HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030599 Ver 1_Enhancement Plan_20070814Stream Bank Stabilization and Habitat Enhancement Plan Bowlin Site Peak Creek, Ashe County North Carolina Department of Transportation and North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Mitigation Program Prepared by North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program Joe Mickey and Staci Scott December 2002 y~ Introduction Objectives Stream Stabilization/Enhancement Plan -Bowlin Site on Peak Creek, Ashe County Existing Conditions Site Recommendations Stream Restoration/enhancement Riparian Improvements Livestock Exclusion Conservation Easement Erosion Control Spill Containment Monitoring Photo Reference Sites Cross-sections Longitudinal Profiles Pebble Counts Vegetative Cover Plant Survival Conclusion Fi ores and Tables Fi ore 1. Site Ma Table 1. Stream Reach Data Summ Figure 2. Plan View of Site Table 2. Location and description of proposed work sites. Fi ore 3. Pro osed CE bound serve Table 3. Sediment trans ort data Table 4. Monitorin lan Appendix 1: Photos of Peak Creek on the Bowlin Site Appendix 2: Pre-construction longitudinal profile, cross-sections and pebble count data Appendix 3: Proposed in-stream structures Appendix 4: Reference reach data and photos Appendix 5: Design cross-sections Appendix 6: Livestock exclusion plan Appendix 7: Vegetation guidelines Introduction This plan is submitted as partial fulfillment of the off-site stream mitigation agreement between the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) and North Cazolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) for the R-529 US 421 road improvement project in Watuaga County. Under this agreement, a total of 14,8141ineaz feet of stream mitigation is required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and 7,4071ineaz feet of mitigation for the North Cazolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The purpose of this plan is to document those practices used for bank stabilization and habitat enhancement along 27471ineaz feet of Peak Creek located on the Bowlin property, Ashe County (Figure 1). It should be noted that 1907 feet of stream are owned by the Bowlin's along both banks while 840 feet of stream are co-owned by the Bowlin's (left bank) and Sheets (right bank). We hope to include the Sheets property in this program, giving us both banks in a conservation easement. Objectives T'he objectives of the stream enhancement project on Peak Creek on the Bowlin property are as follows: 1. Increase fish habitat by installing root wads, rock cross weirs and rock vanes. These structures will help narrow and deepen the stream channel and create in-stream habitat diversity. 2. Stabilize, slope and vegetate the banks along approximately 550 feet of eroding stream banks to make the banks more resistant to erosion and flooding. Root wads, rock weirs and rock vanes will be used at these locations for long term bank stability 3. Construct a stable stream crossing at the existing ford site. 4. Exclude livestock from the riparian zone through fencing and alternate water source development as specified in the plan developed by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. 5. Plant native trees, shrubs and ground cover on all disturbed banks and along the channel to provide long term bank stability, stream shading, and cover and food for wildlife. 6. Put the stream corridor in a conservation easement. Existing Conditions Peak Creek is a tributary to the South Fork New River in the New River drainage, Ashe County. The watershed area of the proposed project is approximately 4.44 square miles. Land use consists of rural farms containing pastures and forested wood lots. Most of the flatter valleys are used to raise crops and graze livestock. Some livestock grazing also occurs on steep slopes. Much of the forestland in the watershed has been converted to agricultural land, with some azeas used for Christmas tree farming. However, a significant portion of the watershed remains in secondary growth forest. There is some conversion of agricultural land to single family home sites. Peak Creek has suffered from past and ongoing land disturbing activities within the watershed. Streambank instability from poor riparian zone management in the watershed has continued for many years, causing adverse water quality impacts through increased sedimentation from eroding streambanks. The stream flows through an alluvial valley (Valley Type VIII) with soils in the Toxaway series. Toxaway soils consist of poorly drained and very poorly drained soils on flood plains. These soils formed in loamy alluvium deposits. Toxaway soils have loamy horizons 40 to 60 inches thick and are strongly acidic or semiacidic, except where the surface layer has been limed. Slopes range from 0 to 0.2 percent. Photos of Peak Creek on the Bowlin property are shown in Appendix 1. At the Bowlin site the ripazian zone, though narrow (less than 15 feet, each bank), is fairly intact along many sections of the stream. However, there are numerous sites where there is severe bank erosion. Vegetation along this narrow riparian zone consists primarily of tag alder (Alms serrulata), multiflora rose (Rosa mult~ora), silky dogwood (Corms amomum), red maple (Ater rubrum) and black cherry (Prunus serotina). Loss of riparian vegetation has caused bank erosion at numerous locations along this stream reach (Appendix 1). Severe bank erosion is occurring at several locations, causing adverse water quality impacts through increased sedimentation. Fish cover is limited to a few undercut banks, deep pools, and a limited amount of small woody debris. The combination of these factors provides fair habitat for aquatic species. Small tributaries are located at stations 1+27 and 27+47 (lower Bowlin/Sheets joint line). Several small spring seeps are