HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150903 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_2021_20220224 Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20150903 Version* 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... Select Reviewer:* Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 02/24/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 2/24/2022 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Is this a Prospectus,Technical Proposal or a New Site?* 0 Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Kelly Phillips kelly.phillips@ncdenr.gov Project Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ID#:* 20150903 Version:* 1 Existing ID# Existing Version Project Type: • DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site County: Columbus Document Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Rough Horn Swamp I- 9.14MB I I_97005_100053_MY2_2021.pdf Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Kelly Phillips Signature:* 'el/ Pe1/os Monitoring Year 2 Report FINAL 2021 Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Monitoring Year—MY02 RFP#16-006310 DMS Site ID Number 97005,DMS Contract 6596 SAW-2015-00952 and NCDEQ DWR 2015-0903 Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site RFP#16-007337 DMS Site ID Number 100053,DMS Contract 7514 SAW-2016-02026 and NCDEQ DWR 2015-0903 Columbus County,North Carolina Rough Horn d ; . % a .Rough fit:, 11 w 4 des �.. k. "4 , y ,,�.''"g t _ <5 `�y,�: *t, k";;`Jt V �•f`., dp•ti' � ,: '1E, '"'� #. -, �4 ` t, 7 t,`&�.`' �� 4F it-,Y,4 r ,.,W4t-t.: -IF.4 '0,'''''.iit'r.'„r-'..4-4,:4.-!.- `FA`-,-"C'. ,7.w ny µ♦ �,' • _11 Y i y ' Prepared for: NC Depailinent of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699 Monitoring Data Collected: 2021 Date Submitted: February 2022 Monitoring and Design Firm Prepared by: K C I TECHNOLOGIES s K CI E T C NCI ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES OF NC TECHNOLOGIES AND CONSIROCTION INC KCI Associates of North Carolina 4505 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 400 Raleigh,NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 Project Contact: Tim Morris Email: tim.morris(a,kci.com Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project#97005/100053 MY02-2021 KC I ENGINEERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS • CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, p,4 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh,NC 27609 (919)783-9214 (919)783-9266 Fax MEMORANDUM Date: February 3,2022 To: Kelly Phillips,DMS Project Manager From: Tim Morris,Project Manager KCI Associates of North Carolina,PA Subject: MY-02 Monitoring Report Comments Rough Horn Swamp DMS#97005,Contract 6596 Rough Horn Swamp II DMS#100053,Contract 7514 Please find below our responses in italics to the MY-02 Monitoring Report comments from NCDMS received on January 25,2022,for the Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Sites. 1. Project Summary: Please update 4,564 SMUs to three decimal places 4,564.200. KCI Response: This change has been made. 2. Project Summary: This section identifies that any volunteer trees must be a species from the approved planting list. In reference to the digital deliverable comment below,please note that x,y,z coordinate data must also be included for volunteer stems. KCI Response: The x,y coordinates of volunteer species were not recorded during MY02. Since the majority of the volunteer stems are small saplings or species that are not on the approved planting plan. Because all of the plots with appropriate volunteer species are already well over the success criteria, it does not seem efficient to track the x,y of every volunteer species that may or may not survive to future monitoring years.As the site progresses, KCI will document the coordinates of volunteers that display enough vigor to be likely to survive into future monitoring years. 3. Monitoring Results: Provide summary of the visual assessment results. KCI Response:A summary of the visual assessment results was added to the report. 4. Digital Deliverable Review: For potential future use please note: volunteers in fixed plots to be eligible to count towards performance criteria,there needs to be x,y,coordinates and associated height data.Your template does not contain this information. KCI Response: See the response to comment#2 above. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like clarification concerning these responses. Sincerely, Tim Morris Project Manager KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.A. www.kci.com Employee-Owned Since 1988 TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Summary 1 Monitoring Results 2 References 4 Project Vicinity Map 5 Appendix A — Background Tables Table 1. Project Mitigation Components 7 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History 9 Table 3. Project Contacts 10 Table 4. Project Attributes 11 Appendix B —Visual Assessment Data Current Conditions Planview 14 Photo Reference Points 19 Vegetation Plot Photos 23 Appendix C —Vegetation Data Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and Species 31 Appendix D — Stream Cross-section Data Cross-section Plots 38 Appendix E — Hydrologic Data 30-70 Percentile Graph 53 Table 6.Verification of Stream Flow 54 Table 7. Stream Flow Criteria Attainment 54 Stream Flow Verification and Precipitation Plots 55 Table 8. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment 59 Groundwater and Precipitation Plots 60 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project#97005/100053 MY02-2021 PROJECT SUMMARY The Rough Horn Swap Restoration Site (RHS)was completed in January 2020 and restored 20.267 acres of riparian wetlands and 11.873 of non-riparian wetlands. Additionally, 2,132 linear feet of stream (non- credited) was restored at RHS as part of restoring the hydrology of the riparian wetlands. The site is generating 20.267 riparian wetland mitigation credits, and 11.873 non-riparian wetland mitigation credits. The Rough Horn II Wetland Restoration Site(RHSII)is located immediately upstream of RHS(to the north and east)and was also completed in January 2020.RHSII restored 17.079 acres,enhanced 5.956 acres,and preserved 15.319 acres of riparian wetlands. The site also restored 1.619 acres of non-riparian wetlands (non-credited).Additionally,RHSII restored 4,446 linear feet,enhanced 164 linear feet,and preserved 516 linear feet of stream.The site is generating 20.993 riparian wetland mitigation credits and 4,564.200 stream mitigation credits. RHS and RHSII are warm,riparian and non-riparian systems in the Lumber River Basin(03040203 8-digit HUC) in Columbus County, North Carolina, that were historically modified to maximize agricultural production. The completed project aims to restore an integrated stream/wetland ecosystem that will buffer and support the Long Bay Creek/Lumber River corridor. The RHS is protected by a 34.5-acre permanent conservation easement,while RHSII is protected by a 62.3- acre permanent conservation easement, both held by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS).Both sites are located near the Town of Evergreen in the west-central portion of Columbus County, NC. Specifically, the site is located just southwest of the intersection of Old Boardman Road and CCC Road. The Lumber River Basin Restoration Priorities state the goals for the RHS and RHSII's 14-digit HUC are to protect and improve water quality throughout the Basin by reducing sediment and nutrient inputs into streams and rivers and to support efforts to restore local watersheds (NCDENR EEP, 2008). The project goals for RHS and RHSII are in line with the basin priorities and include the following: - Replace buffer - Repairing channelized streams - Preserving existing resources Additional goals for the project include: - Restore an integrated wetland/stream system - Reduce nutrient impacts to the Lumber River and its tributaries from existing and adjacent agricultural practices The project goals will be addressed through the following objectives: - Plant the site with native trees and shrubs that support the development of wetland communities - Fill field ditches to slow the flow of surface and subsurface drainage - Relocate channelized streams to their historic landscape position - Convert existing agricultural land to wetland and stream buffer Project planting and construction were completed in March 2020 and the monitoring components were installed at the same time. To determine the success of the planted mitigation areas,41 ten meter by ten meter vegetation monitoring plots were established.Of these,25 are permanent plots,with 16 in RHS(Plots 1-16)and 9 in RHSII(Plots 17-25), and an additional 16 temporary plots were randomly placed and measured throughout RHS (R1- R16).These plots will be repeated throughout the course of monitoring,but at different locations each year. Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project#97005/100053 1 MY02-2021 All permanent plots were installed with flagged metal conduit at each corner and a PVC pipe was installed at the origin corner.In each of the permanent plots,the plant's height,species,location,and origin(planted versus volunteer) will be noted. In the random plots, species and height will be recorded. In all plots, invasive stems will also be recorded to determine the percentage of invasive stems present.Additionally,a photograph will be taken of each plot. The site's vegetation will be monitored in years 1,2, 3, 5,and 7. Vegetative success criteria for wetland/stream mitigation is a woody stem density of 260 stems/acre after five years and 210 stems/acre after seven years. Trees in each plot must average 7 feet in height at Year 5 and 10 feet at Year 7.A single species may not account for more than 50%of the required number of stems within any plot. Volunteers must be present for a minimum of two growing seasons before being included in performance standards in Year 5 and Year 7. For any volunteer tree stem to count toward vegetative success,it must be a species from the approved planting list.Visual assessments will also be used to identify problem areas. Wetland hydrology is monitored with a series of 21 automatic gauges that record water table depth. The growing season for the project monitoring period will be March 1st through November 20th (265 days) based on correspondence with the USACE, as described in the approved Mitigation Plan. To meet the success criterion, the upper 12 inches of the soil profile must have continuously saturated or inundated conditions for at least 12.0%(32 days)of the growing season in the wetland mitigation areas during normal weather conditions. A "normal" year will be based on NRCS climatological data for Columbus County, and using the 30th to 70th percentile thresholds as the range of normal, as documented in the USACE Technical Report"Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology,April 2000." In the headwater stream area,five pressure transducer gauges and five cameras, set to record a short video once a day,will document the presence of surface water flow. These gauges/cameras are located on Long Bay Creek, UT1, UT2-2, UT3-2, and UT4 (one gauge and camera, per reach). The project streams must meet the requirements for headwater stream hydrologic monitoring per the NCIRT 2016 guidelines. Each stream must have continuous surface water flow within a flowpath for a minimum of 30 continuous days within a calendar year(assuming normal precipitation)and for every year of monitoring. The stream must show signs of supporting flowpaths in all monitoring years. These indicators will be documented with pictures and may include evidence of: scour, sediment deposition and sorting,multiple flow events,wrack lines and flow over vegetation,leaf litter,matted vegetation,or water staining. The site's geomorphology is monitored per the NCIRT's 2016 guidance for headwater streams.Adjustment and lateral movement following construction are anticipated for these headwater stream systems. In monitoring years one through four the streams will be monitored for specific signs of concentrated flow. This could include linear scour,areas of flow that are deeper than adjacent flow,preferential paths through the wetland that are developing,and signs of continuous flow as documented by a field camera.As the site progresses to years five through seven, there should be signs of developing bed and banks throughout the site. These may not always be continuous, but evidence of an ordinary high water mark should be developing.Three cross-sections were installed during MY-01 to monitor the sites' geomorphology and the development of areas of concentrated flow. All three of these cross-sections are located along Long Bay Creek,with XS1 located in RHSII and XS2 and XS3 located in RHS MONITORING RESULTS Vegetation Monitoring Monitoring Year 2 vegetation data was collected between June 15 and June 24, 2021. All 41 vegetation monitoring plots had greater than 364 stems/acre.Overall the site had an average of 752 planted stems/acre and 1,457 total stems/acre (including volunteers). Overall the site is well vegetated with extensive herbaceous coverage and many diverse volunteer woody species. Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project#97005/100053 2 MY02-2021 Stream Monitoring The Monitoring Year 2 cross-section survey found the stream stable and functioning as designed.Because the project streams are part of a headwater system with multiple flow paths, traditional cross-sections measurements such as cross-sectional area,bank height ratio,and entrenchment ratio cannot be calculated. These cross-sections were set to span the entire 100 foot width of the stream valley to monitor where and how the water is flowing through this valley.All three cross-sections showed evidence of the development of multiple flow paths. XS3, because of its proximity to the culvert under CCC Rd. showed the most evidence of having a single flow path,but even this cross-section demonstrated multiple flow paths. All five stream flow monitoring gauges recorded greater than 30 days of continuous flow during 2021.The gauge on LBC recorded a maximum of 152 consecutive days of flow,while the gauges on Ti,T2-2,T3-2, and T4 recorded 139, 112, 98,and 108 days,respectively. This was further backed up by the data recorded by the cameras. The camera on LBC malfunctioned due to a low battery from March 5 to June 14, 2021. Despite this, it recorded flow for 64 consecutive days. The other cameras all recorded for the entire year and showed continuous flow for 136, 152, 93, and 107 days (T1, T2-2, T3-2, and T4, respectively). Differences between the maximum consecutive days recorded by the cameras and the gauges are mainly due to times when vegetation obscured the cameras. Hydrology Monitoring During 2021,the months of January,February and June experienced above average rainfall.The months of March, April, May, July, and November experienced below average rainfall and the months of August, September, and October experienced average rainfall. Overall the site experienced average rainfall during the 2021 growing season. All thirteen gauges at Rough Horn Swamp,and seven of the eight gauges at Rough Horn Swamp II achieved the success criteria of having continuously saturated or inundated conditions for at least 12.0% (32 days) of the growing season. RHSII-7 was the only gauge to not meet the success criteria this year, although it did achieve the success criteria in MY01. It is believed that the low rainfall totals at the beginning of the growing season were responsible for this gauge not meeting. Generally the water table is at its peak in the first three months of the growing season, before evapotranspiration rates have reached their peak later in the summer.All three of these months(March,April,and May)recorded below average rainfall in 2021. Visual Monitoring During the site visit on November 15,2021,a visual assessment of the site was completed.Scattered clumps of Chinese privet were identified in the wooded portion of the site,particularly in the area to the northeast of UT3-2. These areas were small and scattered however, and will be treated as necessary in future monitoring years. Overall the site is in excellent condition and is trending towards success. Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project#97005/100053 3 MY02-2021 REFERENCES NCDEQ,Division of Mitigation Services. June 2017. "As-built Baseline Monitoring Report Format,Data and Content Requirement." https://file s.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Document%20Management%20Libra ry/Guidance%20and%20Template%20Documents/6_AB_B aselineRep_Tempi_June %202017.pdf NCDENR,Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2008. "Lumber River Restoration Priorities 2008." https://file s.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Watershed_Planning/Lumber_River_B asin/Lumber_RBRP_2008 F1NAL.pdf NCIRT. October 24,2016. "Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update."https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/PN/2016/Wilmington-District-Mitigation- Update.pdf USACE, Sprecher, S. W.;Warne,A. G. 2000. "Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology." https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults/titleDetail/ADA378910.xhtml Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 4 MY02-2021 illoaik Rev s hall�I►r40444 Project Location: " ►�Abletiligt� Columbus County, NC �a'st 'Cam' 344 � — — , i _--- "s 1 1 1 � 1 J Old Boardman Ft el _ � � � 14-6 Q-b ai ti ���a+' , r ° / , 1 .A .p _ � � i bF 4G 4(k%44P 45 fl a ea o'1 ° G��`� r/ 130 Boardman • 1 I 1 0, I 0 / t— ' Lumi + ,r('' River r� State Park ,` i ) . i d I % 1 441. Q, 9, ez Sources: Esri,HERE, DeLorme, USGS;-,Intermap,increment P Corp., Rough Horn Swamp II Easement NRCAN, Esri Japan,,METI, Esri China(Hong Kong), Esri(Thailand), Mapmylndia,©OpenStreetMap contributors,and the GIS User Community Rough Horn Swamp Easement PROJECT VICINITY MAP N 0 0.25 0.5 ROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE & A Miles ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITE COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC APPENDIX A Background Tables Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 6 MY02-2021 Table 1.Mitigation Assets and Components Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site DMS Project#97005 Existing Mitigation As-built Mitigation Priority Mitigation Project Segment Footage or Plan Footage Restoration Level Footage or Comments Acreage or Acreage Category Level Ratio(X:1) Acreage Low Energy 60'ROW over CCC Rd.; Long Bay Creek 3,470 1,959 Warm Restoration Stream 0 1,959 completed for no stream credit UT1 4 233 Warm Restoration Low Energy 0 233 Completed for no stream Stream credit None(drained Riverine Restoration Riparian Wetland wetland) 20.267 Riparian (Re-establishment) 1 20.267 Non-Riparian Riverine Restoration Wetland 0.16 11.873 Non-riparian (Re-establishment) 1 11.873 Project Credits Restoration Level Steam Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Coastal Marsh Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-riverine Wetland Restoration 2,132(not credited) Re-establishment 20.267 11.873 Rehabilitation Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II —1M— Creation Preservation Total 20.267 11.873 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 7 MY02-2021 Table 1.Mitigation Assets and Components Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site DMS Project#100053 Existing Mitigation As-built Mitigation Priority Mitigation Project Segment Footage or Plan Footage Restoration Level Footage or Comments Acreage or Acreage Category Level Ratio(X:1) Acreage Low Energy 30'crossing exception STA Long Bay Creek 2,077 2.049 Warm Restoration Stream 1 2,049 14+66 to 14+96;153'non- credited stream UT1 815 917 Warm Restoration Headwater 1 917 Stream UT2-1 516 516 Warm Preservation Headwater 10 516 Stream UT2-2 120 120 Warm Restoration Headwater 1 120 Stream UT3-1 168 164 Wann Enhancement II Headwater 2.5 164 Stream 31'crossing exception UT3-2 571 914 Warm Restoration Headwater 1 914 STA 301+64 to 301+95 Stream UT4 447 629 Warn Restoration Headwater 1 629 Stream Riparian Wetland None(drained Riverine Restoration Restoration wetland) 17.079 Riparian (Re-establishment) 1 17.079 Riparian Wetland Riverine Enhancement 7.900 5.956 Riparian Enhancement 2.5 5.956 Riparian Wetland Riverine