HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140209 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140324_ , NC ®ENR, _ North, Carolina Department of, EnVitonment and Natural Resources Division ,of 1Nater Resources_ Water,Quality Programs Pat McCrory 'Th'omn A: Reeder John, E. Skvarla',1I Governor Director Secretary `March 24; 2014 I Evans' Road; Development; L'L' -C AndrewSandman 7-101 Creedmoor Road,,Ste. 142,. Raleigh; !NC 27613 - 0WR, #' 14 =0209 Wake, County Subject: APPROVAL OF 401.WATER QUALITTCERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONALCORDITIONS Evans, Creek Dear°,Mn. Sandman`: You, havebur app`rovallor the, impacts listed below for the purpose,,deseribed in your application dated February 26, °2014; and,receiyed bythe Division of Water'Resoui•ces (Division),ori.March 4;,-2014 wit hfadditi'onal information received onWarch;21,,20T4.. These impacts are,covered by`the attached Water, Quality;General, Certification Number3890 and the conditions listed _below„ This certification 'iis,associated`w'ith the,,use of Nationwide Permit Number 29 once it is.issued -to you by,the U.S. Arfn- ,y'C&ps'of,Engineers. Please notethat you, should get'any other federal; state or�l'ocal permits �efore;proceeding with ,your, project, including, those ,required by (but not limited`to) Sediment and Erosion`Control,, Non- Discharge, and Water Su,pp'ly`Watershed 'regulations. This. approval ,requires you Ito follow the conditions listedtin the enclosed' certification and the following additional conditions- 1. The following impacts are hereby approved "provided that.all'o'f the other specific and general conditions-of Ethe,Certificeti;on, General Per,mit`and /clr,Buffer, Rules are met. ''No other,�irripacts are approved; including `incidental impacts. Type of Impact Amount Approved " Amount Approved (units) (units) " Permanent, Temporary Weiland 0A (acres) � ��.�01acres) Site :1 NorthCarolina Noith Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1§28,KISennce Center' Raleigh;,AC27609 1628 Phone,(919) 791 -4200 Jnternet �www ricwatermahtv:org Location 3800 Barrett Dnve Raleigh, NC, 27609 Fax (919),7,88 =71'59 An�Egual OpportunitylAffirmatroe Aaion Employer- 50 %iRecycled 110% Post Consumer Paper . Evans Creek D\fVR #:14 -0209 40i APPkovAL Page,�2 of 4 V ,,etland' 0.13 (acres) 0 (acres)' Site- 2 Wetland 0.02 •(,acres) 0 (acres) • Site 3 2'. S'torniwaterManagernent Plan,( SMP ),Aoproval'from'Local,Community Required You „are required to provide one copy (haed.copy or digital), oklfe•approved'SMP, including,plan details on full- sizedplari'sheets; With, peo” ofiof•theTown,ofApeX's�approval. The appmvedSMP�shall be submitted to the, DWR -Weljscap'e U'nit',(1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N`C 27699 -16So) beforeany impacts autho "sized in this,cert'ification occur:, After it is approved and submitted to'the Division, theSMP may,not be, hi'odified,with" out ,prior'written,,authorizatib,n from,,the Town of Apex.„ If•the,SMP,is modified_in,the, fu'ture,•theniyou,shall, provide one,m'odified SMP Whh.pro ifof approval to the,DWR,Webscape, linit prior to•the commencement of the modifications. " 3t Diffuseflow All,stdernWate'r shall be,di'rected and rnai'ntaibed as diffuse flow, at" non - erosive, velocities throu-gh,the protected stream buffers °such that it Will notre,contentrate before, di "sch-arging`inio a stream., 4:, No Waste; Spoil, Solids,,or Fill.of Any Kind, No waste,.spoil,,solids, or•fill of any kind'shall' occur in wetlands;,'Waters, or. riparian areasbeY,ond the footorint,ofthe impacts,depicted in, the Pre-'Construction. Notification.. All tonstruction activities, including the design;, installation; operation,; sand;m'aintenance