HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004944_Application_19980521NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0004944 Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) ;Permit Application Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: May 21, 1998 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reYerse side NPDES Discharge Application HNA Holdings, Inc. Salisbury, North Carolina NPDES No. NC0004944 Prepared by CH2M HILL May 1998 142188 May 21,1998 142188 Mr. David Goodrich NPDES Permits Supervisor Division of Water Quality P.O. Box 29535 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27626 Subject: HNA Holdings, Inc. Salisbury, North Carolina NPDES Permit Renewal (Permit Number NC0004944) Dear Mr. Goodrich: HNA Holdings, Inc., formerly Hoechst Celanese Corporation, owns and operates a polyester manufacturing facility in Salisbury, North Carolina. Process wastewater and stormwater is discharged to North Second Creek in accordance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit number NC0004944, which expires November 30,1998. Three copies of this letter and the attached permit application are being submitted for renewal of the NPDES permit. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) for the permit renewal fee. Facility Location The HNA Salisbury facility is located on the south side of U.S. Highway 70 approximately 4 miles west of Salisbury, North Carolina, near the intersection of Highway 70 and State Highway 801. The facility's location is presented on Figure 1 in Attachment A, which also shows nearby transportation routes and surface waters. Plant Overview HNA manufactures polyester in the form of chip and fiber at its Salisbury, North Carolina, facility. Primary raw materials in these manufacturing processes include terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol, and fiber finish oils (see Figure 2 in Attachment A). Process wastewater, groundwater, sanitary wastewater, cooling tower blowdown, and water treatment plant blowdown are treated onsite before being discharged to North Second Creek. Mr. David Goodrich Page 2 May 21,1998 • 142188 Wastewater treatment consists of primary solids removal (bar screen), equalization, biological treatment (activated sludge), and clarification, followed by a series of polishing ponds, as presented on Figure 3 in Attachment A. Waste biological sludge is aerobically digested and dewatered. Dewatered solids are disposed of off site by Waste Management. Recovered groundwater from the interior system contains primarily ethylene glycol and is anaerobically pretreated before being discharged to the equalization tank for treatment in the WWTP. Recovered groundwater from the perimeter system contains mainly 1,4- dioxane and is treated using ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide before being discharged through Outfall 001 to North Second Creek. The plant discharges stormwater associated with industrial activity through five outfalls (A, B, C, D, and 5) as presented on Figure 1 in Attachment A. The five stormwater outfalls are monitored according to the NPDES permit, the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and correspondence from the Division of Environmental Management to Davis and Floyd, Inc. dated March 3,1992. Regulatory Setting As part of a basinwide approach to water quality management, DWQ issued a draft Yadkin - Pee Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan in December 1997. The plan presents DWQ's rationale, approaches, and long-term water quality management strategies for the river basin. The plan identifies North Second Creek as "support threatened" and states that the stream has limited assimilative capacity for additional loading of oxygen consuming wastes. The plan recommends that a field calibrated model be considered for assessing the potential impact of new or expanding discharges. Since HNA is not