Preservation 16.700 15.319 Riparian Preservation 10 15.319 Non-riparian None(drained Riverine Restoration Completed for no Wetland Restoration wetland) 1.619 Non-riparian (Re-establishment) 0 1.619 wetland credit Project Credits Steam Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Restoration Level Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-riverine Wetland Coastal Marsh Restoration 4,446.000 Re-establishment 17.079 1.619(not credited) Rehabilitation Enhancement I 2.382 Enhancement I Enhancement II 65.600 Creation Preservation 51.600 1.532 Total 4,563.200 20.993 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 8 MY02-2021 Table 2. Project Activity&Reporting History Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Sites DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Data Collection Actual Completion or Activity or Report _Complete Delivery Mitigation Plan April 2,2019 Final Design-Construction Plans April 16,2019 Construction January 24,2020 Planting March 13,2020 Baseline Monitoring/Report April 2020 April 2020 Vegetation Monitoring March 25,2020 I Photo Points April 8,2020 Year 1 Monitoring Dec 2020 Jan 2021 Cross-section Survey Aug 12,2020 Vegetation Monitoring Nov 19,2020 Photo Points Dec 3,2020 Year 2 Monitoring Nov 2021 Dec 2021 Cross-section Survey June 23,2021 Vegetation Monitoring June 23,2021 Photo Points Sept 15,2021 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 9 MY02-2021 Table 3.Project Contacts Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn II Swamp Restoration Sites DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Design Firm KCI Associates of North Carolina,PA 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh,NC 27609 Contact:Mr.Tim Morris Phone:(919)783-9214 Fax:(919)783-9266 Construction Contractor KCI Environmental Technologies and Construction 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh,NC 27609 Contact:Mr.Tim Morris Planting Contractor Shenandoah Habitats 1983 Jefferson Highway Waynesboro,VA 22980 Contact:Mr.David Coleman Phone:(540)941-0067 Monitoring Performers KCI Associates of North Carolina,PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 400 Raleigh,NC 27609 Contact:Mr.Tim Morris Phone:(919)783-9214 Fax:(919)783-9266 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 10 MY02-2021 Table 4.Project Attributes Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site,DMS Project#97005 Project Name Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site County Columbus County Project Area(acres) 34.5 acres Project Coordinates(lat.and long.) 34.4481°,-78.9390° Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Coastal Plain River Basin Lumber USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040203 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040203190010 DWQ Sub-basin 03-07-53 Project Drainage Area(acres) 1,800 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of 1% Impervious Area CGIA Land Use Classification Agricultural Land,Forestland Reach Summery Information Parameters Long Bay Creek Length of reach(linear feet) 3,702 Valley classification Type X Drainage area(acres) 1,800 acres NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C(Aquatic Life,Secondary Recreation);Sw(Swamp Waters) Morphological Description(stream type) N/A(Ditched Channel) Evolutionary trend Channelized,Stage III Mapped Soil Series Johnston Drainage class Very poorly drained Soil Hydric status Hydric A/D Slope 0% FEMA classification Zone X Existing vegetation community Row crops Wetland Summary Information(Post Restoration) Parameters Size of Wetland(acres) 0.16(W3) Wetland Type Headwater Forest Mapped Soil Series Torhunta Drainage class Very poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Hydric A/D Source of Hydrology Groundwater Hydrologic Impairment Ditching Existing vegetation community Row crops Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Waters of the United States—Section 404 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Determination Waters of the United States—Section 401 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Determination Endangered Species Act** No N/A N/A Historic Preservation Act** No N/A N/A Coastal Zone Management Act** (CZMA)/Coastal Area Management Act No N/A N/A (CAMA) FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes FEMA Floodplain Checklist Essential Fisheries Habitat** No N/A N/A Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 11 MY02-2021 Table 4.Project Attributes Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site, DMS Project#100053 Project Name Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site County Columbus County Project Area(acres) 62.3 acres Project Coordinates(lat. 34.445253°,-81.937000° Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Coastal Plain River Basin Lumber USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040203 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040203190010 DWQ Sub-basin 03-07-53 Project Drainage Area(acres) 1,684 acres(1,638 ac Long Bag Creek+46 ac UT 1) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 1% CGIA Land Use Classification Agricultural Land,Forestland Reach Summery Information Parameters Long Bay Creek UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4 UT5 Length of reach(lf) 2,077(RHSII) 811(RHSII) 636 739 447 597 Valley classification Type X Type X Type X Type X Type X Type X Drainage area(acres) 1,638 acres 46 acres 602 acres 142 acres 84 acres 120 acres NCDWQ Water Quality C;SW C;SW C;SW C;SW C;SW C;SW Classification Morphological N/A(Ditched N/A(Ditched N/A(Ditched N/A N/A(Ditched N/A(Ditched Description(stream type) channel) channel) channel) (Ditched channel) channel) Evolutionary trend Channelized Channelized Channelized Channelized Channelized Channelized Mapped Soil Series Johnston Torhunta Johnston Johnston Stallings Johnston Drainage class Very poorly Very poorly Very poorly Very poorly Somewhat Very poorly drained drained drained drained poorly drained drained Soil Hydric status Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Hydric A/D Slope 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% FEMA classification None None None None None None Existing vegetation Headwater Headwater Headwater Headwater community Headwater Forest Row crops Forest Forest Forest Forest Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wl,W2,WA WC,WD WB,WE Size of Wetland(acres) 4.85 acres 3.05 acres 18.92 acres Wetland Type Bottomland hardwood forest Non-tidal freshwater Riverine swamp forest marsh/headwater forest Mapped Soil Series Johnston Johnston Johnston Drainage class Very poorly drained Very poorly drained Very poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Non-hydric Hydric Hydric Source of Hydrology Surface water Stream floodplain Stream floodplain Hydrologic Impairment Ditching Ditching Ditching Existing vegetation Headwater forest Headwater forest Headwater forest Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Waters of the United States—Section 404 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Waters of the United States—Section 401 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Endangered Species Act** No N/A N/A Historic Preservation Act** No N/A N/A Coastal Zone Management Act** No N/A N/A (CZMA)/Coastal Area Management Act(LAMA) FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes FEMA Floodplain Checklist Essential Fisheries Habitat** No N/A N/A Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 12 MY02-2021 APPENDIX B Visual Assessment Data Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 13 MY02-2021 I Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) ® Stream Gauge Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) RHS - Mitigation v��� M? Nonriparian Re-establishment(11.873 ac/11.873 WMCs) , • Filled Ditches Unaltered Ditch /// Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac/20.267 WMCs) Coastal Plain Stream Corridor RHS-Stream Center Line (2,132 If-No Credit) o Photo Points RHSII - Mitigation m Cross-sections K , Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(1.619 ac-No Credit) Vegetation Plots Riparian Wetland Enhancement(5.956 ac/2.382 WMCs) Permanent, Successful j/j Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(17.079 ac/17.079 WMCs) Permanent, Not Successful 0.0‹ Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac/1.532 WMCs) ��j Random, Successful No Credit j��j Random, Not Successful Stream Restoration (4,446 If/4,446 SMCs) Wetland Gauges Stream Enhancement 2 (164 If/66 SMCs) • Successful Stream Preservation (516 If/52 SMCs) • Not Successful k . 4 _ ! Page 3 :r 4 - ) Page 2 :, • - . — . k.- . �•, I /elv g. 11� �-?, `—•---•--I—•---•---•---•+ • g I s,. ,, Io +4 % •_�--pfi, I I •v�o i c *No! !II „ I. Tv. 1is , .` J/—•---•�!--•--I-•--- • —-•- U4 I" � ._��- --- - -�J•-�- -i-- 7}' 1 UT2-2 1. ,, tii Page 1 (ee' T2or, I I I Page 4 ,A 4o4-_ ..,4. .4 . ' \ A x. , _: ,., ..., ,„. . . . ,,, 4.. CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW N 0 400 800 ROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE & A source:NC Statewide Feet ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITE Orthoimagery,2016 and 2017 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) 0 Stream Gauge Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) RHS - Mitigation Filled Ditches > x Nonriparian Re-establishment(11.873 ac/11.873 WMCs) =•=m Cross sections j/j Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac/20.267 WMCs) Unaltered Ditch RHS-Stream Center Line (2,132 If-No Credit) Coastal Plain Stream Corridor RHSII - Mitigation M. Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(1.619 ac-No Credit) o Photo Points Vegetation Plots Riparian Wetland Enhancement(5.956 ac/2.382 WMCs) Permanent, Successful f// Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(17.079 ac/17.079 WMCs) Permanent, Not Successful 6. Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac/1.532 WMCs) ��i Random, Successful No Credit �� Stream Restoration (4,446 If/4,446 SMCs) Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges Stream Enhancement 2 (164 If/66 SMCs) • Successful Stream Preservation (516 If/52 SMCs) • Not Successful R l_ O ti,_ . w R^� % RHS 2 �.j ,„ it. •, s• .a• or af` ., ,0, ...,2-;-i1,;, �iq�fII RHS 6 it4 itd VFr�y . 