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HomeMy WebLinkAbout6509 Colleen DriveA;AV = �- NC®ENR North Carolina Department of.Environrnent and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III Governor - Secretary April 14, 2014 Charles,and•Mary Stanfield 1 =05 Ashcroft Court Rocky, `Mount, NC 27804 Subject: Surface Water Determination, Letter NBRRO #14 -,11 "6 Nash County Determination Type• Buffer Call Isolated' or;EIP Call ❑ Neuse (fs,A NCi4C 26,M33) Starfg Tar= Pamlico (15A NCAC 26 0259) ❑' Ephemeral /Intermittent/Perennial Determination USGS To o ❑, Isolated Wetland Determination ❑ Jordan (I 6A NCAC',213 0267) f Project Nam g:> 6509 Colleen ;Drive, Rocky Mount Location/Directions: Subject property isra private tract,,currently;not,developed; Subject Stream' UT to Tar Determination Date: 4/1/2014) Staffi. 'Sara 'Knies, ,Stream E/1/P1 Not Subject to Buffers Subject to Buffers Starfg Stop@ Soil Survey USGS To o A P - X DWQFlag Throughout X *E /UP = Ephemerdl /Intermittent /Perennials Explanation: The feature(s), listed above has or have been located on the,Soil Survey of Nash County„ 'North Carolina or the most,recent copy of 'the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24; Mscale. Each,feature,,thacis checked' "Not Subject ";has been,determined not,to be a stream or'is not present, on, the +property. Features that are checked "Subject" have been.located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify, it to be�a stream. There�may'be other streams located on;your•property'that,do not show up on the maps referenced ,above.but;. still, maybe considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or�to the Division of Water Resources (D WR): 'Thi°s on -site dbterminatiowihall ezpire,fiye (5) years from, the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that ,dispute a determination, made,by the DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request.a,+determinatibn;by the Director. An appeal request must be'made within, sixty (60) days of date of this letter'or, from, the date the affected party (including downstream ,And /or adjacent owners)'is notified of this letter: A request for a determination by the NorthCarolina North Carolina Division ofWaterResources 1628 MadFSer6ce,Center Raleigh", NC 27699- 1628,Phone (919) 791 -4200, Internet VA_VW ncNaterguahty;org Location 3800 Barrett Dave Raleigh,Ad 27609 Fax '(919) 788 =7159 An,Equal;6pport'unity /Affrmative Action Empjoyer- 50 %Recycled /10 %a Post ConsumerRaper 6509 Colleen'Road Nash County 4/14/201,4 Page 2 -of 2 Director shall be referred, to,the= Director in writing c /o,Karen Higgins,:DWR WeBSCaPe Unit, 1650,Mail Service Center, Raleigh,'NC 27699. 'This determination, is. final and binding unless, as detailed above; ,,you, ask for a hearing orkappeal within sixty (60)' days. The�owner /future owners.should,notify the Divisionaof Water Resources, (including;any'other Local,,State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future,correspondences regarding the,subject property (stated above). This project may require,a Section 404/401' Permit for the,proposed activity,. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division,of Water Resources,(Central Office) at (919)- 807- 6300,,and the USArmy Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory F,ield,Office) at (919)- 554-4884. If you have questions regarding this. determination, please feel free to,contact Sara Knies at (919) 79,1 4258: Sincerely, Danny Smith Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Center, cc: RRO DWR File Copy - Sandra�Pope,'PO,BoX 7338, kocky.Mount;,NC 2,78047 8 l O Knies, Sara V File Edit View History Bookmarks Tools Help L3800 Barrett Dr, Raleigh, NC 27609 to I... Connecting... ConnectGIS gis. jconnectgisj hash( Sara Knies N Environmental Specialist ' Raleigh Regional Office NCDENR- Division of Water Resources s Water Quality Regional Operations Section a s % 1 I 1 r UY 1 y. . W Svk � 0 ACME Mapper 2.1 - 7.5 Ian W of Sharpsburg NC IofI 1 n 1 a c P 4/14/2014 12:54 PM kv- X rd. ,Vrti ALML i;'•i ` •;' - l icy �`` F� . � I I � �` � • .J � " `$ 1� ~"7 �07