HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003417_Seep Management Amendment to Closure Plan_20220225 t dais DUKE Jessica L.Bednarcik Senior Vice President ENERGY® Environmental,Health&Safety, Coal Combustion Products 526 S.Church Street Mail Code:EC3XP Charlotte, NC 28202 (704)382-8768 February 23, 2022 Via Overnight Mail RECEIVED EB 2 5 2022 Sushma Masemore, P.E. Assistant Secretary NC�EQ/�WF�/NP�E$ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Subject: Report Under Special Order by Consent—EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress, LLC—H. F. Lee Steam Electric Plant NPDES Permit NC0003417 Wayne County Seep Management Amendment to Closure Plan Dear Assistant Secretary Masemore: On behalf of Duke Energy Progress, LLC (DEP), I am submitting to you the Seep Management Amendment to Closure Plan as required by Section 2.b.7 of the H.F. Lee Steam Electric Plant's Special Order by Consent(SOC),SOC No. S 18-006. This report follows the Seep Characterization Report submitted on December 28, 2021 and addresses management of non-dispositioned seeps associated with the ash basins at H.F Lee. Please direct any questions about this submittal to Shannon Langley at (919) 546-2439. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. I f Sincerely F essica L. Bednarcik Senior Vice President Environment, Health & Safety and Coal Combustion Products Attachment: HF Lee Steam Electric Plant Seep Management Plan Amendment to Closure Plan cc: Jim Wells, Duke Energy Ed Sullivan, Duke Energy Matt Hanchey, Duke Energy Richard Baker, Duke Energy Shannon Langley, Duke Energy Joyce Dishmon, Duke Energy John Toepfer, Duke Energy Mike Graham, Duke Energy Danny Smith, NCDEQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Ed Mussler, NCDEQ 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Bob Sledge, NCDEQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 David May, DEQ 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 t synTerra Science & Engineering Consultants synterracorp.com SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSURE PLAN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX SOC WQ S18-006 1199 BLACK JACK CHURCH ROAD GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 FEBRUARY 2022 PREPARED FOR f•� DUK ENEREGY PROGRESS DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC / - . Kathy Webb Tim Grant t Senior Peer Review Senior Scientist ' * - Kelly Ferri Project Manager 1 T Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SynTerra prepared this Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan (Wood, 2019) pertaining to the Active Ash Basin (AAB), the Inactive Ash Basins (IAB), and the Lay of the Land Area (LOLA) at the H.F. Lee Energy Complex(H.F. Lee or Site)to describe plans for the management of identified seeps in a manner that protects public health, safety and welfare, the environment, and natural resources.This amendment to the closure plan was prepared on behalf of Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy). Corrective action beyond the planned closure of the ash basins and LOLA may not be necessary for seeps at H.F. Lee. Special Order by Consent (SOC) WQ S18-006, approved on January 11, 2019, addresses the management of seeps during the process of basin closure under the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, North Carolina General Statutes 130A-309.200 through 130A-309.231, and the federal Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule, 40 CFR Parts 257 and 261. Section 2.b.7 of the SOC states: Within 60 days of the submittal of the Seep Characterization Report, Duke Energy shall submit a complete and adequate proposed amendment to the groundwater Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure Plan as appropriate for the Facility describing how any seeps identified in the Seep Characterization Report will be managed in a manner that will be sufficient to protect public health, safety, and welfare, the environment, and natural resources... The Seep Characterization Report (SynTerra, 2021) identified nine non-dispositioned seeps associated with the AAB, IABs, and LOLA (presented below by associated source area) that require a management plan: g Active Ash Basin • S-08, located on the east side of the AAB, is a low flow seep that flows into the perimeter ditch. S-08 was not sampled during the seep characterization sampling event because of insufficient flow. • S-23 and S-24 are located south of the AAB and flow to the Neuse River. Seep characterization analytical results indicate that total arsenic, hardness, and total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations are greater than North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 02B, Surface Water and Wetland Standards (02B) standards. However, the quarterly SOC monitoring data collected at instream monitoring locations Downstream Neuse River and Downstream 2 Neuse River (located downstream of those seep discharges) indicate that all Attachment B constituents are less than their respective 02B standards. February 2022 Page ES-1 t a Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina • S-22, S-25, and S-26 are low flow seeps located on the south side of the AAB between the ash basin and the Neuse River. These seeps were not sampled during the seep characterization sampling event because of insufficient flow. Inactive Ash Basin • Ponded water at S-18 on the east side of the IABs has been observed to be flowing to the Neuse River in past events. S-18 was not sampled during the seep characterization sampling event because of insufficient flow. Lay of Land Area • LOLA S-01A and LOLA S-01B, located north of the LOLA, are low flow seeps that flow toward the Neuse River. Flow at these locations was insufficient to collect a sample during the seep characterization sampling event. Duke Energy continues to implement ash basin closure and corrective action activities that affect groundwater seepage in a manner that is protective of public health, safety and welfare, the environment, and natural resources. Completed, ongoing, and planned corrective action and closure activities include: Year Closure or Corrective Action Activity 2016-2018 Active Ash Basin decanting 2019-2020 Active Ash Basin dewatering 2022 Submit Groundwater Corrective Action Plan Update Dewatering,excavation,and closure of the AAB 2020—2035 Excavation of the IABs and LOLA Evaluation of constituent concentrations at seep locations using the Mann-Kendall trend test demonstrates predominantly stable and decreasing trends. This evaluation indicates that the system has been geochemically stable prior to, and since, implementation of ash basin closure activities. Based on findings from seep characterization (SynTerra, 2021), the following corrective action strategies are planned to manage the remaining non-dispositioned seeps. Seep Corrective Action Strategy Active Ash Basin S-08,S-22,S- AAB dewatering and excavation is anticipated to reduce or eliminate flow from these seeps. 23, S-24,S-25, Furthermore,basin closure will remove the source of potential CCR constituents in these seeps. and S-26 Additional corrective action for these locations is not anticipated. February 2022 Page ES-2 Project:000061.20 1 � Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina Seep Corrective Action Strategy Inactive Ash Basin IAB excavation might reduce flow at this location.Closure of the IAB will remove the source of S-18 potential CCR constituents in the seep.Additional corrective action for this location is not anticipated. Lay of Land Area LOLA S-01A and LOLA S LOLA excavation will remove the source of potential CCR constituents at these locations. and Additional corrective action for these locations is not anticipated. Non-dispositioned seeps are scheduled to be monitored as required by the SOC until termination of the SOC by the Division of Water Resources (DWR), or no later than February 28, 2023. Upon termination of the SOC, continued (effectiveness) monitoring of remaining non- dispositioned seeplocations is recommended until closure of the ash basins is complete, or until a seep is dry for two consecutive sampling events, or data indicate a seep does not contain constituents associated with the ash basins at concentrations greater than 02B standards from two consecutive sampling events. Seeps would be monitored on a semiannual basis consistent with the nearby groundwater monitoring network to correlate changing water quality and geochemical conditions. It is anticipated that seep monitoring would be discussed and new data would be evaluated in Annual Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Reports. February 2022 Page ES-3 Project'00.0061 20 1 Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Background 1-1 1.2 Purpose and Scope 1-1 1.3 Previous Reporting 1-2 2.0 OVERVIEW OF SEEPS PROPOSED FOR MANAGEMENT 2-1 2.1 Seeps Associated with the Active Ash Basin 2-1 2.2 Seeps Associated with the Inactive Ash Basins 2-2 2.3 Seeps Associated with the Lay of Land Area 2-2 3.0 PROPOSED SEEP MONITORING PLAN 3-1 3.1 Seeps Associated with the Ash Basins 3-1 3.2 Nature and Extent of Source Related Constituents and Seeps 3-1 3.3 Ash Basin Closure and Corrective Action 3-3 3.4 Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis 3-4 3.5 Seep Corrective Action Strategy 3-4 3.6 Seep Monitoring 3-5 4.0 REFERENCES 4-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Site Location Map Figure 2-1 Existing Seep Locations and Inspection Areas Figure 3-1 Proposed Seep Dispositional Status, Locations, and Inspection Areas Figure 3-2 Conceptual Site Model - Boron LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Seep Status Summary Table 3-1 Seep Characterization Sampling Results—October 2021 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A SOC WQ S18-006 Appendix B Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis, February 2022 February 2022 Page i Project 00.0061 20 1 � Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress,LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina LIST OF ACRONYMS 02B North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 02B, Surface Water and Wetland Standards 02L North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 02L, Groundwater Standards µg/L micrograms per liter AAB Active Ash Basin CCR coal combustion residual COI constituents of interest DWR Division of Water Resources Duke Energy Duke Energy Progress, LLC IMAC interim maximum allowable concentration IAB Inactive Ash Basin LOLA Lay of the Land Area mg/L milligrams per liter NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Site/H.F. Lee H.F. Lee Energy Complex SOC Special Order by Consent TDS total dissolved solids WOS Waters of the State WOTUS Waters of the United States February 2022 Page ii Project'00.0061.20 1 � Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 1.0 INTRODUCTION SynTerra prepared this Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan (Wood, 2019) pertaining to the Active Ash Basin (AAB), Inactive Ash Basins (IABs), and Lay of the Land Area (LOLA) at the H.F. Lee Energy Complex(H.F. Lee or Site) to describe plans to manage identified seeps in a manner that protects public health, safety and welfare, the environment, and natural resources. This amendment to the Closure Plan was prepared on behalf of Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy). Corrective action beyond the planned closure of the ash basins and LOLA may not be necessary for seeps at H.F. Lee. 1.1 Background Special Order by Consent (SOC) WQ S18-006, approved on January 11, 2019, addresses management of seeps at the Site during the process of basin closure under the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, North Carolina General Statutes 130A-309.200 through 130A- 309.231, and the federal Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule, 40 CFR Parts 257 and 261. The SOC is provided in Appendix A. Ash was sluiced to the AAB from approximately 1982 until 2012, when the coal-fired plant was decommissioned. Despite the name, the AAB no longer receives coal ash, and the Site no longer generates coal ash. In preparation for ash basin closure, wastewater inflows ceased in 2012 and decanting of free water from the AAB began in April 2016 and was completed in November 2018. Dewatering of ash pore water began in July 2019 and is ongoing. Excavation of the AAB began in September 2020. The Inactive Ash Basins (IAB) consist of IAB 1, IAB 2, and IAB 3 and are located across the Neuse River, west of Plant operations. Sluicing to IABs 1 and 2 began in the early 1950s and ended in 1969. IAB 3 was used from approximately 1962 until 1982.The three IABs are covered with mature forest. Precipitation collects on the interior portion of the basins.There are currently no outfall structures, although two are permitted by the modified National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit dated February 28, 2020. No decanting is required for the IABs, and construction activities to prepare for excavation are underway. The LOLA is an area of approximately 7 acres located adjacent to the cooling pond and east of the former coal-fired operations area and coal pile. The LOLA received coal ash during the early years of Plant operation prior to the use of the IABs. The LOLA is separated from the AAB by the Neuse River. No decanting is required in the LOLA. A site location map is provided on Figure 1-1. 1.2 Purpose and Scope As required in Section 2.b.7 of the SOC, SynTerra is providing this Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan to describe plans to manage seeps identified in the Seep Characterization Report(SynTerra, 2021) in a manner that will protect public health, safety, and February 2022 Page 1-1 Project:00.0067..20 Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina welfare, the environment, and natural resources.The Seep Characterization Report evaluated seeps based on the physical status, chemical composition, and jurisdictional determination. To be considered for corrective action in this Seep Management Plan, a seep must: 1) Be non-dispositioned 2) Constitute, or flow to Waters of the State (WOS) or Waters of the United States (WOTUS) 3) Exhibit constituent concentrations that are greater than applicable North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Title 15A, Subchapter 02B, Surface Water and Wetland Standards (02B) 1.3 Previous Reporting Detailed descriptions of previous Site SOC assessments and characterizations are documented in the following: • 2019 Annual Seep Report, H.F. Lee Energy Complex—SynTerra, April 2020 • 2020 Annual Seep Report, H.F. Lee Energy Complex—SynTerra, April 2021 • Comprehensive Site Assessment Update, H.F. Lee Energy Complex—SynTerra, December 2020 • Final Seep Report, H.F. Lee Energy Complex—SynTerra, October 2021 • Seep Characterization Report, H.F. Lee Energy Complex—SynTerra, December 2021 February 2022 Page 1-2 I 1 Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 2.0 OVERVIEW OF SEEPS PROPOSED FOR MANAGEMENT According to the SOC, there are 22 identified non-constructed seeps associated with the AAB, the IABs, and the LOLA. Of those 22 non-constructed seeps, four seeps (5-05, 5-19, 5-20, and S- 21) were dispositioned at the issuance of the SOC. Nine seeps (S-01, S-02, 5-04, 5-06, 5-27, 5-28, and 5-29) were proposed to be dispositioned in the Seep Characterization Report(SynTerra, 2021). Nine non-constructed seeps remain non-dispositioned. Seep descriptions and statuses are provided in Table 2-1. The remaining non-dispositioned seeps identified in the SOC are described below. 2.1 Seeps Associated with the Active Ash Basin The following seeps are associated with the AAB and are depicted on Figure 2-1: • 5-23 and S-24 are low flow seeps located on the south side of the AAB between the ash basin and the Neuse River. Flow at those seeps has decreased because of ash basin decanting and dewatering based on inspection observations. Seep characterization analytical results indicate that total arsenic, hardness, and total dissolved solids concentrations are greater than 02B standards. However, the quarterly SOC monitoring data collected at instream monitoring locations Downstream Neuse River and Downstream 2 Neuse River located downstream of those seep discharges indicate that all Attachment B constituents are less than their respective 02B standards. Seep flow at S-23 during the seep characterization sampling event was estimated to be 4 gallons per minute. Seep flow at S-24 during the seep characterization sampling event was estimated to be 2.1 gallons per minute. • S-08, located on the east side of the AAB, is a low flow seep that flows into the perimeter ditch. Flow at 5-08 has decreased because of ash basin decanting and dewatering based on inspection observations. S-08 was not sampled during the seep characterization sampling event because of insufficient flow. • S-22, S-25, and S-26 are low flow seeps located on the south side of the AAB, between the ash basin and the Neuse River. Flow at those seeps has decreased because of ash basin decanting and dewatering based on inspection observations. 