4_- RHS 9 • *f/ ? 'f' RHS 1,0 •iir . ." y 7PP1' t �� °. RHS 5 / - ,/•, 424:0464km i;7 .v� :' �... � ` RHS 4 stt. ��� RHS 13. `' RHS,3 .I�-� : I X o • % , 61 3 r‘41/7\- . .' N-w r(: c ' R"1 . li ;,,,, ,, i`]l aw e ,,, - it.' RHS 1'1 ., jS .- •1 .1 r. ` _ .. ' ,fl r +a: { CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW N 0 150 300 ROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE & source:NC Statewide Feet ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITE Orthonnagery,2076 and 2077 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) 0 Stream Gauge Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) RHS - Mitigation E -1, Filled Ditches > x Nonriparian Re-establishment(11.873 ac/11.873 WMCs) =•=m Cross sections //j Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac/20.267 WMCs) Unaltered Ditch RHS-Stream Center Line (2,132 If-No Credit) Coastal Plain Stream Corridor RHSII - Mitigation M. Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(1.619 ac-No Credit) ± Photo Points Vegetation Plots Riparian Wetland Enhancement(5.956 ac/2.382 WMCs) Permanent, Successful f// Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(17.079 ac/17.079 WMCs) Permanent, Not Successful 6 Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac/1.532 WMCs) '��i Random, Successful No Credit ��/ Stream Restoration (4,446 If/4,446 SMCs) Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges Stream Enhancement 2 (164 If/66 SMCs) • Successful Stream Preservation (516 If/52 SMCs) • Not Successful ' ! rru 0 13P7Pg' it / Jr! 1c}�R �`' x ��' RHSII 1 • PP5 �` 0 !f�i►��` X ,; �. RHS 10 Y���� ;> 4-:` .:!' . ' . .•,:�'':. ;% PP64 RHS 7 '' i..>.v w f: y_ ilfriLeo © , ` ` tv* lt�-�co* - sbr_ Id ����� A- .W. • �,' y Olias{ i + >>` r 4 " ,� q RHS 6 • �`,, #1a :,�4\. �.it , 's' RHS 2 �,� '%%' �� .y �' '< ��•*.� t k i 19 0, ,% `\� • : � �� �� '.h RHS 9., \ • ♦f G AIL yRHSI 13 RHS14. / IF ortf WN Y.., -- � �. , RHS 5 "%% * , .^ ♦ ♦ �� + 9� jir�=— Reis - ♦ t% ' rr ik� 4 ' ♦ ♦l RHSI42c 4,.L r RHS 4 ,,�1 ♦ \� 0i l / *�� ,\. ;1 ♦ I. ♦ ♦ ��' ,,fir RHS3 � �'S� ti t. ' • \ ij �. �, ` f PA. � "b • ' ash p� '+� N' ♦ ♦ �� 41 , L .: 4 .RHS•12 7 • .- ,, CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW N 0 150 300 ROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE & source.NC Statewide Feet ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITE Orthonnagery,2076 and 2077 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) 0 Stream Gauge Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) RHS - Mitigation E -1, Filled Ditches >C Nonriparian Re-establishment(11.873 ac/11.873 WMCs) =•=m Cross sections /// Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac/20.267 WMCs) Unaltered Ditch RHS-Stream Center Line (2,132 If-No Credit) 1--..Jrr Coastal Plain Stream Corridor RHSII - Mitigation M. Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(1.619 ac-No Credit) ± Photo Points Vegetation Plots Riparian Wetland Enhancement(5.956 ac/2.382 WMCs) Permanent, Successful f// Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(17.079 ac/17.079 WMCs) Permanent, Not Successful 6.6•Z Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac/1.532 WMCs) ��i Random, Successful No Credit ��/ Stream Restoration (4,446 If/4,446 SMCs) Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges Stream Enhancement 2 (164 If/66 SMCs) • Successful Stream Preservation (516 If/52 SMCs) • Not Successful -___ , --:. . / vir _ , . �,. r y krf 'i . 17RHSI I Q 4 ,#- .; , • P r. ♦ 'f ♦ v° ;� 1'4 { ♦• R• ' : I y- RHSII 1 ; r J i ,a. 4 44 P 'r •, k ' ;�� t� /, RHS 1b � � ] } r �t; i.R8 GC ►'f r 4 7tp q- RHS 6 .1 �`, - `. ,. ,- ,.e- r, ,o, , • R1 - R16 4y-4A wl bCt I ' itHSII .'e r 4 4 7 , 15 �♦ � �w ,�RHSQ R12 � N. R1 3 ♦ .........CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW N 0 150 300 ROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE & source:NC Statewide Feet ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITE Orthonnagery,2076 and 2077 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC Rough Horn Swamp Easement (34.5 ac) 0 Stream Gauge Rough Horn Swamp II Easement (62.3 ac) RHS - Mitigation E- 1, Filled Ditches > x Nonriparian Re-establishment(11.873 ac/11.873 WMCs) =•=m Cross sections //j Riparian Re-establishment (20.267 ac/20.267 WMCs) Unaltered Ditch RHS-Stream Center Line (2,132 If-No Credit) Coastal Plain Stream Corridor RHSII - Mitigation M. Non-Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(1.619 ac-No Credit) ± Photo Points Vegetation Plots Riparian Wetland Enhancement(5.956 ac/2.382 WMCs) Permanent, Successful f// Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(17.079 ac/17.079 WMCs) Permanent, Not Successful 6 Riparian Wetland Preservation (15.319 ac/1.532 WMCs) ��i Random, Successful No Credit �/ Stream Restoration (4,446 If/4,446 SMCs) Random, Not Successful Wetland Gauges Stream Enhancement 2 (164 If/66 SMCs) • Successful Stream Preservation (516 If/52 SMCs) • Not Successful ram'• '_ y r k/ .�` RHSII 3 ' � • ' 4. RHS142' d� `‹ /' r � ' RHSII 6 •�.,-._ I- ,,v \ y U T ���, RHSII 5 11,, t .# RHSI ae; ' PP12 :''''6.. - _{pOW� PP11 UT2-2 f RHSII 7 44 �. ►, T2 -* -. i" ♦A.mot '' ♦ . i - ♦ ♦!_ CURRENT CONDITIONS PLANVIEW N 0 150 300 ROUGH HORN SWAMP RESTORATION SITE & source:NCStatewide Feet ROUGH HORN SWAMP II RESTORATION SITE Orthoimagery,2016and2017 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC Photo Reference Points - y PP 1 -MY-00-4/8/20 PP 1 -MY-02-9/15/21 \� , 4`I �i s x • 'qf y iallillpillinal -3-- S o. �k a� 1, .r . .d, r•. PP2-MY-00-4/8/20 PP2-MY-02-9/15/21 • .14 PP3-MY-00-4/8/20 PP3-MY-02-9/15/21 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 19 MP02-2021 f -,� '1r,'. .v�'. . ., • rift" `, -!' ,'.. 'I : - i r 1 Y .� s. t L j ^a r • PP4—MY-00—4/8/20 PP4—MY-02—9/15/21 0 . • • • PPS —MY-00—4/8/20 PPS —MY-02—9/15/21 . ,.,.'kli4,l..„ ....•-:r- ..:—.-.4';.'-.,.•. ,,,A- � ` Faun :i 't fi4 :ai al:. '' -s, ;i.yf' •r' .t.I1pi4i:•'.7.".--.„.,,:.,.,T.f,.,,•„1-,.,i.-,"%i..'..:f.1. • t , --- ., aru a - 4i } ^a ."ad' i di ' ,.. a ..JR ' � _ t' a a!+n♦': v i,q' 4n ri uiii � y� dlmc.... der' +{ti .4 ,+4 Oftt ` 3.• ..t�� • • i41' _nor i■ ,C•t 1- 4-AO.' .0 PP6—MY-00—4/8/20 PP6—MY-02—9/15/21 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 20 MP02-2021 _ .. . • PP7-MY-00-4/8/20 PP7-MY-02-9/15/21 r• • • dTu1I k�! • �_ Sk, A .am i� • _ Z �' • , I • PP8-MY-00-4/8/20 PP8-MY-02-9/15/21 yy . %t��e¢, 61 'Ax B C -. 6,.t�} GM., 3 ": s as€ r 1 t. T, t Ham_. • ^4 PP9-MY-00-4/8/20 PP9-MY-02-9/15/21 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 21 MP02-2021 , 7,;.:11.K.:': t4 ,- ',' :'-' i : , r'''',•,--'."-,,,,;,--,....,..•.1.-4...1.44:,c':,, i 1 \ A i am 2iGY d ';5tk se kro4 d "1{4 1 '4 ,.~-4p-,,',,!i.,e„t.V..,,i,71-,-,'..',- k fl k i y$ 1•- 2 .1 1 s'' F s� hsr• T - `L4T.�. � v�Wi�va1 J ^'' �' b �, ! .R PP 10-MY-00-4/8/20 PP10-MY-02-9/15/21 � • P � „ �� , $ - ' � �`"�.'_ 3 aFyg { 2 ''� ph I, 'f { : 9 4 �l • �i • ".y �`2 e ,k C a�.LT yr 1 k,'� • i Ems' 1, !- '' a'7} .". -• { ., y, .I �� a E # t YCyj *Ati -11 ' .a ', '` , I t x 1 Sri - ,`N �`; ,��..s a;. - r "•s ii 'k"� . ,r s x a , apt y+' t ! k at c z,. ', k 7 '� c I x'', }. �� T •'gy p :an,7 0>3 �q - 't"`HF ,' Feat I, ➢ n R¢� '. •- r v �� c?s'�. '.1i�yl'1`r� '�, `4 r , . 4,'° `�.r f +Y N 1 F d ,' _s,• err -700 y{{��{i;� yf -' . 1'p'^17. --a •( .4k7, y&" , 4tr-e- ,, - - .c $ �p W 1 N i f�'K�4t �.4 Mf4 ',� M ' C ( �' S � `e•'- �-fir + i,v w I s � a� ,4` �, r ]t �- �- � AID�? 'E:Kr - k, y-• r rJr, E + j*' a �„� ,-. r9'R 33ti PP 11 -MY-00-4/8/20 PP 11 -MY-02-9/15/21 .i. ;A ,3� J h n _, yi $ 40 aii .1- " I ayyt. f s f as 1 $ r 7. ¢ .• S 9 ~ 'id fff:: � t r ��W:- i § , E X c °ig .1' ' � ., ',„� t 9`. '}f � ig# E '$ .. hi 1 r � & L rC,if .k." ..-.' t t Y P •I�' &}. �. 1 7 -a t t kE_ 9t I't .;,� '��' v 'ai:: -+ 'ate S'�m'r` z - - ,1 d�j r :�7i�#` E ' ., ,� -, �+ 71 ¢ 1 l - Pag, ' ^ems � " l'3F 3 Y, -. '. - ems' :t . J. x , xs B x.� • PP12-MY-00-4/8/20 PP12-MY-02-9/15/21 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 22 MP02-2021 Vegetation Plot Photos °u .�+ ?<"& _ i `('Y'+ „� A✓ FS-, Hai } "t L aF f m'r a t�?'/ a"�"ari� _"r, f �;kr „,� s r �, a u 'b"S:,.S sk � ,p'{' V s - ,` - j� t s - -e`7 ,Ya,^y`i7 ' Y"" F'S Y"'- d A W a' d�'r . f �'�% ]Y li a lk 4 t ` i t A 4 ga `�hi to { tf i tfyw,µtt 1�� 7 4 ? "4 a) ;y' t *, y �.^, »h�� � ,i ,, ¢�r��, ^S`4 �� i{� '� F nf rr+i Y r� n h d� y,tSL��pj v r4:t��,,�, *� 15�s,7'' "Wa[I _ ° . 3 F 1147 #*2 a s v' 3 K d1 - } As�w �ry7.-. Fly 7,� w � h ; l k '� .'� k .+ 1 ^i 6z , y'vy '..��a + 'V7r; t Y a°e" +, a 3 5� P ? t e£'S`5'+. r s ' ire� �rb�,, �%,3 �• � a�fE �?���i1- �y��� 4`` "�i �;. w ,. �„��� �i tKq�,�,. �., � �,��-xK� c; i� r�w �_. `��.-t- ti, ' F A,'��'�`'E C h 1 i �`te'��.tl { T f tFr V Y. �,;i�, .S,. .,,>. + " .-0 � Ilj�.� 4 r`ifi %. ''r 't'�? pi4 mvy4" - rutr� :-:r ''. '"' '.,,, ;. �# r' , e ,.. a,. i /et o-', "'t i44' 'S s e, t' x n ' t at fir, �y3I11fj i 3 kl r �f' at r /+htr • £ ,4{.1^ L .,g 'n r,e died- � '',''4 P , 4":N - to C S l�>e�3 w x Y �t y . '�L � ��' �t�r,'s A!,:!";',:.:.;',. a t�. t +� "�° �' &✓ a�` I�;l ;»$ 'g. ��"�t- .� r'� t 7 �Wir �� r f fsY xy; '3 r=' �'r`{ ((�,�( -��•`$.L�fi r „'�fy"�.a ��3-. r t�3�ry�e a 'or, '�'"�S, � � r.,� a� �.� �� � ' - . a. � ' �i Ib, _'', W1 ,y,� .` ��,y�v. fir 4 ll -"•#t ^ ° v - t;� ,� r"i' i g 1 + ay. # r-" T' r 8 .� - ti s 7 y - ,, "',`f M.} -�, a �.,. 2 t p f .: r `.Y x �i`, �a56 # st- �, a - ",ti „ - � � ` "e s .. ' ate ` ,�,.k z , ' p er '��sr aF:. ..._.F x�c., -C is.��F.. ,,kp,t. ,_ .3# �Sti'a ., s .Y;.A`0 Vegetation Plot 1 •—MY-02—6/15/2021 Vegetation Plot 2—MY-02—6/15/2021 i.l,<.„-40g:.,1,o0,e.-...1.ir.3.-%,.,0-c,„'& - yes , 4.-.Y„i'-',„';„v s, r` Wo 'e 'C d _ - - - • '-'"?..,,,,,...A a° +, S.! +s. fir ' .., .- . „ ,- 'E t,, . , o. ,. "may { r c* r,,ya - ra iE 4Nti r41 ,:irk t �a'� - d y"- ''fir, s f',1 'Y/i' C�9,,7' y- , u' "F' M5 *. "' - �r ram •. Vegetation Plot 3 —MY-02—6/15/2021 Vegetation Plot 4—MY-02—6/16/2021 ,S b .:1 7 y,a� mkt'--• a.y.. __ s t,tIx. 4 e ` ifs y - I • ''' _ n i ' C kd.X r -d. _ j _ ,� £ t ,�7. a ,-' . da " 3 i" :' Sa t 12T, `M P 1 k�,. 