HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-02988_Well Construction - GW1_20220302 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(QW-1) For internat Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: oc ��t I&WATER ZONES Well Contractor Name FROM M DISCRIPTIM! L4(-I RS — C —758' �U �' 6C Kinw M ft. ORIUMMOr NC Wall Contravmr CaeH�1!i ' F$OM TO r DIAMETER T1IIr$NEss MATERIAL CompanyNamo 16.lNNER CgBING OR T DING clesed-lamil 2.Wen Contra iou Permit#: mom I To DIAb== MUCKNESS I MATERIAL List all applicable well aonstrucdonpemdts(i.e.b7C,County.State,l4wimnce,e1m) ft. I R. I �• Q� OJ C, IWell Use(check well use): % R• ii• Water Supply Well. 17.SCRIMN FROM TO DUb1STRR SLOT TBRIAL Agricultural �Municipal/Public o ta. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) esidei»ial Water Supply(single) Industrial/Commet ciai OReddential Water Supply(shared) IR GRODT hsi Radon FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACFMKNTMSTHOD&AMouNT Non•Water Supply Well: IL h 0 N- Mon3toting & ff• kdecdon wen: AquifbrRcdmW OGrutindwatorRemediatiom utfi:t's 19 SArmt�Avra. � � AQ Stomp OSalliftBan'ier FROM To MATERIAL ER94ACHROMA MWD Aquifer Test OStonmwaterDrainage fL ft- fterimentLti Technology DSubsidence Control ft. & Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTracer 21 DRHMQLOG latlachadditionalsinsisif Geothermal ftathWCooling Return Other lain under#21 RemadsL) 1 FROMI TO DESCRIPTION color,hanULtsh s Wm* IL & 4.Date Wev(s)Con pietub Wen w# A 2 (e44 f- . go.Wen Location: R' ft. FaciliWOwnerName Facility M9(if applicable) R• ft. fL. ft.d'� p� Physiod Address.City.and Zip M ft. ' �ex�on 21.P Cc" Paicel IdentificationNa.(PII3j r"i fib.Lat tade and longitude in degreesin inuteslseconds or decimal degrees: (if well field,one latilong is sufficient) 22.Certification: 28.�(o go N - 1 .()Sly7yy w C--- 9-7_G _ _ 22— 6.Is(are)the we1Ks) Permanent or OTemporary Sigaatcae of a Vell Cantraotor Date By signing 41 1 hereby certify that the welts)mat(were)cnnsnr,cred in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well:Al.1jbMNdOnandapjgfO#XA==OJFft es or DNO with 1SANCAC 02C.0100 or ISANCAC 02C MW Well Conmcticn Standards mid drat a If this lsarepain fill out known well avrt m ropy ofWs record has been provided to the weft a+mer. repair under#21 remarkssectlon or on the bark ofdds form. 23.site dhqnmor edditib]ml well detail g.For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site detmb or well construction,only 1 GW--1 h needed. Indicato TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction deteML-You may also attach additional pages Nnecessary. drilled: �1Y11T'PAL LN3TRIIfTIANs 9.Tota1 wall depth below land surfaces CID MCI zaa.For An Wells: Submit"this form within 30 days of wmpletion of won Par nwtdple welts Ust andepths Iffi{fferent(Pxarnple-3Q200'andlQa 700) constructioutDthe foDowing: ' 10.Static water Level below top of casing: 7 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing unit, 11water level is above casing,use"+" 1617 Mall Service Center,Rale*b,NC 27699-1617 1 U.Borehole diameter:_-(h,.) 24b.For Inlection WeLiss In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a IL Well construction method: roy,,,e eve,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (Le arm�,.-bk di�etpask etc-) construaion to the foAowing Division of Water Remtiinees.Undeig,ound 7naecOm Contmi Pa+ogram, FOR WATER SIIPPLY WELLS OI!II,Yt 106Md OUTI C Center•RalOWNC 17fi49 US I 13a.Yield(gpm) Mefltod of teak PAMQ 24c.Fbr Water Sm>roiv&Iniection welly In addition to sending the form to 13b.Disafection type: _ Amowot: /�'L the addross(es) above also submit are copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the oowuy where constructed. Foffi GW-1 NciaicarmliaaDepamn®tafPnvdremr entdQmUty-Div donofWata<>ae: Rev sed2-22ao16