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GW1-2021-02768_Well Construction - GW1_20210805
{ , SIDT.IV'1'IAL WELL COxSTRi1CTIOx RECORD North Camlma Departs:cmt ofEmnoumad andNdura1 Rom-Division of Watcr Quality fi WELL CONTRACTOR CERTMCATION# L 6 y- -- 1.WELL COIi MCTOR: d- TOP OF CASING IS� f Fr.Above land SUS' +� S,�r . 7 'Ttp off�m�mod ether below land a dace may r quffe a va dame in accordance vrMt 15A NCAC 2C.01I& Well contractor{in lei}Nam e. YIELD(gprn): METHOD OF TESL 2i r�0 b/" ��.. :I� t DEN :Type Arnouoi c.� S WA cor d saw Name ,r STREET ADDRESS I L S PILL,.0 ej *C- S� WATER ZONES(ftlh)= � From / t To 14( From To n C_ From 1 d To i V 1 FriTo CrilyfxTbwn Skit Zips (3+). q x7-- Vyz& From To From To Amu code- Rom narrlber 7. CASING: Depth Dialwater ThicbmwMW Material 2,WELL INFORMAINW. SfM WELL ID S ) From To Ft WILL CONSTRUCt'tQM PERM l $'`/ To Et_ OTHERASSOCURTMPERMITOPapp } Frpm$. GROUT: Depth Maul Method 3.WELL USE(Cho*App�Banc)M�on6ori*U RecoveryU From To Ft^ 1(IWmW at N Othmu (fat e S is FrcaL_Tq FL_ DATE DRILLED 1.0 n n o+.I r- Fromm To Ft. TBAE COOIPLL[l t) AMLi P[d1O 9. Ste: Depot Diarnew Slot Size male" 4.WELL LOCATUM 11 Fum To F# (n. In. CI Y: ,�►�a i 5 o n COUNTY .�T D lees From To Ft in in m 3-7o Z S Frum To R HL in. (�tdertla.t�drrtl�. Srrtrei�ii+dorl.tst Na..P4tcet ZA(•�! TOPOGRAPHY!LAND SETTING: Depth SANDI�GRAVEL PAC& 0 Slope a ValAey© Flat,r PJd0e 0Other Sim Malarial (die* 1—Fr'd°b04 , be -- .-To LATITUDE ,�,, t miffs s or Eras To F< _ LOMGnJD>; �10 01 D.3 . & 92 , in a awl r - From To FL Latitndellong'dude Smu=,)rGPS 11 Topogeaphic map 11 DRRIM LOG (bcWw of wank mugbe shown an a USGS fto mp and Fmm To Formation Desm# ion aged to Oft form rtnotusMGPS) n- /Db ix h /Ch al«'*- �DD - oZGO trrc % fit S.FACiLIIti'-team natteMmebvtmeireiesiaareG _�FACR.1T11lD##fappftaW, NAME OF FACT M STREECADDRESS �crratlon�� CdyarToHm State 74Pcode -p1jyK-3e'sG teK► CONTACT PERSON .�A. MAILING ADDRESS /,&4 gdke5d" ed, P�- r, . 12r, J-7L5 Z 5- REMARKS: - CfgtrnTown State TAP code �eeDer /0P,fo ,2oc, P a 0u^� IQjO Area coda- Phone number S.WELL DETAAS: IooMMErYCM*YTNATTMWEI.LWASr:ONsrrsuc WRIACCOlaMNMvrrrel + 15ANCAC2GW6tco"sTRwnQNSTN .ANDIMTAtQPYtiFTHS a. TOTAL DEPM- J- 0 0 PROVIDEDTOPEVAILOWNEFt IL DOES WELL REPLACE t7 T046,WELL? YESU N0)9 l `3 0 r~ WATER LEVEL.Below Top of CesMF_�FT SIGMATURE WELLCONTRACTOR [LATE (U317t'+'ifi Above Tap of( ," - S/, , PRINTED NANIEJDF PERSON CONSTRUC M THE WELL -SkIb l t Do 000nd to,do Din idan of Yalu Quaft w tM 30 daffy& Attic b tiOnuaijoo muL, Fern GYV-lb 1617 tO Servk e — ,NC Z7OW1617 Phone N L(91s)733-70ts ext M& Rev.12M