also located along the project site. Many of these small springs have been ditched in the past to drain wetlands (bogs). There is an excellent mountain bog located outside of the proposed project near station 5+75. This bog is known to contain the Federally threatened bog turtle. This bog will not be impacted by any of the proposed stream work. There is an existing ford at station 15+73 used for farm equipment access to pastures on the east side of Peak Creek. Appendix 2 summarizes the longitudinal profile, cross-section and pebble count data. On the Bowlin property the stream is composed of 65% riffles and 35% pools. Bankfull was determined using field-identified indicators, primarily a scour line and point baz height, and evaluated using regional curve information (NCSU-Stream Restoration Institute). Cross-section dimension data is summarized in Appendix 2. Six riffle bankfull widths ranged from 22.4 to 44.9 feet with a mean of 31.2 feet. Bankfull depths ranged from 1.3 to 2.6 feet with a mean depth at bankfull of 2.0. The cross-sectional azeas for these six riffles range from 52.3 to 62 square feet with a mean of 57.9 squaze feet. Regional curve data for a stream of this size (4.4. sq: mi. DA) is 56 -60 sq ftcross-sectional area, 1.8 ft. bankfull depth and 34 ft. bankfull width. At the Bowlin site on Peak Creek, the bankfull cross-sectional azeas, depths and widths are within the expected regional curve ranges. Reach pebble count, subpavement and pavement samples aze summarized in Appendix 2. Very course gravel is the bed material in the reach D50 = 47.3 mm (Appendix 2). The pavement and subpavement D50 aze 37 mm and 22 mm, respectively. Stream reach data is summarized in Table 1. Sinuosity is 1.31, water surface slope 0.94 % and valley slope is 1.2%. Entrenchment ratios range from 1.5-4.5 (mean 3.2) and width/depth ratios ranged from 8.8-34.9 (mean 17.8). Based on sinuosity, entrenchment ratio, widthJdepth ratio, water surface slope and streambed materials, the stream is classified as a C4 stream type. Site Recommendations Stream enhancement Appendix 3 summarizes the types of in-stream structures proposed for this site. Table 2 summarizes the location of in-stream structures and bank stabilization improvements planned for this site. Figure 2 shows the plan view of the proposed bank stabilization and habitat enhancement structures. At selected locations (Table 2) we propose to construct rock weirs, rock vanes, log vanes, and root wad structures to improve in-stream aquatic habitat and provide long term bank stability and to reshape streambanks on a 2:1 or 3:1 grade to create a bankfull or floodplain bench (Appendix 3). The purpose of this activity is to reduce streambank erosion and create an azea for bank re-vegetation. Disturbed banks will be revegetated and planted with native riparian shrubs and trees. Rock/log vanes, rock weirs, and root wads will be used to reduce the near bank water velocity and stress and provide fish habitat (Appendix 3). Rock for vanes and weirs will be hauled from a local quarry or hauled to the site from US 421 waste azeas. Root wads and logs will be hauled to the site from stockpiles along the new section of US 421 or collected for on-site locations. Structures will be built by atrack-hoe working from the top of the bank or from within the channel, if necessary. Vanes and weirs will be offset from the bank 20-30 degrees and will be sloped from a bankfull or inner berm elevation upstream and into the bed of the stream on an 8-15% slope. Footer rocks will be placed approximately 1-2 feet below the normal stream bottom. Rock size will vary from approximately 500 pounds (4 cu feet) up to 1500 pounds (12 cu feet). Root wads will be used to protect the outside of meanders and provide in-stream cover. These structures will slow the water level in the neaz bank region and cause it to fall toward mid-channel, moving the thalwag to the center of the channel to create a deeper pool or run and reduce near-bank stress. Reference reach data was collected from 16821ineaz feet of Meadow Fork in Alleghany County, South Fork New River watershed (Appendix 4). Meadow Fork has a DA of 4.5 sq. mi., ER of 4.4, width depth ratio of 12.7, channel slope of 0.77%, and a sinuosity of 1.27, all of the same characteristics asPeak Creek. Reference reach cross-section and pebble count data are summarized in Appendix 4. All of this information was used in the design of this Priority 3 bank stabilization and habitat enhancement project. Design parameters are given in Table 3. No change in pattern is planned. Appendix S summarizes the design and dimensions for 3 cross -sections with the existing condition. In general, the degraded stream bank and habitat conditions at this site aze not the result of sediment transport problems. Unnatural aggradation is not present in that there are no unusual bazs forming in the channel. The degradation that has occurred was due to mechanical modifications in the past and loss of riparian vegetation. These impacts have caused severe bank erosion at several locations, especially during storm events. Sediment transport competency processes were evaluated using methodology described in River Assessment and Monitoring, 2002 by Dave Rosgen and modified by Angela Jessup. Sampling procedures included collecting a pavement sample and a subpavement sample within the channel. Data analysis from the two samples produced the following values (Table 3): minimum bankfull mean depth required for entrainment of the largest particle in the subpavement sample (110mm) is 0.896 ft; required bankfull water surface slope is 0.005 ft/ft; bankfull shear stress is 0.908; and critical shear stress was calculated to be 0.0146. Using the Modified Shields Curve, a movable particle size of 250 mm was predicted at bankfull shear stress conditions. We have evaluated the competency of the