proposing a plant expansion at this time, existing modeling conducted as part of the last permit application should be adequate. Proposed Permit Conditions Outfall 001 The facility's process, sanitary, and some stormwater flows are discharged through Outfall 001. A summary of statistical parameters for data collected for the NPDES permit is presented in Attachment B. Flow Table 1 presents estimated flows for the facility. Groundwater flows have increased since the last permit application was submitted. Figures B-1 and B-2 in Attachment B present monthly average groundwater flow rates for the interior and perimeter recovery systems. Table 1 HNA Holding Company - Salisbury, NC Calculated Permit Limits CONFIDENTIAL Wastestream Effluent Guideline Basis Parameter Effluent Guideline Mass -based Limit i83 Monthly Average Daily Maximum Monthly Average Daily Maximum Finish Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers (OCPSF) Subpart C - Other Fibers Flow BOD TSS 0.114 mgd 18 mg/L 36 mg/L 48 mg/L 115 mg/L 17.1 Ib/d 34.2 lb/d 45.6 Ib/d 109.3 Ib/d Bandcaster Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by OCPSF/Subpart C - Other Fibers Flow BOD TSS 0.080 mgd 18 mg/L 36 mg/L 48 mg/L 115 mg/L 12.0 lb/d 24.0 lb/d 32.0 Ib/d 76.7 Ib/d Cooling Towers Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by OCPSF/Subpart D - Resins Flow BOD TSS 0.148 mgd 24 mg/L 40 mg/L 64 mg/L 130 mg/L 29.6 Ib/d 49.4 lb/d 79.0 Ib/d 160.5 Ib/d Process Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by OCPSF/Subpart D - Resins Flow BOD TSS 0.082 mgd 24 mg/L 40 mg/L 64 mg/L 130 mg/L 16.4 Ib/d 27.4 Ib/d 43.8 Ib/d 88.9 Ib/d Groundwater Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by OCPSF/Subpart D - Resins Flow BOO TSS 0.616 mgd 24 mg/L 40 mg/L 64 mg/L 130 mg/L 123.3 lb/d 205.5 lb/d 328.8 (b/d 667.9 Ib/d Domestic Wastewater Secondary Treatment Regulation Flow BOD TSS 0.050 mgd 30 mg/L 30 mg/L 45 mg/L 45 mg/L 12.5 Ib/d 12.5 Ib/d 18.8 Ib/d 18.8 lb/d Boilers and Chillers Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by Wastestream Characteristics Flow BOD TSS 0.116 mgd 2.4 mg/L 53 mg/L 3.6 mg/L 79.5 mg/L 2.3 lb/d 51.3 lb/d 3.5 Ib/d 76.9 Ib/d WTP Blowdown Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by Wastestream Characteristics Flow BOO TSS 0.09 mgd 2.4 mg/L 53 mg/L 3.6 mg/L 79.5 mg/L 1.8 Ib/d 39.8 Ib/d 2.7 Ib/d 59.7 Ib/d Process Stormwater Combined Wastewater (b) Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) Guided by Wastestream Characteristics (a) Mass -based limits = Flow x Effluent Guideline x 8.34 ID) Concentration -based limits = Summation of mass -based limits _ Combined Flow _ 8.34 Flow BOO TSS Flow BOD TSS 0.304 mgd 2.4 mg/L 53 mg/L 1.600 mgd 17 mg/L 41 mg/L 3.6 mg/L 79.5 mg/L 42 mg/L 101 mg/L 6.1 Ib/d 134.4 Ib/d 221 lb/d 544 lb/d 9.1 lb/d 201.6 Ib/d 563 lb/d 1351 Ib/d p:lebllprojects\HCClsalisbury\Limits.xls new 5/21/98 Mr. David Goodrich Page 4 May 21,1998 142188 The maximum monthly average flow rates for the interior and perimeter systems for periods representative of normal operations were 0.036 and 0.58 mgd, respectively, for a total of 0.616 mgd. Sanitary flow rates were reestimated for this permit application. HNA has approximately 1300 personnel on site during any given day. The facility has showers and a cafeteria. DWQ's rules (15NCAC 2H.0219) suggest 25 gpd/person, with an additional 10 gpd/person for showers. An additional 5 gpd/person was added, since the facility has a cafeteria. The estimated sanitary flow is 0.05 mgd. Other flows were based on process knowledge, and are similar to flows presented in the last permit application. The resulting long term average (LTA) flow rate during plant operational periods is 1.6 mgd. The LTA flow is comparable to the previous three year average flow of 1.52 mgd (January, 1995 through December, 1997). The estimated LTA flow is nearly identical to the actual flows during the last three years. Conventional