HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121049 Ver 1_Inspection_20140401Wetland Inspection Report Project Num: 20121049 Version: 1 Status: Issued Project Name: PTAA HONDA Connector Project Type: New Road /Highway County: Guilford Region: Winston -Salem Location: PTAA HONDA Connector Latitude: +36 °06'22" Longitude: -79 °54'53" SW Plan Location: Site Owner Name: Piedmont Triad Airport Authority Inspection Date: 04/01/2014 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Site Inspection (non -DOT) Inspection Contact Person: Title: Phone: On -Site Representative(s): Primary Inspector: Sue L Homewood Phone: 336- 771 -4964 Secondary Inspector(s): Facility compliance Status: M Compliant n Not Compliant Program Area: 401 (includes isolated /non -404) Question Areas: 0 Permit (401 WQC) Inspection Summary: Page: 1 Project Num: 20121049 Owner: Piedmont Triad Airport Authority Inspection Date: 04/01/2014 Inspection Type: Site Inspection (non -DOT) Reason for Visit: Routine Permit (401 WQC) Does the impact(s) match what was approved in the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? Are the culverts and /or filled areas installed properly? Is the site compliant with additional conditions of the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? Comment: Culvert not buried but engineer indicates that bedrock was reached and culvert is placed on bedrock at lowest elevation. Permanent stormwater measures not installed at time of inspection due to site still under S &EC permit requirements. Roadway is paved and open, stormwater directed to S &EC measures at this time. 0 0 0 0 n ■nn n ■nn Page: 2 X f uiboe!,bt of dypo!Sf gpsu QsplfddOvn ; 3123215: QspIf ddObn f ; QUBB!I P OEB!Dpoof dLps Dpvou?; HvjrgDse Wdbypo; QUBB!I POEB!DpoofdLps N/byu✓ef ; , 47 !_17(33(( TX !Qrbo!Wdbypo; TjLf !Px of s!Obn f ; of en podUlbe!BjsgpsdBvd pILz .bt of dypo!EbLf ; 1501203125 Sf bt po!g:)s!.bt of dypo; Spvyof .bt of dypo!Uzgf ; TjLf !.bt of dypo!)opo. EP U* .bt of dypo!Dpor.bdLlQf st po; Po.TjLf !Sf qsf t f oLbod )t *; Q�n bsz!.bt of drps; Tvf !MI pn f x ppe Tf dpoebsz!.bt of dLps)t *; adjqu!dpn grjbodf !TLbu✓t ; M Dpn q*ou Qsphsbn !Bsf b; Cvgg dBvu psj{ bypoWlbodf Rvf t ypo!Bsf bt ; 0 Cvag -<Bvu psj{ bypoOjbodf !Dpoejypot .bt of d0po!Tvn n bsz; Wstjpo; 2 TLbLvt; dtvfe Qsplf ddUzgf ; Of x !SpbeO jhi x bz Sfhjpo; XjotLpo.Tbrhn am WohjLvef ; .8: X5(64(( n OpdDpn grAou Qi pof ; Qi pof ; 447.882.5: 75 Cvgg sCBvd pl{ bypoO lbodf !Dpoejypot Zf t !!!Op!!!OB!!!OF Epf t !d f !jn gbdat In bLdi !x i bdx bt !bggsp\nf e!jo!d f !cvag s!bvd psj{ bypo!psi\Absjbodf @ n n n d !d f !tjLf !dpn ggbodx jd !pd f sldpoejypot !pdd f !cvag s!bvd psj{ bypo!psi\Absjbodf @ n n n Dpn n f oq!!!!Cvgg s!sf t ipsbypo!pdrf n gpsblm!ejt Wscf e!bsf bt !xj f !epof !vgpo!T' FD! drat f pv U Qbhf ; 2