11 yX',' f.3 q"7'' ` Y .n ° - ", -`'A` +{ •IfKt `:,R�`^V�y 4+ @ S^ k %' � '�a °3 'k L :1R 3" 'w' , �' ' `�f� m ` a. , rat�G`1 ' , vt' e a? A .I, 't * 4 tty j:v " s._ t - ` "''vs- 'YF�.S ,µ , .xp + r` k g-. �,i, t JL ''`",rt fit J}, ins t2R +. ar4. �4�i S^,r xc µ'"� �s� 5 t,,,,.. „„0„,,,,,,,,:z ''a�r5_..AK'y '�"A�: i, ,„ -,1,0:;,., ,olittli.,. 4.14;t0,,tvia.„,,,,,:,,;,_).,,y,„ 1„, •�" y, a.� ,,yam i i 'r 4. S, �.,,�E t �_s.'��s..Y �:�`F.t7 . `,y ';,L 'p... ,,44..... ..14 EK- -:�.' el1. a? $ �' -'�a�".s-;_"; ..l'."s,3t,_� -..5:, "�." '! 4.' Vegetation Plot 5 —MY-02—6/15/202I Vegetation Plot 6—MY-02—6/15/2021 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 23 MP02-2021 1 42 -i f4, �+°. .-gib .. ' _ 1 t ,� sxy " y 4 j�ir}yf LK iM y RnkpE �4 'rr t i ° v ' T . 4,1i4.4',,.,3''!v-•,'i'-'..r.;..‘0.''„.,i1!'A.i:::l:.:t-).f..v,,'''".,,..-1,-;1t y'.'r,..',.....•.i,J4'.t y4 & kl,. `9 , i• .{ Y 5l�S 3 / "-' :t€t '-.. kl... q x{, i y qS P / y 4:� _ l� 0: � t'+L.�'ri f��r �+�! '37;P ;- i r � 1,.�'Pf S i', ��iH 1.r' : -nl"' ..Ytii- 'Y,: .t_�./ ,I. wi.%1. R: _ _.P :.Y�di i� '�. p fir •! l Vegetation Plot 7—MY-02—6/16/202I Vegetation Plot 8—MY-02—6/16/2021 f xa • e *� d• 7 ro'E, X --:?:404...4t-0,4 3 y �§t. l - '7� 'a s-14'J. ', a x. + `,� BS a _ 4 yr,� y g,s :.. cB 1 k ip *y g r �xrl r�..i z" , '»+° 74' :� '{;' �' ,s�k y i d .s tp'' s i�. T' -KIOWI'¢ -ti '(fi h kw b9 'a ' it•A 4 ,. '� `� y "�4 �` �- ;,y 9+ 9 el,14v $aft a r - s. `1 i : ,fir 44' .a r.} . :U'• `.tJ .r p 5 i. . 16.,Orkh, �,' f: •F,: +'v Vegetation Plot 9—MY-02—6/15/202I Vegetation Plot 10—MY-02—6/15/202 I tthivii,ist,50.4Ftit,,..4..:114,:),:k..!,,c.,,,t1..,44,4,,,,?, ]. a`f R 4 4 b bJ •y�fe e- ,( .T^'fi "T' h > A i s,S >� R �'. S" 'fin £ 'f€' _ ti'0°2� -�.� fw 'f. a t& a }' v v�• W « rip ' V�s�' a'rt,,,,,,,,,„:„.0 --,,,i,,,,,,,,,i,?......,--',.w.kil.,.'4o ''-',i:', ay f �, f : R� Y r cE 'L� �¢ ,ors b.` �qa , �4.+. 4 1 ,� kn W •S'fi'S4- j�r ,, d 9 :spJ"fi r"p N.s� 'f{''? f ,--� k '., a, '? o �� �1,°'*s S. � , r"C7 _ pis= ' -a�.; c "�'• - . w ,.sae _ L i o s . R- t..`..rk.�,. m .2. ,,. - -.. — .. .ter ti - .O:h ,a.vi ds? ..M. .. Vegetation Plot 11 —MY-02—6/15/202 I Vegetation Plot 12—MY-02—6/18/202 I Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates o/NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 24 MP02-2021 -y' , ".' ''4P—A.:.."''....•:'.,' I-.41', • Itl ,. ram- :-,'- .. . 1.,. r L_\ is Vegetation Plot 13—MY-02—6/16/2021 Vegetation Plot 14—MY-02—6/16/2021 ' 2''. A. ..-t ti • :4h}• • t }ia r , • # r iSYY( ww � •mil � JJ� 1 1': Vegetation Plot 15 —MY-02—6/16/2021 Vegetation Plot 16—MY-02—6/16/2021 & `.fi g a '-- 4i a 41* 1.,;.t.,- .~,--.....4LA...;,..-,. . ' .,....1:—. 4.,.:...',..,.-:.-4...--4 !.1le;,-..,z,i,',.:,,,- . h F`.. � r d .; ti( p1,d�t Xy ikk�� D 4 YI >#or 5�.•9 til 14 4 !;:.',:!'Lk;:;, ..,'::,. d 5 :Y dIF �it 71 Z, 1 S dtve�i� �f d Y :i Y - t7 f,� ,�. i MV,3` rc-✓fir� t + } �;� iry� �, r #�+� ,� `' x ��' �3�= +.; '�N`�- ���+ t 3• �1�,'nx'�� :44 ��}-� �Y+ 1 a�+ ".} � ,y . x T V w t t, r i ti a a h .' w2t a �'� �F '� '-- [ f,} } it PJ .kqy; �5 8 �'. 8'1�1 ice° ' �+ s' #'�'a ° � x� '`"ry ala f r if:','..'y, ° G �lif I r, ',.:•. 1, 4 . 1 J ti 3 ..-y ui A j r ^�i t.74?,5 '. Fi s qn �v 4+ "t3 ' �" •a#y+, a i �+ Mom, # � � •. : II a/. �; ., o I .,-i I TN ,.!c,,,, ;•'.,•7,..,i'-';',.-., � r z ti '.:, n,. 'a .fr b7a:= i''.. r. �#:'u ...� ' � ..-' :�r,,5 i�. � 11 t•k ?�,. .r°�iS�'- . k..M. � ' r ?s -��' Vegetation Plot 17—MY-02—6/18/2021 Vegetation Plot 18—MY-02—6/18/2021 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 25 MY02-2021 wIF -_ .Yk x' R� .'F ' s `4 „& -+�' Ft 1' w d ..d i - c ` a w- y. ; -w -" ' �, q:`Ip..1040164110f . . t-f•:•'-iff:-',41•4•FL•:.'4'.. .;•.'.::••..e.A... .i,..i Ore ,p.. ,p.'.I, ,'4'i-;"4,1i ,,„r ,.. .„.r.,,,, .,,, ..„,.. ,,,, .,.. „ §Fa pa "rim• '� 1 td,�*r it µµ;; iA � t 4yp 1 yPsi �� F� d F J ��i• 9 Wt..), r- a +>Fi tiA a,3te- ::•;. x .� t n^ s Y � .. �`� .2 r�l' d ,�. 7 `` S g„ a ''• ''. ++. .•,y' b. t =a s § 8' 4 r� ., f g 1� ij Irtf :avl� • _ & ,e; R?--` - 1 Y 1 Y•' f @1Iri • .r4£ y f ,�, } 51 { .r % r p is Sri . ' �,Ir ea i,pi Vegetation Plot 19—MY-02—6/18/2021 Vegetation Plot 20—MY-02—6/18/2021 1,.., •W 1 VS7 .:' , 'I tr •:1 ''S'Il ..£ • " }r 3- w vr _ 3?Y n }fi` - !- a :r rr �.r XTI „h.:„....,...,,,,.. ie .17j .. Jp�iii, — b° i f �°kk tr`; j . ' s ..•:. ... ,. ,_...... .,_ _,..,„.,,,,, , . ., :i 2....s . et,,,z,.....t.i1.41.,.. _ ,,;,.... .. . , ...: , s•c, .. ofr- k„...,.,,,,,,_,.t.,,..w.i..:. ,... .„,....,,,,.;.. k,,_,,...,.„,,,,,,,,I., , ,,,.. ,,,.., ,...„ c:..,..;...,..,. ...,.,:f...v,„,.,,_„,,i,:,„..1,..,,,......, : ...„,.• A s. „, .:.� t `i•'� s r, ....: ate- A•..„--1.,..,..„4,,,,,,, ,.. ., , ,.;...,,:,..* .,_ . ._, , . : _ _:,.. . .. ,_- „... , .,, .,... __ .. .. . ,,.$.-.„,,,,,t ..,..„. .0:....f _ ___. ,., :,,,,_,-,,-irt ...,:: ,. .. ,. , .. _4„.,...-..,"*„.„,:., ,- . --: , ..i.,: -...1. r ,._ .. Vegetation Plot 21 —MY-02—6/18/2021 Vegetation Plot 22—MY-02—6/23/2021 ss . •�`5➢lds,,s .lie .+ dL"-. 7 f_ it. i ` C. b P r -3 r'� 4 t Ta, Fi ' —3- ..,i F,r. y' 'i- # i P 4i J feak�-r-r"c r- _ Y• 1 , . --.Y... v Vegetation Plot 23 —MY-02—6/18/2021 Vegetation Plot 24—MY-02—6/23/2021 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 26 MP02-2021 Ilfr f 4 .• .. - ti 1k , t yy" j x. t J.dp 1W..T y 1 ;'` � �1•L� , . w ' lir , { .---_ .., , - . ,.. .:17,,,, a 1 ' (' ..� ;.fin , .> - I -'~W`�k - A � • , z..- .�, ' :. � + t. Vegetation Plot 25—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R1 —MY-02—6/23/2021 1 .'" oj • -r ' � ,� ba 4 ,: N" iv '',„ j • s fir' a k `3 S, YXI: Vegetation Plot R2—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R3—MY-02—6/23/2021 w.. • Vegetation Plot R4—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R5—MY-02—6/23/2021 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 27 MY02-2021 s - ' of ... ,.... k, . : `�:.. I' ,t ... .... : ,. .,,\.,,,„, , ...._,... A lik',, , a i .!,.. ... „ A*. _ '/' i.Pfi '+ . . ,,.., . .:-, :If 4* .-- ,' ' l3 � iW' ter , e• _. 'vim _ \• 6 5 �'; 5 Vegetation Plot R6—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R7—MY-02—6/23/2021 'We.. 1 L " ,---A.„-;-... i r,,�' i r , CI �`� ,1Y Vegetation Plot R8—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R9—MY-02—6/23/2021 • - +Alm . p f4400 1 ` • \ i. r ! _ - \ Vegetation Plot R10—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R11 —MY-02—6/23/2021 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 28 MP02-2021 f';. _. . 3 Vegetation Plot R12—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R13 —MY-02—6/23/2021 iLl` , - xsor ,,1 • !" - s � •• I • 1iI `'-"` OWN"� V:!,- tdLll {tL j .. . .. .;. A.,,,.. , .4,..03,,p,.,,,.A.A . '.--4.. iiivr :". .:: 2'...-.-:-'.-._'.---','45',::,,-'.i-'.--7:11.,.---4-7i--,-7„fL-.,'4-l-".A-:-'--';-.a' 1C 4 3u ti as -. r ,[ ] v +e. 'k -44. .._y\ &,`°, r bra `,A,"k;4"�!_'��,C ,I.�, '„ -:.(y _y : °e A : A ��-p`' _ `i �'f'G•-T.C. S,- ,ice ' 1 b., •,"d . • J'A.'"4,',•,..,0'•.' ,-,. • c`�l.-- 2 �'''''\I 1 ' l - w _ %:' x_ a` 'F`.t r,AC4 � • 0.. `y. ,+1 'a.°:.', r ,. •.� ,5 ' l� ',"41A{'\ . \ ,tea�� "fr!'�. r w.� r T4h ‹.'. •.I-'Y.,,..,'".',"_:",:-\''.iZ`r!_,.4.'.-`-%, ..- Vegetation Plot R14—MY-02—6/23/2021 Vegetation Plot R15—MY-02—6/23/2021 -. ,, ,..te .,. 4-4", '.;,'' *3.- ' 'k*,4,..,'-'4,..V:iiiirr ii';',1,0*V-4-igiti. ,04.;--;1''''....‘ .4.:4: 'fi in-4, '.. .t Er � r + �,° ' emu. � k� irk 4l ii,,,,,;44,::,,,,,d„,,:,......„.. s °.Y 4 -- ':: ;,`' i; F,fie'1:;.4=',47';'4'.4C' S:--421q:lf,‘45'''''''):''•'-'11'1411; Vegetation Plot R16—MY-02—6/23/2021 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites 29 KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 MP02-2021 APPENDIX C Vegetation Plot Data Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 30 MY02-2021 Table 5.Stem Count by Plot and Species Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II,DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Current Plot Data(MY02 2021) Plot 01 Plot 02 Plot 03 Plot 04 Plot 05 Plot 06 Plot 07 Plot 08 Species Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total American Sycamore(Platanus occidentalis) 1 1 2 2 Bald Cypress(Taxodium distichum) 12 12 3 3 7 7 8 8 13 13 19 19 Beautyberry(Callicarpa americana) Black Walnut(Juglans nigra) Black Willow(Salix nigra) 83 1 4 Boxelder(Acer negundo) Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis) 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 Eastern Baccharis(Baccharis halimifolia) Eastern Cottonwood(Popuhas deltoides) 11 Laurel Oak(Quercus laurifolia) 1 1 Loblolly Pine(Pines taeda) Oak(Ouercus sp.) Overcup Oak(Quercus lyrata) 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Red Chokeberry(Aronia arbutifolia) 1 1 1 1 Red Maple(Acer rubrum) 3 3 4 River Birch(Betula nigra) 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 5 3 3 7 7 Silky Dogwood(Corpus amomum) Southern Red Oak(Ouercus falcata) 1 Swamp Bay(Perseapahastris) 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak(Ouercus michauxii) 6 6 6 6 1 1 Sweetgum(Liquidambar styrac ua) 2 1 1 9 Water Oak(Ouercus nigra) Water Tupelo(Nyssa aquatica) 1 1 3 3 5 5 Wax M rytle(Myrica cer ifera) Willow Oak(Ouercus phellos) Unknown Stem count 20 26 11 11 10 93 13 14 18 19 20 24 22 22 22 50 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Species count 4 7 5 5 5 6 3 4 6 7 4 6 5 5 4 8 Stems per ACRE 809 1,052 445 445 405 3,764 526 567 728 769 809 971 890 890 890 2,023 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 31 MY02-2021 Table 5.Stem Count by Plot and Species Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Current Plot Data(MYO2 2021) Plot 09 Plot 10 Plot 11 Plot 12 Plot 13 Plot 14 Plot 15 Plot 16 Species Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total American Sycamore(Platanus occidentalis) 1 1 2 2 3 3 Bald Cypress(Taxodium distichum) 1 1 12 12 12 12 9 9 9 9 1 1 17 17 Beautyberry(Callicarpa americana) Black Walnut(Juglans nigra) Black Willow(Salix nigra) 2 2 4 Boxelder(Acer negundo) Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis) 2 2 1 1 Eastern Baccharis(Baccharis halimifolia) Eastern Cottonwood(Populus deltoides) Laurel Oak(Quercus laurifolia) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Loblolly Pine(Pinus taeda) Oak(Quercus sp.) Overcup Oak(Quercus lyrata) 5 5 3 3 Red Chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia) 1 1 Red Maple(Acer rubrum) 1 4 1 12 River Birch(Betula nigra) 7 7 3 3 