5-22, S-25, and S-26 were not sampled during the seep characterization sampling event because of insufficient flow. February 2022 Page 2-1 Project:00.0061.20 � f Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 2.2 Seeps Associated with the Inactive Ash Basins Non-dispositioned seeps associated with the IABs are depicted on Figure 2-1. Ponded water at S-18 on the east side of IAB 2 has been observed to be flowing to the Neuse River in past events. Flow at 5-18 was insufficient to collect a sample during the seep characterization sampling event. 2.3 Seeps Associated with the Lay of Land Area Non-dispositioned seeps associated with the LOLA are depicted on Figure 2-1. LOLA S-01A is located to the east of the LOLA, and LOLA S-01B is located to the north of the LOLA. Both are low flow seeps that flow toward the Neuse River. Flow at these locations was insufficient to collect a sample during the seep characterization sampling event. February 2022 Page 2-2 " ect)0.0061.20 Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress,LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 3.0 PROPOSED SEEP MONITORING PLAN 3.1 Seeps Associated with the Ash Basins With concurrence from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ) DWR on seep jurisdictional and dispositional status and upon termination of the SOC, effectiveness monitoring of the nine non-dispositioned seeps (5-08, S-18, 5-22, 5-23, S-24, S-25, 5-26, LOLA S- 01A, and LOLA S-01B) is recommended until closure of the associated ash basin/LOLA is complete, or until a seep is dry for two consecutive sample events, or sample data from two consecutive sampling events indicate seep discharges do not contain constituents associated with ash basins and concentrations are less than 02B standards. Seeps proposed for disposition within the Seep Characterization Report and non-dispositioned seeps are depicted on Figure 3-1. Duke Energy continues to implement ash basin closure activities to reduce groundwater seepage. Source control is the primary remedy for managing seeps associated with the ash basins and LOLA. Source control is conducted in a manner that is protective of public health, safety, and welfare; the environment; and natural resources. Completed and ongoing ash basin closure activities, implemented by Duke Energy, are detailed in Section 3.3. The nature and extent of identified seeps, effects of ash basin closure, and details about proposed monitoring are discussed in the following subsections. 3.2 Nature and Extent of Source Related Constituents and Seeps Based on groundwater data collected through May 2020, constituents of interest (COls) associated with the ash basins and the LOLA include (SynTerra, 2020): • Arsenic • Iron • Strontium • Barium • Lithium • Total dissolved solids (TDS) • Boron • Manganese • Vanadium • Cadmium • Molybdenum • Cobalt • pH Of those COIs, arsenic (total), barium, boron, pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS) are SOC Attachment B surface water constituents with 02B standards or in-stream target values. February Page Pa a 3-1 Project 00.0061,20 Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina Boron analytical results greater than groundwater background concentrations represent the extent of affected groundwater (Figure 3-2). Because boron is non-reactive and mobile in groundwater, it has been identified as a leading-edge indicator and is representative of the overall plume that contains other COIs greater than comparison criteria [02L standard/Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) or background concentrations, whichever is greater]. Boron concentrations found in groundwater at the AAB, the IABs, and the LOLA are discussed below. Active Ash Basin The extent of affected groundwater associated with the AAB is limited to downgradient areas south of the AAB, between the waste boundary and the Neuse River, and east of the AAB (Figure 3-2). Groundwater in the AAB area generally flows south toward the Neuse River. Inactive Ash Basins The extent of affected groundwater associated with the IABs is limited to an area beneath IABs 1 and 2 and east toward the Neuse River and an area beneath IAB 3 (Figure 3-2). Groundwater in the area of the IABs generally flows east toward the Neuse River, with localized areas of groundwater flow toward Halfmile Branch. Lay of Land Area Boron concentrations in groundwater greater than background values do not form a discernable plume around the LOLA. Groundwater around the LOLA generally flows north toward the Neuse River. The most recent seep sampling event (October 2021) was evaluated in the Seep Characterization Report(SynTerra, 2021) and results are presented in Table 3-1. LOLA S-01A, LOLA 5-01B, 5-08, S-18, S-22, 5-25, and S-26 exhibited insufficient flow to collect a sample. A summary of non-dispositioned seep analytical results pertaining to seeps with SOC Attachment B constituent concentrations greater than 02B standards during the October 2021 sampling event is provided in the following table: February 2022 Page 3-2 • Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina Seep Constituent 02B Standard Concentration Additional Information Locations Hardness 100 430 No human health or aquatic life (mg/L) concern with increased hardness. Instream monitoring in the Neuse Arsenic(µg/L) 10 121 River downstream of the Site seep S-23 discharges(Downstream Neuse River and Downstream 2 Neuse River) indicates that SOC TDS(mg/L) 500 539 Attachment B constituents are less than their respective 02B standards. Hardness(mg/L) 100 397 No human health or aquatic life concern with increased hardness. Instream monitoring in the Neuse Arsenic(µg/L) 10 259 River downstream of the Site seep 5-24 discharges(Downstream Neuse River and Downstream 2 Neuse TDS(mg/L) 500 507 River)indicates SOC Attachment B constituents are less than their respective 02B standards. Notes: ug/L—micrograms per liter mg/I.—milligrams per liter TDS—total dissolved solids 3.3 Ash Basin Closure and Corrective Action Duke Energy continues to implement ash basin closure and corrective action activities that provide adequate seep management and surface water protection at the Site. Completed, ongoing, and planned corrective action and closure activities include: Year Closure or Corrective Action Activity 2016-2018 Active Ash Basin decanting 2019-2020 Active Ash Basin dewatering 2022 Submit Groundwater Corrective Action Plan Update Dewatering, excavation,and closure of the AAB 2020—2035 Excavation of the IABs and LOLA February 2022 Page 3-3 1 � Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 3.4 Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis The Mann-Kendall trend test (Appendix B) was performed to analyze how constituent concentrations at seep locations have changed over time. The Mann-Kendall trend test evaluates data over time to develop a statistical conclusion that pertains to trends — increasing, decreasing, or stable — of a constituent concentration. Mann-Kendall trend test results for AAB, IAB, and the LOLA were evaluated together to account for insufficient data sets for seeps associated with the IABs and LOLA. Results of the Mann- Kendall trend test indicate the following: • A statistical conclusion was reached for 127 constituent-location pairs. • 33 statistical conclusions are associated with field parameters. • Of the 94 statistical conclusions pertaining to chemical constituents, 49 percent of constituent concentrations are stable or have statistically significant decreasing trends. • Of the 94 statistical conclusions pertaining to chemical constituents, 51 percent of trends could not be analyzed due to greater than 50 percent non-detects. • Out of 94 statistical conclusions pertaining to chemical constituents, no statistically significant increasing trends were identified. Overall, the results of the Mann-Kendall trend test indicate that the system has been geochemically stable since the implementation of ash basin closure with constituent concentrations remaining stable or decreasing over time. The Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis report is provided in Appendix B. 3.5 Seep Corrective Action Strategy To be considered for corrective action, a seep must: 1) Be non-dispositioned 2) Constitute, or flow to WOS or WOTUS 3) Exhibit constituent concentrations that are greater than applicable 02B surface water standards Nine non-constructed seeps have been identified based on the criteria above. Based on findings from Seep Characterization Report(SynTerra, 2021), the following corrective action strategies are planned to manage the remaining non-dispositioned seeps. February 2022 Page 3-4 • Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina Seep Corrective Action Strategy Active Ash Basin S-08,5-22,5- AAB dewatering and excavation is anticipated to reduce or eliminate flow from these seeps. 23,5-24,S-25, Furthermore, basin closure will remove the source of potential CCR constituents in these seeps. and 5-26 Additional corrective action for these locations is not anticipated. Inactive Ash Basin IAB excavation might reduce flow at this location. Closure of the IAB will remove the source of S-18 potential CCR constituents in the seep.Additional corrective action for this location is not anticipated. Lay of Land Area LOLA 5 01A LOLA excavation will remove the source of potential CCR constituents at these locations. and LOLA S Additional corrective action for these locations is not anticipated. 01B As described in Section 3.3, ash basin closure and corrective action activities are underway or planned. Based on those activities and the findings presented in the Seep Characterization Report(SynTerra, 2021) and in this Seep Management Plan, with DWR concurrence on seep dispositional status, corrective action beyond the planned closure activities may not be necessary. Upon termination of the SOC and discontinuation of the interim action levels established therein, some constituent concentrations in the AAB perimeter ditch may remain greater than 02B standards. It is recommended that the influence of affected groundwater from the AAB on the perimeter ditch be evaluated in the forthcoming Groundwater Corrective Action Plan Update. 3.6 Seep Monitoring Non-dispositioned seeps are scheduled to be monitored as required by the SOC until termination of the SOC by DWR, or no later than February 28, 2023. Upon termination of the SOC, continued (effectiveness) monitoring of remaining, non-dispositioned seep locations is recommended until closure of the ash basin is complete, or until a seep is dry for two consecutive sampling events, or data indicate a seep does not contain constituents associated with the ash basin at concentrations greater than 02B standards from two consecutive sampling events. Seeps would be monitored on a semiannual basis consistent with the nearby groundwater monitoring network to correlate changing water quality and geochemical conditions. It is anticipated that seep monitoring would be discussed, and new data would be evaluated in Annual Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Reports. February 2022 Page 3-5 II Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 4.0 REFERENCES SynTerra (2020). Comprehensive Site Assessment Update - H.F. Lee Energy Complex, December 2020. SynTerra (2021). Seep Characterization Report- H.F. Lee Energy Complex, December 2021. Wood. (2019). Closure by Excavation—1982 Ash Basin and Basins 1, 2, and 3 Closure Plan Report; prepared by Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. for the Duke Energy H.F. Lee Energy Complex issued on December 11, 2019, and revised March 5, 2020. February 2022 Page 4-1 1 i Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina FIGURES ‘41 ra synTer Science & Engineering Consultants I l NOTES: I ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. if 2 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PROVIDED BY ESRI BASEMAP SERVICE.LAST UPDATED AUGUST 2021. PROPERTY BOUNDARY '�j"� ••' Yr' I `. • e • •• ASH BASIN WASTE \ �� `✓ • /BOUNDARY\ •/•, ♦ • I , ) ♦• / INACTIVE ` , , ,A ,•` -. • ASH BASIN 2 J , ./, ..a',.,, ASH ACTIVE J INACTIVE - --•� - �. BASIN ASH BASIN 1 ••/�` • ASH BASIN WASTE •/- - -\ BOUNDARY f /, • I �.,` % "/, INACTIVE I • /• ASH BASIN 3 •/ -- E • • �..�..�.. ..� �..... •, • I I 1 ._ _ ♦��r, 1 1 I... _...__ • • v. • DUKE FIGURE 1-1 4 � V C Veil* SITE LOCATION MAP ENERGYSEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN AMMENDMENT f q,-., ��. TO THE CLOSURE PLAN � H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX `� ��. ' Y c GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA �r _I wnwwcro.. WAYNE DRAWN BY:crWC2Af DATE.10/1E/2020 A�Cz 1� COUNTY nEVISEDD DME:01/27/2022 synTerra CRECRED BY C FERRI DATE 01/2T/2022 ,A Eerl A➢PROVEO BY.R.FEflRI DATE:01/x)/x0]] www.synterracorp.corn PROJECT MANAGER-.R.FERRI r I ✓• J i ^\ ' .a• /\ \ - ,a \ / 1 . i ' ./' / t I j.. — / -- _"•••.' /• - ~ :_... i 1 LEGEND ' CONSTRUCTED SEEP iS POSITIONED SEEP STREAM SURFACE WATER LOCATION PER SOC / ACTIVE ASH BASIN BASTE BOUNDARY INACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY i 3 SOC INSPECTION AREA LAY OF LA...BOUNDARY ....... -•-- •DUNE NERGY PROGR 55 NRLO I I �y SURFACE ASTER FLOW DRECTWN ...E....1 •1 WET..IAMEC THORI MU �.._.. !• ;� ,a., a.a�P�w.Y.A,.,..PYro.TL,a„L.,P.ao...a,.W. • • •, Lownso-=am, tVt= .Aa.P UM.aomUa PR„MTMIIVYR.a.o.AMM1.P • NY''.H.YF,- FIGURE 2-B \ al a NERGY MI=MilTEE _ EXISTING SEEP LOCATIONS AND INSPECTION AREAS • SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN '\ I — AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSURE PLAN �,F H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX `, ` synTerra ,.0 n+•aYn.,w S ASS acorP.cam GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA 1 • ' • \ .`• ,\ r % • / ` N I ter' i" �,.r • / ' LEGEND --''" ' ON CONSTRUCTED SEEP J SPOSiTiONED SEEP • (STREAM SURFACE WATER LOCATION PER SOC ! 9 THE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY NACTNE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY • AREA fI lnY OF LgND AREA BOUNWRY w URE EUERGV PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE s _.__..�..-�•. ::, � SrREAw IAwEC NRiRI 1 X SURFACE WATER FLOW DIRECTION 1 ✓.£RAND IAMEC NEM, I : \ l','`,'".7.41'''...1: --- - "- e •\ I l-..LIUr E c.w.�c s�..� FIGURE 3-1 V'ENERGY PROPOSED SEEP DISPOSITIONAL STATUS, LOCATIONS,AND INSPECTION AREAS SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN `,' AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSURE PLAN ^�•• 0T1-°""r:m, H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX synTerra www,smmracorP.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA I �_•_ , I I_ n, %-—. 1 ; / j LEGEND • SEEPS WITH STABLE BORON CONCENTRATION TREND / SEEPS WITH DECREASING BORON -••• CONCENTRATION TREND / • SEEP NOT ANALYZED FOR TRENDS , INSUFFICIENT SEEP ANALYTICAL DATA TO I PERFORM TREND ANALYSIS IN-STREAM SURFACE WATER LOCATION PER SOC / ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY _ •'-1 INACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY I 1- SOC INSPECTION AREA .\ LAY OF LAND AREA BOUNDARY I , ', --DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PROPERTY LINE I. STREAM(AMEC NRTR) ,^.. C a:S.S SURFACE WATER FLOW DIRECTION ow. .oro.." ":• •.r•'"iiiZ cem"wo.."" ``-\ 1 •Ste.•J� I--- •�I GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION .APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF AFFECTED - •_•GROUNDWATER • a r r , o"w n "mr ora.wn mwm"uc."."o..oca.r '• • -. \ '' WETLAND(AMEC NRTR) • •`\ - FIGURE 3-2 •, ..d,.m.w.,...m....>•". •. _�• _ CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL-BORON �r r ALL s0re �• m \ SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN • AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSURE PLAN M.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX �se...us n.nn.ns m.w.o.a n"°"""°"'"a"'"O'"�s.� ,a1.o \ i '••/•, SY�e� r"ulc^V".