HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100004_Complete File - Historical_20220308 Flo s e ► w � NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue c 'Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor „ /q0� N``ll I r , " Director Secretary CCEIVED 'A r r March 17, zoo9 ; MAR 18 229 J Thomas and Elizabeth Johnson orlr 2115 Cherry Laurel Drive � jamc FrjO" i Ashevilie Regional Office Newberry, SC 29108 ',gwfer Protection Subject: Notice of Expiration(NOE) 5A7 Geothermal Injection Well Permit No. WI0100004 I �� Transylvania County c 1 kP D \ Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson: 7 The Underground Injection Control (UIC)Program of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is entrusted to protect the groundwater quality and resources of the State of North Carolina, and is responsible for the regulation of injection well construction and operation activities within the state. Our records indicate that the above-referenced operating permit for the underground injection well system, which was issued on July 12, 2004, and expires on July 16, 2009,has not been renewed. This permit was originally issued to Roseann Dorsch. If you wish to keep this permit and operate the injection well system, the permit must be renewed and issued in your name. Our records do not indicate that the well system has been plugged and abandoned. In order to comply with the regulatory requirements listed under North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0211, you must submit one of the following forms: A. Application for Permit(Renewal) to Construct and/or Use a Well(s)for Injection with Geothermal Heat Pump System for Type 5A7 Well(s) if the injection well system on your property is still active. -OR- B. Status oflnjection Well System if the injection well system is inactive or has been temporarily or permanently abandoned. If there has been a change of ownership of the property, an Injection Well Permit Name/Ownership Change Form must also be submitted. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center,Ralegh,North Carolina 27699-1636 Location:2728 Capital Boulevard,Raleigh,North Carolina 27604 ne Phone:919-733-3221 1 FAX 1:919-715-M;FAX 2:919-715-60481 Customer Service:1.877-623.6748 rt1"i�Carolina Internet www.ncwateroualitv.om .. '� Al Equal OppoMniiy I Affirmative Action Employer )WArN Lally ! le i If the injection well system is no longer being used for any purpose, it must be permanently abandoned according to the regulatory requirements listed under NCAC Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0214. When each well is plugged and abandoned, the well abandonment record(Form GW-30) must be submitted to our office to certify that the abandonment was properly conducted. If the injection well system is still active and you wish to renew your permit,the renewal application must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the receipt of this letter to: Aquifer Protection Section Groundwater Protection Unit UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Failure to submit these forms in a timely manner may result in the assessment of civil penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 87-94. For your convenience, a renewal application and a UIC well system status form are attached along with a self-addressed envelope. The above referenced forms are also available on-line at the DWQ website at hgp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/gps/gi)u/forms.htm- Thank you in advance for your cooperation and timely response. If you have any questions,please call me at (919) 715-6166. Sincerely, �✓ /Michael Rogers / Environmental Specialist Attachments cc: Asheville Regional Office-APS w/o enclosures APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0100004 w/o enclosures 2 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES(NCDENR) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S)FOR INJECTION WITH A GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP SYSTEM FOR: TYPE 5-A7 WELL(S) New Permit Application OR Renewal(check one) DATE: . 20 PERMIT NO. (leave blank if NEW permit application) A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)/APPLICANT(S) List each Property Owner listed on property deed(if owned by a business or government agency,state name of entity and a representative w/authority for signature): (1) Mailing Address: City: State:_Zip Code: County: Home/Office Tele No.: Cell No.: EMAIL Address: (2) Physical Address of Site(if different than above): City: State:_Zip Code: County: Home/Office Tele No.: Cell No.: EMAIL Address:' B. AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER,IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and operate UIC well) Company Name: Contact Person: EMAIL Address: Address: City: State:_Zip Code: County: Office Tele No.: Cell No.: Website Address of Company,if any: GPU/UIC SA7 Well Permit Application(Revised 9/2007) Page I C. WELL DRILLER INFORMATION Company Name: Well Drilling Contractor's Name: NC Contractor Certification No.: Contact Person: EMAIL Address: Address: City: Zip Code: County: Office Tele No.: Cell No.: D. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if different than driller) Company Name: Contact Person: EMAIL Address: Address: City: Zip Code: County: Office Tele No.: Cell No.: E. STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: Federal: Commercial: State:_ Municipal: Native American Lands:_ F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe bow the injection well(s)will be used) G. WELL USE Will the injection well(s) also be used as the supply well(s) for the following? (1) The injection operation? YES NO (2) Personal consumption? YES NO H. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA(Skip to Section I if this is a Permit RENEWAL) PROPOSED Well(s) to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (1) through (7) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. Submit Form GW-1 after construction. EXISTING Well(s)being proposed for use as an injection well.Provide the data in(1)through (7) below to the best of your knowledge. Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction Record)if available. (1) Date to be constructed: Number of borings: Approximate depth of each boring(feet): (2) Well casing. Is the well(s)cased?(check either(a.)YES or(b.)NO below) (a) YES If yes,then provide the casing information below. Type: Galvanized steel_Black steel_Plastic_Other(specify) Casing thickness:_diameter(inches): depth:from to ft. (reference to land surface) Casing extends above ground inches GPUNIC SA7 Well Permit Application(Revised 9/2007) Page 2 (b) NO (3) Grout(material surrounding well casing and/or piping): (a) Grout type: Cement_ Bentonite_ Other(specify) (b) Grouted surface and grout depth(reference to land surface): Around closed-loop piping;from to (feet). Around well casing;from to (feet). (4) Well(s)Screen Information Depth of Screen: From to feet below land surface (5) N.C. State Regulations (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) require the Permittee to make provisions for monitoring wellhead water quality and processes. A faucet on both Influent (groundwater entering heat pump)and Effluent(water being injected back into the well)lines is required. Will there be a faucet on: (a) Influent line? Yes_No (b) Effluent line? Yes_No (6) Source Well Construction Information(if the water source well is a different well than the injection well) --- " AttedPa copy of Form GW-1-(Well-Construction'Record)-If Form GW-1 is`noravailable,provide the following data: Groundwater Source. From what depth, formation, and type of rock/sediment units will the groundwater be withdrawn? (e.g.granite,limestone,sand,etc.) Depth: Formation: Rock/sediment unit: NOTE: THE WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR CAN SUPPLY THE DATA FOR EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED WELLS IF THIS INFORMATION IS UNAVAILABLE BY OTHER MEANS. I. OPERATING DATA (1) Injection rate: Average(daily)_gallons per minute(gpm). (2) Injection Volume: Average(daily) gallons per,day(gpd). (3) Injection Pressure: Average(daily) pounds/square'inch(psi). (4) Injection Temperature: Average(January) °F,Average(July)_°F. J. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout or proposed modification of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure may provide supplementary information. K. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two copies of maps showing the following information: (1) Include a site map(can be drawn)showing: buildings,property lines,surface water bodies,potential sources of groundwater contamination and the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any existing well(s)or waste disposal facilities such as`septic tanks or drain fields located within 1000 feet of the geothermal heat pump well system. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) Include a topographic map of the area extending one mile from the property boundaries and indicate the.facility's location and the map name. GPU/UIC 5A7 Well Permit Application(Revised 9/2007) Page 3 L. CERTIFICATION Note: This Permit Application must be signed by each person appearing on the recorded legal property deed. "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information,I believe that the information is true,accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit.." Signature of Property Owner/Applicant Print or Type Full Name Signature of Property Owner/Applicant Print or Type Full Name Signature of Authorized Agent,if any Print or Type Full Name Please return two copies of the completed Application package to: North Carolina DENR-DWQ Aquifer Protection*Section UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 715-6935 GPU/UIC SA7 Well Permit Application(Revised 9/2007) Page 4 F ' . State of North Carolina ii Department of Environment and"Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STATUS OF INJECTION WELL SYSTEM' Permit Number: Permittee Name: Address: Please check the selection which most closely describes the current status of your injection well system: 1) ( Well(s)still used for injection activities, or may be in the future. 2) ( Well(s)not used for injection but is/are used for water supply or other purposes. 3} ( Injection discontinued and: a) (Welf(s)temporarily abandoned b) (Well(s)permanently abandoned c) (Well(s)not abandoned 4) ( Injection well(s)never constructed Current Use of Well If you checked(2),describe the well use(potable water supply,irrigation,monitoring,etc),including pumping rate and other relevant information. Well Abandonment If you checked(3)(a)or(3)(b),describe the method used to abandon the injection well. (Include a description ofhow the well was sealed and the type ofmaterial used to fill the well ifpermanently abandoned): Permit Rescission: " If you checked(2),(3),or(4)and will not use a well for injection on this site in the future,you should request rescission of the permit. Do you wish to rescind the permit? ( Yes ( No Certification: "I hereby certify,under penalty of law,that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document, and that to the best of my knowledge the information is true, accurate, and complete." Signature Date Revised 5/05 GWIUIC-68 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality—Aquifer Protection.Section INJECTION WELL PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM Any changes made to this form will result in the application being returned. (THIS FORM MAYBE.PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE ASAN ORIGINAL) I. REQUIRED ITEMS 1. Submit one original of the completed and appropriately executed Permit Name/Ownership Change Form. For a change of ownership,the certification must be signed by both the current permit holder and the new applicant. For a name change only,the certification must be signed by the applicant. 2. Provide legal documentation of the transfer of ownership(such as a contract,deed,article of incorporation,etc.) for ownership changes. A copy of the Association Bylaws and Declarations should be submitted for a change of ownership to a Homeowner's Association. 3. For injection well systems operated under a Non-Discharge pennit (Permit number starting with WQ), please contact the Water Quality Section,Non-Discharge Permitting Unit at(919)733-7015 for the proper form. II. CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATI,O(N ,( 1. Permit number: 2. Permit holder's name: 3. Name and title of owner or signing official: (Person legally responsible for permit) (title) 4. Mailing address: City: State: Zip: Telephone number: (_) Facsimile number:( ) III. NEW OWNER/NAME INFORMATION 1. This request for a permit change is a result of a. Change in ownership of property/company b. Name change only , c. Other(please explain): Page 1 of 2 2. Name of new permit holder: (Name to be used in permit) 3. Name and title of new owner or signing official: (Person legally responsible for permit) (title) 4. Mailing address: City: State: Zip: Telephone number: (_) Facsimile number:(_) IV. CERTIFICATION -- 1. Current Permitteels Certification: I, on behalf of attest that this application for name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required.parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. I understand I will continue to be responsible for compliance with the current permit until a new permit is.issued. Signature: Date: 2. Applicant's Certification: , I, I .on behalf of attest that this application for name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to:the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package will be returned as incomplete. I understand that upon issuance of a new permit, I will be responsible for compliance with the conditions of the new permit. Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE,INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS,SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM By U.S.Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919)715-6182 ' Page 2 of 2 WC(D aboratorySection Wesults County: TRANSYLVANIA _ - Sample ID: AB42757 River Basin i RECEIVED �wArrF PO Number# 9G0491 �,,0 9Q Report To AROAP d Date Received: 04/09/2009 Collector: J VANN f AIR 2 9 2GG9 c t' Time Received: 08:10 - r O `C Labwadcs LoginlD SMATHIS Region: ARO Date Reported: 4/23/09 Sample Matrix: GROUNDWATER ' SheVliie Regional Office Loa Type: WATER SUPPLY 9 Report Generated: 04/23/2009 Emergency Yes/No .. Aaulfer Protection VIaiOD CDC Yes/No Loc.Oescr.: J THOMAS JOHNSON Location 10: 1P088W O100004 Collect Date: 0410712009 Collect Time:: 11:00 Sample Depth t Sample Qualifiers and Comments Routine Qualifiers For a more detailed description of these qualifier codes refer to www.dwqlab.org under Staff Access A-Value reported is the average of two or more determinations N3-Estimated cencentretion is<POL and>MDL Bl-Countable membranes with<20 colonies;Estimated NE-No established PQL B2-Counts from all fillers were zem. P-Elevated POL due to matrix interference and/or sample dilution B3-Countable membranes with more than 60 or 80 colonies;Estimated Q1-Holding time exceeded prior to receipt at lab. 134-Filters have counts of both>60 or 80 and<20;Estimated Q2-Holding time exceeded following receipt by lab B5-Too many colonies were present;too numerous to count(TNTC) PQL-Practical Quantitation Limit-subject to change due to instrument sensitivity J2-Reported value hailed to meet QC criteria for either precision or accuracy;Estimated J-Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected J3-The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination;Estimated Xi-Semple not analyzed for this compound J6-The lab analysis was from an unpraserved or improperly chemically preserved sample;Estimated Nl-The component has been tentatively identified based on mass spectral library search and has an estimated value LAB Laboratory Section»1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 Page 1 of 2 A N o � ❑ O O ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ O ❑ O ❑ h H T 6 R R 0 (C... 0 K 2 Q 0 K K 0 K K N 0 N O O O O O O O O O O O O y r O 9 = LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL m a r m a a m a a a a < a k a k e a Q a �- n e �' r- LL tll N 41 C y N N C N C 41 N f/1 N C N N N C (/1 LL 41 P W P W P W P W W W P W v W v W v W P W P W P W v W v W P Q N w w w w w w s O g' O $ O $ O g 0 0 m 0 t y N n. ❑ m 9 a v o v P 3 0 ❑ f A i m o o m U U G > > > > > > > > > > > � J h \ v sn U m �N n ON Z o Q 1N N Ip O o o N N O O O L p C m 0 e U u Z � N g � o n o 0 o m Qog 0 0 o m o m o n c a �' w w w w w w 'w w �. w w w w w w o Z H z E rc rc rc rc rc ¢ rc ¢ rc rc rc rc O rc rc rc rc N u N N l7 N 01 f7 W W N N O N 0 W O a vry O m O CS 1` d A IL T. N N d IL F" d a6 d d P P P P P P P P P P P P P n P F- .. W O � ou •- 3 5 North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER&ECTION ' Location code IPNUN 010000LJSAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY County -F U tit Water Routine Lab Number 7 ql Soil Emergency � ❑ ❑ Johnson Quad No Serial No. ��--r Date Received � Time: 10 Lat: Long. ❑ Other Redd By ,: From:Bus, ourier, and Del., ❑ Chain of Custody Other: Report To ARO RO,MRO, RRO,WaRO,WiRO, Data Entry By:I Ck: WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed.Trust,Central Off., Other:_ Date Reported: Shipped by: Bus, ourier, Hand Qel., Other: Purpose: Collector(s): —T �iAhn Date Time I I W Baseline,Complaint,Com liance, LUST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust, Other: FIELD ANALYSES Owner J. o w "`aB0"e) pH 40o Spec.Cond.94 at 25°C Location or Site I 0 8I SI c k�x.k f� )P Ja i G Temp.lo °C Odor Description of sampling point_I�rl , Appearance Sampling Method �i1714d i— Sample Interval Field Analysis By: Remarks I °"°' °a`a° LABORATORY ANALYSES (Pumping time,air temp.,elm) Boo 310 mg/L Diss.Solids 70300 mg/L Ag-Silver46566 u L 0 anochlorine Pesticides _ COD High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 _ mg/L -Aluminum 46557 u /L Organophosphonts Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L Hardness:Total 900 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551 u /L Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 1100ml Hardness(nonrarb)902 mg/L Ba-Barium 46658 u IL Acid Herbicides Colifonn:MF Total 31504 1100ml Phenols 32730 ugn Ca-Calclum 46552 mg/L PCBs TOO 680 mg/L Specific Cord.95 pMhos/cm -Ed-Cadmium 46559 u /L Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 mg/L L111 9r-Chromium 46559 u /L Residue,Total Suspended 530 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg[L Cu-Copper 46562 u /L Fe-Iron 46563 u /L I Semivolatile Organics Oil and Grease - mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 u L TPH-Diesel Range pH 403 units K-Potassium 46555 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/L g-Magnesium 46554 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/L n-Manganese 46565 u /L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle Carbonate 445 mg/L NH3 as N 610 mg/L Sodium 46556 mg/L TPH-Gasoline'Range Bicarbonate 440 mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/LPi-Nickel u L TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mg/L NO2+NO3 as N 630 mg/L b- d 46564 u /L Chloride 940 mg/L P:Total as P 665 mg1L sKselenium u /L Chromium:.Hex 1032 ug/L Nitrate(NO3as N)620 mg/L Zn-Zinc46567 u /L Color:True80 CU Nitrite(NO2 as N)615 mg1L LAB USE ONLY , Cyanide 720 mg/L Temperature on arrival(°C): Lab Comments GW-54 REV.7103 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and wdte'DIS'in block. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION April 1,2009 MEMORANDUM To: Landon Davidson RECEIVED Asheville Regional Office From: Michael Rogers M� APR 03 2Co9 Central Office APS Asf*Yfie Re,gional Office Re: Rescission Request ;.t'Or ProteCron 5A7 UIC Geothermal Well Permit No. WI0100004 J. Thomas Johnson Transylvania County The APS Central Office has received a Status of Injection Well form from Mr. Johnson requesting the rescission of Permit No. W10100004 (copy attached). The Permittee indicates that they are no longer using the well for injection purposes. Please determine if a rescission should be issued for this permit and complete and return the attached Permit Rescission Form to this office. If you have any questions please contact me at (919) 715-6166. Thank you for your cooperation. Attachment(s) cc: APS Central Files -Permit No. W10100004 Permit Rescission Form R ECEIVED Information to be filled out by Central Office: 1Cu9 Facility Name: J. Thomas Johnson(formerly Roseann Dorch) nal Office 2115 Cherry Laurel Dr.,Newberry, SC 291tection 803-276-8590 Facility Site Address: 1081 Slick Rock Rd., Brevard,NC 28712 Permit Number: WI0100004 Regional Office: Asheville RO County: Transylvania Date Rescission Request Rec'd: March 25, 2009 Received Original Request: 0 Central Office ❑ Regional Office Form of Received Request: ❑ Letter 0 Checked on signed form ❑ Other email Information to be filled out by Region: Please Check Appro ately: 7Site Visit Performed ❑ Groundwater Concerns Addressed Recommendations, [ns R� escind Permit Immediately Reason for Approval 54/ern wc?5 in</al�j %C<Oay The yt"011 5-'47 k — -/�e wd Vie lW lS 3 OPM. l 1r)�ur,�f A �cr/„i 5 �� 9Cam�nah�7 J�If 82/lS na I- irw o5-CYqS A '527 ❑ Require Renewal with Suspended Actions Recommended Actions to be Taken ❑ Do Not Rescind/Recommend Renewal Reason for Denial NOTE: If rescission is approved for this permit,it will become inactive in the BIMS database and will not be billed through the division billing system. If this permit H associated with a UST site, some form of documentation showing that the UST Section is in agreement with our recommendation should be attached to this letter or a UST Section representative should sign below. Signature of Certifier(APS Section): �CvrvrJ Signature of Certifier(UST Section,lif Date Certified: l h/Q 9 Return Completed and Signed Form to the Aquifer Protection UIC Program Section State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STATUS OF INJECTION WELL SYSTEM Permit Number: L✓ T O!D D 0 0 4 Permittee Name: o m to S T rI n S O A Address: /O $ ( S li GlG Qv G _0 /3 ire learrd, Al C i28-] 2- Please check the selection which most closely describes the current status of your injection well system: 1) ( Well(s)still used for injection activities, or may be in the future. 2) \/Wells)not used for injection but is/are used for water supply or other purposes. KIC ins-i%lleo( a reyeA /ar heaf P&o.#W to 2o4*7 and discon�inkrgl 3) ( Injection discontinued and: a)(Well(s)temporarily abandoned We"' baS eek $y s4iK. b) (Well(s)permanently abandoned c)(Well(s)not abandoned 4) ( Injection well(s)never constructed Current Use of Well If you checked(2),describe the well use(potable water supply,irrigation,monitoring,etc), including pumping rate and other relevannformation. / Well Abandonment If you checked(3)(a)or(3)(b),describe the method used to abandon the injection well. (Include a description ofhow the well was sealed and the type of material used to fill the well ifpermanently abandoned)/ a 11 Permit Rescission: If you checked(2),(3),or(4)and will not use a well for injection on this site in the future,you should request rescission of the permit.Do you wish to rescind the permit? )(Yes ( No Certification: "I hereby certify,under penalty of law,that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document, and that to the best of my knowledge the information is true,accurate, and complete." 3 o Sign lure Date RECEIVED/DENR I DWQ Aquifer Protection Section MAR 25 2009 Revised 5/05 GWlUIC-68 �,$$ �. ¢, • � A �� x4 4r�JS� " C Y -�� 't fii'� ''11 ipy��S.a'A k . gp�+10 v, v `4a` R #' •f }i R pexj�'} tv�` xY .g. ¢ �,-*s •.�,"�51#9*g' , .�;'� � � "°" '}''Yn �'9�"-* fi- a "rT`.. +N` �,�°�r+ ". "°z' _ f 4 m '"•:S 4#. i.°+ '4 y{ �F s+�"�' v y 4t $'% ET A°X'kFn•b" -r �,'. r . '•�y' �..i/ � a��F ri .akr f �9y:yY T�2_ � �•i �� `. ¢ �a - #15 � q�w�*�* a.� s .its •( `dyT+� w+=•� s��+ <ry yN, , . ����rF`9' �, f �x�,,�_��Ye 'eSc�t2A .� .ix �2`�✓k y�`„r ,yy� ,. '� ''�% 'YS,,-p,�*•e�*�'�ru'F�ij�a, ,� -�w�.";y,;3�¢fi�� 1 111 • • is - • . - 11 1 r •111 • 1 - 1 1 •1 • 1 :1 •• i• it 1 . • . . . . . . . . : " 1: .. .. . 11• r •plo cjtie�eti Alvo AO) wn� unto S54 `L� , n V " J0'?5 �� UD t a na Department of Environment ent end Natural Resources Division of Water Qua Illy Groundwater Section II . Well Location: .Jo{1r15on urr,C, (Town.Community,Subdp isian and Lot No.) Date �/ ? / WELLTYPE rtvq. Owner: 47, 1�70>�S J�YIr)S County ��rg ' i�yof In t(A Address: �O(( � Sack l2nr k Road/Street �Ftltr Quad No. (r01 NC Serial No. Lat. Long. Well Contractor 1Neli Construction ContractorCenificaion N Name ------ Check Items Meets Min.Standards Measured Yes No Remarks • _ Permit R_ e_ n�ired_� (Y/N)�_ ' ........... (Permit No. ....... L9calion - Distance From ) Water Tight Sewage/waste collection.. Waste disposal (septic tank drain field) Other Poll. Source Other Poll. Source in � • Type ..........."" (Circle one) Depth.......... •'•••••••••••••••• • ••••............. Plastic Carbon Galy. stain.st. Other .......................................... � WeighUthickness ................. Height (A.L.S.)..................... Other( Drilling Fluids/Additives Type .............................. Grout Type .................................:. r�7Ch Thickness .................. Depth...........................:.......... Other( h� ✓ ✓ Screens ) Screened interval ........ ...........:. Other ( Development.....•.••..... - ........................... Total Suspended solids .:...................... Turbidity ............ Settleable Solids...............:................... I.D. Plate y� Well Contractor:......:.!....................... Abandonment :................ Temporary............... Permanent............................................ GW-36 Rev. 1/2000 Applies to wells constructed after December 1, 1992 rr:nnl nn RgVFGCRI Check Items Meets Min.Slandards Remarks Measured Yes No WellTest ............................................... Duration*................................................ Frequency/Accuracy of measurements Other( ) Dislnfectlon........................................... Chlorination.................................... :.... Other( ) ttn ................................................. Reports.................................................. Construction (GW-1) ............................ Abandonment(GW30) ........................ Well Head Completion Access port........................................... ✓ Hosebib................................................ Pitless Adaptor..................................... Pilless Adaptor Unit.............................. Suctionline........................................... Teeael)......................:......................... Valved flaw........................................... Vent...................................................... Water light pipe entry ........................... ✓ Well entry ............................................. Applies to wells constructed after December 1, 1992 Date Well Constructed m,�recr55��- Purnpinstallation Pump Installation Contractor . Address Reg. a Name PUMP CONTRACTOR I D PLATE PRESENT ? (YIN) Date Pump Installed Violations noted attributable to the pump installation contractor are as follcws: (1) (2) (3) INSPECTOR _ � Pi V rho X' Name Office Witnessfes) (If Available) _ _ - _ _Name Address Type a Name Address Type - ' I a N� DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY <a c C�U GROUNDWATER SECTION97 mo r July 12,2004 o 7 N D r;; r N o� MEMORANDUM T Z FiiN m To: Landon Davidson, Regional Goundwater Supervisor Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office From: Thomas Slusser71< Central Office r� Re: Issuance of a Water-source Heat Pump Injection Well Permit(Type 5A7): Permit Number W10100004 for the operation of a water-source heat pump injection well system has been issued to Roseann Dorsch in Brevard,North Carolina. This permit was previously issued to A.C. Bramley, so please note this name change in your files. Attached is a copy of this permit for your files. Please contact me at(919) 715-6166 if you have any questions regarding this permit. cc: CO-UIC Files Enclosures `• M NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A WELL FOR INJECTION In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO ROSEANN DORSCH FOR THE OPERATION OF A TYPE 5A7 INJECTION WELL,defined in Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C.0209(e)(3)(A),which will be used for the injection of heat pump effluent. This injection well, previously owned by Mr. A.C. Bramley, is located at Route 1, Box 73, Slick Rock Road, Brevard, Transylvania County, North Carolina. The injection well system will be operated in accordance with the application submitted April 6, 2004 and in conformity with the specifications filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, which are considered a part of this permit. This permit is for Operation only, and does not waive any provisions of the Water Use Act or any other applicable Laws, Rules, or Regulations. Operation and use of an injection well shall be in compliance with Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C.0100 and.0200, and any other Laws,Rules, and Regulations pertaining to well construction and use. This permit shall be effective,unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until July 16,2009,and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth in Parts I,through VIII hereof. Permit issued this the day of 2004. Ted L. Bush, Jr.,Assistant Chief Groundwater Section Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission. Permit No.WI0100004 PAGE 1 OF 5 GW/UIC-5 ver.3/01 PART I- OPERATION AND USE GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature,volume of materials and rate of injection, as described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not transferable without prior notice to, and approval by,the Director of the Division of Water Quality(Director). In the event there is a desire for the facility to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit amendment request must be submitted to the Director, including any supporting materials as maybe appropriate, at least 30 days prior to the date of the change. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility of complying with any and all statutes, rules,regulations, or ordinances which maybe imposed by other local, state, and federal agencies which have jurisdiction. Furthermore, the issuance of this permit does not imply that all regulatory requirements have been met. PART II-PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The injection facility shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwater that will render it unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facility fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the injection zone to adequately assimilate the injected fluid, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that maybe required by the Division of Water Quality such as the repair, modification, or abandonment of the injection facility. 2. The Permittee shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit even if compliance requires a reduction or elimination of the permitted activity. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwater resulting from the operation of this facility. PART III- OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS , 1. The injection facility shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. The Permittee must notify the Division and receive prior written approval from the Director of any planned physical alterations or additions in the permitted facility or activity not specifically authorized by the permit. 1 Permit No.WI0100004 PAGE 2 OF 5 GW/UIC-5 ver.3/01 PART IV-INSPECTIONS 1. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Water Quality may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the injection facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or injection fluids. 2. Department representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation, and sampling associated with injection and any related facilities as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-90. 3. Provisions shall be made for collecting any necessary and appropriate samples associated with the injection facility activities. PART V-MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring(including groundwater, surface water, or soil sampling) deemed necessary by the Division of Water Quality to insure surface and ground water protection,will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall report by telephone,within 48 hours of the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence, to the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, any of the following: (A) Any occurrence at the injection facility that results in any unusual operating circumstances; (B) Any failure due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of proper injection operations, such as mechanical or electrical failures. 3. Where the Permittee becomes aware of an omission of any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted to the Director by the Permittee. 4. " In the event that the permitted facility fails to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. Pemrit No.WI0100004 PAGE 3 OF 5 GW/UIC-5 ver.3/01 PART VI-PERMIT RENEWAL The Permittee shall, at least three (3) months prior to the expiration of this permit, request an extension. PART VII- CHANGE OF WELL STATUS 1. The Permittee shall provide written notification within 15 days of any change of status of an injection well. Such a change would include the discontinuation of use of a well for injection. If a well is taken completely out of service temporarily, the Permittee-must install a sanitary seal. If a well is not to be used for any purpose that well must be permanently abandoned according to 15A NCAC'2C .0213(h)(1), Well Construction Standards. 2. When operations have ceased at the facility and a well will no longer be used for any purpose, the Permittee shall abandon that injection well in accordance with the procedures specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0214, including but not limited to the following: (A) All casing and materials may be removed prior to initiation of abandonment procedures if the Director finds such removal will not be responsible for, or contribute to, the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (B) The entire depth of each well shall be sounded before it is sealed to insure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealing operations. (C) Each well shall be thoroughly disinfected,prior to sealing, if the Director determines that failure to do so could lead to the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (D) Each well shall be completely filled with cement grout,which shall be introduced into the well through a pipe that extends to the bottom of the well and is raised as the well is filled. (E) In the case of gravel-packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed,the casing shall be perforated opposite the gravel pack, at intervals not exceeding 10 feet, and grout injected through the perforations. (F) In those cases when, as a result of the injection operations, a subsurface cavity has been created, each well shall be abandoned in such a manner that will prevent the movement of fluids into or between underground sources of drinking water and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. Permit No.WI0100004 PAGE 4 OF 5 GW/UIC-5 ver.3101 (G) The Permittee shall submit a Well Abandonment Record(Form GW-30) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(1)within 30 days of completion of abandonment. 3. The written documentation required in Part VII (1) and (2) (G) shall be submitted to: Groundwater Section-UIC Staff DENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 PART VIII- OPERATION AND USE SPECIAL CONDITIONS None Permit No.WI0100004 PAGE 5 OF 5 GW[WC-5 ver.3/01 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report/Ground Water Quality Lab Number 4GO677 Date Received : 5/27/2004 COUNTY : TRANSYLVANIA SAMPLE PRIORITY Time Received : 9:15 AM QUAD NO: OROUTINE EMERGENCY Received By DS REPORTTO ARO Regional Office EJ CHAIN OF CUSTODY COLLECTOR(S) :T MINNICK FINF Released By : AR DATE: /2; 5/2004 W❑ SAMPLE TYPE Date reported: 718/2004 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner: ROSEANN DORSCH Location or Site: Description of sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 L Diss.Solids 70300 L A -Silver 46566 ug/L Organochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 m L X AI-Aluminum46557 50U ug/L Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L X Hardness:total 900 7.7 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551 ug7L Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness:(non-carb)902 mg/L Ba-Barium46558 ug/L Colifarm:MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 32730 ug/L X Ca-Calcium 46552 2.5 mg/L Acid Herbicides TOC mg/I Specific Cond.95 umhos/cm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 ug/L Turbitity NTU Sulfate mg/L X Cr-Chromium 46560 25U ug/L Semivolatiles Residue.,Suspended 530 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L X Cu-Copper 1042 280 ug/L TPH-Diesel Range Total Suspended solids mg/L MBAS mg/L X Fe-Iron 1045 50.0 ug/L Oil and Grease mg/L H -Mercury 71900 ug/L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) H units Silica mg/L X K-Potassium 46555 0.68 L Alkalinity to PH 4.5 mg/L Boron X Mg-Magnesium 927 0.35 mg/L TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/L Formaldehyde mg/L X Mn-Manganese 1055 IOU ug/L TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carbonate mg/L NH3 as N 610 mg/L X Na-Sodium 929 3.0 mg/L Bicarbonate mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L X Ni-Nickel 11 ug/L Carbon dioxide mg/L X NO2+NO3 as n 630 0.05 m9fL X Pb-Lead 46564 10U ug/L X Chloride 5U mg/L P:Total as P 665 mg/L Se-Selenium ug/L Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/L PO4 mg/L X Zn Zinc 46567 39 ug/L Sn11 Color:True 80 C.U. Nitrate(NO,as N)620 mg/L m0 Cyanide 720 mg/L Nitrite(NO,as N)615 mg/L z La COMMENTS: z� 0 TD T DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report/Ground Water Quality Lab Number 4GO678 Date Received : 5/27/2004 COUNTY TRANSYLVANIA SAMPLE PRIORITY Time Received : 9:15 AM QUAD NO: EIROUTINE EMERGENCY Received By DS REPORT TO ARO Regional Office LI CHAIN OF CUSTODY COLLECTOR(S) : T MINNICK EFF Released By : AR DATE: 5/25/2004 Wl SAMPLE TYPE Date reported: 7/8/2004 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner: ROSEANN DORSCH Location or Site: Description of sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 mg/L Diss.Solids 70300 mg/L A -Silver 46566 ug/L Organochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 m L X AI-Aluminum 46557 501.1 ug/L Organophos horus Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L X Hardness:total 900 7.4 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551 ug/L Nitrogen Pesticides Coliforrn:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness:(non-carb)902 mg/L Ba-Barium 46558 ug/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 32730 ug/L X Ca-Calcium 46552 2.4 mg/L Acid Herbicides TOC m I Specific Cond.95 umhos/cm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 ug/L Turbitity NTU Sulfate mg/L X Cr-Chromium 46560 25U ug/L Semivolatiles Residue.,Suspended 530 mg/L ISuffide 745 mg/L X Cu-Copper 1042 360 ug/L TPH-Diesel Range Total Suspended solids mg/L IMBAS mg/L X Fe-Iron 1045 50U ug/L Oil and Grease mg/L H -Mercury 71900 ug/L I Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) PH units Silica mg/L X K-Potassium 46555 0.69 mg/L Alkalinity to PH 4.5 m L Boron X Mg-Magnesium 927 0.34 mg/L TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinity to PH 8.3 mg/L Formaldehyde mg/L X Mn-Manganese 1055 10U ug/L TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carbonate mg/L NH3 as N 610 mg/L X No-Sodium 929 3.0 mg/L Bicarbonate mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L X Ni-Nickel 10U ug/L Carbon dioxide mg/L X NO2+NO3 as n 630 0.06 me/L X Pb-Lead 46564 10U ugfL X Chloride 5U mg1l. P:Total as P 665 mg/L Se-Selenium ug/L Chromium:Hex 1032 u L 1 PO4 mg/L Z.n Zinc 46567 37 ug/L Color:True 80 c.u. Nitrate(NO3 as N)620 mg"I I<� Cyanide 720 mg/L I INitrite(NO,as N)615 mg I C COMMENTS: mY —T N p� N T T� ro i DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Labonmry Repave/Ground Water Quality lab Number 4GO720 Datc Received WN2004 COUNTY : TRANSYLVANIA SAMPIPPRIORITY Time Recwd 9:40AM QUAD NO: DROLrnNE EMERGENCY Rcceival By 1 US / I REPORTTO ARO Rcgional Ofhcc CLLECpOR(S) T MINNICN CHAINOFCUSTODY DATE: : INF cleascd By : AR 1 / TIME: encn004 a SAMPLE TYPE Datem wed: N29/2004 PURPOSE: Owns: RO.9FANNDORSCH location w Sim: D nplionof sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS -1 -� BOD 310 nWL X Diss.Solids]Wfq 39 A -Silve4656 COD Hi 390 gfL amhlon Pesicids SIL uord 95 1 Dn/L AI-Aluminum 0655] aro hos horns Pesticides m JJ u U 0 COD Low J35 m Hardness:twal 9tp As-Arsenic 46551 u Nit n Pesticides C L r C 6 r Cwifomc MF Fccal J1616 /IOOmI Hardness:(ranaarb)902 mg/L Ba-Barium 46558 ugfLmp Coliform:MFTmaI31504 /100m1 Pk la 32730 u Ca-Calcium 46552 m Acid Henriddes 37C TOC m S ifm Com.95 um Wcm2 Cd-Cad..46559 'Ty I u u 11 V7 Turbitity NTU SuI(am m Cr-Chmmium 46560 u A Semwdmiles OS IV p Residue.,Su rMed 5J0 m Sulfide 745 m Cu-Cmmr 1042 u 2 TPH-Die l Range n Taal S.spdM solids m MBAS mIL Fe-Iron 1045 Orti Oil eM Grease m/L H -M. 719(p a Volatik ,nits(VOA bwlk) T 5 H units Silica mEfL K-Po ium 46555 /L nz 11u11 Alkalmil to H4.5 m Bomn m Alkalinit tH o 8.3 M -Ma nesium W7 mg/L TPH-Gasolirm Range / m Formaldeh de Mn-Man anew 1055 TPH-BTEX Gasoline Ran a Bicarbate NH3 as N 610 u mg/L Na-Sodium 929 m Bicarbonate m TEN as N625 mgfL Ni-Nickel u R. Carbon dioxide m NO2♦NO3 as a 630 m Pb-Laad 46564 u Chloride m P:Twal ns P 665 mFJL Se-Selenium u Chmmium:Hex 1032 a PO4 /L Zn Zinc 46567 Color.Tmc 80 c.u. Nitmm(NO,as N)620 mg/L Cyanide 720 mg/L I I Nibiw(NOtas N)615 mg/L COMMENTS: IGarX1 • �iEf4�c-`- ��oac�c g .l�N.f� o Lti1�,Q4 ��� GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION SAMPLEDYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY County—_ SAC✓��!} f5,Water �$ Routine Quad No � - ,2 Z / Soil Lab Number__ _ [/- r`_QQYL__ Serial No. I,7(v__ ❑ ❑ Emeroencv �• /' J',�,-f Lat. 3 3 6 Long.--! ¢/Z 7 Q Other 1//1� Data Receiv Q ---Tim — Rec'd By: F om:Bus, ourier and Del., Report T .�R �RO, MRO, RRO,WaRO,WiRO, hain of Custody _ Other:_ WSRO,Kinston FO,Fed.Trust,Central Off., Other:_ (J / - Kew Data Entry By_ —-----—--- Ck: — ____ Data Shipped by:B ,Courier Hand Del.,Other: ___ Pur ose: Reported:_ Collectors W^fi -----"-- --------------_ Rr _ 0¢_ Time_ U _-- Date 11 — Baseline,Complai t Dmplianc LUST,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other:_______ FIE D ANALYSES Owner----- - -fit Win/- tUe Idaeox( ----- Spec.Cond.a�—_--__--at 25sC Location or Sile �,QI „�{ � -----,C _ t- $k 7�— s--�K- �1 i _-- ear - - ---- — Description of sampling poi usSC j� ���(t -- Field Analysis By:—_ _ ------'—_-- ------- Sampling Method_ _ r11� — --- -Sample 1- ----------- LABORATORY ANALYSES -- --- - Remarks-- --- iNUiZ�r-.elan------- P Interval_—........ __--__________---9_ ------ COD `-- BOD3f0 (Pumping time.air temp.-ek.) ----------- mg/L Diss.Solids 70300 mg/L Ag-Silver 46566 High 340 mg-L Fluoride 951 ug/L Organochlonne Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L AI-Aluminum 46557 u /L m9/L Hardness:Total 900 Or ono hos horns Pesticides y Cofilorm:MF Fecal 3I616 mg/L Be-Barium As-Arsenic 46551 ug/L Nitrogen Pesticides T G) /100m1 Hardness(non Caro902 m /L — Colilorm:MF Total 3150d g Ba-Barium 46558 I100m1 Phenols 32730 ' u9/L Acid Herbicides <o L TOC 680 os/ Ca-Calcium 46552 — mg/L Specific Cand.95 m9/L PCBs r Z lS fl uMhosfcm Ctl-Cadmium 46559 Turbidity 76 N7U Sulfate 945 ug/L S mg/LResidue.Suspended 530 mg/L Cr-Chromium 46559 ug/L Sulfide 745 mg/L Cu Copper 46562 c^ ug/L z o Fe-Iron 46563 ug/L Sem r O ivotatile Organics PH 403 Oil and Grease mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 units u9/L TPH-Diesel Range T— Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/L K-Potassium 46555 mg/L � Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 Mg-Magnesium 46554 m /L mg/L Mr-Manganese 46565 Carbonate 4I5 mg/L NH7 as N 610 ug/L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Bicarbonate 440 mg/L Na-Sodium 46556 m9/L TKN as N 625 mg/L TPH-Gasorine Range Carbon dioxide 405 mg/L NI-Nickel mg/L NOr a Nq as mg/L Pb Lead 46564 ug/L TPH-BTE%Gasoline Range Chbride 940 mg/L P:Trial as P 665 65 °g/L Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/L mg/L Se-Selenium ug/L Color:True 80 CU Zn-Zinc 46567 u /L 9 Cyanide 720 mg/L LAB US ON Y Lab Comments Temperature On am at: t _— __—_--- _______ ('w.54 For Dissolved Analysis-submit riltaretl sam le and --`—_----- Mrile"DI$"In block. ------------------------- NC DENR/DWQ Chemistry Laboratory Report to: /jj Sample Condition Upon Receipt AnomalyReport SCUR Lab Number: 4^^ o f--2-0 % Sample ID: Station Location: 405eCi tM 06)Y ounty:�f Q i V S V Region: AV Collectocr:� M t C '(� Date collected:�/�/ Date receivcd: & t 3 / 4 Priority: Kra I. Sample Type:1 A)f, �=!1 Affected Parameter(s): 5 50 d a The condition of these samples were not acceptable because(check all that apply): S c> ❑ Coolers ❑ Samples(affected samples are desert low ❑ Samples were not received on wet ice ❑ Samples not received,but listed on Ed beet r— ❑ No temperature blank submitted(see comments): ❑ Samples received,but not listed on !S eet t f�Vd ❑ Sample T°reading: °C ❑ Samples not received,but listed on tv o Cl Cooler T°reading: °C ❑ Samples received,but not listed on ❑ Temperature>6°C.T°reading: °C ❑ Mislabeled as to tests,preservatives A[, ❑ Samples frozen ❑ Holding time expired z O Improper container used c �� ❑ Containers ❑ Insufticicnt quantity for analysis ❑ Leaking ❑ Broken Chain of Custody lk ❑ Without labels ❑ No custody seals ❑ VOA vials with headspace ❑ Custody seals not intact ❑ Sulfide samples with headspace ❑ Not relinquished. No date/time relinquished< ❑ Container Labels No signature ❑ Not the same ID/info.as on COC ❑ Incomplete information ❑ Not the same ID/info.as on fieldsheet ❑ Incomplete.Missing the following: ❑ Documentation Cl Station#/Sample ID ❑ Fieldsheet wet/illegible ❑ Collection date ❑ Fieldsheet incomplete: ❑ Collector Cl Records not written in indelible ink ❑ Analysis ❑ Sample(s)submitted without fieldsheet ❑ Preservative ❑ Other: ❑ Other(specify): ❑ Markings smeared or illegible ❑ Torn r—Comments: C r ry s55 50It d s4 gv �Ua�Q. Corrective Action: ❑ Samples were rejected by DWQ Lab. Authorized by: ❑ Accepted and analyzed per collector's request after notifying the collector. ❑ Accepted and analyzed after notifying the client and determining that another sample could not be secured. ❑ Sample(s)on hold until: ❑ Sample(s)accepted and analyzed.No notification required. Cl Other(explain): 2 Person Contacted: Date: Form completed by: Date: Lead Chemist Review(initial): ❑ BIOCHEM ❑ VOA ❑ resT ❑ MET ❑ SVOA Branch Head Review(initial QA/QC Review (initi(�\! r/' Logged into data bue by(initiVI) , QA 1QC Review Receivin(initi Reportto: Gpj— GROUNDWATER SECTION Page / of/ a CHAIN OF CUSTODY(COC)RECORD NC DENR/DWQ LABORATORY(check one): 11 CENTRAL I I ARO )of WaRO For Investigation of: /) N �x Incident No. Sample collector (print naa Ome) / and GW-54 forms completed by: �I. Sample collector's signature: l� Field storage conditions and location(when applicable): Lab Use Only NUMBER LAB NO. SAMPLE ID UAD.NO. LOCATION DATE TIME OF SAMPLED SAMPLED CONTAINERS 1rTF ✓/ rsa�,� Esc« ca�zs"e / if N J Relinquished by(signature): I Date Time Received b (signature):Y Date Time Relinquished by(signature): Date Time Received by(signature): Date Time Relinquished by(signature): Date Time Received b si ature y( � ) Date Time Method of Shi menu circle one): to Courier Hand-delivered Federal Express UPS Other: Si c..i,2r� 7?Vr- I Sealed by: Broken by: Security Type and Conditions: INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use Only LAB NUMBERS NUMBER ANALYSES RELINQUISHED RECEIVED DATE TIME FROM THROUGH BOTTLES REQUESTED BY: BY: N0I13 S 7 069 QATorrns�Sample Receiving\COC font GW TOUL p — Inv 4/10/Oldbs a Al � r'I DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report/Ground Wafer Quality Lab Number 4GO719 Dau Received : 6r3/2004 COUNTY : TRANSYLVANIA SAMP1 P PIUQIU Time Reaived : 9:40AM QUAD NO: X❑ROUTINE EMERGENCY Raceived By DS REPORTTO : ARO Regional Office CHAINOFCUSTODY //) 9 COLLECTORS) :T MINNICK EFF Released 9y �0-AN DATE: SQ,SQOV O SAMPLETYPE Date naponed: 6/29/2004 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner: ROCFANN DORCClf t ation or Site: Description of sampling point Sampling Mdhod: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 X Diss,Solids 70300 44 ro /L AS-Silt' 0566 as& Ogs.hi.d.Pesticides COD High 340 Fluoride 951 m4L AI-Aluminum 46557 a 4. Organoplmsphoms Pesticides COD Low 335 HanInss: out 900 mp/L As-Arseaic46551 ufL Nitmen Pesfcides Colifmm:MF Feod 31616 /100ml Hardness:(m arb)902 mM. Ba-Barium46558 ug/L C.1ifdm:MFTdd 31504 1100.1 Phenols 32730 ugA. Cs-Calcium 46552 m Acid Heddcida TOC speeiria,Coral.95 umhos/cm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 a /L D CA Turbitity NTU Svlfau m /L Cr-Chmmium 065W u 2 Semivolatiles ma Residue.,Sus nded 530 M91L Sulfide 745 m IL Cu-Copper 1042 a TPH-Diesel Range 5 C3 L Told Suspended solids m MBAS m Fe.Iron 1045 a TO T" Oil and Grease m/L Hg-Memory 71900 u Volatile Organics(VOA Wde) H units Silica K-Pdusium46555 SIL Alkalinity to pit4.5 Boron Mg-Ma resium 927 m /L TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinity to PH 8.3 m Fmmaldeh de ra/L Mn-Man a ese 1055 u TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range am Cartonate m NH3as N 610 m Na-Sodium 929 m Ory Bicarbonate m /L TKNas N 625 m Ni-Nickel aSfL 3O Carbon dioxide NO2+NO3 as n 630 m 2 Pb Lead 46564 a TZ y y I) Chloride m P:Total u P 665 m Se-Selenium u /L Chmmium:Hex 1032 a PO4 m A. Zrt_Zlnc 46567 Cola:Tice 80 C.U. Nitrate(NOa n N)620 m8/1. Cyanide 720 mg/L INivite(NO,as N)615 mg/L COMMENTS: .a9no ;; �- -_� � ' j , w � 1 '�i �;+ s� � ' i �� � GROUNDWATER FIELD/1-AB FORM North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION I County—_L/J 4!LV AN—/A =S = LE PRIORITY �/ -- utine Lab Number__ 7L Quad No-1 5�( _ Serial No.-� 7�p— eroencv r r---' Date Received _ Long.-- — _ _ TimReC By: BsOther — Entry By:........