HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220314 Ver 1_PCN Attachments - Lochmere_20220225 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis Project Number: Map Title: 13963.W1 01,0002,000 Figure 1 - USGS Map Project Manager: Feet SB Lilly Atkins Road, Scale:Wake County, NC 1" = 1000' Source: 2016 NC Apex & Date: Lake Wheeler Quads 08/08/2019 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis Project Number: Map Title: 13963.W1 05001,000 Figure 2 - Soil Survey Project Manager: Feet SB Lilly Atkins Road, Scale:Wake County, NC 1" = 500' Source: Wake County Soil Date: Survey Sheets 67 & 76 08/08/2019 Camden Brunick From:RaleighNCREG <RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil> Sent:Thursday, December 9, 2021 12:17 PM To:Kevin Murphrey Cc:Norton, April R CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Thames, Joyce A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Subject: SAW-2021-02623 (510 Lilly Atkins Road / Cary NC / Wake County) GoodAfternoon, YourJDrequesthasbeenreceived,assignedactionIDSAW202102623andforwardedtoMs.AprilNortonforfurther processing. PleaserefertotheactionIDinallcorrespondence. Thankyou, JosephineSchaffer CƩƚƒʹKevinMurphrey<kmurphrey@sandec.com> {ĻƓƷʹWednesday,December8,20213:14PM ƚʹRaleighNCREG<RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil> /ĭʹJoshHarvey<jharvey@sandec.com>;StevenBall<sball@sandec.com> {ǒĬƆĻĭƷʹ\[NonDoDSource\]S&ECPJDRequest_LillyAtkinsRd Goodafternoon,attachedisaPJDRequestforasitelocatedoffLillyAtkinsRdinCary,NC. Pleaseletmeknowwhenthisgetsassigned. Thanks! 1 February , 2022 To:U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service S&EC Project No: 13963.W8 Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Re: Online Project Review Request, Lochmenre, Cary – Wake County, North Carolina We have reviewed the referenced project using the USFWS North Carolina Field Office’s online project review process and have followed all guidance and instructions in completing the review. We completed our review February , 2022 and are submitting our project review package in accordance with the instructions for further review. Our proposed action consists of: A planned residential development that is proposing impacts to wetlands and streams. The location of the project and the action area are identified on the enclosed maps. Lochmere (35.720858, -78.755013). The site is located off Lily Atkins Road, Cary– Wake County, North Carolina. Construction will commence following the anticipated Section 404 & 401 Approvals and should be completed by the Nationwide Permit Expiration date of March 15, 2026. This project review is needed under provisions of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and per General Condition 18 of Nationwide Permit 29. The enclosed project review package provides the information about the species and critical habitat considered in our review. The species conclusions table included in the package identifies our determinations for the resources that may be affected by the project. For additional information, please contact Mason Montgomery at mmontgomery@sandec.com Sincerely, SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA Mason Montgomery Environmental Scientist, Wetlands Department Enclosures: 1.Project Request Review Package 6.FWS Official Species List 2.S&EC T&E Species Report 7.NHP Report 3.Vicinity Maps 8.FWS Species Conclusion Table 4.S&EC Photo Report 9.FWS Self-Certification Letter 5.Overall Site Plan February 22, 2022 S&EC Project No.: 13963.W8 To: Epcon Communities Attn: Mark Stiglitz 119 Weston Parkway Cary, NC 27513 Re: THREATENED & ENDANGERED SPECIES REPORT Lochmere(+/- 39 acres) Lily Atkins Rd, Apex, Wake County, NC Dear Mr. Stiglitz: On February 3, 2022, Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) evaluated the Lochmere property shown on the attached maps for potential endangered species. The property is located off Lily Atkins Rd in WakeCounty, NC.Surface waters on-site flow into Speight Branchin the NeuseRiver Basin, which has been classified in the “Classification and NC DWQ Standards Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of North Carolina” as WS-III; NSW. We obtained the attached automatically generated official species list from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) and N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NHP) report identifying the protected species on or within one mile of the project area that could potentially be affected by the project. These FWS & NHP reports were updated as of the date of this report. The official species list is valid for 90 days. We conducted site assessments to identify potential suitable habitat and preliminary surveys forthe individual species listed on the official species list. This included assessing the physical characteristics of the streams, identifying forest types, and looking for evidence of the listed specieson-site. This survey did not include any detailed sampling or netting. The results of the search are discussed below. Lochmere – S&EC Threatened & Endangered Species Report Page 1 of 7 February 22, 2022 S&EC Project #13963.W8 RESULTS: The FWS official species list identified the following speciesfor the Evaluation limits: Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Endangered Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi), Proposed Threatened Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus), Proposed Endangered Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), Proposed Threatened Dwarf Wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon), Endangered