�wr.,'CM racarP�m Nam' GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina TABLES dlibA41114? synTerra Science & Engineering Consultants TABLE 2-1 SEEP STATUS SUMMARY SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSURE PLAN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC,GOLDSBORO, NC Seep Associated Source Area Receiving Seep Status Waterbody LOLA S-01 LOLA Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned LOLA S-01A LOLA Neuse River Non-dispositioned LOLA S-01B LOLA Neuse River Non-dispositioned S-01 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned S-02 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned S-03* Active Ash Basin Neuse River Not a seep per SOC 5-03A* Active Ash Basin Neuse River Not a seep per SOC 5-04 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned S-05 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Dispositioned per SOC 5-06 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned S-07 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned S-08 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Non-dispositioned S-09* Active Ash Basin Neuse River Not a seep per SOC S-18 Inactive Ash Basin Neuse River Non-dispositioned 5-19 Inactive Ash Basin Neuse River Dispositioned per SOC 5-20 Inactive Ash Basin Neuse River Dispositioned per SOC 5-21 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Dispositioned per SOC S-22 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Non-dispositioned S-23 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Non-dispositioned S-24 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Non-dispositioned 5-25 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Non-dispositioned S-26 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Non-dispositioned S-27 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned 5-28 Active Ash Basin Neuse River Proposed to be dispositioned 5-29 Active Ash Basin Halfmile Branch Proposed to be dispositioned Prepared by:KHF Checked by: TCP Noes; LOLA-Lay of Land Area SOC-Special Order by Consent *Locations S-03,5-03A,and 5-09 are monitoring locations in the Active Ash Basin perimeter ditch,and are not considered seeps by the SOC. Seeps proposed to be dispositioned were presented in the Seep Characterization Report(SynTerra,2021). Page 1 of 1 TABLE 3-1 SEEP CHARACTERIZATION SAMPLING RESULTS-OCTOBER 2021 SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSURE PLAN H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC,GOLDSBORO,NC Field parameter. Total concentration _- Specific Dissolved CY'Y'.ion Analytical Parameter ph Temperature Conductance grygen RPotentialeduction Ex Turbidity' Flow Arsenic Barium Boron Bromide Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Copper Fluoride Hardness Parting Units S.U. Dog C pmhos/cm m0/L 'RV mV BTUs GYM pe/L MIA pg/L pg/L pg/L mg/L mg/L pg/L pg/1 mg/L mg/L IRA NCACDSB(Class C,W5-IV) 8.0-9.0 32 NE 1 NE NE 50 NE 10 1000 7300^ NE NE NE 250 NE NE 1.0 100 Sample Semple lucatldn le Media LatItede Long.* Collection Analytical Results Date Nxrrm xrve Water 35.1e069 -71.06500 10/18/'2021 /.5 II 160 0.05 166 371 12 Xn <1 ]a <50 <100 <0.1 5.12 19 <1 <2 0.12 323 p.nn•Nnn Water 35.36719 -78.00290 10/1e21021 7.6 1g lei 313 135 3e0 21 HM <1 lz <50 <100 <0.1 eJe 39 <t <2 0.12 32 2 Water 35.30117 -70.02213 1021022021 /.4 20 eel 3,0 41 131 100 1 121 405 2010 <100 <0.1 135 12 1.68 <3 0.70 430 S 21 Wafer 35.30106 2007643 10/0022020 /.3 20 24l 4.25 -42 162 36 2., 259 402 2I10 210 <0.1 128 4.5 <1 <2 0.10 397 I 'Oei+lver and turbld0y are not re0ulred parameters per SOL Alter lxronrl B. 'Berney standerdof 0.012 p9/L represents a chronic value. .e•r r bndard of 10 mg/L represents a nitrate as niwurrr vabm. �nmin. mNN of 5 VOA represents a chronic value. 'Di.solved msrmrc standard of 150 non represents a chronic value. 'On.mlred chromium standard of tl pg/L represents a chronic value-are<rh+0,dIssolvo chromium(VII.Dissolved ved chromium standards are hardness depxnd.'nr O m/.salved chromium concentrations from the October 2021 sampling event represent total dissolved chromiu concentrations. Bald highlighted cells indicate concentrations greater than apple alrin tensely...15 NCAC 02B 03essC,W5.31 stand... • n s monitoring location per 50C. .i r..nn target value established per language In 15A NCAC 0211.11202 end.0208. -oncen ra inn not see greater than adjusted g lieut. ISA rAC o'2B[Class C.WSCWI[15ANCAC Subchapter 02B Secti n 0200 Standard far Class C,WS-IV Surface Waters C degrees Celsius 1.1 reduction potential oxidation pm minute N O r n.s. pendent dissolved metal standard s P121.0 piYi^/and spate duo failure. loins:rni morons as0er ssntimeter ntiHigrions per liter out riulbvu ins nitrogen per liter nr rm.w rl.aile or riot analyzed Rol.Administrative Code xN xn ire�r�i,rxa • Nmilielionetrle Turbidity units Order CO Consent • TABLE 3-1 SEEP CHARACTERIZATION SAMPLING RESULTS-OCTOBER 2021 SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSURE PLAN H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC,GOLDSBORO,NC Tatar Concen melon(Continued) Dissolved concentration Analytical Parameter Lead rlaseeslirm Mercury' bete a D Sulfate Thallium Total ole '' Cadmium premium Capper Lead Nickel Zinc Nickel end SOlaniurn' Dissolved Suspended Zinc Arsenic Selenium.rvue iSolids Salida (0.65p) (0.e5p) (0.45p) (OASP) ("Sp) (0..0 (0.e5p) R..Ortins vnita pg/L m0/L Vs/L ps/L m g-N/l m0/L pS/L m0/L pg/l mg/t mO/L p0/L NSA p0/L pig/L VOL p0/L ps/L NSA UN NCAC OSP(Glass C,WS-IV) NE NI 0.012 25 10 NE 5 250 2^ 500 MS NI 1S0 MO It/MD MD MD ND MO Legation 10 Medu Latitude Longitude C00.non Analytical Results HeuzeDownz0.lver' Water 26.70069 -70.06600 10/16/2021 0.28 2.65 0.0011 1.21 0.66 NA <1 16 <0.2 116 NA 5.16 <1 <0,1 <1 <2 <0.2 el <5 Downstreamit Water 25.36729 -11.00296 10/111/2021 0.104 2.15 0.00294 1.25 0.69 NA <1 16 <0.2 117 NA eS <! <0,1 01 <2 0.691 <t <5 Neuseaver 597 Water 15.261V -76.07712 10/10/2021 LW 22.7 0.00144 1.56 0.06 <5 <1 9.5 <0.2 320 66 946 AO <01 <1 <2 <0.2 <t e5 529 Waver 1516 I06 -70.01641 /16/2021 0.267 19 0.000907 eI 002M <S <I Uea 2 SO7 as <5 eaa e0I el <2 e0.2 <I <5 - Created by/oVNHT Checked by bbs Notes: 'Clasolved oxygen ant turbidity are notrequired parameters per SOD Attachment B. standard 0f 0.012 VO/L rapresen a chrons valu3 a nitrite standard of 10 mg/L represents a nitrate as nitrogen value. 'Selenium standard of 5 NWL represents a chronic value. Ns0lved arsena standard of 1.Ng,represents a chronic value. 'Dissolved chromium standard of 11 Vg/L represents a chronic value specific to dissolved chromium(VII Dissolved chromium(III)standards are hardness-de0endent.Dissolved chromum rnncentratiens Iron the October 202)sampinq event represent total dissolved chromium concentrations. Sold highlighted cells m&cote concentrations greater than ao0ircabie conservative IS NCAC 025(Class C,WS-IV)Randards. nr ,beaten per SOC. •In-stream target value wtablhhdper Ong..in 16A NUC 025 0202 and NUN < C.centration not detected at or greater Man Me dlusted reporting Ilmt. 15A NUCO20(Class C,W5-NI'15A NUC Subchapter 021 Settles 0200 Standard for Class C,WS•IV Surface Waters Deg C degrees Celsius Ea'oxidation reduction potential GPM•gallons per minute D•hardness dependent dissolved metal standard • Mena spike/matrix spike duo failure• mhos/cm emicfemhes per<weeniler pg/L•micrograms per liter mg/I.- per liter mgN/lm milligrams nitrogen per Inter mNraD • availabie or not analyzed NUC•1North Carolina Administrative Code NE•not established NM-not measured NNW•Nephelometrlc Turbidity Units SOC.Special Order by Comfit 5.U.•standard units Page z of2 Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina APPENDIX A SOC WQ S18-006 4.11, • 411114At°tIt 0 Terra syn Science & Engineering Consultants A.... 4% ROY COOPER ,, ( Governor l- - 1 jj d'1 MICHAEL S.REGAN `.� , Secretary -b= •` LINDA CULPEPPER NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality January 11,2019 Mr. Paul Draovitch, Senior Vice President EHS Duke Energy 526 S. Church Street Mail Code EC3XP Charlotte,NC 28202 Subject: SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT SOC No, S18-006 Duke Energy Progress, LLC H.F. Lee Plant NPDES Permit NC0003417 Wayne County Dear Mr. Draovitch: Attached for your records is a copy of the Special Order by Consent(SOC) approved by the Environmental Management Commission and signed by the Chairman of the Commission on January 10, 2019. The terms and conditions of the SOC are in full effect,including those requiring submittal of written notice of compliance or non-compliance with any schedule date. The following items are brought to your attention as they pertain to the terms and conditions of the SOC: • Payment of the upfront penalty is due no later than February 15,2019. • Monitoring performed per the terms of the SOC shall commence during the current calendar quarter(January- March),with results submitted to DWR no later than April 30,2019. Subsequent monitoring and reporting shall occur as specified in the SOC. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3D, water quality fees have been revised to include an annual fee for activities covered under a Special Order by Consent. Duke Energy will be subject to a fee of$500.00 on a yearly basis while under the Order. The initial fee payment will be invoiced at a later date, with future fee invoicing done on an annual basis. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mall Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 .cam„V,�.�i�;= 4:.:.b�+ w1ar 919.707.9000 Mr. Paul Draovitch S 18-006 Transmittal p. 2 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Bob Sledge at(919) 807-6398. Sincerely, r Linda Culpepper Attachment cc: Central Files NPDES Unit—SOC File ec: Washington Regional Office—DWR/Water Quality Regional Operations Shannon Langley—Duke Energy Sara Janovitz—EPA Region 4 Jeff Poupart—DWR/WQPS NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF WAYNE IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT NC0003417 ) ) EMC SOC WQ S18-006 HELD BY ) DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC ) Pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes(G.S.) 143-215.2,this Special Order by Consent is entered into by Duke Energy Progress, LLC,hereinafter referred to as Duke Energy, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission. Duke Energy and the Commission are referred to hereafter collectively as the"Parties." 1. Stipulations: Duke Energy and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: a. This Special Order by Consent("Special Order") addresses issues related to the elimination of seeps (as defined in subparagraphs f and g below) from Duke Energy's coal ash basins during the separate and independent process of basin closure under the Coal Ash Management Act, G.S. 130A-309.200 through 130A- 309.231 ("CAMA") and the Federal Coal Combustion Residuals Rule,40 CFR Parts 257 and 261. The Environmental Protection Agency first directed permitting authorities to consider potential impacts on surface water of seeps from earthen impoundments in 2010. At that time, Duke Energy began discussions with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality("the Department")regarding seeps at multiple Duke Energy facilities,including identifying certain seeps in permit applications and providing data to the Dept talent regarding seeps. In 2014, Duke Energy provided a comprehensive evaluation of all areas of wetness and formally applied for NPDES permit coverage of all seeps. Since 2014, Duke Energy has performed periodic inspections and promptly notified the Department of new seeps and sought NPDES permit coverage where appropriate. On March 4, 2016,the Department issued Notices of Violation("NOVs") to Duke Energy related to seeps. • EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 2 Both decanting and dewatering of the H. F. Lee Facility's coal ash basins will be required before the ash basins can be closed. Decanting(i.e.,removal of the free water on the surface of the coal ash basin), has already been observed to affect existing seeps at Duke Energy's H. F. Lee Facility. Removal of remaining coal ash wastewater through continued decanting and dewatering(i.e. removal of sufficient interstitial water) is expected to substantially reduce or eliminate the seeps. In order to accomplish this goal of substantially reducing or eliminating seeps,this Special Order affords certain relief to Duke Energy related to the non- constructed seeps (as defined in subparagraph g below),while Duke Energy completes activities associated with closure of the ash basins at the H. F. Lee Facility. After completion of those activities, for any remaining seeps,Duke Energy must take appropriate corrective action as specified more fully below. b. Duke Energy has been issued a North Carolina NPDES permit for operation of an existing wastewater treatment works at the following electric generation facility (the "H. F. Lee Facility"): Permit Issuance Receiving Water Facility Number County . Date for Primary Outfall H. F. Lee NC0003417 Wayne i 07/23/2010 Neuse River c. The H. F. Lee Facility listed above has ceased coal fired generation and now consists of a 3 x 1 combined cycle unit capable of being fired on natural gas or oil, and five simple cycle combustion turbines. The facility's coal ash basins still exist, and are subject to the provisions of this Special Order. d. The H.F. Lee Facility also has a permitted wastewater cooling pond that was used during coal-fired operations,and continues to be used for the combined cycle plant. Several areas of minor seep flow from the cooling pond to the Neuse River have been observed. Chemical testing of the cooling pond seeps has revealed some contain minor concentrations of coal combustion residuals (CCR). The cooling pond seeps listed in Attachment A are also addressed by this Special Order. e. Wastewater treated at coal-fired electric stations includes water mixed with ash produced through the combustion of coal for the steam generation process. Ash is controlled and collected through the use of water, creating a slurry that is conveyed to impoundments or basins with earthen dike walls. In the ash basin, the solids separate from the liquid portion,with the resulting supernatant discharged under the terms of the NPDES permit. EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 3 f. The coal ash basins and the cooling pond at the H. F. Lee Facility are unlined, having no impermeable barrier installed along their floors or sides. Earthen basins and dike walls are prone to the movement of liquid through porous features within those structures through a process known as seepage. The H. F. Lee Facility exhibits locations adjacent to,but beyond the confines of,the coal ash basins and the cooling pond where seepage of wastewater from those basins may intermix with groundwater,reach the land surface(or"daylight"), and may flow from that area. Once such seepage reaches the land surface, it is referred to as a "seep." Each of the seeps identified at the H. F. Lee Facility and addressed in this Special Order exhibit some indication of the presence of coal ash wastewater. Both(a)confirmed seeps and(b)areas identified as potential seeps that were later dispositioned,are identified in Attachment A. g. Seeps that are not on or within the dam structure or that do not convey wastewater via a pipe or constructed channel directly to a receiving stream are referred to as "non-constructed seeps." Non-constructed seeps at the H. F. Lee Facility often exhibit low flow volume and may be both transient and seasonal in nature, and may,for example,manifest as an area of wetness that does not flow to surface waters,a point of origin of a stream feature,or flow to an existing stream feature. These circumstances of the non-constructed seeps make them difficult to discern, characterize,quantify and/or monitor as discrete point source discharges. This creates challenges in permit development and compliance monitoring because it is difficult to accurately monitor for flow and discharge characterization. Non- constructed seeps at the H. F.Lee Facility present significant challenges to their inclusion in NPDES permits as point source discharges,but they do cause or contribute to pollution of classified waters of the State. Therefore,these non- constructed seeps are addressed in this Special Order rather than in an NPDES permit. h. Investigations and observations conducted by the Department and U. S.Army Corps of Engineers staff have concluded that some seeps emanating from Duke Energy's coal ash ponds create and/or flow into features delineated as classified waters of the State or Waters of the United States. Collectively,the volume of non-constructed seeps is generally low compared to the volume of permitted wastewater discharges at the Duke Energy Facilities. EMC SOC WQ S18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 4 j. In 2014, Duke Energy conducted a survey of each coal-fired electric generation station to identify potential seeps from the coal ash surface impoundments. Duke Energy included all areas of wetness identified around the impoundments as seeps, and submitted applications to include those seeps in NPDES permits. Beginning in 2015,Duke Energy has implemented semi-annual surveys to identify new seeps in the vicinities of the coal ash basins. Additional seeps have been observed and documented during these surveys and reported to the Department pursuant to a Discharge Identification Plan mandated by CAMA. Additional investigation has determined that not all of areas identified in 2014 are seeps,but each Duke Energy facility does have multiple seeps. k. The Department issued NOVs to Duke Energy on March 4,2016 for the seeps that emanate from the unlined coal ash surface impoundments at the Duke Energy Facilities. Non-constructed seeps create conditions such that certain surface water quality standards may not consistently be met at all Duke Energy monitoring sites. m. The presence of coal ash influenced water in the non-constructed seeps causes or contributes to pollution of the waters of this State, and Duke Energy is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. n. A list of seeps identified in the vicinities of the coal ash surface