—...... WSRO,Kinston FO,Fed.Trust,Central Off.,Other:__ (J412 _ ___ Data Shipped by:Bus ouner and Del.,Other: _ .. Reported:—_____-- I �� _ Purpose: Collector(s):_ M7N rCC— Dale� Time_ 0 ---__----A FIELD ANALYSES °� 1� Baseline,Complaint om lianc LUST,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other:_____ Owner Q Ssan/N (ordle.) _ -400-----—_—_— Spec. Cond.e4 _—_at 250C Location or Site �f_�_2'3�Tuc�._,���� -,�,------„rz- �7 L-------- em '. ----- �_�--__— —__._—____ Description of sampling poi t___ .ZC- e ranc s_-s,-- - ---------- P - +-- - ---� ��"L--------- Sampling Method _____ �A t� - r - - - l6mump illir.etcr---------_ Sample Interval--_—_--_-- --- le nalysis By:____ Remarks--_—_—_-- -- LABORATORY ANALYSES rp (Pumpim time,air lamp.,eta.)BOD 310ONTU 70300 mg/L Ag-Silver 46566 COO Hi h 340 ug/L Or amchlorine Pesticides9 m /L AI-Aluminum 46557COD Low 335 u /L Or am hosphorus Pesticidesy otal 900 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551Colltorm:MF Fecan--h 902 m /L Ba ug/LNitr en Pesticides mg Barium 46555 ugA. Acid Herbicides f—C C Colilorm:MF Total30 � ugA Ca-Cakium 46652 mg/L PCaa Mi7a Turb 680mg/ Sulfate Cond.95 uMhoa/cm Cd-Cadmium 46559H7urbltlily 76 Sulfate 915 ug/L m> mg/l Cr-Chromium 46559 ug/L m N Residue,Suspended 530 mail Sulfide 745 mg/L Cu-Copper 46562 ug/L � D Fe-Iron 46563 ug/L Semivolatile Organics ti PH 403 Oil and Greasd. mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L TPH-Diesel Range units KePotassium 46555 rag/L m Y L 6 Alkalinity to PH 4.5 410 mg/L Mg-Magnesium d6554 m /L Alkalinity to pN 8J 415 mailMV Mn-Manganese 46565 Carbonate 445 ug/L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) mg/LNH' mail Na-Sodium d6556 mg/L TPN-Gasoline Range Bicarbonate 4d0 mailmg/L Ni-Nickel Carbon dioxide 405 mg/L .630 m9/L Pb-Lead 46564 ugA TPH STEX Gasoline Range Chloride 940 mg/L mg/L Se-SeleniumugfL Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/L ug/L Color True 80 cuZn-Zinc 46567 ug/L Y Cyanide 7z0 mg/L Temperature on arrival: Lab Comments ------ -------- ------------- ------------ ----------------- GW-54 For Disso----hied---Anayain-auhmil--------filtered aempla and write'DIS'in bbck. --'----------^------ NC DENR/DWQ Chemistry Laboratory R`ort to: Sample Condition Upon Receipt AnomalyRe ort SCUR F er: !1 / / '7~ �Q�� n n ��r,Station Location: L,ounty: Region: Collectors M �t Date collected: / /C1 Date received:� / Priority K�� o Sample Type: I A-) —t ll Affected Parameter(s): a The condition of these samples were not acceptable because(check all that apply): m� Coolers ❑ Samples(affected samples are d Ji ed b&tv) ❑ Coo es were not received on wet ice ❑ Samples not received,but list ieldseet ❑ Samless ❑ No temperature blank submitted(see comments): ❑ Samples received,but not list ieldsltzzt O Sample T°reading : 0C ❑ Samples not received,but list OCN o ° ❑ Samples received,but not lisle rr, OC ❑ °Cooler T°reading: C ❑ Mislabeled as to tests,presery o etc. ❑ Temperature>6°C.T° reading: C ❑ Holding time expired =Z fw ❑ Samples frozen ❑ Improper container used m ❑ Insufficient quantity for analys s U ❑ Containers ❑ Leaking Chain of Custody ❑ Broken ❑ No custody seals ❑ Without labels ❑ Custody seals not intact ❑ VOA vials with headspace ❑ Not relinquished. ❑ Sulfide samples with headspace INo date/time relinquished c 4 No signature ❑ Container Labels ❑ Incomplete information ❑ Not the same ID/info.as on COC ❑ Not the same ID/info. as on fieldsheet ❑ Documentation ❑ Incomplete.Missing the following: ❑ Fieldsheet wettillegible ❑ Station#/Sample ID ❑ Fieldsheet incomplete: ❑ Collection date ❑ Records not written in indelible ink ❑ Collector ❑ Sample(s)submitted without fieldsheet ❑ Analysis ❑ Preservative ❑ Other(specify): ❑ Other: ❑ Markings smeared or illegible ❑ Tom r C mments: C✓ (� _ C 5, 5dA J�� � 7�) GIJQ/ta Corrective Action: ❑ Samples were rejected by DWQ Lab. Authorized by: ❑ Accepted and analyzed per collector's request after notifying the collector. ❑ Accepted and analyzed after notifying the client and determining that another sample could not be secured. ❑ Sample(s)on hold until: ❑ Sample(s)accepted and analyzed.No notification required. ❑ Other(explain): Date: Person Contacted: Form completed by: Date:_-& Lead Chemist Review(initial): ❑ VOA ❑ PEST ❑ BIOCHEM ❑ SVOA ❑ MET Branch Head Review(initial ' Logged into database by(initial): Teti, QAVQC Review (initi QA/QC Review Raei.in`�SCU Report to: W—A& GROUNDWATER SECTION Page of / CHAIN OF CUSTODY(COP RECORD NC DENR/DWQ LABORATORY(check one): 11 CENTRAL (I ARO )WaRO For investigation of: Q-x�� ,t incident No. Samplecollector (printname) �n/n![C�— and OW-54 fortes completed by: �� Sample collector's signature: Field storage conditions and location(when applicable): _ Lab Use Only NUMBER DATE THE .OF LAB NO. SAMPLE ID OUAD.NO. LOCATION SAMPLED SAMPLED CONTAINERS :r�-fF ✓/ 4,xxw,,r sell e�zs'- / '&q -i—QWR Gs ' J� Relinquished by(signature): Date Time I Received by(signature): Date Time Relinquished by(signature): Date Time Received by(signature): Date Time Relinquished by(signature): Date Time Received by(signature): Date Time Method of Shipment circle one), e Courier Hand-delivered Federal Express UPS Other: 77}lr- Sealed by: Broken by. Security Type and Conditions: INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use Onlv LAB NUMBERS NUMBER ANALYSES RELINQUISHED RECEIVED DATE TIME FROM THROUGH BOTTLES REQUESTED BY: BY: n r� JJ 2 tub i H o� N z i=t O O nz QA\Forns\Sample Receiving\COC form GW 4110101dbs p DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Cherdatry Labonmry Report/G..d Walee Qudily Lab Number 4GO677 Date Received : 5/27R004 COUNTY : TRANSYLVANIA SAMPI P PRIORITY Time Received : 9:15 AM QUAD NO: EIROUTINE EMERGENCY Received By rf is n �Q REPORTTO ARO Regional Office X❑ CHAINOFCUSTODY / l COLLECTOR(S) :T MINNICK INF Released By . RP DATE: W❑ SAMPLETYPE Dalemporsed: 718O0 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner: ROSFANN DORSCN ' location or Site: Descrigion of sampling point Sampling MclhM: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS T <o C- BOD 310 Diss.Solids 70300 m Ag-Silver 46366 UE& Orgiaxachlarme Pesticides C COD HiO MO Fluorite 951 m X AI-Aluminum 46557 SOU.81L OximismIxormaras Pesticida m p r COD law 775 X Hadness:mW 900 7.7 m As-Arsenic 46351 ug1L Nino cn Pesticides California:ME Feeal 31616 /IOOml Hadncss:(mn-carb)902 m Ba-Barium 46558 uVLArai Coliform:MF Total 31 M4 /100ad Phermis 32730 X Ca-Cekium 46552 2.5 /L Acid Herbicides u Zy N TOC m Spccific C.M.95 umhoalcm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 USA. O Turbitit NfU Sulfate m X Cr-Chromiumd65(A 25Uu /L lscmvawjlcs Residue.,Sus bird 530 m Sulfide 745 X Cu-Co r IM2 280 a TPH-Diesel Ran e — Total Sus Mad Wide m MBAS MZIL X Fc-Imn INS 50.0 u m Oil eM Grease H -Menu 7I900 u Volatile snits(VOA bdtle) H units Silica m % K-Potassium 46555 TEI Alkalinityto H 4.5 m Bomn X M -Ma oesium 927 0.35 m /L TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinil to BJ m a- Fomaldeh de X Mn-Man anew 1055 IOU u TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carhonne na A. NH3 as N 610 % Na-SMium 929 3.0 m Bicarlanate m TKN as N 625 m X Ni-Nickel >> u Carton dioxide m A. X NO2 tNO3 as n 630 0.05 m /L X P L sd 46564 IOU u X Chloride 5U m/L P:Tmal as P 665 no Se-Selenium ugfL Chromium:Hex 1032 u PO4 m /L X Zn Lnc 46567 39 ug/L Color T.80 c.u. Nitrate(NO,as N)620 mg/L Cyanide 720 mg/L Nitrite(NO,as N)615 mg/L COMMENTS: scan North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION -- AMPLE TYPE SAMPIL PRIORITY County—7;�C✓A^1/A--_-------- KWater q Routine Lab Number-41 _ __ _ Quad No - ✓� _ Serial N T� Z47C soil ❑ Emereencv /' Date Receive 7 0 Time: --_ Lat. /Orb/7$:' Lang._ d7TC T6_3 ° ❑Other — Rec'd By: ��J�1�y� rom:Bu ourle Hand Del., Chain of Custody Other:------ Report J—_-- ---_— To4g�`FRO,MRQ RRO,WaRO, WiRO, Data Entry By:_______________ WSRO,Kinston FO,Fed.Trust,Central Off.,Other:_ U� — / o Data FIELD ANA Y — -- -- Reported:___--_—____--- Shipped O Bu oD��7C n�Del.,Other._—DateQl�- ----- Purpose: Y Collector s — �ze Time_101�_ 6 saline,Comp In Compliant LUST,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other:______ Owner_____�t�?rJ>✓ L�iXrel,f__ dd+onef ---- /� Sec.Cond. ------------ ---- -------- -- _ p —_ at25`C Location orSitD_—_ r e_7J3 Scrc9_Zpc�c �h ✓ fL�c em _Q—_—°C�tT� =Y_---==—__ ___ Descriptionoisampling mt__ bJ pearan Sampling Method—__�hN/iy P 9 1__ �___ _ Sample Interval—------— -- Fie nalysis By:—__ 7�/iY✓•vie —_— Remarks—__—____ �'""° `"`�--- ----- -- LABORATORY ANALYJE (Pumprg am+.+k temp..ekl BOD 310 mg/L Dias.Solids 70300 mg/L Ag-Silver 46566 u 2 Or arwchlorine Peslkdea COD High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L AI-Aluminum 46557 u /L Or anophosphorus Pesticides _ COO Low 335 mg/L Hardness.Total 900 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551 ull Nitro en Pesticides Coliferm:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness(non carb 902 mg/L Ba-Barium 46556 ug/L Acid Herbicides — --- Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml Pfrenols 32730 1196 Ca-Calcium 46552 mg/L PCBs 4 z, TOC 680 mglL Specific Cond.95 uMhos/cm Cd-Cadmium 46559 ug/L Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 mg/L -.2S, Cr-Chromium 46559 ug/l m%9 r Residue.Suspended 530 mgfL Sulfide 745 mg/L Y Cu-Capper 46562 ug/L 7111 Fe-Iron 46563 ug/L Sernwolalile Organics r Oil and Grease'. mglL Hit-Mercury 71900 uglL TPH-Diesel Range pH 403 units K-Polesslum 46555 rgg/L c L Alkalinily to pH JIS 410 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 46554 m /L T�i Lli Alkalinity to pH 63 415 mgll ' Mn-Manganese 46565 utift. Volatile Organics(VOA bo0le) m I Carbonate 445 mg/L NH,,as N 610 mg/L Na-Sodium 46556 mg/L TPH-Gasoline Range Bicarbonate 440 mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L X Ni-Nickel ug/L TPH-BTE%Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 m91L E NO,as N'.630 mg/L Pb Lead 46564 ug/L Chloride 940 mg/L P:Total as P 665 mg/l. Se-Selenturrl ug/L Chromium:Hez 10J2 ug/L Zn Zinc 46567 uglL Cater:true; Cu LAB V3LN Y mg/L Temperature on arriv al: a Cyanide 720 ' Lab Comments ------ ------------ ----- --------------------------- ----�— GW-54 For Dissolved Anal y sis-submit filtered sample and wrile'DIS'In block. _-------------_----- _—__ DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report/Ground Water Quality Lb Number 4G0678 Date Received W7200,1 COUNTY : TRANSYLVANIA eAMPI F PRIORITY Time Received : 9:15 AM QUAD NO: E]ROUTINE EMERGENCY Reecceiilveel B/y�� DSI REPORTTO ARO 4 Regional Office X� CHAIN OF CUSTODY `/` ' J q I D COLLECTOR(S) :T MINNICK EFF Released By A DATE: 56S11B09 W❑ SAMPLETYPE Dale.,omi: 7/8/2MM TIME: PURPOSE Owner: ROeFANN DORSCti Location or Site: Description of sampling point Sampling Me": Remarks. LABORATORY ANALYSIS P�6, BOD 310 m Dies.Solids 70300 m A -Silver 46566 u amchlPdns Pesticides COD Hi M1 l40 m 2 Fluoride 951 m X AI-Aluminum 4G59 SOU a mhos boors Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L X Hardness:toml 900 7A m As-Arsenic 46551 a Nitrogen PestcidesColiferm:MF Fm131616 /100m1 Hardness:(nm-cerb)W2 Ba-Barium 46558 u Cofferm:MF Tmal tISM 1100" P cols 32 30 X Ca-Caleium46552 2.4 m Acid Herbicides y 0❑TOC S ific CoM.95 umhns/cm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 u /L toTurbilit NTU Sul(aIe m % CrvChmmium 165b0 25U a ScmivdalilesResidue..Sus mkil 510 m Sulfide 745 m A X Cu-C r IM2 360 u TPH-Dkml Ran eTotal Sus ndcd solids m MBAS m X Fe-Iron IM5 SOU u ��Oil and Grease m H -Memo 71900 a Volatile Owm,x(VOA hauls) 00 H units Silica A X K Main Magnesium 034 m/L Alkalinityto N4.5 Boron % ME-Ma nesium 927 0.3d m TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinity to pH 8_3 & Fmmaldch de m X Mn-Man amu 1055 IOU u TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carbonate m NH3 as N 610 m X Na.Sodium 9N 3.0 rngtL Bicarbonate m/L TKN as N 625 m /L X Ni-Nickel 10U u Carbon dioxide X NO2+NO3 as n 610 0.06 m A X Pt Lead 46.564 10U a X Chloride 5U m P:Total as P665 in Se-Selenium u Chromium:Hex 1032 a PO4 m Zn_Zim 46567 37 u Color:Tore 80 c.u. Niwte(NOa as N)620 mgR. Cyanide 720 mg(L I Nioim(NOa as N)615 mg/L COMMENTS: acoe"I i I North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION SAMPLETYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY / yS County=R+4N��✓Mv"/A - —_—��—/- [Water 2g, Routine LabNumber_ QID�V Quad No—����L-- Serial No.__�2 Z4,74 0 Soil ❑ Emeraencv Lat. 3 (o 6 ___ Lon Z Z p�Other ��� Date Received [19 Time - g•---�-----�---- Rec'd By: (\ From:Bu ourie , Hand Del., VChain of Custody Other:—___ ---- Report T �f20,MRO, RRO,WaRO, WiRO, — Data Entry By:____—_ Ck: WSRO,Kinston FO,Fed.Trust,Central Off.,Other:-L)I C 1 /ZCp Data ---- Reported:___ Shipped(s)Bus, ourier Hand Del.,Other:--__ � Pi ose: --- --------_ / Collector(s): r VnPrc-(' _ — Date pSy[zo Time /d Baseline,Compl. int ompliance LUST,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other:___--___ FIELD ANALYSES I Owner--__&FILL, ! ��t°b°°°1 S eo. Cond.91__ a125°C LocalionorSile_ ,�iT3 73 ic,��o�- 'l�,CE✓i.p.�pT-- ----- em ,/b•(o --°C or —Zftd�___--__ Descri tionofsam lin inl__ iC EF'ezc - - ----- --`-- P P 9 P I1-=-----------^ �_�Frat.vl SsG il----------- e —_ '� — -- Sampling Method—�uMfF�____—_ Sample Interval_—______________ Field Anal sis B :--__ 7 rnfMrC Pum°.4aTr.Biel--- -- -------- Y Y __ --_---_—_ _t Remarks ___ LABORATORY ANALYSES ----- __—_—_� p 9 __—_—_v_______—__--___—___—_--_-- i um In time,air lem eicJ BOD 310 mg/L Olss.Solids 703.00 mall Ag-Silver 46566 ug/L Organochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 1 mg/L x AI-Aluminum 46557 ug/L Organophosphoms Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L Hardness:Total 900 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551 ug/L Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness(non-carb 902 mg/L Be-Barium 46558 ug/L Acid Herbicides Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 32730 ; ug/I Ca-Calcium 46552 mg/L Pcas TOG 680 mg/L Specific Cond.95 uMhos/cm Cd-Cadmium 46559 ug/L Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 mg/L Cr-Chromium 46559 uglL Residue.Suspended 530 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L Cu-Capper 46562 ug/L x Fe-Iron 46563 ug/L Semivolalile Organics Oil and Greases mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L TPH-Diesel Range pH 403 units K-Potassium 40555 mg/L Alkalinily'lo pH 4.5 410 mg/L j Mg-Magnesium 46554 mg/L Alkalmlly to pH 8.3 415 mg/L Xt4o Mn-Manganese 46565 ug/L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Carbonate 445 mg/L NH,as N 610- mg/L Na-Sodium 46556 mg/L TPH-Gasoline Range Bicarbonate 440 mg/L T��+ KN.as N 625 mg/L NI-Nickel ug/L 7PH-B7EX Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mg/L qW4 NO.,as M630 mg/L Pb-Lead 46564 ug/L Chloride 940 mg/L P:Total as P 665 mg(L Se-Selenium _ ug/L Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/L Zn-Zinc 46567 ug/L Color:irue eo cu I LAB USE ONLY Cyanide 720 mg/L Temperature on arrival: ,C Lab Comments -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -- --- ------------------------------------------------- ------ GW-54 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and,write'DIS'in block. , I I - I D M /� m� Report to: �YW'^^�( /oo^^ rz a 11 GROUNDWATER SECTION Page CHAIN OF CUSTODY(COC)RECORD N oDoco NC DENR/DWQ LABORATORY(check one): (CENTRAL I I ARO I I WaRO n m ti n O For Investigation oi: /p/�������� � \ __ N U C Qf.�M lr-rit.4A/nl 1k-t�3[ T- WrOf 00004 Incident No. Sample collector (print name) (Tjj and GW-54 forms completed by:_. :17MIAIWI C J�--_ Sample collector's signature: c Field storage conditions and location(when applicable): Lab Use Only NUMBER LAB NO. SAMPLE R) UAD.NO. LOCATION DATE TIME OF SAMPLED SAMPLED CONTArNE e/{ o¢ f /F"M Relinquish by.(signa ): Date Time cc ed by(signature �e e O IN -Relinquished by(signs ): at T[me Received b (signature): 7 y( gnazure): Date Time Relinquished by(signature): Date Time Received b si y( gnamre): Date Time Method of Shi ment circle one : to l CI ' Hand-delivered Federal Ex res UPS Other- Se 1 TY TA Seal foe b . Security Type and Conditions: 07� INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use Oniv LAB NUMBERS NUMBER ANALYSES RELINQUISHED RECEIVED FROM THROUGH BOTTLE REQU : BY:ESTED BY DATE TIME I � � OG7 1� z-764 q: y � 4 5 z�l°Y gt4rRr� 5�7rN/ � f`Yi i QATormsVSample Receiving\COC form GW 4/10 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. PO Box 7565 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Asheville,NC 28802 Fax: (828) 350-9368 �O C- A O m May 26, 2004 C m C Mr.Ted Minnick m North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources --' Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality—Laboratory Certification 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa,NC 28778 Dear Mr. Minnick, RE: ETS PROJECT NUMBER: 040525504 Enclosed are the results for samples received by Environmental Testing Solutions,Inc. on May 25, 2004. If you have any questions concerning these results, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,, 5 wjn alv— Kelley E. K nan Laboratory Director • r:y;. ' ti E k' 17T at r� iy � �_• �Y � a h eF � r-ern �"'�i�i �(,.P 0. I c �.� iY• 1 {�,�1�{T� rG `'lb+l r 1 t j II� �' �A c t Iz�Y �;�� v F v°�'$r 9 w-.sy Ir' e'2 " yq�V' .. .,.,,yv�, b,y� • q `SIL r 'r.: p" 1 t1w1(g�..M,AT' °,."�' r uk Af S y q�i 1 g r� J. *v:i $ 1 �' ♦� Y. 1€ �rzy." �{ 3,ye 11� " . . ,,/_ar��l 4 t 1 1.:.N-i @ 4rUJ1 'pJl 3 iea Vr .N PIP '4M'" ' io I T Ic 42 'S Avg. q let .41 M�AC€ vrt _`� I � ':: +,` �� `' 'd� ` _�! ` ,• ' J� xf'�Y' � �' 1°." fb �, .��j 'T -•4 -.I �� t� 1 I lar��--�+I�k•:-wTl` '� a q�':. r 'ri( _ y +��M�.- - .. i. yr' I�II'A a�.d . `✓ g.'F _ -> � - � 1 a��•1L' b 4 - i M 'RW/: C 4.0 - �., c tom' -b+'a ��✓_:. ,d� t �i I _ ,� _ 7i'F /!.P! y xl4ylR�N R "'3^� -V( '1k w1Vme"-�• .�r vl IF PI S� �'_,° r � � ��, a br •, t r ' i�d' ]� �S- s � '`>+� 2 t er'� u H � y w � a ��' � SN'. s 7" ,SI f iz Y rN �` b IFi' _ t r-Y. �.3.i 4,-iff - �¢a�-.� ..erw+r.:- •-.� -'r..®r�rt#1 - ''"ll r'^sw'ei-'— -..+u^ I . 0 4 r�4 r ' �� ��` e Y S ��}�"C�j�. �d '✓,H['I+� Sl w �'� � a i Ik 140 Y1 4 �• r-u "� +f ' _,, pint y> ,.- ',,.¢ •' � .fir ' y - +' i N •6 ` Me` . Z t kuA.r i i.� ,'€ ��� ..�1 0 1' r!�(� n� ' m. ..a , r - 5 u va F i""tlr �'L '�•x KS `CI ,�? �i tt"j RI t , s. ' :. `I4 n` ,yly rA Ttp Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. PO Box 7565 Phone: (828)350-9364 Asheville, NC 28802 Fax: (828)350-9368 Certificate of Analysis Project name: NC DENR-Divison of Water Quality Project number: 040525.504 Collection date: 25-May-04 Date received; 25-May-04 Results: Sample identification: R.Dorsch-Influent Sample number: 15282 Parameters Method Result MDL Units Analyzed Date Analyst Footnotes Bacteria,Fecal Coliform SM 9222-D <1 1 wrt0aw 25aaoy-w CAJ Bacteria,TotalColiform 312/316 ABSENT 25-n5ay-0e KEK Results: Sample identification: R.Dorsch-Effluent Sample number: 15283 Parameters Method Result MDL Units Datelyz Analyst Footnotes Bacteria,Fecal Colifotm SM 9222-D <1 1 rnvtoa 25-may-a CAJ Bacteria,TotalColifomi 312/316 ABSENT 25-May-04 KEK NC Certification Number: 600 NC Dnnldng Water Certification Number. 37796 AN I kI IZ,:, Art I�-- , PA I,- A ,I If IS w Ilk Owl - Ilk �IkT tkS— f A, cy i.U_A`� ti WtI pq -own IS, IT P ly "N7 lk IT, Lill, ram, Is, wv— kill vkh"_v - .OY I Y . ... m m ........ 4ftki I -n If tf 'at, IT If v� TI k� t. VO4K! 4�- Tkkkicwt l Ur W S,0761 �W. a 1 ' .41 Ilk R-1 k I I I Ilk, 01� I kill Ship" k 411 l it I v �",; I -- .., all.VARTIF MWSM�l J— NTT ITT Cit., �­SMk Ill AMOK PI A--i AM 'I.VN4 Apr, iYI; wis Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. PO Box 7565 Phone: (828)350-9364 Asheville,NC 28801 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Bacteriological Analysis Please refer to the back of this form for sampling instructions. n lniu Client name: N C D,=N 2 Owner of water system(if different): -e- n�, o Address of water system: 4�- r,z n Location where collected: 1 �,u�.>r}- Collected by: 1`n i/l n i'c- Date collected: o-cs—ZS-c4 Time: I C� ® PM Type of water supply: Well: ❑ Spring: ❑ Other: Mail Results to: Payment type: Cash: ❑ Check#: Phone: Fax: Laboratory Results Contaminant Method number Present Absent N/A Total Colijorm 312 ❑ ❑ Fecal Colijorm 316 ❑ ❑ Analysis start: Date: / Time: l Analysis complete: Date: Zl a-a Time: 1 (y ETS project number: tc4(5Z5. 4j- ETS sample number: is Ift Certified by: L-"4,2-- Comments: Drinking Rater Laboratorc Certification 'Number: 'NC-37786 r > Instructions for Collecting Samples for Bacteriological Analysis The sarrple must be collected in a sterile bottle supplied by the laboratory, wltich contains a dechlorinating agent(sodium thiosulfate). Do not rinse the sample bottle if a white crystalline material is visible inside the bottle, this is normal. If the bottle is damaged or the lid is loose, do not use the bottle. Contact the laboratory for a replacement. When collecting a distribution tap sample, the water in the service line should be completely flushed. Samples should not be taken from drinking fountains or rest rooms. Do not sample from taps surrounded by excessive foliage(leaves and flowers) or taps that are dirty, corroded, or leaking. Never collect a sample from a hose or any other attachment fastened to a faucet. The sample bottle should never come in contact with the faucet. Do not lay the sample container lid down, splatter water on the lid container, or touch the inside of the container or lid. Sample Collection Sample should be taken from a frequently used distribution tap such as a kitchen faucet. Before collecting the sample,you may flame the tap with a cigarette lighter after removing any strainers or aerators and after making sure the faucet will not be damaged by flaming (taps which are plastic may melt under high temperatures). After you flame, let the water run from the tap for 5 minutes. If you do not flame, still let the water run from the tap for 5 minutes. When taking the sample, let nothing but the water itself come in contact with the mouth of the bottle or inside of the cap. Fill sample container to the line indicated on the side of the bottle. Containers received by the laboratory with less than the indicated amount will be rejected. Forward all samples to the laboratory immediately after collection. Samples must be analyzed within 30 hours of collection to be reliable. Complete all information indicated at the top of the form, above the Laboratory Results section. Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. PO Box 7565 Phone: (828)350-9364 Asheville,NC 28801 Fax: (828)350-9368 Bacteriological Analysis Please refer to the back of this form for sampling instructions. Client name: n) L Dt=NR- Owner of water system(if different): E Address of water system: Location where collected: LL(-rik Collected by: 7 n' ) , n n r— Date collected V✓'z`�—�`1 Time: I O`�S PM Type of water supply: Well: ❑ Spring: ❑ Other: Mail Results to: Payment type: Cash: ❑ Check#: Phone: Fax: Laboratory Results Contaminant Method number Present Absent N/A Total Coliform 312 ❑ 6 ❑ Fecal Coliform 316 ❑ Z� ❑ Analysis start: Date: 106-Z6-CY4 Time 6,31 Analysis complete: Date: b'5-2(0-0q Time: 134( ETS project nurnber: N Q67 Sg) ETS sample number: 16 283 Certified by: SIAVrX d yL Comments: Drinking Water Laboratory Certification Number: NC-37786 Instructions for Collecting Samples for Bacteriological Analysis The sample must be collected in a sterile bottle supplied by the laboratory, which contains a dechlorinating agent(sodium thiosulfate). Do not rinse the sample bottle if a white crystalline material is visible inside the bottle, this is normal. If the bottle is damaged or the lid is loose, do not use the bottle. Contact the laboratory for a replacement. When collecting a distribution tap sample, the water in the service line should be completely flushed. Samples should not be taken from drinking fountains or rest rooms. Do not sample from taps surrounded by excessive foliage(leaves and flowers) or taps that are dirty, corroded, or leaking. Never collect a sample from a hose or any other attachment fastened to a faucet. The sample bottle should never come in contact with the faucet. Do not lay the sample container lid down, splatter water on the lid container, or touch the inside of the container or lid. Sample Collection Sample should be taken from a frequently used distribution tap such as a kitchen faucet. Before collecting the sample, you may flame the tap with a cigarette lighter after removing any strainers or aerators and after making sure the faucet will not be damaged by flaming(taps which are plastic may melt under high temperatures). After you flame, let the water run from the tap for 5 minutes. If you do not flame, still let the water run from the tap for 5 minutes. When taking the sample, let nothing but the water itself come in contact with the mouth of the bottle or inside of the cap. Fill sample container to the line indicated on the side of the bottle. Containers received by the laboratory with less than the indicated amount will be rejected. Forward all samples to the laboratory immediately after collection. Samples must be analyzed within 30 hours of collection to be reliable. Complete all information indicated at the top of the form, above the Laboratoiy Results section. North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION $AMPL TYPE :�S�AMPLEP IRORITY N06Z'60✓�i✓/f� Water Routine �zgZI hDpp --- Lab Number _ ___________ _Quad Nog_k V �_ Serial No.T� Z!q ❑Soil Ememencv Lon 2 2 ❑Other Date ReceivedO5 54-1—Time:_ ____g'- 4LZRec'd By: (�(� From:Bus,Courier,Hand Del., ❑Chain of Cust Other:_ __ _ __ Report T RO RO,MRO, RRO,WaRO,WiRO, Data Entry By _ _ CIC WSRO,Kinston FO,Fed.Trust,Central Off.,Other: 2&0- UL C Data --------------Shipped by:by: Bus,Courier and De ,Other. --___— Purpose: `---`----'--- ---- Collector(s):---�1Ni�[ / _---__ Date aogk4 TirrkB__/jQjr gaseline,Corn ain omplianc LUST,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other:-_______ F ANALYSES Owner___ C-AVA! _— tdb4pnet - 4°0---- -- - - Sea Cond.ea—_ - =------- ---- -------- _ _ P at 25pC Location or Site I __ 7J at,re< ene _ --'`--`— e .to_T------eC o NFr--------- -- a ---t---- - ---- . - ygad�NL --- Z 1'� �____—_____—____—_ Description of sampling inl__J„f�C- � �L`_--- earanc C�C•iL. ,,iq�� �+✓ _ZIL�---------------- Rempling Method--C _ Sample Interval__—_______ _ Fiel naysisBy: TAT�.✓nc�.� ---'-films'--------- --------------- Remarks--__-- —----- LAB T ----------------- -----------ORY ANALYSE (Pumping lime,air temp.,erso., BOO 310 mg/L Diss.Solids 70300 mg/L Ag-Silver 46566 ug/L Or anochlorine Pesticides COO High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L Al-Alummum 46557 u /L Or anophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L Hardness.:Total 900 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551 u /L Nitrogen Pesticides _ Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100m1 Hardness(non-carb 902 mg/L Ba-Barium 46556 ug/L Acid Herbicides Coliform:MF Total 31504 Mond Phenols 32730 uga Ca-Calcium 46552 mg/L PCBs TOC F80 mg/L Specific Cond.95 uMhos/cm Cd-Cadmium 46559 ug/L - Turbidity 76 NfU Sulfate 945 mg/L Cr-Chromium 46559 ug/L Residue.Suspended 530 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L Cu-Copper 46562 ug/L Fe-Iron 46563 ug/L Semivolatile Organics Oil and Grease in Hg-Mercury 71900 uglL TPH-Diesel Range pH 003 units K Potassium 46555 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 46554 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/L Mn-Manganese 46565 ug/L WRange ttle) Carbonate 445 mg/L NHS as N 610 mg/L Na-Sodium 46556 mg/L Bicarbonate 440 mg/L TKN as N 625mg/L Ni-Nickelug/L e Carbon dioxide 405 mg/L NO,+NO,as N 630 mg/L Pb-Lead 46564 u /L Chloride 940 mglL P:Total as P 665 mg/L Se Selenium ug/l Chromium'.Hex 1032 ug/L ZmZlnc 46567 u /L Color:True 80 CU LAB NLY Cyanide 720 mg/L Temperature on arrival: Lab Comments GW-54 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS'In bock. ------------------------ ' tE:- r it .