HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02044_Well Construction - GW1_20210620 Jan. 29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health No. 6711 P. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1� or Internal Use Only: — 1.well Coovactor Info tlan Eli_-9VeT-QA�7A1tYSF==-_-�-«--� �-�-.. ._•—____... WeIlCoaft4vNinne, Met TO DIMMIFF N I - R !t NC W Comnetor Ccrb6c6on N wnberA4 FA" - �1:�.8TFYE�GAS[DRi' asti<.'" k'�a6te-' ..�•-TO Mid rERtttrtsctrss HATIMIUAL - - / � ` ,OR'[.�fntFl�`tbeniiT .�. ��=_•�c[Mei 4 2.Wd1 Constrngkn Ptswit ii: ( moat To mti+tY vas Litfall opplicoor acoarvirefianpanatu 11lC Corny,Swm Yoriasee•ea:) R. +ft = la. 3.Well Use(checkwell use): n.ater Supply 1VtU TO^ n .-$_ sLerrIIffi TItIC MATEML Agricult u d kWyPublic O R, I a I ill. Gcothatnal(Henting(Cooling Supply) r3i.,idential Water Supply(single) IL (L 6s _hultattial/Cammeteial_ Oftesdeutial Water SWly(shered) - =7E2QHOilF,"may"a- .ir.^��=•-�.��'�-%��--a±� tint MA AL titptl�tFNf)SEt110D3 u[li Non-Waiter Supply Well oR R �. .�N i rZ d( lyy Monuomg E)Reeavesy in. It. Injection Well: — - Aquifer RectwBo QGmundxmterMnedietion It• R _ 14�]�SI►IGR�YBLYA �it�1" = Aquzfer Storage and Rcaavcry 0saimily Bouier laser To HATEImtt � —- _ AgvikrTcsc ostormvaaltrDminage n R. — E?-imental Technology QSttbsidrAce control tti iL Geothtstnal(Glared Lapp) Tracer - S4(!3f ifoh,h-d emi sWhsh. Geothumel(Arating/Cooli R.e�n)aa Oti►er - uddaFZl Remarks To nE d.Date Weil(:)Cotaptetc °r �� /en rL 5a.Well Location: Raci6V0MtfNVa= aatitrMJ614 1-b]-) u M Pbyzkal A&h-,%My,-64p n n. MN 2 C—W 'a-(PIN) Information Processing Unil ulyR becrion 5b.Latitude l+nd lobgltnde in degteeslminutealseconds or dedmal degrees:� 22 'C boa: J N 1 / oy t 6.Lt(srt)Ihetrell(s)eFet'otaneat or DTemporary 9iinanaeof WeIIC®oaaar Daro By sipnV ehfttorsi I hereby eeald-thar the vd4o iron(i m)mmnoerrd a ancordoaa 7.&this a repair to an e7t(sting wW: [OV. or a *h M"02C.01M or IM MGC OX.'A M Brill ConnniaMR Sojelor*oaddan a (/rlds is orepayfM wd hw—xdlwss—exm,hjknWd .andarpiam the MVM of the adpy4f his.Bead Ear hetapraif*d'in tee m*oar repair:mder all ru aka se row or on the back ojthtr form. 23-Site diagram or additional wdl details: &For Geoprobe/DPT or Cloaed•Loop Geothermal Walla having the came You niay use ttu beck of this page to pmvide additional%MH site details or.veil cotcviuction,a*I GW-1 is needed- Indicam TOTAL NUMMM of usl(s construction details. You msr also attach additional pages if neeetsary. drilled SU M ML INsI RUC1 IP-11 9.Total well doptb belowhud sorfaee: (R•) 24L For all Wells Submit ibis forts Wi0lin 30 der of FarmidaptoWeft Grrarldeprlisld�%Zw �l+ie-2t �'@ �t days completion of W011 conswctien to fire Following: 10.Static waler level btlmr top of casing: (R) DtvWa of Water Resources.Information Fmceulag Unit; ifwmar rest u abora suing,era-+-z 1617,NUil Service Center,Rateigh,I4C 27699-1617 IL Bareifale diameter. 01L) 24b.For inledloa Wens fit addition to srndhtg dw fiinn to the addrm in 24n a WeB construction method; submit above,also one copy of this form vAtbin 30 days of completion of well (L-anger•mu*.cable.di-p»sit,eta) catstruction iv the folbvemg. FOR WATER SUPPLY tAUM CMY: Divisor of Water Resources,Underground Injetilon Control Program, 1636 Maid Service Cantu,Raleigh,NC 27699-M IX Yield(9pm) /14, Sfethod oftesC l L t A.For Water Supply&Nec on'lrl ells In addition to sending tba from to the addmis cs) abovq also srbmit ate copy of this form Within 30 dogs of 131L Didnkcdoa type: Amount: completion of well cortsttuckil to tlat cowry tsealth department of the county whew eonaTucted.