of sediment andserosion control B "est'Management Practices, shall) be,performed so that no violations of state Water- 'q,uality, standards, statutes, or, rules .occur., • 5. Protective Feddng, The, outside b'uffe-r"; wetland or water, boundary and, iafong the construction corridor 'Within these boundaries approved under this, authorization "shall be clearly marked with orange warning; fencing, (or sim ilar'h'igh,visib'ilitymaterial) for•theweas that have been approved to,`infringe, witl in the buffer„ Wetland or water,prior,to, any land.,di`sturbing activities to� ensure compliance, With 1S'NCAC 02H' :0500: 6:1 This approval is forfhe "purpose and design described in your application.,The,plans and specifications,for this peoject,are; incorporated ,by reference as; part of the Certification. If you change your project, you, must,notifyathe,Division and you may be requiredto,subiimit`a neWLapplicati'on packagewith'the appropriate fee. 'If the, property is�sold; the ineW'owner,m "ust' ',be given, a copy of this approval letter and ,General ;Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. 7.. Thisa,pproval and',its,conditions ite,final'and�binding uniess,co_ntested:, This Certification can be- contested as provided in Articles 3" and 4 of General Statute 1506,'by°fili'ng'a. Written, petition for an administrative hearing to the Office�of �Administrati��e,Hearings (hereby known as OAH)�. A petition formmaybe obtained _ bib th& OA4atbttp:HwWW.ncoah.com /,or!by calli'ng'the�OAH Clerk,sOffice Evans Creek- DW-k# 14= 0209, 401APPROVAL Page 3of 4 at,(§I% 4-3,1�80oo, f6rinformaf idn. Within thirty,( -30) ), calendar -, days cif'rece i pt of 'th is"n otice,a _ 'petition most bejiled with the OAH.A petition is considered filed When.-the origin,ai and one copy along with any applicable OAHfiling-fee,'is received ihAh,e. OAH �during normal office 'h6ar.s�,,"(Mdnday,th�d-u-' i Ff.iday between �:60arn,and,5! 'gh OQpM, ekl,uding pfficiii'state holidays), The petiti b0i'miybe faxedtoille,OAH,at'(919) 431-1100i provided the,original,and one,c'opy of lhepetiltibn alongwjth; any,ap0jicable,QAH,fiI,i,ng feg'isreceivedby iheOA-H'Within five.,(5)'b-usibess'day8,follbWl'n,g,thes faxed transmission. Mailirig,oddress for the OAH': lfsendinqby'Fir§tclds3 mail If sendinq via d'eli'very service via they US.PostaBery I J . ce: (e. g. UP ;,,,Feffx)., Office,df,Admihi'strative Hearing_ s Office ofAdm rih istrati,'ve,He_arJrfgs, ,6714 Mail SCrviceCent6r 1711,New�Hope�Churth Road '-Raleigh, _NC 21695-6714 Raleigh', N,C,27609-,6285 One (1:),Cb­pV6f'the,petition must alsbjYe served to, DENk ,Lady Pre" hdll,,Geheiral Counsel ,pepattment-of,Environment and Natural Resources 1601'[Vail*Servi"ce Center Tka leigh, N G 27Q994601 Plejse send ohe'(1),copy of'the p-6tition'to. RWR" Iftsending'byiFirst, Clds sMdil, dfsending,via, delivery'service via the'US PostdI'Seny ce i(e:g. 10$, FedEx):� I Ka(en,'Higgihs, Karen, Higgins NC OENR-DWR;— Websca pe Unit NCIDENR-DWR.— Websca0ei , Unit, 1650 Mail Service CLmb& 512 N,._'S4lisb,ury -Street Rakeighi NC,27699r16_5I0 R'a_leig;,h,,'NC2760+ This letter cornpl'eies,the review of the Division under section 401 of the Clean'WaterAct. Please contact ,Cherri Smith zLt919-791-4 - 251 or ch66ri.smith,(@ ,ficdent.gov,if you haVe,afty, quesfiqhs or concerns, Y S D � Smith, Supervisor-,", Smith, Quality Regional'Opera-tions'.Section Y Evans Creek D W 014 -0209 401 APPROVAL. Page•4 of 4 Enclosure: 3890 CC: U.S. Army'Corps,of Engineers;, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office; 3331 Heritage Trade,Dri've, St. 105; Wake Forest, NC 27597 Jeff Harbour; ESI; 524 South New Hope Road; Raleigh, NC 27610 DWR'RRO 4,01 Files v