Pollutants pH The facility has maintained compliance with effluent pH limitations for the previous three years. However, pH values increase to the upper limit of 9 during the summer months. The polishing ponds typically have algae blooms during the summer which is causing the elevated pH values. HNA would like permission to monitor for pH at both the clarifier overflow and polishing pond effluent. If the polishing pond effluent pH exceeds the upper permit limit of 9, the clarifier overflow pH values for the previous 30 days would be reviewed, and if no values exceed the upper limit of 9, then clarifier effluent pH values would be used for compliance purposes. The retention time in the polishing pond system is approximately 30 days assuming polishing pond volumes of 5.6,18.2, and 20 million gallons for Ponds 2, 3, and 4, and an average flow rate of 1.5 MGD. HNA is aware of at least one other facility in North Carolina with the pH monitoring conditions discussed above. BOD and TSS Table 1 summarizes the facility's process flow rates and estimated BOD and TSS limitations using Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers (OCPSF) guidelines, secondary treatment regulation, and best professional judgement. Wastewater from the facility's bandcaster and finish processes are regulated by 40 CFR 414 Subpart C — Other Fibers. Wastewater from cooling towers, other process wastewaters, and recovered groundwater are regulated by 40 CFR 414 Subpart D — Thermoplastic resins. BOD and TSS allocations for wastewater from boilers and chillers, water treatment plant blowdown, and process stormwater are based on intake water quality (NPDES Renewal Correspondence, Davis and Floyd, Inc. to Division of Environmental Management dated February 15, 1991). a /011 Mr. David Goodrich Page 5 May 21,1998 142188 TSS limitations were based on OCPSF and secondary treatment regulations. Table 1 presents estimated BOD and TSS loads based on OCPSF and secondary treatment regulations. HNA recommends that the winter BOD limit and TSS limits be updated to reflect the current water balance. Water quality based limits for BOD were determined for the previous permit application based on DWQ's draft wasteload allocation dated May 24,1993. DWQ's modeling analysis predicted a minimum DO of 5 mg/1 (DWQ's water quality standard for DO) based on a discharge of 1.574 mgd, 131 lb/day BOD, and 171b/day ammonia nitrogen. The modeling used a typical CBOD decay rate and CBOD/BOD ratio. These values were adjusted using site specific information, and a minimum BOD limit of 150 lb/d was established. The water quality based limit for BOD is lower than the OCPSF based value. Therefore, the summer BOD limit is based on water quality standards, and the winter limit is based on OCPSF regulations. Ammonia Nitrogen The facility is currently required to monitor for ammonia nitrogen three times per week with limits of 23 lb / d monthly average and 46 lb /day daily maximum. Limits in the current permit are based on the oxygen demand modeling DWQ conducted for the current permit as discussed above. Since the facility has relatively low levels of ammonia nitrogen in the effluent (average of 5 lb/day for the previous three years), a monitoring frequency of once per week is requested. Metals The facility currently is required to monitor twice a month for the metals presented in Table 2. The NC water quality standard or action level also is presented in Table 2. HNA recommends that monitoring for chromium, nickel and silver be dropped since detection of these metals has seldom occurred (note: a less than symbol was erroneously omitted for silver on June 20,1995. This discharge monitoring report will be corrected). Iron and zinc have been detected periodically at levels below the water quality standard or action level when accounting for the in -stream dilution. Therefore, HNA recommends monitoring for iron and zinc be reduced to