HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-5929 Scoping Packet - Mr. Conchilla.pdf �..STATE U �2 y ` 2�F STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY February 7, 2022 Mr. Ryan Conchilla NC DWR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 MEMORANDUM TO: Project Scoping Participants FROM: Jerry P. Page, PE DocuSignedby: Division Project Engineer E A34DC SUBJECT: Project Information for the Intersection Improvements at NC 24/27 and SR 1006 (Glendon-Carthage Rd) and the Adjacent Intersections with US 15/501 in Moore County, TIP No. R-5929 WBS No. 48547.1.1 The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division 8 is beginning the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for the R-5929 project. The project proposes intersection improvements at NC 24/27 and SR 1006 (Glendon-Carthage Road), as well as with the adjacent intersections of each segment with US 15/501. The project is included in the North Carolina Department of Transportation's approved 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program and is scheduled for right-of-way acquisition in fiscal year 2023 and construction in fiscal year 2025. NCDOT is preparing a state Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist (MCDC) for this project. NCDOT has made the preliminary determination that the project will not proceed through the Merger Process. In lieu of holding an in-person scoping meeting, NCDOT is providing the attached project information and maps. We welcome your input on the proposed project R-5929, and we would appreciate any information that may be helpful in evaluating the potential environmental effects. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your organization. Please provide your input by March 7, 2022. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact me at 252-230-8834 or by email at Ext-jppage@ncdot.gov. Please include the STIP Project Number (R-5929) in all correspondence and comments. Mailing Address: Telephone:(910)773-8000 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 121 DOT DRIVE DIVISION 8 CARTHAGE,NC 28327 121 DOT DRIVE CARTHAGE,NC 28327 Wehsite:www.ncdotgov Sincerely, Jerry P. Page, PE Division Project Engineer Attachments Project Data Sheet Vicinity Map Topographic Map Environmental Features Map North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Data Sheet— R-5929 Essential Project Information STIP Project Name SR 1006 (Glendon-Carthage Road) at NC 24/ NC 27 in Carthage. Improve Intersection and Adjacent Intersections of Each Facility with US 15/ US 501 STIP Number R-5929 County Moore NCDOT Division 8 ROW Date FY 2023 LET Date FY 2025 Schedule Considerations he project is adjacent to U-3628; project planning for R-5929 will be coordinated to the extent possible with U-3628. Cost Estimates he total project cost is $3,840,000 (NCDOT estimate). Funding Type State Highway Trust Funds Proposed Project Details Project Description �NC 24/NC 27/US 15-501/SR 1006 (Glendon-Carthage Rd) Intersection improvements Project Limits Refer to attached Study Area Ma Typical Section To be determined, based on the intersection type selected. The conceptual designs include a roundabout for Option 1 and Option 2 and o (2)signalized T intersections for Option 3. Access Control No Control Design Speed TBID based on alternative selected. Right-of-Way Width TBID based on alternative selected. Physical or Engineering Church and cemetery (Community Friends Church), gas stations and Constraints underground storage tanks, geoenviron mental sites of concern, changes in topography, creek tributaries (Little and Dunhams), utilities water and sewer, overhead power, communications) Other Considerations N/A Survey Request Date Final Survey completed August 2021 Design Plan TBID Construction BD _ Recommendation Consultant Involvement Project initiation; public involvement; traffic operations and crash analyses; conceptual roadway design; utility coordination; NRTR; CIA