HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140267 Ver 1_Application_20140319;%''`.y�, y ''.�, � . *'.y, � + 6�{ � a` ,�, t '�tr� ,� � � .. �, ,� j���jjj � ��'�: .; �:, . ✓��.�� � R�Q , �+ F, �' �,,`�`\ • d. 5� 2�� ,: �� � .� p��V.�. {�'� � :f?. STA,TE OF NC7RTH C.�ROLINA DEPARTMENT QF TRANSPC?RTATI4N PAT McCRfJRY P. (J. Box 252� 1, Raleigh, N� 27611-52Q2 TI�N� TATA GOVERN(JR PH(JNE: 91 �-?33-2520 SECRETARY March 19, 2014 Mr. Andy Williams tJ. �. A�y Corps ofwEngineers Raleigh Regulator� Field Of�c� 3 3 31 I-�eritage Trade I�rive, Su�te 1 Q 5 Wake Forest, NC 275 87 Subj ect: Nationwide Per�r�lt # 14 Repla�e Bridge #363 0� SR 1575 vvith 3-sided Bc�ttomless Culvert Wil�es Caunt�r, North Carolina Project Number: 17BP.11.R.54 (DWC) Permit Fee: �24d) Dear Mr. Williams: The North Carolina Department of Transportation is scheduled �n replace Bridge #363 �v�th a 60'L x 14'VV x 4'�-I 3-sided bottomless �ulvert at th� same location. Rock floadplalns will be constructed upstream, downstream and through the culver� �o main�ain channel width. The exist�r�g bridge is a 1�'' long by 20' vvide all timber low water bridge. An c�ff-site detour pipe Is proposed. Sinc� the new permanent structure is battomless, no mltigation has been pursued. The streambed is bedrock cantrolled. Stream impacts are tabulated belovv. Stream Impacts: Proposed �'emporary R.ipr�p TotalImpact� Statian E�isting Structure Dewatering Irnpacts �t �his �tation 1'�Tumber Structure Size �i�e /Detour feet fee� 60' long x 14' �' (beyond Bridge #363 17'x 20' bridge wide x 4' high perm Impact 38 86 Crownspan limits Perm. Fill/Ripr�p Impacts Tatal Proj ect Imp�cts =��S = 78 feet feet The replacement of the existing bridge vvith the proposed new bottomless culvert will �require temporary dewatering during footer construction and riprap installation. An �m�erv�ous dike �vill be constructed upstream of the exlsting structure to create a sma11 pool. �lean water will temporarily be piped through the construction ar�a and v�ill be discharged dovvnstream. Any P. (�e Box 250, N. WILI�ESBORC?, N� 28659 PxaNE (336} 667-9111 Fa:x (336) 667-4549 Mr. Andy Williams Brldge #363 an �R 1575, Wilkes Page 2 March 19, 2014 dirty water located inside the construction area will be pumped into a silt bag �f necessary. +C�nce the ne�v structure is 1n place, the impervic�us dike will �e removed and preconstructic�n streambed elevations will be restored. �onstruction of this project will require lmpacts to waters o�` the �.Tnited �tates in the �Yadk�r� River Basin. The existing bridge crosses Buckwheat �ranch �Class: WS-II; Traut; I-�QW). The subj ect proj ect will have no effect on any federally listed endangered plar�t or animal specie�. Cultural resaurce eompllance wor� has been compl�ted (see aitached). The prc�j ect impacts are nat signi� cant in nature and should r�ot remo�e or degrade exisi��� vvater qualit� uses. Stormwater v�ill be rauted �hrough grass ar rock lir�ed ditches, depe�ding or� the ditch line slope. Total land disturbance vvi11 be �ess than 1 acre. B� Ut111Z121� til� �'�'OS10�'1 control measures outlined in the attachments to this application, davvnstream �vat�r quali�y standards w�ll be protected. A11 appropriate BMPs will b� used during cons�ruction. By copy af thls electranic letter, i� is reques�ed th�.t IVIrs. Marla Chambers vvith the �Tc�rth �arolina Wildlife Resaurces Commissi�n comment directly to �ou co�.cernlr�g the 404 Nationwide Per�nit application vvlth a copy sent to Ine. By copy of this electronic letter, it Is requested that th� Divlsion of Water Quality, 4� 1/Wetla�.ds Un1t, issue the appropriate permit for construction of this proj ect. It is requestec� that arly comments related to the 401 certi�cation be forwaxded directly ta me v�1th a copy se�t to the �TS Army Carps af Engineers. We would like to begin constructlan as soon as poss�ble. If further infor�natic�r� 1s required, please 1et me knovc�. Your early revlew and consld�ration will be appreciated. Sincerely, � ��� � f � fi � Ynm �I�a�h �laughter Divi�ic�n Envlrc�nmen�al C�fficer Enclosures cc: Mar1a �hambers, NC��R.0 Amy �hapman, Division af Water Quality Dave Wanucha, Division of Water +C�uality Mik� Pettyjohn, PE, D1V1S1011 E21�111��r Davld Wayne, PE, Brldge Malntenance Engineer Jami +�-uynn, Dxvision Bridge Program Manager I�eath Slaughter, Division Envircanrnental Offi�er Neil Trivette, Roadside Environmental Field Operatlons En�lne�r .