quarterly. HNA recommends that copper and manganese monitoring remain at twice per month. HNA also recommends monitoring for metals using a grab sample with clean sampling techniques since inadvertent contamination can occur using composite sampling equipment. In addition, the facility equalizes influent wastewater. Therefore, grab sample results should adequately reflect effluent variability. OCPSF Priority Pollutants The facility currently monitors for OCPSF priority pollutants either monthly or quarterly. Approximately 25 of the priority pollutants were required to be monitored monthly for one year, and then quarterly. HNA wanted additional data on those priority pollutants and continued to monitor monthly. Mr. David Goodrich Page 6 May 21,1998 142188 Table 2 Summary of WWTP Metals Monitoring Data (Values in mg/L) NC Water NC # of Standard Quality - Action Parameter Count Detects Average Maximum Deviation Standard Level Chromium 63 0 0 0 0 0.050 Copper 63 62 0.0876 0.16 0.0290 0.007 Iron 63 62 0.222 0.57 0.109 1 Manganese 65 63 0.0894 0.666 0.0801 0.200 Nickel 63 4 0.000651 0.011 0.00252 0.025 --- Silver 63 0 0 0 0 0.00006 Zinc 63 33 0.0294 0.12 0.0352 0.050 Priority pollutants detected in the effluent within the previous three years include bis (2- ethylhexyl) phthalate (BEHP), benzene, and methylene chloride (note: a less than symbol was erroneously omitted for acylonitrile and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons on one occasion. This discharge monitoring report will be corrected). Benzene and methylene chloride detected values were below the permit limits. BEHP is a common sampling and laboratory contaminant and can originate from latex or vinyl gloves, flexible plastic tubing, and other plastic components. The facility has been researching the presence of BEHP in the effluent. BEHP has not been tied to a raw material. Both grab and composite samples have been collected. Of nine grab samples collected, BEHP was detected in three samples at low levels (values of 10.5,19.5, and 35 ug/L). However, BEHP has been detected in composite samples as high as 120 ug/1. The facility has been using a submersible pump for collection of composite samples. The pump has a di -electric fluid on the motor side, which is coupled to the pump via a shaft. The facility recently discovered that the di -electric fluid is 1.6 percent BEHP. The di -electric fluid likely is contacting the sample through the shaft. Therefore, the submersible pump has been replaced with a typical composite sampler with a peristaltic pump. Plastic tubing is only used at the pump head. HNA will further evaluate BEHP after collection of samples using the new composite sampler. HNA requests that the BEHP monitoring requirement remain at quarterly. Mr. David Goodrich Page 7 May 21,1998 142188 HNA also requests a quarterly monitoring requirement for benzene and methylene chloride. HNA recommends that the remaining priority pollutants be monitored annually, since these pollutants have not been detected in the effluent in the past three years. Toxicity Testing The current NPDES permit requires an acute toxicity test with an LC50 greater than 34 percent effluent. The IWC for the WWTP outfall is 3.4 percent based on a 7Q10 of 68.5 MGD. Since discharge and river flows are essentially unchanged, HNA recommends that the toxicity testing requirement remain unchanged with the permit renewal. In -stream Monitoring The facility's current permit requires in -stream monitoring upstream and downstream of Outfall 001. The facility joined the Yadkin River Basin Association, and as a member of that association, is no longer required to conduct in -stream monitoring once the associations monitoring program in underway (planned for June, 1998). Therefore, DWQ should be issuing a letter rescinding the in -stream monitoring requirement, and in -stream monitoring should not be included in the renewed permit. It should be