proposed bank stabilization activities to ensure that problems will not be created by this project. The proposed bank stabilization activities are competent and the channel will be able to move its bed load. 2 Riparian Improvements The current riparian zone provides stream shading in many locations necessary to maintain cold water temperatures during the summer months necessary for cold water aquatic species (trout). The rooting depth of existing vegetation is deep enough to provide long-term bank stability. However, at many locations a lack of riparian vegetation contributes to streambank failure and increased sedimentation. We propose to improve the riparian zone at this site with a number of practices outlined in the "Riparian Seeding and Planting Guidelines for the WRC Mitigation Program". Streambanks at selected sites will be sloped to approximately a 2:1 or 3:1 slope (Appendix 3). Sloping should reduce undercutting, improve the ability of vegetation growth to cover the slope and increase the stability of the bank. This will allow the water to rise along the sloped surface rather than eroding a vertical bank. After the streambank has been sloped it will be vegetated with sod mats removed from the existing bank or covered with erosion control matting. Disturbed areas will be reseeded with brown top millet or winter wheat/rye and with a native all-purpose grasslwildflower seed mix (Appendix 1). Woody vegetation, including live stakes and bare root vegetation will be used in all areas within the Conservation Easement boundaries. We will plant short understory growing native woody species such as tag alder (Alnus serrulata), silky willow (Salix sericea), and silky dogwood (Corpus amomum) along the riparian zone. On the upper banks we will plant native trees that provide shade, bank stability and cover and food for wildlife. Woody plantings will be at the rate of 320 per acre as per DWQ guidelines. Conservation Easement A permit condition for landowner participation in the stream mitigation program requires that the proposed stream restoration and riparian corridor be placed in a conservation easement (CE). The CE boundary line is determined based on the size of the stream, the amount of land needed to provide a significant vegetative cover for the stream and desires of the landowner. DOT Location and Survey has developed the CE boundary platt for this site (Figure 3). The Bowlin CE average width is approximately 66 feet (50 to 85 feet) and encompasses 3.05 acres plus a temporary construction access. Right-of--way access to the easement by WRC personnel will be from SR 1616, Peak Creek Road, at the southern end of the project. The CE agreement will be between the landowner and the WRC and the CE document will be held by the WRC. A copy of the signed CE will be submitted to DWQ with the as-built survey report once the project is completed. Livestock Exclusion An important part of the stream mitigation plan is exclusion of livestock from the riparian buffer of the stream within the conservation easement boundaries. In a lazge part, livestock management will determine the success of the other practices. Personnel with the Ashe County Soil and Water Conservation District (ACSWCD) have developed livestock exclusion proposals for this site (Appendix ~. The attached Conservation Plan details the planned treatments and the costs by treatment. The ACSWCD will administer this part of the stream mitigation plan. Erosion Control Before any work begins on the stream, a stabilized stream crossing will be built to ACSWCD specifications to allow for equipment access across the stream. Crossing locations are shown on the ACSWCD Conservation Plan. Once the stream restoration project is completed and fenced, these crossings will remain in place as stable livestock crossing sites. During construction, equipment will only access the stream when absolutely necessary. For this project, it is anticipated that all track hoe work can be accomplished from the top of the bank. All construction materials including rock, root wads, logs, and erosion control materials will be stockpiled at a central location at the site. To limit disturbance of soils, all equipment will travel along identified travel corridors. Disturbance of soils will be limited to only what work can be accomplished and stabilized on a daily basis. As a structure is completed, the site will be sloped, stabilized with sod mats or re-seeded. Any stockpiled soils or disturbed areas on steep slopes will have erosion control fencing installed as needed. Once the banks are sloped, they will be hand seeded with a native all-purpose seed mix" (10 lbs. per acre) that was prepared for this region and browntop millet or winter wheat/rye grain (1 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft). The surface of the sloped bank will be covered with sod mats salvaged from the site or with excelsior erosion control matting. These materials will be anchored in place with stakes and landscape staples. We will also plant low growing woody species such as tag alder, willow and silky dogwood as dormant cuttings along the stream banks. Medium to lazge shrub/tree species will be planted throughout the CE area as haze-root materials during the dormant season. Spill Containment All equipment supplied by the contractor must be in good working order and should not be leaking any fluids that could contaminate the stream or property. In case of an accidental spill of hazardous materials (hydraulic fluids, gas, oil) two Attack Pac emergency spill kits will be on site during construction. Any spills of hazardous materials will be cleaned up immediately with contaminated soils disposed of according to state regulations. Monitoring The purpose of the monitoring is to determine the degree of success the project has achieved in meeting the objectives of providing proper