HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01846_Well Construction - GW1_20220216 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW=1) For internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: j 'ti h.5 le_L�_ 1 14.WATMZONES WenConhaac Name v=p Oil+r ��v�"- FYOM 10 DESCREnWN 5 i5-n 5 1 ft- 3 ' rn `� FEBrtB 1 6 2t!�? bs ft �s (� NC Wen Contractor Oat ifi�on Number l� ell Y`, I i ►n= r ya;'r'� �^ aril: FROM ris our= f n &= oRL1- M&MMML Bn eel S ►'La �y.ti�,�s I+n r��n -IPA in. sQ Company Name 16.1NNSR CAMG OR TUBM 2.Well Construction Permit//: 3 S 7 0 33 FROM 1O DL MUR MUC 1 M MATERIAL Lest au aW aabre wa awnbadFon pvms(L&UIG County,Sri Varrama,etc.) n n ir< 3.Well Use(check well use): n fL m. Witter supply well: IM SCREKK FROM TO D7AMElEs SLOrs= MATERIAL. artaaal QMuniapaVPublic U n n in. Geothermal(HeatingCoolitrg Supply) Mitesidential Water Supply(single) n n hL Tndastrial/Commetcial []Residential Water Supply(sham IL GROUT Irrigation FROM TO MATERIAL MdF1ACnMEffN =0Ddc"0Vff Non-Water Supply Wen: n- R eQ(I j ei1 (,v;yh OR-- ' 3 fL a v n r Vl t k Injection Wen: Recharge �[]Gwimdwaba Remedia2ion tt n Storage and Recovery []Sa>;nify$arricr F VM PACK L 119PIAC61Af PAWMEM Test 0Stolmwa1crDrainqge n ML Experimental Technology 13Sahsidence Control Gw&=.al(Closed Loop) []Traoer m DRIIS IPiGI.OG attach add6onal sheets i[ Geeth—al(Heamng/Cooling Pd—) : 0thea( lain nadet#21 Remaft) FROM Ta. D> ILON coror,t�doar.maned s�do l S, 0 n 4 Date wens)completed OC OAF. p Wen m# 3 S 7 0 3-7 /S "'n 3S ! YYJli ✓1° rTt i yL f ;�[ p sa.well Location _._... S n-.. � "- sin It �`C�h l P- l�l) , < r Fac,7ity/OwnrrName Fac,7,tyID#f¢aPPficabk) n n r Pbysi.dA&h.s..Ci1N.&Zip n n q N(0O1b q`15`3 21:RIMAMM C—Ity _ Parcel Ideotificafion .(P" 51L.tAatade and longitude in degoe mranutes/seeomb or decimal dam: (ifwen fietd;'onelat/taag is mt5ciea) - =�Cerfflcafionv. : 3 4S. Sa-- N '7 FS. .So 9-2 R, _ Ot 13, 1.ao 6.Is(are)the wens)ftermanent or..DTemporary S,gaatme of attfiod �C or. Dare BY signing this form.1 that the wells)was(were)conttr,eded in accordance- 7.Efttits'a iepair&au cristing well: ❑Yes •or 129iVo with!SA NCAC 02C. OIC.0200 Well Conutruedon Standards and that a Ijthis is a repair,fill out known well construction Wotmad n and esplatr_t the nature afthe QOPY ofdis record welt owner. rq,dr under#2l remarks section oranMe6aatofMisform. .Site-diagram' _ tafils: &For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wills having the same You-may use the. Me additional well site details or well construction;:oily 1 GW-1 is needed: Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction dew ditional pages if necessary.... . drilled: rj SUB AL IN 0.Total well de th below land surface: 1 t0 ( - Us.For All Wells 30 days of completion of well For malttple welfs list andepths tf�ervtt(eomnple-3Qa 200'antl2(a?I00) lion to the fo' 10."Static water level below top of msiug: 02 (il.) of _ Unit, If water(eve!is above casing use"+" Division 1617,Ma$ a 7699-1617 il.Borehole diameter..._. . (�) . _. .24b.For Infection Wells-.In to the address in 24a M Well construction method: A71 P RO(-6 R� tabove,.aLso.submit oneCOp}!o `f completion of wen, construchon to the following (,.c imam,rotery.eable,dues push.etc-) Division of Water Resources,Undergro I Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Matt Service .b Method of test t 24e.For Water Supply&.inieetion Wells: )a 13a.Yield(gpm) the addresses).above;also submit one copy of M rmy, --- _ 136.Disitlfection type: Amount: .�i, completion of well construction to the counly health where constructed FamGW--1 Mw&Caw%na Depadmea afEnvhvnmcnW Quality-I ofWAwResoa,oes Revised271-2016 p