impoundments at the fl.F. Lee Facility, as well as their locations, and the bodies of water those seeps may flow into(if applicable), can be found in Attachment A to this Special Order. o. Duke Energy must close the coal ash surface impoundments at all North Carolina coal-fired electric generating stations in accordance with applicable requirements set out in CAMA and the Federal Coal Combustion Residuals Rule, requirements of which are independent of the resolution of seeps addressed in this Special Order. p. Decanting of wastewater performed at Duke Energy's coal ash basins is expected to eliminate or substantially reduce the seeps from the ash basins at the Duke Energy Facilities. q. Since this Special Order is by consent, the Parties acknowledge that review of the same is not available to the Parties in the N.C. Office of Administrative Hearings. Furthermore, neither party shall file a petition for judicial review concerning the terms of this Special Order. EMC SOC WQ S18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC P. 5 2. Duke Energy,desiring to resolve the matters causing or contributing to pollution of the waters of the State described above,hereby agrees to do the following: a. Penalties 1) Upfront Penalty. As settlement of all alleged violations due to seepage at these Duke Energy Facilities,pay the Department,by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, a penalty in the amount of$72,000, calculated based upon$6,000 each for twelve non- constructed seeps identified prior to January 1,2015. A certified check in the amount of$72,000.00 must be made payable to the Department of Environmental Quality and sent to the Director of the Division of Water Resources(DWR)at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than thirty(30)days following the date on which this Special Order is approved and executed by the Commission,and received by Duke Energy. No penalty shall be assessed for seeps identified after December 31, 2014, given Duke Energy's inclusion of seeps in permit applications and compliance with the Discharge Identification Plan required under CAMA. By entering into this Special Order, Duke Energy makes no admission of liability,violation or wrongdoing. Except as otherwise provided herein,' payment of the upfront penalty does not absolve Duke Energy of its responsibility for the occurrence or impacts of any unauthorized discharges in the area of the Duke Energy Facilities that may be discovered in the future,nor does the payment preclude DWR from taking enforcement action for additional violations of the State's environmental laws. See especially paragraph 2(a)(2) excepting newly identified seeps from future penalties under certain conditions. EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 6 2) Stipulated Penalties. Duke Energy agrees that unless excused under paragraph 5,Duke Energy will pay the Department, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to perform activities described in paragraphs 2(b and c), or for failure to comply with interim action levels listed in Attachment A. Failure to meet a deadline in the Compliance I $1,000.00/day for the first seven Schedule in 2(b)of this Special Order days; $2,000.00/day thereafter Failure to meet any other deadline in this $1,000.00/day for the first seven Special Order days; $2,000.00/day thereafter Exceedance of an interim action level listed in $4,500.00 per monitored exceedance Attachment A Monitoring frequency violations $1,000.00 per violation Failure to submit,by the deadline set forth herein,adequate amendments to groundwater Corrective Action Plans or Closure Plans to 5 000.00per da to a maxim um mum of Y� address all remaining seeps, through $1,000,000.00. corrective action as applicable under paragraph 2(b)(7 i of this Special Order.2 As long as Duke Energy remains in compliance with the terms of this Special Order, as well as CAMA and conditions of any approvals issued thereunder,the Department shall not assess civil penalties for newly identified seeps. b. Compliance Schedule. Duke Energy shall undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule. No later than fourteen(14)calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of any activity, Duke Energy shall submit to the Director of DWR written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of compliance, the notice shall include the date compliance was achieved along with supporting documentation if applicable. In the case of noncompliance,the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s)taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. 2 Failure to adequately implement any amended Corrective Action Plan or Closure Plan will be handled in the normal course. EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC P- 7 Duke Energy is required to comply with the requirements of G.S. § 130A- 309.216. Duke Energy has announced plans to construct an ash beneficiation plant at the H. F. Lee Facility capable of processing 300,000 tons of CCR material per year. 1) The Coal Ash Management Act(G.S. § 130A-309.210)required the cessation of CCR wastewater placement into the basins at the H. F.Lee Facility by October 1,2014. Duke Energy commenced decanting in April 2016. Decanting will be completed by March 31,2019. 2) Dewatering will be required in order to excavate the ash for the purpose of beneficiation. Duke Energy will begin the process of removal of interstitial water from the H.F. Lee Facility no later than July 31, 2019 and will continue as needed to support the beneficiation plant described above. 3) Once the dewatering process is initiated,within(30) days after the end of each quarter,Duke Energy shall provide reports on the status of dewatering work and other activities undertaken with respect to excavation of each coal ash surface impoundment to DWR. The quarterly reports are due by April 30, July 30,October 30, and January 30. The reports are to be submitted as follows: one copy must be mailed to DWR's Washington Regional Office Supervisor,943 Washington Square Mall, Washington,NC 27889, and one copy must be mailed to the Water Quality Permitting Program, Division of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh NC 27699-1617. The quarterly reporting requirement shall remain in force until completion of two years of beneficiation operations. EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 8 4) Duke Energy shall conduct annual comprehensive surveys of areas down gradient of the ash basins,the Lay of Land Area(LOLA) and the cooling pond, identifying new seeps, and documenting the physical characteristics of previously documented seeps. All examinations of seeps must include identification of seeps by approximate latitude and longitude and date- stamped digital photographs of their appearance. A report summarizing the findings of the surveys, including a section analyzing the effect decanting of the basin(s)has on seep flows, accompanied by copies of the photographs noted above ("Annual Seep Report"), shall be submitted to DWR in conjunction with submittal of the April 30 quarterly report noted in 2(b)(3) above. This Annual Seep Report must list any seep that has been dispositioned(as described below)during the previous year, including an analysis of the manner of disposition. For purposes of this Special Order, "dispositioned" includes the following: (1)the seep is dry for at least three consecutive quarters; (2)the seep does not constitute, and does not flow to,waters of the State or Waters of the United States for three consecutive quarters; (3)the seep is no longer impacted by flow from any coal ash basin as determined by the Director of DWR in accord with applicable law and best professional judgment; or(4)the seep has been otherwise eliminated(e.g.,through an engineering solution). if a seep that has been dispositioned through drying up reappears in any subsequent survey,such a seep will no longer be deemed dispositioned and can be subsequently re-dispositioned as specified above. 5) No later than October 31, 2021 Duke Energy shall conduct a comprehensive survey of areas down gradient of ash basins at the 1-l. F. Lee Facility, identifying new seeps, and documenting the physical characteristics of previously documented seeps. All examinations of seeps must include identification of seeps by approximate latitude and longitude and date-stamped digital photographs of their appearance. A report summarizing the findings of this survey, including a section analyzing the effect decanting of the basin(s)has had on seep flows, accompanied by copies of the photographs noted above, shall be submitted to the Director of DWR("Final Seep Report"). This Final Seep Report must list any seep that has been dispositioned(as described in subparagraph(4)above) during decanting process, including an analysis of the manner of disposition. The determination of whether a seep is dispositioned rests with the Director of DWR. At, or at any time prior to, submission of the Final Seep Report,Duke Energy shall seek formal certification from the Director of DWR, certifying the disposition of any seep that Duke Energy has characterized as dispositioned. Any seeps not certified as dispositioned by the Director of DWR shall not be deemed as dispositioned. EMC SOC WQ Si8-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC P. 9 6) If any seeps have not been certified by the Director of DWR as dispositioned(as described in subparagraph 4) above),Duke Energy shall conduct a characterization of those seeps.3 Duke Energy shall submit a report on the findings of these characterizations ("Seep Characterization Report")to the Director of DWR no later than December 31,2021 (i.e., within 60 days of the submittal of the Final Seep Report). The Seep Characterization Report must include all sampling data for each remaining seep as well as Duke Energy's evaluation of the jurisdictional status of all seeps at the H. F. Lee Facility. The determination regarding whether a surface water feature is a classified water of the State rests with DWR. 7) Within 60 days of the submittal of the Seep Characterization Report, Duke Energy shall submit a complete and adequate proposed amendment to the groundwater Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure Plan as appropriate for the Facility describing how any seeps identified in the Seep Characterization Report will be managed in a manner that will be sufficient to protect public health, safety, and welfare,the environment, and natural resources. This proposed amendment will go to public comment. Duke Energy shall submit documentation that the proposed modification has been submitted to the appropriate division within the Department that has authority for approving modification of the groundwater Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure Plan. The content of, and DEQ's review of, an amendment to a groundwater Corrective Action Plan shall be consistent with Title 15A,Chapter 2L of the N.C. Administrative Code(specifically including 2L.0 1 06(h)-(o)). The amendment to the Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure Plans shall be implemented by Duke Energy in accordance with the deadlines contained therein, as approved or conditioned by the Department. Failure by Duke Energy to implement the amendment will be handled in the normal course by the Department in accordance with its enforcement procedures(i.e., outside this Special Order). Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, any cooling pond seeps contained in the Seep Characterization Report shall be addressed in a separate report(rather than a proposed amendment to the groundwater Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure Plan),specific to the matters of those seeps, and describe how remaining cooling pond seeps will be managed in a manner that will be sufficient to protect public health, safety, and welfare,the environment, and natural resources. The report shall be submitted to DWR's Complex 3 If any seep is dispositioned between the time that the Final Seep Report is submitted and the time the Seep Characterization Report is submitted,an analysis of the manner of disposition must be included in the Seep Characterization Report,and Duke Energy must seek certification of such a disposition from the Director of DWR. Only if such certification is received prior to the due date of the proposed amendment described in paragraph 2(b)(7)may such a seep, certified as dispositioned,be omitted from the proposed amendment. EMC SOC WQ S18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 10 Permitting Unit within 60 days of the submittal of the Seep Characterization Report("Cooling Pond Seep Report"). For clarity,listed below is a summary of the timetable for the documents due after completion of steps above: Document Due Date Final Seep Report October 31, 2021 Seep Characterization Report December 31,2021 Proposed amendment to groundwater Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure February 28, 2022 Plan, and/or Cooling Pond Seep Rport 8) Termination of Special Order This Special Order shall terminate on the later of the following dates: • January 31, 2022; or + 30 days following the approval of an amended groundwater Corrective Action Plan and/or Closure Plan, as appropriate (if an amendment is submitted in compliance with subparagraph 2(b)(7) above). c. interim Action Levels. 1) Upon the complete execution of this Special Order,with regard to non- constructed seeps, interim action levels for the receiving waters (which are minor tributaries) are hereby established as noted in Attachment A. The interim action levels are site-specific. Duke Energy shall monitor at approved sampling sites to ensure interim action levels are met. Interim action levels shall remain effective in the designated surface waters until the applicable termination date in paragraph 2(b)(8)is reached. 2) Duke Energy shall perform monitoring of waters receiving flow from non- constructed seeps in accordance with the schedules listed in Attachments A and B, except as noted in paragraph 2(c)(3)below EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. II 3) If the monitoring of any classified water of the State receiving flow from seeps regulated by this Special Order indicates exceedance of any interim action level established by the Special Order,Duke Energy shall increase monitoring at that location from quarterly to monthly until concentrations of monitored characteristics return to those observed at the initiation of the Special Order. If any interim action level established by the Special Order is exceeded by more than 20% in a single sampling event,or exceeded for two(2)consecutive monitoring events,in addition to paying the associated stipulated penalty,Duke Energy shall conduct a re-assessment of the contributing seep(s),including,but not limited to,evaluation of proposed remedial actions for treatment and/or control of the seep such that impacts to the receiving waters are quickly mitigated. A report compiling the findings of the re-assessment,including proposed remedial actions,shall be provided to the Director of DWR within 60 days of any applicable exceedance. Following its review,DWR shall notify Duke Energy of its concurrence or disapproval of Duke Energy's proposed remedial actions. 4) Monitoring associated with seeps covered by this Special Order is exempt from the electronic reporting requirements associated with NPDES permits. Results of monitoring required exclusively per the terms of this Special Order shall be reported to the Director of DWR in a spreadsheet/worksheet format agreed to by Duke Energy and DWR. Monitoring data shall be submitted to the Director of DWR in a digital format no later than 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter for as long as the Special Order is in effect. Monitoring data shall be sent to the following email address: desocdata®ncdenr.gov. Data from those sites with monitoring required exclusively per the terms of the Special Order will be posted on DWR's wcbsite to provide the public with the opportunity for viewing. 3. Duke Energy will continue to operate the H. F. Lee Facility's coal ash surface impoundments in such a manner that their performance is optimized,and potential for surface waters to be affected by seeps is minimized. 4. Duke Energy shall make available on its external website the NPDES permits,this Special Order and all reports required under this Special Order for the H. F. Lee Facility no later than thirty(30)days following their effective or submittal dates. EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 12 5. Duke Energy and the Commission agree that the stipulated penalties specified in paragraph 2(a)(2)are not due if Duke Energy satisfies DWR that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; c. An intentional act or omission of a third party,but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of Duke Energy or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with Duke Energy; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Duke Energy's control, specifically including any court order staying the effectiveness of any necessary permit or approval. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond Duke Energy's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. 6. Failure within thirty(30) days of receipt of written demand by DWR to pay the stipulated penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 150B-23,will be grounds for a collection action,which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty(30) days has elapsed. 7. Any non-constructed seeps causing or contributing to pollution of waters of the State associated with the coal ash impoundments and the cooling pond at Duke Energy's H. F. Lee Facility, and listed in Attachment A to this Special Order,are hereby deemed covered by this Special Order. Any newly-identified non-constructed seeps discovered while this Special Order is in effect, and timely reported to the Department per the terms of CAMA and this Special Order, shall be deemed covered by the terms of the Special Order, retroactive to the time of their discovery. Newly-identified non-constructed seeps must be sampled for the presence of those characteristics listed in Attachment B to this Order. Newly-identified non-constructed seeps found to be causing or contributing to pollution of the waters of the State,with the effect of causing a violation of water quality standards in surface waters not already referenced in the Special Order,may require modification of the Special Order to address those circumstances. 8. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order is subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties,including,but not limited to injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6C or termination of this Special Order by the Director of DWR upon ten(10)days'notice to Duke Energy. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order will not be subject to civil penalties in addition to the above stipulated penalties. EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 13 9. This Special Order and any terms or conditions contained herein,hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders,Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters,terms, conditions,and limits contained therein issued in connection with NPDES permit NC0003417. 10. This Special Order may be modified at the Commission's discretion,provided the Commission is satisfied that Duke Energy has made good faith efforts to secure funding, complete all construction, and achieve compliance within the dates specified. In accordance with applicable law,modification of this Special Order will go to public notice prior to becoming effective. 11. Failure to pay the up-front penalty within thirty(30)days of execution of this Special Order will terminate this Special Order. 12. In addition to any other applicable requirement, each report required to be submitted by Duke Energy under this Special Order shall be signed by a plant manager or a corporate official responsible for environmental management and compliance, and shall include the following certification: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. 13. This Special Order shall become effective in accordance with state law, and once effective,Duke Energy shall comply with all schedule dates,terms, and conditions herein. EMC SOC WQ S 18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC p. 14 This Special Order by Consent shall expire no later than February 28, 2023. F e Ene Progress, LLC: t ( 3 /1.a Paul Draovitch Date Senior Vice President,Environmental,Health& Safety For the No olina Environmental Management Commission: --___ / /I b C J. �. Sol P.E. C�tair of the Commission Date • Attachment A S18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC-H.F.Lee Energy Complex,p,1 Approximate Receiving Seep ID Receiving ! Interim Action Location Coordinates Description Waterbody SOC Monitoring Number ----__----_._--_--- Levels Waterbody Latitude 1 Longitude Classification —- — Seep from the land area north of the cooling Instream pond,between the cooling pond and the N/A-28 Standards LOLA 5-01 35.379568 j -78.075043 Neuse River WS-IV;NSW I monitoring of the , Neuse River.Not a seep emanating from the Neuse River Apply active ash basin. I} _ Seep p..__ g -- -I Instrem • from the land area north of the cooling pond,between the coolingand and the N/A-2B Standards LOLA 5-01A 35.379648 -78.074632 Neuse River.Not a seep emanating from the Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoringof the Apply active ash basin. Neuse River Seep from the land area north of the cooling Instream pond,between the cooling pond and the N/A-28 Standards LOLA S-018 35.380846 -78.077697 Neuse River.Not a seep emanating from the j Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the Apply active ash basin. Neuse River Low volume seep to small channel north of Ditch system draining areas active ash basin at the toe of the dike.Flows Monitoring at S-01 35.386858 -78.073453 ; west,then south,toward confluence with north and WS-IV;NSW location S-03A See S-03A Neuse River at sampling site 5-03A. west of active ash basin ----.._..__.--- — Ditch system i Low volume seep to small channel north of draining areas S-02 35.384001 -78.081383 active ash basin at the toe of the dike.Flows Monitoring at north and WS-IV;NSW See S-03A west,then south,toward confluence with west of active location S-03A Neuse River at sampling site S-03A. ash basin • "Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. •'Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shall be conducted at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment B of this Order. Attachment A 518-006 Duke Energy Progress, LLC—H.F.Lee Energy Complex,p,2 Approximate I'' Receivin i Receiving Location Coordinates Descriptiong N. oe- Waterbod ' 4Jacerbady SOC Monitoring Interim Action Levels Latitude Longitude y Classification Ditch system Channe'on west side of active_ash basin.Directs draining areas 1 S.G3'` 35.382666 -78,084374 flow from ditch on,north side of active ash basin north and I WS-IV;NSW Monitoring at See S-03A south toward Meuse River. Not a seep. west of active location 5-03A i ,. ash basin i Duct system I — • Site Jut beforeconfluence 0e 513 channel draining areas Monitoring at ' Arsenic 400 µglL I I location 5 03>03 " 35.331806 -78.084052 conveyinii flo f )m upstream sites and the north and 4VS-IV;NSW Hardness 500 mg/i.Nei,e 4 ar Nota seep west of active prior to enter,^g TOS 800 mg/i. rill basin ; Neusa Riser ace • I nta u: water inland r orr r Dist eani 5 04. - 35.381993 78.078734 P.A-2B Standards ' Neuse River ..VS-IV;N544' ! mcato ing r heir v ou v ,we of active ash b mr Apply the N.u.e Pmr_r Static AOW ,ear riprap area on the south iidt o= S 0 " 35.379045 ; -78.070293 the southeast corner of active ash basin. NIA-Sao N/A-Seep Location has been repaired.No flow obit-•,e:,in Meuse Roar 4'S-iV;NSW Dispnsi:icn;d Dispositioned recent observations. Low volume seep to small channel on east side of Ditch system T active ash basin at the toe of the dike.Flows draining areas 5-06 35.386968 -78.071942 • north and east WS-IV;NSW See at south,toward confluence with Neuse River atlocation S-09 See 5-09 of active ash . sampling site 5-09. basin i Low volume seep to small channel on east side of Ditch system draining areas 5-07 i 35.382767 78.069655 active ash basin at the toe of the dike.Flows I Monitoring at I north and east WS-I ,NSW i See S-09 I south,toward confluence with Meuse River at I of active ash location S-09 1 i I sampling site 5-09. 1 basin i 'Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. "Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shali be conducted at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment B of this Order i . • Attachment A S18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC—H.F.Lee Energy Complex,p.3 Approximate Seep ID Location Coordinates I Receiving Receiving i Description Waterbody SOC Monitoring Interim Action Levels Number i Waterbody Latitude I Longitude l Classification l . 1 i I Static AOW near riprap area on the east side of Ditch system draining areas S-08 35.38051 78.068532 the southeast corner of active ash basin.Any north and east ! WS-IV;NSW Monitoring at See S-09 flow collects in channel and flows south toward of active ash location S-09 I. S-09.No flow observed in recent observations. basin Monitoring location Just before confluence of Ditch system Monitoring at draining areas Arsenic 400 µg/L channel on east side of active ash basin location 5-09 5-09"" 35.379492 -78.067718 conveying flow from upstream sites and the north and east WS-IV;NSW prior to entering Hardness 500 mg/L ' Neuse River. Not a seep. of active ash Neuse River T05 800 mg/L :—_..---- basin i Stagnant,ponded water inland from river terrace Instream N/A—28 Standards S-18 35.379222 -78.101206 Neuse Rivers WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the . below east side of inactive ash basin. e River , Stag from river terrace 5-19* j 35.38179 -78.097649 below northeant, stsidaterinactve ash basin. From Neuse River i WS-IV;NSW ply N/As-Seep N/A—Seep Seep j sampling—No CCR impacts. —— Dispositioned Dispositioned "� I Seep near well CMW-10,along the south side of N/A—Seep N/A—Seep S-20 35.382406 -78.082051 active ash basin.Location has been repaired to Neuse River WS-IV;NSW i Dispositioned Dispositioned eliminate see . I Stagnant seep along south side of active ash S-21"" 35.382151 -78.080376 basin.Any flow reinfiltrates prior to reaching Neuse River WS-IV;NSW ! N/A—Seep N/A—Seep — surface water. Dispositioned Dispositioned Seepalongsouth side of active ash basin. Flows Im N/A—28pStandards I 5-22 35.381466 -78.077819 Neuse River WS-IV;NSW . monitoringof the / toward Neuse River. ! Apply I i_ _ , _ _ Neuse River r { _ ! Seep alongtowa Neuse Rive side of active ash basin. Flows ^— — I N/A—28A Standards 5-23 35.381175 -78.077136 p Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoringof the / r. Neuse River Apply I *Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. ""Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shall be conducted at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment B of this Order. Attachment A 518-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC-H.F.Lee Energy Complex,p.4 Approximate Seep ID T— Receiving Description Receiving Location Coordinates I D Number I p Waterbody Waterbody SOC Monitoring Interim Action Levels Latitude Longitude L Classification Seep along south side of active ash basin. Flows Instream 5-24 35.381063 eusever monitoring of the Ri WS-IV;NSW N/A-ZBStandards j ; toward Neuse River. Apply i Neuse River Seep along south side of active ash basin. Flows Instream 5-25 35.380922 78.076001 Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A-28 Standards toward Neuse River. Apply Neuse River .._._...--_-----_{ Seep within a small drainage channel for ponded Instream S-26 35.38164 -78.078322 water within the river bank below south side of Neuse River WS-IV;NSW : monitoring of the N/A-2B Standards active ash basin. Flows toward Neuse River. Neuse River Apply Low volume seep to small channel north of Ditch system • active ash basin at the toe of the dike.Flows draining •area, Monitoring at 5-27 35.385848 78A75999 , west,then south,toward confluence with Neuse north and WS-IV;NSW location S-03A See S-03A River at sampling site S-03A. west of active j ash basin Low volume seep to small channel north of Ditch system 5-28 35.385133 -78.078197 ' active ash basin at the toe of the dike.Flows draining areas Monitoring at north and WS-IV;NSW See 5-03A west,then south,toward confluence with Neuse west of active location S-03A River at sampling site 5-03A. _---- _._-.---_-- ash basin Seep to Halfmile Branch on southwest side of Halfmile Instream See Halfmile Branch ' 5-29 35.37862 -78.10593 retired ash basin#2. Branch W5-IV;NSW monitoring of Instream Monitoring Halfmile Branch (p.8) *Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. **Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shall be conducted at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment B of this Order. I Attachment A S18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC-H.F.Lee Energy Complex,p.5 Approximate i Receiving Seep ID Receiving Location Coordinates Description Waterbody SOC Monitoring Interim Action Levels Number { Waterbody l Latitude I Longitude i Classification Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-01 35.37924 -78.07377 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A-28 Standards basin. Neuse River Apply i Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream • CPS-02 35.37901 -78.07298 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River j WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A-26 Standards j I basin. Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream N%A-28 Standards CPS-03 35.37895 ' -78.06270 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the basin. ' Neuse River Apply _ .._. --- _._._..__._... . ..------. ----__ —_...._ .___.._ i.___ Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream N/A-28 Standards CPS-04 35.37902 i -78.06707 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the basin. Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream N/A-2B Standards CPS-05 35.37998 -78.06574 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW ' monitoring of the basin. Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling I Instream CPS-06 35.37179 -78.06642 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW I monitoring of the N/A-28 Standards basin. Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling I Instream CPS-07 35.37177 -78.06661 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A 20 Standards basin. Neuse River I Apply 'Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. **Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shall be conducted at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment B of this Order Attachment A 518-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC—H.F.Lee Energy Complex,p.6 NumberSeep D oxima i • Loca onrCoordinates Description ReWecervody Waterbody I SOC Monitoring Interim Action Levels i Latitude Longitude Classification • Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-08 35.37711 -78.06780 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A—28 Standards basin. Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-09 35.36922 -78.07880 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A—28 Standards basin. Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-10 35.36840 -78.08125 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A—26 Standards basin. • Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS 11 35.36829 -78.08141 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A—28 Standards basin. Neuse Rive- Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-12 ' 35.36816 -78.08156 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River ' WS-IV;NSW I monitoring of the N/A—28 Standards basin. Apply —.._—__.. _ Neuse River Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling i Instream CPS-13 35.37972 -78.07540 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River i WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A—28 Standards basin. Neuse River APpIY i — — — ------ —.--_______,._.. t --- Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream • —i I CPS-14 I 35.37963 -78.07527 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River • WS-IV;NSW i monitoring of the N/A—28 Standards j basin. Apply , :._._._.__—._...�_______—_ , Neuse River "Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. "Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shall be conducted at the approximate locations Indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment 8 of this Order. Attachment A S18-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC-H. F.Lee Energy Complex,p.7 Approximate Location Coordinates Receiving Seep ID -__-_.. _- Description Receiving Waterbody SOC Monitoring Interim Action Levels Number Waterbody Latitude Longitude Classification I Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream N/A-28 Standards CPS-15 35.37962 -78.07460 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the basin. Neuse River I Apply i Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-16 35.37942 -78.07423 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A-2B Standards basin. Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-17 35.37465 -78.06165 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW ; monitoring of the N/A-28 Standards basin. Neuse River Apply . Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream NJA 28 Standards CPS-18 35.37195 -78.06605 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the basin. Neuse River 1 Apply I ' Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream N/A-2B Standards CPS-19 135.37192 -78.06625 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the ` basin Neuse River Apply Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-20 35.37202 -78.06630 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the I 1 1 N/A-28 Standards basin. Neuse River I Apply i � — I _ ...