channel function and increased habitat quality. Environmental components monitored at this site will be those that allow an evaluation of channel stability and improvements to fish habitat. The monitoring plan is based on the WRC Mitigation Site Monitoring Protocol for the NCWRC/NCDOT Mitigation Program and will also follow the guidelines outlined in the DWQ/COE Draft Monitoring Section (11-6-02). Specifically we will evaluate the success of channel modification, erosion control, shading, seeding, and woody vegetation plantings (Table 4). Biological monitoring is not required at this site since the project is not a Priority I restoration. However, Mr. Dave Penrose, DWQ, may decide to collect samples for his own interest. Photo Reference Sites Photographs used to evaluate reference sites will be made before, during, and post-construction. Reference sites that include cross-sections and longitudinal sections should be photographed at least once a year for 5 years following construction. Reference photos should be taken at approximately the same date and under similar weather conditions. Points should be close enough together to get an over all view of the reach. After construction has taken place, photo reference sites should be permanently marked with stakes, above the bankfull elevation. Detailed notes and a map describing the location of reference points should be made. Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absences of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the bank over time. A series of photos over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. Vegetative succession should include initial herbaceous growth, followed by increasing densities of woody vegetation and then ultimately a mature overstory with herbaceous understory. Cross-sections Permanent cross-sections will be established in a minimum of four riffles and two pools. These cross-sections may be at the same location as those taken to develop construction plans or they may be different. New cross- sections should be developed to monitor structures or features that may have an increased risk of failure. Each cross- section should be marked on both banks to establish the exact transect location. A common benchmark will be used for cross-sections and consistently used to facilitate easy comparison of year to year data. The annual cross-section survey should include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top-of--bank, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalwag. Riffle cross-sections should be classified using the Rosgen stream classification system. Data should be taken at a scale that allows the evaluation of bank and channel changes. Photos of each cross-section should be made. Data should be collected once a year during the 5 year monitoring period to evaluate stability of the bank and channel. There should be little or no change in as built cross-sections. If changes do take place they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (down-cutting, bank erosion) or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, decrease in width/depth ratio). Unstable conditions that require remediation will indicate failure of restoration activities. Bankfull indicators shauld be installed at a minimum of two riffle cross-sections to monitor future flow events. Visiting these sites after major rain events will determine if bankfull flows were reached. During the 5 year monitoring period the site should have experienced a minimum of 2 bankfull events. Longitudinal Profiles A longitudinal profile will be developed for each site prior to construction. A longitudinal profile survey will be duplicated as an as-built survey and repeated for 5 years during the monitoring period. The beginning and end of each profile should be well demarcated and the length should be at least 20 bankfull widths. The as-built longitudinal profile should show that the bedfonm features are remaining stable, e.g. they are not aggrading or degrading. The pools should remain deep with flat-water surface slopes and the riffles should remain 4 stable. There should be little change in the as-built longitudinal profile. Unstable conditions that require remediation will indicate failure of restoration activities. Pebble Counts Two types of pebble counts should be collected in each reach including 1) 100 counts reach wide stratified by the percentage of riffles and pools, and 2) 100 counts from a minimum of 6 riffle and pool cross-sections. The Wohnan pebble count procedure will be used. Plots will be made showing the cumulative frequency curve and histogram the cross-section and reach wide. The pebble counts should be completed at the same time as the cross- sections and longitudinal surveys. If upstream conditions remain stable above the restoration site, the pebble count data could show a coarsening of the entire frequency distribution in the reach and a coarsening of the pools over time. Vegetative Cover One objective of the mitigation program is to increase the quantity of shade, through vegetative cover of the stream. This will be accomplished by planting herbaceous and woody vegetation along the riparian zone. As this vegetation grows and matures the stream should become more and more shaded, the air temperature along the stream corridor should become more stable and water temperatures should not rise in the affected reach. The ability of planted vegetation to thermally stabilize mitigation site riparian zones will be evaluated by monitoring both water temperature. Water temperature will be sampled using StowAway® XTI recording thermometers made by Onset Computer Corporation. These thermometers will be placed upstream and downstream of the site reach and will record water temperature every hour. They will be deployed by the middle of July each year to record the water temperature during August and