Yellow Lance (Elliptio lanceolata), Threatened Michaux’s Sumac (Rhus michauxii), Endangered Of the species identified on the official species list, the NHP report did not identify any Federally threatened or endangered species within the project area or within one mile of the project area. Other State listed species were found within the project area as listed in the attached NHP report.The NHP report identified one natural area and nine managed areas within the project area or within one mile of the project area. These are listed out in the attached NHP Report. RED-COCKADED WOODPECKER (Picoides borealis): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of suitable habitat (foraging and cavity trees) and individual Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (RCWs) within the project area. We found no individual RCWs within the project area. The NHP report did not list any known elemental occurrence within the project area or within one mile of the site. We found no ideal suitable habitat (e.g., Long Leaf pine forests) within the project area. Given the lack of species present, and no presence of suitable habitat we concluded that the project would have “No effect” on RCWs. NEUSE RIVER WATERDOG (Necturus lewisi): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of the streams on-site for potential suitable habitat for the Neuse River Waterdog. The NHP report did not list any known elemental occurrence within the project area or within one mile of the site. This species is found in the Neuse River and Tar River basins. The suitable habitat this species is found in is typically medium to large streams and rivers with a moderate gradient and large bed material. The Neuse River Waterdog also needs riffles, runs, and Lochmere – S&EC Threatened & Endangered Species Report Page 2 of 7 February 22, 2022 S&EC Project #13963.W8 pools. While we did not specifically sample for the species, we also did not find any evidence of the species while conducting our preliminary surveys of the streams for potential suitable habitat. Our preliminary survey concluded that potential suitable habitat does exist on-site.Speight Branch was +/-6 feet wide with medium baseflow and had a sandy substrate. This stream has an active floodplain. Additionally, the other streams on-site did not have suitable habitat. There is a proposed permanent – no permanent utility crossing . Due to these observations, we have concluded that the project would “May affect, not likely to adversely affect” the Neuse River Waterdog. CAROLINA MADTOM (Noturus furiosus): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of the streams on-site for potential suitable habitat for the Carolina Madtom. The NHP report did not list any known elemental occurrence within the project area or within one mile of the site. This species is found in the Neuse River and Tar River basins. The suitable habitat this species is found in is also medium to large streams and rivers with a moderate gradient and large bed material. The Carolina Madtom also needs continuous year-round flow and cover for nesting habitat. While we did not specifically sample for the species, we also did not find any evidence of the species while conducting our preliminary surveys of the streams for potential suitable habitat. Our preliminary survey concluded that potential suitable habitat does exist on-site. Speight Branch was +/-6 feet wide with medium baseflow and had a sandy substrate. This stream has an active floodplain. Additionally, the other streams on-site did not have suitable habitat. There is a proposed permanent – no permanent utility crossing. Due to these observations, we have concluded that the project would “May affect, not likely to adversely affect” theCarolina Madtom. ATLANTIC PIGTOE (Fusconaia masoni): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of the streams on-site for potential suitable habitat for the Atlantic Pigtoe (Note: This did not include a detailed aquatic mussel survey for the presence of mussels). The NHP report did not list any known elemental occurrence within the project area or within one mile of the site. The suitable habitat for this species consists of medium sized creeks to large rivers with excellent water quality. This species typically lives in streams with coarse sand and gravel Lochmere – S&EC Threatened & Endangered Species Report Page 3 of 7 February 22, 2022 S&EC Project #13963.W8 with moderate to high flowing water. While we did not specifically sample for the species, we also did not find any evidence of the species while conducting our preliminary surveys of the streams for potential suitable habitat. Our preliminary survey concluded that potential suitable habitat does exist on-site. Speight Branch was +/-6 feet wide with medium baseflow and had a sandy substrate. This stream has an active floodplain. Additionally, the other streams on-site did not have suitable habitat. There is a proposed permanent – no permanent utility crossing . Due to these observations, we have concluded that the project would “May affect, not likely to adversely affect” the Atlantic Pigtoe. DWARF WEDGEMUSSEL (Alasmidonta heterodon): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of the streams on-site for potential suitable habitat for the Dwarf Wedgemussel (Note: This did not include a detailed aquatic mussel survey for the presence of mussels). The NHP report did not list any known elemental occurrence within the project area or within one mile of the site. The Dwarf Wedgemussel has little to no preference for stream size, flow condition