HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02689_Well Construction - GW1_20210805 Print Form WELL CQ NSTRUCTION RECORD-(Gw it For Intemal Use rally: 1.Well Contractor Informadon: David L. Hardy, Jr. I4.waTSR7A)Nfls _ Well Connector Name To n7 rlcet 2906-A i!tft. `� NC W#U Caatraator Certification Number 15.OUTER CASING far xpnld msd mks pR I.BM Aqua Drill, Inc. FROM >� D , TatOOMS �► r Company Name Z.R' In. , CL��" �1' 2-1 26 C 2. AS OR Ti3BiNG d .77 Wellroans TO nw+ta�a i iffiCraal�ss MATERiAL Ltatant applicable ire[/conaruedon permtrs(Le UIC,County.Sime,Varlow.#ter) ` 3.Well Use(check well use): fL fL f0' Water Supply Well: .47.SCREEN P"M I TO 9= MMMMIESS I MA Agricultural DNMnnicipaVpublic O t fL ln. Geothermal(FleetbVCoolingSupply) fflitesidential Water Supply(single) g & 10 IndustriaMmum elcial nResidentisl water Supply(shared) IfL GROUP FROM TO 1 Q Non-''Water Supply Wells ft: & r ' Q Monitoring Racovcry fL M ugationwell: fi Aquifer Recharge 0(houndwater Remediatian Wfer Storage and Recovery DSalinity Barrier MGM TO PaC1I dMaA�" M to Aquifer Test ElStmmwater Drainage & MT Experimental Technology [Subsidence Control R " Geothermal(Closed Loop) E)Tracer -21L DRUJ.JNG LOG attach aMdo d sheath ff GeothermaM(Heath poling Retain Qdher lain� der#2M Remarks) kOK iL4.Date Wdl(s)Completed:(�n 2 2 Well 1D#Sa.W 4lLocation:Naasa Faeifity1lTfk{ifagplimbte} ft. RE EIVEC P"MMdresk City.-d zip 21.REMARKS . . e4tin '�4 46e ._._.._ . ; County M11112 Sb.Latitude and langltude in degradminatealmonds or decimal dam: (ifweu field,one lattlong is suf view) cad S L d N 7?. 11 �` w 2- 6.Is(are)the we11(s}&ermaneat or DTemporary si-VA me of Certified Aron CM-cm Data By stgnfng^11*forn41 hereby ere*that the udl(a)ram(rare)amts&UOW to maavtdmrae 7.Is this a repair to an existing wdl: EjYes or Jallo wnh ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A ACAC 02C.0200 Well Cwnrmatan Srond vdr and that a IfthtsPia-pafrffUamkrtmmwelibmtsmwhmImSmattmrandewlaftoenamrrof/ha copy ofdris record hw been pwdedtathewellmow. r# r wa 921 remarbwdwn or on the back ofthtsforn. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: L For Geoprobe/DPT or Ctose&Loap Geothermal Wells baviimg the same You may use the back of this pager to provide additional well site details or well construction,only 1 OW-1 is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction detail& You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: c;'` UB�1NS7tU ION3 9.Total well depth below lewd surface: r / �(fR) 24a.For All Weiss Submit this form:within 30 days of compledon of well Formulliplewe&Ibialldepfhriftit•,j—t(=-0-3@2001-d2@1W) consbuctiontothefollowing: 10 Static water level below tap of casing: "T p (B.) Division of Water Resources,Iiaformation Processing Unit,. j('xwlerlevef u above carom we"+" 1617 Mall Service Center,Ratelgb,NC 276991617 11.Borehole diameter. e��° Cm. / 24b.Far inicctirrn Wells: 7n addition toiseihdmg tine form to the address in 24a 2.Well construction mmethod: p 7 above,also submit Otte copy of Buis form+within 30 days of completion of well i 1 a Well minty,cable,detpusb,ear) _ �' uedon to the foUowhW. ! Division of Water Resources,Underground bdedlon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY LLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raidgb,NC 276991636 � t 139.Yield(go m) McWcd of testr- r l 24c.ja Wa et ftft&Iniecdon Wells. In addition to sending the fame to •—Lj the address(es)above, aim submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type± Amount: completion of well construction to the county health depa meat of the county where constructed. Farm(iW-1 North Carolina Dap ntneat afEuvkommntd Qa ty•Division of Water itesmaces ReYW 2-22-2016