noted that DO, pH, and conductivity measurements upstream and downstream of Outfall 001 are comparable during the winter and summer months suggesting that the facility's discharge is not significantly effecting DO, pH, and conductivity of the river. In addition, the data support the current water quality limits, and HNA recommends that these limits remain the same. A summary of the data is presented in Attachment B. Proposed Permit Requirements Table 3 summarizes permit limits and monitoring requirements which HNA is requesting. Stormwater Discharges DWQ stated in a telephone conversation with Kristen Jenkins, CH2M HILL, on March 11, 1998, that EPA Form 2F is not required for permit renewals, and only data which has been collected, but not submitted, should be reported in the permit application. The facility has not collected any stormwater samples to date during 1998, and all data prior to 1998 has been reported. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan was implemented in November, 1994. In addition, no changes have occurred which would affect stormwater discharges since the stormwater pollution plan was implemented. Mr. David Goodrich Page 8 May 21,1998 142188 Table 3 Requested Permit Conditions Parameter Monthly Average Limit Daily Maximum Limit Monitoring Frequency Flow 2.305 MGD Continuous BOD — Summer 150 lb/day 300 lb/day Daily BOD —Winter 221 lb/day 563 lb/day Daily TSS 578 lb/day 1460 lb/day Daily NH3-N — Summer and Winter 23 lb/day 46 lb/day Weekly Benzene 0.602 lb/day 39.83 ug/I Quarterly Methylene Chloride 0.651 lb/day 1.447 lb/day Quarterly Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 60.2 ug/I Quarterly Iron Quarterly Zinc Quarterly Copper 2/month Manganese - 2/month Note: Proposed changes are in "bold italics" The facility is also requesting that the stormwater outfalls which are required to be monitored (A, B, C, D, and 5) be listed in the revised permit. The facility received DWQ approval to collect grab stormwater samples instead of composite samples due to the number of outfalls. Therefore, we are requesting that the permit state that stormwater sampling be conducted with grab samples. Additional Permit Verbiage The current NPDES permit includes limits for several pollutants which are below acceptable detection levels. Therefore, the facility is requesting that the following verbiage is included in the renewed permit: Analytical data which is reported as less than the detection level shall be averaged as zero. Mr. David Goodrich Page 9 May 22,1998 142188 Please feel free to contact me at (704) 636 - 6000 or one of our technical contacts shown below if you have any questions or require additional information. Plant Senior Environmental Engineer , Stephen Lamb, (704)636-6000 ext-4862 CH2MHILL Consultant, Kristen Jenkins, (704) 329-0073 ext 228 Sincerely, HNA Holdings, Inc. 10i• Tony ranecky Plant Manager CLT\E:\HCC\SALISBUR\PERMIT\perm2letdoc Enclosures C: Kristen Jenkins/CH2M HILL Bill Kreutzberger/CH2M HILL • Attachment A: Figures ATUScarlett1142188.PR.20YFigure 2 4120/98 U.S. HIGHWAY 70 Figure 1 Facility Location HNA Holdings, Inc. —Salisbury Plant ATLIScarlet8142188.PR.20Wigure 2 5/20198 Terephthalic Acid Ethylene Glycol Finish Oil Polymer Production Polymer Production Id Chip Production Polymer Production — — Filament Production Legend Raw MaterialProduct — — — Wastewater Staple Production N. Product to Customers Product to ► Customers — —►I t ► Product to Customers 1111 _ — — ► Wastewater to Treatment Figure 2 HNA Holdings, Inc. —Salisbury Plant Production Process Flow Diagram Sanitary _ Waste Process Waste Solid Waste To Landfill Comminutor Chlorine Contact Bar Screen I Cooling Tower Blowdown PWP Grit Removal i 1 1 1 i • • • • i • Equalization Blowdown Pumped Lift Station Anaerobic Pretreatment Anaerobic Pretreatment Aeration Basin "A" Aeration Basin "B" Aeration Basin "C" Solids to Landfill Interior Groundwate Recovery