HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220323 Ver 1_Catawba_Images_Deeds Lot 54 Recorded Deed April 21 1999_20220227CAiAUBA COUNTY 9<-21-99 sae ,2 $257 Im NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX Excise Tax $257.00 Tax Lot No.: out of Verified by by em 2143PAmIS82 FILED RUTII ' 1,%CKIE - 99 RPR 21 fill 9 26 Filed RE�1TT C�liOS 9:26 A.M. and CATAWBA CO.. tI•C- recorded in Book 2143 at Page 1882. v RUTH CKIE - REGISTER OF DEEDS Recording Time, Book and Page Parcel Identifier No. 4628-01-28-4512 County on the day of , 19 Mail after recording to: Grantee 012936 This instrument was prepared by Crescent Resources, Inc. Brief Description For The Index: LOT(S) 54 , PHASE 2 , LAKE n �NTEVAl,°1,,. SUBDIVISION [FOR USE WITH ALL NON- BQ, ° 1`SLIg�,.OT"SPVl,,I��IA SEPTIC EASEMENTS) NORTH CAROLINA S1P/ Cl ." WARRANTY DEED THUS DEED made this fifth daf'���� , 1999, by and between GRANTOR CRESCENT RESOURCES, INC., a South Carolina corporation P.O. Box 1003 Charlotte, North Carolina 28201-1003 GRANTEE ROBERT L. DE LIA, SR. AN UNMARRIED INDIVIDUAL P. O. BOX 252 (125 WILBUR PLACE) BOHEMIA, NEW YORK 11716 ')'he designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. W ITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the grantee in tee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Mt. Creek 'Township, Catawba County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEING al l of Lol(s) 54 , Phase 2 (the "Lot') of Lakepointe North Subdivision (the "Subdivision-) as shown on the maps thereof recorded in Map Book 46 at pages 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, and any amendments or supplements thereto (the "Map"), and all and singular, the rights, memberships, hereditaments and appurtenances to said Lot belonging or in any way incident or appertaining, including but not limited to all improvements of any nature located on the said Lot and all easements and rights -of -way appurtenant thereto, and being a portion of the property conveyed to Crescent Resources, Inc.. by deed from Carolina Centers LLC, recorded in Book 2079 at page 1666 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County. 1614173-01 tE: CH eooN 2143pfii8b3 TOGETHER WITH, as an appurtenance to the aforementioned Lot, the exclusive right to use the Septic Easement Area designated as "54A", as shown on the Map, and as described in that document entitled "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions- Lakepointe North" recorded in Book 2104 at page 647 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, as may be supplemented and/or amended from time to time (as so supplemented and amended, the "Declaration"). This conveyance is made subject to (and is conveyed together with, as the case may be) the following easements, reservations, covenants, conditions and restrictions which shall ran with the land and be binding upon Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns. Nothing herein shall be held to impose any restriction on any land of Grantor not hereby conveyed: All easements, reservations, covenants, conditions and restrictions of record, including but not limited to those easements, reservations, covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in the Declaration. 2. By accepting this deed Grantee signifies his understanding that Duke Energy Corporation has certain privileges and easements affecting the property hereby conveyed which include the right, privilege and easement of backing, ponding, raising, flooding or diverting the waters of Lake Norman and its tributaries upon and over said property, as more specifically described in instruments recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County. 