HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-4138WM UT to Cape Fear River - Year 2 Report ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2021   B-4138WM UT to Cape Fear River Harnett County TIP No. B-4138WM USACE Action ID: SAW-2003-00357 DWR Project #: 20091321 Prepared By: Environmental Analysis Unit & Roadside Environmental Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation December 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 1  1.0  INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 2  1.1  Project Description ..................................................................................... 2  1.2  Purpose ..................................................................................................... 2  1.3  Project History ........................................................................................... 2  1.4  Debit Ledger .............................................................................................. 2  2.0  STREAM ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................... 4  2.1  Success Criteria ......................................................................................... 4  2.2 Stream Description .................................................................................... 5  2.2.1 Post-Construction Conditions .............................................. 5  2.2.2  Monitoring Conditions ......................................................... 5  2.3  Results of the Stream Assessment ............................................................ 7  2.3.1  Site Data ............................................................................. 7 3.0  VEGETATION MONITORING .............................................................................. 8  3.1  Description of Species ............................................................................... 8  3.2 Results of Vegatation Monitoring ............................................................... 8 3.3 Conclusions ............................................................................................... 8  4.0  OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................... 9  5.0  REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 9  LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Vicinity Map .................................................................................................... 3 TABLES Table 1 – Abbreviated Morphological Summary .............................................................. 6 APPENDICES Appendix A – Cross Section Comparisons & Stream Gauge Data Appendix B – Site Photographs Appendix C – Cross Section & Photo Point Locations (As-Built Plans)   1  SUMMARY The following report summarizes the stream monitoring activities that have occurred during 2021 at the UT to Cape Fear River mitigation site in Harnett County. The site was originally constructed in 2013 by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). The site was designed as stream mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) number B-4138WM. Due to significant stream instability the stream was redesigned, and remediation was completed at the site during the fall of 2019. This report provides the monitoring results for the second formal year of monitoring (Year 2021). The Year 2021 monitoring period is the second of five scheduled years of monitoring (See Success Criteria Section 2.1). No hydrologic monitoring is required for this project; however, vegetation monitoring is required for five years. Based on the overall conclusions of monitoring, the site has met the required monitoring protocols for the second year of monitoring. Based on comparing the monitoring data to the as-built, the stream channel remains stable throughout at this time. The stream bank is vegetated for the second year of monitoring. There are a total of two vegetation monitoring plots established within the stream buffer area. The 2021 vegetation monitoring of the site revealed an average tree density of 581 trees per acre. This average is well above the minimum success criteria of 320 trees per acre for Year 1 of vegetation monitoring. NCDOT proposes to continue stream monitoring at the UT to Cape Fear River site in 2022.             2  1.0 INTRODUCTION   1.1 Project Description The following report summarizes the stream monitoring activities that have occurred during 2021 at UT to Cape Fear River mitigation site. The site is situated directly adjacent to the southbound lanes of NC 210/401 (see Figure 1). The site was constructed to provide mitigation for stream impacts associated with construction of TIP number B-4138. The site is composed of one reach of a UT to Cape Fear River. The mitigation project includes 606 linear feet of Priority II stream restoration. Construction was completed in fall of 2019 by NCDOT. Stream restoration involved the installation of rock cross vanes, rock sills, rock toe protection, constructed riffles, construction of a new stream channel, and construction of the floodplain through Priority II restoration to allow for overbank flooding. It also included the installation of coir fiber matting/roles along the stream banks. Live stakes were installed along the streambanks and bareroot seedlings within the buffer area in April 2021. 1.2 Purpose For a mitigation site to be considered successful, it must meet the success criteria. This report details the monitoring in 2021 at UT to Cape Fear River. Hydrologic monitoring was not required. 