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HomeMy WebLinkAbout5929 Ponderosa RoadNC®ENR North �CarolinaDepartmentof Environment and Natural Resources, Pat McCrory john,,E. Skvarla, III Governor Secretary _April t6, 2014 Robert,and� Harriet Poo_ 1'e 5929 Ponderosa Road. _Raleigh, NC 27612 Subject: Surface Water Determination`Letter NBRRO# 14-109 Wake County, 'Determination Type,, 'Buffer °Call' Isolated or EIP Call ®, Neuse (15A NCAC 2B .0233), Start@ 0`Ta_r- Pamlico (15A NCAC 2l3 :0259) El Ephemeral / Intermittent /Perennial, Determination �USGS 0' I,solatednWetland Determination ❑Jordan (15A NCAC 2Bt 0267) °t_o Buffers ProjectNames 5929 Ponderosa Location/Directioris: Subject,propertyis a•priVate «single family residence; Subject,Siream: UTIo Hare-'SnipeaCreek Determination` Date:, 4/1:6/2014 Staff:, Sara.Knies Streams E'/I%P *` Not Subject Subject to i Start@ Stop@ Soil �USGS °t_o Buffers Buffers, 1 Survey' To o A E X I X *E/UP = Ephemeral /Intermitteni/Perennial Explanation: `The feature(s),listed.above`has,or lia °ve been,located on the Soil Survey, of Wake,, County, North Carolina,or the most recent copy °of the USGS,Topographic,map,ata.1 24,000 scale. Each featurelthat isxchecked "Not Subject —has been,detehninednotto be�a stream or is,not present on the property. Features,thatare checked `,Subject ".have been located on'the,property'and possess characteristics that qualify,it:to be a stream, 'There may be other streams located on your property that do no'tahow u ronthe maps referenced above but, still maybe considered jurisdictional',accordirig to the US Army Corps�of'Engineers and/,or'to.the Division :of WaterResources (DWR) This�on -site determination shall expire five,(5) years'fiom ttie,date of this letter: Landowners oraffeeted,parties that dispute a determination made by'the DWR or Delegated LoeAl Authority,may request a determination by the Director-An, appeal, request mustbe made within sixty (60)- ,,days of date, of'this,letter or from the date, the: affected, party ^(including, downstream and /or adjacent owners) is notified,of this letter. A request;for a determination by the Director -shall bexeferred "to the Director in writing'c /,o Karen Higgins;,DWR WeBSCaPe'Unit; 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,,NC' 27699. � One' NoMhCarolina - �aturallr� North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1628 Mad SerJice Center. Raleigh, NC,27699- 1628,Phone (919) 791 4200 ;Internet` www ncwaterguahtV orq 'Location '3800 barrettbriv'e Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919)'788 -7159 An Equal Opportunely /Affirmabve,Action Employer - 50 %,13ecycledhl0 6/6,Post Consumer Paper 5929 Ponderosa'Road Wake County 416/2014 ` Page,2 of,2 This determination is final and binding unless,,as detailed above, you ask for a hearing,or appeal within sixty (60) days. The owner %future owners should notify the Division -of Water Resources,(including any other Local „State, and F,ederal,Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding thessubject property (stated above). This project may require A,Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity: Any - inquiries should;be. directed 4o the Division of Water Resources (Central Office)�at (919) -807 -6300, and the,US ,,Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919) -554 -4884. If you have questions regarding this determination, pleas_ e; feel free fo,coritact Sara.Knies at, (9,,-19), _7,91- ,4258. Sincerely, Danny ;Smith Supervisor,'Wa(er Quality Regional Operations Center, M. RRO DWR File'Copy Carl Simmons, 743 W. Johnson Street, Suite C, Raleigh,,NC 27603 L 5929 Ponderosa Road, Raleigh PIN 0796297715 000 Real Estate ID: 0002965 Map Name: 0796 06 Owner POOLE, ROBERT FRANKLIN POOLE, HARRIET M Mailing Address 1: 5929 PONDEROSA RD Mailing Address 2: RALEIGH NC 27612 -2235 Deed Book: 002948 Deed Page: 00549 Deed Date. 08/01/1981 Deeded Acreage: 1.83 Assessed Building Value. $174,784 Assessed Land Value: $219,600 Total Assessed Value: $394,384 Billing Class: Individual Property Description: EDWARDS LID Heated Area. 2865 Site Address: 5929 PONDEROSA RD Township: House Creek Year Built: 1968 Total Sale Price: $159,000 Sale Date: 08/01/1981 Type and Use: SINGLFAM Design Style: Ranch Land Class: RES 10AC Old Parcel Number 377 -00000 -0197 N A 0 50 100 200 Feet l f t i l t i i l 1 inch = 100 feet Waps makes every efforf to produce and publish the most and accurate mf —fron poavb/e Noeev -,, the maps are produced formrormehon purposes. end ere NOT -ways No warrant »s, - pressed ar -phed ,ere provided for the data Ne-h. Rs use.or ds m(erpmfebon eat ff� a sfa . fu S c c s s c S S w I D U` 0 N O CT7 C) o u A O 0 rn CD co N O 71 CD N N C 7 ? ma am��N o i• � 7 � 0 v O b C a � ma d ry 3 O O C O um��d a m o "� m o a o ? c m 30 0 d N o a 3 «. Chatford Or a o° Dodsworth Or V r R t Q t V. 3 � 0 a � m Saint Agnes Wa •- y �i 00 v °• Claribe1 Ct eo _ t,. n � _ 2 u � a D ! 5 O t� a � 0 ai 3 �o i. S •+: Q F Eddysto M � neR a w R �h 1 1 t °• ` Jeffreys Grove School Rd L L m A m T 7 � ;D < 4� 4eedmoor Rd o� Geedmoor Rd p Qd 4 K F Silkwood Way Plana Pl Saint Agnes Wa •- y �i 00 v °• Claribe1 Ct eo _ t,. n � _ 2 u � a D ! 5 O t� a � 0 ai 3 �o i. S •+: Q F Eddysto M � neR a w R �h 1 1 t °• ` Jeffreys Grove School Rd L L m A m T 7 � ;D < 4� 4eedmoor Rd o� Geedmoor Rd J i i e I i 1110 r+t t,.yti f• , , 1 1 , U17 ., •. Wle ' Z. -. 4 T'7 '. S� �,7Vii i`c 9 •z . RC3�C fJ ° r i - a• • r. +• w ji' • • r •, _ •• -}'�. 7 - ',-�,�i" .SCI CID V) C31 ,. i • .T�f!°r�yl�c (;r�are � - . • a` � � _ � — j 47, opp 4- �: • • -; ,• ' • vie • N ilk OF _ a O l(1 • !`� a P tp LO • . i R • r. /' • �r' , �. _ ,.. , f• y �, Fork Sell rw 078° 41'I0. 0" W 078° 40' 30.00" W Name: RALEIGH WEST )66 Location: 035° 51'48.9" N 078' 40'521" W Date: 4/11/2014 ption: Ponderosa Road Area Scale: 1 inch equals 1000 feet vVile