3. By its acceptance and recordation of this deed, Grantee acknowledges for itself and its successors and assigns as follows: Duke Energy Corporation controls access to, use of and water levels in Lake Norman. Grantor makes no oral, express or implied representation or commitment as to th 11ib . ued existence, purity, depth or levels of water in Lake Norman, or the Conti use dock, pier, boatslip, or similar dock facility and Grantor shall have no l l�ity t to these matters. Grantee must receive permission from Duk erg /i rporat' (or a successor manager of Lakc Norman under authority frthe ede� Regulatory Commission) prior to placingor constructinga a nr upon. or and cotslip ti%i r ed pier, structure or other improvement within or upon, or con �cb�i� activi ��altering the topography of; the hydroelectric project g " �sin�waters of Lake Norman. Grantor makes no oral, express or red reseri'�� or commitment as to the likelihood of Grantee obtaining such pe � , 4. Sewer, water, 41,% ri /t as. telephone. cable television and other easements shown on the recorded plat of t19� rty or as otherwise would be disclosed by a current, accurate physical survey of they perty_ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid Lot and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee, Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns in fee simple. And said Grantor covenants with said Grantee that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and that Grantor will warrant and defend said title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, except that this conveyance is made subject to the easements, reservations, covenants, conditions and restrictions set out above, or of record, and to the taxes for the current year which GRANTOR hereby agrees to pay. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Grantor has caused this instrument to be signed in Grantor's corporate name by Grantor's duly authorized officers and Grantor's seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of Grantor's Board of Directors, the day and year tirst above written. Arl-EST: BY: Assistant Secretary slim I �rnvrH •C! t0���?•�� 1614173,01 LID: CH STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG goat 2143pa1884 1, Debbie J. Bauer, a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina and said County, hereby certify that Susan R. Sappenfield personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he/she is Assistant Secretary of CRESCENT RESOURCES, INC., a South Carolina corporation, and brat by authority duly given and as the act of said corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Vice President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/her as itsAssistant Secretary_ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the f flh day of April ,1999. Notary POW ,) My Commission Expirest'na'''-' � July 15, 20111 _[ [NOTARY SEAL] STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CATAWBA COUNTY The foregoing certificate of Debbie J. Dauer, Carolina is certified to be correct. This theme 2 RUTH MACKIE. REGIS of Mecklenburg County, North Apri 1 , 1999. L®: CH NO REVENUE Thic conveyance in for business convenience only, is without consideration and therefore no revenue or.excise stamps