HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01951_Well Construction - GW1_20220303 Print Form NNTLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Ins tar Use Only: 1.WeII CnatractorIaformatioa: 1&waTERzoNFs _ :- FROM To DESCRIMON 71eE G ^» ft, M \CW 1sCe� e rC_^tie on\•+tom is OITIERCASIIYG'ferin casedwens)ORF.7NER d hewe c- DIMIET - c FROM TO ER Tffir' r_ MTATEKIAL r .T ;a. � � — - L .aa `.� 16.INNlER CA51NG0$Tf1SING eothermal Wed3 ) +° FROM TO DSAIMMI TffiCtCIiFSS MATERFAL 2.TYer?Cantu-M iOn Permit.`4 R in, 1.LK all applicable m-11 corsa+scrio.^.p�raits{ie.UIC',Cmmty Stag P'Ma+rp a r-) ft. �. m. 3.Well Use(chwk-well use): 17.SCREEN. Water Supply Well: FROM TO DlAMSTER SLOFSIZE T>� MSATERInL Agticultr i Mnnicipal(Public ft: % in. Geothermal(HeatinJCooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft: ft. in IndusmalCommercial Residential Water Supply{shared} 1&.GROUT _ 11Ii?at10a FRONT TO - bIA. EN ICElTEP1TMErHOD&�'KOinvT Non-Water Supply Well., ® ft. �t Ci Nlonitorins ORecovcty ft £t. Injection Nell: R ft. Aquifer F,-b r9e Groundwater Remediation D.SA"IGRAVEL PACK - 1e QiAquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinityBarrier FRONT To MATERIAL £y CEMErrraTsiaon Araif�-Test OStonnwaterDrainage It. ft' Experimental Technology 13SubsideaceControl ft. : Geotee gel(C[osedInap) OTrdcer 20.D12ILI1NGLOG attath'addItEoaalshectsifu " FROM I TO DfiSCR1PriOtS(colo,hssdness.soehotl• 4- SIMOM) lGw---e=-1 aleating/Cooling Retum.) Other(explain—der#21 Remadrs) ft + ft Cl > 4.Date Well(s)CompletedA well IDR 0 W)D:71[7� ( M C r 52.Well Locgdon: •a ft. `�" � � J �•` y £t � Tt. fL ra_itiy;t] '�time Facilityg)#(ifapplicable) % fk , & ft. Paysir_" Ch,;and Zip &3 q9-U,53 zl.REn REMARKS 5i Pa=1IdentifreationNo.(PIN) So.Latitude and longitude in degreesiminutestseconds or decimal degrees: .. -C1C.^.y�i='--g is 5.tmcient) 22.Certrflcatiom N W .2 M c Is(are)thewe0{s} Permanent or Temporary Si rate ofCerii&ed Well Contractor Date B!'sigrsing this form,I tn3eliy certify rhnt the tive(1(s)Sias(rcere)constructed in accordance T, rr is<<o_to ar cfi ne well MYes or No th 134 VXAC 02C.0100 or 15AKCr1C 02C.O200 23re11 Construction Standards and th¢t¢ 1f1 i it:r u s�=�.s- +> c.atr: rian irrfarmation erptvin tTie n¢t¢re of the spy ofth&reeard t:as been oravided to the well arvner. ren XL,r er=,;==; aoraa Zre back afthisform. 23.Site diagramoradrlitionatwelldetails: 8.Far Genprabal3 orCtased-Lropenthermal iTJells having the sa7ae You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,anh 1 GAF 1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL 3�r[AtdBER of wells constriction details.You may also attach additional pages ifnetssary drilled: SUBMIITALINSTRUMONS 9-Total wen depth below land surfacer A) 24a. For AlI Wells: Submit this fame within 30 days of completion of weL For m,ddpte ue11s Cast dl nets t=ll3��L'i00'and?a()100) construction to the following' 10.Static water level below toll of casing: "Y� + (ft} Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Lint, if ureter Iem,is ab-a•e C=,,rg Use`=" 1617 I-Vbi1 Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27649 1fi17 n.Borehole diameter. Cam) 24b,For Iniection Wells In addition to sending the foal to the address in 24a j above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: `� r construction to the following: auger,romry,o_ble,dsreat o+_h a-'1 ' Division of Water Resources,UDdergrouad Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLYWELLS MMY 1636 Malt Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991663 I3a.Yield{gpm} Vfethod of test; 24e For 4irater Sa>sDly&Inflection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type 1 e 3nmamat` completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed_ Onality-Division o£Water Resources Revised 2-22 2016