�°� W`� T�'�c� C�ffice Use (Jnly: , � �`�� �� '� � Corp� action I a no. ��� � 1 ==� ,�r � -=, � '��"� �� ' � � � � � DVUC� project nc�. � � � � � � t .ht 1��2 ;� . �. I': " � ���� � ;' �,` ' � ��� �� Form Version 1.3 Dec 1 a 2U48 ��� Pre-Construction Notific�at�i�on (PCNj F�orm ���� � A. A �� � �l�c�.nt Information � 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s} of approval sought from the ���tion 404 Permit Section 1 Q Permit cor s. Igl C� p 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or �P number been verified by the Carps? [� Yes � No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply}: � 4�1 Water Quality Certi�ication — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 4C11 Water Quality Gerkification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authc�rizatian 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only f�r DWQ 401 For the rec�rd only far Corps Permifi: because written approval is not required? Certificatian: [� Yes � Na ❑ Yes � No 1 f. Is payment into a mitigatian bank or in-Iieu fee program proposed for mitig�tion ��.�� ��o afi impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter frorn mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty caastal counties. If y�s, answer 1 h � Yes � No below. 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? � Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name af project: Bridge #3�3 on SR 1575 2b. County: Wilkes 2c. Nearest municipality / town: McGrady 2d. Subdivision name: 2e. NCD4T only, T.I.P. or state �7BP.11.R.54 pr�ject na: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) an Recorded Deed: NCD(JT 3b. Deed Baok and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LL� if appticable): 3d. Street address: 801 Statesville Raad 3e. City, state, zip: North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 3f. Telephone no.: 336-903-9202 � 3g. Fax nc�.: 336-667-4549 3h. Email address: hslaughter@ncdot.gov Page 1 af �C� PCN Form -- Version i.3 December 1C�, 20�8 Version 4. Applicant Information tif different from owner) 4a. A,pplicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, speci�y: 4b. Name: 4c. Business name (if �pplic�ble): 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. TelephQne no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: 5b. Business name {if applicable). 5c. Street address: 5d. City, state, zip: 5e. Telephone no.: 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Email address: Page 2 0� 14 P�N Form — Version 1.3 December 1U, 2C�48 �ler�ian � B. Project Informatian and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1 a. Praperky identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID}: 1 b. Site coordinates in decimal de rees : L�titude: 36.31804 L.ongitude: - 81.25778 C g ) (DD.D�DDDD) (-DD.DDDDDQj 1 c. Property size: � 1 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to g��kwh�at Branch proposed project: 2b. Water Quality CJassification of nearest receiving water: WS-II; Trout; HQW 2c. River basin: Y�dkin 3. Praject Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general Iand use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: �ubstandard bridge to be repiaced in a rural area 3b. List the tot�l estimated acreage of �II existing wetlands on the property: 0 acres 3c. List the total estimated linear feet af all existing streams (intermittenfi and perennial} an the property: 75 linear feet 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: Upgrade substandard stream crossing 3e. Describe the c�verail project in de�ail, including the type of equipm�nt ta be used: See attached cover letter. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or �tate been requested or obtained for this property / prc�ject (including all prior phases) in the past� ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown Comments: 4b. If the Corps m�de the jurisdictional determinatian, what type of determination was made? � Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictiona! ar�as? Agency/Consultant Company: Name (if known): Other: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentationo 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes j� No ❑ Unknc�wn this pro�ect (includ�ng all pr�or phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans �a. Is this a ph�sed praject? � Yes � Na 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 c�f 1 C� P�N Farm — Version 1.3 December 10, 20�8 Version � C. Praposed Impacts Inventory ' 1. Imp�cts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check a!I that apply): ❑ Wetl�nds �j Streams - tribu#aries [� Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Gonstruction 2. VVetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed an the site, then complete this questian for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number -- Type of impact Type of wetland For�sted (Corps - 404, 1 t� Area c�f imp�ct Permanent (P) ar (if known) DWQ — nan-4�4, other} (acres) Tem orar T [] Yes [] Gorps W1 ❑P❑T No �W ❑ ❑ � � Yes ❑ Carps W2 �I P 0 T No DW [� ❑ C2 ❑ Yes ❑ Corps W3 [] P❑ T No DWQ i� ❑ ❑ Yes ❑ Corps W4 [� P[�] T No DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes ❑ �orps W5 C� P � T No aWQ � ❑ 0 Y�s [� Corps W6 ❑ P ❑ T �o DWQ ❑ 0 2g. Total wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial c�r intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question fior all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Per�nnial Type of jurisdiction Av�rage ��p�ct number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 1� stre�m length Permanent (P} or intermittent p�/(� -- non--404, W�d�h (��►���►r TemporarY iT) (INT)? other) (feet) fieet) Battomless � PER � Gorps �1 �) P� T Culvert, Riprap & Buckwheat Branch ��T p,�� 7 86 Dewate ri n � � g S2 ❑ P❑T [� P�R � Corps ❑ 1 NT ❑ DWQ ❑ PER ❑ Corps S3 ❑ P❑ T i NT DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑ PER ❑ Carps S4 ❑ P❑ T I NT DV1/Q � 0 ❑ PER ❑ Corps S5 ❑ P❑ T � NT DWQ ❑ ❑ 0 PER ❑ Corps S6 ❑ P 0 T I NT DWQ ❑ ❑ 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 86 3i. Comments. 