�� ��}} y�`� _ � r4.. r • s ,�7 �.;, YT a :. fd^ y� '�'�.. x: r14 pq rDa 1m"p i Y� ¢i IJ. $ 1 s �, (} _ n .5^ Y au r 1 t Y^ Y f 1 a L 1 Of fit f, } s>' .• 'd• .� iA+ 8 ( i� ra,�x gftl .. ( a M ( i 3 2 Y w y is f v AVM L �" ' - r.' ' r ii e• h v� L 2Ormy V. .�p, in ' asI row,.r- 1 ' 4 . rLA6i € pw n'y't.J: t r _ .. qY?,.:a .ems+-C.. f • 1 p o i 1 tY�x-iSy s ANN s d'< 1. r• a wY t' M y_Y 4 r 1 fL 8 €O"n �s51�` ,} 'm 4t¢'r1Lp s �' c'�'. ' �� t -to P � I r ✓ P �' {{ , Ire •. 1 ; 4 ml d ..t r f x 6 ply,W=�: may.,, C4Yt�Vl�•.iS� ". iL � y,� �Lx ..H�O-. ... - '.Vy .?' ..C 1 .:. . aTt'f mom' '£ wW. le +, �y. Y p F r ti NN b xMi-ei t>e I '+lS 4® > "N1 { n`r�lYr V�'' w y.'•y 91 R 'e ♦r aJ -vi WD" 'sa�• I W '�� - x a 4 P aF-S ' i � *L° +y n i _ W yK';�`e�+x' `-+ �'�a�� !rk i a�� ",1 'F \ ..;k yl-r a,4•., t, ♦x�"i+� Y �`. 4,♦� 'tn ,Na�pk.n V,+k. t �p ,£ I ig i t ,`x h a 41 al ,�� E� +��i dam.-••'�'.:_ -„ r� i,�,. r North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION SAMPLETYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY County--____1�Z7+±1lS t//lj+ Ja [-Water Routine (!>z63 D�fo SAS SD'� / � Sarial No. �� s^I�e 7 ❑ ❑ EmeroencvS Lab Number________—_______________________ Ouad No_-___ ✓� Soil - --------- DateReceived � �Lat.— (0 ��--- Lon9._� �Z ❑Other Time:--- Rec'd By: 144,k. From:Bus,Courier,Hand Del., ❑Chain of Custody Other:_ _ Report T .AR RO,MRO, RRO,WaRO,WiRO, Data Entry WSRO,Kinston FO,Fed.Trust, Central Off.,Other:_ — Data ------ ------- - Reported'---- Shi ed b :Bus,Courie nd ---------------- -- PP Y then:__—__—__ __ __--_ purpose: Collector(s):_ C.✓n/_ie _--_ Date_Q Q¢ Tini - baseline,Comp in om hand LUST,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other:____---_ FIELD ANAL YSES Owner—__ W�461nf __ 1°"f .) _ Pe Z. _ S .Cond.9a---—------at 25°C Location or Site_ lt_�F l�---- �� ,�yc� W-3/Ay 40 - ---- - --_-___,___— Description of sampling p ' t—_ �C _g6f�/C-V-r iV gF_ _-----_- ear�n Ct t_ + = Sampling Method _ _- _ Sample Interval__ Field Analysis By: ANAL -- ---- ----- Remarks----- — -------'7� _caraT_emF--------------- ------- --- - ---------------- ABORATORY ANALYSES (Pvrtrprg 4ma.air temp...k.) BOD 310 mg/L Diss.Salida 70300 mg/L Ag-Silver 46566 ug/L Organochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 mill AI-Aluminum 46557 u /L Or an rphosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 mg/L Hardnesv:Total 900 mg/L As Arsenic 46551 ug/L Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness(non-carb 902 mg/L aa-Barium 46556 ug/L Acid Herbicides Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 32730 ug/I Ca-Calcium 46552 mg/L PCBs TOC 680 mg/L Specific Curd.95 uMhos/em Cd-Cadmium 46559 ug/L Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 mg/L Cr-Chromium 46559 ug/L Residue.Suspended 530 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L Cu-Copper 46562 ug/L Fe-Iron 46563 ug/L Semivolatile Organics Oil and Grease mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L TPH-Diesel Range pH 103 units K-Potassium 46555 Mpg/L Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 46554 m /L Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/L Mn-Manganese 46565 ug/L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Carbonate 445 mg/L NH,t as N 610 mg/L He Sodium 46556 mg/L TPH-Gasaline Range Bicarbonate 440 mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L NI-Nickel ug/L TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mg/L NOr t NO,as N 630 mg/L Pb.Lead 46564 ug/L Chloride 940 mg/L P:Total as P 666 mg/L Se-Selenium ug/L Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/L Zn-Zinc 46567 tig/L Color:True 80 CU y Cyanide 720 mg/L Temperature on arrival: Lab Comments -------------------------------------------------- GW-54 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and writ."DIS'in block. -------- ------------ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section INJECTION FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT - FORM B INJECTION WELL PERMIT NO. WI pio00o¢ DATE��Z��D¢ NAME OF OWNER 49c-4 yn! LsCF/ ADDRESS OF OWNER m me ; Po 6,,r- e.,--D.nz- ,t l;,v7 A!G 2T7tX ,0fY5-1CAL : 94LI , Etc 73, Sztcl� /Zn�� kn. Svc da�,/✓C zS'9/Z (Street/road or lot and subdivision, county, town) LOCATION OF INJECTION WELL (and source well(s), if applicable) �Siamc /dr "ac✓E� Z4-7— 36-0/0 ' /7f'l tomb ?2°41 '46.3 '1 (Streed road or lot and subdivision, county, town, if different than owner's address,plus description oflocation on site) Potential pollution source dagilga- sue,le —1;W4 Distance from well > ZOO Potential pollution source ,E sFPnc ?3an/e Distance from well >Z-601 Potential pollution source Distance from well Minimum distance of well from property boundary Irl Quality of drainage at site ah Flooding potential of site Gdu1 (good,adeguate,poor) (high,moderate,low) DRAW SKETCH OF SITE (Show property boundaries, buildings, wells,potential pollution sources, roads; approximate scale, and arrow.) IJ- E Suh /K6�4*ate N T-S DESCRIBE INJECTION SYSTEM (vertical closed loop, uncased borehole or cased water well;separate source well and injectio combination source and injection well; or other description as applicable) COI-t 13rnrA--17rr,A/ Sol/kcE f 7nrfCC77&V WeU— ChSLC7) 6 " kiiEa &Wtt F DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION j April 13, 2004 v, MEMORANDUM To: Landon Davidson, Groundwater Supervisor Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office From: Thomas Slusser-;� Central Office Re: Renewal of Permit#WI0100004,Roseann Dorsch, formerly A.C. Bramley; Request for inspection and routine sampling of Ms. Dorsch's geothermal injection well in Brevard, North Carolina. 1. Please review the application and submit any comments to CO-UIC group. Retain the application for your UIC file. 2. Please inspect the injection well site to verify that the location and construction plans submitted in the application are accurate and that the NCAC Title 15A 2C.0200 standards are being complied with,using the enclosed Injection Facility Inspection Report(Form B) as appropriate. 3. Collect samples from the influent and effluent sampling ports and submit the results to the CO-UIC. You are requested to return the completed Injection Facility Inspection Report(Form B) to the CO-UIC by May 7, 2004. Ms. Dorsch has informed me that she is regularly out of town on business Monday through Friday, so scheduling may be a problem. She also informed me that she will be home the week of May 31 to June 4,which may be her best time for the inspection. Please make the best arrangements possible to get the permit reissued in a timely manner. The UIC group appreciates your assistance with this review. If you have any questions regarding this review or the UIC program,please contact me at(919) 715-6166. cc: CO-UIC Files Enclosures w NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT,HEALTH,AND NATURAL RESOURCES RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO USE WELL(S) FOR INJECTION WITH A HEAT PUMP SYSTEM Type 5A7 and 5QM Wells In accordance with the provisions of NCAC Title 15A:02C.0200 complete application and mail to address on the back page. v — TO: DIRECTOR,NOJLTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY `" - y DATE: �'j 20P _ o i A. PERMIT APPLICANT ` Permit N ber: W- om4wo ! /I (WIO######,listed at the bottom of each page dfyonr permit) Name: f A .9Q < < I ) in C�(A Address:Q. c City: State: NC- _ Zip code: a 97/y� y County: TQAf1S t)►a ►fir Telephone: gag' �6-9 -Ld ee�Yr1� Ce LL _ ga�', (oCNo-�Cov 1- Dtlrir< B. PROPERTY OWNER(if different from applicant) u eP (� "e-n bur 04- Name: 11 T0o1 Address: City: State: Zip code: County: Telephone: C. STATUS OF APPLICANT c Private:L_ Federal: Commercial: State: Public: r Native American Lands: v �? D. FACILITY(SITE)DATA(Fill out ONLY if the Status of Owner is Federal,State,Public or Comrgcialr: Name of Business or Facility: N 0' m o m Address: c� w -- City: State: Zip code: o County: Telephone: Contact Person: Standard Industrial Code(s)which describe commercial facility: ver. 10/03 GW/UIC-57 HPR Page 1 of 3 E. INJECTION PROCEDURE (specify any modifications to the injection procedure since the issuance of the previous injection permit) F. WELL USE Is(are)the injection well(s)also used as the supply well(s) for either of the following? (1) The injection operation? YES !� NO_ (2) Your personal consumption? YES NO— G. CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Specify any and all modifications to the well casing, grout or screens since the issuance of the previous injection permit. r af�Hr L (2) NC. State Regulations (15A NCAC, 2C, Section .0200) require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring well head processes. A faucet on both influent (groundwater entering heat pump) and effluent(water being injected into the well)lines is required. Is there a faucet on: (a) the influent line? YES ./ NO— (b) on the effluent line? YES NO— H. CURRENT OPERATING DATA (1) Injection rate: Average(daily) gallons per minute(gpm) (2) Injection volume: Average(daily) t? (? gallons per day(gpd) (3) Injection pressure: Average(daily) pounds per square inch(psi) (4) Injection temperature: Annual Average `� degrees Fahrenheit(°F) I. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT VA Attach a diagram showing any modifications to injection equipment since the issuance of the previous injection permit including the engineering layout of the (1) injection equipment, and (2) exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturers brochure, if detailed,should satisfy(1). J. LOCATION OF WELL(S)Attach a map Include a site map(can be drawn)showing: the orientation of and distances between the injection well(s)and any existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within 1000 feet of the ground-source heat pump well system;include buildings,property lines,surface water bodies,any other potential sources of groundwater contamination. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow to indicate orientation. Vv K. PERMIT LIST: Attach a list of all permits or construction approvals, received or applied for by the applicant that are related to the site. Examples include: (1)Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA (2)NC Division of Water Quality Non-Discharge permits (3)Sewage Treatment and Disposal Permits L. OTHER MODIFICATIONS: Indicate any other modifications to the injection well system (equipment, fluid, operation, etc.) that have occurred since the issuance of the previous injection permit and have not been noted elsewhere on this application. ver. 10/03 GW/UIC-57 HPR Page 2 of 3 M. CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment,for submitting false information. I agree to operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the a roved specifications andconditions of the Permit" (Signature of Well Owner or Authorized Agent) If authorized agent is acting on behalf of the well owner, please supply a letter signed by the owner authorizing the above agent. N. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER(Owner means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well(s). A well is real property and its construction on land rests ownership in the land owner in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to operate an injection well(s) as outlined in this application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C.0200) (Signature of Property Owner if Different From Applicant) Please return the completed Application package to: UIC Program Groundwater Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 (Telephone: 919-715-6166) ver. 10/03 GW/UIC-57 HPR Page 3 of 3 rl Icvlmoun�W �'a r '� ��j� � too '��`�� i��sa '• F� �`'� S �� �l' �`"�— See Off >� o�t� ✓-i w' (' '�ti� N ount t+�asaeo. rv�i %D � ✓�--^��`.ri� � /' unns 4eekCh -r �,/���rl' j�✓f�l��� V��V� `�' N �••J fl /"✓v ��' / r \ t s -, � a e Ghestn'u'}�� `I �� „� J�ll Age o 1 � 000 N 1 I 1 % 1 / . 21 O o t kN r . a r a x State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary birector November 16 1988 Mr. A.C. Bramley Rt. 1 , Box 73 Brevard, NC 28712 Dear Mr. Bramley: RE: Permit 87-0104-WO-0002 for heat pump injection well in Transylvania County In accordance with your application dated July 1 , 1988 we are forwarding herewith Permit No. 87-0104-WO-0002 for the operation and Use of a well, for the purpose of injecting heat pump effluent in Transylvania County. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 1 , 1993 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of this well for the stated purpose, you should make application for permit renewal at least two (2) months prior to its expiration date. Sincerely, Roy Davis Regional Supervisor /tej --- r Attachment cc: UIC Files n ARO Files cn r� 0 o _ Pollution Prevention Pays �P.O. Box I7687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 - ' An Equal Opportunity AHirtnative Action Empbycr e NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION/USE OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM FOR INJECTION In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and other applicable Laws , Rules and Regula- tions PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO A. C. Bramley FOR THE OPERATION AND USE OF AN INJECTION WELL/WELL SYSTEM located at Slick Rock Mtn. Rd. , Brevard, North Carolina in Transylvania County in accordance with the application dated July 1 , 1988 and in conformity with the specifications and supporting' data submitted, all of,which are filed with the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit is for Operation and Use only, and does not waive any provisions or requirements of the Water Use Act or any other applicable Laws, Rules or Regulations. Operation and use of a well or well system shall be in compliance with Title 15 North Carolina Administrative Code 2C, and any other Laws , Rules and Regulations pertaining to well construction and use. This Permit shall be effective, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until November 1, 1993 and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth in Parts I and II hereof. Permit issued this the IST,day of 1988 . Roy Davi � a Regional upervisor By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission. PERMIT NO. 87-0104-WO-0002 PERMIT NO. 87-0104-WO-0002 PART I A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 . The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this Permit and with the standards and criteria specified in 15 NCAC 2C . 0200 . Any Permit non-compliance constitutes a violation of the appropriate Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for Permit termination, revocation and reissuance or modification; or for denial of a Permit renewal application. 2 . It shall not be a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this Permit. 3 . The Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or correct any adverse impact on the environment resulting from noncompliance with this Permit. 4 . The Permittee shall give advance notice to the Director of any planned changes in the permittee facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with the Permit. 5 . The Permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance, not reported under condition, 1. of this Part, at the time monitoring reports are submitted_ 6 . Where the Permittee becomes aware of a failure to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted by the Permittee. 7 . The Permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon as possible- of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility. 8 . In the event that the permitted facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. PART I (continued) PERMIT NO. 87-0104-WO-0002 9 . The injection system shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwaters , or other actions or occurrences which renders them unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by the Director. 10. Department representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation and sampling associated with injection and related facility. 11. This Permit is not transferable without prior notice to, and approval by the Director. 12 . An application for modification, renewal or transfer of this Permit shall be filed with the Department at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of this Permit. 13. Provisions shall be made for collecting samples of facility effluent, both prior to its entrance to treatment devices and subsequent to leaving the treatment devices but before entering the injection well. PART II A. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS N O N E - R.Dorsch well sampling Subject: R Dorsch well sampling Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 09:14:20 -0400 From: Landon Davidson<Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net> Organization: NC DENR-Asheville Regional Office To: Ted Minnick<Ted.Minnick@ncmail.net> Ted- Here is the information on the Dorsch UIC permit renewal. Neighbors to contact when scheduling sampling and inspection event: (1) Larry and Racheal Smith 883-3653 or (2) Herb Carlyle 885-2222 She says she has blue bathwater also so she would like your -thoughts on that issue as well. The information packet on UIC I had Carol copy you on should indicate what analyses are to be ran on the well during this renewal. Please ask me about the forms and sampling if you have any questions. I'm here today and only the morning of tomorrow. Thanks Ted. Landon Landon Davidson - Landon.Davidson@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of water Quality - Groundwater Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4680 Fax: 828-299-7043 I of 1 5/17/2004 9:25 AM 1 North Carolina RiirUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM " 1V OF CUSTODY Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION Count _ I ro P 10 Lab Number Q Y Quad No 288 vf L Serial No.-1♦ 2.41, ater outine .��- �j •� ❑ soil ❑Emergency Dale Received Time _7i Lat. 3 S r tN zta Long. 1Z24 1217 ❑Other Rec'd by: From: Bu Courier nd Del., �, � Other: Report T :ARO)FO, RO, MRO, FRO, WaRO LpChaln of Custody Data Entry By: Ck: WSRO, K Fed.Trust, Central Of Oth : - Dale Reported: Shipped by: Bus, tie Hand Del., Other- Purpose: f f Collector(s): ,, 6 f� 'Cj rA Date�Time jl. .4 Baseline,Complaint, mplian L ,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other: FIELD ANALYSES Owner pH400 7.2�!� Spec. Cond.94 —{�at 250 C Location or site Temp.10 �oC Odor lVQ1 0 - Description of sampling point LU Appearance__ i2¢e ✓ Sampling Method Q#S_ (o Sample Interval NIA s Y Y �tllWe��ro. ��. :r6 Field Analysis B : Remarks =J." c��l�a lielklk LB ORATORY ANALYSESANALYSES °` W BOD 310 m /I Diss Solids 76 00 mall A -Silver 46566 u Or anochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/I Flouride 951 m I At-Aluminum 46557 u Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 m 1 H r n t l m As-Arsenic 46551 u Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /loom] Hardness non-carb 902 m Be-Barium 46558 u Acid Herbicides Coliform: MF Total 31504 /loom] Phenols 3273 u / Ca-CalCium 46552 m /I PCB's TOC 680 m Specific n . M ' d-Cadmium 46559 uqA Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m A Cr-Chromium 46560 u i Residue.,Suspended 530 mgA Sulfide 745 m A Cu-Copper 46562 UgA Fe-Iron 46563 u A Semivo]atile Organics Oil and Grease m /I H -Mercury 71900 u A TPH-Diesel Range pH 403 unit K-Potassium 46555 m /I Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mgA RNa -Ma nesium 46554 m /I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mgA n-Manganese 46565 u /I Carbonate 445 mg/I NH as N 610 m -Sodium 46556 m /I Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Bicarbonate 440 m A TPH-Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mgA +NO as N 630 m A -'Pb-Lead 46564 u A TPH-BTEX Gasollre Range Chloride 940 mgA P:Total as P 665 me-Selenium u A Chromium:Hex 1032 u A n-Zinc 46567 uco Color:True so CU Cyanide 720 mgA Lab Comments: �ii� GW-54 REV. 12M' For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS"In' r :� © ��.�� �: __. }., � � j F,, _ _ r.-.._ t-.-� .- DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemhvy Laboralary Report/Oeouad Water Qaallty Lnb Number 8432031 Unte Received 9111199 COUMY - TRANS. SAMPLE PRIORITY Time Received : 9X QUAD NO: EIROMME EMERGENCY Received By JG REPORT TO ARO Regional Once X� CHAIN OF CUSTODY COLLECTORS) r JAB/33EM Released By : DS DATE: 9MM9 l SAMPLETYPE Daze repotted: IL4/98 TIME PURPOSE: Owner. ROSEANN DORSCH Lacazicn or Sit, Description of sampling point Sampling Method Remvb LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD310 mg/L Diu.Solids 703W mg4. AgSilver46566 ug/L Organochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mWL Fluoride 951 mg(L AI-Aluminum 46557 u94. Or ganaphospharus Pesticides COD Low 335 mS/L Haol..ta1a1900 mg/L As-An enic 46551 ug/l, ll,liuwn Pesticides Colif.mn MF Fed 31616 /100mI Hardness:(mwo- b)902 mg/L Ba Sswium 46558 ug/L Colifamn MP Total 31504 /I(xwd Ph..[,32730 ug/L Cs-Calcium 46552 mg/L Acid Hetbicides TOC .'l Specific Cond.95 umMV.2 Cd-Cdium 46559 ug/L Turbility MU Sulfate mg/L X CrChromium 46560 <25 ug/L Semivoluiles Residue.Suspended 530 mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L % Cu-CWM 1042 290 ug/L TPH-Diesel Range TotalSuspended solids mg/L MBAS mg/L X Fe-Imn 1045 11—= L. 110 ug/L Oil and Grease ro" Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) PH units Silica mg/L K-Potassium 46555 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/L Buron X Mg-Magnesium927 0.41 mg/L TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinity to PH 8.3 mS/L Formaldehyde mg/L X Mn-Manganese 1055 <10 ug/L TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carbmsue mg/L NIB u N 610 <0.01 mWL Ns Sodium 929 mp/L ektubmus. mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L X Ni-Nickel <10 ugh Carbon dioxide mg/L % NO2-NO3 as o 630 0.02 mg/L X Pb-Lesd46564 L= 15' 56 ug/L Chloride mWL P,Twal"P665 my/L Se-Selenium ug/L Chromium lien 1032 uWL PO4 mg/L X Zn_Zine46567 100 ug/L Col..True 80 Cysnide 720 mg/L COMMENTS: L 1g98"'h'ii:iiFlICL — --' ac7anser— F' r Or Ogg aaa om 0� CUSTODY MAIN North Carolina ROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT-GROUNDWATER SECTION County AaA C,4V)40M,e, - Lab Number 4`7 a�o2 Quad No P—r'9v Serial Nn 1 2471 SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Rec�eived9 —fi�Time ff; Lat. Z{ in witn Long. 5Z 4fl 2.7 Rec'd b r y From: B Courier, H d Del.,g OUTINEEMERGENCY by OF CUSTODY Other: Report To: RO, F O, MRO, RRO,WaRO,WiRO, Data Entry ey: Ck: WSRO, Kitson FO, Fed.Trust,Central OII., they 12Cn—I A IC Date Reported: Shipped by: Bus, ourier Hand Del.,Other Purpose: Collector(s): .f 6 tte nA Date q /3/�Time 11.W Baseline,Complaint, lian LUST,Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other: Owner FIELD ANALYSES "W..) pH4co (o,0c Spec.Cond.94 at 250 C Location or site 1 Temp. °C Odor �h Ox¢. Description of sampling point — t Z Appearance lJLetw Sampling Method 0"Wo ample Interval N WT badar,ac.) Field Analysis By: Remarks LABORATORY ANALYSES )pumpbp bmb,br Unp.Mn) BOD, 310 mg/I _ Diss.Solids 70300 ma4 A Silver 46566 uco Organochlorine Pesticides _ COD High 34o mg/I _ Flouride 951_ mail At-Aluminum 46557 UgA _ Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 - _ Hardness:Total goo _ _ maA As-Arsenic 46551 ucyl Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 M ooml Hardness non-carb 902 Ba-Barium 46558 uco Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100m1 _ Phenols 3273o uco Ca-Calcium 46552 mg/ Acid Herbicides TOC 680 .WI Specilic Cond.95 uMhos/cm' Cd-Cadmium 46559 ug/1 _ _ Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 mail r-Chromium 46560 uqA Semivolatile Organics Residue.,Suspended 530 m94 Sulfide 745 -Copper 46562 ugA Fe-Iron 46563 u9/1 _ H -Mercury 71900 u 1 _ Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) PH 403 unit_ K-Potassium 46555 mg/I _ Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I _ Mg_Magnesium 46554 mg/I _ TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinity to PH 8.3 415 mg4 Mn-Manganese 46565 uqll TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Carbonate 445 m9V1 NH, as N 610 mail Na-Sodium 46556 m I _ Bicarbonate 440 mM TKN as N 625 mati Ni-Nickel u 1 _ Carbon dioxide 405 m9A A +NO as N 630 Wl Pb-Lead 46564 u I Chloride 940 mgA P:Total as P 665 mqA e-Selenium u I _ Chromium:Hex 1032 ugA Zn-Zinc 46567 uQ11 Color:True eo PI-CO Cyanide 720 m94 Lab Comments: I S:renpd ai,wai.ntrlrr GW-54 REV.6,• For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS"in blL a+c , l� R P+� � 1��f /G70 �" c� DIVISION OF WA7"ER QUALITY P, Che nhir,Laboratory Repnrl/Ground Water Quality lab Number 8G2032 Date Received : 9/1INS COUNTY : TRANS. SAMPLE PRIORITY Time Received : 9p0 QUADNO'. X❑ROUi1NEEMERGENCY Received By JG REPORTTO ARO Regional ORCe X❑ CHAIN OF CUSTODY COLLEROR(S) :JABMEM ` Released By DS El DATE: 9mms SAMPLE TYPE r Dntc minulcd 12/4/98 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner: ROSEANN DORSCH Location or Site Description of sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks. LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 mg/L Dis.Solids 703W %/L AgSiNce 46566 WL Otgenochlmine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L AI-Aluminum 46557 ug/L Organophosphours Pesticide COD Low 335 mg/L Hardman:total 900 mg/L As-Arsenic 46551 ug/L Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fein 31616 /100m1 Hvdnes:(nonsrb)902 m8M1. Ba-Barium 46556 ug/L Coliforen M F Total 31 SW /100m1 Phenols 32730 ug/L Ca-Calcium 46552 mg/L Acid Herbicides TOC mHA Specific Cond.95 umhos/em2 Cd-Cadium 46559 ug/L Turbaity NTU Sulfate -9/1- X Cr-Chromium4 i5W <25 ug/L gemivolmilrs Residue.Suspended 530 mP/L Sulfide 745 -8/1, X Co.Copper 1042 160 ug/L TPH-Died P., Total Suspended solids mg/L IMBAS mg/L X Fe-Iron 1045 em ug/L Oil and Grease mg/L H,Mercury 71900 ug/2. Valsile Organiee(VOA boule) PH units Silica mg/L K-Pmsasium 46555 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 45 m1/1. Boron X Mg-Magnesium 927 0.37 m8/1, TPHCsoline Range Alkalinity to pH 83 mg/L Formaldehyde mg/L X Mn-Manganese 1055 <10 ug/L TPN-BTEX Grandame Stop Carbonate mg/L NH3 ra N 610 e0.01 mg/L Na-Sodium 929 mg/L Bicerbonne mg/L TKN ra N 625 mg/L X Ni-Nickel q0 ug(L Carbon dioside mg/L X NO2+NO3 ran 630 0.01 mg/L X Pb-Lead 05" Q0 ug/L Chloride mWL P'.Total ss P 665 mp/L 1 Sc-Selenium ug/L Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/L PO4 mgA. X Zn Zinc 46567 83 WX Color:True 90 ou. Cyanide 720 mg/L COMMENTS: 3 DEG -7 ecemz cep i o � wo ;' � �� o� ��� t� .o. �'. ' it 000 K Division of Environmental Management d d R 1/(� GROUNDWATER SECTION JUN - 119% I� CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Grou ate,Section For Investigation ofJ�lC uC7ewm Incident ionalOffice___-_.