screening; hydraulic planning report; determine affected coordinated corridors; VE and risk management; project management and coordination. Project History IFFW Planning Studies IThe project is not included in the Moore County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) (June 2020). However, the CTP does include U-3628, improvements to a segment of NC 24/27 (Monroe Street)that includes the project intersection. The project is listed in the North Carolina Department of Transportation NCDOT 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project R-5929 has a Division funded project. SPOT Description Improve intersection at US 15/US 501 and NC 24-27 in Carthage. Could also include improvements to nearby intersections at US 15 / US 501 and Glendon-Carthage Rd, NC 24-27 and Glendon-Carthage Rd, and US 15/ US 501 and Union Church Rd. Feasibility Studies Project Scoping Technical Report completed July 2019 for the NCDOT Feasibility Studies Unit Problem Statement The proposed project would facilitate better access to US 15/501 and remove dangerous crossing movements for the existing NC 24/27 (Monroe Street)access to US 15/501. Alternatives Previously Other options considered included modifying Option 1 to include a Dismissed and Why second roundabout at the intersection of Glendon-Carthage Road and US 15/501. Additionally, instead of terminating at Glendon-Carthage Road, Monroe Street would continue to US 15/501. Another option included a single large roundabout, connecting Glendon-Carthage Road, Monroe Street, and US 15/501. In this option, all traffic would pass through the roundabout. These options were dismissed in consultation with local government partners. Purpose &Need Purpose Facilitate better access to US 15/US 501 and remove dangerous crossing movements for the existing NC 24/27 (Monroe Street) access to US 15/501. An adjacent project (U-3628)would widen NC 24/27 to a three-lane section with curb and gutter and bicycle/pedestrian accommodations to address safety and operational issues. Need(s) Needed for the safe movement of future through traffic on NC 24/NC 27 and adjacent roads; R-5929 will be coordinated with U-3628 to provide safer movements throughout this local network H170752 Feasibility Study Project Scoping Technical Report Supporting Data H170752 Traffic Report Alternatives Currently Under Consideration Alternative 1 Roundabout Alternative 2 lRoundabout and realignment of US 15/US 501 Alternative 3 ISignalized T Intersections Public and Agency Coordination Anticipated Permits Possible Section 404 permit- TBD Federal Agency Involvement Lead Federal agency: USA CE,-others not anticipated Public Involvement Strategy PI Strategy not developed for R-5929;public will be notified of the selected alternative for the intersection improvements. Merger Screening Date NCDOT has determined that the Merger process will not be required for the R-5929 project Potential Merger Triggers N/A Existing Conditions Functional Classification SR 1006 (Glendon-Carthage Rd)— Major Collector NC 24/NC 27— Major Collector US 15-501 — Minor Arterial Strategic Highway Corridor No AADT Current Year(2019) • Monroe St (NC 24/27) west of Glendon-Carthage Rd: 11,600 vpd • Monroe St (NC 24/27) east of Glendon-Carthage Rd: 7,200 vpd • Glendon-Carthage Rd north of Monroe St: 3,400 vpd • Glendon-Carthage Rd south of Monroe St: 5,400 vpd • US 15/501 north of Monroe St: 14,400 vpd • US 15/501 between Monroe St and Glendon-Carthage Rd: 7,200 vpd • US 15/501 south of Glendon-Carthage Rd: 12,600 vpd Forecast Year(2040) • Monroe St (NC 24/27) west of Glendon-Carthage Rd: 13,400 vpd • Monroe St (NC 24/27) east of Glendon-Carthage Rd: 8,400 vpd • Glendon-Carthage Rd north of Monroe St: 4,000 vpd • Glendon-Carthage Rd south of Monroe St: 6,200 vpd • US 15/501 north of Monroe St: 16,800 vpd • US 15/501 between Monroe St and Glendon-Carthage Rd: 8,400 vpd US 15/501 south of Glendon-Carthage Rd: 14,600 vpd Access Control No Control Typical Section