September. Streams in Western North Carolina usually are the warmest during these months and begin to cool by the end of September. Water temperature will be recorded prior to construction and each year during the 5-year monitoring period. As vegetation matures, water temperature should decrease, or at least be constant, as it moves through the mitigation site far the 5 year monitoring period. Plant Survival Survival of vegetation will be evaluated by visual observations and/or direct counts of planted trees and/or live stakes. Coverage by the cover crop will be evaluated at regular intervals the first 2 months following construction. Seeded areas will be subjectively evaluated using photographs. Survival of live stakes and rooted stock will be evaluated by direct counts taken the first, 3`a and Sa' years after construction. When seeded vegetation does not show satisfactory germination and plant density, plans will be made to either sow more seed, fertilize the site or both. Successful growth of seeded vegetation will be based on 75% coverage of any seeded site. Success of live stake plantings will require an 80% survival rate. Success of bare root trees will require an 80% survival rate, based on examination of all planted trees. An attempt will be made to replace all dead bare root trees. The goal is to have 320 trees per acre inside the CE boundary. Conclusion Past disturbances have impacted aquatic and riparian habitat along Peak Creek. Through streambank stabilization/in-stream habitat enhancement, riparian corridor enhancement and livestock exclusion the stream can be improved to resemble a more natural stream environment. Water quality will be improved through reduced sedimentation and aquatic and wildlife habitat wilt be improved with the return of a functioning riparian corridor. Completion of this site and another site immediately adjacent (Sheets site-13861inear feet) to this site will help improve trout habitat in Peak Creek. These sites along with the completed Bare site (2001) and proposed additional sites will help improve water quality in upper Peak Creek watershed. FIGURE 1. Sheets mitigation site on Peak Creek, Ashe County, North Carolina. Map from US Geological Survey, Laurel Springs Quadrangle. Note: The above boundary does not correspond to the conservation easement boundary. This line represents a general site location. N W E S 6 FIGURE 2 Bowlin property plan view, Peak Creek, Ashe County. Map Not to Scale Station 27+10 End of project SR 1616 Sheets Property ' Station 19+07 Bowlin Property Station 16+46-17+80 Existing ford at Station 15+73 Note: See Table 2 for a detailed description of the existing in- stream structure and proposed improvements. Station 0+0 Start of ~~ Station 7+86 Station 5+75- 6+62. Station 3+00-3+85 Station 1+27 Key: Peak Creek project site Tributary Ditch line Wetland ~ Major Eroding Banks Flow direction _~ In-stream Structures (approximate location) Structures include rood wads, rock vanes, rock weirs, log weirs, and bank sloping. Several sites will have a combination of these structures SR 1616 C7 N N C~ W o~ N U • ~, o ~z ~i .~ ~ ~ U x ~3 ~~ 0 ~z U a ~ o ~~ ~ ~ ." O O ~* ~ v a 3 ~ ~ ~ ... ~ o .~ p. ,.~ ~" ~i ~ N ~ N ~ N .O ^~ I~ Q F"1 U U ri ~ w o ~z ~~ w~ .~ +r +r F`A i~~ ~, t .-~ :- ~. -'.. 1 i .aA 1 j' ~ ~: .1 ~ 1 ~ i ~~ ~ ' ,. ~ ~ w ~~ i' ~ i ~ i~ ~~ ~'el ~ ~ ~` . ! t' f ~~ ~~ ~' F f ~ ~., f ~ ~ `i~~ ~,~~ ~ ~7 .~ ~~ ~, '~~~ r~7 :~~ ` , J.. , l / - ~ ,5` 4 1~t. I i ~ ~ t a] ~~ ! V t ~~ ~ Jr r ,,.~ _4~ ~;~, ,_. ',~ ,- ~~ :~ - ,,~c. ~~ ~., _ -~~ ~_a~ ~~ ~~ ....._.~: a -~ `~ ~ ~ ;,~ . - ~ ~ -~ ~ -i t_i7. ~,~'~ ii ~ _ ~ ii _ , ~ f _ , ~ ._ ._.n_-___,__ _._.. _ i ~, i ~~j ~. t -J ~Q"iF ~; ~ K ~ i. w,' ~~ _, , ~,~.. ~ ± ,~ ~., i ~ J .71~ _1 '~ :~ w~`~i ': (Y:, / ~ -na t ~ ~'~ ~ J.+ ~ hY +,A.~ ,jr~ Vf~~'~~li Y ' s Table 1 Stream Name: Peak Creek Date: 4/16/2002 Basin Name: NEW 2829 Ac. 4 M12 Location: Bowlin property along SR 1616 near Transou, Ashe County Observers: J. Mickey, S. Scott, NCWRC-Stream Mitigation Program X-Section Typical Design Reference Reach (MF*) Regional Curve data Bankfull WIDTH (YVbkf): 33.2 34 28.1 34 Mean DEPTH (Dbkf): 1.71 1.8 2.21 1.8 Bankfull X-sectional AREA (Abp): 56.9 56-60 62 56-60 Width /Depth RATIO (Wb,~/db~): 19.4 >12 12.7 Maximum DEPTH (dmb~): 3.5 3.5 3.1 WIDTH of Flood-Prone Area (W~): 100 100 125 Entrenchment Ratio (ER): 3 >2.2 4.4 Channel Materials D50 (mm): 36.9 gravel 15.9 Water Surface SLOPE (S): 0.94 0.94 0.77 Channel SINUOSITY (K): 1.31 1.31 1.31 STREAM TYPE: C4 C4 C4 *Reference reach stream is Meadow Fork, Allegheny County. DA 4.5 sq miles. Stream length surveyed was 1682 feet at two sites (1210' and 472'). 9 ~ N ~ ~ ~ a~ .r ' c > °o ~ a~ ~ ~ Q Y U °~ ~ ~ N ~ • ~O Q. U L .Q ~ L U 'O ~~ 'a Q N N a N c N 7 c~ C N N N c N m~ N > m ~' ~ •c c N ~ Y~ o~ -fl co 'o c c~ N C N co c ,~ rnQ c ~ r c ~ ~ ~ Y ' ~ m •`; - m ~ co ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ m s ~ ~ c ~ ' ~ ~ ~ `- rn C f0 U U O U~ ,C rn c= rn~ 'L C N 7 +r O i O O ~ ~ Q ~ Q N ~ ~ O N aif N ~ Q ~ N ` v i L . - ~C - ,C_~ Lt c ~ N L N +-~ N - +' O N fA N ~ i N ~ w ~ ,~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ N ..1C N ~ U '~~- N ~ O +. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ O r ~ ~~ ~ Q-~ Q-~ O ~ N p~ ~ ~+L-' 'D O ~ d~ C ~ M (C O L _ O L ~ 1 L~ ~ d fA 'a O M N ~ L fn 0 fA O ~ M ~ N to ~ .~ .= fO Ll r.. X r 07 ~ , ~ p ~ p (0 (n O N ~ ~ N a+ Al Cl O > N ~ c N N ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ . U N p) ~ C O ~ ~ ~ O ~ N ~ ~ Y C N N E ~ ~ N ~ U~~ N O N ~ O O Q -O (0 O a .r N O N O L~ O •~ ' L . '~- ~ ' ~ £ . c ~ Q ~ C O > > > `~ ~ ~ ~- N 0 C ~ ' ~ ' ~ c O v•E Y N ~ ~ 3 0 ~ Y Y 3 ~ Y O Y . Y ~~~ N N ~ N~ ~ O ~ N p` N O O ~ O C ~ N .Y Q 6 L Q f- ~~ Q~ O ~ C .. 