are reu,lired for recording this deed pursuant r-o N,C•G.S.. 5105-288.29 lSee N.C. Attorney General opinion in 43 N.C.A.G. 79 (1983)) EASiSe sax f Tax Lot No. Verified by by - .. FILED �:�S207y > �i66G RUTH MACKIE Filed April 23, 1998 at 9:40 A.M., 198 RPR 23 A19 9 40 Recorded in Book 2079 at Page 1666. REGISTER OF DEEDS CATAWBA CO.. N.C. Fi MAC��CIE.R G�SE EED Fecor ng tae, oo and Page Parcel Identifier No. County on the day of 19_ MiAl after recording to crantee 110 v Wig instrument was prepared by Walter R. Jonea, Jr., Attorney at Law, Hotdealey, Jones, Oainen i Homesley, 303-387 N, Main Street, Mooresville, NC 26115 Brief Description for the index 47,17 .cr�n, Mountain Creek Township, Catawhn t_otn:ty NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED T11IS V91313 made thin April 8, 1998, by aitd hr-t altnrrrok CAROLINA CENTERS, LLC Enter in appropriate black for each ('Mety: rump, addlest�� _partnership. - �in,. The designation grantor and Gtantcq successors, and annignn, and nl; l i au reyui red by context, - O�j/p��,,- URANTEE CRESC '11 ESOURCES, INC. F7i i� A0". Is character of entity, e:0., corporation or r=in sl;a.11 include (laid parties, their heirs, lular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter WI1'NESSETH, that the Urantor, for n "I/11 ���/% 1n ronulderation paid by the Urarttee, the receipt of which is hereby ncknowieciged., has at "hY three present,, does grant, bargain, well and convey unto the Grantee in fee nimple?, nil kh;eC <erkeiu lot or p scat of land situated in the City of _ , Mountain Creek 7:owuatrip, Catawba Country, North Carolina and more particularly described as follown: BEt31NNINO at an iron rebar set: in the.nortltrtrn margin of Island Point Road (also known as State Road 1938), paid point of Hegi;4niny being marked as a control cornet of that certain 07.17 acre tract which is shown on plat Lecorded Ili Plat Hook 44 at Page 135 in the Catawba County Registry; and running tIIgnce from avid Beginning point North 8-15-41 West 296.21 feet to a point in the center of n c_-rnek; thenco with t:he centerline of *aid creek the following courses and distances: (1) North 3'7-08-49 Pact 37.02 feet to A paint, (2) North 36.10-34 Gast 42,72 feet to a point; (3) North 32-03 53 Eaet 19.91 Eect to a point: (4) North 02-12-17 Wrrst 19.47 feet to a psis, in the 760 fc-"t e'011t.r7ur eletvatian line of Lake Not -Mon; thence continuing with said '740 contour line the follawing caur*ea and distancest (1) North 55-0o- 36 East 30.76 feet to .t po.intd (2) North 69 09.49 E,rnt 44.81 f"t.to # point, (31 North 39- 45-22 EASS 13.89 fete, to a point; (4) North 52-43.35 East k.17 feet to a point, (5) North 64- 12-51 Eae,t 16.12 feet to a point,-(6) North 54.37.19 East 24.47 feat to a poiritt (7) North 69-18-27 Past 12.88 feet to a point-, (9) North 21-29-1111 Raet 646 feet to a point; It, North 49-25-26 East 11.9ti toot to a I)oint, Ito) Nert11 55-07.1.4 EAst.34.62 foot to a point, (11) North 42-16-I5 East 38.56 feet Co A point, (12) North 32-46-18 East 30.92 feet to A point) (13) North 32-22.29 East 11.90 Legit to a point; (L4) North 47-44-40 East 45.16 feet to a point, (15) North 41.12-59 bast A3.27 feat, to A Potntl (16) North 13-48•S5 Rant 9.09 lent to A putttt.; 117)- N,?rt-h 42.45.00 h:anr 1fi.n1 tart -o a ptainti .