8 feet dewater, 38 riprap, 4a bottomless culuert Page 4 of 10 PCN Form -- Version 1,3 December 10, 2008 Ver�ion � 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tribufiaries, sounds, the Atlantic CJcean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. CJpen water Name of waterbody irnpact number -- (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Are� of imp�ct (�cres) Permanent (P) or Tem ora T 01 �P❑T C)2 [�] P ❑ T CJ3 ❑P❑T o� C�P❑T 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Canstruction If ond or Iake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetfand Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Uplar�d Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (��r��� number of pond Finoded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excav�ted Fic��ded P1 P2 5f. Tc�tal 5g. Gomments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes � No If yes, permit i� no: 5i. Expected pond surFace area (acres}: 5j. Size af pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (f+�r DVUQ) If praject will impact a protected riparian buffer, then cnmplete the chart below. If y�s, then individually list all bufFer imp�cts belaw. If an im acts re uire miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. � Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlicc� ❑ Other: Project is ir� which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. �d. 6�. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 imp�ct �one 2 imp�ct Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) {square feet) Tem orar T im act re uired? ❑ Yes B1 ❑P❑T No � � Yes B2 CJP❑T �Q � ❑ Yes B3 �P❑T No ❑ 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: Page 5 af �0� P�N Form — Versian 1.3 December 10, 2408 Version � D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken to auoid or minimize th� proposed imp�cts in designing prc�ject. The culvert is bottomless and the length is the minimum needed to improve safety at this location. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize th� prc�posed impacts thraugh construction techniques. All appropriate BMPs will be used during cor�struction 2. Campensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Vllaters of the U.�. or Waters of the State 2a. Daes the project require C�mpensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes � No impacts to Waters of the U.S. ar Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply}: [� DWQ ❑ Carps [� Mitigatian bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option wil! be used for this ro'ect? Q Payment to in-lieu fee program p 1 ❑ Permittee Resptansible Mitig�tion 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3�. Name of Mitigatian Bank: 3b. Credits F'urchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter fram in-Iieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: Iinear feet 4c. If using stream mitigatian, stream temperature. ❑ w�rm �] cool ❑cold 4d. BufiFer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wefiland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Nan-riparian wetland mitigation request�d: acres 4g. Coastal {tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide � descripfiion of the proposed mitigation plan. Page6ofi14 P�RI Form -- Version 1.3 December 10, 20►�8 Versic�n 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regutated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Wiii the prajec� re�ult in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No bufifer mitigation? 6b. Ifi yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone af �he riparian bufiFer fihat requires mitig�tion. C�Iculate the amount of mitigatic�n required. 6c. 6d. 6e. ��n� Reason for impact Totai impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) {square �eet) Zone � 3 (2 for Catawba) Zane 2 1.5 6f. Totai buffer mitigation req�uired: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type af mitigation is proposed {e.g., payment ta private mitig�tian bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment in�o an approved in-Iieu fee fund). 