-. — I Seep from the berm surrounding the cooling Instream CPS-21 i 35.36983 i -78.07580 pond.Not a seep emanating from the active ash Neuse River WS-IV;NSW monitoring of the N/A-28 Standards basin. Neuse River ! Apply *Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. "Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shall be conducted at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment 8 of this Order. Attachment A 518-006 Duke Energy Progress,LLC—H.F.Lee Energy Complex,p.8 Instream Monitoring Description ReceivingWaterbodyReceiving Waterbody p Classification SOC Monitoring Interim Action Levels In,tream Monitoring to evaluate potential impacts Neuse River WS-IV;NSW Upstream&Downstream Monitoring of the N/A—28 Standards from seeps Neuse River Apply In stream Monitoring to Upstream&Downstream Monitoring of Mercury 0.02 pg/L evaluate potential impacts Halfmile Branch WS-IV;NSW Halfmile Branch Selenium 30 µg/L from seeps 'Location previously investigated as a seep. Monitoring has not indicated the presence of coal combustion residuals. **Seep dispositioned via repair and/or non-flowing condition to potentially reach WOTUS,or other,as noted. Monitoring shall be conducted at the approximate locations indicated on the attached site map. All monitoring shall be conducted per the requirements found in Attachment B of this Order. H. F. Lee Energy Complex —Water Quality Monitoring N i i " , Ash \ + '3 S-03A Basin \ / " ' ease N 'Sd Rif'er 5 09 ,6 /F/h i� / it • .. Cooling o +1' :-, Pond * , `. f` Upstream: Halfmile Branch &Neuse River * Stream Monitoring * Downstream: Halfmile Branch& Neuse River SOC S18-006 Duke Energy Progress, LLC—H. F. Lee Plant Attachment B Monitoring Requirements The following represents the parameters to be analyzed and reported at all monitoring locations designated within this Special Order. Parameter Reporting Units Monitoring Frequency__ TSS mg/L Annually Oil and Grease mg/L Annually pH Standard Units(s. u.) Quarterly Fluoride pg/L Quarterly Total Mercury i ng/L Quarterly Total Barium pg/L Quarterly Total Zinc pg/L Quarterly Total Arsenic pg/L j Quarterly Total Boron pg/L I Quarterly Total Cadmium pg/L Quarterly Total Chromium pg/L Quarterly Total Copper pg/L Quarterly Total Thallium pg/L Quarterly Total Lead pg/L Quarterly Total Nickel pg/L Quarterly Total Selenium pg/L Quarterly Nitrate/Nitrite as N mg/L Quarterly Bromides mg/L Quarterly Sulfates mg/L Quarterly Chlorides j mg/L Quarterly TDS mg/L Quarterly Total Hardness mg/L Quarterly Temperature °C Quarterly Conductivity, pmho/em pmho/cm Quarterly Analyses of all monitoring conducted per the terms of this SOC shall conform to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2B .0505(e)(4)and(5); i.e.,standard methods and certified laboratories shall be used. Seep Management Plan Amendment to the Closure Plan H.F. Lee Energy Complex—Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina APPENDIX B MANN KENDALL TREND TEST ANALYSIS, FEBRUARY 2022 • synTerra Science & Engineering Consultants • syrTerra Science & Engineering Consultants synterracorp.com APPENDIX B MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANALYSIS H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX FEBRUARY 2022 PREPARED FOR • DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC Appendix B-Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis H.F. Lee Energy Complex, Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 THE MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST 1-1 2.0 TIME VERSUS CONCENTRATION PLOTS 2-1 3.0 MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST RESULTS 3-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Time versus Total Arsenic Figure 2 Time versus Total Barium Figure 3 Time versus Total Boron Figure 4 Time versus Bromide Figure 5 Time verses Total Cadmium Figure 6 Time versus Chloride Figure 7 Time versus Total Chromium Figure 8 Time versus Total Copper Figure 9 Time versus Flow Rate Figure 10 Time versus Fluoride Figure 11 Time versus Hardness Figure 12 Time versus Total Lead Figure 13 Time versus Total Mercury Figure 14 Time versus Total Nickel Figure 15 Time versus Nitrate + Nitrite Figure 16 Time versus Oil and Grease Figure 17 Time versus pH Figure 18 Time versus Total Selenium Figure 19 Time versus Specific Conductance Figure 20 Time versus Temperature Figure 21 Time versus Total Thallium Figure 22 Time versus Total Dissolved Solids Figure 23 Time versus Total Sulfate Figure 24 Time versus Total Suspended Solids Figure 25 Time versus Total Zinc LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Sampling Locations and Constituents Included in Concentration over Time Plots Table 2 Mann-Kendall Trend Analysis Results February 2022 Page i Appendix B-Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis H.F. Lee Energy Complex, Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina THE MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST Mann-Kendall trend tests were performed on available seep data associated with the ash basins and lay of the land area at the H.F. Lee Energy Complex. The Mann-Kendall trend test evaluates data over time for monotonic trends, where monotonic indicates a trend that is solely increasing or decreasing. Mann-Kendall is a useful trend test in that it is non-parametric and does not require normal distribution of data. To perform the Mann-Kendall trend test, data were processed as follows: • Non-detects greater than regulatory values were removed. If a constituent does not have a regulatory limit and there are multiple reporting limits, only the lowest reporting limit was retained. • Detects that were less than the reporting limit were treated at non-detects. • Samples with pH greater than 10 standard units were removed. Next, the data must meet the following requirements for a Mann-Kendall trend test to be applicable: • There must be at least four detect measurements. • Non-detects must make up less than or equal to 50 percent of measurements. In a Mann-Kendall trend test, each value is compared to the proceeding values to calculate whether the value has increased, decreased, or stayed the same over time. These comparisons are recorded as simply 1 (increasing), -1 (decreasing), or 0 (stayed the same). These comparisons give an S value, where S indicates the type of trend. A negative S value indicates a decreasing trend, and a positive S value indicates an increasing trend. Whether or not these trends are statistically significant is dependent on the two-sided p value. A p value ranges from 0 to 1 and indicates whether the results are due to chance or the results are statistically significant. Greater p values indicate a trend is not statistically significant, and a p value less than 0.1 indicates a statistically significant trend. All Mann-Kendall trend tests are performed in the program RStudio using the "Kendall" package. February 2022 Page 1-1 Appendix B-Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis H.F. Lee Energy Complex, Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 2.0 TIME VERSUS CONCENTRATION PLOTS Plots of concentration over time provide a visual representation of possible trends in the data. Time versus concentration plots are presented as Figures 1 through 25. Plots are grouped by constituent, and within the figure, a plot of concentration over time is displayed for each location that has data for that constituent. Locations and constituents included in these plots are presented in Table 1. Trends from the Mann-Kendall tests are displayed on plots with colored borders representing trend conclusions. Blue indicates no trend was present, green indicates a decreasing trend, gold indicates an increasing trend, and no color indicates the constituent-location pair cannot be analyzed for trends due to a lack of detect measurements. Detect measurements are shown as a black point, and non-detect measurements are shown as an open circle. February 2022 Page 2-1 Appendix B-Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis H.F. Lee Energy Complex, Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina TABLE 1 SAMPLING LOCATIONS AND CONSTITUENTS INCLUDED IN PLOTS OF CONCENTRATIONS OVER TIME Sampling Locations Constituents LOLA S-01A Total Arsenic LOLA S-01B Total Boron S-08 Bromide 5-18 Total Cadmium S-22 Chloride S-23 Total Chromium 5-24 Total Copper S-25 Flow Rate S-26 Fluoride Hardness Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Nitrate+Nitrite Oil and Grease pH Total Selenium Specific Conductance Temperature Total Thallium Total Dissolved Solids Total Sulfate Total Suspended Solids Total Zinc Note: If a location-constituent pair does not have an identified trend or plot,data was not available for that pair. February 2022 Page 2-2 P Appendix B-Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis H.F. Lee Energy Complex, Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina 3.0 MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST RESULTS Results of the Mann-Kendall trend tests are presented in Table 2. Mann-Kendall trend tests were conducted for data pertaining to the 9 non-dispositioned seeps associated with the ash basins and lay of the land area. Out of the 9 seeps evaluated, six had four or more samples and thus were evaluated for trends.Trend analyses were completed for 127 location-constituent pairs using available seep data that was collected between 2015 and 2021. For the other occurrences where trend analysis could not be performed, either there are less than four detects, or the number of non-detects is greater than the number of detects. The average percentage of non-detects for all constituent-location pairs included in the Mann-Kendall trend test is 33 percent. Locations not displayed in Table 2 are excluded due to having less than the minimum number of samples required to run the "Kendall" package in RStudio. Location-constituent pairs with less than four detects are included in Table 2 but cannot be analyzed for trends based on the criteria in Section 1.0. Out of the 127 constituent-location pairs that have trend conclusions, 33 are associated with the following field parameters: flow rate, pH, specific conductance, temperature, total dissolved solids, and total suspended solids. Trends for these field parameters were evaluated for information but are not included in percentages below. Of the 94 chemical constituent- location pairs that have trend conclusions, 49 percent of constituent concentrations are stable or have statistically significant decreasing trends (46 out of 94 constituent location pairs), 51 percent (48 out of 94) of trends could not be analyzed due to greater than 50 percent non detects. Of the 94 chemical constituent-location pairs, no increasing trends were identified. Overall, the results of the Mann-Kendall trend tests indicate a system that is geochemically stable, with the majority of constituent concentrations remaining stable over time. February 2022 Page 3-1 Project:00 0061.20 • • • • TABLE 2 MANN-KENDALL TREND ANALYSIS RESULTS SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN-APPENDIX B H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC,GOLDSBORO,NC Well ID Analyfe Number of Samples Non-Detests Detects Percent Non- Is Trend Analysis Two-Sided Detects Applicable? p Value 5 Value Trend Conclusion LOLAS OIA pH a 0 4 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5•08 pH 6 0 6 0 Yes 2.60E-01 - Stable,no significant trend gni S-22 pH 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.81E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 pH 7 0 7 0 Yes 1.58E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-24 pH 7 0 7 0 Yes 3.41E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-26 pH 5 0 5 0 Yes 6.13E-01 - Stable,no significant trend LOLASOIA Temperature 4 0 4 0 Yes 7.34E-01 Stable,no significant trend S.08 Temperature 6 0 6 0 Yes 4.52E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5•21 Temperature 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Temperature 7 0 7 0 Yes 6.09E-01 - Stable,no significant trend S-N Temperature 7 0 7 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5.26 Temperature 5 0 5 0 Yes 4.62E-01 Stable,no significant trend LOLA 5-01A Specific Conductance 4 0 4 0 Yes 3.08E-01 • Stable,no significant trend 5•06 Specific Conductance 6 0 6 0 Yes 4.52E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5.22 Specific Conductance 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5•23 Specific Conductance 7 0 7 0 Yes 1.33E-01 - Stable,no significant trend - 5.24 Specific Conductance 7 0 7 0 Yes 5.08E-01 Stable,no significant trend 5•26 Specific Conductance 5 0 5 • 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5.08 Flow 4 0 4 0 Yes 3.08E-01 Stable,no significant trend S Z3 Flow 5 0 5 0 Yes 8.06E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5.24 Flow 6 0 6 0 Yes 7.07E.01 - Stable,no significant trend LOLA 5.01A Total Suspended Solids 4 0 4 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend S-08 Total Suspended Solids 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.29E-02 14 Statistically significant increasing trend 5.22 Total Suspended Solids 6 0 6 0 Yes 2.60E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Total Suspended Solids 7 0 •7 0 Yes 5.48E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5.24 Total Suspended Solids 7 0 7 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend S.26 Total Suspended Solids 5 0 5 0 Yes 8.64E-02 -8 Statistically significant decreasing trend LOLA5-01A Total Boron 4 3 1 75 No - - Cannot Maly.for Trends 508 Total Boron 6 0 6 0 Yes 7.07E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5,12 Total Boron 6 0 6 0 Yes 6.03E-02 -11 Statistically significant decreasing trend 5-21 Total Boron 7 0 7 0 Yes 7.64E-01 - Stable,no significant trend s24 Total Boron 7 0 7 0 Yes 6.49E-31 - Stable,no significant trend 5.26 Total Boron 5 0 5 0 Yes 8.06E-01 ' Stable,no significant trend --I OIA S-0lA Chloride 4 0 4 0 Yes 3.08E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5,08 Chloride 6 0 6 0 Yes 2.62E-02 -13 Statisticaly significant decreasing trend 5-22 Chloride 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.81E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5.21 Chloride 7 0 7 0 Yes 4.83E-02 -14 Statistically significant decreasing trend 5.24 Chloride 7 0 7 0 Yes 6.86E-03 -19 Statistically significant decreasing trend 5-26 Chloride 5 0 5 0 Yes 3 12E-01 - Stable,no significant trend TABLE 2 MANN-KENDALL TREND ANALYSIS RESULTS SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN-APPENDIX B H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC,GOLDSBORO,NC Percent Non- Is Trend Analysis Two-Sided Well ID Analyze Number of Samples Non-Detects Detects S Value Trend Conclusion Detects Applicable? PVats. YesO e - Stable, niti t trend 5 OIA Sulfate 4 0 4 0 l O E 00 no significant tre d 5-08 Sulfate 6 0 6 0 Yes 6.03E-02 -11 Statistically significant decreasing trend 5-22 Sulfate 6 0 6 0 Yes 2.60E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Sulfate 7 0 7 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend S-24 Sulfate 7 0 7 0 Yes 7.64E-01 - Stable,no significant trend • 5-26 Sulfate 5 0 5 0 Yes 6.13E-01 - Stable,no significant Vend LOLA S-01A Total Dissolved Solids 4 0 4 0 Yes 8.94E-02 -6 Statistically significant decreasing trend • S-08 Total Dissolved Solids 6 0 6 0 Yes 3.39E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-22 Total Dissolved Solids 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5•23 Total Dissolved Solids 7 0 7 0 Yes 2.30E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-20 Total Dissolved Solids 7 0 7 0 Yes 2.88E-01 - Stable,no significant trend • S•26 Total Dissolved Solids 5 1 4 20 Yes 8.06E-01 - Stable,no significant trend LOLA S-01A Total Arsenic 0 0 4 0 Yes 100E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5-08 Total Arsenic 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.33E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-22 Total Arsenic 6 0 6 0 Yes 7.07E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Total Arsenic 7 0 7 0 Yes 2.30E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-24 Total Arsenic 7 0 7 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5-26 Total Arsenic 5 0 5 0 Yes 2.21E-01 - Stable,no significant trend LOLA 5-01A Total Barium 4 0 0 0 Yes 3.08E-01 • Stable,no significant trend 5-08 Total Barium 6 0 6 0 Yes 7.07E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-22 Total Barium 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Total Barium 7 0 7 0 Yes 6.49E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-24 Total Barium 7 0 7 0 Yes 3.68E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-26 Total Barium 5 0 5 0 Yes 8.06E-01 . Stable,no significant trend 5-08 Total Cadmium 6 6 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5.22 Total Cadmium 5 5 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-23 Total Cadmium 6 6 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-24 Total Cadmium 7 7 0 100 No - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-26 Total Cadmium 0 4 0 100 No • - Cannot Analyze for Trends • 5.08 Total Chromium 6 6 0 100 No . • Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-22 Total Chromium 6 4 2 67 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-23 Total Chromium 6 4 2 67 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-24 Total Chromium 7 7 0 100 No • - Cannot Analyze for Trends • 5-26 Total Chromium 5 3 2 60 No . . Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-0B Total Copper 6 6 0 100 No • - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-22 Total Copper 6 4 2 67 No • - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-23 Total Copper 6 4 2 67 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-24 Total Copper 7 7 0 100 No - . Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-26 Total Copper 4 2 2 50 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends Pate 2.4 • • • TABLE 2 MANN-KENDALL TREND ANALYSIS RESULTS SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN-APPENDIX B H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC,GOLDSBORO,NC Well 10 Analyze Number of Samples Non-Detects Detect, Perzeet Non- Is Trend Analysis Two Sided S V.slue Trend Conclusion Detects Applicable? P Value 3-08 Total Lead 6 6 0 100 No Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-22 Total Lead 6 4 2 67 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends S-23 Total Lead 6 4 2 67 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-24 Total Lead 7 7 0 100 Na - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-22 • Total Mercury 4 0 4 0 Yes 3.08E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Total Mercury 6 2 4 33 Yes 1.29E-02 -14 Statistically significant decreasing trend 5-24 Total Mercury 6 4 2 67 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends S-08 Total Nickel 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.81E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5•22 Total Nickel 6 3 3 50 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-23 Total Nickel 6 4 2 67 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-24 Total Nickel 7 7 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-26 Total Nickel 4 3 1 75 No - . Cannot Analyze for Trends LOLA 5-01A Nitrate 6 Nitrite 4 2 2 50 No - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5•08 Nitrate+Nitrite 6 3 3 50 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5•22 Nitrate+Nitnte 5 4 1 80 l No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5.23 Nitrate+Nitrite 6 3 3 50 Na . - Cannot Analyze for Trends - 5-24 Nitrate+Nitrite 6 - 4 33 Yes 314E-01 • Stable,no significant trend 5•26 Nitrate+Nitrite 4 3 1 75 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 508 Total Selenium 6 6 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-22 Total Selenium 5 5 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-23 Total Selenium 6 6 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-24 Total Selenium 7 7 0 100 No - - Cannot AnaNze for Trends 5-26 Total Selenium 4 4 0 100 No - Cannot Analyze for Trends - 5-08 Total Thallium 6 5 1 83 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-22 Total Thallium 5 5 0 100 No - Cannot Analyzefor Trends 5-23 Total Thallium 6 6 0 100 No - Cannot Analyze for Trends — 5-24 Total Thallium 7 7 0 100 No - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-26 Total Thallium 4 4 0 100 No - Cannot Analyze for Trends ` 5-08 Total Zinc 6 5 1 83 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-22 Total Zinc 6 2 4 33 Yes 5.66E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Total Zinc 7 3 4 43 Yes 4.33E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-24 Total Zinc 7 6 1 86 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-26 Total Zinc 5 3 2 60 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends IOLA S-01A Fluoride 4 0 4 0 Yes 4.70E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-08 Fluoride 6 0 6 0 Yes 1.00E+00 Stable,no significant trend 5-22 fluoride 5 0 5 0 Yes 1.30E•01 - Stable,no significant trend S-23 Fluoride 7 0 7 0 Yes 1.33E-01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-24 Fluoride 6 0 6 • 0 Yes 5.66E.01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-26 Fluoride 5 0 5 0 Yes 4 62E•01 - Stable,no significant trend Page 3 of • TABLE 2 MANN—KENDALL TREND ANALYSIS RESULTS SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—APPENDIX B H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC,GOLDSBORO,NC Percent Non- Is Trend Analysis Two-Sided Well ID Analyze Number of Samples Non-Detects Detects SValue Trend Conclusion Defects Applicable? PValue S-08 Hardness 4 0 4 0 Yes 1.00E+00 - Stable,no significant trend -S-22 Hardness 4 0 4 0 Yes 308(.01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-23 Hardness 5 0 5 0 Yes 4.62E•01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-24 Hardness 5 0 5 0 Yes 8.06E•01 - Stable,no significant trend 5-26 Hardness 4 0 4 0 Yes 7.34E-01 - Stable,no significant trend • 5-08 Oil and grease 4 4 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5.22 Oil and grease 4 4 0 100 No - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-23 Oil and grease 4 4 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends 5-24 Oil and grease 5 5 0 100 No - - Cannot Analyze for Trends Ion and grease e — a o 100 Na Cannot Analyze for Trends g Prepared by-fa checked bv:_ Beechen limits were adjusted in accordance with USFPA guidelines. To be analYaed for trend.there must be et least A detects and Ins than or equal to SO%non-detects. A P value lee than 0.1 indicates a statistically significant trend. negative S value indicates a decreasing trend. •psitsve s...indicates an increasing trend . Appendix B-Mann-Kendall Trend Test Analysis H.F. Lee Energy Complex, Duke Energy Progress, LLC Goldsboro, North Carolina FIGURES synTerra Science& Engineering Consultants LOIASAGP LOtS B . r 5-08 !CO • BOO i0C ZOO .—. I 1/ }1e .,.... 122... B87 - • RCCi ad 6 N.C. 2.. A,, .____ B{ , ....., BCC 1 GCB • iaG1 ]O•J' J I R Q R. r. T— g 5 s 2 kR Date Data mea m,vma.ai,eR<,uneer.,me,.R na.aa,n,htic,i • Indicates a detect measurement •(DUKE oR.wo ee R e.wr o.re oin.nma FIGURES SENIC •Time nyom arseniccplot forax locations with available data.rends are 0 Indicates,,<,a«<a m<>:•..<m<.r �' ENERGY ce,,.s.o<..M�t,10411 WE a'r��: TIMEMANA VS GEMENT — CHECKED eV t SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS nm.d by the boatel'', there is no color data Raaw not analyzed stably,no trends APPENDIX B for trends. -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend �' APPROVED e.Aum R CA.n1rssrsaxx MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •VIA-Mmograms per eter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend 7 PRaen I....a.rester H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX ND Color•Cannot Analyze tar Trends Syf1Tf_'fla www.synterracorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA S ! • LCLA$. A.. • LO1;1.501B - • aco' 2fC• gas / El i / E ..i mi \ I !2a 3-23 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIICEIMMIIIIIIIMMMIIIIII 1 xo — 1 Date •D.a Dre,emee may include bo-DValifiee mulls.rvon-dete<unaryD<» • Indicates a detect measurement (DUKE DRAWN ar R aAm1Y DAreo1rt1co.. FIGURE 2 ',SAS are plotted at the<orre,yondm{reverting lin, O Indicates a non-detect measurement t' ENERGY REV.°av.edam DATE o1,x,7, TIME VS TOTAL BARIUM r< mplot for WI.<awm e,im aaaaaOle data.Trend,are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS CHEdenoted by die noa<aDr.ntnen Is no cob,me data meld not ee,n,grea -stable.no trends o,EcroD.n.DER ARR, DATE ou�en:. APPENDI%B •Tar Dena,. -Statisticaay Significant Decreasing Trend `� APPROVED F MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS Part-mRrDg,am:per e,er -Statistically significant Increasing Trend Ton, r'tA core eev.o.. H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends Syf1Terrd www synterracorD.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA - L I I I i I l 8-,g s-22 :::: wcO- / sse 3.25 s-z11. sCOO zcoO IOW �. 8 R ti - -• g �, n z R w £ Q ' Date o presented may include lab-qualified results.Non-detect analytical • Indicates a detect measurement (DUKE oeawe avR aeo/R care OM Man FIGURES p indicates anon-detect measurement T'ENERGY REVISED B.a PERRI DATE a,Raaexx TIME VS TOTAL BORON toresults are tal boron plot folotted at the r aumcations with available data.Trends are CHECKED err RARTnun DATE pinsapn SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denotedtby the boa color.if there is no color the data could net be analyzed -Stable,no trends APPENDIX B ar trend.. -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend `1 APPROVED WI R.erni o.,E.o:Rsanx MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS -pg/L-micrograms per liter r -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend 1 PROJECT MANAGER tFeee H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color•Cannot Analyze for Trends .S)ll 1Td wwwsynterracorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA f 1 5-22 S-23 • • i I I i i \xd, i , • I a o{ 1_ .E I sad —_$ m , s i d c . i I bn • Date presented may include iab•yuaiifled results.Non-detect analytical • Indicates atletect measurement (..DUKE oE.wN a.ap.ouN o.re on���,px. FIGURE 4 results are plotted at Me corresponding reporting Molt. O indicates a non-detect measurement le'ENERGY Rev,seoey aFERd, ogre 01,,o0 TIME VS BROMIDE total bromide plot for an location,with available data.Trends are — SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS CHEdenoteztl by Me bon color,it Mere is no color Me data could not be analyzed -Stable.no[rcndz epoCEcrpNwacEa BY i to cEnni MAN DATE ornE:^ox • ends. y gni APPENDIX B •u[n-mioo :5tatisticall bi root Decreasing Trend APPROVEoey g EEaei pate mar.e,z grams per liter -STmsrcany Significant increasing �� MAN N-KE N DALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No color-Cannot Analyze for Trends synTerra www:ynterrcorp.cnm GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • I LOIAS-0IA I LOLASMB 3-0I d] 1 I L'`, 1 oo --- su sxz sm 3. Etp T. 3p 9 t• D S34 S-= S3e 51 Na I Date tyAm H Oa laweuntea may include tab euaufied resuLL+..orodetea analytic, Indicates a detect measurement J DUKE PRAWNava MCD. Dare ontimop FIGURE 5 0 Indicates a non-detect measurement , ENERGY .ev.seo.v....m MT!Olenmt TIME VS TOTAL CADMIUM •Time vs total cadmium plot for all locations with available data.Trends are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN-ASH BASINS denoted by m n e box rotor.ihere it no color the data could not be analyree -Stable.no trends OAcEEO evrw,.ru,. DOE omaaozz APPENDIX B for trends. -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend ��aa/� .MnavEo tie.,E.. aaa 1 DATE o, on MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •pa/t-mirmg,am,pe,liter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend e,o rwwae• ,bolt H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends nTerra www.syntematorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • I V oftr,mmai „ LOLA.64HA - , LOLAS4111 I / I\,,,...........„,,.... , I 70- ! i j I 10- i .........-*-,....—. ...- .- - — — -,-,—....-_,—,.. --,-.....----. .• i S•18 342 3-23 •• ee..-............'—\N !,1 Z i 1 i I I N 201 ‘,... I . ,01 • 1 , - S,. 1 I .... . 1 1 ..., I N N., i \ i \ • 1 \ \•i . I ' ..• . ... . ' . ., Date sat, • FIGURE 6 Indicates a detect mexurement .6,.DUKE OPIRVINIIY A MOM Clan 0101,1022,,..1.,,,include oa.puaafiee,esuits non-detect aneytita, TIME VS CHLORIDE 11, fepOrting Unlit 0 Indicates a non-detect measurement e• ENERGY .....,.... PATE Oti75Can firm.rii WWI t Idmide pbt kir all bcations with available data.Trends are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN-ASH BASINS PItV r war...eanotee i,ne•an.cob,if there is no color the data could not be enslaved -Stable.no teends CHCen e DATE 01,16,022 APPENDIX B for trona, -StatistkaIN Significant Decreasing Trend 0 MM./ROVED BY R PERRI cent 01,542022 MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS me milliarmn•per liter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend PROACT 0AANAGEP Steen, H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyse for Trends synTerra wsua,,e^,o,raeoraeom GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • f Lotcs eta I LowOxe B-08 40, x•I 0 roi M f aTa an I an j \ A\ .....__ i> BdN 8-25 a28 tn 1C• I I Date w I DUKE da.w graaw wTg aonrso FIGURE 7 d may md.de lab.eualibed results,Hon-detect analytical •Indicates a detect measurement mars dinr,epoDm.lima ee Oldicates a non-detect measurement `ENERGY eev,aepb It FERMI CATE mas�oa. TIME VS TOTAL CHROMIUM •Time vsresults atoni chromium plot for agre plotted at the llocations with available data.Trends are CHECKED BY r Anw" °1r wren e12032 SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS `" r "dewtm by the box colorifthere is no color the data could not be anaNred -Stable,no vends APPENDIX B far bends. --Statistically Significant DecreasingTrend �� .emoveon It DATE p,maaxx MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •Hgtt-miuoaram,per liter ®-Statistically Significant Increasing Trend ��ss��.��. eewecr.Awdee eream H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyse for Trends synTeeaS www.synterrxorpcom GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • i LOLAs-o+a s og i I 1: • :o: u; 1 _- t-27 843 x4 \ 1 10 l t I ' i .-- sae sad • 1 I 1 I I 1 1 DM. Data • mdmates a detect measurement (e.DUKE Dow..+.MWY Dare OM Man FIGURER fined,wont.Non-detect analytical results are plotted at the corresponding reporting lima 0Indicates a non-detect measurement !''ENERGY .e..aeog..rt.., OAR o,nsxo,x TIME VS TOTAL COPPER m for all locations with available data,trend.are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denoted by Shebat color.a Mere color me data could.be analysed -Stable.no trend, teec.eo a+,o.rwn DATE mr,aaozx APPENDIX B lot trends. -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend •pi/I.-'elver.%per lite, -sbtisncany Significant increasing nerve 0 Apo ec Sa�GE°iyi" q DATE du:saoxx MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALTSIS u H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyse for Trends SyriT6rd wwwsyntemacarp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • • T COLAS-01A LOI4S-018 S-08 l 6p' � 00. j • 20• DI__ • ------- _, - S-22 _ S-23 9-2a.. 60- f •an1 O. c. . , F W 1 2u1 I 9-25I S-26 $ ?. I Err 1 1 201 I Fi _, R Dab FIGURE 9 N. o moats presented may include lab-cussed result..Non-detect analytical O Indicates a detett measurement ('DUKE eo..n.aW.� ,.e ousao:a TIME VS FLOW RATE Indicates a non-detect measurement !a ENERGY ^�s •rinse.flow plat for locations with available data.Trends are denoted by chEC000 ey TX1ATWH DATE 05052022 SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS the box color.if there is no color the data cnum not be analned mnrends. —•Stable,no trends APPENDIX B •GPM-gallonsper minute = -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend 0 acanouop ay a.Enai oats olasnon MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS -statistically Significant Increasing Trend eno,ECT mAN50en eeeeni H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color•cannot Analyze for Trends wnTerra www.svnserracara.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA I LOLAS-01A Louso,a — IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 cc 1 P.a /p \/° 1 • n L -22 ,23 P:1Duke Energy Pr ress.1028 W-All NC Sites\1-Reporting\See Matta eme tans\Cliffside\Re art A i P 9 p ppendix B op,1E i LL 1 \a I 1 CO m.'"'""...'....''''.] • • G Sn- L._. '............\\ • • 0 25 Date panalyticalIndicates a detect measurement presentee may include lab-qualified results.Non-detect • kDUKE PRAWN BY R saw. WE Pm Orzp22 FIGURE 10 result,are plotted at the corresponding reporting emit. 0 indicates a non-detect measurement 'V. ENERGY TIME VS FLUORIDE ome plot for al!orations with available data.trendsRensep ev Naa;eR� Pare o,mozz SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS deneteeter me bye color,if Mere Is no rblor me data rove not seawpan -some.no[rends denoted Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend / CHECKED er rNAR,maN DATE lone tt APPENDIX8 •mafb-mIlgrams terli,er -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend �s`� yyocecn 00„0 r°t"iGER I(' DATE pirz.zoz. MANN-RI HEF.L EELENERGY COMPLEX TREND TEST ALYSIS No Color•Cannot Analyze for Trench T www.synterracorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • LOLAS-01A L0134S016 YU • 1 \ / 200• V/ 100 —_ ` 0-13 S-22 .aA3 Cn`u: i • j ` • ace I _— I x01 —7 • I xo 2 1 Tec- s-zs 1°"""w//\77,--- , s zg 402 —�� '. 300 /• , 200 • .. a ,92Pk 0, d .l R R. _ Data rioter •0at team include lab-qualified results. matted analyUol • Indicates a detectmeaSerement (�DUK` ow.wo B+a woum CATE olrmzoz_ FIGURE 11 Oats may xo 0 indicates ano^detect measurement led ENERGY .E•,.ame...Ee. DATE.o.asauz TIME VS HARDNESS •rmeyshardness plot for ail locations with available data.Trends are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denoted by the boa color.if there is tie color the data could not he analysed -Stable,no trends CMELBEp 0t5228LM•N wiEpmx2Yl3 APPENDIX B for trends. i;5w"-statistically Significant Decreasing trend ` •=..oven a+.Genet wre.a�rssamt MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •m[/t-milligramsper liter ®-statistically Significant Increasing Trend / •BD.ec,menace.A.GE/on X.