(18) North 43.56-45 Host 24.91 foot to A ppittti (101 Garth 31.14-27 E.wnt 11.29 feet. Co A paint; 120) North 33-05.88 Bast 33.58 teat to a point, (21) North 22 05 41 RAst 20.42 Melt to.A point] (22) North 14-23.39 most 12.49 feet to a point; (23) Nutti, 5o .ie,• 31 Rant 15,OS .feat. to #paint, (24) Bauch 79.54-54 East 10.18 feint to A point, (25) South .11.01.41 Gnat 17,94 toot to a point, (26) South 60. 07 Rant 5.01 foot to a point., (27) South 4tt-239�- 5.!t:t {!slot 8.]t3 feat to a psis,, (283 south 43 13=34 !soot 10.50 [eat to A point, (29) South 6r. (14 12 Fast 11.43 feet to a point; (30) South ril,lx-22 East 12,43 feet to a points (t11 ;.3ut;a.50 12.36 East 20.26 feet to a points (32) South 22-06 59 Nast 29,43 feet to a point; (34) South 66••a5 (33+ South 52 57-07 6#st 18.43 feet to A points- 48 Bnnt t6,23 feet ce A.pwint1 1.15) North 37-35-51 West 16.46 Lest to a _ Point; 136) tlotrh 23 43 4q West 15.07 test- tc, a Point.; (37) North 15-29-53 West 24.11 foot to a point; lab) North ,A-57 58 Wept 25.62 foer to a point; (391 North x7 59-08 West 38•e{ feet to a puir;t, (40) North oA 25-20 wnat 77.47 feet to.a Paint, North 21-59North 00 Went East 18.92 feat to A Point; (42) North 10-46.09 Went 21.56 foot to a point; (43) North 29-27-24 M.C. ear Assoc. Fora N0. 3 e 1977 Printed by Agreement with the N.C. Bar Asipt. a0D3 Eaa` 14.65 feet tc a point; .(44) North B1.10 07 East 24.68 feet Loa point; (45) North 17-22- "aaL 22,25 feet tc• a Point; 46) South 8Z 47 51 East. 13-.05 feet to a point; p 1 p 47) 49) -N 61- 1-0-57 Gast 16.32 feet to a point; (48) North 35 34 04 East 18.85 feet to a point; (49).North 13-02-43 East 14.29 feet to a point; (50) North 19-54-14 East 36.35 feet to a point; (51). North 33-41.55 East 26.g5 feet to a point; (52) Borth 53-40-56 East 16..68 feet to a point; (53) North 11-57-07 West 9.24 feet to a point; (541 North 18-26-50 East i8.59 feet to a point; (55) North 38 1B-56 East 30.79 feet to a point; I56) North 15-02-27 West 19.21 feet to a point; (57) North 31-58-12 East 33.61 feet to a point; (58) North 10-38-53 East 20.32 feet to a point; (59) North 31-08-12 East 10.37 feet to a point; (60) North 46-SS-30 Eaet 13.05 feet to a point; (61) North 08-15 03 East 21.55 feet to a point; (62) North 09-44-39 East 16 feet to a point; (63) North 29-04-59 East 40.27 feet to a point; (64) North 28-38-32 East 27.62 feet to a point; (65) Horth 15-41-06 East 11.96 feet to a point; (66) North 32- 21-24 East 20-02 feet to a point; (67) North 45--47-08 East 32.77 feet to a point; (69) North 53-01-21 East 24.43 feet to a point; (69) North 66-36-40 East_ 14.42 feet to a point; (70) HOrth 86-17.44 East 17.18 feel to a point; (71) North 86-13-08 East 20.22 feet to a point; (72) South 78-11-11 East 23.18 feet to a point; (731 South 68.07-09 East 21.52 feet to A point; (74) South 23-34-58 East 16.11 feet to a point; (75) South 64-33-32 East 17.89 feet to a point; (76) North 58-43-06 East 13,01 feet to a point; (77) South 53-55.55 East 19.44 feet to a point; (79) North 61 23.25 East 24.65 feet to a point; (79) South 36-15-02 East. 26.18 feet to a point; (80) South 36-23 45 East 13.38 feet to a point; (81) North 80-50-01 East 34.61 feet to a point; (82) North 40-00.46 East 12.73 feet to.a point; (831 North 72-13- 31 East 17.61 feet to a -point; (84) North 47-2?