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 9 9 1 1 Silky Dogwood(Corpus amomum) Southern Red Oak(Quercus falcata) Swamp Bay (Persea palustris) 1 1 1 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak(Quercus michauxii) 2 2 2 2 3 3 Sweetgum(Liquidambar styrac ua) 2 1 3 22 Water Oak(Quercus nigra) Water Tupelo(Nyssa aquatica) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wax M ry tle(Myrica cerifera) Willow Oak(Quercus phellos) Unknown Stem count 17 19 19 19 16 16 15 16 20 24 14 20 19 22 20 54 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Species count 6 7 5 5 3 3 5 6 4 5 4 7 6 7 4 6 Stems per ACRE 688 769 769 769 647 647 607 647 809 971 567 809 769 890 809 2,185 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 32 MY02-2021 Table 5.Stem Count by Plot and Species Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II,DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Current Plot Data(MY02 2021) Plot 17 Plot 18 Plot 19 Plot 20 Plot 21 Plot 22 Plot 23 Plot 24 Species Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total American Sycamore(Platamas occidentalis) 3 3 Bald Cypress(Taxodium distichum) 16 17 6 6 11 11 8 8 11 11 13 13 Beauty berry(Callicarpa americana) 1 Black Walnut(Juglans nigra) Black Willow(Salix nigra) 15 7 Boxelder(Acer negundo) Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Eastern Baccharis(Baccharis halimifolia) 2 Eastern Cottonwood(Poplins deltoides) Laurel Oak(Quercus laurifolia) 3 3 2 2 1 1 Loblolly Pine(Finns taeda) Oak(Onerous sp.) 1 1 Overcup Oak(Quercus lyrata) 4 4 1 1 Red Chokeberry(Aronia arbutifolia) Red Maple(Acer rubrum) 16 25 11 13 River Birch(Betula nigra) 11 11 5 5 1 1 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 3 Silky Dogwood(Cormas amomum) Southern Red Oak(Onerous falcata) 1 Swamp Bay(Perseapahastris) 1 1 1 1 1 5 Swamp Chestnut Oak(Onerous michanxii) 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Sweetgum(Liquidambar styrac ua) 3 31 169 25 27 Water Oak(Ouercus nigra) Water Tupelo(Nyssa aquatica) 5 5 3 4 2 2 7 7 3 3 Wax M ry tle(Myrica cerifera) Willow Oak(Ouercus phellos) Unknown Stem count 11 11 22 37 18 19 14 27 16 63 18 212 22 58 21 67 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Species count 1 1 6 7 3 3 4 7 4 6 4 6 8 10 5 9 Stems per ACRE 445 445 890 1,497 728 769 567 1,093 647 2,550 728 8,579 890 2,347 850 2,711 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 33 MY02-2021 Table 5.Stem Count by Plot and Species Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II,DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Current Plot Data(MY02 2021) Plot 25 Plot RO1 Plot R02 Plot R03 Plot R04 Plot R05 Plot R06 Plot R07 Species Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total American Sycamore(Platamas occidentalis) 1 1 3 3 4 4 1 1 Bald Cypress(Taxodium distichum) 14 14 5 5 1 1 16 16 2 2 2 2 8 8 13 13 Beautyberry(Callicarpa americana) Black Walnut(Juglans nigra) 1 Black Willow(Salix nigra) 9 9 3 3 2 2 5 5 Boxelder(Acer negundo) Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis) 1 1 5 5 1 1 Eastern Baccharis(Baccharis halimifolia) Eastern Cottonwood(Poplins deltoides) Laurel Oak(Quercus laurifolia) 1 1 4 4 1 1 Loblolly Pine(Pines taeda) Oak(Ouercus sp.) Overcup Oak(Quercus lyrata) Red Chokeberry(Aronia arbutifolia) Red Maple(Acer rubrum) 2 1 6 2 2 1 River Birch(Betnla nigra) 8 8 7 7 11 11 4 4 Silky Dogwood(Corneas amomuam) Southern Red Oak(Ouercus falcata) Swamp Bay(Perseapahastris) 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak(Ouercus michauxii) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 Sweetgum(Liquidambar styrac ua) 2 1 1 52 2 1 Water Oak(Ouercus nigra) 2 2 1 1 Water Tupelo(Nyssa aquatica) 1 1 1 5 5 Wax M ry tle(Myrica cerifera) Willow Oak(Ouercus phellos) Unknown Stem count 15 24 18 20 17 24 25 79 19 21 23 25 12 15 27 27 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Species count 2 6 6 8 6 8 5 7 5 6 7 8 3 6 5 5 Stems per ACRE 607 971 728 809 688 971 1,012 3,197 769 850 931 1,012 486 607 1,093 1,093 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 34 MY02-2021 Table 5.Stem Count by Plot and Species Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II,DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Current Plot Data(MY02 2021) Plot R08 Plot R09 Plot R10 Plot R11 Plot R12 Plot R13 Plot R14 Plot R15 Species Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total American Sycamore(Platanus occidentalis) 7 7 1 1 3 3 4 4 Bald Cypress(Taxodium distichum) 13 13 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 11 11 Beautyberry(Callicarpa americana) Black Walnut(Juglans nigra) Black Willow(Salix nigra) 27 27 1 1 Boxelder(Acer negundo) Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis) 6 6 2 2 2 2 Eastern Baccharis(Baccharis halimifolia) Eastern Cottonwood(Poplins deltoides) Laurel Oak(Quercus laurifolia) 2 2 2 2 Loblolly Pine(Pines taeda) Oak(Ouercus sp.) Overcup Oak(Quercus lyrata) 1 1 3 3 Red Chokeberry(Aronia arbutifolia) Red Maple(Acer rubrum) 2 15 1 3 7 28 1 River Birch(Betula nigra) 1 1 5 5 9 9 2 2 5 5 7 7 2 2 6 6 Silky Dogwood(Corneas amomum) Southern Red Oak(Ouercus falcata) Swamp Bay(Perseapalustris) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak(Ouercus michauxii) 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sweetgum(Liquidambar styrac ua) 15 8 4 3 9 5 Water Oak(Ouercus nigra) Water Tupelo(Nyssa aquatica) 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 5 5 Wax Mrytle(Myrica cerifera) Willow Oak(Ouercus phellos) 4 4 Unknown Stem count 21 23 20 50 44 44 9 18 15 22 20 30 11 48 26 32 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 Species count 4 5 5 7 6 6 4 6 6 8 7 9 6 8 6 8 Stems per ACRE 850 931 809 2,023 1,781 1,781 364 728 607 890 809 1,214 445 1,942 1,052 1,295 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 35 MY02-2021 Table 5.Stem Count by Plot and Species Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II, DMS Project#97005 and 100053 Annual Means Plot R16 MYO2(2021) MY01(2020) MY00(2020) Species Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total American Sycamore(Platanus occidentalis) 36 36 36 36 Bald Cypress(Taxodium distichum) 10 10 292 293 287 287 254 254 Beautyberry(Callicarpa americana) 1 1 Black Walnut(Juglans nigra) 1 Black Willow(Salix nigra) 49 163 82 222 1 Boxelder(Acer negundo) 1 Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis) 4 4 37 37 33 33 2 2 Eastern Baccharis(Baccharis halimifolia) 2 1 Eastern Cottonwood(Populus deltoides) 11 18 Laurel Oak(Quercus laurifolia) 23 23 32 32 47 47 Loblolly Pine(Pinus taeda) 3 Oak(Ouercus sp.) 1 1 221 221 Overcup Oak(Quercus lyrata) 23 23 42 42 Red Chokeberry(Aronia arbutifolia) 3 3 3 3 Red Maple(Acer rubrum) 7 171 242 21 River Birch(Betula nigra) 3 3 161 161 165 165 156 156 Silky Dogwood(Corpus amomum) 1 1 7 7 Southern Red Oak(Ouercus falcata) 2 1 Swamp Bay(Persea palustris) 3 3 24 32 31 37 33 33 Swamp Chestnut Oak(Ouercus michauxii) 43 43 76 76 9 9 Sweetgum(Liquidambar styraciflua) 2 401 670 3 Water Oak(Ouercus nigra) 3 3 8 8 Water Tupelo(Nyssa aquatica) 2 2 63 65 54 54 Wax M rytle(Myrica cerifera) 3 Willow Oak(Ouercus phellos) 4 4 166 166 Unknown 166 166 Stem count 22 31 762 1476 850 1933 1061 1089 size(ares) 1 41 41 41 size(ACRES) 0.025 1.01 1.01 1.01 Species count 5 7 14 21 13 21 10 14 Stems per ACRE 890 1,255 752 1,457 839 1,908 1,047 1,075 Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 36 MY02-2021 APPENDIX D Stream Cross-section Data Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 37 MY02-2021 River Basin: Lumber River , •' ;.,: :t iy' a : r Site: Rau! Horn Swam,II - `. - • Drains.e Area s 1 mi. 1.50 .-"- 1• • 6, - . +,t 1 Date: 6/23/2021 i . �'�� � Field Crew: T.Seelin•er,C.Pristusa � A �f. • t �! 4 Station Elevation • 77- • - 4 '�"` `^ 0.0 83.4 �'�' •_ r, - 6 '..--) t, 9.3 82.8 jL`9 ,y r l- 12.8 82.7 - . 18.5 82.5 My - 21.6 82.4 _ - _ 4+ 24.9 82.8 �- 1't r• .. X 27.3 82.4 1 ' 31.3 82.5 ` if 35.1 82.3 }- �3g 38.1 82.3 k • - a.-a. 42.6 82.1 46.4 82.3 49.9 82.1 53.2 82.0 Lumber River River Basin,Rough Horn Swamp II,XS1 54.9 82.2 84.0 57.7 82.7 59.4 83.0 62.5 82.9 83.5 65.7 83.2 69.3 83.1 73.1 82.9 83.0 _- f .5 82.5 81 81.5 82.8 2 86.5 82.7 •3 82.5 91.9 82.5 96.6 82.6 W 99.8 82.7 82.0 99.8 83.4 - Iri ---.water Surface 49.8 83.0 MYO1 81.5 MY02 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Station(feet) River Basin: Lumber River - --L s'A • •_ Site: Rou• Horn Swam. " v - XS ID XS2 i _,, •;_ Draina.e Area si mi: 1.60 - Date: 6/23/2021 Field Crew: T.Seelinger,C.Pristupa f, .-- Station Elevation Station Elevation . . ,'' " 1.ti' , {" 0.0 81.6 86.4 81.1 !''- q - , ., r 4-; • 0.0 80.7 88.6 81.04r 7,i� . .,r r. �' L; 4.7 80.9 89.7 81.4 t•j";�Frn. • w+�1►. ''=r�ti - 7.6 81.1 91.8 81.4 4• i h*_,'"�+1;-r .'. 1 �i .' `4Sq, -�-.. •,' 10.3 81.2 92.7 81.2 ': •h +' ` . r 13.3 80.9 96.5 81.6 + • "� ' . • 16.6 81.3 99.7 81.2 r A: .-- .' , - 20.5 81.3 99.6 81.7 E,,��r l -{, 2 { 21.2 81.0 1 1 ' 4 + .` i4 22.9 81.2 " 25.8 81.3 .`Vh,Y, 29.8 81.4 33.4 81.4 36.8 81.2 38.5 81.2 Lumber River River Basin,Rough Horn Swamp,XS2 40.2 81.2 82.0 41.2 81.0 42.7 80.8 44.1 80.8 45.5 80.6 46.5 80.6 81.5 _ 47.9 80.9 w 49.4 81.2 51.7 81.3 z 0 54.3 81.3 i 56.3 81.3 81.0 58.2 81.4 59.8 81.2 61.7 81.2 ----Water Surface 63.9 81.1 MYof 67.3 81.1 MY02 70.3 81.5 80.5 74.3 81.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 77.4 81.3 Station(feet) 80.3 81.1 83.4 81.4 River Basin: Lumber River Site: Rough Horn Swamp XS ID XS3 e „ALE- Drainage Areas mi: 2.80 ^ r,.c, ,r. ` is '+ �io , '' ,r-.. g 4 ) F, r:i',,: ,-. fr . ,, ti Date: 6/23/2021 !. t Field Crew: T.Seelinger,C.Pristupa 4:. q * Station Elevation Station Elevation 0.0 80.9 86.4 80.3 {.... :.... ';i 0.1 80.4 91.8 80.4 f` � ,,: ,� �i 1 :: -.. ;„ �ii-4_,'Iki.1 *wit. 5.0 80.5 94.7 80.3 : ". iiy , . . ,+3 -: I ,' 7.6 80.4 97.2 80.3 '' . 1� +n-€ r, - '�+ • • 13.2 80.6 99.1 80.2 ,.' •' .f ry ''' 1.' 'r. ' 16.8 80.4 100.4 80.4 1 � a� i��'� i - • S 21.2 80.6 100.5 80.9 -'ti ' .. -r'': k'p,.. - `i '^,i '` V.- 'i•€34:el ii.24.9 80.6 'ti i:. lr '* , 27.3 80.6 1.'7. ,Y'Pi',- ' ,+ a . ,.4 30.9 80.3 i • �_ F\ 'w`�-i. 34.0 80.8 1 A.1 - i- . 37.0 80.6 40.1 80.2 43.8 80.4 46.0 80.4 Lumber River River Basin,Rough Horn Swamp,XS3 47.7 80.3 81.0 1 49.4 80.1 50.4 79.6 51.2 79.4 52.7 79.2 80.5 53.4 79.2 54.6 79.1 I 63.3 80.7 79.5 66.4 80.5 _ ----Water Surface 68.2 80.5 MYoI 70.0 80.4 MY02 71.3 80.3 79.0 I I I I I I 1 I 72.6 80.