__ Samples collected and GW-54 forms completed by: `, Lab Only Quad No. of Lab No. No. Location Date Time Conttainers (ll-1 ` VVT),r (Z o (kM - Be n >7ished ¢y(Signature): R ceived by(Signature): Da�te/Time / 4 0 R c ' Rel. Rec. by / Rel. Rec. by / Method of Shipment: j,'v��o, C o u. v e v' Seal by: �'+ Broken by. Security Type and Condition: Lock b : Open by: _ LAB USE ONLY Lab No. No. From Through Containers Analysis Relinquished by Received by Date / Time as lqa 1.9y / Fj / White copy - GW Headquarters Canary copy Lab , Pink copy Region GW-63 Revised 9/87 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY V e. C` COUNTY TRANS Chemist"Lalmram-y Repo"/Ground\Vales Quality QUAD NO lab Number SAMPLE PRIORITY 9C075S —� X❑ROUTINE Date Received 4/21/99 REPORT TO ARO []EMERGENCY Time Received : 9:30 COLLECTOR S —�Regimul Office Received By DS f ) JAR/HEAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY DATE: Q/IS/99� ❑ TIME: SAMPLE TYI'L' PURPOSE- kdusN fly pS Owmr: 0-le 4/22/99 ROSEANN DORSC}t iNF. Location or Site: r:ROLDLNO Tua NOT)—TM-- NON- Description of m-pling point COMA, Sampling Meow: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 COD If 340 mg(L Dom.Solids 70300 COD Law 735 ns8/L Fluoride 951 mom- Ag-Silver 46566 H mg/L mg/L AI-Ammitmm 46557 u L Organs Idmo,Nwicides Cdifum:MF Feca131616 ardness:total earl ug/L /IOgnl nog/L As-Arsenic 46551 Organwphosplrorsu Potkides C011f&m:MF Ttaal 31YA Hardness;(swr.cart)902 ug/L Nioo en Pestkides TOC /I Woo Phemis 12730 ug/lmg( Ba-Barium 46558 Turbitity mg/1 Specific Coed,95 ug/L Ca-Calcium d6352 u L Residue.. rN ed 530 NTU Sufa(e WW)Wan2 Cd-Cadiu n69 m/L Acid lerbicide m/L Sufide 745 m Cr Cfnonsn u92 Teal SuVcdcd olis m8n- MBAS od Cu-Capper 1042 ug/L Semivdrtiles mg/L Fe-Iron 1045 ug/L TPH-Diesel Range PH OR and Crease u ug/L nits Silica rag/L US-Mercury 719W Alkalinity t0 H 4.5 mg/L ug/i. milc Ufganics(VOA btatic) urg/1. ldaon K-1'oassimn 46555 Vul Alkaline to II 8.3 nsg(L m8/L FonmldGs e M -Magnesium 927 Carinate Mn-Mon Gasoline Ran m/L .811 mg/L TPII- Bicarlxanate 8 NH3N113 as N 610 IOSS Bc Carbon dioxide mg/L 'TKN as N 6$ tug/L Na.Sodium 929 u8/I- TPH BTEX Gasoline Range m Ni-Nkkel mg/L 02+NO3 as n 630 ug/L CNuide mg7L N mg/L X PI,L d 46564 CManun:He.1032 mg P:T /L rial asP 665 - ug/L Colo:True W ug/L PO4 nng/L Se-Selenann . c.u. L Zn Z;rc 46567 u L Cyanide 720 mg/L ug/L COAMIENTS: APR 2 7 1999 Cfoundwatef Section Asheville Re�onal Office WATER OUAILIY AS III REGIONAL OFFICE ats0rze.am as OUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM n s7 North Carolina dw�" , Department of Environment.Health,and Natural Resources C unty 'fVOj,�H1� y "DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION r Quad No p�8 A L T P SAMPLE PRIORITY ^o '4 Serial No. �'�afer r—�,��'— Lat. /p'�/ E OUtine Lab Number —�—_Long._�' y/ Z� ❑ Soil ❑Emergency Date Received El _Other Time Report T :AR , FRO, Rec'd by: rom: Bus, ourie Hand Del., MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO �►�� Other: WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central Off., th 2fsain of Custody Shipped by: Bus, ouri - Data Entry By:_ Ck: �, Hand Del., Other- Date Reported: FIELD ANAL Date Time t7A�� Purpose: --- " ES Baseline,Complaint, �f=,.Lueo"ei' Pesticide Study,Federal Trust,Other:- pH400 Spec. Cond. Owner Temp.fo r;C Odor at 250 C Location or site z Appearance Description of samplin oint 1 Field Analysis By: Sampling Method .Ao LABORATORY ANALY E Remarks t/ P ample Interval//a BOD 310 m /1 IT,2.8P IBRR BIC) COD High 340 Diss. Solids 70300 mgn m Flourtde 951 A A Silver 4656s COD Low 335 m A m A u A Organochlorine Pesticides Colilorm: MF Fecal 3i6t6 Hardness:Total 900 AI Aluminum 4oi u A Organophosphorus Pesticides /100ml Hardness non-carb 902 m A As-Arsenic 4655t Coliform:MF Total 3isw /100ml m A u Nitrogen Pesticides TOC 680 Phen015 32730 ea-Barium 46558 0 A - m n u n Ca-Calcium 46552 Acid Herbicides Turbidity 76 - � yifi n -. 6 m A PCB's NTU Sulfate 945 Cm2 Cd-Cadmium 46559 m Residue.,Suspended 530 m A u A F gn Sulfide 745 Cr-Chromium 46560 u A .. in A Cu-Co er g6562 PH 403 Fe-Iron 46563 u A OII and Grease m /1 ugA Semiv0latile Organics Alkalinity to pH 4.5 qip unit Hg-Mercury 71900 mg/I _ K-Potassium 46555 ugA TPH-Diesel Range Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mgA Carbonate 445 mgn M Ma nesium gs554 m9A car Mn-Man anese 46565 m A Bibonate aqo NH as N sto u A - m A m A Na .Sodium 46556 Carbon dioxide 405 _ m A Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Chlorlde 940 mgA NO +NO as N 630 Ch m A Pb- 46564 TPH-Gasoline an e romium:Hex 1032 mgn P:Total as P 665 u A ugA m A Se-Selenium TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Color:True 8o CU Zn-Zinc 46567 u A Cyanide 720 u /1 mgA Lab Comments: GW-54 RE1, 7m6 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS"in binck. �' p DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY COUNTY : T'RANS Cheniatry Laboratory Report/Ground N'Ater QUAD NO: Quality ----- SAMPLE PRIORITY Lab Number 9G0759 REPORT TO EJROUTINE Date Received 420/99 AR1/ ❑EMERGENCY Time Received COLLECTOR(Sl lAB/IIE5, Regional Office 9:30 —�-- %� CHAIN OF CUSTODY El Received By US DATE; 4/15/99 TIME: PURPOSE: SAMPLE TYPE ��_ Dauer. Released By : US - --ROSEANN Dale reported: 41221"Location ar Sit,: fl13R.4CITEFF. - -- Dexripiat of sannp0ng -�H07�8AG IDS NDT MET NONCpB�,' _ _ Sampling Meow Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS ROD 310 COD NO 340 mg/L Disc.Solids 70300 COD Low 335 Ing/L Noaid,951 Ing/L AS-Silver 46566 Cdif o"a H AI-Al Hardness:send got utg/l. u turf.141557 uwl- UrgaoeNmbe 14slkidcs am:h1P Peca131616 mg/L Colifram:hit:Topl 31, /IOUnI llardsess:(noncarb)902 As-Arsenk 465$1 ug/L (hga ro 5 Pe511[MIL`i TOC /Il10nd 111coals 32730 nn A" Ba.Barium 46558 ug/L Ngrn rn Pesticides Turbony nog/1 ife Cond.95 ug/L Ca-Calcium 46552 /L Residue..Sutpnaled 530 NTU Striate 'uldns/ent2 Cd-Cadwor 46559 mg/L Acid Herbicides Taal$uspny0 solids mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/1" Cr-Cbron, 46%0 ug/1" mg/L MBAS mg/L Cu-Capper 1042 ug/L Semivdafle, OH Oil and Grease mg/L Fe.Iron 1045 ug/L TPH-Diesel Ran e Alkalinity to PH 4.5 mnils Silica -8/1- H u 1. g-Mercury]I90p Alkalinity to pit 8.3 ntg/L Rom nwL K-Pmassiunt ug/L Volatile nt /L iu,9 Organics(VOA boWc) g m /L Csrbonale FornyWehyrle M -Magnesium 927 Bicarbonate mg/L N113 as N 610 m/L MwMansto ese{095 - nIg/L TPH-Gasoline Ran e Carbon ditaide to/L 7RN as N 625 mg/L 929 ug/L TPH Gasoline Range Chloride an NO2+NO3 as n 630 mg/L Ni-Nickel mg/L -Gand Chromium: iea 1032 mg/L P:Total as P 665 mg/L X PbLead 465o i- ng/L Color:Truebll ug/L POI mg/1' Se-Selenium ug/L CYanide 720 C.U. mg/L n Z.%46567 ug/L COALAIENTS: mg/L ug/L APR 2 7 1%9 CmmRlwates Section ' Asheville Re 'onal Office h' ° t i GR UNDWATER FIELD/Lqg FORM I _ 4. C unty V1 Vlt.l�i • ' /'C J •.`f y.T Depattment of Environment, Health,and Natural Resources 1 No w MPLE T PE DIVISION OF WAFER QUALITY- Lat. o D r „ Serial No. D [`�Water AMP E p O TY , , GROUNDWATER SECTION Long.� C 7= 0 Soll routine Lab Number Report ❑Other Emergency Date Received ARO FRO, MRO, WSRO, Kinston F RRO, WaRO, WIRp Rec'd by: -Tim O, Fed. Trust, Central Off. �hain of Custody urluew rom:Bu Shipped by:Bus, then Other: Courier Hand Del., ourier Hand Del., Other• _ Data Entry D By: FIELD ANgLY ES Date / Date Reported: Ck: Time. ' Ported: - Purpose: Temp. 0 oc Cond. Baseline,Complaint,Owner Nh m Ilan UST Pesticide Study,0 94 at 25o C Location or site rorolo�P Appearanc- C Odor 1 Y Federal Trust,Other:- Field Analysis By: Description of sam tin Sam tin p 9 Point LAB RAT RY ANALY E p g Method I BOD 310�5 S Remarks ^ P '0a1p p" am le I COD High 340 m n P nterval � COD L Diss. solid_ 70300 '��'°41°'""p•p"�pmo.eicl ! � ow 335 mgn Flouride g57 m n - Colilorm: mgn Hardness:Total goo A 'Silver 46566 MF Fecal 31616 m 0 Al-Aluminum 46557 u n Colilorm:MF Total 31504 /t OOmI m n Organochlorine Pesticides /100m1 Hardness non-carb gp2 u Organophosphorus Pesticides TOC 680 As-Arsenic 4s557 PhPnols 32730 m n Ba-Barium 46558 u n Turbitlity 76 mon 9 Nitro en Pesticides Residue., Sus NTU a c Cond Ca-Calcium 46552 u n Acid Herbicides Suspended 53o Sulfate 945 Mho m2 Cd-Cadmium 46558 mgn Sulfide 745 m n m A PCBs Cr-Chromium 46560 u n m n Cu-Co u /I lk 403 011 and Grease er 46562 Alkalinity to unit Fe-Iron 4s5s3 u n Y PH 4.5 410 m /I u � Alkalinity to PH 8.3 115 mgn I-Mercury 71goo SemivOlatile Or K-Potassium 46555 ugq TPH- Organics Carbonate 4q8 mgn Diesel Range Bicarbonate 440 mgn M -Ma nesium 46554 mg, NH as N 610 Mn-Man Press 46565 m n Carbon dioxide 405 m n m AChlorlde 940 mgn Na-Sodium 4s556 u n NO +NO as N 630 m n Chromium:He 1032 mgn P:Total as P 665 Inn Volatile Or ganics(VOA bOffle) Color.{True so ug/I m n t b-Lead 48564 TPH-Gasoline Ran e Cyanide 720 CU Be-Selenium U A BTEX 13asollre Ra mg/I Zn-Zinc 46567 e9e ab Comments: u n � J For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"l in block. Division of Environmental Management GROUNDWATER SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD For Investigation of 1&Seay&) L # 'V bl /I1(— Vklli >RY✓ 4 Incident No. . Samples collected and GW-54 forms completed by: Lab Only Quad No. of Lab No. No. Location Date Time Containers V r - JN ILA o vL+ 5 1 ,/ fi,. -myN - L /J` Relinquished by(Signature): Received by(Signalure): Date/Time Rec. by / Rel. Rec. by / Rel. Rec. by / Method of Shipment: Seal by: Broken by: Security Type and Condition: Lock by: Open by: LAB USE ONLY Lab No. No. From Through Containers Analysis Relinquished by Received by Date / Time .p; / D / —R- APIR2799 / White copy GW Headquarters Canary copy Lab , Pink copy Region GW-63 Revised 9/87 i I' I o? Ll kxsld @ S(&ffb CeQot, i �aess r r .��► I c � /gyp 'Co r INCIDENT NUMBERS ASSIGNED NON-UST SOURCES 03-Dec-98 INCIDENT# INCIDENT LOCATION/NAME COUNTY REGION DATE ENTERED 19224 GS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT BUNCO ASH 11/18/98 19263 LAIRD PACKAGING MCDOW ASH 12/1/98 , I II DFC a 19a99 �, I i 1 GROUNDWATER SECTION November 6, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: Amy Axon UIC Group Central Office FROM: Julie Berrey'Ob Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office SUBJECT: Roseann Dorsch UIC inspection On November 5, 1998,1 reinspected Roseann Dorsch's injection well. The two problems discovered during the first inspection have been corrected: the well ID tag is present and an effluent sampling port has been installed at the wellhead. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me at(828)251-6208,ext. 203. Thank you for all your help. Division of Environmental Management GROUNDWATER SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD For Investigation of (Ai(, Pwm'+ Lisa Incident No. Samples collected and GW-54 forms completed by: Lab Only Quad No. of Lab No. No. .Location Date Time Containers Relinquished by(Signature): Received by(Signature): Date/Time Rel. Rec. by / Rel. Rec. by / Rel. Rec. by Method of Shipment: Seal by: Broken by: Security Type and Condition: Lock by: Open by: LAB USE ONLY Lab No. No. From Throu h Containers Analysis Relinquished by Received by Date / Time / White copy - GW Headquarters Canary copy - Lab , Pink copy - Region GW-63 Revised 9/87 Division of Environmental Management GROUNDWATER SECTION CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD For Investigation of t mC T--(�rmi f (Ljl"'oce. Sam lives, Incident No. Samples collected and GW-54 forms completed by: ti Lab (Jrly Cued No. of Lab o. No. Location Date Time Containers Relinqui had b (Signature):. AeLelved by Sip lure): ^Date/Time RPI. Rec. by / Rel. Rec. by / Rel. Rec. by / Method of Shipment: Seal by: _ Broken by: Security Type and Condition: Lock b Open by: AB USE ONLY Lab No. NO. From Thr u h Containers Analysis Relinquished by Received by Date / Time / ,aV ' �tE 1 / White copy - GW Headquarters Canary copy Lab , Pink copy Region North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY County r� Lab Number %6 7 6 Quad No R-$8 &1 Serial No. r 2 7b Later El Emerge Date Received 9-9 >X Time J vo Lat. 3S 10 3l0 ❑ soil El Emergency Long.-� �� 27 ❑ Other Rec'd by: From: Bus, Courie , Hand Del., �� Other: L+3 Report To:ARO, FRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO,WiRO, Chain of Custody 0 Data Entry By: S Ck: S WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed.Trust,Central Off., ther - Date Reported: ' 'N Shipped by: Bus, Courier, I �QI Other ^ Purpose: Collector(s): N�rJA Hj�]M Date Time W`I S Be eline,Complaint, lion LUST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust,Other: FIELD ANALYSES Owner lion eAlie Cond.B4 at 250 C Location or site Y r �1rc 2 Temp.10 l,9 9C Odor BJovt,, Description of sampling point - C ' vrcu Appearance Cj&q,�(- Sampling Method I terva ample l Field Analysis By: JQ Remarks i_ few hzfar� t fir a�(i`�ii,. 1 oY aAe't Sler�It zcQ 1 ^ LABORATORY ANALYSES u�ept, e,er ""4.mc.1 BOD 310 m /I "15ISS.Solids 70300 mall A -Silver 46566 u /I Or anochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mgA FI ride 951 m At-Aluminum 46557 u /I Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 mgA r n :Total 9 As-Arsenic 46551 u A Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 < / 1100ml Hardness non-carb 902 m A Ba-Barium 46558 u /I Acid Herbicides Cofiform: MF Total 31504 < ( /100ml Phenols 32730 u A Ca-Calcium 46552 m /I PCB's TOG 680 mgA Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Xd-Cadmium 46559 u A Turbidity 76 NTU Suffate 945 m /I r-Chromium 46560 u /I Residue., Suspended 530 mgA Sulfide 745 m A u-Copper 46562 u A Fe-Iron 46563 u /I Semivolatile Organics Oil and Grease m 11 H -Mercury 71900 u A TPH-Diesel Range PH 403 q unit K-Potassium 46555 m /I Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mgA yq-Magnesium 46554 m /I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mgA Mn-Manganese 46565 u /I Carbonate 445 mgA NH as N 610 m /I Na-Sodium 46656 mgA Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Bicarbonate 440 m A TPH-Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 m /I +NO as N 630 m AZk Pb-Lead 46564 u /I TPH-BTEX Gasollm Range Chloride 940 mgA P:Total as P 665 m Se-Selenium uqA Chromium: Hex 1032 ugA Zn-Zinc 46567 u A Color:True 80 CU Cyanide 720 mgA Lab Comments: GW-54 REV.12/0' For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS"in I•' I sum X �g FILE COPY ?aa«.3i Gz -. ;1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT bcI{r' b. ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE cv� J 1 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1� �Y�,:,� � °l AV- r k ,t?;` September 21, 1998 Roseann Dorsch JAMEE B.HUNY Jp: x r{yGOVERNOR j Post Office Box 605 i;. Cedar Mountain,North Carolina 28718 ' t K SUBJECT: Well ID Tag CDEVI ��" P, Dear Ms. Dorsch: � : Ted Minnick found a well to and filled it out for you with all of our well information. It is enclosed. Please attach this at the wellhead. The adhesive on the LL'�I�IFI G ML^'Ek: 45`e`sl back of the tag is rarely enough to keep it on the well for long. Please try to find a better way to adhere it to the wellhead such as using tape or glue. �tk��`f YsYF3 N�r . , -cX',I§•' I will be out of town on Friday, September 25, 1998, so please talk to Amy Axon in the Raleigh Central Office at(919) 715-6165 to give her an update on the •,et: v / , status of the effluent sampling port. I will return on Monday, September 28, 1998, so if you have any questions you can reach me then at 828 251-6208, ext. 203. �., Sincerely, { 1 a Julie Berrey l Hydrogeological Technician I JAB/dorsch.uic nk�4'.R4r�•_1`im�' 4US °°Lr�' a � d UST SECTION �� Ix•,Y,gS jet `� I INTERCHANGE BUILDING,59 WOODFIN PLACE,ASHEVILLE,NC 28801-2414 � {` `• PHONE 828 251-6208 FAX 828-251-6452 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER-50q RECYCLED/IOq POET-CONSUMER PAPER NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES r; 1.' ,:;� � DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY y ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE NCDENR GROUNDWATER SECTION JAMESS.HUNTJR. J] j August 6, 1999 GOVERNOR awl �l Ms. Roscann Dorsch P. O. Box 605 5��{WATNE MCDEVIA.. 1 - f,�SECRETARY e.b ;'.;ni��jf Cedar Mountain, NC 28718 1 +,i Subject: Water Sample Results KEHRT STEYENe '� 4 tE RRl Box 73, Slick Rock Road DIRECTOR �✓ ,.iF Brevard, North Carolina s' Dear Ms. Dorsch: t. ''} Enclosed please find a copy of the lab results for the water samples we took from your well. No lead was detected at levels above the lab detection limit. If you have any questions, please call me at (828)251-6208 ext 228. 1 P 4 ti �i :t `- 8 } �Sincerely, rJa t LI I }l.l 0 _ 1 Ilydrogeologist Asheville Regional Office w^+ fw „l INTERCHANGE BUILDING, 59 WOODFIN PLACE. ASHEVILLE. NC 28801-24I4 PHONE828-251-6208 FAX 828-2S1- 6452 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RF.CYCLEO/IOy POST-CONSV MF.R PAPER DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report Ground Water Quality Lab Number : 9G0996 Data Received: V26/99 COUNTY: TRANS. SAMPLE PRIORITY Time Received: 9,00 QUAD NO: X�ROUTINE EMERGENCY Received By DS REPORTTO ARO Regional Office X❑ CHARJ OF CUSTODY COLLECTOR(S) : JAB/QQ INF Released By: DS DATE: 5/id199 W❑ SAMPLE TYPE Date reported: 7114199 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner ROSEANN DORSCH INF Location or Site: Description of sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 m /L Diss.Solids 70300 m /L A SBver46566 a /L Organochlorina Pesticides COD High 340 en /L Fluoride 951 m /L AI-Aluminum46557 u /L Or ano hos horns Pesticides COD Low 335 m /L Hardness:total 900 an /L As-Arsenic 46551 a /L NitrogenPeaticides Calif..-MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness: noncarb 902 ro /L Ba-Barium 46558 a /L ColJomc MF Total 31504 /100ml Pheno102730 u /L Ca-Cn1cmm 46552 au /L Acid Herbicides TOC mg/1 Specific Cond.95 umhos/ant Cd-C dium46559 u /L Tmbitity NTU Sulfate m /L Cr-Chromium 46560 u /L Semivolatiles Residue.,Suspended 530 en /L Sulfide 745 m /L Cu-Copper1042 u /L TPH-Diesel Range Total Sus ndedsolids m /L MBAS m /L Fe-Iron1045 u /L Oilaod Grease m /L H -Memory 71900 u /L JVolatfle Organics(VOA bottle H units Silica m /L K-Potassimn46555 m /L Alkalinity to pH4.5 m /L Baron ll-Ma sium927 m /L TPH-Gasoline Range Alkalinity to FIT8.3 an /L Formaldehyde m /L Mn-Man enese 1055 u /L TPH-BTEX Gasoline Ran Carbonate m /L NH3 as N 610 m /L No-Sodium 929 m /L Bicarbonate m /L TKN as N625 m /L Ni-Nickel u /L Carbon dioxide m /L NO2+NO3 as n 630 m /L X Pb-Lead46564 -10 u L Chloride m L P:Total as P 665 m /L SeSelenium u /L Chromium:Hex 1032 u L PO4 m /L Zn_Zmc46567 u /L Color.Tme BO cu. erdde720 m /L COMMENTS: 960996.may DIVISION OF WATER QUALM Chemistry Laboratory Report/Ground Water Quality Lab Number : 9GO997 Date Received: 526199 COUNTY: TRANS. SAMPLE PRIORITY Time Rereived: 9;00 QUADNO: X�ROUIINE EMERGENCY Received By DS REPORTTO ARO Regional Office X❑ CHAIN OF CUSTODY COLLECTOR(S): JAB/QQ EFF. Released By: US DATE: snero9 W❑ SAMPLETYPE Data reported: 7/14/99 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner. ROSE ANNDORSCH Locafion or Site: Desorption of sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD310 ra /L Diss.Solids 70300 m /L A Silwr46566 a /L Or anocldadne Pesticides COD High 340 m /L Fluoride 951 m /L AI-Aluminum 46557 v /L Or ano hos horns Pesticides _ COD Low 335 m /L Hardness:total 900 na /L As-Arsenic 46551 n /L Nitrogen Pesticides Cohform:MF Fecal 31616 /100m1 Hardness: ra srb)902 en /L Ba-Barium 46558 u /L - Colif..:MF Total 31504 /100m1 Phenols 32730 a /L Ca-C.Icium 46552 m /L Acid Herbicides TOC mg/1 Specific Cond.95 umhos/cm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 a /L TmInfiLy NTU Sulfate m /L Cr-Chmmium46560 u /L Semivolatiles Residue.,Sus nded530 m /L Sulfide 745 an /L Cu-Co r1042 u /L TPH-Diesel Range _ TotaliSuspandedsolids m&IL IMBAS m /L Fe-Iron 1045 u /L Oil and Grease m /L H-Mercu 71900 u L Volatile Organics(VOA bottle _ H umb Silica en /L K-Potassium 46555 m /L Alkalinity to PH4.5 m /L Bman Mg-Ma esium 927 m /L TPHGwoline Range Alkalinity W PH8.3 m /L Foranaldeh de m /L Mn-Manganese 1055 a /L TPH-BTFX Gasoline Range Carbonate en /L NH3 as N 610 m /L No-Sodium 929 m /L Bicarbonate na /L TKN as N625 nn /L Ni-Nickel u /L Carbon dioxide m /L NO2+NO3 as n630 m /L X Pb�Lead 46564 <10 u /L Chloride m L P:Totalas P665 m /L Se-Selenium u /L Chromium:Hea1032 u /L PO4 m /L 1Zn_Zinc46567 u /L Color.True 80 Co. C anide720 m /L COMMENTS: 9g099).may n- Ch,rdV, DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY : Croundlif TbNam r 9G0996 Laborvmry Be""Re rtlGronnd Wveer 0 ASh_91i1f 0c i0, i Qt(iC' —ti)ateR ed : SR6199 CT8!Nh- : 1 RANG SAAII'LF.Pft1ORI'IY r- Time Rmeived : 9,110 QUAD NO X❑ROUI Mr. EMERGENCY !V Received By is RFIORT 10 ARO ft.gimmlt Nlke 'T❑ CI IAIN OF CUSfODY O C VLITC-R)Rlul 3AN(p) INF Releaavl By : US l I%IF S'Am lV NA611'LIf'IV19i ❑ah•relwreed: 711499 i PLROST, (hvrrr: ROSEANN IR)RSCII INV. I.v Mion or Site I sev riplimr of sampling Poim S.vnpling hlelhnd: .. v Remarks: LAUORA I ORV ANAIA"SIS BOOM ea /I. Diss.Selids70.300 m /L A -Silver46566 u /L Ur anochloritse Pesticides COD IIi l,Id0 m /L Fluoride951 m /L AI-Aluminum 46557 u /L Q eno hos horua Pesticides COU I me 115 a, /L I lardmss:total 9W m {L As-Aeaenicd6551 a /L Nil en Pesticides Celilarm Mt Ir.11t616 /IOtMJ Iludm•ss: non<arb 902 m L Oa- / Oar'um 46558 uFJL Colilnmr hIF IotaU1411 Iw.I Plvx unls 32730 u /L Ca-Calcium 46552 L Acid herbicides TM m /I S ilk Coml.95 uenhos/cm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 u L IurlroNm NIU Senate ri /L Cr-Chmmium46560 u L Sendeolmiles Fn61u,•.Su,, mndd 5N, ns /1. Sulfide 745 m /L Co.Copper10f2 u /L 'IPI{_Uiescl Ran e Total 5usw„led sol.k m /1. MONS m L Fe-Iron 1045 a /L Oil and Grease nn /L Hz-Nle..ev 719DO a /L W.Wito Or asks fVOA Wilk •II onib Silk ra m /I. K-I'olassinm d6555 m /L AlMtnnly 1., •1145 m 1. N4..nr I Id,hi nesium 927 m /L INI-Gasoline R.. dlkdinarw dl 83 m /1. 1'....etAdehede ra /L hle,h/an arrese 1055 u L IPI I-91 EX Gasoline Ran e C.A.•...ne m /I. NI❑as N 610 m /L Na-Sodium 929 m /L nkad.mne m /I. I KN as N 625 m L Ni-Nickel u /l. C.,I.mdiu•0, m /I. NOl.NO3 as n 630 m /L X PLLead 46564 <10 a /L 0&,ide tar./I. I':'I utnl as l'665 m /L Se-Selenium a /L ch,ominm Ile.In)2 v /I. I14 un /L Zn_Zia46567 u L Cole,hueml cu...&T81 nr 1/I. Ctg1a1F.NIS: 91io9%sur _r 26� A/'1�� North Carolina G OUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM OF cus-rODY Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION \ County SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY I S Lab Number ,. `/ No Serial No. [3Vater 0-Woutine Date Received Time /Quad ❑ Soll ❑ Emergency R 'd b �_ From: Bus ourier Hand Del., Lat. °/U -� Long. ❑ Other ec Y Other: Report T ARO FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO. Wi %ain of Custody Data Entry By: Ck: WSRO. Kinston FO. Fed. Trust, Central Off. lher — Date Reported: Shipped by: Bus, ourier and Del., Other Purpose: �f Colleclor(s): Date Time Baseli Complaint, ompliance,CUSM, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust,Other: FIELD ANALYS S Owner pH4., Spec. Cond.,, at 250 C Location or site 1 Temp.10 oC Odor Description of samplingpoinl Appearance Sampling Method / Sam p a Interval (°emp.caret.etc.) Field Analysis By: Remarks ANALYSES ma"c one.e"iemn.em.i LABORATORY BOD 310 mall Diss. Solids 70300 m A A -Silver 46566 u /I Organochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mgA Flouride 951 m /l At-Aluminum 46557 u A Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 m9A Hardness,Total goo m A As-Arsenic 46551 u /I Nitro en Pesticides Colilorm:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness non-carb 902 moll Ba-Barium 46558 u A Acid Herbicides Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 730 u /l Ca-Calcium 46552 m /I PCB's TOC 680 moll Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Cd-Cadmium 46559 urill Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m /l Cr-Chromium 46560 u /l Residue..Suspended 530 moll Sulfide 745 m /I Cu-Copper 46562 u A Fe-Iron 46563 u /I Semivolatile Organics Oil and Grease m /I H -Mercury 71900 ugll TPH-Diesel Range pH 403 unit K-Potassium 46555 m ll Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mall M -Ma nesium 46554 m A Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mgA Mn-Man anese 46565 u /I Carbonate 445 mgA NH as N 610 moll Na-Sodium 46556 m /I Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Bicarbonate 440 m A i-Nickel uoll TPH-Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mgA NO +NO as N 630 m /I Pb-Lead 46564 u A TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Chloride 940 mall P:Total as P 665 m /1 Se-Selenium u /I Chromium:Hex 1032 u /I Zn-Zinc 46567 u A Color:True 80 CU Cyanide 720 mgA Lab Comments: GW-54 REV.7'^5 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS"in blr,k. D d � JUL DIVISION OF WATER QDALFP Y ? 