or bed material. Based on guidance from the USFWS staff, only 2nd order and larger perennial streams are considered suitable habitat. While we did not conduct detailed mussel surveys, no mussels (of any species) were observed during the preliminary suitable habitat survey. Our preliminary survey concluded that potential suitable habitat does exist on-site. Speight Branch was +/-6 feet wide with medium baseflow and had a sandy substrate. This stream has an active floodplain. Additionally, the other streams on-site did not have suitable habitat. There is a proposed permanent – no permanent utility crossing. Due to these observations, we have concluded that the project would “May affect, not likely to adversely affect” the Dwarf Wedgemussel. YELLOW LANCE (Elliptio lanceolata): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of the streams on site for potential suitable habitat for the Yellow Lance (Note: This did not include a detailed aquatic mussel survey for the presence of mussels). The NHP report did not list any known elemental occurrence within the project area or within one mile of the site. The suitable habitat for this species consists of medium sized rivers and small creeks with excellent water quality. This species typically lives in streams with clean, coarse sand, Lochmere – S&EC Threatened & Endangered Species Report Page 4 of 7 February 22, 2022 S&EC Project #13963.W8 and gravel with moderate to high flowing water. While we did not specifically sample for the species, we also did not find any evidence of the species while conducting our preliminary surveys of the streams for potential suitable habitat. Our preliminary survey concluded that potential suitable habitat does exist on-site. Speight Branch was +/-6 feet wide with medium baseflow and had a sandy substrate. This stream has an active floodplain. Additionally, the other streams on-site did not have suitable habitat. There is a proposed permanent – no permanent utility crossing . Due to these observations, we have concluded that the project would “May affect, not likely to adversely affect” the Yellow Lance. MICHAUX’S SUMAC (Rhus michauxii): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of suitable habitat within the project area. We visited a known population of Michaux’s sumac within Wake County prior to conducting our preliminary surveys. We found no individual Michaux’s Sumac species within the project area. The NHP report did not list any known elemental occurrence within the project area. We found suitable habitat within the project areas to include primarily disturbed open areas along paths and roads. It should be noted that this preliminary survey was done outside of the optimal survey window (May-October). While we did not find any Michaux’s Sumac plants within the project area, our survey was conducted outside of the optimal survey window and as suitable habitat was found it is possible that Michaux’s Sumac exists and therefore we concluded the project would “May affect” Michaux’s Sumac. We recommend consulting with the USFWS and/or conducting follow up surveys within the optimal survey window. BALD EAGLE (Haliaeetus leucocephalus): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys of suitable habitat, nesting sites, and individual Bald Eagles within the project area. During our survey, we found no evidence of Bald Eagles or any nesting sites within the project area. The NHP report did not identify any known nests on-site or within one mile of the site. Given the lack of species present, we have concluded that the project is “Unlikely to disturb nesting bald eagles”. We believe no Eagle Act Permit is required. Lochmere – S&EC Threatened & Endangered Species Report Page 5 of 7 February 22, 2022 S&EC Project #13963.W8 NORTHERN LONG-EARED BAT (Myotis septentrionalis): S&EC personnel conducted preliminary surveys for suitable habitat and individual Northern Long- eared Bats (NLEB’s) within the project area. During our survey, we found no individual species. Relying upon the findings of the 1/5/2016 Programmatic Biological Opinion for Final 4(d) Rule on the Northern Long-Eared Bat and Activities Excepted from Take Prohibitions to fulfill our project-specific section 7 responsibilities." Due to the nature of the project being residential development, we concluded that the project would “May affect, but not likely to adversely affect” NLEB’s. CONCLUSION: After completing the habitat assessments and preliminary surveys, S&EC completed the attached “Species Conclusion Table” and “Self-Certification Letter”. Using language typically used by the FWS in their conclusion letters, we have concluded that it appears the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect any federally listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). However, as suitable habitat exists for Michaux’s Sumac the USFWS should be consulted to determine if surveys need to occur during the optimal survey windows for Michaux’s Sumac to ensure that no plants exist within the disturbed limits of the project. We strongly recommend requesting a concurrence letter from the FWS. Sincerely, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA Mason Montgomery Environmental Scientist, Wetlands Department Lochmere – S&EC Threatened & Endangered Species Report Page 6 of 7 February 22, 2022 S&EC Project #13963.W8 Attachments: 1. USGS Vicinity Map 2. Soil Survey Vicinity Map 3. Aerial Map 4. Photo Report 5. Overall Site Plan 6. FWS List of threatened and endangered species that occur in your proposed location, and/or may be affected by your proposed project. Official Species List. January 17, 2022. 