-20 East 9,66 feet to a point; (951 North 64- 03-46 East 8.2 feet to a point; (86) North e2-34-17 East 22.66 feet to a point; (87) South 82-31-41 East 24.46 feet to a point; (88) North 73-98-17 East 19.65 feet to a point; (89) South 72-18-03 East 27,74 feet to a point; {90) South 42-51-49 East 21.44 feet to a point; (91) South 40-33 20 East 20.42 feet to.A point; (92) South 49 54-OB East 16.52 feet to a point; (931 South 29-32-29 East 23.64 feet Lo a point; (94) South 59-21-26 East 15.89 feet to a point; (95-1 South 34 30 12 East 33.75 feet to a point; (96) South 10-36-19 East 21.64 feet to a paint;. (9-1) South 12-34.47 West 20.75 feet to a point; (98) South 09.45-48 East 23.68 feet to a point; 199) South 05-23-17 East 18.78 feet ,to a point; (100) South 00-41-35 East 16.25 feet to a point; (101) South 15 10 10 West 34.91 feet to a point; (102) South 06- 14-10 West 17.77 feet to a point; (103) South 47.51 37 Went 9.88 feet to a point; (104) South 24-34-43 West 32.14 feet to a paint; (105) South 08-40.35 Went 10:41 feet to a point; (106) South 07-49-52 East 7.99 feet to a point; (1.07) Soitth 61-29-27 West 8 feet to a point; (108) Soleth 98-10-1.3 Wnnt 14.5.3 fFet to a p,(nt; ('139)_ S: uth 92.5p:q,? West- 27,4E feet to a point; (110) South 88-08-03 West 22.14 feet to a point (111) North 99-41-35 West 11..55 feet to a Point; (112) South 77-07.48 west 14.52 feet. tO :t point; (113) South 50-19-05 East. 20.29 feet to a point; (114) South 19-19-12 EAnt 13.69 feet to a point; (115) North 72.57-06 East 15.30 feet to a point; (116) :;outir 76-40 0•1 E:Ant C=.At1 feet to a point; 1117) South '15-04-27 East 20.95 feet to a point; (119) Sautl; 58 12-10 East. 8.46 f to a point; (119) South 81-49-44 East 14,99 feet to a point; (120) South 45.2-3 40 East �l feet to a point; (1211 South 06- 10-40 East 57.56 feet to A roiut; (122) South 05-1r��W )� 19.31 feet to a point; f1231 -03 West 47. South.l0-3740 feet to a point; (1.2V S J 1 07 i East 21.21 feet to a point: (12S) South 01-49-39 Went 23,7E feat to a p,,in fl ;th 47-25 West 11.74 feet to a paint,, (127)tdouth 0401 21 Fast 10.41 feet to �lnc'"ff 28) th 13.27-56 East 44.A5feet to a point,, (129) North 86 04 58 @'sot n.32 to to � po, F 0) North 11-21-23 East 36.39 feet to a point; (131) North 11--26 47 En,r)t 1' 4 fe to°j� nt; (132) North 19-59.10 East - 31.46 teat t0 A point: 11331 North 35-33-25,,,,�nt 1 2_feewtia point; (134) North 68 37-21 East 13.64 feet to a point; (I35) tdorth 4 1 y�� 1'i� nt 1.3 3 feet to a point; (136) North 04- 14-32 Went 19,10 feet to a Point; (11.1) rt / 12. �Wast 40,25 feet to a point) (138) North 12.31-35 Fast 27 23 feet to a pointits-I 9 D ,r 19-37.31 Went 26,23.feet to a point; 11401 North 23-52-08 ,,.ant 14.53 frrr j� a {, nt; , ti;rth 21-59.32 East 11,97 feet to a_ Point; (142) South 46-26.54 went >. t po'I'it; (143) North 5i,16-46East 43.44.feet to a point; (144) North 36-24 34 East ��to a point',, (145) North 55.49-21 Easst 24.57 feet to A point; 1146). North 70��0-30 ant 8� � f0"t to a point; 1147) North 51-11-38 West 10,85 feet to q point; {r•1111.N" �,�, 5' l f:Ant 6.26 feet t0 n point; (149) North 34-.10-46 East 20.39 ferit to a n poit,, (1fi0)Ni`� )J11 � 57 32 Pant 51.a' feet to a point; (151) North 59- 33 2A East 15.75 feet to a point; r�feet toa polntJ 1153) th 29,15-Sl E,a0t 12.10 g North 46.40 35 East 23.43 feet to a pa��(154) North 61.38-34 East 49.45 feet to a point! (155) North 47-23-40 East 20 feet to a point; (156) North 26.56-20 past 14,46 feet to a Point; (157) North 76-35-50 pant 12.25 feet to a point, (.1$8) North 67-31 30 East 30.99 feet to a point; (159) North 70-16 32 Rant 34.96 rpet to a point) (160) North o1-57-00.East 16.97 feet to a paint; (161) North 10-01-19 West 26.43 feet to a point; (162) North 31-37.31 West 12-90 feet to a point; (1631 Borth 08-12-10 Went 20,09 feet to a point; (164) North 22-04-54 East 20.54 feet to a point; (165) North 82 24 34 Fast 14.74 feet to a point; (166) North 62 24.29 East 57.98 feet to a point, (167) North '11.36-40 East 34.84 feet to a point; (168) North 71-28-23.E:aDC 35.25 fe+e•L to a pr;intF 11691. North 86.13-09 East 8.47 feet to a point! (170) South 62.54.23 East 33.52 feet to a point; (171) South 85-15-41 East 19.13 feet to a point; (172) South 04-27-49 East 15.6S feet to a point; (173) South 22-15-12 West 15.71 feet to a paint; (174) South 36 06-26 East 30.06 feet to a point; (175) South 63-42-27 East 17.04 feet to A point).( M North 44-25 22 Eaet 1.3.21 feet to a point; (177) South 71-49.54 East 20.97 feet to n point) (178) South '72.21-12 Faut 69.37 feel; to A point; (179) South 41-57-23 East 39,20 feet to a point; (180)-South 40 04 03 Fast 24.91 feet to a point; (1011 South 31- 30.10 fast 24.S2 feet to a Point (1e32) South 38.11.13 Fast 21.73 foot to a point, 118.3) South 42 A5 27 Past 51.35 fRat to A point. (194) South 81.16.08 East 50.03 feet to a point; (185) North 83-26-59 EAmt 10.93 feet to a.pL%ijj"; (186) North 00-30-19 boat 33.36 feet to a Point; (167) North 04-32-25 East 40.84 feet to A paint;.(188) North 12.50-07 West 24.20 feet to a point; (1891 North 09.37-23 East 27.80 feat. to a point, (190) North 02.17-41 East 19.67 feet to a poiint; 1191) North 27 -S1 06 Sent: 11,43 Leet to a point; (192) North 27-21-41 East 13.51 feet to A pointy (19.1) Nuttit 35 57 :t'l EAat 14.35 f0t-t to a point; (194) North S2.29-41 Past 11.94 fret. to a ;mint; flgew) N•lr"I " 41 ro rhat' "24 fiat. to a irGittr; (196) 1401.114 64- 54.35 East 9.29 feet to a point; (197) H01:01 34 12-36 Weet 6.04 feet to a point; (198) North 32-09.17 East 27.45 feet tra a point; (199) North 09.28.54 West 6.7S feet to a point; (200) North tS7 21.38 Wept 11:05 fiat to a poi;tt; (201) North 28 39.52 East 46.30 feat to aoint; (202) North46-48•li L•;ADt 32.0E feet ro n point; (2031 pNorth 30.31-34 East 21.90 feet to a Point; (204) North 77,36.28 Rent 47.L2 feet to a points (20S) Nor 77.35-20 Bast 35.5E feet to a po1nC; (206) South 89 20:48 Rant 31.15 feet to a point) (207) South 77.13-39 East 26.53 feet to a point; (200) South 80-35-11 Feat 47.33 fleet to A point; (209) South 72.35-15 East 60.59 feet to a point-; (230) South 72 45 13 East 62,53 to to s point; (211) South SS-Ora-02 Fast 19.62 feet to a point; 1212) South 68 01-16 68et 36.74 feet to s point, (213) South 52-- 02-36 East 53..04 feet to a point; (214) South 51-17-41 East $7.60 feet to a polntJ (21S) South 42-22-02 Rnet 48.09 feet. to a point; (216) South 19-48.08 East 41.08 feet to a point; (217) South 14-59.26 East.32.64 teat to It point) (216) South 30.17-52 East 83.70 fee! Point; (219) South 29-.06- to a -33 East 43.38 feet to a point; 12201 South 17-00-51 Bast 26.2feet K.C. Oar Assoc, rorw Wo. 3 • 1977 Printed by AOreenwnt with the CC. 60r Assoc. MUGS t. a- paint; (`[.l) SOUth 19 18 50 Eant i9.11 feet to a poi rri: (222) Suut11 91-.Q3-28 West 36.29 We f•-t:o t to a point; (223) South 38-09-25 West 20.68 feet to a point; (229) South 11-We-36 East 23.66 feet to a point; {225) South 37-34-29 East 15.72 feet to a point; (226) South 24-45-34 East 20.32 feet to a point; (227) South 30-42-17 )last 28 feet to a point; (228) South 33-35- 35 East 54.01 feet. to a point; (279) South 24.27-07 East 39.12 feet to a point; (2301 South U7-34-46 Eant 13.70 fr(.t t:a n poieir; !233) 5011th 00-23-74 West 26.44 feet to a pointi 1232) South 04-53-30 Fast 28.24 feet to a