TBD Right-of-Way Width TBD Posted Speed 35 mph Structures (bridges, RCBC, N/A etc.) Railroad Involvement None Other Adjacent STIP Projects IU-3628: Courthouse west of NC 22 (McNeill St)to US 15/US 501 in Carthage. Widen to three lanes with curb and gutter and bicycle/pedestrian accommodations. (ROW Year—2018, Construction Year—2025) Preliminary Resource Inventory Table Utilities (Water, sewer, overhead power, communications Hazardous Materials Phase I Geoenvironmental Report (January 2022) identified Plantation Truck& Equipment and Short Stop 76 as environmental sites of concern. Known Potentially-Eligible Two potential resources were previously identified in the vicinity of the National Register of Historic southern study area on US 15/US 501 —the Barrett-Frye House (Site Places Sites/Districts ID MR1513) and an unnamed house (Site ID MR1514). The sites were surveyed and have been determined ineligible (NC HPOWEB 2.0). Other Cultural Resources (Archaeology: No Survey Required (Jan. 10, 2022). Wetlands Wetlands are indicated within the study area in the NWI wetlands GIS ,layer; field survey has not been conducted. Streams Little Creek �Dunhams Creek FEMA Floodplain Detailed N/A Study Area Water Supply Watersheds The southern portion of the project is located within a WS-III. Riparian Buffer Rules N/A Active Agriculture Possible in the SE quadrant of the intersection. NRCS tool indicates he area is not prime farmland or farmland of statewide importance. Parks, Greenways, Game Lands, Section 4(f) & Section Moore County Veterans Memorial 6(f) Properties Environmental Justice Census data analyzed using the NCDOT demographic tool (US Populations Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2015- 2019) indicates a notable presence of low-income populations meeting the criteria for Environmental Justice (EJ) in Census Tract (CT) 9504.01, Block Group (BG) 2 and CT 9504.02, BG 3 and a notable presence of minority populations meeting the criteria for Environmental Justice EJ in CT 9504.02, BG 3. Other Resources (i.e., Wild N/A and Scenic Rivers, TVA, Scenic Byways, etc.) Prolw ement Approval The need for the proposed change is sufficient to justify the impacts to the scope, schedule, and budget. Project Manager Name Signature Date Supervisor Name Signature Date Attach General Study Area Map and CE Screening Report Here i Legend a _ d """ Project Study Area Town of Carthage o a fi d OBIS C�V � rP S n a a a 3 � n w :a 24 27 0 ,6�sves Ftd a Olt F unbn anus 99 Sty9e Ru Dowd sc n e� G 91 a 22 15 501 y`'�s �r �k G� iC0 ❑urea Summer�y��Chum Rb �a w� Csc c a n m � a w d � ea n o b JOPf�a c� c� rofi ? v �A n 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 X Feet NC 24/NC 27 at SR 1006 (Glendon- STIP No. Carthage Rd Improve Intersection and Adjacent R-5929 Project 4: -� RS Intersections of Each Facility with US 15/ US 501 Vicinity Map Moore County Y Division: 8 k. Legend Lbokput ' '� I R-5929 Study Area Tow , , J 27 h•' . .I ► t 24 501 OP t " ■ • • ~f �! i! 15 Fairgrounds 157 24 r Q^ c 15 1 _ 501 ' ,ri N �ReScrvp�r -- -� CARTHAGE, NC QUADRANGLE US Geological Survey 0 500 1,000 2,000 ■ Copyright:©2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Feet NC 24/NC 27 at SR 1006 (Glendon- STIP No. Carthage Rd) Improve Intersection and Adjacent R-5929 Topographic � � Intersections of Each Facilitywith US 15/ US 501 Map County Division: 8 r r 501 15 , — — — •r * 24 27 _ Y r ° i ttt a • 1 1 I 24 27 I� Lee end Project Study Area • Park Place of Worship �y ttt Cemetery ❑ GeoEnvironmental Phase I Site of Concern I © Gas Station Underground Storage Tank 15 m Sanitary Sewer Pump Station / 501 Stream/Creek Waterbody N NWI Wetland Protected Water Supply Watershed 'I Parcel Boundary 0 250 500 1,00 eet r Carthage Town Limits -Gy Intersection Improvements at STIP No. Environmental ' NC 24/NC 27 at SR 1006 R-5929 Features Map e l�UH (Glendon-Carthage Rd)and Adjacent I `�, Moore County Intersections with US 15/US 501 Division: 8 January2022