7. NHP report: January 17, 2022. 8. S&EC – FWS Species Conclusion Table. February 22, 2022. 9. S&EC – FWS Self-Certification Letter. February 22, 2022. References: -North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. 2017. Biotics Database. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. -US Fish and Wildlife Service. Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) & Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Online Project Reviews website. -U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2017. Species status assessment report for the Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni). Version 1.2. March 2017. Atlanta, GA. -U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1993. Michaux’s Sumac Recovery Plan. Atlanta, Georgia: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 30pp. -U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2003. Recovery Plan for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Second Revision. Atlanta GA 316 pp. -U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/ Southeast Region. 2019. Carolina Madtom. Species Profile. https://www.fws.gov/southeast/wildlife/fishes/Carolina-madtom/. - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/ Southeast Region. 2019. Neuse River Waterdog... Species Profile. https://www.fws.gov/southeast/wildlife/amphibians/neuse-river-waterdog/ Lochmere – S&EC Threatened & Endangered Species Report Page 7 of 7 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis Project Number: Map Title: 13963.W 01,0002,000 USGS Map Project Manager: Feet Lilly Atkins Road, Scale:Wake County, NC 1" = 1000' Source: 2016 NC Apex & Date: Lake Wheeler Quads 0 NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis Project Number: Map Title: 13963.W 05001,000 Soil Survey Project Manager: Feet Lilly Atkins Road, Scale:Wake County, NC 1" = 500' Source: Wake County Soil Date: Survey Sheets 67 & 76 0/08/20 MjmzBuljotSe Speight Branch Qipup2 Qipup4 Qipup5 Qipup3 Qipup6 TxjguDsffl Legend DOT RoW Evaluation Limits (approximate) Property Boundary Potentially Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Potentially Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream IpmmzTqsjohtSe Potentially Jurisdictional Wetland 50' Neuse River Riparian Buffer 100' Town of Cary Riparian Buffer NCCGIA 0200400800 Aerial Photo Map Lilly Atkins Road, Feet Wake County, NC Project No. Scale: 13963.W81" = 200' Aerials from NC One Map Project Mgr.: 02/08/2022 Prepared by: MM Job #: 13963.W8 February 22, 2022 Threatened and Endangered Species Photo Report for the Lochmere Property Photo 1:Loblolly pines Photo 2: Floodplain 1 Job #: 13963.W8 February 22, 2022 Photo 3: Speight Branch Photo 4: Intermittent stream 2 Job #: 13963.W8 February 22, 2022 Photo 5: 3 Vojufe!Tubuft!Efqbsunfou!pg!uif!Joufsjps GJTI!BOE!XJMEMJGF!TFSWJDF Sbmfjhi!Fdpmphjdbm!Tfswjdft!Gjfme!Pggjdf Qptu!Pggjdf!Cpy!44837 Sbmfjhi-!OD!38747.4837 Qipof;!):2:*!967.5631!Gby;!):2:*!967.5667 Jo!Sfqmz!Sfgfs!Up;Kbovbsz!28-!3133 Dpotvmubujpo!Dpef;!15FO3111.3133.TMJ.1784 Fwfou!Dpef;!15FO3111.3133.F.1265:! 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Attn: Mr. Mark Stiglitz 119 Weston Parkway Cary, NC 27513 RE: Availability of Riparian Wetland Credits for the “Lochmere” project Bank Name: Falling Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument Bank Site: McClenny Acres II Mitigation Site Bank Sponsor: Wildlands Holdings III, LLC USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-02527 Riparian Wetland Credits Needed: 0.80 acres Riparian Wetland Credits Available: 4.09 acres Neuse 03020201 River Basin Dear Mr. Stiglitz, Wildlands Holdings III, LLC has the above-mentioned riparian wetland credits from the Falling Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument: McClenny Acres II Mitigation Site to satisfy the mitigation requirements related to the above-mentioned project. The project is located within the service area (HUC 03020201) of the Bank. Credits may be reserved for a period of 6 months upon the receipt of a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the purchase price. Should credits not be reserved, they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Credit prices will be guaranteed for a period of 6 months from the date of this letter and are then subject to change. An invoice for this transaction will be sent upon your request and we will reserve the credits and price for a period of 30 days from invoice. This letter is a Statement of Availability as of the date provided – it is not a reservation of credits nor a guarantee of price. Credits will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Final transfer of credits will occur upon completion of the Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form within the completed 404 permit. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your mitigation requirements. Please contact me at (704) 332-7754 x124 or ayarsinske@wildlandseng.com if you have any questions or need any additional information. Wildlands Holdings III, LLC · Wildlands Engineering, Inc · 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28203 Sincerely, Ashley N. Yarsinske Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Marketing & Credit Sales ayarsinske@wildlandseng.com O: (704) 332-7754 ext. 124 M: (757) 572-5269 Cc: Mr. James Lastinger | USACE Mr. Camden Brunick, Environmental Consultant | Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Wildlands Holdings III, LLC · Wildlands Engineering, Inc · 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28203