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Igo color-Cannot Anary m 5E for Trends synTe wwwsynterraw, GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA p.cum • r •LOLAS-01A I LOtAS418 BOB 50 • .- le- I I\......,..........„. \. f I ,J 4 --. f 5-18 942 - ,.-- 543 SE i 4,1 I P:\Ouke Energy cigress.1026\AOW-AO NC Sites\1-Reporting1seep ManagemellPlans\Cfiffside\Report\Appendix B I A/\-., I --. B1 30-1 a ! ,,--- ,1 —.... I 3,24 8...13 1 S-26 I _ ..._.... sc-1 I • ..lei 3C i 2<%1 i 1 IC 1 1 • --. ---r --r Date Hater • ckts DUKE DRAWN.a annum WE FIGURE 12:eiiiiman Indicates detect measurement•Data presented may include lab-qualified results,Non-detect analytical TIME VS TOTAL LEAD results are plotted at Me corresponding reporting limit. 0 Indicates a non-detect rneasurement `le ENERGY REVISED SP A FERRI DATE 01/734022 SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS •Lime vs total lead plot tor all Vocations with available data.Trends are PAOAH CATE.0/1 1•OSZP denoted by the box color,if there is no color the data could not be analyzed -Stable,no trends C''''''"r RT APPENDIX B .,...,, -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend 0 APPROVED SY I(PERRI PATE 011757022 MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •KA-misrograms per liter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend PROJECT ORP.GER ll PERRI H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends synTerra wsoso.synterracorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA I • • LOLAS-0EA LOLAS-01B S-011 0 05 0CA- • u.oa- e n o-� ' I00 cnL ��o I S-ElIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII f321 • — ; aca g Y ccr i \ . , oc 5-2e 3-2S 5-2S r f03- • I 1 L 0 0, ,... . . , . ___ , ._ ,.., ., , .,., k n , ,- n .:-, --7; ,!.. , - .1 "- Data •Data results a m presented may mdude laaaualifietl,esults.non ect anahn<al • Indicates a detect measurement (.DUKE DeAwrrey It DADDY DarE.o,„,aox. FIGURE 13 plotted at, rrespondina report,limit. O indicates a non•tletect measurement ENERGY .Ev,aeo ay.,.... DATE o,rssr2o22 TIME VS TOTAL MERCURY •Time vs total mercury plot for all locations with available data.Trends are - SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS CHECKED T otedbtth.box color,II Mere is no color W tlata could rapt De analvzetl ® MCCEEIWw�aTUDD^ DATE DutvAD22 n -Stable,no trends APPENDIX B ...tre...trend, -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend /� Avp.vE oo e et PERM DATE rE o,<mox MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •PEA-mi<rearamr per rater -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend ` PIa H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analvee for Trends synTena www.syntenacorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • g . — LOLAB-01e i LOIAS0113 • 1,1 • Fig a-u S73 I g. I 1 • I Z I • �\ • I /� -\ -- - • • _ .. ._ . .r i • I 1 1 • IC 1 Sil i I. _ ... r. e. is g .v k . .. 7., ,. n N Z Date N�at+prnentea may include lap-oualrRed results.Pon-detest analytical • Indicates a detect measurement 16 DUKE oe,yra er a DAnma PATE orrrrsev FIGURE 14 rake are platted at the callespenaing reporting emit. 0Indicates a non-detect measurement V"ENERGY ocinsco a+aFEnm DATE prrssrzol_ TIME VS TOTAL NICKEL IOW nteael plot ICI.1 locations won available data.trends are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denoted by Me box color,Odle.is no color the datac omd not be amlyrea -Stable.no trends COEC.EOCYT„ laSS DATEat/II0O22 APPENDIX B br bona'- E.-Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend /� ,=neo.Eo na FERRI DATE orrmmx MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •wit-micrograms per peer MO-Statistically Significant Increasing Trend ` PocuECT a,rucf.,sFEaai X No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends Terra PAPAH.F.LEEGOLDSBORO,ENERGYO CAROLINA COT NORTH CAROLINA S ' * LOLAS.014 i L0LAS-01B I— S-08 0 10. 0 05- I \ I I\ \ I 848 1 542 I S-23 ..... I 0 10. ---- i \ i ./--';4 c 05 L. , .------------------------- 0 10 • 0 05 . ... I. tx. . `.."' l.s g Date 1... L ^ •Data presented may snclude lab.rotalified results.Non-detect analytical • Indicates a detect measurement 1..,DUKE OWN.DV K MO. DATE 01/1,/202Z FIGURE 15 results are pint.xt the cos.:ending....gin. 0 Indicates a non-detect measurement ENERGY .....—.... DATE 01,5,021 TIME VS NITRATE+NITRITE . •Tinle vs nitrate-.nitrite plot for all locations with available data.Trends are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS _denoted by the box color,if Mere is no color the data could Oct be analyzed -Stable,no trends - CHECKED es.T HARTMAN DATE 01/162022• APPENDIX B ...., -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend APPROVED.K FERRI DATE Ol/35,022 MANN—KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •rng.NA•lablligrarns nitrogen per liter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend 0 PKOJECTMANKOER K FERRI H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends synTerra www.synterracorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA . I P i-------- --1 ,____—. LOLAS.01A 3.08 348 6.C50 I • : •. i • ..•• '1 5 C25, i 1 1 4 975- I 1 S•22 N-23 7, S-24 -1 5 050.1- I i 1 1 1 1 • t .g.. i . . an 1 ' . ._._.....,,.._ . y-.----,---e- .• • ,• 4 f..76.1 I 1 1 , . I . .. f . ... 3.35 426 i , ::. ji- F. 5 -; 5 cst! 1 1 a 51,j Date Notes: FIGURE 16 •Data present.may inCle de a.- it a results.Non.detect analytical • Indicates a detect measurement Ake,DUKE ORAOPI BY R.IltrOPIA DATE pip IME: results are plotted at the corresponding reporting limit 0 Indicates a non-cletect measurement "t ENERGY ..,..., .FERRI DATE 01/25POn TIME VS OIL AND GREASE •nme Nog a.gleaSe plot for all locations wiM availably Sato Trends are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN-ASH BASINS CoEco/E0 er i HARTMAN oineneee denoted by the box color,if Mere is no color the data could no..analyzed -Stable,no trends DATE APPENDIX B for trends. APPROVED BY It Mal OaTe eirESPIP, MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend Cl •marl-milligrams per star -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend PROJECT PAMPER it FERRI H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze/Pr Trends synTerra ww.syn.,...,,, GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA w ,,, • ' • L01.119-01A • LOLA3-018 S-011 •7 a • 7 0 \ V . \e . . ................, S-le 1 S•22 843 ,• , \---------. iLiD 7 E• 1.1 ft. ,........,..,,,,,. • 8,25 I 11.111111.111111111111111WEIMMIIMMI • 7 y Ni. NN.7. NNo • • P e . , • ..-'.. .;; '.-.- ; -ii.- .., Z , e ,..„., ::, ,,. ,,1 t;',. •..' 7., .-.; 5 = ,. '' '-, '' Date DUKE FIGURE 17 • Indicates a detect measurement PRAM PE li PAO. DATE OM PPM •Data presented may Include lablualified results.Non-detect anaNPcal 0 indicates a non-detect measurement V'ENERGY „--.,—.. DATE 01.2022 TIME VS pH •Time.'Mak.for all locabons with available data.Trends are denoted by SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS . CATE the boy color.,1 Mere is no C0101 the data could not be analyeed for trends. -Stable,no trends CHEEPED BY T NAUMAN 131/1540022 APPENDIX B •s.u. standard units -StatisticallySignificant DecreasingTrend IC, APPROVED PE A AMP OATE OPPERCEP MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend ANDJECT MAHAL.A LEWD H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends synTerra - ,www.synterrayorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • g r. • —LA LOLAS-01 7 so' L3 1 , A..•_____ .. i ,_ _, 2, i I,, II, SiS j I II \ ! 1/ i '1 I I I 1 c 1 I 1' 1 .a ..1 ..__,,,_„_._,___ . . \_________ . _, " , ..., 7 r v , , , , ,, .,, ..= . ?.. . .. ,...... „ , ... „ , ._ „ Data •.°Data presumed may include lab-qualified results.Non-detect analyvcai • lndicatesadnect measurement 4.40�NKE DRAWN eyR DADDY DATE dvtlapzz FIGURE 18 results are plotted at the correspommng reporting limo. 0 Indicates a non-detect measurement ' ENERGY RensEO By APERRI DATE 01a5m22 TIME VS TOTAL SELENIUM total l Alicia.m plot for all locations with Alicia.data.Trends are - SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denoted be the bon color.if there is no color the data could not be analyzed -Stable,no trends CHECKED B+rRARrN.N DATE mnn�gzz APPENDIX B for trends. -Stabmcaily Significant Decreasing Trend `y pgnm AAPRweonRRERRn DATE d�asznz MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALVSIS - - mr°gr,msper titer III-Statisttcaiiy Signlrcant Increasing Trend 7 PROJECT MANAGER e.ERR; X.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color•cannot Analyze for trends synTerra ww syntemacorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA 1----- 4 ' * . . hOLISS-01.A. i-- LOLISS-0113 4-08 , I' I -i • i IWO , I V\/ ...---. . L .., si. 8-22 11111111.1111111111111111123111111111111111111111.1 1 1 I "1 I. • E .?.... *ICI 1 I -------------. i S001 / I E , i v) 3.24 I 1141 11111.11.1111MMEIMNMIIMIll IdO, Ita i • _.. .... R.0 .-R Re, R R P,,. — e, Dale i•-• te.,s, FIGURE 19 • Indicates a detect measurement ../...,DUKE oksvm BY 11 ea.P.. flit 01/11,20P •Data presented may include lals.pualined result,Nome.,analyt.cal results are platted at tn.corresponOIng Inv:1MM... 0 indicates a non.detect measurement 'Ir..ENERGY 111M/7022 TIME VS SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE •Times,specific conductance plot for all locator's with auadable data.Trends SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS ......... are denoted by Me Pox color.ll Mere is no color the data could nor Pe -Stable.no v COPOCEP M i Out COMM"ends APPENDIX B analyzed for Mends. -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend 0 APPROVE0 V it PERM OAVE 01,55/2027 MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS • Prn,,ns/crn-AA,,e mhos,centimeter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend PROJECT 0.0,001 x SERPI H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX So Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends synTerra yntef r a C 0 r p COM GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA sesew s • I e L01,5.01 A • LOI.A.9418 .• 2$ 20 I \ . i 5 1 . --I i &le S.22 8-33 I i 21 13 1 1 1 a H i I . . .... . 11.24 : 625 111111 /1111.1111111111111111111.11 • 2S I ........, i `-.....,. . 20 1 iir i ' .. Date e,.., tite.DUKE FIGURE 20 lbRAvoi Br A PAWN DATE pet wan •Indicates a detect measurement •Data preinnted may•nclude lab•cpialirred results.tion•delect analylleal TIME VS TEMPERATURE retults are iderred al the corresponding reporting Emit 0 incl(Catee a nan-detect measurement *e.'ENERGY rtEvISED ay A AVIAN DATE alniaort SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS •Time vs temperature plot for all.cations wt.available data.trends are ce denoted by the bat color.if there a no co.,the datco a uld net be analyzed -Stable,no trends ECKED DT 1 HARTMAN OATE Orilantin APPENDIX B for nends. -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend 0 APPROVED Eiv A Male DATE 0 71:5R027. MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •'t-ewttt•-tee, Statistically Significant Increasing Trend eAOJECT MAD..A FERRI M.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX leo Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends synTerra GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA sewer sCnterracn'e,om • 1 • LDUB41A 1 I LOLAad18 8411 I 11 0,1 1 Cei 1 I t { I0 21 \ ' . ale {[ au saa I i I C.g• I J t \ I E cal I a' I it 8.24 i I 848 101 i ce• I j i Od� i i can 1 c2i . _ • i I Date xemv• prnemed may include lab-aua,xea,erults.'Om-detect analytical • Indicates a detect measurement ( DUKE OCAWN.y R.•oux WE ou„nd:2 FIGURE 21 0 Indicates a non-deter measurement 'ti ENERGY ee,..ao.,, .n.s. DATE osnsno:: TIME VS TOTAL THALLIUM •results are total Chad at txallium et ro.aPoocations win,a*arable data.t DATE o,r�snan SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denoted tbyathe boy cola,ifthere o no cola(the data could not be enalyred -Stable,no trends CHECKED e.tn•etwx APPENDIX B ro(uenas. -5[ansccally significant Decreasing Trend (a APPRouED Ay a FERRI WE 0t0'00n MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •pg/L-micrograms per liter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend �r PROJECT X.Roes H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color•cannot Analyze for Trends synTerra wwwsynnerracorp.coos GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • 4 . LOLAS CIA LOIAS4HEI I-- It.eiti cg 3 ,• i \ .\/.------. ..___.• - -------•—•--------- - -- - 9-18 342 B...21 E .• I. 1 2 „ ,• i .• r, ''-' • 1------- ___ _- •6 3 / • 3.20 •• • 50 re.0 I I ' I a —a ..-"t a---_---____--j' i I I , n .,., . ••• Dots FIGURE 22 • Indicates a detect measurement .(..DUKE On.m.PI MO. CATE gloom: •Data eeeee flied may include lab-qualified results.Non-detect analyntal TIME VS TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS results are aMtted at Me corresponding reporting limit 0 Indicates a non-detect measurement V'ENERGY REViSEO 64,R[ERR! CATE 111a5no, •riene w$total Mssolved solids plot for all locations with wadable data.trends SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS ME.E0 5,'i 11.1•11M1 ORM 111/1V2022 are C denoted by Me box color,pf there.s no color the data could not be -Stable.no trends APPENDIX B analyzed.,trendi -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend 0 APPROvEO DV K FERRI Coae 01,25,02: MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend PROJECT...GER M FERRI H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trends wnTerra www synterrd[OrOCOM GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA . f d LOLaS 01A LOLAROIB 11111111111111111111.1231111110111111111111111111 a•0± level I f to«10 a • S-1 S y . S.0 5 23 ;...ram. 1aac: ...--. I I lEaj1.______]L_ M 1000. g-Yd LL E-A :a•13• 1e•i11 l I9•:A I mte xnoat,presented may am9uanr.e rewbs.Non-detect,naMed • Indicates a detect measurement •(DUKE DRAWN e.e.bw. wtem.mmaa FIGURE 23 D.dma 0 Indicates a non-detect measurement �' ENERGY ne.:a.. ..u.i DATE commas TIME VS SULFATE ,rime vsteal sulfate plot for all on.at Ose smaions wlm evadable data.Trends are SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denotedcolorOre data could not be anahzed -Stable,no trends CHECADDIYe NAeialaN DATE MIMEO APPENDIX B mg/Lem:Ilialamtp<.liter -Statistically Significant decreasing Trend /: ETORwcDauET VE TEDµl`ERR DATE olrssrson MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS • -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend �sy�s H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyzeror Trends S)l• www.syntemacorPcom GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA • I• 0 L«A..o,a 1 Lou.a111 - tv.^.S 'I r Ie.Da+ I • 1 1,551 E ,e.Da1 1 \t I Ai\ Itan51 • i • - ,, : a. a rr %i .. Date -Data presented may!mettle 1ee.anned resdn,.Non•detect analytical • lndcaes a dated measorement •I'DUKE OR.w.w Fs Woe Ore OM Mori FIGURE 24 results are plotted m the tma emit. 0 manos r a noneleteyt measurement T'ENERGY TIME VS TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS •Time vstotal suspended sores corresponding mt lor an locations with available data. Rensed..RveRu Ora mnro." SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS Trends aced.nm r ed by the.•color.if is no color the data could not - -stable,no trends cReaedw T50r5Taw Ore mn.co.' APPENDIX B be analyzed m,trends. -Statistically Significant Decreasing •molt-milligrams.tar liter ` +vy crooso VERRi Ore olrsv.a__ MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS -statistically sl`nalcant InareaaIna Trend PROJECT MANAGER R EERRI H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No Color-Cannot Analyze for Trines www.,vnterracors.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA r 1.g • ___ —LOLAS-0tA LOIAS-0IS 1 I S-0e 2eL1 1 II sa{ 1 50, • -- -------- xC • • .ca• \ . • • a I • s-24 sae 5-21 • 2CC I Ida Ica• I ' sa I o -��_ _ _ I a — Dale ••Data presented may include 1.-Ruaheed results.Nondetect analytical • Indite.a detect measurement (\DUKE onaw.e,a eat.« Dare mnrcezx FIGURE 25 plotted at reporting lint 0 Indicates a non-detect measurement t ENERGY nE,.>En e.,,aunt a.e,,,,sr,,,, TIME VS TOTAL ZINC results are Bator an location,corresponding c el,geaEO eV rrultrxan are ovraaoxx SEEP MANAGEMENT PLAN—ASH BASINS denoted tby the box color,ifMere is no color the data could not be analysed -Stable,no trends APPENDIX B ...... -Statistically Significant Decreasing Trend 0 aeenovaper K Fae0 oa.c prnvm.x MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ANNALYSIS •pi/I.-Micrograms per liter -Statistically Significant Increasing Trend ` PROJECT%WAGER 1FERy, N.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No cmO.-cannotA Aoy.0orrends Syf1Tena ynew.tynterraeorp.com GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA