HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-02951_Well Construction - GW1_20220301 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can tr owd for sindk or m hilik wAs 1.Well Contractor Information: I-L WAMt ZONES Robert Miller FROM TO DFSCRIMON, 1Ve11 Cpa(I dot tarlx rt. q. i 2675 NC Well ComraclorCenificalion Number 15;Ol1TER CASING(for iiulti cased ns OR LINER H i Ikahk FROM TO 1H.ADtETF,R• THICKNESS NIATERIAL SAEDACCO inc 0 ft. 12 ft. 1 2" in. I SCH-40 PVC !'aiitp:otl"N tore 16;aNNER CASING OR T UBING: eulber►nat tlmedaonli} FROM I TO I DIA1IM11 I THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.WdI CA)nstractirin Permit#: it. rt. hL List all rtpplirahir roll pennits(i.e.Caton}':State.t'ariam e.lty"M eta-.) ft. fl. in. 3.Well lisc(check well asc): 17L:SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM I To I DIA+fETrit I SLOTSIrs I Tntf'KWNS I MATFRIAL OAgricultural Omunicipal;Tlublic 12 It. 27 It. 2" in, .010 SCH-40 PVC Meothemlal(Heatin,B.tCooling Supply) OResidential\Niter Supph•(single) (I. ft. in 131ndustrial/Conmrcrciii 011esidcntial Water Supph•(strand) MXROU . ' FROM. 170 >IATFRLAL I EAtP1ACCMENT MFIMOD R AMOUNT Olrri ation 0 ft. 8 ft. Portland/Be to Non-Water Supply Well: 6?Aonitnring ORecovery Injection Well: a. ft. DAguifer,Recharge DCroundnatcr 11cowdiation 19.SANDIGRAVEL PAC""it ►ticriAle FROM TO NATFRI.AI, FMPIAff NFNT M!tHOU OAgtiferStoiagc and RccogcQ' DSalinin SaRicr 10 (1. 27 ft. Silica and 20/30 ❑AgniferTcst OStomm;rtcr Dminagc ft. rL 0EV- crimcntil Technology OSuhsidancc Control 20.`DRiI.LIt\G I.OG(attach`additional shedslititres►an•1"' OCrootllemral(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO MCRIPtIONkobr.hardtivis, Alnieklr dtivuHt.l OGeothemlal(HeitinttlCooling Mum) Othlter tel( lain under#21 Remarks) 0 ft. 27 to. Yellow 'fine silty sand ff. ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1-28-2022 Weil ID#TWP-2 h. fL l y 52.Well t ocathm: h, ft. AR Food Mart #10 ft. to. Fac7ity,fiD%v.rMrile, Facilii)lDk(jr applicable) ff. ft. I.► :tee ►Qi;� 1150 Virgilina Rd. Roxboro, NC, 27573 p, ft, •? Ph)sical Address.City.and Zip 2f REMAti1CS Person Two feet bentonite seal from 81to 10' Cppuly Mrcel 1t1-.roi6c nittn N0.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and[A)n9itude in degmcs/minutes/seennds or decimal degrecs: 22.Certification: (if well field,Orrc lat•`lot>g is sidtiti`rr) W 1\ 1/29/2022 Date 6.Ls(arc)the well(s): MPennanent or oTem11orary M"aiming thisfi+rm,I herrhr errtife that the antis)mvj;(mrrr)icvieuueted in cwcvrdantr with 1 SA,VCAC 03C.010)ar i§rl A'CAC 02C,02pp Nell Cnnstrrarirm srolkWi a and Hurter 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: oVoi or MNo COPY Ofthk anOn'!hie been unsettled 101hr•.041mtnrr, if this is a teimir,fill evil kar;um hell ers+tst»aaioa htfornwrion and c.cplain fir mature of the wteair i mler421 remarks.eee•tion ar nn the hoick of dais form. - 23.Site diagrom'or additional will details: You may nse live,back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details: Vou`Inav also attach additioitil pabvs if itecessary. For rnidtiple in(ecdon to nrxrarrttrr tupph a+ells ON/A salth the some emrsrrurrion,>na e«n txehnrite�nrj.,rm. SUB11i1TFAL.Ih'ST tiTION� 9.Total well depth'below land slttlaec: 27 (fl) 24a. For all Wells: Subuil this.fond within 311 days of Coinpletion of well For mtdriple, :etlr list at/drpdrf jj difti rew(ermmplr• @200'mtd 2P Iffl) constmction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of easing: (n,) division of Water Re§ources,Information Prt ciessing Unit, if muee level is alove caa(ag,we^+^ 1617 Mail So-vice t:ester;Ralcirh.NC 27690-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8.25 m (in,) 24b.For iDlection Wc11s'ONIA% bl addition to sending dtc font to il►e addrm`in 24a above, also submit a copy of this font within 30 days of completion of%%Vll 12.Nell construction method: 4.25^ HSA construction to the following: (i.e.auger.rotary.rable,direct push cic.) Division of Water Resoumcs.'Undergmund Injection Control Priogranl, FOR WATER SU'PPLV WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 21699-1636 13a Yield(Pure) lctluod of test �-For Water Supph.&'iniccthin Wells: Also'submit on; cop) of.this form witifin 3(l daysofcompletionof I3b.UisiafiY7ii)n type: _._ Amount: well constroction to the county health department of the connty where zonslntctcil. Po nil GW-I Minh Catofina Departruem of Emimiuncut and Natural Resources Division of Nate!ReSoutes Rcviscd August 2013