System Return Activated Sludge Clarifier 1 Clarifier 2 Sludge Dewatering Storm Water Weirs (5) Direct Discharge Polishing Pond # 1 Out of Service Perimeter GW Recovery System Aerobic Digester Equalization r Polishing Pond # 2 Polishing Pond # 3 Polishing Pond # 4 Outfall 001 Figure 3: HNA Holdings Inc. Salisbury Waste Treatment Process Flow Diagram S.C. Lamb 5/7/98 ref: PWP.PPT rotNI Attachment B: Summary of statistical data WWTP Summary Parameter Required Frequency Sample Count # of Detections # of Exceedances Minimum Average Maximum Standard Deviation Daily Limit Monthly Limit Flow (MGD) Daily 1096 0.395 1.52 2.78 0.233 2.305 pH Daily 1096 1 7.05 7.90 9.02 0.319 6 - 9 6 - 9 D.O. (ppm) Daily 1096 1 4.60 ( 8.81 14.2 2.19 5 5 BOD (ppm) Daily 1095 1.00 8.21 23.0 3.93 --- --- BOD (Ibs/day) Daily 1095 1 11.70 102 364 46.91 300 150 COD (ppm) Daily 1097 8.00 60.4 199 30.1 --- --- COD (Ibs/day) Daily 1096 101.9 742 2088 308.6 --- --- TS (ppm) Daily 471 141 506 7861 387 --- --- TSS (ppm) Daily 1096 1.00 13.8 76.0 8.94 --- --- TSS (Ibs/day) Daiy 1096 12.54336 168 733 95 1349 505 NH3-N (mglL) 3/week 465 0 0.37 2.40 NA NH3-N (Ibs/day) 3/week 465 0.000 4.67 34.6 4.95 46 23 PAHs (Ibs/day) M/Q 41 0.000 0.0000 0.000 PAHs (uq/L) M/Q 41 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.09 45 Fecal Coliform (# per 100 mL) Weekly 156 1 6.00 68.9 1 418 47.4 400 200 1,1 Dichloroethylene (ug/L) M/Q 41 0 0 0 0 1.908 NA 1,1.2 Trichloroethane (uq/L) M/Q 41 0 0 0 0 20.1 NA 1,2 Dichloroethane (uq/L) M/Q 41 0 0 0 0 12.72 NA 1,2 Dichloropropane (ug/L) M/Q 41 0 0 0 0 1.52 NA 1,3 Dichloropropylene (Ibs/day) M/Q 41 0 0 0 0 29 uq/L 472 Ibs 2,4 Dinitrotoluene (uq/L) M/Q 42 0 0 0 0 3.68 NA 3,4 Benzoftuoranthene (c,PAH) (uq/L) M/Q 45 0 0 0 . 0 --- --- 4,6 Dinitrocresol (uglL) M/Q 42 0 0 0 0 39.3 NA Acrylonitrile (uq/L) M/Q 40 0 0.00 0.0 0.0 1.975 NA Benzene (uq/L) M/Q 40 3 0 0.38 5.04 1.3 NA NA Benzene (Ibs/day) M/Q 40 3 0 0.005300 0.077 0.0189 39.83 ug/L 0.0602 Ibs Benzo(a)anthracene (c, PAH) (uq/L) M/Q 42 0 0 0 0 --- NA Benzo(a)pyrene(c, PAH) (uq/L) M/Q 45 0 0 0 0 --- - Benzo(k)fluoranthene (c, PAH) (uq/L) M/Q 45 0 0 0 0 --- --- Bis(2, ethylhexyl)phthalate (ib/d) M/Q 45 37 0 0.370582 1.56 0.38 NA NA Bis(2, ethylhexyl)phthalate (ug/L) M/O 45 37 7 0 29.4 I 120 30.2 60.2 NA Carbon Tetrachloride (uq/L) M/O 40 0 0 0 0 8.501 NA Crysene(c, PAH) (uq/L) M/O 45 0 0 0 0 --- --- Hexachlorobutadiene (uq/L) M/Q 42 0 0 0 0 14.893 NA Hexachlorobenzene (uq/L) M/Q 40 0 0 0 0 0.25 NA Nitrobenzene (uq/L) M/Q 42 0 0 0 0 50 ug/L 0.439 Ibs Phenolic Compounds (uq/L) M/Q 44 0 0 0 0 7.5 7.5 Tetrachtoroethylene (Ibs/d) M/Q 41 0 0 0 0 26.8 uq/L 0.358 tbs Toluene (Ibs/d) M/Q 41 0 0 0 0 32.2 uq/L 0.423 Ibs Vinyl Chloride (uq/L) WO 41 0 0 0 0 67 NA 1,1 Dichloroethane (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.358 1,1,1 Trichloroethane (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.878 0.342 1,2 Dichlorobenzene (Ibs/day) 0 21 0 0 0 0 2.651 1.352 1.2 trans-Dichloroethylene (Ibs/de 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.878 0.342 1,2.4 Trichlorobenzene (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 2.277 1.106 1,3 Dichlorobenzene (Ibs/day) 0 21 0 0 0 0 2.651 1.352 1,4 Dichlorobenzene Ms/day) Q 21 0 0 0 0 0.455 0.244 Page 1 of 2 WWTP Summary e Parameter Required Frequency Sample Count # of Detections # of Exceedances Minimum Average Maximum Standard Deviation Daily Limit Monthly Limit ,1,4 Dichlorophenol (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 1.821 0.634 2 Chlorophenol (lbs/day) Q 21 0 0 0 0 1.594 0.504 2 Nitrophenol (Ibs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 1.122 1.717 2,4 Dimethylphenol (Ibs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 0.588 0.293 2,6 Dinitrotoluene (lbs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 10.425 4.147 4 Nitrophenol (Ibs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 2.017 1.171 Acenapthene (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.358 Acenapthytene (Ibs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.358 Anthracene (lbs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.358 Chlorobenzene (Ibs/day) Q 21 0 0 0 0 0.455 0.244 Chloroethane (Ibs/day) Q 21 0 0 0 0 4.358 1.691 Chloroform (Ibs/day) 0 21 0 0 0 0 0.748 0.342 Dibutylphthalate (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.927 0.439 Diethylphthalate (Ibs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 3.301 1.317 Dimethylphthatate (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.764 0.309 2,4 Dinitrophenol (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 2.00 1.155 Ethylbenzene (Ibs/day) Q 21 0 _ 0 0 0 1.756 0.52 Fluoranthene (Ibs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 1.106 0.407 Fluorene (Ibs/day) 0 , 20 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.358 Hexachloroethane (Ibs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 0.878 0.342 Methyl Chloride (Ibs/day) 0 21 0 0 0 0 3.09 1.399 Methylene Chloride (ug/l) 0 21 2 0 0.57 6.27 1.81 NA NA Methylene Chloride (lbs/day) 0 21 2 0 0.01 0.09 0.02 1.447 0.651 Naphthalene (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.358 Phenanthrene (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.358 Phenol (Ibs/day) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0.423 0.244 Pyrene (lbs/day) Q 20 0 0 0 0 10.9 0.407 Trichloroethytene (Ibs/day) Q 21 0 0 0 0 0.878 0.342 Chromium (lb/d) NA 75 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA Chromium (mg/L) 2/month 75 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA Copper (lb/d) NA 75 74 0 1.058 1.926 0.358 NA NA Copper (mq/L) 2/month 75 74 0 0.084 0.160 0.029 NA NA Iron (lb/d) NA 76 76 0.762 2.962 8.322 1.393 NA NA Iron (mq/L) 2/month 76 76 0.063 0.234 0.570 0.106 NA NA Manganese (lb/d) NA 75 75 0.356 1.128 9.176 1.008 NA NA Manganese (mq/L) 2/month 75 75 0.027 0.089 0.666 0.074 NA NA Nickel (lb/d) NA 75 4 0 0.007 0.141 0.029 NA NA Nickel (mg/L) 2/month 75 4 0 0.001 , 0.011 0.002 NA NA Silver (lb/d) NA 75 0 0 0 0 NA NA Silver (mq/L) 2/month 75 0 0 0 0 NA NA Zinc (lb/d) NA 75 35 0 0.313 1.587 0.426 NA NA Zinc (mq/L) 2/month 75 35 0 0.025 0.120 0.034 NA NA Notes of the daily maximum permit limit Bold border indicates an exceedance Page 2 of 2 WWTP Stream Summary Upstream Downstream Parameter Sample Frequency Count Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation Temperature (°C) 3/week 260 0.10 24.00 15.9 6.2 0.50 24.80 16.6 6.2 Conductivity (umhos/cm) 3/week 260 8.0 318.00 86.6 17.9 40 170.00 98.3 15.6 D.O. (mg/L) 3/week a 260 5.10 15.0 8.7 1.9 5.1 13.70 8.4 1.7 a 3/week during June, July, August, and September, 1/week during the remaining months of the year. 50000 45000 40000 35000 sz 30000 0 a u) c o 25000 co cn 0 LT- 20000 15000 10000 5000 Figure B-1 Interior System Treated Groundwater Monthly Average Flows Average flow = 0.036 mgd for period of 10/95 through 8/97 0 • i 1 I 4 1 I 4 4 I 1 I 1 1 I 4 I I I i l 1 I t 1 } I 1 I 4 l I cn cn cn cn cn cA cn cn cn Li) cn cn CO cO co co co co co co co co co co r. r � r` ti ti n rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn a� rn CD rn 9 9 9 9 cgs rn 9 rn rn rn rn rn 9 9 9 9 cgs rn 9 03 �- 03 = - m w te • 0 m 03 m c0 = = II ' 0 m Gs cu `o. co m u_ 2 ¢ 2 —J < v) 0 Z o � u- M ¢ 2 • < to O z o u. 2 < g Gwflows.xls Chart1 4/8/98 700000 600000 500000 SZ a 400000 co C o W a) 0 300000 T. 200000 100000 Figure B-2 Perimeter System Treated Groundwater Monthly Average Flows Average flow = 0.58 mgd for period of 11/95 through 8/97 0 •, to to 10 to 10 10 in 1n ►0 to 10 c0 co co co co c0 c0 CD c0 CD CD c0 n t` f� 1'- n n n .. D) 9 t7) rn CI) lA rn rn6. 9 a) D) rn O) rn Q) rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn t7) lA tT O) t3) rn fA LL 2 < g -' < U) O z in � Ii .e Q g - < co 0 Z CI -`ui IL 2 < g � -) Q I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Gwflowsl .xls Chart1 4/8/98