point; (233) South 11 35-49 Went 29.47 feet to a point; a (234) South 11-16-26 West 27.23 feet to a point; (235) South 25-04-35 West 37.85 feet to a point; (236) South 23-30-36 West 19.77 feet to a point; (237) South 26-03-22 West 18.95 feet rr,1 to a point; (238) South 43.39-20 West 43.14 feet to a point; (239) South 11-16-52 West 12.20 v feet to a point; (240) South 39-20-2o West 72.12 feet to a point; (241) South 1J-25 17 West 99.39 .feet to a point; (242) South 14-06-14 West 56.11 feel to a point, (243) South 01-36-20 West 44.57 feet to a.point, 1244) South 03-45-07 West 20.94 feet t0 a point; (245) South 14- 55-52 West 28.91 feet to a point; (246) South 03-52-00 East 27.12 feet to a point; (247) Fa South 15-06-23 West 33,98 feet to a point; (248) South 00-3o-58 west 81.25 feet to a point; (249) South 11-35-46 West 26.23 feet to a point; (250) South 36-26-03 West 18.04 feet to a point; (251) South 18-10-14 West 28.73 feet to a point; (252) South 02-27-03 west 30.60 feet to A point; 1253) South 17-36-16 West 33.16 feet to a poirst; (254) South 41-43-42 West 27.14 feet to a point; (295) South 07 22-49 Went 31.92 feet to a point; (256) South 13-24-25 West 31.75 feet to a point; (2571 South 14-13-57 West 48,91 feet to a point; (258) South 10-16-30 _ West 63.42 feet to a point; (259) South 38-49-48 West 47.98 feet to a point; (260) South 40- 29-27 West 22.12 feet to a point; (261) South 77-52-40 West 18.17 feet to a point; (262) South 75-24-013 Weet 28.44 feet to a point; 12f;3) South 31 53-03 west 14.83 feet to a point; (264) South 19-06-1R WPo t 20.64 feet to a point; (265) South 21-11-11 West 43.10 feet to a point; (266) South 12 19 05 West. 36.40 feet to a point; (267) South 13-22-30 West 38.32 feet to a point; 1268) South 24 52 1Q Wert 34.81. feat to a point; (269) South 26-38-38 West 20.45 feet to a point; (270) South 02 49-17 East 15.9* feet to a point; (271) South 01-38-15 West 21.21 feet to a point; (272) '"uth 88-SO-05 EARt 11,63 feet to a point; 1273) North.73-25-47 East 9.38 feet to a point; (2.741 ::ouch 49 00 46 East 7,50 feat to a point; (275) South 41-27- 41 West 11.34 feet to a point; (276) South 08-'10-54 Went 24,45 feet to a point; 1277_) South 54-.28-05 West 6.48 feet to a point; (278) South -08.40 06 West 14.10 feet to a point; (279) South 08-40.30 East 16.75 feet to a point; 1280) South 30.33-26 West 17.10 feet to a point; (281) SOuth 57 48-37 West 24.77 feet to a point; 42.82) South 23-57-09 Went 21.47 feet to a point; (283) South 60.56-04 West 16.83 feet to a point; (2.84) South 44-24-55 West 26.88 feet to a point; (285) South 7.0 -42-53 Fast. 7.56 to t t.0 a I uis,t; tLe-nce leaving the 1160 foot contour elevation line of Lake Norman and running South 55-34.35 West 64-91,feet; thence South 37-43-45 west 119.10 fell+t; thenc.+ "Oath 31-54.17 West 26.88 feet to a point in the northern margin of Island Point Road; thence with the margin of the right of way of said Road the following courses and distances; (1) thence .in a northwesterly direction on a curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 1036.61 feet p art arc- distance of 29.88 feet to an iron rod; (2) thence enntituling it, a rlo11_11w ttion North OB 40 31 Hest 84.02 feet to all iron rnti (3) ttlencecnutinung ill n'lwen�1 direction on a curve to the al said curve having a ra<ilus of '170 feet for a (il, c t e of 102,80 feet to a point:; (4) thence continuing in a northwesterly direct} on°qrve t the right, said curve having _ a radius of 1528.32 feet for Sri arc dist9rlr--e v 5.