6h. Cammenfis: Page `7 of 1Q PCN Form -- Versian 1.3 December 1 �, 204� Version � E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by C�WQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project inciude or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified �es Na within one of the NC Ri arian BufFer Protection Rules? � � P 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. [� Yes 0 No �omments: 2. Stormwa�er Mana ement Plan 2a. Wh�t is the overall percent imperviousness of this prc�ject? °lo 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: Disturbing less than 1 acre 2d. If this project DC�ES require a Stormwater Managemen� Plan, ther� provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: ❑ Certified L�cal Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ �tormwater Pragram ❑ DWQ �01 lJnit 3. Certified Local Governmen�t Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? [� Phase II 3b. Which of the follawin locall -im lemented stormw�ter mana em�nt ra rams � N�� 9 Y p � p g ❑ U�MP apply (check all that apply): [� Water Supply Watershed � t�ther: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been [] Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pra ram Review [� Coastal cc�unties [� HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater managemer�t progr�ms apply 0��W (check all that applY): ❑ Sessi�n Law 2006-246 ❑ C�tner: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof af approval been attached? ❑ ��� d N� 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate re�uirements? [� Yes � No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? 0 Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 1Q PGN Farm — Version 1.3 December '�0, 2a08 V�rsion � F. Supplementary Information 1. Enviranmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/statellocal) funds or the � use af ublic federal/state land? ��� ��O p i � 1 b. If yau answered "yes" to the above, does the praject require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the Nati�nal or State [.� Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPAl�EPA)? 1 c. If yau answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finafized by the St�te C�earing Nouse? (If sa, attach a copy af the NEPA or �EPA finai approval letter.) ❑ Yes 0 No Comments: Z. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A N�AC 2H .05�0}, Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, [] Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0204)? 2b. Is this an �fter-the-fact permit applicati�n? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to ane or both of the above questions, provide an expl�nation of the vialation(s). 3. Gumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement� 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticip�ted future impacts) result in � Yes (�j Nc� additianal development, which could impact nearby downstream �vater quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact an�lysis in accord�nce with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short n�rrative descriptian. 4. Sewage Disposal {DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater gener�ted from the proposed projecfi, ar available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page 9 �f 1� PGN Form -- Versian 1.3 December 1 Q, 20�8 Versian 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps �equ�rement) 5a. Wili this projec� occur in ar near an area with federally protected species ar yes Na habitat? ❑ � 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act Yes No i rn a cts'? � � � ❑ Raleigh �c. If yes, indicate the USFW� Field Office you have contacted. [] Asheviile 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated �ritic�l Habitat'? �IS and visual abservation 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Carps Requirement) 6a. Will this projec# occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site wouid impact Essential Fish Habitat? WRC will comment ?. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Carps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal gavernments have designated as h�ving historic or cultural preservation �,�� N� status e. ., National Histaric Trust desi nation or ro erties si nificant in � � i g 9 � p g North Carolina histary and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site wc�uld impact historic or archeological resources? Project was reviewed by the C)HE. Project was deterrnined to have no effect. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 14Q-year flc�odplain? ❑ Yes � No $b. !f yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did yau use to make the floodplain determination? ncfloodmaps J. I�eath Slaughter � 3/19/14 , Applicant/Ag�nt's Printed Name Applicant/Agent's S� ature ���� (Agent's signature is vafid only if an authori tion letter from the applicant is pravided.) Pag� 1� of 1 � P�N Farm — Versian i.3 December 1�, 2��8 Versi�►n , (V e r s i o n 1 . 2 ; R e l e a s e d J u l y 2 0 1 2 ) 17 B P . 1 1 . R . 5 4 ( B R I D G E # 9 6 0 3 6 3 ) Co u n t y ( i e s ) : Wi l k e s Page 1of 1 Pr o j e c t T y p e : D a t e : Ph o n e : Ph o n e : Em a i l : Em a i l : Co u n t y ( i e s ) : CA M A C o u n t y ? De s i g n / F u t u r e : Ex i s t i n g : Su r r o u n d i n g L a n d U s e : Ru r a l R e s i d e n t i a l 0. 