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O O C ca Y U O N C c N .L O O t N r 10 .,, ~ N 'O 'O ~ N ~ .N +~.. ~ ~ ~~ N L 0~ ~ j Y Cp ~ N m ~a?o co.o ~wo~ 3 c °' ~ a~ oaf°ic ~o •a~~c E~ N c _ N o a~ m N cf°i - w ~n ~° c o v_, `0 m rn~ m° c $ °~ N~ m o a i b co a Y rn n c 0 ~_°' . a~ >~c~~ 0 O ~ ~m a~ ~°'a~3~_' ~~rnc . o> c 00 ~ fl N fd U E L C 4 ( yII Q~ ' U~ ~ ~ N 3 p N c Y ' 'C 'O2 Cp Q tq N O . a~ ~ m O N ~ m °' O NU ~ O c o ~ m f0 C N °~ 3v ~ 'a ~ c U ~ a i ~ w ~~ °~ ~~~~ ~Z ~ ~ ccoY .- vupim~ ~~ c 'N U .~ °~ .~ c c 'v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c > c ~ aci u0i .... ~ m N N ~ m~ ~ 30 3~ c 3v O .~ W .n f d O- ` rn~ ~ ` E 3 ~ N p Y~ .~ O Y ~ Y x U p Y µ- U O Y U p ~ w (p C .O (~ O W ~ O N U fQ « N 'd L N C~ N ~ E °a °s ° ~ Q c~ -O ~ 3 Y c~m4- ~ c ~ ~ a;ca c ~ mn E ~='c -aE -an ~ -a - ~° ~ o c i o>~ c rn ~ ~t • ~ ~ m v c ov n ~ m-. ~ ° a~ ~ rn~ a i ~ E ~ 3 ~ 3 . U ~ ~' N N O c t O Q N ~ N ~ C O ~ O- ~ N N c- ~ U '~ N _ ~ O '~ N f~ ~ N N p ~ c ~ c a c ~p~m c N • .S -v c > m~ m > 'u~ v, a~ o > .c y Y ~ - E ~ ~ co ~ ~ E .~~ ~ Y O U O C O N R ~ (O N N U to N E N U .O t C > C ~ 3 3 c o-a 3m~o 3~m ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o v ~. ~ ~Lv,v, Y 3 N U a~ ° °~ Oy O` Oi '~ ~ 01 ~ > C N o ~ ` N N "O O ~ C N N N N ~i N~ m O > - C N a m ~ C U O ~~ a _ ~ ~ ° ~ _ x o _ m rn ° _ m ° ~ ~ E a~ . . . _ a i . _ . _ . ~° v a i , L N 0 r U O1 N O C N ~ N N O ~ > O +' N r ~ ~ ~ ~ p N' N O U N O ' ~ O N N _ _ ~ p O U x U p Q E O . ~ D. O O ~ O ~ '~ x N +. U O Q m ~ p N ' ' N ~ O. d ~i W ~ 'C N ~ O fl ~ 'c ~ '~ O Q. O ~ ~ o.'c ~ t0 ~ N C . N N (A U ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ j U C +`-. N r N Q M ~ + ~ ~ N C tI') r f~ r O N M N (p ~ t U ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ + ~ ~ ~ b ~ !d O M M ~ ~ Cfl ~ M Z F- J r r r r r r N 11 Table 3. Sediment Transport Calculations: Bowlin Site Peak Crk; Ashe Coun Bankfull mean de th ft 1.71 Bankfull width ft 33.2 Bankfull cross sectional area ft 56.9 H draulic radius 1.5 D50 avement mm 36.9 D50 from sub avement 22.4 La est article from avement 300 La est article from sub avement 110 Water surface slo a 0.0097 Critical dimensionless shear stress 0.0146 Bankfull shear stress movable article size 350 De th to move the lar est article from sub avement 0.896 Slo re wired to move the la est article from sub avement 0.0005 Bankfull shear stress 0.908 12 o, rn cd~ .~ U bA S=," . ~, O .i"''-y +3 0 .~ 0 ...~ .~ 0 0 .~ ~s .., 0 U O z a Q H ~ _ ~ o `~ `~ v o o ~ o O ~ U b },1, U •~ ~ ftS ~ y~„i RS O ~ y ~ i0 b N v~ '.d ~ A :.~ O ~ N N N ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~' b ~ ~ ~ ~ orb >~ ~ ~ '3 ~ ~ -d ~ ~ ~ ~ a;• °o ~ ~ w c~ ~ ~ `" ~ ~ 3 'd ~ a 3 'b *~ 3 *, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .d ~ ~ ~ ~ .d a~ a~ ~ o o~ w a ~~,°o ~ a ~ ~ ~ 3 > 4. -d > > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uU, ~ UN P4 C]. ~ w ~ P4 G. V1 N C1. ~ v n •.r O~ ~.' O N~ Q U y N~" ~ O ,~ v .5 ~+. 4-. o v, ~ N ~' ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ -~i ~ ~. R1 ++ 041 by rail O v~ N O O ~ p. ~b ~.~ zo ~~~ 3a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~' ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ '~ o ~ ~ o ~. yp~ ~p pro ~.~ ~ O v~ ~ ~o ~, ~, ~ o o ~ ai o ai ~ .~ 'o cad' p > ~ ~ a~i a .~~• ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ h v v~ ~ •~ ~ o O O c~ U U O O z o ~ ~ ~ 3 -c .~ ni rii rii b a° s~ o ~~ o ~ ~~ ~3 }},, ~ a NM1~i v~ .~~,,+ v, W o, y sue, C%1 ~, ~ O O p >~ ~ ~ O Lt -O a~i «3 j ~ ~ ~ cd ~ o > '~v~, ~«pl°~ ~Uaa ~~3E~ ~~~ H O.O.~Lz., w v > a as 13 Appendix 1 Photographs of Peak Creek on the Bowlin Site 14 Proposed Improvements: slope eroding bank and revegetate STN 3+49 Proposed Improvements: slope bank and revegetate; insta112 rock vanes and logs for habitat improvement ~5 STN 2+01-2+48 STN 6+24 Proposed Improvements: slope bank and revegetate; insta112 rock vanes/logs Before Flood 4/17/02 -~ -~. ~' ~ ° ~>~ STN 7+36 - 8+28 ,~ sr ~ .'~ ;r ~ ~: y ~' a ~' ' ~ ' ~ After Flood 9/2710 Proposed Improvements: ,.... install rock weir at 7+64 to `.;~.. maintain pool; rock vane at ~~ ~ ~ ~ -` ~ _ ~~ 7+91 and 8+10 to protect ~z~~j,~ n__ j~.,~~ ~~.~ e banks; add root wads for =~~~ v ~: ~ ~~ 9-.°~ '~ r i` ~~ habitat and slope bank and ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~n~,~~~~~`~~ ~~ ,~ revegetate r _~;~~ :?~~ . gt~~ r tea.,;,=, 16 17 Proposed Improvements: construct livestock crossing at this existing ford site 18 STN 15+73, Ford s ''~~ wt Uu ~,,~,a~ ,~4 ~ ~z +.." -y ,~~-, }T' _ 'ra S~~u } ~' ea~ Yly~ ~ ' ' ~I ~ ~~1 ~ *.~T1Rrr,` '~ Jf ~ '~y~ .,p ~ _F~~ n=et a ~ _ -~ Proposed Improvements: install rock weir at head of pool at beaver dam site to maintain grade; insta112 rock vanes and rootwads/logs; slope banks and revegetate 19 STN 16+46 - 17+80, old beaver dam site Appendix 2 Pre-Construction Longitudinal Profile, Cross-sections, and Pebble Count data 20 Stream: Peak Creek Watershed: New River Location: Bowlin Site Latitude: --- Longitude: --- County: Ashe Date: April 16, 2002 Observers: JM, SS Channel Type: C4 Drainage Area (sq mi>: 4.4 Pattern typical min max bankfull width (ft) 33.2 meander length (ft) ~ r; belt width (ft) ". y:"` amplitude (ft) radius (ft) ___ ', arc angle (degrees) straight length (ft) '`'*these values reflect Bowlin stream length ~~~ t; and Sheets combined lengths valley length ~;~' Sinuosity 1.31 Meander Width Ratio 2.0 1.9 2.0 Amplitude Ratio --- --- --- Meander Length Ratio 3.0 2.0 3.0 Straight Length Ratio --- --- --- Radius Ratio 0.5 0.3 0.5 Profile typical min ~ max bankfull width (ft) 33.2 pool-pool spacing (ft) riffle length (ft) pool length (ft) °- run length (ft) glide length (ft) channel slope (%) riffle (%) pool (%) ~~,~~ run slope (%) glide slope (%) measured valley slope (%) valley slope (%) 1.3 Riffle Length Ratio 3.0 0.9 7.4 Pool Length Ratio 1.5 0.4 2.7 Run Length Ratio --- --- --- Glide Length Ratio --- --- --- Riffle Slope Ratio 67.0 -- -- Pool Slope Ratio 36.1 --- --- Run Slope Ratio --- --- --- Glide Slope Ratio --- --- --- Pool Spacing Ratio 3.0 1.1 8.0 21 C 3 O m N 3 a~i U Y f6 O O r • O O N O O O m H O N O U ~ Y N C c ca O ~ O Y co m • 0 0 v v °o ~ N O O O OOi W a00 a0 ~ (~) uo~;ena13 r C_ 3 O m N q3 Z m N U Y m O N O ~ O N O off ~' N m O N N ~_ m U C f0 N C c m o U N l1 Y CD 0 o ~° u~ ~ O O '~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~) uogena13 I I I - ------ _. ____ ._ B I' I r I . • + • • ' 22 Stream: Watershed: Location: Latitude: Longitude: County: Date: Observers: Channel Type: Draina a Area (s mi): Peak Creek New River Bowlin Site --- -- Ashe April 16, 2002 JM, SS C4 4.4 Dimension typical min max Riffle: x-area bankfull ` width bankfull ~; _ hydraulic radius µ~` max depth bank ht ~:.