-01 t t n iron rod, (5) thenceNorth66 27 56 West 150.38 feet to ats Srat1 rod., (61 nrg con l' g in a northwesterly direction Ott a curve to the right, said c1)rve paving is If �F'-of 4f)� �.5.3 Enrft for an are distance of 397.41 feet t�o an iron tod; ("! titerae� Nr; t 0If, ai I)�� :23 At 624.33 feet to an iron rodt (8) thence in a aouthwestetly direction Ott �� ,rr o the l' � �if ,eft. said curve having aradius of 639.30 feet for 611 arc distanc" 01 541 93 t (9) t r1 1 i rod; thenr-e South 81-44.19 Went 107,52 feet to the pnl,it and place oame containing .87.17 acres, more or lest;, according to (.hat certain sur��i��,r� n<l )J¢ffrey C. Allen, Registered Surveyor, Which is recorded 1tt ?tat Bnok 44, e lx atawba County Re9i8try. The property hereinabove described was i, u.ired by Grantox by instrument recorded in Book Page -._ A map showing the above described property is .recorded in Plat Book 44, Page 135. TO HAVE AND TO HOLb the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the (,ratitee, that Grantor is seized .of the premises in fee simple, hap the right to convey the name in fee n(.nple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all eneumhVallee a. alit that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of All persons whomlloever excrpt for the exceptions hereinafter stated, Title to the property herei(iabove drOcrihod in subject to tire following_ exceptions; I- ANY AND ALL RABZIONTq, RIGHT'S OF WAY AND R88TRICTION$ OIt RRCORD. 2. AM AND ALL ZONING AND PLANNING ORDINANCRB. 3. ANY DI$CRRPANCIXS AN AN ACCUPATR 9URM Or TUN YRXXInR$ >! IMM RXVXAL. 1N W1TNEAS W)IFRror, the t3xanie,r l,,.s htsrr,u(ttc u{t Ilia hood anti seal, or if corpvaata, has caused this instrument to he reigned in itn corporate nams by its duly authorized officers and its veal to be hereunto affixed by authority of it:* Board of Dirsctors, the day and Year Civet above written. R.t. ear Asti fore Ole 5 • 19rt pr,ntld by Aar'eeent filth th• R.C. Bnr Also,. a003 (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) Ass't. Secretary (Corporate Seal) BSAL-STAMP NORTH CAROLINA, County. I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Grantor, personally appeared before me this .day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. witness my hand and official stamp or seal; this day of 1921. My commission expires: Notary Public SRAL-STAMP NORTH CAROLINA, W-CklenWr'p _ County. I a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that a'filf R. Stlntlt�� fir:ld nally came before me this day end �`'.,, acknowledge that he/she iu �' ;+ retary of CL1 V P t i� {[BMBSP, AND MA han OP CA"ROLINA UTZ a North Carolina limited liabsai.dil otrporation onF�bchalf d that b ath��r id dl� '�it�ede liabilityivn and asth ompany,fthe the r v •^6�' C, jia foregoing instrument wall u ed its n by its Vll:e - I'r ont, r sealed with its corpora; eal d a rd by him/her as a sacr@t ry. witness my It ,,,and leial-damp or seal, this da at is l� Ai7r y . My commission expires: r Notary Public The foregoing Certificate(S),44,11 H•��° tte Notary Pubiir of Iredell Count N.C. is/XiFe certified to be correct. This trument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and in the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. RUTH MACKIE REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR Catawba COUNTY By Hegiater of Deeds. PW FI:C. 46r Assoc. Form No. 1 O 1977 - - " inted by Agreement With the k.C, 64r ASSOC. r001