0 IG Iheml+try l..Ler.leq Rr8erl J Gr..nd W.Ier Q.0h, la Number 9(;0997 Gmundwate• Secdo DTI RemirrJ : SR699 C[H7NIl' : TRANS. SAMPLE,PRIORITY Asheville Re Irma" 0 e 1 i.X Rnroivesl : 9181 QUAD NO "ROM INr: EMERGENCY meived By DS REPORTTO ARO Rrgimndt Mur 0 CIIAINOFCUSIODY COLLECTOR(g) ' JABIN) EFF. DATF' 914a9 1V SAMI'LE1YI•F. Ralexsl•<I By : 1 TIMIR Uxtr n•lwrllvl 7/14ro9 PURPOSE: U.Isrr. ROSEANN DORSCII 1.a'x1M11 or Site. Ibscril.tion nl s.mPltng 1'ohit SamPlinp,W11, 1: R.... LAIIORMORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 m /L pus.Solids 70300 m /L A -Silver 46566 u /L ,t whlorine Peslkidus CODIIi h340 m /I. flooride951 m /L AI-Aluminum 46557 a /L O ano hm home Prsk:ide M)1.-315 m /I. I Mrdnrss:1.1.1900 m /L As-Arsenic 46551 L Nit en Pestkides Cnlif.. MI I-1111,11, /IN)... I 902 m /L Ba-Barium 46558 u L C.M.. Mt Im.11174)I /I(X).nt I•henols 32730 a /L Ca-Cakium 46552 m /L Add Herbicides I(K m /1 5,,ilk Cmul.95 umhm/cm2 Cd-Cadium 46559 u L IarFilin NI'U Sullalr m /L CrLhromium 46560 a /L Semivolaliks m /I. Sullide745 m /L Cu-C.pp,1042 0 /L T'PH-Diesel Ran e fool Su+vmlyd.ob.l+ m /1. MBAS m /L I Fe-Iron 1045 u L Oil it.0 Grrase m /L II -hlercury 71900 u L IV.I.tile Or anks(VOA bottle 11 nn1+ Silk. m /L K-P.Mviium 46555 m /L Al"Imew t.pl14 i m /1. Bonin hl -hta resium 927 m /L ITPHGasoliimm Ranxe Alkalinity In pl183 m /I. F•nnJJnc�de m /1. hln-Alan anew 1055 a /L 'IPH-BTFA Gxmlirle R.,," CuhmT4 m /L NI 11 xs N 610 nI /L NT-Sadium 929 I L Bkarlon.4 nI /I. 1'KN xs N625 m /L Ni-Nkke1 u L Gdon dkr+idr m /I. NO2 WO3 xs n610 m /1. ] I'b-LeTd 46564 q0 n /L Chlorkle ., /I. I•:Tu1T1a+P665 m /L Se-Selenium u /L Unnmimn Ile.InQ a /1. 1114 uI /1. 7.n Zim46567 a 1. C'oMr I rue MI Oonkle720 I COMMENTS: 9C 7.1 1 !' rl ' `•''�•' '• �� J, Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-GROUNDWATER SECTION MPLE TYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY r U CJ unty r,-'-,`� Lab Number \/Quad No Serial No. ater Lrrtoutlne Date Rec ed Tim "Lat. 35 °/0 r 36 ' Long. �2 y/ L 7 Solt ❑ Emergency ❑ Other Rec'd by /—� From: Bus Couri r, Hand Del., �11 Ira Other: Report To FRO. MRO. RRO. WaRO. WiRO LY Chaln of Custody Data Entry By: Ck: WSRO, Kinston FO. Fed. Trust. Central Off., then: - Date Reported: Shipped by: Bus, ourier and Del.. Other Purpose: Collector(s): Dale Time �l[ _Baseline,Complaint,C lian eST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust,Other: L)fG onep FIELD ANALYSES Owner pH4DO Spec. Cond.,, at 250 C Location or site Temp.,, OC Odor Description o1 samplin,4�point� Appearance Sampling Method �y �l Sam Interval Field Analysis By: Remarks U (Pump.oaieq e¢.I LABORATORY ANALYSES Dump np ivne.en remo.etc.) BOD 310 moll Diss.Solids 70300 m A A -Silver 46566 u A Organochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg1l Flouride 951 m A At-Aluminum 46557 u A Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 m A Hardness:Total 900 moll As-Arsenic 46551 u /l Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness non-carb 902 m A Be-Barium 46558 u A Acid Herbicides Coliform:MF Total 3150-' 1100m1 Phenniq 39730u /l Ca-Calcium 46552 m A PCB's TOC 68o m0A Snprifir.Crind 9s uMhp5/CM2 Cd-Cadmium 46559 u /l ,J Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 moll Cr-Chromium 46560 u /l Residue.,Suspended 530 mg/I Sulfide 745 m /l Cu-Copper 46562 U A Fe-Iron 46563 u /I Semivolalile Organics Oil and Grease m -11 H -Mercury 71900 uglf TPH-Diesel Range DH 403 unit K-Potassium 46555 mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I M -Ma nesium 46554 m /I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg1l Mn-Manganese 46565 u /l Carbonate 445 mgA NH. as N 610 m /l Na-Sodium 46556 m A Volatile Organics(VOA bottle) Bicarbonate 440 m /INi-Nickel uon TPH-Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mgn NO +NO as N 630 m /I Pb-Lead 46564 u A TPH-BTEX Gasoline Range Chloride 940 mg1l P:Total as P 665 m A Se-Selenium u A Chromium: Hex 1032 ug/l Zn-Zinc 46567 u /I Color:True 60 CU Cyanide 720 mgA Lab Comments: GW-54 REV 7'^5 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS"in blo,k. -North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section INJECTION FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT - FORM B INJECTION WELL PERMIT NO. WI U=oioLL-, o-cco2DATE q A AV NAME OF OWNER :Qova„r 11n s cln. ADDRESS OF OWNER (l G 1 r 2 t (Street/road or rot and subdivision, county, town) LOCATION OF INJECTION WELL (and source well(s), if applicable) fz2 1 TI)y 7-:� ja &k- PA (Street/road or lot and subdivision, county, town, ifdii ferent than owner's address,plus description oflocation on site) Potential pollution source (\l e e. ov S�2t c k Distance from well >2oo Potential pollution source r7, c;tr S>'04', - t M I'c Distance from well 5 yvo - Potential pollution source Distance from well Minimum distance of well from property boundary I; r Quality of drainage at site�Flooding potential of site 0 W (good adequate poor) (high,moderate,low) DRAW SKETCH OF SITE (Show property boundaries, buildings, wells,potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and arrow.) 1 ii i u�ll .lam 5k . DESCRIBE INJECTION SYSTEM (vertical closed loop, encased borehole or cased water well;separate source well and injectio combination source and injection well;or other description as applicable) � r�vN{hrYlt�trn C'aur(e u i � IP(7tiinn LUr?ll. ea(ed 1,0611 INJECTION FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT -FORM B (CONTINUED) WELL CONSTRUCTION Date constructed [I(9 7 Drilling contractor:Name Address Registration number Total depth of well 09 Total depth of source well �J A— (iifapplicable) Inspection point Measurement Meets minimum standards Comments {( Yes No / � Casing V ( DW% Depth ✓ _ `&��f abcev" Diameter c, — nfogzn r. Height(A.L.S.) � ✓ r�bc�r�re{ Grout Depth Screens Depth(s) — Length(s) I.D. Plate , t Static water level q V /hem L im�g� i�,Soec,i.,`1_9 Well yield Enclosure ✓ cT�JP Enclosure floor (concrete) Sampling port yn�lua�,! �x� c l wel l kea d w c-t so (labeled) EwIua,# �m(ol,,��qq po-r�- otated in (7.ou.Y.,arr Water tight pipe entry ✓ ba ck s c� of pu�„p. 1 `W� Well enclosure entry ✓ IWxJ Vent ✓ — Functioning of heat pump system (Determine from the owner if heat pump functions properly.) CU.3Kc,r se_&S ,eA W kwfp,.,,.yp INSPECTOR Office r WITNESS Address WITNESS Address ��� March 1998 -7, ?01 • - i Division of Environmental Management G D GROUNDWATER SECTION n15 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD . •. �°Ctlee For investigation of LAIC- h1r n � C�µ�Luv ce SLLmyel via incident No. Samples collected and GW-54 forms completed by: �� �Y Lab y Quad No. of Lab 01. No. Location Data Time ners t ReIinq 'she b (Signature):• Pecolved by(Si nature): Date/Time Li RR LL R by Rel. Rec. / Ref. Rec. y / Method of Shipment: Seal by: v 9 Broken Security Type and Condition: Lock by. Open by: A F Y Lab No. °' Analysis Relinquis d by Receiv"DateFrom Thr u h Containers Y / / / White copy GGW Headquartert Canary copy - Lab , Pink copy Region GROUNDWATER SECTION D D August 31, 1998 Groundwater Section Asheville Re Tonal GfFce 1 MEMORANDUM To: Julie Berry Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office From: MV MarkPritzl (919) 715-6166 Mark_Pritzl@mail.enr.state.nc.us Hydrogeological Technician II UIC Group Central Office Re: Request for review of an injection well renewal permit application and routine sampling/inspection of Roseann Dorsch's geothermal injection well in Brevard, Transylvania County. 1. Please review the application and submit any comments to CO-UIC. Retain the application for your UIC file. 2. Please inspect the injection well facility to visually determine the integrity of wellhead construction,the presence and accessibility of effluent and influent taps, and other requirements for compliance with the NCAC T15A:02C.0200 standards,using the enclosed Injection Facility Inspection Report(form B) as a guide. 3. Please sample the influent and effluent using the Sampling/Inspection Procedure for Injection Wells as a guide. Complete the enclosed Groundwater Field/Lab Report(form GW-54). 4. Please return any application review comments and sample and inspect the injection well facility by September 15, 1998 (If sampling and inspection cannot be accomplished by this date, please inform RCO-UIC). Send a copy of the completed Iniection Facility Inspection Report(form B)to RCO-UIC and request the DWO lab to send a copy of the Groundwater Field/Lab Report(form GW-54) to RCO-UIC. The UIC group greatly appreciates your assistance with the completion of UIC program activities. cc: UIC Files ARO Files Enclosures i ✓' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF s "•" ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES `••' •��s. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1 lee GROUNDWATER SECTION NCDENR August 31, 1998 DAMES B.HUNT JR:_., j II GOVERNOR S �1 Roseann Doresh t W Route 1, Box 73 Slick Rock Road Brevard NC 28712 WAYNE MCUEVITT"— ,._ n SECRETARY I` •i� lT, rl -i • `t -Dear Ms. Doresh: ..'"A.PREBTONHOWARD, I Eafl Your application for a renewal permit to use a well for the injection of geothermal heat pump effluent has been received and is under review. A member of the Groundwater Section's Asheville Regional Office staff will be contacting you to arrange an inspection of the injection well and collect water samples as part of the "}0`0::4 review. -,•cam ,,, �1q"rc_-; r "' If you have an questions regarding the permit or injection well rules lease •� ,.i r"`•",_ ,., {�- Y Y 4 g g P j P contact me at (919) 715-6166 or Amy Axon at (919) 715-6165. j Sincerely, - . —�—_-- Mark Pritzl Hydrogeological Technician H Underground Injection Control Program cc: UIC Files ARO Files -" - _fir"• _ —_. GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O BOX 29578,RALEIGH,NC 27626-CS78 - 2728 CAPITAL BLVD., RALEIGH,NC,27604 % •N „' ' PHONE 919-733-3221 FAX 919-715-0588 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER-50q RECYCLEWIOi POST-CONSUMERPAPER NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT,HEALTH,AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT RENEWAL TO USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION WITH A HEAT PUMP SYSTEM Type 5A7 and 5QM Wells In accordance with the provisions of NCAC Title 15A: 02C.0200 complete application and mail to address on the back page. TO: DIRECTOR,NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY DATE: g 1o?J' i A. SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION: Does the system re-circulate only potable water without any additives such as corrosion inhibitors or antifreezes in continuous piping which isolates the fluid from the environment? YES _ If yes,do not complete this form. A form G W-57 CL,(Notification Of Intent To Construct A Closed-Loop Geothermal-Water-Only Injection Well System),should be completed. NO _A/ If no,then continue completing this form. B. PERMIT A ICANT G Name:Address: O 3 Sk 1Gl\J OG(C AA. City: Bgcu' to C> State: fVC Zip code: Q 87/ a County: / A/ysy 1J'4 er/� Telephone: C. PROPERTY OWNER(if different from applicant) c J Name: o2AM F_ Address: City: State: Zip code: U County: Telephone: D. STATUS OF APPLICANT L'i Private:Z Federal:_ Commercial: State: Public: rn Native American Lands: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. FACILITY(SITE)DATA(Fill out ONLY if the Status of Owner is Federal, State,Public or Commercial). Name of Business or Facility: Address: City: State: Zip code: County: elephone: Contact Person: Standard Industrial C� e(s)which describe commercia ility: GW-57 HPR (May 1998) Paget of 3 F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (specify any modifications to the injection procedure since the issuance of the previous injection permit) A)t I��OOi �lC.� UIt�S �jl1Co �AS% G�f7c' �T/Or G. WELL USE Is(are)the injection well(s)also used as th supply well(s)for either of the following? (1) The injection operation? YES NO (2) Your personal consumption? YES I,-- NO H. CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Specify any and all modifications to the well casing,grout or screens since the issuance of the previous injection permit. (2) NC. State Regulations (15A NCAC, 2C, Section .0200) require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring well head processes. A faucet on both influent (groundwater entering heat pump) and effluent(water being injected into the well) lines is required. Is there a faucet on: (a) the influent line? yes V"'no_ (b) on the effluent line? yes ✓ no_ I. CURRENT OPERATING DATA (1) Injection rate: Average(daily)gallons per minute(gpm) (2) Injection volume: Average(daily) 30 O gallons per day(gpd) (3) Injection pressure: Average(daily) pounds per square inch(psi) (4) Injection temperature: Annual Average degrees Fahrenheit('F) J. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT f01,9 Attach a diagram showing any modifications to injection equipment since the issuance of the previous injection permit including the engineering layout of the(1) injection equipment, and (2) exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure, if detailed,should satisfy(1). K. LOCATION OF WELL(S)Attach a map Include a site map (can be drawn) showing: the orientation of and distances between the injection well(s) and any existing-well(s)or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within I000 feet of the ground-source heat pump well system; include buildings, property lines, surface water bodies, any other potential sources of groundwater contamination. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow to indicate orientation. L. PERMIT LIST: Attach a list of all permits or construction approvals, received or applied for by the applicant that are related to the site. Examples include: (I)Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA (2)NC Division of Water Quality Non-Discharge permits (3)Sewage Treatment and Disposal Permits M. OTHER MODIFICATIONS: Indicate any other modifications to the injection well system (equipment,fluid, operation,etc.)that have occurred since the issuance of the previous injection permit and have not been noted elsewhere on this application. OW-57 HPR (May 1998) Page 2 of 3 I N. CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment,for submitting false information. I agree to operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with t roved specifications nand _conditions of the Permit." (Signature of Well Owner or Authorized Agent) If authorized agent is acting on behalf of the well owner, please supply a letter signed by the owner 1 authorizing the above agent. O. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (Owner means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well(s).A well is real property and its construction on land rests ownership in the land owner in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to operate an injection well(s)as outlined in this application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C .0200) (Signature of Property Owner if Different From.Applicant) Please return the completed Application package to: Underground Injection Control Program Groundwater Section North Carolina DEHNR-DWQ PO. Box 29578 Raleigh,NC 27626-0578 (telephone: 919-715-6165) G W-57 HPR (May 1998) Page 3 of 3 l` ou3%. 0 3% -Y VJ, W WARD 11 fi .ry r}rd �p0 MA s od Pri E 53-/'/._r,';fro \ V � W. bV. WP•RD 114 O S 44 W y1u�ry7 6 2 6UE.sr. OAK. .0 u ' A Y p OF A P0021-I6PJ OF PROPFRI"1 0.' W, YM. WARD pl SLrc,( ROGrf A).�✓Nr,)lrl TRAM.S11-VA/11A COUNT e 11041-H CAf10l. #,vA : NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, GROUNDWATER SECTION STATUS OF INJECTION WELL SYSTEM Date: Jr/�/Sk Permit Number: WI Name: // 0� /:)A// /� Address: /,P l i30x 73 a/,U:,k iqO 1�6-t /UL Q(f2/-q Please check the selection which most closely describes the current status of your injection well. In addition, p ase provide the requested information. 1) V Well is still used for injection activities. 2) _ Injection discontinued; a) _Well temporarily abandoned b) _ Well permanently abandoned Describe the method used to properly abandon the injection well. (Include a description of how the well was sealed and the type of material used to fill the well if permanently abandoned): /9 ` Certification: (For well abandonment) "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I am personally responsible for the proper abandonment of any injection well as required in Title 15A NCAC 2C .0214 Criteria and Standards Applicable to Injection Wells." (Signature) Certification: (For information verification) 1 hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document, and that to the best of my knowledge the information is true, accurate, and complete." (Signature) GW- 68 C:\MYFT_LES\FORMS\IWSTATUS 6/10/98 Qtie w A ` P(�_1607�1 oWvko( C+ NORTH CAROLINA Ax P,.r ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION a�- 3 / DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT,HEALTH,AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL FOR INJECTION WITH A HEAT PUMP SYSTEM Class 5 Wells TO: DIRECTOR,NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE: 19 In accordance with the provisions of Article 7,Chapter 87;Article 21,Chapter 143,and regulations pursuant thereto,APPLICATION is hereby made for a PERMIT to construct and/or use a well or well system as described below and in any accompanying data submitted as part of this APPLICATION. Please type or print clearly. A. OWNER DATA Name: A, t; . T?1? A t/ Business: Address: City: Zip code: County: Telephone: Ownership f Federal State Private fife Public Commercial Other(specify) Native American Lands B. FACILITY DATA (Fill out ONLY if the injection well(s)is(are) for the purpose of serving a business or industry.) Name: Business: Address: City: Zip code: County: Tele C. HEATING CONTRACTOR DATA Name: e C R c Address: e rA 1W VW .s City: Zip code: 7 9 County: Telephone: 0 3/i Contact Person: A e D. 1NIF�'ION PROCEDUREL (Bricfly describe how the injection well(!)will be used.) �19Ul � U //P✓s li LY e.J .dT S . iJinL. GJl�1`!w GW-57 HP (June 1993) Page 1 of 4 E. WELL USE Will the injection well(s)also be used as the supply well(s) for either of the following? (a) The injection operation? YES ✓ NO (b) Your personal consumption? YES NO F. CONSTRUCTION DATA (CHECK ONE) EXISTING WELL being proposed for use as an injection well. Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction Record)and furnish(7&8)below. If Form GW-1 is not available,furnish the data in(1)through(8)below to the best of your knowledge. PROPOSED WELL to be constructed for use as an injection well. Famish the data in(1)through(8)below as PROPOSED construction specifications. (1) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: NC Driller Registration number: (2) Date to be constructed: /M 14- ' Approximate depth:_0�! (3) Well casing: (a) Type:Galvanized steel Black steel Plastic ✓Other(specify) (b) Inside diameter: inches; Wall thickness inches or schedule# (c), Casing depth: From to ft. (reference to land surface) // Cas' g extends above ground inches(must be at least 12 inches) �J`iiS Iry ai- �, o r/ 1c,,a 4. G,/ Ft 1.a YOC,'- (4) Cement grout: (a) Around inner or"primary"casing: From to ft. (b) Around outer(pit)casing,if present: From to ft. (5) Screens(if applicable): (a) Type: ; Inner diameter: inches (b) Depth: From to feet below land surface (6) Gravel(if applicable): From-to-feet below land surface (7) N.C.State Regulations (15A NCAC,2C,Section.0200)require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring well head processes. A faucet on both influent(groundwater entering heat pump)and effluent(water being injected into the well)lines is required. Will there be a faucet on: (a) the influent line?- yes�no_ (b) the effluent line? yes no_ (8) Attach a diagram showing the location of the injection well and sampling faucets relative to primary building on property. G. PROPOSED OPERATING DATA (a) Injection rate: Average(daily) J•6 gallons per minute(gpm) (b) Injection volume: Average(daily)l&6 gallons per day(gpd) (c) Injection pressure: Average(daily) " pounds/square inch(psi) (d) Injection temperature: Winter Average J a degrees F Summer Average a c/ degrees F GW-57 HP (June 1993) Page 2 of 4 H. INJECTION FLUID DATA (1) Fluid Source. If underground,from what depth and what type of rock/sediment does the fluid to be injected derive(e.g.,granite,limestone,sand). — y�� 6 j 41 GT!/G� /QL CPIQ� (2 C ! (2) Chemical Analysis of Source Water. The following chemical characteristics MIDST accompany this application: pH ; Total hardness ppm (parts per million or mg/1); Iron ppm; Chloride ppm; Nitrate ppm; Coliform bacteria counts/100ml fed AfAl lvigeJ 6, P0//Ad,b/ ,t/e!/ q- &T91eJ h,e- 41,W 64U 12&st,Gr yacrf NOTE: Assistance in determining these values may be obtained by contacting(a)your c9��LCFa local or county health offical,(b)a commercial water-testing laboratory,(c)your well drilling contractor,or(d) the regional Hydrogeologist,North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health,and Natural Resources. I. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout of the(1)injection equipment,and (2)exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturers brochure, if detailed,should satisfy(1)above J. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach a detailed map showing the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s), any existing well(s)that will in any way be involved in the injection operation,and at least two (2)nearby reference points such as roads,road intersections,streams,etc. The roads should be identified by US,NC or SR(county secondary roads)numbers,and streams should be named. In addition,the diagram should show the direction and approximate distance to any existing water-supply and/or injection wells within 1,000 feet of the proposed injection well. K. CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify,under penalty of law,that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information,I believe that the information is true,accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment,for submitting false information. I agree to operate and use the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." (Signat re of Owner or rW,_on#Agent) Please supply a letter signed by the owner authorizing the above agent,if authorized agent is signer. GW-57 HP (June 1993) Page 3 of 4 NORTH CAROLINA JUL £3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANACEVEWPCOMMISSION GR0UfJE; -1-� iJil Pay DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CC624JNITY DEVFWPMENT APPLICATION FOR PEfIIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL FOR INJECTION CLASS 5 WELLS T0: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLIM DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE: �(J l / , 19 " 11 In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter, 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and regulations pursuant thereto, APPLICATION is hereby made for a PERMIT to construct and/or use a well or well system as described below and in any acccnganying data submitted as a part of this APPLICATION. A. OMER DATA: Name: � y � �. �i2 )�'4- Address: County Telephone: 70�/ 5,Z 319 OTAmership Status: Federal State Private Public Commercial Other (Specify) B. FACILITY DATA (Fill out ONLY if the injection well(s) is (are) for the purpose of serving a business or industry) : Business/Corporate Name: I//g Address: ZIP: County: Telephone: C. BEATING CONTRACTOR DATA (For heat pump systems only. Please give information for the contractor that installed or will install your system) : Name: Address: i ZIP: 72-�/ Telephone: `/ as 1 D. INJECTION PROCEDURE: Briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used. P T Cook E. WELL USE: Will the injection well(s) also be used as the supply well(s) for either of the following?: (a) The injection operation? YES ❑� NO im ❑ (b) Your personal consption? YES Ili) NO U ❑ F. CONSTRCTION DATA: (check one) '""rr' ❑ EXISTING WELL being proposed for use as an injection well. Attach a copy of Pbrn CST-1 (Well Construction Record) and furnish (7 & 8) below. If Form Gw-1 is not available, furnish the data in (1) through (8) below to the best of your knowledge. ❑ PROPOSED WELL to be constructed for use as an injection well. Furnish the data in (1) through (8) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. NOTE: THE WELL DRIMLwr_ CONTRACTOR CAN SUPPLY THE DATA FOR EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED WELLS IF THIS INFORMATION IS UNAUAI ABLE BY OTHER MEANS. �{ r (1) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: /-L (2) Date (to be) Constructed AloC �� ; Approx. Depth/ (3) Well Casing: (a) Type: Galvanized Steel ❑ Black Steel ❑ Plastic D-� Other (Specify) �`�`- (b) Inside Diameter: ��y inches; Wall thickness (inches) or schedule # 49?,2 _ i. �o��to— � (c) Casing Depth: From to _. /9 ft. (referenced to land surface) (4) Cement Grout: (a) Around inner or "primary" casing: Fran _� to o/-! ft. (b) Around outer (pit) casing, if present: From y �/ G� , s ft�� n r (5) Screen(s) : (if applicable) (a) Type: Inner Diameter: inches (b) Depth: Flom to feet below land surface (6) Gravel: (if applicable) From: to feet below land surface (7) N.C. State Regulations (15, 2, 2C, Section .0200) require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring well head processes. A faucet on both the influent (water from well) and effluent (water into well) lines 1i-s-I required. Is there a faucet on ((a;'J) �the influent line VYES Q u NO , or (b) the effluent line 1BS L,7 ,vo L^_I ? (8) Attach a diagram showing the details of construction of the existing and/or proposed well(s) . G. PROPOSED OPERATING DATA: (The manufacturer's brochure should include this information.) (a) Injection Rate: Average (Daily) _3 gallons per minute (gpm) N (b) Injection Volume: Average (DailyrL�3�' gallons per day (gpd) (c) Injection Pressure: Average (Dai1y)�y e P �pouunts/square inch (psi) (d) Injection Temperature: Winter Average (Daily) degrees F Summer Average (Idly) degrees F H. INJECTED FLUID DATA: (1) Fluid Source (From what depth and what type of rock/sediment unit does the fluid to be injected derive, i.e. granite, limestone, sandf etc.) Depth: ,Q/J✓J Rock/sediment unit: (2) Chemical Analysis of Source Water: The following chemical characteristics MUST accompany this application; PH ; Total Hardness ppm (parts per million or mg/1) Iron ppm; Chloride ppm; Nitrate ppm Coliform. bacteria counts/100 ml NOTE: Assistance in obtaining these values may be facilitated by contacting (a) your local or county health official, (b) a commercial water-testing laboratory, (c) your well drilling contractor, or (d) the Regional Hydrogeologist, North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Development. NOTE: If injection system is not for a heat pump, then a detailed 'E�ysis of both the source water and the injection fluid may be required. I. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT: Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout of the (1) injection equipment, And (2) exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. NOTE: The manufacturer's brochure, if detailed, should satisfy (1) above if the system is a heat pump. J. LOCATION OF WELL(S) : Attach a detailed map showing the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) , any existing well(s) that will in any way be involved in the injection operation, and at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, road intersections, streams, etc. The roads should be identified by U.S., N.C. or SR (county secondary road) numbers, and streams should be named. in addition, the diagram should show the direction and approximate distance to any existing water-supply and/or injection wells within 1,000 feet of the proposed injection well. K. CERTIFICATION: "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to operate and use the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." (Signatur' of Owner or Autho ed ent) L. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: V 1. Initial Application: Complete Incomplete If INCOMPLETE, Date of Notification and Resukmittal 2. Standard Industrial Code(s) which best reflect the principal products or services provided by this facility - if applicable. (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. APPLICATION NO. ,lJ1iC �F% rt .1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Aa NCDENR August 7, 1998 N D Ms. Roseanne Dorsch AUG1 0 DAMES B.HUNT JR. Rural Route 1,Box 73 GOVERNOR Slick Rock Road ",nI iiER SECTION Brevard,NC 28712 _AINAL OFFICE Dear Ms. Dorsch: WAYNE MCDEVITT SECRETARY Our records show that the operating permit for the heat pump injection well on your property will expire on September 20, 1998. In addition,our records do not indicate that the well has been abandoned. In order to comply with the regulatory requirements for permitted injection facilities (15A NCAC 2C 0211),you must either apply for a renewal to continue using your injection well or notify us if the well A.PRESTON HOWARD, J R..P E. is no longer being used for injection. DIRECTOR If you plan to continue using your well for injection,the enclosed Application for Permit Renewal to Use a Wells)for Injection with a Heat Pump System(form GW-57 HPR)must be completed and submitted to this office. For your convenience,I have enclosed the last two permit applications submitted by the previous owner. While filling out the GW-57 HPR form,you my want to use these enclosures as a reference. Please note that the GW-57 HPR form has been revised over the years. Therefore,there may be new information requested that was not previously included Please attempt to complete the form as thoroughly as possible so that our review process can be expedited If you are no longer using or plan to stop using your well for injection, submit the enclosed Status of Injection Well System(form GW-68)that certifies that the injection well is no longer in use. If the well is no longer to be used for arry purpose,it must be permanently abandoned according to the regulatory requirements(15A NCAC 2C .0213),and you must submit the enclosed Well Abandonment Record (form GW-30). The appropriate form(s)should be forwarded to this office by August 20, 1998,to allow adequate time for well water sampling and analysis. If you have any questions regarding the permit and injection well miles or would like assistance completing these forms,please contact me(919)715-6165. Sincerely, Amy Ax ,Program Manager Underground Injection Control Enclosures cc: UIC Files ARO GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O BOz 29578, RALEIGH, NC 27626-0578 - 2728 CAPITAL BLVD., RALEIGH, NC,27604 PHONE 919-733-3221 FAX 919-71S.0588 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER-50% RECYCLED/10 POST-CONSUMER PAPER NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT-GROUNDWATER SECTION Oo P.O.BOX 27687-RALEIGH,N.C.27611.PHONE(919)733-5083 Ouad. No. h i a V i Serial No, r Z t Lat. 3S /O S6 Long.AZ I z PC- 1 - Minor Basin 1 U WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. DRILLING CONTRACTOR STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch o the location below) N rest To County: 7,c,e„a,.G,Lw' a 7 Depth DRILLING LOG (Road, m ity, or Su division a Lot No.) From To Formation Description 2. OWNER ADDRESS / I (Stfeet or Routs No. City or T wn State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED USE OF WELL 4. TOTAL DEPTH 41&?e CUTTINGS COLLECTED Yes 0 .�°61(L--.55'� 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? El Yes -;No _ 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: �>9 FT. ❑ el ole TOP OF CASING, TOP OF CASING IS FT. ABOVE LAND S RFACE. .� 7. YIELD (gpm): � METHOD OF TEST ` :•y F r E .I y Ej .f 8. WATER ZONES (depth): A. 9. CHLORINATION: Type Jl r E{- Amount '32 1987 _ c .ya� 10. CASING: It additional space ia; J a d ,_ �gp®I6t0orm. . Wall Thickness _t1P �� c Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Mat ri I ��/ ��/""" _L_OCATION SKETCH Y; From To��Ft. (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, From To Ft. / or other map reference points) From To Ft. 11. GROUT: Depth Material Method From ,�_ To o—'9D Ft: 12j.,...� From To Ft. 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From To Ft. in. In. From To Ft. kL In. From To Ft. In. in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From To Ft. 14. REMARKS:. =-- I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED.TO THE WELL OWNER - SIGNATURE-OF CONTRACTOR 09 AGENT _ D E — North Carolina Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORAM DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT•GROUNDWATER SECTION County 72A.�t y�s/,q„/1,6L Lab Number 8 Quad No Serial No. SAMPLE PRIORITY 0 Date Received Time. �� Rec'd by::� From: Bu - ourier Lat. Long. ROUTINE EMERGENCY Other Report T :AR FRO, MRO, RRO,WaRO, WiRO, Date Entry By: 3 Ck. WSRO, Kinston FO,Other Date Reported' Shipped by: B , ours Other / E/rJ L Collector(s)7 a Date .? Time Purpo .B Comb plaint o�mplian UST,Other FIELD ANALYSES Owner ►t- �i' �3 a C 2P7/L PH aoo Spec. Cond.94 at 250 C Location or site l b i Temp.l o °C Odor Description of sampling point Sample Interval Appearance Taste Sampling Menod p� p,�,ipr,etc. Field Analysis By: Remarks o ,D,,,,4mg ,.,r»mp.WJ LABORATORY ANALYSES mgA A -Silver 1077 Or anochlorine Pesticides BOD 310 ugA COD High 340 mgA Flouride 951 m A All-Aluminum 1105 u Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 mgA Hardness:Total 900 m A Ba-Barium 1007 u Nitro en Pesticides Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100m1 Hardness non-car! 902 m A Ca-Calcium 916 rn A Acid Herbicides Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 32730 u A Cd-Cadmium 1027 u A TOC 680 m A S fic Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Chromium:Total 1034 u A Base/Neutral Extractable Or anics Turbidity76 NTU Sulfate 945 m A Cu-Co 1042 u Acid Extractable Organics Sulfide 745 mgA e- Iron 1045 UqA H . Mercury71900 u A PH 403 units K-Potassium 937 m A Purgeable Organks(VOA bottle) Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mgA M • Ma nesium 927 m Alkalinity to PH 8.3 415 mgA Mn- Man anese 1055 u 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) Carbonate 445 mgA Na-Sodium 929 m A Bicarbonate 440 mgA NH3 as N 610 mgA Ni-Nickel 1067 u A _ .. _. Arsenic:Total 1002 u A -TKN as IN 625 mgA Pb- Lead 1051 u A Carbon dioxide 405 mign NO +NO as N .630 O m A Se-Selenium 1147 u A Chloride 940 mgA P:Total as P 665 m A Zn -Zinc 1092 u A Chromium: Hex 1032 u A Color:True 80 Pt-Co a Cyanide 720 mgA / Lab Comments: -)e,4gLa., �plw GW-54 REV.3/92 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS'in block White Copy-Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy-Regio"-'Office Pink Copy-Central Files Goldenrod Copy-Lab FF•OM ,- 01.01.2¢00 BBP00 P. 1 Facsimile Cover NC DEHNR DEMrQrottndwnter• Section 512 N, Salisbury Sheet Italei h,NC 27604 Phone: (919)7p,3221 - Fax: (919j?15�,058$ From; KAr@11 ttL��'mo/1, ComPenY• ' AAdttxiDate. �,� 1C l99U Phone• Pax: , Pages inclgding thi§ cover page: 2— ' comm ow F,R011. 01.01.2000 00199 F. State oWNorth C :irollna Art aht of E rivironment, Health ndNaftirdl Resources DIvIii' n of t6viroin'q pirital Management James B. Ount, Jr., overnor Jonpthon:B. Howes,Secretary "I' FRI A I * i ri Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Prq.to rd Jr.' GROUNDWATER SECTION April 25, 1994 MEMORANDUM To: Fred i@LpXip;!oq Grouniwater 'Section Regional From: Karen A. Harmon ,A- 74 Under' ;gupd Injection Control Proqr4tp Gro,un- water Section Rale- i h"Ce'lltia"l Office Re: Searc for injection well sample analysis rpportq L have no fL-Mpxq #Aqxypis record (fom GWT54) within the last 5 ypgrq f9r qlum. Pleas check -th6­k!lj i 'Please c c r q; a report re164sgd, later :hap 1989 and fax it to me (qW fa* number, is a 919 ?j5�'!-d$6,0. )­Than i­you very much. I hays not been successful in contactingHenning q§Pqt his permit rep' application. Also 1 have not received the i"ple i6iiiiiisi reports from you for 'Nabors .1 .1 1.. — - —1-- , - ' d I undeksta' 44 Y04 are d t leaving' the Groundyater Section at the a - f�tfiisl we-1— I I certainly E.44 0 - 'ek. That rtainly " is noi' V994 fp; the PiC of,-00 we 41l miss you. Best ucic. cc: UIC Files V;a i RP F as Enclos P.O.Box 29535.Rolel(.ih.North Ccirollno.27626-0535 Telephone FM919-?15-0588 An Equal Opportur Ity Atfirmotive Action Employer 60%recycled/10%Post-Consumer paper arm_ !o NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 5 4 ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH & NATURAL RESOURCES 59 woodfin Place, Asheville, North' CaTglina '28801 7041251-6208 (Phone) 704/251-W2 (FAX) TO: KGY�eve ttarw�n v\ FAX NO.: �l�q � ►�- 05��� FROM: ye(- DATE: 5 -2- -Ci '� Number of Pages, including cover page: 3 I COMMENTS: r 2us)- L. C�-w.. -gC1 U n CA y ri CV-0- North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT-GROUNDWATER SECTION County­;rr'�'I e th1jd Lab Number 8 f 7 C Quad No Serial No. SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Received "?I ° Time Lat. Long. I ROUTINE EMERGENCY Rec'd by: From: Bus-Courier Other Report To:ARO�FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, Date Entry By: 5 Ck. WSRO, Klston FO er Date Reported: 9 ` Shipped by: Bus,. ouri Other Collector(s)rc ��� Dated 3i ! Time Purpose:Baseline, Complaint,_ om�plianr , LUST, Other �C p`ENfr✓AL_ FIELD ANALYSES OwneAA C • ljz, �1VL Fa< 1p�T<1c14 EMU pH 400 Spec. Cond. 94 at 25o C Location or site Temp.10 OC Odor Description of sampling point Appearance Taste Sampling Method Sample Interval Field Analysis By: Remarks pun°'Daimmpin LABORATORY ANALYSES (pumping 4me,air temp.etc.) BOD5 310 m A I Diss. Solids 70300 m A A -Silver 1077 u A Or anochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mgA Flouride 951 mgA Al -Aluminum 1105 u A Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 mgA Hardness:Total 900 m /I Ba- Barium 1007 u /I Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100m1 Hardness non-carb 902 m A Ca-Calcium 916 m A Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 32730 u /I Cd-Cadmium 1027 u A Acid Herbicides TOC 680 mgA Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Chromium:Total 1034 u A Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m A Cu - Cooper 1042 u /I Base/Neutral Extractable Organics Sulfide 745 mgA I Fe - Iron 1045 u A Acid Extractable Organics H - Mercu 71900 u /I pH 403 units K- Potassium 937 m /I Purgeable Organics(VOA bottle) Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mgA M - Magnesium 927 m /I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 u A 1,2- Dibromcethane(EDB) Carbonate 445 mgA Na- Sodium 929 mqA Bicarbonate 440 mgA NH3 as N 610 mgA Ni - Nickel 1067 u /1 Arsenic:Total 1002 u A TKN as N 625 m /I Pb-Lead 1051 /I Carbon dioxide 405 m A NO +NOq as N 630 m A Se-Selenium 1147 u /I Chloride 940 < I mg/I P:Total as P 665 mqA Zn -Zinc 1092 u /I Chromium: Hex 1032 u A Color:True 80 Pt-Co Cyanide 720 mgA Lab Comments: GW-54 REV. 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write"DIS"in block White Copy-Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy- Regional Office Pink Copy-Central Files Goldenrod Copy-Lab State of North Carolina ---'� Department of Environment, •. Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt,Jr.,Governor 1 ■ Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A, Preston Howard,Jr., RE„ Director ' I September 20, 1993 Mr. A.C. Bramley Rt. 1 Box 73 Brevard, NC 28712 Dear Mr. Bramley: In accordance with your application received September 13, 1993,` we are forwarding Permit No.87-0104-WO-0002R1 for the Operation and ,Use of a well, for the purpose of injecting heat pump effluent, in Transylvania County. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 20, 1998 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of this well . for the stated purpose, you should make application for permit renewal at least 30 days prior to its expiration date. Sincerely, Roy Davis Regional Supervisor Attachment cc: UIC Files ARO Files P.O.Box 29535,Raleigh.North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-3221 FAX 919-715-0588 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative.Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper ti NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION/USE OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM FOR INJECTION In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21 , Chapter 143, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO A.C. Bramley FOR THE OPERATION AND USE OF AN INJECTION WELL/WELL SYSTEM located at Rt. 1 Box 73, Brevard, North Carolina, Transylvania County, in accordance with the application dated August 31 , 1993, and in conformity with the specifications and supporting data submitted, all of which are .filed with the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit is for Operation and Use only, and does not waive any provisions of the Water Use Act or any other applicable Laws, Rules or Regulations. Operation and use of a well or well system shall be in compliance with Title 15 North Carolina Administrative Code 2C, and any other Laws, Rules and Regulations pertaining to well construction and use. This Permit shall be effective, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until September 204998 and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth in Parts I and II hereof. Permit issued this the �1 day of 1993 . Roy D� s Regional Supervisor By Authority of the 'Environmental Management Commission. PERMIT NO. 87-0104-WO-0002R1 3 PERMIT NO. 87-0104-WO-0002R1 PART 1 A. General Conditions 1 . The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this Permit and with the standards and criteria �specified in 15 NCAC 2C . 0200 . Any Permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the appropriate 'Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for Permit termination, revocation and reissuance or modification; or denial of a Permit renewal application. 2 . The Permittee shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit even if compliance requires a reduction or elimination of the permitted activity. 3. The Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or correct any adverse impact on the environment resulting from noncompliance with this Permit. 4 . The Permittee shall give advance notice to the Director of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with the Permit. 5 . The Permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance, not reported under condition 1 . of this Part, at the time monitoring reports are submitted. 6. Where the Permittee becomes aware of a failure to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or of anv incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted by the Permittee. 7. The Permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon as possible of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility . S . In the event that the permitted facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. 9 . The injection system shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwaters, or other actions or occurrences which renders them unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by the Director. 10 . Department representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation and sampling associated with injection and related facility. 11 . This Permit is not transferable without prior notice to, and approval by, the Director. 12 . An application for modification, renewal or transfer of this Permit shall be filed with the Department at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of this Permit. 13 . Provisions shall be made for collecting samples of facility effluent, both prior to its entrance to treatment devices and subsequent to leaving the treatment devices but before entering the injection well . 14 . When operations have ceased at the facility, the Permittee shall abandon the injection well in accordance with the procedures specified in 15 NCAC 2C .0214 : (A) All casing and materials may be removed prior to initiation of abandonment procedures if the Director finds such removal will not be responsible for, or contribute to, the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (B) The entire depth of the well shall be sounded before it is sealed to insure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealing operations . (C) The well shall be thoroughly chlorinated, prior to sealing, if the Director determines that failure to do so could lead to the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (D) The well shall be completely filled with cement grout, which shall be introduced into the well through a pipe which extends to the bottom of the well and is raised as the well is filled. (E) In the case of gravel-packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed, the casing shall be perforated opposite the gravel pack, at intervals not exceeding 10 feet, and grout injected through the perforations . (F) In those cases when, as a result of the injection operations, a subsurface cavity has been created, the well shall be abandoned in such a matter that will prevent the movement of fluids into or between underground sources of drinking water and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. PART II A. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION September 17, 1993 MEMORANDUM To: Don Link From: Kathy Grant 40� Subject: UIC Permit Renewal The central office has completed its review of the application for renewal of UIC permit #87-0104-WO-0002 for the injection facility operated by A.C. Bramley. Attached you will find a copy of this application along with the draft permit and transmittal letter. ( I have learned that some regional offices use their own shell documents to prepare the permit and transmittal letter; if this is also the case with your region please advise me of this so that I will not duplicate your efforts (and waste my time!) sending drafts of these documents in the future.) According to the application, �( - Hankinson, of your office, has already completed sampling of this facility; please forward copies of the sample results to this office as soon as you receive them. Once you have reviewed and approved this application, please complete the permit and transmittal letter and forward them to the applicant. Please remember to make copies of the completed documents and forward them to this office. Thank you. KG/BRAMLEY.MEM Y l LQ•�i e w /I L . NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT,HEALTH,AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL FOR INJECTION WITH A HEAT PUMP SYSTEM Class 5 Wells TO: DIRECTOR,NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE: 19 In accordance with the provisions of Article 7,Chapter 87;Article 21,Chapter 143,and regulations pursuant thereto,APPLICATION is hereby made for a PERMIT to construct and/or use a well of well system as described below and in any accompanying data submitted as part of this APPLICATION. Please type orprint clearly. 'A. OWNER DATA ��// 7 Name: H•. (s . Zv 7[ _ Business: Address: l City: ! r VA 2 j� Zip code: ;L / County: A3 a 1,,Q q!'4 Telephone: ey q5:4�= e Ownership Federal State Private lo?'A"t Public Commercial. Other(specify) Native American Lands B. FACILITY DATA (Fill out ONLY if the injection well(s)is(are)for the purpose of serving a business.or industry.) Name: Business: Address: City: Zip code: County: Tele C. HEATING CONTRACTOR DATA / Name: B 5 Address: City: A a Zip code: 7 p u County: Telephone: a 3 S Contact Person: $V Ar' D. INJECTION PROCCEDURE / (Briefly/des'cr/ibe how the injection well(1)will be used) 6i /7o✓s hdLJ` (,J -rCl� . �� GW-57 HP (June 1993) Page 1 of 4 E. WELL USE Will the injection well(s)also be used as the supply well(s)for either of the following? (a) The injection operation? YES ✓ NO (b) Your personal consumption? YES NO F. CONSTRUCTION DATA (CHECK ONE) EXISTING WELL being proposed for use as an injection well. Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction Record)and furnish(7&8)below. If Form GW-1 is not available,furnish the data in(1)through(8)below to the best of your knowledge. PROPOSED WELL to be constructed for use as an injection well. Furnish the data in(1)through(8)below as PROPOSED construction specifications. ���,�,// (1) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: / <: C 1V i4 n%/ L)01J NC Driller Registration number. (2) Date to be constructed: f9 Approximate depth: O S (3) Well casing: (a) Type:Galvanized steel_Black steel_Plastic ✓Other(spccify) (b) Inside diameter: inches; Wall thickness inches or schedule# (c)_ Casing depth: From to ft.(reference to land surface) � Cas g extends above ground inches(must be at least 12 inches) ( ) Cement grout: G f -4 (a) Around inner or"primary"casing:.From to ft. (b) Around outer(pit)casing,if present From to fL (5). Screens(if applicable): (a) Type: ; Inner diameter. inches (b) Depth: From to feet below land surface (6) Gravel(if applicable): From—to—feet below land surface (7) N.C.State Regulations(15A NCAC,2C,Section.0200)require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring well head processes. A faucet on both influent(groundwater entering heat pump)and effluent(water being injected into the well)lines is required. Will there be a faucet on: (a) the influent line? yes-f-:::�no_ (b) the effluent line? yes✓no (8) Attach a diagram showing the location of the injection well and sampling faucets relative to primary building on property. G. PROPOSED OPERATING DATA (a) Injection rate: Average(daily)-gallons per minute(gpm) (b) Injection volume: Average(daily) 3D6 gallons per day(gpd) (c) Injection pressure: Average(daily) pounds/square inch(psi) (d) Injection temperature: Winter Average J degrees F Summer Average -Lc./ degrees F GW-57 HP (June 1993) Page 2 of 4 H. INJEMON FLUID DATA (1) Fluid Source, If underground,from what depth and what type of rock/sediment does the fluid to be injected derive(e.g.,granite,limestone,sand). s a ei Ly �s,1 � rr9Wf-12 J (2) Chemical Analysis of Source Water. The following chemical characteristics MUST EE accompany this application: IN, pH Total hardness ppm(parts per million or mg/1); Iron ppm; Chloride.. rpm; Nitrate ppm; Coliform bacteria counts/1GOml &--Vtr Aldl q- 6ro�e-,( ke- 410a 6 oUt NOTE: Assistance in determining these values may be obtained by contacting(a)your local or county health offical,(b)a commercial water-testing laboratory,(c)your well drilling contractor,or(d)the regional Hydrogeologist,North Carolina Dept of Environment, Health,and Natural Resources. I-D,- INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram sh6wingkthe engineering layout of the(1)"injection equipment,and (2)exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure, if detailed,should satisfy(1)above J. LOCATION OF WEII(S) a—'Atiach'.a tietaflqd-tilap showing the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s), any e)SisfiuA-5�611(s)that will in any way be involved in the injection operation,and at le�ast two points such as roads,road intersections,streams,etc. The roads should be f2),if6Ay rcfgenb�l Wimifieil•by US,NC or SR(county secondary roads)numbers,and streams should be named. In addition,the diagram should show the direction and approximate distance to any existing water-supply and/or injection wells within 1,000 feet of the proposed injection well. K. CERTIFICATION iii "I hereby certify,under penalty of law,that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information,I believe that the information is true,accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment,for submitting false information. I agree to operate and use the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." (Signal re of Owner or Agent) Please supply a letter signed by the owner authorizing the above agent,if authorized agent is signer. GW-57 HP (June 1993) Page 3 of 4 North Carolina ' GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT-GROUNDWATER SECTION S County rl,4111, %;'I_kwd Lab Number 8 9 7 0 Quad No Serial No. SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Received 9 - ?1 -9 3 Time 3 1 o 0 Lat Long. ,ROUTINE EMERGENCY Rec'd by: S From: Bus-Courier Other Report o:ARO FRO, MRO, PRO,WaRO, WiRO, Date Entry By 5 r Ck. WSRO, Inston FO,Jltper Date Reported: 9 - 6-43 Shipped by: Bus-, Courier, Other Collector(s)_.