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 74.8 80.1 Station(feet) 77.8 80.3 81.0 80.2 APPENDIX E Hydrologic Data Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 50 MY02-2021 Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site 30-70 Percentile Graph WETS Station Name: Whiteville 7 9.0 - 8.0 7.0 - 6.0 - 5.0 w a 4.0 3.0 - A 1 rl 11.1kIlldJ 1 t 1 h k 1.0P IT1 pi, .... i Fir_ 0.0 N N, 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N Z Q 74 ti w d ti d cn O Z Q Date 2020 Rainfall 2021 Rainfall f 30%Less Than f 30%Greater Than Table 6. Stream Flow Verification Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site, DMS Project#97005/100053 Gauge Camera Maximum Maximum Reach Dates Achieving Consecutive Dates Achieving Consecutive Days Days LBC January 1—May 21; 152 January 1 —March 5 64 June 3—October 31 January 1—May 19; UT1 May 30—September 7; 139 January 1—May 16; 136 September 21—October 27 June 4—July 23 January 1—April22; UT2-2 June 2—July 5; 112 January 1—April 25; 152 July 8—September 7 June 4—November 2 UT3-2 January 1—April 8 98 January 1—April 3 93 UT4 January 1—April 18 108 January 1—April 17 107 Table 7. Stream Flow Criteria Attainment Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site, DMS Project#97005/100053 Greater than 30 Days of Flow/Max Consecutive Days Reach MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 MY-06 MY-07 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 LBC Yes/277 Yes/152 (Gauge) LBC Yes/179 Yes/64 (Camera) UT1 Yes/71 Yes/139 (Gauge) UT1 Yes/71 Yes/136 (Camera) UT2-2 Yes/71 Yes/112 (Gauge) UT2-2 Yes/71 Yes/152 (Camera) UT3-2 Yes/71 Yes/98 (Gauge) UT3-2 Yes/78 Yes/93 (Camera) UT4 Yes/71 Yes/108 (Gauge) UT4 Yes/71 Yes/107 (Camera) Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 52 MY02-2021 Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph LBC Stream Flow Gauge 85 4.0 January 1,2021 Camera battery died Camera obscured 84 . . / - 3.0 I w_ °0 ,I'83 -,►� n'`n A. o 14 Days 152 Days 2 0 R• W in y i , i T w-w.✓-v = til et 82E. E _ et i. 1.0 81 - 80 -I J-I' Ilbli ,II- II l II I �_ 11. , IL 1 L. . [ 0.0 W — N W 00 N . 1-, N W 1 N W 00 N ti 1 N 1 N �l N W — N W 00 N Ll 1 N N �7 N N O ti •I a1 w N N ' O �7 01 A w ti O ,O N ti a1 c.n N - O �7 01 A w ~ O `O N 01 c.n 0 b b b P 4 4 41 a a P 4 4 6 a a a K K' ° o 0 z z z b b n n n N t �s t iis N QQ Cf QQ N '&. '&. N iY i' n nN NN NN . NN. N N. N ' L N N N . N N N N N -'N N NO N N N N ,- N N ,— N N N Date Rainfall Stream Stage Elevation Stream Bed Elevation —Flow Elevation Stream Flow(Camera) —Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph T1 Stream Flow Gauge 84 - 4.0 January 1,2021 Camera obscured I/ 83 - - - 3.0 w \I o \1114\\1/4\11\1\1 A. CZ $11\ W 82 - \\\114400 2.0 E' zn et eZ 98 R139 Days ays 1• 37 Da s i 1ViA Iet ri i i 81 - — 1.0 80 1L i _ I 1 , III , 'lidi i 0.0 W NN WO 00 7 N A W N W N N W 00 �7 N CA - N— O O N L) O N W NG —N WG 0190 7 N ° N ~ OC —,CO NC O� N rn 'oil 4 4 4 � a a p 4 4 6 cmaaa K K -' o 0 C Qd d b R R rn N c w w w �s `-C w w C QN 'Ci 'tJNii r, r, N N.) N ,s ,s ,s N 1 N N N.) 1 1 N N N N ON N N N.) N.) , N N N 1-, N.) N.) 1 , 1 , 1-1 N N N 1—, N.) N.) N 1-, N N 0 0 0 1—, 1—, — 1 , 1—, 1-1 1-1 1-1 — — — — — Date Rainfall Sensor Depth Stream Stage Elevation Stream Bed Elevation Flow Elevation Stream Flow(Camera) Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph T2 Stream Flow Gauge 87 - — 4.0 January 1,2021 86 - - - 3.0 0 0 et I E. W 85 - - 2.0 ,=' et ilk a) 1 112 Day 34 Days 62 I a s I 846 I. 1.0 1 L . _ . 1 J1 J _ nil . 1 ill 83 � tli[ Illi � I i.., � I e.� Ill � r � � r , , r , !. , 0.0 W N N" w Oti 7 N AW N wN N w Oo �7 N, N z, O G No L) 5 N w N N w Oo 7 ° F N ~ O '-O No O; N 0b aa 6 a '. '. o0z ddb n n n sN N N �s �I �s N i , N NNh) QQ CfQ QQ N N 7' 7' N C C C N n n ONNN NN N NNN ,_-' N N NNN ~ NNN NNN N N N N �, N N N .-' N N Date Rainfall Sensor Depth Stream Stage Elevation Stream Bed Elevation Flow Elevation Stream Flow(Camera) Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph T3 Stream Flow Gauge 86 - 4.0 January 1,2021 3.0 , 85 - 0 ad ez 0411101°1111S40‘14101111 W 1111111i°1111S114114111111!111.111( g 2.0 . ad til et E , 98 Days 11\ ' ,L• 84l I V' I I I I I I I 'I 7�iiiiiii Li� !�_ :._._�.. .� a,_:.I �. ,_,- um�II� .. . 83 ri t 4_' lilt, It 14IH[ . 1 ,..... 11r r r ! 0.0 W N W 00 .7 OW W 'LT; N N W 0 �i 7 N� CA N O O N O N W 'LT; N W 00 7 N� C A Ni ~ � N C N N ti � NP � P —, . ° . . . d . 0 ' 4 4 4 a a 4 4 6 a a a o o db n n n N ,114 ,114 ,t s s N QQCfQQQN '" ' NYY n nN N N N N N N N N. N. N N N N ~ N N N N N N — 1N 1" — N N N N N N N N N Date Rainfall Stream Stage Elevation Stream Bed Elevation —Flow Elevation Stream Flow(Camera) Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph T4 Stream Flow Gauge 86 - 4.0 January 1,2021 Camerae obscured i . .. - 3.0 , 85 - 0aI W \1111111140/11illiki 1111410/11141 2.0 et E 108 Days I thilblilt i 84 C t _ ' li�.hn 1Lhi I PI Mi I 17. _.... ' Jh�.0 ill i,,,r TV I Mil 1.0 _l_ I Ill III 1. . I iII]j II li1 . L . I1A l "A IJiI [ I83 � lh 4� I 1 � r 1 � I I r � 0.0 w N w oo N N w N w oo ,— N U. N N N.) w N.) L..) co N v, N N N.)N O ti .7 O' W N N 'V O �7 O, W O `.O co O' c.n N . O 7 5, W O �O Oo O' Y' 4. YY 'cot i ' r Q G G G 'J f f + C n n p p p N c Wt W Wti . i is W W NN . Q (cc, (cc, N 't&. 't&. N .-Y , n nN nn NN NN . kN N. N ' L N . . N N N N N N N N ,-'N N N N N N N N N ,- N.) N ,— N N N Date Rainfall Sensor Depth Stream Stage Elevation Stream Bed Elevation —Flow Elevation Stream Flow(Camera) Table 8.Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Table Rough Horn Swamp and Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site,Project#97005/100053 Success Criteria Achieved/Max Cons ecufive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Success Criteria MY-01 MY-02 (32 Days)(12.0%) 2020 2021 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 MY-06 MY-07 Yes/73 Yes/40 Gauge RHS-1 (27.5%) (15.1%) Yes/114 Yes/53 Gauge RHS-2 (43.0%) (20.0%) Yes/65 Yes/37 Gauge RHS-3 0 (24.5%) (14.0%) Yes/73 Yes/50 Gauge RHS-4 (27.5%) (18.9%) Yes/73 Yes/49 Gauge RHS-5 (27.5%) (18.5%) Gauge RHS-6 Yes/115 Yes/50 (43.4%) (18.9%) Yes/83 Yes/52 Gauge RHS-7 (31.3%) (19.6%) Yes/73 Yes/36 Gauge RHS-8 (27.5%) (13.6%) Yes/65 Yes/37 Gauge RHS-9 (24.5%) (14.0%) Yes/73 Yes/49 Gauge RHS-10 (27.5%) (18.5%) Gauge RHS-11 Yes/41 Yes/37 (15.5%) (14.0%) Gauge RHS-12 No/21 Yes/36 (7.9%) (13.6%) Yes/65 Yes/35 Gauge RHS-13 (24.5%) (13.2%) Yes/73 Yes/50 Gauge RHSII-1 (27.5%) (18.9%) Yes/73 Yes/51 Gauge RHSII-2 (27.5%) (19.2%) Yes/65 Yes/37 Gauge RHSII-3 (24.5%) (14.0%) Yes/264 Yes/63 Gauge RHSII-4 (99.6%) (23.8%) Gauge RHSII-5 Yes/264 Yes/61 (99.6%) (23.0%) Yes/37 Yes/36 Gauge RHSII-6 (14.0%) (13.6%) Gauge RHSII-7 Yes/33 No/7 (12.5%) (2.6%) Yes/73 Yes/50 Gauge RHSII-8 (27.5%) (18.9%) Gauge Ref Yes/53 Yes/44 (20.0%) (16.6%) Rough Horn/Rough Horn II Restoration Sites KCI Associates of NC,PA DMS Project#97005/100053 58 MP02-2021 Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 1 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 c WE. 0 - .. 2.5 & ct .1 ,), \%\ , , 40 Days r11 \ \ 2.0= 1 111\ 1 tiAstiolv. M ' '�'Y 1.5 U ,,........,- (-)A\-----4---.•-11 -2 - ct 4114.411ji \'''i\N - 1.0 -3 - IL i }Li.-4 41, 4 1 II �� 1, 1 [II Li' i ��IL L 0.5 Illi0.0 W N W N N W N W N N N N W N W N N N N Y t� o ti . . w t� t� c . o w ti . . . ti . . . c w o 0 00 o v 4_,`' d d d w w r c-'o c-'o P 4 4 4 '-a a a Et 4 46 a a a .a coo coo 0 0 0 o Z Z Z d d d N o 0 o . w w w N '� '� ' ' vc N , , a a a ? 2 2 1—, vc vc vc Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 2 4 - 5.0 End Growing Season Begin Growing Season November 20 March 1 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w ' 1 - cct 3.0 N' ,—) \,j,, ,,r,11\ W 0 - 2.5 g' .. ,.., 51 Days � 32 Days , 53 Days 11 `�SIh 2.0 o▪ -1 o c. 1.5 ▪ct Cr? J2 I i I A Ii I1.1111\\L 1.0 -3 - i 4 C C 0.5 -4 ' 1JI- r 41'11 I n I Iii J. . , ,..., I i`j' 1 .I1 ! 1,..., 1 JIL !. ,i , 1 0.0 Wy Nwa, N „. wN W � N w 0c N - Ntioo N N WNN W N - N ooN 0N d — c L o , Y — o o w c0cti v — o c w c0c v, C C C - '' c'' '-a a s G ti �, a a arn c4c4n 00o ZZZd Ni c N Na a IV ac u u Nn Ni° i°n ° nN N 'IQ 'IQ ',' cccccc o c c c Date r•Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 3 4 - — 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.II 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 ct E. W 0111 2.5 s, ct -1 I , 37 Days I 1 R 2.0 1 1.5 .1\ ,„„_. -2 ct 7,1 I I 11111 \\„.„,,,,,,,,.„,4 Ill V 1.0 g III -3 - I I—, 14 I 'I f 0.5 111/I id c c v Jw Nw oc . N w N `I'') NNw oc . oNv N ti o 0Nc v LIII N wt� N w oc N N z c 0Nc o vN 0.0 dy ti . o c o . �, od 0d odN co coN w w w N "aa aa t ac aaa a0000 Nt OtO ZZZdd 0 0 0 1_ 1_ Date Rainfall — Sensor Depth — Ground Surface Groundwater Depth 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 4 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 3.0 W 0 1 2.5 . -1 I 1 k 50 Days ► q 1 2.0 5 - J II 1.5 .4:t \\ -2 1 J I 1 1 II I I 11.0 -3 - Ii 0.5 t II �•I� I F I1i Il J . . . i1 ` i I1 r 0.0 w N w oo N - N w N w oo N v N N J N w N w is N v N N J N t� o o w t� N o o w o 0 00 o v t� o - w z o C 00 o v d d d d ? ? coo coo 4 4 4 a a a 4 a a a a cU'o cU'o O O o Z Z Z 2 ( N 0 0 0 t N w w w ', a C C C vc G G G " " C c c c 0 0 0 0 k vc vc vc Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 5 4 — i 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 - 4.5 3 - - 4.0 2 - ,-, - 3.5 w ol - - 3.0 W E. s, 0 - 2.5 1 14\ o49 Days 1 ' , 42 Days II 2.0 o-1L N u vII I I. 1.5 a 1.0 -3 - doi I b J. 1 . 0.5 11iiJ,. . , „) JII,J, L11..0,1111! LI, - , I.! 1, 0.0 WN W N N W N W N N N N W N W N L N N N ,.,.)1_, o ti . . w t� N — o o - w ti o �o 0o ti v t� — o C - w z o C 00 o v d d d d w w r c-'o c-'o P 4 4 4 '-a a a Et 4 46 a a a .a (CD (CD 0 0 0 o Z Z Z d d N o 0 o N w w w N '7i '� ' ' vc N o o a a a ? 2 2 �, vc vc vc o 0 0 1- 1- - - Date Rainfall —Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 6 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season —11 March 1 End Growing Season November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 c 1 3.0 W 0 - 2.5 g' '''.