` width flood prone area mean depth 1.71 Pool: x-area pool width pool hydraulic radius `' max depth pool bank ht Run: x-area run width run hydraulic radius max depth run bank ht Glide: x-area glide width glide max de th lide Dimensionless Ratios: pica) min max Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Rifl1e Max Depth Ratio 19.4 3.0 2.0 2.0 ~ '_ 2.2 Pool Area Ratio Pool Width Ratio Pool Max Depth Ratio 1.2 0.9 2.9 --- -- - -- --- --- Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.1 Run Area Ratio Run Width Ratio Run Max Depth Ratio -- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- Glide Area Ratio Glide Width Ratio Glide Max Depth Ratio -- --- --- --- --- --- - --- --- Hydraulics: riffle pool run channel slope (%) discharge rate, Q (cfs) k '', ~ -.~ velocity (ft/sec) 6.2 5.0 -- shear stress @ max depth (Ibs/ft sq) 2.118 3.026 --- shear stress (Ibs/ft sq) 0.908 1.271 -- shearvelocity (ft/sec) 0.684 0.810 -- stream power (Ibs/sec) 211.8 211.8 211.8 unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 6.381 6.381 6.381 relative roughness 4.3 5.8 --- friction factor u/u` 9.0 6.1 -- threshold grain size @ max depth (mm) 343 6~ - threshold rain size mm) 60.1 #N/A - 23 100 99 98 ~ 97 0 96 95 m w 94 93 92 91 3+49 Riffle Peak Creek 0 10 20 30 40 Distance (ft) -Wfpa -BKF Creek River I notes of instrument FS FS W fpa levation bankfull top of bank (ft) 98.2 ~'~_ f ~° 97.63 95.72 95.72 96.75 95.72 95.09 94.63 94.86 93.76 93.46 „n.. dimensions 52.3 x-section area 1.6 d mean 33.2 width 35.5 wet P 3.4 d max 1.5 h d radi 3.4 bank ht 21.1 w/d ratio 100.0 W flood prone area 3.0 ent ratio 93.14 93.03 92.68 9229 92.43 93.73 95.72 98.38 98.73 hydraulics 6.3 velocit (ff/sec) 330.0 dischar a rate, Q (cfs) 0.89 shear stress ((Ibslft sq) 0.68 shear velocit ft/sec) 6.017 unit stream power Ibs/ft/sec) 0.79 Froude number 9.3 friction factor uJu' 58.0 threshold rain size (mm) check from channel material 122 measured D84 (mm 3.9 relative roughness 6.2 fric. factor ~- Q 04~ _ Manning's n from chancel materia! 50 60 24 99 98 97 ~ 96 ~ 95 94 m d 93 w 92 91 90 89 6+25 Riffle Peak Creek 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ~ Distance (ft) -WFpa -BKF J section: -- Riffle Peak Creek New River description: 4,~ rt height of instrument (ft): ~~~ omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull top of bank (ft) slope (%) "n" 96.41 ~,r,~~ _ «~ [] ~ ~``'~, 96.04 93.91 93.73 I I '<~'' "` 95.26 -~ _r 93.73 ~~ 90.11 L_l 91.35 [ ~ 90.38 I 90.98 ~ x , {`'"` 91.36 dimensions 57.3 x-section area 2.6 d mean 22.4 width 30.2 wet P 3.8 d max 1.9 h d radi 3.6 bank ht 8.8 w/d ratio 100.0 W flood prone area 4.5 ent ratio I 91.41 ~ _ 91.55 ''~ 91.65 I 1 91.56 ~ 91.56 __; 91.66 91.43 91.24 91.11 1_] 91.02 hydraulics 7.5 veloci (ft/sec 428.1 dischar a rate, Q cfs) 1.15 shear stress ((Ibs/ft sq) 0.77 shear velocit (ft/sec) 11.557 unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 0.68 Froude number 9.7 friction factor u/u' 94.7 threshold grain size (mm) ~~ 91.64 _ 94.16 95.93 check from channel material 122 measured D84 (mm) 6.4 relative roughness 7.4 fric. factor 0.039 Manning's n from channel material 25 Creek River height of instrument (ft): ;~ omit distance FS notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation ] 94.72 ~ ~ 94.82 ~__~ 92.94 ~,~ ~ ~ 90.12 89.55 90.03 90.44 91.62 92.89 93.04 93.08 93.15 94.52 95.52 dimensions 70.7 x-section area 2.3 d mean 30.5 width 34.4 wet P 5.0 d max 2.1 h d radi 5.1 bank ht hydraulics 1.24 shear stress ((Ibs/ft sq 0.80 shear velocit ft/sec) 110.8 threshold rain size (mm) 26 95 94 93 ~ 92 0 91 90 a~ w 89 88 87 86 10+28 Riffle Peak Creek 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Distance (ft) - Wfpa ~~ BKF section: ~ Riffle Peak Creek New River description: `" height of instrument (ft): ,. omit distance FS notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation L_ 93.3 I__~ 93.03 92.72 __ 1 89.94 90.4 . i 90.04 ~ 90.64 90.04 88.64 88.47 I_ _ 88.8 87.85 __; 87.47 r 87.12 __~ 87.55 (~ 87.44 ~- I__~ 87.85 89.57 ~~ 90.04 I 90.36 i_ ! 92.23 92.75 93.21 of 90.55 ..n., dimensions 57.7 x-section area 1.3 d mean 44.9 width 46.8 wet P 3.4 d max 1.2 h d radi 5.1 bank ht 34.9 w/d ratio 66.0 W flood prone area 1.5 ent ratio hydraulics 5.6 veloci (ft/sec) 323.7 dischar a rate, Q (cfs) 0.75 shear stress (Ibs/ft sq) 0.62 shear velocit ft/sec) 4.365 unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 0.76 Froude number 9.0 friction factor u/u' 47.8 threshold grain size (mm) check from channel material 122 measured D84 (mm) 3.2 relative roughness 5.7 fric. factor 0-048 Manning's n from channel material 27 - 89 17+29 Riffle Peak Creek 88 ---- - --- - - - -- -- ---- - 86 ~ 85 - - ----- - - 0 8 - _ - - - ~ 4 w 83 ---- --- - - -- - -- - -- ---_ -- - - - _ _ - --- __--- 82 -- - - - - --- 81 _ - _ - - --- --- 80 _- - -- - - - - --- - --- --- _ _ . _ -- 0 10 20 30 -Wfpa 40 50 60 70 Distance (ft) -BKF 80 90 section: escription: height of instrument (ft): Riffle Peak Creek New River = ! _ + notes omit pt. distance (ft) FS (ft) elevation FS bankfull FS top of bank W fpa (ft) channel slope (%) Manning's "n" + ~ 86 43 r~s a , ~ o ~ f k ~ ~ . 