0 6 8 M i l e s 23 0 0. 1 5 Pr o j e c t B u i l t - U p o n A r e a ( a c . ) Pr o p o s e d P r o j e c t E x i s t i n g S i t e Pr o j e c t L e n g t h ( l i n . M i l e s o r f e e t ) : Bu f f e r R u l e s i n E f f e c t Pr o j e c t D e s c r i p t i o n No n e No No n e NC D W Q S u r f a c e W a t e r C l a s s i f i c a t i o n f o r P r i m a r y R e c e i v i n g W a t e r 30 3 ( d ) I m p a i r m e n t s : Ri v e r B a s i n ( s ) : Pr i m a r y R e c e i v i n g W a t e r : Wa t e r S u p p l y I I ( W S - I I ) Ot h e r S t r e a m C l a s s i f i c a t i o n : Su n g a t e D e s i g n G r o u p , P A Ci t y / T o w n : (9 1 9 ) 8 5 9 - 2 2 4 3 Hy d r a u l i c s U n i t Ad d r e s s : No r t h W i l k e s b o r o (9 1 9 ) 7 0 7 - 6 7 2 6 Wi l k e s ac. Ge n e r a l P r o j e c t N a r r a t i v e : Th i s p r o j e c t i n v o l v e s t h e r e p l a c e m e n t o f B r i d g e N o . 9 6 0 3 6 3 o v e r B u c k w h e a t C r e e k o n S R 1 5 7 5 ( B u c k w h e a t R d . ) i n W i l k e s C o u n t y , N C . The existing bridge will be replaced wi t h a 1 @ 1 4 ' x 4 ' C r o w n s p a n B o t t o m l e s s C u l v e r t . T h e p r o p o s e d b o t t o m l e s s c u l v e r t a n d a s s o c i a t e d r o a d w a y i m p r o v e m e n t s h a v e b e e n designed in a manner to minimize the in c r e a s e i n i m p e r v i o u s s u r f a c e a r e a t o t h e m a x i m u m e x t e n t p o s s i b l e. T o e p r o t e c t i o n w i t h p e r m a n e n t s o i l r e i n f o r c e m e n t m a t t i n g h as been proposed at two locations (station 11 + 2 0 t o 1 1 + 8 5 l e f t a n d s t a t i o n 1 2 + 5 0 t o 1 3 + 5 0 r i g h t ) . T h e t o e p r o t e c ti o n m i n i m i z e s t h e i m p a c t o f t h e p r o j e c t b y e l i m i n a t i n g t w o l a r g e c u t s l o p e s t h a t w o u l d b e n e e d e d i f n e w la t e r a l d i t c h e s w e r e i n s t a l l e d . A d r a i n a g e s y s t e m c o n s is t i n g o f a n d o p e n e n d p i p e , j u n c t i o n b o x , a n d d r a i n a g e i n l e t h a s b e e n p ro p o s e d t o c o n v e y t h e r u n o f f f r o m o n e o f t h e t o e pr o t e c t i o n a r e a s t o t h e s t r e a m . T h i s d r a i n a g e s y s t e m w a s n e c e s s a r y t o a v o i d i m p a c t i n g a n e x i s t i n g s l o p e . Ty p i c a l C r o s s S e c t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n : Re f e r e n c e s 230 0. 1 5 Av e r a g e D a i l y T r a f f i c ( v e h / h r / d a y ) : ac . No r t h C a r o l i n a D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Hi g h w a y S t o r m w a t e r P r o g r a m S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T P L A N FO R L I N E A R R O A D W A Y P R O J E C T S Ra n d y H e n e g a r , P E Br i d g e R e p l a c e m e n t Ra l e i g h , N C 2 7 6 9 9 - 1 5 9 0 Ge n e r a l P r o j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n Ad d r e s s : 9/26/2013 91 5 J o n e s F r a n k l i n R o a d 15 9 0 M a i l S e r v i c e C e n t e r Ra l e i g h , N C 2 7 6 0 6 Pr o j e c t / T I P N o . : NC D O T C o n t a c t : Pr o j e c t N o . : 17 B P . 1 1 . R . 5 4 ( B R I D G E # 9 6 0 3 6 3 ) Co n t r a c t o r / D e s i g n e r : rh e n e g a r @ n c d o t . g o v Ya d k i n - P e e D e e 12 - 4 0 - 4 - 2 jd a l t o n @ s u n g a t e d e s i g n . c o m 18 ' W i d e P a v e d R o a d w a y 1 8 ' W i d e P a v e d R o a d w a y N/ A NC D W Q S t r e a m I n d e x N o . : Su p p l e m e n t a l : Tr o u t W a t e r s ( T r ) Hi g h Q u a l i t y W a t e r s ( H Q W ) Pr i m a r y : Bu c k w h e a t B r a n c h SHEET 1 OF 6 PERMIT DRAWING WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT VICINITY MAP END PROJECT BEGIN PROJECT INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. STATE PROJ. NO.F. A. PROJ. NO.DESCRIPTION NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. SHEET 1 LOCATION: TYPE OF WORK: 0 9 / 0 8 / 9 9 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINASee Sheet 1-A For Index of Sheets 3 / 17 / 2 0 14 L : \ P r o j e c t L i s t \ 117 9 \ 1112 5 - D i v i s i o n 11 - D B \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 \ D e s i g n F i l e s \ H y d r a u l i c s \ P E R M IT S _ E n v i r o n m e n t a l \ D r a w i n g s \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 _ H y d _ p r m _ w e t _ p s h 0 1. d g n j d a l t o n C O N T R A C T : C 2 0 2 9 7 7 10 20 4020 10 20 4020 2 4 84 V = =MPH ADT 0 0 0 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) PROJECT LENGTHDESIGN DATA SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: P.E. P.E. 