HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02426_Well Construction - GW1_20210521 WELL ION CUKU Pat Loa"al Use ONLY. TWo Asm"a to wil hr*4W t4 mW*4%mUt 1.Wag caistroul:r VM:SkViqr. J—e- rrtj f-3c— Z_L it WAS 117waww 14.14 W,Wall COWK.—"two"Nuark-1 tot Us, Couiptiss,.4woo4 Olk 1.Won comor"SOM recalls 10: SJr/e;_z_S- 7-A List W 101'M swk-.'14"Nwfarj J.WON piss(cbsc 1i 11.11 17.VC&SILM Will,5 ply Well; VK, I"Paw IUDpqy(si :Aosidt"tfal WA!tl Supply(dUX4) fL Mego-was"asp.-A.-Well) ft 1 IL fL I ft. OAq%tiferltsichrle 00row-A'Astcr ROMOdLation It.fAMnfG"V2L rAOK(IfiiSMAINUffiblify Xv am OAAFLAr Skv4P OVQ F---vnOY US*Iwty Dwic, Qavv;vt#Wa)Tse*w-'90 030"'�44KO COS4f0i Oucothermitl(cksod uxq�) U7raver M O.V14-b Irrh Irwin dph M volowmai(MostirwcWAM Raujrst 00814-'["Plam w—jor$21 K'Smults) h tL - Al -0 ---4 11 < 4 0,,/ 'k rysis,wows)c3b W- !uo--,— 4/ Itt. IL 4 Se.Well Locafts- k —5 PA616YONAW -S 14 ef'-' ft"cial Addfto4 C11yiir4 Sb Latitude asid L-@vjk*4z its deeaacdelisatsaJweeaQe or tkgivigal 6wesit; (ifivell W gas UVIM is sumcka) 6 <A I r4 W 6.Is(w*)the 09141)l t"Wel or OTIMPortry tv.NX fjo.,fiWat.1)grr%1v Caro!AW a%OV01V ilaw"Otre)"UN11111CANd In aoddp*�-0 /$,A J)CAC Or. OjkV w 11A A(:,W ON,'OXV Ara COYNMOSM S*Wkf&60d siv,0 T.Is(*S a ftrov to as*a"*$W4111 Oyes #r ON* nw.,of*.Maws,sigis ke"Powars to me wl 0~' 4(*18"Fi ARWP.,#i Ow bm""won a0wegelio":OfvwijA OV4 cQ04'r'he);O&'v qfAo I-PWI,,pill M'~PAO#ac*4M W e.r W 6094 1).Site illogran or 346"ossl well dartialle: You:U4Y use Yw book of this pace So provide sMiciarval wall sits dalsila or—'t I.Ninabor of welb constructed: J C."SAW-:0A dAwls. YW4 may also attack G"IUN%l rajas if welwy XwoosdorrJe"vetm r►ow--wei Awp* 001 'vk$r:'&A@AWM. SUPOTI-AL IN&TIAMONS t.ToW w#U ftlb below Wad sorfatc. gj?,Z jftj 14L Far All W, ; Submit fts fonvii vottim U days vf&xmPl0iiin or WL:! for AWM##wr*an all Ofok (emov.- 'Woo,*Rd 2411 W) consm.-tion it:the rdlowifts Is.Stalk vtour level bowsto top of cawag; Decision o(Water Quality,liyformealion P'rvcevvliggt;G4. 4 A"ewise we 1617 Ustil lorvica Cotow,A&14t,INC 274f441617 11.3"Ohak&AD"gov; -'IX f Loia, A.W-cfa: to additaix,to Deming Ia fO."to It*add?"$to.45 11.Wag togj4rWtjft I tun .99., of .'s 4M N v .0 days of Cpqnpwtwn of wets C vs,t c-.# ,I, it fgao%vft 6 c Dow.twory,"big.*r-t P"0. irvisk Q!W.. silty. Costred Progreag. FMWATIA fumy WtLLIROM.V: 104 Mad vA Sorvict elar,Rokich.Nc 2741H-106 13s.Ykfd(SP* al 410 W#A 244,F,tMcrrr ffaw0i In 04 Oftion to" tin rum 10 ft aftw(gs) obvvs. also sv6mil one govy of this hrra VAIMP )c 4eys of wr"plauan of well wngtrydiph to Ow cow ay heallb i1crisillicAt Cad Iw'C%Ply w1wagot2it"iDd. t;.V*Can,;f.: No,,W FRECENED MAY 211 2021 Inforr"natiOn i-)rccesSi;19 Unit n