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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpring Valley Farm (2)NC®ENR
North Carolina "Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Resources
Water, Quality Programs
Pat McCroy_ Thomas,A Reeder
Governor Director
March 24, 2014
Cory Darnell' '
Engineering, Consulting, Services
9001 Glenwood Avenue
Raleigh; NC 27517
John E. Skvarla; III
Subject: ,Surface Water Determination Letter
NBRRO# J4 -055
'Determination Type
Buffer Call I
Isolated or, EIP Call
❑'Neuse 05A NCAC 2B .0233) I'
To o
® Ephemeral/ Intermittent /Perennial'Determination
❑'Tar - Pamlico (1_5A NCAC 26,:0259) ;
❑, lsolated`Wetland Determination
❑ Jordan (15A NCAC 2B :0267)
_ X.
Project Name: __Spring Valley Farm
Location/Directions: Located at 1064 Spring Valley Lake�Road, in.Henderson, Vance County.
Subject,Stream. 'UT`to Nutbush Creek,(in,Roanoke.River,'Basin)
Determination Date:' March.14, 2014 Staff: Cheng Zhang
Start @'
To o
A **
DWQ.Fla (Int.,start)
_ _ _
_ X.
B **
'%11 1P, -- EphemeraUlntermittent%Perenmal =
**These features were,deterMined'ds intermittentzstreams imRoanoke River Basin „.where riparian buffer, does'nof
apply ;,'however-, they are still subiect'to 401 1isolated waters permitting
Explanation: The feature (s)alisted- above'hasorlhave been located on the Soil Survey of Vance.County, North
Carolina,,or =the most recentvcopyof,the US'GS Topographic .map -at, a 1':24,000 scale. Each feature that is checked
"Not Subject” has been,determined not,a,strearri or is not present on 'the property. "Features that are,checked
"Subject" have been located,on the °property and possess characteristics thatqualify it "to be a stream. There may be
other'streams, located on your'property ihatdo not show up on the,r aps, referenced above but., still may ge,
iNo e Carolina
North Carolina Diwsion,&\/Vater'Resource "s. • 1628'Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC;27699 -1628 Phone (919)`191-4200
Internet- www newaterguaiiiy orci Location 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, k 27609 - Fax (919) 788 -7159
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled/10% Post'Consumer Paper
Spring-Valley Farm
'Vance County
March 24, 2013
Page 2 of,2
considered jurMictional accordirigto,ihe US,,Army Corps of Engineerstiand/or to,the Divisiomof Water" Resources .
this;on= site,determinat_ion shall expire tive(5) years from th' of thistietter. Landowners -or affected parties,that
dispute,a determination made bythe DWR or Delegated Local Authority may,request a determination by the
Director.,Anappeal requesCmust be mad'ewithin sixty (60) days of `date of,this letter or from the date,the affected'
,party (including downstream and /or, adjacent owners) is,notified of this letter. ,A request- for>,a determination by the
'Director shall be referred to the Director,in,writing c/o Karen Higgins, D,WR WeBSCaPe Unit, 1650'Mail•Service
Center; Raleigh, NC' 27699.
This, determination is final and binding, unless;; as, detailed above, you.ask,,for,a hearing�or appeal within sixty (60)
The owner /future�owners,should notify the Division of Water Resources (including any,other, Local, State, and
Federal - Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated
`above). 'This project�may'require a Section,404 /401 Permit ;for,the,proposed,activity. Any,inquiries�should be
di'rected`to,the,Division of Water'Resources (,Central Office) at,(919) =807 -6300; and the US Army Corp of Engineers
(Raleigh Regulatory Field Office)-at,(919) -554 -4884.
This letter shall void,the previous buffer determination letter for,Spring Valley Farm Pro "jest dated
March 17, 2013.
If you have questions regarding9this determination, please'feel'free to contact Cheng Zhang,at (919) 791 -4200.
Danny Smith
cc: RRO /,SWP File +Copy