1.3 Project History June 2013 Initial Stream Construction Completed June 2014 Stream Channel Monitoring (Year 1) December 2019 Stream Remediation Completed February 2020 As-Built Survey Completed November 2020 Stream Channel Monitoring (Year 1 Restart) April 2021 Streambank Reforestation Completed August 2021 Vegetation Monitoring (Year 1) November 2021 Stream Channel Monitoring (Year 2) 1.4 Debit Ledger   The entire stream UT to Cape Fear River mitigation site was used for the B-4138WM project to compensate for unavoidable stream impacts.   3      Figure 1-Vicinity Map   4  2.0 STREAM ASSESSMENT 2.1 Success Criteria Mitigation Plan states: NCDOT shall monitor the restoration site by visual observation for channel and bank stability and by photo documentation for the survival and the density of the vegetation. NCDOT will monitor the site for a minimum of three years or until the site is deemed successful. NCDWQ Permit states: The permittee shall visually monitor the vegetative plantings to assess and ensure complete stabilization of the mitigation stream segments. Riparian area success shall be determined by conducting stem counts to ensure a tree survival rate of 320 stems/acre. The monitoring shall be conducted annually for a minimum of 3 years after final planting. Photo documentation shall be utilized to document the success of the riparian vegetation and submitted to NCDWQ in a final report within sixty (60) days after completing monitoring. After 3 years the NCDOT shall contact NCDWQ to schedule a site visit to “close out” the mitigation site. ACOE Permit states: In order to compensate for permanent impacts to 608 linear feet of stream, the permittee will perform on site mitigation consisting of approximately 608 linear feet of onsite stream restoration pursuant to the plan titled “UT to Cape Fear, Bridge No. 46 on US 401/NC 210, Stream Mitigation Plan, TIP B-4138” dated September 2009. Acceptance of this plan and mitigation proposal is predicted on compliance with the following conditions: a. The restored channel will be allowed to stabilize for one growing season prior to the introduction of stream flow. b. Monitoring shall continue for a minimum of five years unless the Corps determines in writing the monitoring may be discontinued. c. Within 60 days following completion of all channel construction and planting efforts, the permittee will submit an as-built of the final site to the Corps. d. Monitoring reports will be submitted to the Corps by January 31 of the year following each monitoring year.   5  2.2 Stream Description 2.2.1 Post-Construction Conditions The mitigation project includes 606 linear feet of Priority II stream restoration. Construction was completed in December 2019 by NCDOT. Stream restoration involved the installation of rock cross vanes, rock sills, rock toe protection, constructed riffles, construction of a new stream channel, and construction of the floodplain through Priority II restoration to allow for overbank flooding. It also included the installation of coir fiber matting/roles along the stream banks. Live stakes will be installed along the streambanks and bareroot seedlings within the buffer area during the dormant season between December 2020 and March 2021. 2.2.2 Monitoring Conditions The objective of the UT to Cape Fear River restoration was to build a E4 stream type as identified in the Rosgen’s Applied River Morphology. A total of four cross sections were surveyed. For this report, only the riffle cross sections were used in the comparison of channel morphology in Table 1.  6  Table 1. Abbreviated Morphological Summary B-4138WM - Cross Sections #1 and #3 Variable Proposed As-Built Monitoring Year 1 – 2020 Monitoring Year 2 – 2021 Monitoring Year 3 – 2022 Monitoring Year 4 – 2023 Monitoring Year 5 – 2024 Cross Section #1 (Riffle) Cross Section #3 (Riffle) Cross Section #1 (Riffle) Cross Section #3 (Riffle) Cross Section #1 (Riffle) Cross Section #3 (Riffle) Cross Section #1 (Riffle) Cross Section #3 (Riffle) Cross Section #1 (Riffle) Cross Section #3 (Riffle) Cross Section #1 (Riffle) Cross Section #3 (Riffle) Drainage Area (mi2) 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 Bankfull Width (ft) 10.5 10.00 8.5 8.00 8.2 7.23 9.28 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.7 0.54 0.61 0.55 0.61 0.45 0.76 Width/Depth Ratio 15.2 18.52 13.93 14.55 13.44 16.07 12.21 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) 7.5 5.42 5.23 4.39 5.00 3.24 7.07 Maximum Bankfull Depth (ft) 1.3 1.04 1.01 0.96 1.06 .90 1.27 Floodprone Area (ft) 36.0 34.89 39.84 34.79 40.88 33.11 45.0 Entrenchment Ratio 3.4 3.49 4.69 4.35 4.98 4.58 4.85 *Drainage Area, Floodprone Width, and Slope are averaged values only. *Riffle values are used for classification purposes.   7  2.3 Results of the Stream Assessment 2.3.1 Site Data The assessment included the survey of 4 cross sections and the longitudinal profile of UT to Cape Fear River established by the NCDOT after construction. Four cross sections were established during the 2020 as-built survey/monitoring. Cross section locations were subsequently based on the stationing of the longitudinal profile and are presented below. The locations of the cross sections and longitudinal profiles are shown in Appendix A.  Cross Section #1: UT to Cape Fear River, Station 10+89 linear feet, midpoint of riffle  Cross Section #2: UT to Cape Fear River, Station 11+85 linear feet, midpoint of pool  Cross Section #3: UT to Cape Fear River, Station 13+85 linear feet, midpoint of riffle  Cross Section #4: UT to Cape Fear River, Station 15+09 linear feet, midpoint of pool Based on visual assessment and comparisons of the as-built to the MY2 monitoring data, the channel and all four cross sections appear stable with little or no active bank erosion. Graphs of the cross sections are presented in Appendix A. A survey of the longitudinal profile was not required. However, the entire restored length of stream was investigated for channel stability and in-stream structure functionality. Photo points 1 through 4 presented in Appendix B show continued growth and vigor of herbaceous and woody vegetation. Based on field observations (sand deposits and wrack lines) a recent bankfull event had occurred at the site. Pebble counts were not required per the permit conditions and therefore were not completed. All other monitoring activities will continue to be completed by NCDOT throughout the five-year monitoring period. An on-site stream gauge was installed at the site in May 2020. Numerous bankfull events were documented by the on-site stream gauge at UT to Cape Fear River during the 2021 monitoring year. A graph of the stream gauge data is presented in Appendix A.   8  3.0 VEGETATION: UT to CAPE FEAR RIVER 3.1 Description of Species The following tree species were planted on the stream bank: Salix nigra, Black Willow Cephalanthus occidentalis, Buttonbush The following tree species were planted in the buffer area: Taxodium distichum, Baldcypress Betula nigra, River Birch Platanus occidentalis, Sycamore Quercus nigra, Water Oak 3.2 Results of Vegetation Monitoring Site Notes: Other species noted included stinkweed, lespedeza, Scirpus sp., baccharis, tear-thumb and various grasses. 3.3 Conclusions There are a total of two vegetation monitoring plots established throughout the buffer area. The 2021 vegetation monitoring of the site revealed an average tree density of 581 trees per acre. This average is well above the minimum success criteria of 320 trees per acre for Year 1. Plot #BaldcypressRiver BirchSycamoreWater OakTotal (Year 1)Total (at planting)Density (Trees/Acre)1 10 10 10 7 37 45 559 2 13 13 7 6 39 44 603 581 Year 1 Average Density (Trees/Acre)   9  4.0 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The UT to Cape Fear River has met the required monitoring protocols for the second formal year of monitoring. Based on comparing the monitoring data to the as-built, the stream channel remains stable throughout at this time. The 2021 vegetation monitoring of the site revealed an average tree density of 581 trees per acre. This average is well above the minimum success criteria of 320 trees per acre for Year 1. NCDOT proposes to continue stream and vegetation monitoring at UT to Cape Fear River mitigation site in 2022.  5.0 REFERENCES B-4138WM On-Site Stream Mitigation Plan; Harnett County, NC, Project No. 33490.1.1, September 2009 As-Built Report/Record Drawings for UT to Cape Fear River, Harnett County, NC, June 29,2020. Rosgen, D.L, 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Prepared with cooperation from the US Environmental Protection Agency, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and the NC Division of Water Quality. APPENDIX A CROSS SECTION COMPARISONS & STREAM GAUGE DATA Cross‐Section #1 (Riffle) Abbreviated Morphological Summary  As‐built 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  Bankfull Width (ft) 10.00 8.00 7.23       Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.54 0.55 0.45       Width/Depth Ratio 18.52 14.55 16.07       Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) 5.42 4.39 3.24       Maximum Bankfull Depth (ft) 1.04 0.96 .90       Width of the Floodprone Area (ft) 34.89 34.79 33.11       Entrenchment Ratio 3.49 4.35 4.58       Cross‐Section #2 (Pool) Abbreviated Morphological Summary  As‐built 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  Bankfull Width (ft) 14.2 13.6 10.53       Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.86 1.85 1.78       Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) 26.363 25.21 18.69       Maximum Bankfull Depth (ft) 3.37 3.18 2.72       *According to the Rosgen Classification of Natural Rivers Floodprone width, entrenchment ratio, and width  depth ratio are not measured in pool, glide, or run features  Cross‐Section #3 (Riffle) Abbreviated Morphological Summary  As‐built 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  Bankfull Width (ft) 8.5 8.2 9.28       Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.61 0.61 0.76       Width/Depth Ratio 13.93 13.44 12.21       Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) 5.23 5.00 7.07       Maximum Bankfull Depth (ft) 1.01 1.06 1.27       Width of the Floodprone Area (ft) 39.84 40.88 45       Entrenchment Ratio 4.69 4.98 4.85       Cross‐Section #4 (Pool) Abbreviated Morphological Summary  As‐built 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  Bankfull Width (ft) 14.67 14.63 14.52       Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.96 1.95 1.99       Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) 28.74 28.48 28.86       Maximum Bankfull Depth (ft) 3.17 3.07 3.07       *According to the Rosgen Classification of Natural Rivers Floodprone width, entrenchment ratio, and width depth  ratio are not measured in pool, glide, or run features  APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS UT to Cape Fear River Photo Point #1 (Upstream) Photo Point #1 (Downstream) Photo Point #2 (Upstream) Photo Point #2 (Downstream) Photo Point #3 (Upstream) Photo Point #3 (Downstream) UT to Cape Fear River Photo Point #4 (Upstream) Photo Point #4 (Downstream) November 2021 UT to Cape Fear River Photo Point #1 (Upstream) Photo Point #1 (Downstream) Photo Point #2 (Upstream) Photo Point #2 (Downstream) Photo Point #3 (Upstream) Photo Point #3 (Downstream August 2021 UT to Cape Fear River Photo Point #4 (Upstream) Photo Point #4 (Downstream) Overview Looking Upstream from Cape Fear River August 2021 UT to Cape Fear River Aerial Drone View Looking Downstream November 2021 APPENDIX C CROSS SECTION, VEGETATION PLOT & PHOTO POINT LOCATIONS (AS-BUILT PLANS)