HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-02953_Well Construction - GW1_20220301 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For I tercriml Usc ONLY: This form cin be used for single or multiplc sails I.Weil,Contractor Information: 1L%%`ATERZON19� Robert Miller FROM TO I OF3CRIPTION %VC11 Cortmao?Kmew 2675 NC NAlell Continclor Certification Nimber R CASING rorinuftI.6Wwkns) RLIN�ER(lfav kable)- FRONT TO VIANIXUR TIIICKiNFSS MATTRIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 12 ft. 2-1 SCH-40 PVC .INNER TUBING iii0ib"aliclowdolopi) FRONT TO TO D AIFTIER THICKNESS MATERIAL. C1 it*. (I 2.1sVellCo'nstivetion? in ft. • Lill till applir-ahle WHIPF""its(ix. Varianneq flerlicrt eir) 3.Well thst(chock well usc): '15-3-FRES ! 777 Water Supply Well: FROM I TO I DIA'-%tFTr.k I J%A)TSI KN't1,0- I MATF•RiAI. 12 ft. 27 ff. 1 211 '1 .010 ISCH-40 PVC OAgficultural 0Municipallhiblic 043cotbernill("CifingeCoo ling Supply) 011esidential Witer Supph-(single) .. ... 01ndustriallComincrcial 01tesidential NVI(cr Supph,(sliamd) 8 GR OUTL FROM TO MATERIAL. I VAIP1 ACrM92'T trMOD t AMOUNT 13irriplitin 0 ft. 8 ft. Port land/Be12A=A te Non-Water Supply Well: 6%lonitoring 011ccovcry Injection Well: [3Aqiii1`cr'Rosh orgy Odnaimdwnicr Rctucknion 19.SANDIGRAVELPACI L lt) FRONT To I IAM.I Ni)7"011 0Aquil'cr Sloragc and Ftcco%riy DSilinity Hirricr 10 ft. 27 ff. Silica! Sand 20/30 bAqiJifcr Test O.Stornim-nicr DriinaW It. (I. 0E\PcdmcntaI Technology oSubsidezricc Control ",20:11tit.11.16ING LOG(attach oCkoiltennal(Closed Loop) oTratcer FROM To OPSCRIPTION(volor.11111,41161,101111'"Wk lvoe. in"br."t.) DGmtheitnal(14taiiiqlCooliq Return) 00ther etexplain under A21 Retnar6i) 0 ft. 27 ft. Yellow fine silty sand 4.Date Well(s)Completed-. 1-28-2022 Well IT)#TWP-4 i tF- 52.WC41 1,11CAthin: ri. tt. MAR 0 12029 Food Mart #10 IT. Fad1iiyA)evncr Nanic Faci1hy IDN 6rapplicab1c) D.Mv.NFM 1150 Virgilina Rd. Roxboro, NC, 27573 Physical Addmss,City.and Zip Person Two feet bentonite seal,froza Seto 101 Novel Widirswtioti No.(PIN.) r Site.Latitude and Longitude in degivc0minuteslAcconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: N W 1/2 9/2022 6.16,(W)the well(s): Pcnnancnt or oTemporary eigainy this fimm I heeh-s.jerttfy thin ihe ve-efle`.v)%vs ivirr)eviiii-tiveied hi rrivor&mee ivith 15A NCAC 02C.0100 ar/Sit NOW 02C.020.0 urell(7twisirvit-1011 Srolls4efrfft rum 1hal 0 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: OVcs- or ENo if ibis is a relkile,fill tau famm well coa-vinwilat)frrjanrxtrlon awl r.kplohi the toomfe of the 23.Site diagram or additional well detaN: You inay use live,back of This page to pfovideadditional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 constiliction:details. You may also I Attach addilioml pages if ftvessary. For mishiple hVe.rion or im4l.warer sitWy ivells ONI.Vii*h the-some conontertime yotg corm xwvllir One form. SURM11EAL INSTUC13ONS 9.Total well depth below land surface.- 27 24a. For All Wells! Subtuil This lbrot within 30 days of completion of well For)"aftiple scells list ereO(leiveles if dlft'erov(e.vmijp(eJrd12tV'an.1 249,MY) construction to the fblloning: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 00 Division of Water Resourem Information Proceming Unit, if motet level if ahreve ajsNp lost 1617 MR,,SCSV,ee Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8.2 5" (in.) 24b.Fur luinjJitil MIL,;ONLV: In addition to sending the farni to the address in 24aahove. also submit a copy of;'Ihis four within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: 4.2 5 HSA construction to the following. (i.e.me,_cr rotary.cable:direct push ctc.) L',Oh Division of Water Resources;Underground injection Control ProgrAnt. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 276994636 13a.'Vidd(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this (bi'm within 10 days ofcompletion or I3b-Di*inicetianh_p _'— Amount: well consmiction to the county h6lth dcpqtimait of the contity whcTc e: constructed. Po on GAAl_I North Cato fina DWn ribmi of E avirotunc ta and Nat siral Rcsourccs-Iliv is 1011 of%Valer R mut-m- Revised August 2o 1.1