� _OA) Datec�'>/'-y/ o71 Time t/U �'- Purpose:Baseline, Complaint, Comp Ial ^�, LUST, Other s - ✓CCwEI��'� FIELD ANALYSES �— _ Owner\ C dZ'��(C L` % 4� �c�� 17.1, 6-JAee AR •:.�C'Z/Z• i T PH 400 Spec. Cond. 94 at 25o C Location or site Temp.10 oC Odor Description of sampling point Appearance Taste Sampling Method Sample Interval Field Analysis By: Remarks p°�°'"("'a"I LABORATORY ANALYSES WumF^9 maa,auump.em.) BODS 310 m /I Diss.Solids 70300 m /I A -Silver 1077 u /I Or anochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mgA Flouride 951 m /I At -Aluminum 1105 u A Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 m A Hardness:Total 900 -7 m A Ba- Barium 1007 u /I Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness non-carb 902 m A Ca-Calcium 916 m A Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100ml Phenols 32730 u /1 Cd -Cadmium 1027 u A Acid Herbicides TOC 680 m /I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Chromium:Total 1034 u A Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m A Cu-Copper 1042 u A Base/Neutral Extractable Organics Sulfide 745 mgA Fe- Iron 1045 u A Acid Extractable Organics H - Mercury 71900 u A pH 403 !o units K- Potassium 937 m /I Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mgA M - Magnesium 927 m I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Mn- Man anese 1055 uclA 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) Carbonate 445 mgA Na-Sodium 929 mgA Bicarbonate 440 mgA NH3 as N 610 mgA Ni-Nickel 1067 uqA Arsenic:Total 1002 u A TKN as N 625 m /I Pb-Lead 1051 u A Carbon dioxide 405 mgA NO +NOq as N 630 m A Se-Selenium 1147 u A it Chloride 940 < 1 mgA P:Total as P 665 m A Zn-Zinc 1092 u /I Chromium: Hex 1032 u A Color:True 80 Pt-Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GW-54 REV. 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis-submit filtered sample and write'DIS'In block White Copy-Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy-Regional Office Pink Copy-Central Files Goldenrod Copy-Lab NORTH CAROLINA JUL 2-3 ENVIRON1AENTAL MANAG14EZ,1T COt1MISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL FOR INJECTION CLASS 5 WELLS TO: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGa4E2NT DATE: 19 In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter, 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and regulations pursuant thereto, APPLICATION is hereby made for a PERMIT to construct and/or use a well or well system as described below and in any acconpanying data submitted as a part of this APPLICATION. A. OMER DATA: Name: V Address: V"el-iperA11,4 ZIP: County:- .4,/<7Q 2ao Telephone: 70 4,1 Ownership Status: Federal State El Private Public E] ComnercialF1 Other (Specify) B. FACILITY DATA (Fill out ONLY if the injection well(s) is (are) for the purpose of serving a business or industry) : Business/Corporate Name: Address: ZIP: County: Telephone: C. BEATING CONTRACTOR DATA (For heat pump systems Only. - Please give information for the contractor that installed or will install your system) : Name: �Q g5"�S Address: / -r/1 4v ZIP: Telephone.- -- T D. INJECTION PROCEDURE: Briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used. p T Co aL E. WELL USE: Will the injection well(s) also be used as the supply wells) for either of the following?: (a) The injection operation? YES ❑ NNo ❑ (b) Your personal consumption? YES k NO ❑ F. CONSTRUCTICN DATA: (check one) EXISTING WELL being proposed for use as an injection well. Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction Record) and furnish (7 & 8) below. If Form GW-1 is not available, furnish the data in (1) through (8) below to the best of your knowledge. ❑ PROPOSED WELL to be constructed for use as an injection well. Furnish the data in (1) through (8) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. NOTE: THE WELL DRIIJANG CCNTRAC70R CAN SUPPLY THE DATA FOR EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED WELLS IF THIS INFORMATION IS UNAVAILABLE BY OTHER MEANS. ,( (1) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: � (� 2'a 4 `/ (2) Date (to be) Constructed iS/a!,/ Approx. Depth ft. ✓ (3) Well Casing: (a) Type: Galvanized Steel ❑ Black Steel ❑ Plastic Er Other (Specify) (b) Inside Diameter: �y inches; Wall thickness (inches) "7- or schedule # (c) Casing Depth: From to 9 ft. (referenced to land surface) (4) Cement Grout: (a) Around inner or "primary" casing: Fran to P-0_ ft. (b) Around outer (pit) 'casin if // 9. Present: FYan y ft. (5) Screen(s) : (if applicable) (a) Type: Inner Diameter: inches (b) Depth: From to feet below land surface (6) Gravel: (if applicable) From: to feet below land surface (7) N.C. State Regulations (15, 2, 2C, Section .0200) require the perm ttee to make provisions for monitoring well head processes. A faucet on both the influent (cater from well) and effluent (water into well) lines is required. Is there a faucet on (a) the influent line YES 0 NO , or (b) the effluent line YES L_ I NO u ? (8) Attach a diagram showing the details of construction of the existing and/or proposed well(s) . G. PROPOSED OPERATING DATA: (The manufacturer's brochure should include this information.) (a) Injection Rate: Average (Daily) Z gallons per minute (gpW N� (b) Injection Volume: Average (Dai1-V�-q32*4 gallons per day (gpd) (c) Injection Pressure: Average (Daily)���F pouun'7s/square inch (psi) (d) Injection Tenperature: Winter Average (Daily) degrees F Summer Average (Daily) degrees F H. INJECTED FLUID DATA: (1) Fluid Source (Fran what depth and What type of rock/sediment unit does the fluid to be injected derive, i.e. granite, Depth: limestone, sand etc.) Rock/sediment unit: - � (2) Chemical Analysis of Source Water: The following chemical characteristics MUST acca<pany this application; PH Total Hardness ppm (parts per million or mg/1) Iron pFm; Chloride ppm; Nitrate ppm Coliform bacteria counts/100 ml NOTE: Assistance in obtaining these values may be facilitated by contacting (a) your local or county health official, (b) a conmarcial water-testing laboratory, (c) your well drilling contractor, or (d) the Regional Hydrogeologist, North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources & Commanity Development. NOTE: If injection system is not for a heat punp, then a detailed =ysis of both the source water and the injection fluid may be required. P I. INJECTICN-RELATED EQUIPMENT: Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout of the (1) injection equigelt, and (2) exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. NOTE: The manufacturer's brochure, if detailed, should satisfy (1) above if the system is a heat pump. J. IO ATICN OF WELLS) : Attach a detailed map showing the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) , any existing well(s) that will in any way be involved in the injection operation, and at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, road intersections, streams, etc. The roads should be identified by U.S. , N.C. or SR (county secondary road) numbers, and streams should be named. In addition, the diagram should show the direction and approximate distance to any existing hater-supply and/or injection wells within 1,000 feet of the proposed injection well. K. CERTIFICATION: "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the -information submitted in this - - docanent and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to operate and use the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." (Signatur Owner or Autho Dent) L. FOR OFFICE USE CNLY: 1. Initial Application: Complete Inoaplete If INCOMPLETE, Date of Notification and Resutmittal 2. Standard Industrial Code(s) which best reflect the principal products or services provided by this facility - if applicable. (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. APPLICATION NO. UJ@rLtcauP@errjrviiccf9 ilnco P.O. Box 18029 . Asheville, North Carolina 28814.0029 • 7041254-5169 June 7, 1988 Mr. A.C. Bramley Rt. 1 , Box 73 Brevard, NC 28712 re: B - In Dear Sir: Please find the results of analysis of your water listed below. Parameter Units 'MCL 'Results Parameter Units 'MCL Results Comments Aluminum m 11 Nitrate mg/1 10.0 0.56 Date Samples Arsenic ma/1 0.05 Nitrate-Nitrite mg" Collected: 6-3-88 Barium mg/1 1.0 Phenol u /I Date Received: Cadmium m tl 0.010 Phos ate mg/1 6-3-88 Calcium mg/1 Phosphorus ma/I - Date Sample Chromium mg/1 0.05 Selenium Mgt 0.01 1 Analyzed Color I Silver m /1 0.05 6-3,6-88 Copper thrill Sodium mg/I Date Reported Cyanide mcill I Turbidity NTU Flouride m ll Zinc mg/1 6-6-88 Iron mg/1 0.3 0.044 Corrosivity Analyst Lead Mgt 1 0.05 Hardness Cal i(Jm ma/1 Manganese mgll 0.05 Total Coliform 0100m1 0 Magnesium mg/I H 6.5 Certified by: Langlier Mercury mg/1 0.002 Saturation Index Molybdenum Mal I Alkalinity mg/I Dr. Fred Holtkamp M.B.A.S.(Detergents) m /i Ortho Phosphate mg/I Nickel Mgt Chloride mg/1 2.5 Beryllium mg/I Thelium mg/I It is a pleasure serving you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please let us know. Yours truly, 6Xo?ate Wastewater Service, Inc. Complete Wastewater Treatment Services • Consulting • Start-ups • Operation • Maintenance • Monitoring • Reporting State Certified Laboratory • Charter Member Commercial Laboratories Association of N.C. UUj @��tQaUju@ r fcrr\v,-cc:cf9 Ilnca P.O. Box 18029 . Asheville, North Carolina 28814-0029 • 7041254-5169 June 7, 1988 Mr. A.C. Bramley Rt. 1 , Box 73 Brevard, NC 28712 re: A - Out Dear Sir: Please find the results of analysis of your water listed below. Parameter Units 'MCL 'Results Parameter Units 'MCL Results Comments Aluminum m /l Nitrate Mg/1 10.0 0.60 Date Samples Arsenic Mal 1 0.05 Nitrate-Nitrite Mai I Collected: 6-3-88 Barium Mg/1 1.0 Phenol u ll Date Received: Cadmium Mg/1 0.010 Phos ate m II 6-3-88 Calcium Mal I Phosphorus —Mal 1 Date Sample Chromium Mal 1 0.05 Selenium Mai 1 0.01 Analyzed Color Silver Mg/1 0.05 6-3,6-88 Copper m i l Sodium m I I Date Reported Cyanide Mal I Turbidity NTU 6-6-88 Flouride Mal I Zinc Mal 1 Iron Mal 1 0.3 0.04 Corrosivity Analyst Lead Mai 1 0.05 Hardness, Calcium /1 17.5 Manganese mg/I 0.05 Total Coliform 0 L 100m1 Magnesium Mal I H 6.4 Certified by: Langlier Mercury Mal 1 0.002 Saturation Index Molybdenum Mal I Alkalinity mil Dr. Fred Holtkamp M.B.A.S. (Detergents) mail Ortho Phosphate m ll Nickel Mal I Chloride mg/l 3.0 Beryllium Mai I Thalium mg/I It is a pleasure serving you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please let us know. Yours truly, Wastewater�6 Service, Inc. Complete Wastewater Treatment Services • Consulting • Start-ups • Operation • Maintenance • Monitoring • Reporting State Certified Laboratory • Charter Member Commercial Laboratories Association of N.C. �� tie.' O t �- 4 ��df l w \ � �� t l� r� .��� �ro�� o .____ �__ � �1 � � z � �s.a�•�i /� �\ -_ __• �'�`%' ''C~. "zr"TMI1XT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIpOMMMAL NAMAGEMENT WELL AND PUMP INSPECTION REPORT ,� / // Date Nett' a3, Well location 1C4. Area Town, Comm., Subdivision and Lot No. County Owner . A MIA, 'i_ b v / Road/Street g'A// /.S38:S&kr.,k Address _ / Lay J3 �2 � /V C Z8 7/a ' Mtv, Esf..t-r T7— r Quad No. 8 V Serial No. Tr 2'476 35/O 3!0 CO STRll N Lat. Lons,B 2 4/2 17 ---Drilling Contractor—t - LAame Address Reg. Meets Min. Standards j Measure Yes No Remarks Permit � ) / Location Distance from Pollution-source % 3QQ i/ i Other location standards Total Depth (gQs, V/ Casing Depth Diameter Weight/thickness &2574/� Height Drive shoe VN/` Exception approved by owner ,J�} Grout: Type Thickness - Z-3 " !/ Depth Screens DevelopmenttV'K— i 1 . D. Plate Abandonment (temporary/permanent) Water level afford;n, o i era well test Chlorination Cuttings Reports W^t^�^ (appearance) Name Address Reg. I7 Meets Min. Standards Measure Yes No Remarks Enclosure l� Enclosure floor Casing height Access Dort Valved floe �(� (— Water tight pipe entry J� Well entry Vent Hose bib e 'et - r Suction line Chlorination Temporary Aband. ivA Date Well Constructed 02 Date Pump Installed ( �� Signature Witness Name Address Type Name Address Type i i i i NORTH CAROLINA JUL 25 Iq ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION GROUND lid A�"'R RALEGH, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR PEWIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL FOR INJECTION CLASS 5 WELLS TO: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE: 19 In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter, 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and regulations pursuant thereto, APPLICATION is hereby made for a PER61IT to construct and/or use a well or well system as described below and in any accouparying data submitted as a part of this APPLICATION. rr A. OWER DATA: Name: 'D 1,4-2 (',' d/y ,1!� /Y z I,,f;, lz Address: k'r I/ R174 .7 S / IP: County: ,- 4U"- ,fA7r,,1a0 Telephone: 7051 'a 52317 Omership Status: Federal [] State El Private [N Public n Commercial FJ Other (Specify) B. FACILITY DATA (Fill out ONLY if the injection well(s) is (are) for . the purpose of serving a business or industry) : Business/Corporate Name: Al 14 Address: ZIP: County: Telephone: C. HEATING CONTRACTCR DATA (For heat pump systems only. Please give information for the contractor that installed or will install your system) : E C E I V ED Name: Z22 ,0�-�5- A) X//r-'0 Address: JUL 2,. 1988 Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office ZIP: 2fz Telephones D. INJECTION PROCEDURE: Briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used. P T Coal &1 n ,4T ht�7 w E. WELL USE: Will the injection well(s) also be used as the supply well(s) for either of the following?: (a) The injection operation? YES No ❑ (b) Your personal consumption? YES NO ❑ F. CONSTRUCTICN DATA: (check one) ❑ EXISTING WELL being proposed for use as an injection well. Attach a copy of Form Cal-1 (Well Construction Record) and furnish (7 & 8) below. If Form GW-1 is not available, furnish the data in (1) through (8) below to the best of Your knowledge. ❑ PROPOSED WELL to be constructed for use as an injection well. Furnish the data in (1) through (8) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. NOTE: THE WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR CAN SUPPLY THE DATA FOR EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED WELLS IF THIS INFORMATICN IS UNAVAILABLE BY OTHER MEANS. (1) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: / (2) Date (to be) Constructed Aloof ; Approx. Depth/aAft. (3) Well Casing: (a) Type: Galvanized Steel ❑ Black Steel ❑ Plastic B-� Other (Specify) (b) Inside Diameter: inches; Wall thickness (inches) or schedule # _ (c) Casing Depth: From to ft. (referenced to land surface) (4) Cement Grout: (a) Around inner or "primary" casing: From to �/.O ft. (b) Around outer (pit) casing, if present: From y ! Y 1/ ' S ft V4 (5) Screen(s) : (if applicable) (a) Type: Inner Diameter: inches (b) Depth: From to feet below land surface (6) Gravel: (if applicable) From: to feet below land surface (7) N.C. State Regulations (15, 2, 2C, Section .0200) require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring well head processes. A faucet on both the influent (water from well) and effluent (water into well) lines 1Ii-s- required. Is there a faucet on (a) the influent I YES Q NO U , or (b) the effluent line YES L,71' Iw V ? (8) Attach a diagram showing the details of construction of the existing and/or proposed well(s) . G. PROPOSED OPERATIW DATA: (The manufacturer's brochure should include this information.) I11 (a) Injection Rate: Average (Daily) L gallons per minute (gpcO Nw (b) Injection volume: Average (Dailyl _ 26 gallons per day (gpd) (c) Injection Pressure: Average (Daily)�o�P Kpoun'lc square inch (psi) (d) Injection Tenperature: Winter Average (Daily) degrees F Summer Average (Daily) degrees F H. IN,SECIPED FLUID DATA: (1) Fluid Source (Fran what depth and what type of rock/sediment unit does the fluid to be injected derive, i.e. granite, limestone, sand etc Depth' Fuck/sediment: G✓�/3iL/ �� (2) Chemical Analysis of Source Water: The following chemical characteristics MUST a000mpany this application; PH ; Total Hardness ppm (parts per million or mg/1) Iron ppm; Chloride ppin; Nitrate PPM Coliform bacteria counts/100 ml NOTE: Assistance in obtaining these values may be facilitated by contacting (a) your local or county health official, (b) a commercial water-testing laboratory, (c) your well drilling contractor, or (d) the Regional Hydrogeologist, North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources & Comminity Development. NOTE: If injection system is not for a heat pub, then a detailed iiaysis of both the source water and the injection fluid may be required. M M' I. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT: Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout of the (1) injection equipment, and (2) exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. NOTE: The manufacturer's brochure, if detailed, should satisfy (1) above if the system is a heat pump. J. IOCATION OF WELL(S) : Attach a detailed map showing the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) , any existing well(s) that will in any way be involved in the injection operation, and at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, road intersections, streams, etc. The roads should be identified by U.S., N.C. or SR (county secondary road) numbers, and streams should be named. in addition, the diagram should show the direction and approximate distance to any existing water-supply and/or injection wells within 1,000 feet of the proposed injection well. R. CERTIFICATION: "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inr�»*y of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to operate and use the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." (Signatur Owner or Autho ent) L. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 1. Initial Application: Complete Incomplete If INOWLETE, Date of Notification and Resutmittal 2. Standard Industrial Code(s) which best reflect the principal products or services provided by this facility - if applicable. (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. APPLICATION No. M@rrl�J@jt@ujmr1cmf9 Ilnco P.O. Box 18029 • Asheville, North Carolina 28814-0029 • 704/254-5169 June 7, 1988 Mr. A.C. Bramley Rt. 1 , Box 73 Brevard, NC 28712 re: B - In Dear Sir: Please find the results of analysis of your water listed below. Parameter Units 'MCL 'Results Parameter Units 'MCL Results Comments Aluminum mg/I Nitrate Mgt 1 10.0 0.56 Date Samples Arsenic m /l 0.05 Nitrate-Nitrite Mgt I Collected: 6-3-88 Barium Mgt 1 1.0 Phenol u 11 Date Received: Cadmium Mgt 1 0.010 Phos ate Mgt 1 6-3-88 Calcium Mgt I Phosphorus Mgt I Date Sample Chromium Mgt I 0.05 Selenium Mgt 1 0.01 Analyzed Color I Silver Mgt 1 0.05 6-3,6-88 Copper Mgt I Sodium Mgt I Date Reported Cyanide m /1 Turbidity NTU Flouride m /I Zino Mgt 1 6-6-88 Iron m /I 0.3 0.044 Corrosivity Analyst Lead m /l 0.05 Hardness Cal ium m l 10.0 Manganese Mgt 0.05 Total Coliform p D L 100m1 Magnesium m it I pH 6.5 Certified by: Langlier Mercury m /I 0.002 Saturation Index Molybdenum Mgt[ Alkalinitym /f Dr. Fred Holtkamp M.B.A.S. (Detergents) Mgt I Ortho Phosphate m /l Nickel Mgt I Chloride m l 2.5 Beryllium Mgt I Thalium m ll It is a pleasure serving you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please let us know. Yours truly, (;'40?all_� Wastewater Service, Inc. Complete Wastewater Treatment Services • Consulting • Start-ups • Operation • Maintenance • Monitoring • Reporting State Certified Laboratory • Charter Member Commercial Laboratories Association of N.C. MUJc�fLt@urv1c nco P.O. Box 18029 • Asheville, North Carolina 28814-0029 • 704/254-5169 June 7, 1988 Mr. A.C. Bramley Rt. 1 , Box 73 Brevard, NC 28712 re: A - Out Dear Sir: Please find the results of analysis of your water listed below. Parameter Units 'MCL 'Results Parameter Units I 'MCL Results Comments Aluminum Mgt I Nitrate mall 10.0 0.60 Date Samples Arsenic Mgt 1 0.05 Nitrate-Nitrite mail Collected: 6-3-88 Barium Mgt 1 1.0 Phenol u /I Date Received: Cadmium mail 0.010 Phos ate mg)1 6-3-88 Calcium Mgt I Phosphorus mall Date Sample Chromium Mgt 1 0.05 Selenium mail 0.01 Analyzed Color Silver mail 1 0.05 6-3,6-88 Copper 1 Mal I Sodium Mal I Date Reported Cyanide , Mgt I Turbidity NTU 6-6-88 Flouride m /I Zinc Mgt 1 Iron mall 0.3 0.04 Corrosivity Analyst Lead ! mall 0.05 Hardness, Cal i um /1 17.5 Manganese mg;I 0.05 Total Coliform o 100m1 i Magnesium Mgt 1 H 6.4 Certified by: Lan glier Mercurymall 0.002 Saturation Index Molybdenum i Mgt I Alkalinity Mgt i Dr. Fred Holtkamp M.B.A.S. (Detergents) Mgt Ortho Phosphate m II Nickel m n Chloride m9 /1 3.0 Beryllium Mgt I Thalium m /I t I1 It is a pleasure serving you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please let us know. Yours truly, Wastewater Service, Inc. Complete Wastewater Treatment Services • Consulting • Start-ups • Operation • Maintenance • Monitoring • Reporting State Certified Laboratory • Charter Member Commercial Laboratories Association of N.C. •tom o 0 t of CJl t�- z � �}� 4 Y •via: State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director November 16 , 1988 Mr. A.C. Bramley Rt. 1 , Box 73 Brevard, NC 28712 Dear Mr. Bramley: RE: Permit 87-0104-WO-0002 for heat pump injection well in Transylvania County In accordance with your application dated July 1 , 1988 we are forwarding herewith Permit No. 87-0104-WO-0002 for the operation and Use of a well, for the purpose of injecting heat pump effluent in Transylvania County. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 1, 1993 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of this well for the stated purpose, you should make application for permit renewal at least two (2) months prior to its expiration date. Sincerely, Roy Davis Regional Supervisor /tej Attachment cc: UIC Files ARO Files Pollution Pret Lion Povs PQ Box 27617, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7697 Telephone 919,733 M5 An Equal Opportunity Afhrrative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION/USE OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM FOR INJECTION In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and other applicable Laws , Rules and Regula- tions PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO A. C. Bramley FOR THE OPERATION AND USE OF AN INJECTION WELL/WELL SYSTEM located at Slick Rock Mtn. Rd. , Brevard, North Carolina in Transylvania County in accordance with the application dated July 1 , 1988 and in conformity with the specifications and supporting data submitted, all of which are filed with the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit is for Operation and Use only, and does not waive any provisions or requirements of the Water Use Act or any other applicable Laws, Rules or Regulations. Operation and use of a well or well system shall be in compliance with Title 15 North Carolina Administrative Code 2C, and any other Laws , Rules and Regulations pertaining to well construction and use. This Permit shall be effective, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until November 1, 1993 and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth in Parts I and II hereof. Permit issued this the 2 IStday of ��r 1988. Roy Davies Regional upervisor By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission. PERMIT NO. 87-0104-WO-0002 PERMIT NO. 87-0104-WO-0002 PART I A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 . The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this Permit and with the standards and criteria specified in 15 NCAC 2C . 0200 . Any Permit non-compliance constitutes a violation of the appropriate Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for Permit termination, revocation and reissuance or modification; or for denial of a Permit renewal application. 2 . It shall not be a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this Permit. 3 . The Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or correct any adverse impact on the environment resulting from noncompliance with this Permit. 4 . The Permittee shall give advance notice to the Director of any planned changes in the permittee facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with the Permit. 5 . The Permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance, not reported under condition 1. of this Part, at the time monitoring reports are submitted. 6 . Where the Permittee becomes aware of a failure to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted by the Permittee. 7 . The Permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon as possible of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility . 8 . In the event that the permitted facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. PART I (continued) PERMIT NO. 87-0104-wO-0002 9. The injection system shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwaters , or other actions or occurrences which renders them unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by the Director. 10. Department representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation and sampling associated with injection and related facility. 11 . This Permit is not transferable without prior notice to, and approval by the Director. 12 . An application for modification, renewal or transfer of this Permit shall be filed with the Department at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of this Permit. 13. Provisions shall be made for collecting samples of facility effluent, both prior to its entrance to treatment devices and subsequent to leaving the treatment devices but before entering the injection well. PART II A. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS - N O N E -