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER GRAPHIC SCALES PLANS PROFILE (VERTICAL) HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGN 0 D E P A R T MEN T O F TRA N SPORTA T IO N S T A TEOFNORT H CAR O LI N A NCDOT CONTACT: Stantec Consulting Inc. Raleigh, NC U.S.A. 27606 www.stantec.com Tel. (919) 851-6866 Fax. (919) 851-7024 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 25 2012 MICHAEL B. LITTLEFIELD, PE 230 ROBERT A. WILLIAMS, PE PE ROW/ UTIL. CONST. P R O J E C T : 1 7 B P . 1 1 . R . 5 4 17BP.11.R.54 BRIDGE #363 WILKES COUNTY 17BP.11.R.54 0.068 MI. 0.068 MI= = -L- NAD 83 SR 1575 BUCKWHEAT RD. T O V A N N O Y R D TO SPARTA RD V a n n o y R d LETTING DATE: RIGHT OF WAY DATE: N.T.S. 2 5 % P L A N S U B M I T T A L FUNC CLASS = LOCAL SUB-REGIONAL TIER TRAFFIC CONTROL GRADING, PAVING, DRAINAGE, STRUCTURE AND See Sheet 1-B For Conventional Plan Sheet Symbols SR 1575Buckwheat Rd -L- POT STA. 10+20.00 BEGIN PROJECT 17BP.11.R.54 -L- POC STA. 13+80.00 END PROJECT 17BP.11.R.54 OVER BUCKWHEAT BRANCH BRIDGE NO. 960363 ON SR 1575 (BUCKWHEAT ROAD) LENGTH OF ROADWAY TOTAL LENGTH OF PROJECT VIRGINIA MABRY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM MANAGEMENT UNIT -L- STA. 11+98.64 END CULVERT -L- STA. 11+79.76 BEGIN CULVERT -CLEARING FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. -THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. OFF SITE DETOUR APRIL 17, 2012 APRIL 17, 2012 WILKES CO. STRUCTURE NO. 960363 April 16, 2013 Preliminary Roadway / 100% Hydraulic Design Plans -DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR SUPERELEVATION & VERTICAL CURVE K. 1729 1727 1575 1501 1725 1757 1756 1575 1501 1728 BLUE Pine Mountain Dancy Mountain Bumgardner Gap Bumgarner Gap Elevation 2524 Elevation 2430 Vannoy McGrady 18 18 18 Taylor Cemetery Roberts Cemetery M O U N T A I N Blue Ridge Tabernacle F O R K Cr. GRAVEL 12’ GRAVEL 8" GRAVEL BUCKWHEAT BRANCH FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: SHEET 2 OF 6 PERMIT DRAWING 2:12:1 (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NTS)TYP CULV INTERNAL CHANNEL 14’ 7’ 1’ BENCHES ONLY FLOODPLAIN BANKS AND W/ GEOTEXTILE ON CL II RIP RAP BRIDGE 363 4 1,530 1,526 1,522 1,518 1,514 1,510 1,506 1,530 1,526 1,522 1,518 1,514 1,510 1,506 -L- NOTE: TO THE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. TIE IN TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH TRANSITION INCIDENTAL MILL APPROX. 25’ AT EACH 1,534 1,538 1,538 1,534 * MEETS SUBREGIONAL TIER DESIGN GUIDELINES. 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 ** DESIGN EXCEPTION NEEDED. 1SFD WOODS WOODS WOODS CONC GRAVEL 4 8 " WD 15" CMP S TO SPARTA RD 4 8 " C H L S W TANK U/G 48" CHL 48" CHL 12’ GRAVEL WOODS 8" GRAVEL BUCKWHEAT BRANCH S R 1 5 7 5 - 1 9’ BS T BU CK W H E AT RD WOODS 50.00’ 3 0 . 0 0 ’ E XI S TI N G R/ WE XIS TI N G R/ W EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 2 5. 0 0’ 12. 5 0’ WIRE=1538.03’ OF CROSSING LOW POINT ELEVATION OF OF CROSSING WIRE=1561.27’ ELEVATION OF LOW POINT E L E C T R I C O V E R H E A D 15.00’ R E V IS I O N S DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO.8 / 1 7 / 9 9 3 / 17 / 2 0 14 L : \ P r o j e c t L i s t \ 1 1 7 9 \ 1 1 1 2 5 - D i v i s i o n 1 1 - D B \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 \ D e s i g n F i l e s \ H y d r a u l i c s \ P E R M I T S _ E n v i r o n m e n t a l \ D r a w i n g s \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 _ H y d _ p r m _ w e t _ p s h 0 4 . d g n j d a l t o n 17BP.11.R.54 WILKES CO. STRUCTURE NO. 960363 TB 2GI SEE DETAIL #1 PSRM TOE PROTECTION SEE DETAIL #1 PSRM TOE PROTECTION RETAIN CHANNEL TYP OUTLET CHANNEL TYP INLET FLOODPLAIN BENCH 1@14’x4’ CROWN SPAN 2:12:1 2 :1 2 : 1 NG N G N G NG CL II RIP RAP GEOTEXTILE GEOTEXTILE CL II RIP RAP (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NTS)TYP INLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NTS)TYP OUTLET CHANNEL 14’ 1’ 7’ 14’ 7’ 1’ EST 40 TONS STREAMBANK STABILIZATION CL II RIP RAP EST 40 TONS STREAMBANK STABILIZATION CL II RIP RAP TB JB w/MH ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 12+50 TO STA. 13+50 -L- RT FROM STA. 11+20 TO STA. 11+85 -L- LT Fill Slope2:1 or Flatter d=1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= PSRM DETAIL #1 Ground Natural PSRM O 18" RCP-IV 18" RCP-III 18" RCP-IV FLOODPLAIN BENCH PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GROUND EL. 1517.51 -L- POT 11+63.00 BEGIN GRADE EL. 1518.67 -L- POT 12+23.00 END GRADE PI = 11+93.00 EL = 1,517.20’ (-)1.0333%(+)4.9000% VC = 60’ K = 10 MIN RESURFACE (2.5") & WIDEN MIN RESURFACE (2.5") & WIDEN SKEW=132 14’x4’ CROWN SPAN CL STA 11+89 -L- NWS=1513.7 DESIGN DISCHARGE DESIGN FREQUENCY BASE DISCHARGE CFS YRS YRS BASE FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING ELEVATION OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE CFS CFS YRS FT FT FT DESIGN HW ELEVATION BASE HW ELEVATION CULVERT HYDRAULIC DATA FT DATE OF SURVEY W.S. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY FT = 210 = 10 = 1517.2 = 480 = 100 = 1518.62 = 210 = 10 = 1517.2 = = 08/29/12 = 1513.7 25’ MILLING 25’ MILLING DS=15 MPH* STA. 10+20.00 BEGIN RESURFACING STA. 13+80.00 END RESURFACING ROYAL, JERRY WADE FRAZIER, R TOM FRAZIER, R TOM ROYAL, J W JEANETTE FAYE SHEPHERD, JEANETTE FAYE SHEPHERD, DB 1050 PG 027 DB 1050 PG 027 DB 704 PG 607 DB 552 PG 544 DB 688 PG 150 DB 592 PG 318 DB 688 PG 122 DB 705 PG 127 2G 3G SHEPHERD, JEANETTE FAYE RITA OSBORNE SHEPHERD, 4G 1G **************************************** R/R SPIKE SET IN 15" MAPLE N 942171. E 1334776. BM#1 ELEVATION = 1516.27 **************************************** S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY F C F F F F F F F F F F F F F F C C SHEET 3 OF 6 PERMIT DRAWING 2:12:1 (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NTS)TYP CULV INTERNAL CHANNEL 14’ 7’ 1’ BENCHES ONLY FLOODPLAIN BANKS AND W/ GEOTEXTILE ON CL II RIP RAP 150315031504 1505 15 0 6 1506 1507 15071 5 0 8 1508 1 5 0 9 1509 1510 1510 1510 1 5 1 1 1511 1511 1511 1512 1 5 1 2 1 5 1 2 1513 1513 1513 1514 1514 1514 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1515 15 15 15 15 1515 1515 15 16 1 5 16 1516 1516 1516 1 5 1 7 1517 15171517 1517 1 5 1 8 1518 15 18 1518 1518 1 5 1 9 15 1 9 1 5 1 9 15 19 1 5 2 0 1 5 2 0 15 2 0 1520 1 5 2 0 1 5 2 0 1520 1520 15 2 0 1521 1 5 2 1 15 2 1 1521 1 5 2 2 1522 1 5 2 2 15 2 2 1 5 2 3 1523 1 5 2 3 1524 1524 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 5 1525 1525 1525 1 5 2 5 1 5 2 5 15 2 5 1526 1526 1 5 2 6 15261527 1 5 2 7 15271528 1528 1 5 2 8 1529 15 2 9 1 5 2 9 1530 1530 1530 1 5 3 0 1530 15 3 0 1531 1531 15 3 1 1532 15321532 1533 1533 1 5 3 3 1533 1534 1534 1535 1535 15 3 5 1535 1 5 3 5 1536 1536 1536 1537 1537 1537 1538 1538 1538 1539 1539 1540 1540 1541 1541 15 4 2 BRIDGE 363 4 1,530 1,526 1,522 1,518 1,514 1,510 1,506 1,530 1,526 1,522 1,518 1,514 1,510 1,506 -L- NOTE: TO THE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. TIE IN TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH TRANSITION INCIDENTAL MILL APPROX. 25’ AT EACH 1,534 1,538 1,538 1,534 * MEETS SUBREGIONAL TIER DESIGN GUIDELINES. 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 ** DESIGN EXCEPTION NEEDED. 1SFD WOODS WOODS WOODS CONC GRAVEL 4 8 " WD 15" CMP S TO SPARTA RD 4 8 " C H L S W TANK U/G 48" CHL 48" CHL 12’ GRAVEL WOODS 8" GRAVEL BUCKWHEAT BRANCH S R 1 5 7 5 - 1 9’ BS T BU CK W H E AT RD WOODS 50.00’ 3 0 . 0 0 ’ E XI S TI N G R/ WE XIS TI N G R/ W EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 2 5. 0 0’ 12. 5 0’ WIRE=1538.03’ OF CROSSING LOW POINT ELEVATION OF OF CROSSING WIRE=1561.27’ ELEVATION OF LOW POINT E L E C T R I C O V E R H E A D 15.00’ R E V IS I O N S DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO.8 / 1 7 / 9 9 3 / 17 / 2 0 14 L : \ P r o j e c t L i s t \ 1 1 7 9 \ 1 1 1 2 5 - D i v i s i o n 1 1 - D B \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 \ D e s i g n F i l e s \ H y d r a u l i c s \ P E R M I T S _ E n v i r o n m e n t a l \ D r a w i n g s \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 _ H y d _ p r m _ w e t _ p s h 0 4 . d g n j d a l t o n 17BP.11.R.54 WILKES CO. STRUCTURE NO. 960363 TB 2GI SEE DETAIL #1 PSRM TOE PROTECTION SEE DETAIL #1 PSRM TOE PROTECTION RETAIN CHANNEL TYP OUTLET CHANNEL TYP INLET FLOODPLAIN BENCH 1@14’x4’ CROWN SPAN 2:12:1 2 :1 2 : 1 NG N G N G NG CL II RIP RAP GEOTEXTILE GEOTEXTILE CL II RIP RAP (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NTS)TYP INLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NTS)TYP OUTLET CHANNEL 14’ 1’ 7’ 14’ 7’ 1’ EST 40 TONS STREAMBANK STABILIZATION CL II RIP RAP EST 40 TONS STREAMBANK STABILIZATION CL II RIP RAP TB JB w/MH ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 12+50 TO STA. 13+50 -L- RT FROM STA. 11+20 TO STA. 11+85 -L- LT Fill Slope2:1 or Flatter d=1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= PSRM DETAIL #1 Ground Natural PSRM O 18" RCP-IV 18" RCP-III 18" RCP-IV FLOODPLAIN BENCH PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GROUND EL. 1517.51 -L- POT 11+63.00 BEGIN GRADE EL. 1518.67 -L- POT 12+23.00 END GRADE PI = 11+93.00 EL = 1,517.20’ (-)1.0333%(+)4.9000% VC = 60’ K = 10 MIN RESURFACE (2.5") & WIDEN MIN RESURFACE (2.5") & WIDEN SKEW=132 14’x4’ CROWN SPAN CL STA 11+89 -L- NWS=1513.7 DESIGN DISCHARGE DESIGN FREQUENCY BASE DISCHARGE CFS YRS YRS BASE FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING ELEVATION OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE CFS CFS YRS FT FT FT DESIGN HW ELEVATION BASE HW ELEVATION CULVERT HYDRAULIC DATA FT DATE OF SURVEY W.S. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY FT = 210 = 10 = 1517.2 = 480 = 100 = 1518.62 = 210 = 10 = 1517.2 = = 08/29/12 = 1513.7 25’ MILLING 25’ MILLING DS=15 MPH* STA. 10+20.00 BEGIN RESURFACING STA. 13+80.00 END RESURFACING ROYAL, JERRY WADE FRAZIER, R TOM FRAZIER, R TOM ROYAL, J W JEANETTE FAYE SHEPHERD, JEANETTE FAYE SHEPHERD, DB 1050 PG 027 DB 1050 PG 027 DB 704 PG 607 DB 552 PG 544 DB 688 PG 150 DB 592 PG 318 DB 688 PG 122 DB 705 PG 127 2G 3G SHEPHERD, JEANETTE FAYE RITA OSBORNE SHEPHERD, 4G 1G **************************************** R/R SPIKE SET IN 15" MAPLE N 942171. E 1334776. BM#1 ELEVATION = 1516.27 **************************************** S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY F C F F F F F F F F F F F F F F C C SHEET 4 OF 6 PERMIT DRAWING 12.5 25 50250 PLANS R E V IS I O N S HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 4a 17BP.11.R.54 9 / 2 5 / 2 0 13 9 6 0 3 6 3 _ H y d _ p r m _ w e t _ p s h 0 4 a _ c u l v j h a r v e y 8 / 1 7 / 9 9 DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION 1520 1510 1500 0 100 200100200 @ CRITICAL POINTS 2.69:1 SKEWED 2:1 NORMAL TB RT TB LT TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BRIDGE ON 8-29-12=1513.7 NWSE AND WSE PROP 10 YR=1517.2 PROP 100 YR=1518.62 -DEBRIS POTENTIAL: LOW OBSERVED IN THE 100 YR FLOOD PLAIN -THERE WERE DWELLINGS OR STRUCTURES -BED MATERIALS: SAND, COBBLES, BOULDERS SKEW=132 14’x4’ CROWN SPAN CL GRADE ELEV=1517.58’ CL STA 11+89 -L- BED PROFILE ROCK LINE FROM BORING LOG =511.6 TOP FOOTING 2.5 5 1050 PLANS SHEET 5 OF 6 PERMIT DRAWING R E V IS I O N S HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 4b 17BP.11.R.54 3 / 17 / 2 0 1 4 L : \ P r o j e c t L i s t \ 1 1 7 9 \ 1 1 1 2 5 - D i v i s i o n 1 1 - D B \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 \ D e s i g n F i l e s \ H y d r a u l i c s \ P E R M I T S _ E n v i r o n m e n t a l \ D r a w i n g s \ 9 6 0 3 6 3 _ H y d _ p r m _ w e t _ p s h 0 4 b _ v i e w - i n . d g n j d a l t o n 8 / 1 7 / 9 9 DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN TEMP DEWATERING SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN BOTTOMLESS CULVERT SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN BOTTOMLESS CULVERT SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN TEMP DEWATERING SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN STREAMBANK STABILIZATION SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN STREAMBANK STABILIZATION BUCKWHEAT BRANCH TB 2GI1@14’x4’ CROWN SPAN TB JB w/MH SO O 18" RCP-III Ha n d Existing Existing Pe r m a n e n t T e m p . E x c a v a t i o n M e c h a n i z e d C l e a r i n g P e r m a n e n t T e m p . C h a n n e l C h a n n e l N a t u r a l Si t e S t a t i o n S t r u c t u r e F i l l I n F i l l I n i n C l e a r i n g i n S W S W I m p a c t s I m p a c t s S t r e a m No . ( F r o m / T o ) S i z e / T y p e W e t l a n d s W e t l a n d s W e t l a n d s i n W e t l a n d s W e t l a n d s i m p a c t s i m p a c t s P e r m a n e n t T e m p . D e s i g n ( a c ) ( a c ) ( a c ) ( a c ) ( a c ) ( a c ) ( a c ) ( f t ) ( f t ) ( f t ) 1 1 + 8 0 - 1 1 + 9 9 - L - B o t t o m l e s s C u l v e r t < 0 . 0 1 4 0 1 4 ' x 4 ' x 6 0 ' ( W x H x L ) S t r e a m b a n k S t a b i l i z a t i o n < 0 . 0 1 3 8 T e m p o r a r y D e w a t e r i n g < 0 . 0 1 8 TO T A L S * : 0 . 0 1 < 0 . 0 1 7 8 8 0 *R o u n d e d t o t a l s a r e s u m o f a c t u a l i m p a c t s NO T E S : AT N R e v i s e d 3 / 1 2 / 1 3 SH E E T 6OF 6 W E T L A N D P E R M I T I M P A C T S U M M A R Y WE T L A N D I M P A C T S S U R F A C E W A T E R I M P A C T S WILKES COUNTY BRIDGE 363 ON SR 1575 OVER BUCKWHEAT BRANCH NC D E P A R T M E N T O F T R A N S P O R T A T I O N DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 03-17-2014 NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM PROJECT INI'ORMATION P�°oject No: 960363 YVBS No: 17BP.11.R.39 County: Wilkes DocurnenC: PCE Prqjeci Ti-acl�ing No. (l��terrirr( U.ce) 11-08-0142 F.A. No: N/A Funcling: � State ❑ Federal Fe�ler�al (USACE) PerrnitRequif°ed? � Yes ❑ No Permr�t Type: NW 3 or 14 Pr•oject Description: Replace Bridge #363 over Buckwheat Branch on SR 1575. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief c�escription �f�yeview cictivities, r-esz�lts of r�view, ar�id conclztsiorzs: Review of HPO quad maps was undertaken on 8/30/1 1. Based on this review, there are no existing N�R properties in the Area of Potential Effects. No properties are recorded with in the project APE. Construction traf�c will be routed off-site. BYief Expinnation of why the �vailable in%�oy�rnation provicles a relicrble hasis for recisonczblv predicting thcrt there cire no unidentifiec� his'toric propertie.s in the APE: No archaeological sites are ciocutnented in tfle proposed project's vicinity. The steep terrain on either side of the stream crossing lessens the likelihood of cultural evidence. Impact faLls within the existing Right of Way. No fi�rther work is warranted. SUPPORT DOCUMEIYTA"TION See attached: Map(s), FINDING BY NCDOT CULTURAL RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL NO SURVEY REQUIRED ARCHAEOLOGY H[STORIC ARCHITECTURE (CIRCLE ONE) NCDOT Ciiltural Res6urces Speci�st ..No S'�o��•er Reqr�ir<°d'" �orm /br iN6ior 7'rnnsporla�io�i Projcca' a.c Ou�di/ied in Ihe _'00? Pro,�rruninnlic_I,Uree�menl. NC'UO"l�Arcliaenlo,�r & flistaric-lrclii�cchu�e C�i�o��p.�� - ' 1 �> Date