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GW1-2022-02962_Well Construction - GW1_20220302
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-D For Internal Use 00.: 1 'ell Contract r nformation: mC 6�.J1 WAS' K WATER ZONEs Well CommetorName MO.jt TO DFSCRiMON, 23�0.--� �. . NC Well Contractor Certification Number 15.OL TER CASING iftr multi-cosedweIIs OR L- 'M iffaftfienblel FROM TO DiADVIETER- THICKNESS MATERIAL, t3. ft. fa. Company Name ,,�` /7 IrLIN?YER CASING'OR T[IBING.' thermal claied4obtil 2.Well Construction Pernut V y 9: R 0 ` 0 U 319 FRoal TO I DIAMETER TH►CtaTM A AIATERiAL List all applicable rill owsintairm reruihx(i.e.VIC.rutm(r.Stare.t ariaikv.etc./ i, 2 fL 3(0 ft 1+5 J PVC, 3.Well We(check well use): Sl fL 6' ft. SG%k 1PUc— lYater Supply�Yell: 17.FROM TO DUMETER .SLOTSIZE THICKA'ESS atATE— AL _�Agriculttual Munici blic - _ _ � p 36t1. its � m. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DResidentiai Water Supply(single) R ft. in.J IndustriaUCommercial [Residential lbaterSupph(shared) ' i&,GROtIT. A lrJ'i i011 - - - --. FROM - 'TO - AtA - E1I/PLACE1t£NT?fEfIIODdAi1JOU\'T Non-Water Supple Well: 0 tt. ` ft. Monitoring ",Recovery IL ft. Injectionwell: fl. % Aquifer Recharge QGrounduater Remediation ]%:SANDIGRAVEL PACK fifimblitiblil, Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier FROAI To f MATERiAL T imtPLAcE%uzJ%T.%wmn Aquifer Test 0stormwater Drainage 3 k a• .5 2 Experimental Technology OStibsidence Control ,Geothermal(Closed Loop) DTracer 2MOL DRIULIAG'LOG tortach additiongabeetsffaeee�a Geothermai(Hearin Cooling Realm) Other(explain under#21 Remarks) Faont To DEscRaPrrOx eoior.haraaeu.softmk la sherasa fL ft. 4.date Well(s)Completed:, `E 2 Well IN Row%J ft. It. SSR..W 1 Location: R. ti. yam, r Facility/Owner Name Facility i .-(if applicable) O' fL 1 S3© NG ffou rcL, N C, ft. ft. - Pi •sical Address.Chy.and Zill 7D1. ft 2LREMARIO iYd County Parcei ideWiication No.(PIN) Sb.Latitude and longitude;tn degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if wall flellLone Wong is sutficiem) 22.Certification: W _ 2. 2e3 22.._ 6.)s(sre)thewell(s)�ermanent or DTemporan S;gitature certifiealYellConAmctor Dote 1)•sip tg this farm.I/trrehr c¢nrfj'tha the uvff(.ir)rim orerv, c mctntrred in accardwive 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: �]'es or �lQo tsilh%S t.A�'�I('03(".D10o r r 13A KCAL D2('.0 2 6 0 11141 Conmrwimi Srmtduntr mrJ that a lfdift is a nparr fill an ktinim irell cmrst udimi lnfanirairon said evddin.the mitre ajthe cap'afdirs riecbttl bud heat praridecl to hell miner; mlmirmt&r 21remarknrmilanaradw had-afthisfonn. 23,Site diagram oradditional,iclldetails: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal wells having the same You may use the brick of this page to provide additional tc•eil:site details or well constriction.only i GW-1 is heeded. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of weils construction details. You may also inach additional pages.if'necessary. drilled: SUBMI[TAL INSTR11CT10ftS 9.Total well depth below land surface: ... (ni 24a. For All Wellae Submit this;form within 30 days of completion of well F ar malii/de u br lief all depihr ffdf•jJertimt("mm#e-3(u12W'and 2@100n construction to the following: 10.Static waterAA level below top of casing: %—` A) Division'of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit. Ituwer fare/1s above aarin&me••-'• 161 17 A1611 Sert tce Center,Raleigh,NC:276"-I617 11.Borehole diameter: in.) 246.jor:Infection Welts: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.weli eoastrucdon method: lox above,also submit one copy of this form%ithin 30 clays of completion of%veil AQ (Le,auger,rdtan,cattle,direct push,etc.) construction to the following: Division ofWater Resources,l nderground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY%'TELLS ONLY- 1636 AIWI Service Center,RaWWk NC 276094636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.FerVater Suppl &Iniection Well -1n addition to-sending the form to the addresses),above; also submit one copy.of this fort within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount completion of well construction to'ft county health department of the coul+Jty where constricted. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Entimnmental Nis7fir.TYMcinn of Ulm—Reanmwa '?_»_antc