\ 1\\ s, ct I , 50 Days ► ,32 Days 1 , 44 Days (1\ 2.0E. O -1 `� O 1 '\` \\1 1.5 .. .., `� -2 I J IJ II I I 1.0 15 -3 - ■■ Ji1J' i 0.5 . ri Il•I If I I lir !I. • I 1�■ I 1 ill J I Ii■la , L , , 1 1IJ T I I I 1 1 0.0 W N w 0c N N W N w 0c N Vi N N �l N w N w 0c N Vi N N �l N N I--� O ti J w N N I. O .1 O� w ti . p cc ti . . I--� O J - w ~ O �O 00 O� Vi d d d d w w r c-'o c-'o P 4 4 4 '-a a a Et 4 46 a a a .a coo coo 0 0 0 o Z Z Z d d C N o 0 o N w w w N "a I-a ' ' vc N a a a ? 2 2 ', ', , 1-, N N N vc vc vc N 0 0 0 1 1 - - - Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 7 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w ' 1 - c 3.0 ct 0 - 2.51 s, t\\52 Days 1 , 43 Daysii 111 2.0 E. c 1 _ct V -2 I \\,,,,,,„.,„ I 1.5 ct 1.0 x -3 - I IIiI0.5 -4 ' IJI- il �'1 I i 1 I Iii. !L. I I i` ] ' Id , 11 1 1 114 II , 1 1 1 0.0 W N w oc N — N.) W — N.) L., oc N.) - N.) — o — N..) N.) W NN.) L., oo N.) - N.) o N..) — N..)Y 1 c L 7' Y t — o o w ccti v — o c w cc vC ,d C C C - '73 c-' c'' '-a a s G ti �, a a arn c4c4n 00o ZZZro Ni N Na a IV ac u u N Nrrn ° n N N acacac 7' cccccc ) ) o N N N c c c Date Rainfall Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 8 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growiason0 March 1 NovemberngSe 2 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 ct W 0 2.5 1 _1 _ I t II 2.0 !, I\ : 36 Days \ I V o �`�I 1.5 -2 - ct 15 IVI 1 g .4.. II I1\\\ 1.0 -3 - 0.5 -4 J ,� 1.i 4 I hr I�• IIL I ',-t�,fI l� i r - 1 � ' iI 0.0 W t� W oo t� t� W t� W oo t� N t� t� W t� W oo t� N t� t� t� —, o op . w t� N — o J o, w o �o 0o ti v t� —, o o, w o 0 0c 0� v, cY d d d w w c4 c4 p k k k ,-a a a p k k a a a a o C O o o Z Z Z cY d G N O O O N N G G G N `C `C `C t( t( CM N O O C C C C n n n o 0 0 1- 1- Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 9 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 1 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 � w 1 c 3.0 c 7� wot 0 � . n n rvkf rvA �� 2.5 1\ ct 111\ ^� - I 1 l °I\ 2.0 c -1 37 Days iiii V \I \I C7 7 1.5 -2 i \I .. g ,.., -cr, I I 1.0 -3 - IiI0.5-4i.� J1 . 11,4 11.1.1111 } 1 IJ . 'I. . , ..) , IIL`Ji ,r II i i,d I■I , I 101111114111MIL 0.0 W N oo N N W N W oo N N N N W N W oo N N N N Y — o ti ,41 w N t� — o o - w ti o co oc ti v N — o c - w o co oc o` v, d C C C w " " C ( rn .a a s G ti ti ti ti ff a a a rn c4 c4 n 0 0 o Z Z Z d C C N n n n N '� '� N " P P P N '-a '-a P N N '�-' ' Uq Cm Cm Cm "a ' ' N r' C) C C C C N n n o N N 1- c c o Date Rainfall —Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth — Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 10 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 �w 1 - c 3.0 ct W 0 - 2.5 E -1ct I , 49 Days A k k2.0 i Iiiii ij , 5#61 „. c. \\ \I\j1/4 ‘ 1.5 911111\19)\ -2 - i 11 ct 15 a - I I I 1 I I I 1.0 3 II I I I I . J I \Jiii 0.5 -4 ' 1J Iii 11' � 1 4 I L , . .01 F I `,11 LI' la ,li 1 i 1 Ii. f li 0.0 WN w oo N N W N w oo N NN N W N W oo N N N N — I c L o, 41 w N N — o o - w — o CC oo ti v N — o C - w o CC o0 0` v, d C C C w - '73 '-' '- '-a a s G ti ti ti �, ti ti a a a rn c4 c4 n 0 0 o Z Z Z co C C Nn n n N N N N a a N N ac 'IQ 'IQ 'IQ u u N '' C cc ccc cc N i° i° c c c Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface — Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 11 4 - 5.0 Begin End Growing Season March 1Growing Season November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 ct 7� 0 JII n� J 2.5 .. t \ ct ^� - I �I JI 2.0 c -1 37Days V V A \I \I\I \.1 1.5 -2 - I I I. 15 I 1.0 -3 - I I I I I I . I IIIi 0.5 , L,. !L . •1 I `�� LIII lA. ,Ilk I 1 1 r • 1 f II , 1 10.0 W N w oc N N W N W oc N N N N W N W oc N N N N Y 1 c L 7' w t� t� � o o - w ti o co oc ti C v N � o e4 c - w o co oc o' v, d C C C w - c cc '7 '-a a s G ti ti ti �, ti ti a a a rn c4 c4 n 0 0 o Z Z Z d C C N ( ( n N N N N a a N N ac 'IQ 'IQ 'IQ u u N '' C cc cc cc N r) r) c c c Date Rainfall —Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 12 4 - — 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 ct Wi. 0 _Av 11\J� PI 2.5 . 11\ "c' V e ct ill \ 1. i 2.0 : -1 36 Days o C. 1.5 -2 II I \11 a 1.0 -3 - I I IIII0.5 JL �•� -I 4 1 I lir- -J. . `i Li1 id. 1 I. , 1 r , - , , -r' r t N ,I , 10.0 W N W 0c N N W N W 0c N N N N W N W 0c N N N N t� — o ti 7` w N t� — o o f. w ti o Yo 0o ti v N — o f. w o 'o 00 0` v, d C C C w " " a rn '- .a a s G ti ti ti ti ff a a a rn c4 c4 n 0 0 o Z Z Z d C C c o 0 Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 13 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 - 4.5 3 4.0 2 - �, - 3.5 w 01 3.0 W 0 M M �h (n 2.5 1 \914/1 !II 1_ _ I 4 Ih _k - 2.0 1 35 Days �, I y I \ 1\ 1.5 a? 11yll Y liti J g-2 I _. _..,a li 1.0 -3 - 0.5 -4 4- 11f-- rah+I 11',1 I IL�I ' . , . � „� I , IllIlu I ,1 III! 11111 r , - 1 , r- rl- f 1 0.0 W N W ie N N W N W oc N N N N W N W oo N N N N t� c w t� N o o w o p cc o v t� — o o - w o 0 00 o v d rn rn rn w w rn rn 4 k k k a a 4 k k 5 a a a cc' cc' 0 0 0 o Z Z Z d d O N o 0 o N N w w w N C C 'C s s s v& G G G N N 7 7 c c c ? ? �, , , . vc vc vc Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface — Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 1 4 - — 5.0 —111 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 c 3.0 c 7� W 0 2.5 ct 1:\ 1\ 14\1111\ t ►k4141.11\ _ 2.0 E. 50 Days 0 I "\I rrr C C 1.5li ct 1.0 15 C7 -2 - *-3 - - 0.5 -4 J • L� lia 111 111ii 11 ,I. . ''i 1 1Lm11.1 i .I irAL 0.0 W ." N w oc N wN W NN w oo N - N tioCN N W NN W oo N - N oCN N t — cL ,� N — o o w Cooti v — o C w Co00` v,d C C C - c-' c'' w P P P '-a a s PG ti �, a a arn c4c4n 00o ZZZd ni ia o o Na '-a N ac 'u 'u n C C C ni i , ° ° ' N N CM CM N '� , ° ° o N N c c c c Date r•Rainfall —Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 2 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 Jo - 2.5 I\ 11\ -1 I , 51 Days Y I 2.0 E. o : N\ o 1.5.7 \\ -2 - \ \\.., ct 15 a r l I I I I 1.0 -3 - ill0.5 -4 , - ii, j' I iI� l. 1J I 11,11 I , 11� I 1 , b LI I II I I 0.0 w N w oc . .N w N wNN w oc N v - N ti o 0No N wt� N w oc N v - N z o 0N0 o vN y ti o o n, o 0 o N N w w w N '-a '-a ' ' vc N N a a a ? 2 2 t t t N 1-, N N - vc vc vc i"r i"r - - Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 3 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Seaso End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c9 3.0 ct W 0 \ "\N"i 2.5 E. ct \\.\--1 ,, i 2.0 ... -1 37 Days 1 vA .1\411,\\ � o \\\. ti. 1.5 -2 - ct 75 1.0 a kI i . \\\I"\\K„,,, -3 - +I II FIIIL IlilLI 0.5 -4 ' ,J � 4 II' 14 1 1 1 ! - 1 • S '--1t' r ILL I 1 114 ,I 10.0 wN w oc NN w N w oc N v NN J N wN w oc N v NN JN — — o op . — N N — c o, w — ,o oc . v — — o o, w — �0 oc —� v cY d d d , , c4 4 k k k ,-a a a ,4 k k a a a a o o 0 0 o Z Z c cY d d N O O O N N G G G N hi hi `C `C `.< i--, ,;. CJQ N N O O C C C C n n n k) , �, , vc vc vc `) D ate Rainfall —Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 4 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 � w 1 - c 3.0 ct W 0n, , AN,.......,N\kt 1 E. 2.5 iliLi63 Da s I11\1\IIIIP148 Days-c3 \\♦ 2.0 0 -1 7 111 E. S1, 7 '2 - 1 1 1.5 ct NZ 1.0 W -3 - I J II FI0.5 -4 —� r'•f IL 4 , �,I-11- -11. . u� Ili 1 ull- l�rd 1 1 f 1� 0.0 w N w oc N N `I''' N w oc N v N N J N w N w oo N v N N J N t. . c ` . . w t� N — o o w ti o . 0o ti v t� — o - w z o . 00 o . da' a'cCo cCo w w rn rn Et 4 4 4 ' a a Et 4 4 6 a a a .o rn rn 0 0 0 o Z Z Z ri, C C N o 0 o N w w w N C w �w va G G G N C C C vc vc vc Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth — Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 5 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 1 - c 3.0 W 0 Iv] �� 2.5 E 61 Days 1111 �, 44 DaysillI 2.Q -1114411111 \\I\ 32 Days 9 \\I 1.5 -2 1.0 -3 - II I II IIII i 0.5 -4 -' - ILI I- -} • . } " II ILL NI r r 10.0 — N oc N.) — N.) W — N.) L., oc N.) — N N.) — N N.) - N.) o1 c p — o o wtiococti v — o c wocooc ` v,d - '' c'' a arn c4c4n OOo ZZZd N Na '- ac u u N 'IQ N ' c c c Date Rainfall —Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 6 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 c 7� W 0 \ 2.5 ' 41\ji\N AA\V>44*,\P\AL\, k IA il 1 A . 1:\ 11, 2.0 : -1 36 Days \11\41\ I I1 �I o UTY ll\ 1101: III\ \ C. 1.5 -2 - ct 15 a 111111 r l I 1.0 -3 - y ii C C 0.5 L -4 -' 1••f' I II 1 IIi,. I.. . � I _HI i `f1 .. Lii Ai110- I r r f 0.0 W NN w oc N wN W NN oo N - N tiooN N W NN w oo N - N ooN N 1 c L 7' N — o o w 0o ti v — o nw C00 0` v,a, C C C - '73 '' ' '-a a s G 'E �, a a arn c4c4 00o ZZZro N ( N Na a N ac uu N Ni° i°n n N N 'IQ 'IQ '' cccccc o N N c c c c Date Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 7 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 � w 1 - c 3.0 c 7� I0 - 2.5 E _ I �_ I 2.0 \m, 1\0\1\:\iii:j \ I I I 1L\' \N \Jr\ 1.5 -2 - ct C C '73 1.0 0.5 ii- -4 -1 I- r d1 [ I I4 1 i , IJ,. }IL , . ",iI jji i 11 ,L■k , I r 1 1 r • II , 1 1 0.0 W N.) w oc N.) — N.) L.,..) � N.) W oc N.) - N.) — oCN..) — N.) W — N.) W oc N.) - N.) — CN..) 0N Y 1 c L 7' Y t — o o w Cotiv — o C w C0 v,d C C C - '' ' '-a a s G ti �, a a arn c4c4n 00o ZZZro Ni N Na a IV ac u u N c Nrrn ° nN N 'IQ 'IQ '' cccccc ) ) o c c c - - - -c c c D ate r•Rainfall —Sensor-Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Rough Horn Swamp II Restoration Site Hydrograph Wetland Gauge 8 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w 1 - c 3.0 ct W 0 2.5 1• s, ......, 50 Days ,\ct nA jj\-n . 2.0 .. o o 1.5 -2 - I. 15 ' � 1.0 -3 - I P cs 0.5 IL II i I f ` 0.0 W N W oc N N W N W oc N N N N W N W oc N N N N Y o ti . . w t� N — o o - w ti o �o 0o ti v t� — o C - w z o C 00 o v n, o 0 o N N w w w N '-a '-a " ' 'V vc N N C C C C) 2 t t t N 1-, N k) N vc vc vc i"r i"r D ate Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface Sensor Depth Rough Horn Swamp Restoration Site Hydrograph Reference Wetland Gauge 4 - 5.0 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season March 1 November 20 4.5 3 - 4.0 2 - 3.5 w ' 1 - c 3.0 ct 0 ,r\til2.5 1 44 Days 2.0 ▪ -1 - I 1 I .I 0 0 C. 1.5 ▪ct I 1.0 Cr? 0.5-3 - -4 J TL . Eli , 1_ } . Itri 11-1 1 "I. I 1 , 1 r 0.0 ,...4.) NN w oc N wN Lt.) NN w oo N - N tioCN N W NN w oo N N ooN N - cL 7' ,� N - o o w Coo ti v - o w ` 00 0` v,d C C C - '73 c-' ' 'a a s G ti a a arn c4c4n 00o ZZZd Ni N Na a N ac u u N C C Nrrn ° nN N acacac 7' cccccc ) ) o N N N c c c Date Rainfall —Sensor Depth Groundwater Depth Ground Surface 12 Inches Below Ground Surface