater resources as a result of the proposedproject. Reduction of the public water supply is not anticipated from future domesticconsumption and commercial usage.Cumulative impacts to surface waters within the watershed may include sedimentation and run off from land clearing activitiesand stream and wetland crossingsassociated with new development, however, these impacts should be mitigated by utilizing best management practices and limiting ground disturbance to the minimum practical. All futureimpacts to surface waters and stormwater for construction of potential projectsshouldbepermitted through proper State and Federal Agencies. Any increased stream sedimentation andsoil erosion from increased land clearing for future development should also be regulated throughState and Federal permitting processes. Changes in hydrological regimes of streams and rivers within the watershed isnot anticipated. The treatment process for the newwastewater treatment plant will be an advanced tertiary treatment process intended to meetthe stringent effluent limitations of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit.WWTP discharges to the Horsepasture River will be closely monitored and abide byState and Federal water quality parametersand are not anticipated to impact downstream water quality. The Horsepasture River along the proposed project area is classified by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)as C;Tr:+. Class C waters are protected for uses such assecondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner.Trout Waters (Tr)is a supplemental classification intended to protect freshwaters which have conditions which shall sustain and allow for trout propagation and survival of stocked trout on a year-round basis. This classification is not the same as the NC Wildlife Resources Commission's Designated Public Mountain Trout Waters designation.The +symbol MCGILL ASSOCIATES 1013 STATE FARM ROAD, BOONE, NC 28607 /828.386.1920 /MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM Horsepasture River WWTP and Collection System Improvements Qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Impact Analysis Page 2of 2 identifies waters that are subject to a specialmanagement strategy specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0225 the Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) rule.All outstanding resource waters are a subset of High Quality Waters. This supplemental classification is intended to protect unique and special waters having excellent water quality and being of exceptional state or national ecological or recreational significance.Per the ORW rule, water quality conditions shall be maintained to protect the outstanding resource values of all undesignated waterbodies that are located within the Horsepasture River watershed. No new discharges or expansions of existing discharges shall be permitted, and stormwater controls for all new development activities requiring an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan in accordance with rulesestablished by the NC Sedimentation Control Commission shall comply with the stormwater provisions set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1000, including the specific stormwater management requirements for freshwater ORW areas set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1019 and .1021.However, new domestic wastewater discharges and expansions of existing wastewater discharges shall be allowed provided that: (A) Oxygen Consuming Wastes: Effluent limitations shall be as follows: BOD shall not exceed 5 mg/l and NH3-N shall not exceed 2 mg/l; (B) Total Suspended Solids: Discharges of total suspended solids (TSS) shall be limited to effluent concentrations of 10 mg/1 for trout waters and to 20 mg/l for all other waters except for mining operations, which shall be held to their respective NPDES TSS permit limits.(C) Nutrients: If nutrient overenrichment is projected to be a concern, effluent limitations shall be set for phosphorus, nitrogen, or both; and (D) Volume: The total volume of treated wastewater for all discharges combined shall not exceed 25 percent of the total instream flow in the designated ORW under 7Q10 conditions. The NPDES limitations, existing ORW rules, and the required Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan in accordance with rules established by the NC Sedimentation Control Commissionshould reduce or eliminate the need for additional regulatory measures. Strict adherence to these regulatory programs should result in the protection of the watershed during growth in the surrounding area. Please provide any comments regarding concerns or other issues of significance that may affect this project. We look forward to your comments on this matter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at our office phone number of (828) 386-1920 or my email address jon.swaim@mcgillassociates.com. MCGILL ASSOCIATES 1013 STATE FARM ROAD, BOONE, NC 28607 /828.386.1920 /MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM