HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02795_Well Construction - GW1_20211103 CONS17tU O RE -1 For Internal Use 4Tb L- 1.well Contractor Information: �`• ' w A� '.lb WATER ZONE$.... _ Well Coaaawor Name r 1 I ..a J '—' FROM TD ON NC wen Cem 640r Cadfieati=Namber prooe, R R f I�iotr'p�NR$e`i'0n ]S OUTERCAS�rG mil-e,;aa:rem oaln�R k .l)lflfl'31AnN. FROM ?O D 7ffiCffiYLS9 17it16L C*ZwazwNone 2 C A R is 3..5 5 iiG cAstrrd;OR �.:.,•., 2.Well Construction Permit S:_ F1tOM TO DTeM:rralt iTD)CT� ✓ Lin aAappHmble waAaerorrrclan pera�rs/ic ZAC Cm*.Srera.Ymim.c�ae) �, R R / hL t C .YL. , s.Well Use(cheek wen use): R, f Water Supply wea '.. ;r�Y,..ram, •tw'ab', ., ,t..y�,r M. O`°'Vicultural ❑Mueicipal/Public MR TO D SLOTSrLE rtsTneul. oe>eoffiermal(Hespwwcooung Supply) —tMidential Water Supply(single) °lndustrialleommeroiat tL Rchrigatiopesidential water Supply(shared) Noe-Water 100000 QPD Ow r snp�q wen: O R : fi t]Monitarrng ❑Recovery fL QAt' Injection Welh - OAquiferRachap ❑QroundwaterRem&Uation R orage !Gt£tAVSLYA��St �Reco�Y ❑SaliaityBarrier •i19 SA1VD d'•" r^�I;�•�;� �, w,, . :.,,,,,,v ❑Aquifer Test TO ❑Soormwater Drainage FROM $ S McTEarAt, ,t >a►mtecat�rr ❑ Technology ❑Subsidence Control M tL OQeot>xtmal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer, ' `DRII.LIIdG LOG ❑Qeothetmah *ling Return ❑Other vader#21 Ramadm F80M 4.Date well(a)Completed: 16.11 2 Wd!II?It g tL Sa.Wen Lotation: !z R nhn +� (�rOlWti/ fL R F� Name Faatiry IDJ!(ifaPP}ua�ble) R• , tL LS it iL !'deal City,andzV J�p tL tt ' �11d�8rxdoallo.(PII.i) ••�•.: hdtqde �field orm�kofts is �tes/minetes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: N. �'�56,• _w ; 6 Is(are)the wen(s): ermanent -or ❑Temporary �7to� Sigeenae of / 7.Is this a repair to an eldstiag wen;, ' t�N t , Date FPWid #21, sa.t�„y,r.err tkor a o �MAC��� .�rr�rr�e,�r�:)„�,h�j�,�n, a'da lJr,emar�Sw rm open o f�Q1 m d 1R�QDr �*off& qf*s , has hem oM NC4C O2 C.020OW U SmctmKr and dw c ally 8-For GeopTobeMPr or Cl sed.Loo "° p Geothermal Wells 23.Site diag,.am or addttlonal wen details: o"C6 CY I Owl.]is•neede& Indtcdte TOTAL the same You may use the back of this p�to provide additional . NNi�ER ofwells (add'See Qvet is Reteadc�Box),You may also aimeh R8 � 9.Told well depth bdow land 5 Zo t 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS may. Fornarldple waIIrilsr4a&P hr il�Fierrr e� ��-��oo•masg1oo7 (�� Submit 10.Static"ter level this GW 1 within 30 days of wen co fe u below top of seeing:,�� �` rnpktlon per the fonowIn, &tits�/I+• (�) 24a. For Wdls: or,OW form 11.Borehole dfamekr. b l Ong Unit 1617MSkbriwai to Dirwon of W, Rasotaees (DAn �p 40n•) 24bk.Foi Intectioa W C'� 'NC 27699-1617 12 Well eoonme p?+b.eoc) a►•y -� 'dix COPY to DwR,U 1636 MSC,Rai n and k . n�• �°$mR3, eigh,NC 27699-1636 �, l�on Cool(JUC) 24c.For Water So and 0 24,00 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: C01 ell m epazim� stem COPY to tk 13a.Yield(gp� 24d.For Water WO �f Method of tesC r r permit 1 11 over 1 ME Copy to,DWX CCPCUA 13h.D�tlott type: .�• �, C,• et 11 Amount: r Form N°ort CaroCirta Depubm of Rnvi,=.,W Q--11Y-hoc of WaterResotases