85.14 84.15 84-45 I ~ ~a 84-58 -_i ~~` 84.17 dimensions 84.15 61.3 x-section area 2.1 d mean 82.96 29.2 width 32.0 wet P 82.67 3.7 d max 1.9 h d radi n 81.47 4.0 bank ht 13.9 w/d ratio ^ 81.34 100.0 W flood rone area 3.4 ent ratio 81.21 L- 80.63 hydraulics 80.48 7.5 veloci (ft/sec) 80.84 461.6 dischar a rate, Q (cfs) ^ 81.48 1.16 shear stress ((Ibs/ft sq) I-~I 82.09 0.77 shear velocit (ft/sec) -I 84.15 9.569 unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) [ ] 84.45 0.84 Froude number ~ 85-03 9-7 friction factor u/u' ( 1 85.9 97.0 threshold grain size (mm) 86.25 L__ 88.03 check from channel material .-i 122 measured D84 mm) j 5.2 relative roughness 6.9 fric. factor (_ j 0.042 Manning's n from channel material i . ~-- 1 28 21+42 Riffle Peak Creek 88 87 86 ~ 85 o ~ ~ 83 a~ w 82 81 80 79 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance (R) Wfpa ~ BKF Creek height of instrument omit distance FS notes qt. (ft) (ft) 84 82.76 81.68 80.27 80 80 79.68 79.65 79.93 rca~ : . bankfull stop of ..n.. dimensions 56.9 x-section area 2.3 d mean 24.5 width 26.2 wet P 3.6 d max 2.2 h d radi 4.9 bank ht 10.6 w!d ratio 100.0 W flood prone area 4.1 ent ratio hydraulics 8.2 veloci ft/sec) _ 465.6 dischar a rate, Q (cfs) 1.31 shear stress ((Ibs/ft sq) 0.82 shear velocit ft/sec) 11.484 unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 0.90 Froude number 9.9 friction factor u/u* a-23.& threshold grain size (mm) check from channel material 122 measured D84 (mm) 5.8 relative roughness 7.2 Eric. factor 0 0~2 LCv(ar?ninc~'~ n frorr~ channel material 29 ~ ~ ~ aN+ ~ ~ +•+ d 7 N O U = d ~ ~ O ~ m d a O ~}----~- -}---~ -{- o [~ ~_ ^ r IA 1 LL~ o U ca O ~ O r O O r O ~ `- N C ~~/N_/~~ ~ VJ L ~ a ~a a U L ^~ i..L ~_ r O ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O M~ (O ~~ M N ~- ueyl aaui~ }ua~aad 30 N d Q. m E m a N C ~+ C d d a C N U N a a~ ~ .~ 0 U c m N N a 0 E E a~ N_ N ~- U_ '~ C a °~' m a a~ .~ U o ~ N ca Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O cO ~ (O ~l0) a M N O O ueyl ~aw~ ~ua~~ad C d G1 ~s a 31 Appendix 3 Proposed In-Stream Structures 32 33 Typical rock vane structure showing plan and cross section views. NOTE: There should be no gaps between the rocks in the rock vane structure. The rock vane should have a 4 % to 12% slope from the top of Bankfull or inner berm bench to streambed. Rock size should range from 4 cu ft. to 18 cu ft. Arm length will vary depending on size of stream. PLAN VIEW cur le CROSS-SECTION VIEW Bankfull elevation Footer rocks ,_ ~~ Top rocks Bankfull bench 34 'typical root wad structure showing plan. and cross section views. NOTE: Footer logs should be >8" diameter and installed below the streambed. Root wads should be 8-14 ft long and >10" diameter. Large boulders should be placed in gaps between root wads. Fill materials from the site should be placed behind the root wadsand boulders, covered with an erosion control mat and seeded and trees planted on top of the bench. 35 !'til l~C'~C'~ C~T.T /"'~TTl11-T ~7TT~i7 Typical bank grading and revegetation plan. .:. , Ut r.~ bank 1 bank s - ,. ~- ,~, .: ~„+ ~ ,. r .`" Appendix 4 Meadow Fork Reference Reach Data 37 Stream: Watershed: Location: Latitude: Longitude: County: Date: Observers: Channel Type: Drainage Area (sq mi): Meadow Fork New Along BRPW below SR 1145 bridge -- --- Alleghany May 23, 2002 Staci Scott/Joe Mickey -- 4.5 Dimension typical min max Riffle: x-area bankfull ly: width bankfulll hydraulic radius max depth bank ht width flood prone area mean depth 2.21 Pool x-area pool width pool hydraulic radius max depth pool bank ht Run: x-area run width run _ __ hydraulic radius max depth run bank ht Glide: x-area glide `( width glide max de th lide Dimensionless Ratios: t ical min max Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Riffle Max Depth Ratio 12.7 4.4 1.4 -- -- Pool Area Ratio Pool Width Ratio Pool Max Depth Ratio 0.9 0.9 1.5 - - - -- -- - Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.2 Run Area Ratio Run Width Ratio Run Max Depth Ratio 0.8 0.9 1.4 - - -- -- -- - Glide Area Ratio Glide Width Ratio Glide Max Depth Ratio -- -- -- - - -- - --- -- Hydraulics: ri a pool run channel slope (%) . ~. ~ ~~ ~ discharge rate, Q (cfs) ~~-` _ ~ velocity (ft/sec) 5.6 6.3 7.3 shear stress @ max depth (Ibs/ft sq) 1.493 1.590 1.445 shear stress (Ibs/ft sq) 0.963 1.012 0.819 shear velocity (ft/sec) 0.705 0.723 0.650 stream power (Ibs/sec) 168.6 168.6 168.6 unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 6.000 6.000 6.000 relative roughness 6.3 6.3 5.4 friction factor u/u* 8.0 8.8 11.3 threshold grain size @ max depth (mm) 4~8 4-79 449 threshold rain size (mm) 67.4 74.2 53 38 Stream: Meadow Fork Watershed: New Location: Along BRPW below SR 1145 bridge Latitude: -- Longitude: --- County: Alleghany Date: May 23, 2002 Observers: Staci Scott/Joe Mickey Channel Type: -- Drainage Area (sq mi): 4.5 Pattern typical min max bankfull width (ft) 28.1 meander length (ft) belt width (ft) amplitude (ft) radius (ft) arc angle (degrees) straight length (ft) ` stream length ,,.., :_,_: _ valley length ~ Sinuosity 1.66 Meander Width Ratio 8.5 -- --- Amplitude Ratio --- - --- Meander Length Ratio 13.5 11.9 15.7 Straight Length Ratio --- --- --- Radius Ratio --- --- --- Profile typical min max bankfull width (ft) 28.1 pool-pool spacing (ft) riffle length (ft) pool length (ft) ~~ run length (ft) glide length (ft) channel slope (%) riffle slope (%) ~, ~ : ; pool slope (%) run slope (%) glide slope (%) measured valley slope (%) valley slope (%) 1.3 Riffle Length Ratio 2.8 0.9 4.7 Pool Length Ratio 2.3 0.4 5.8 Run Length Ratio --- -- --- Glide Length Ratio --- -- --- Riffle Slope Ratio 1.9 0.3 2.3 Pool Slope Ratio 0.2 0.1 0.3 Run Slope Ratio --- --- --- Glide Slope Ratio --- --- --- Pool Spacin Ratio 2.8 1.6 8.0 39 2+06 Run Meadow Fork 98 97 __ _- --. -__ --- - -_ - 96 --_ - - _.. - -- ----- ---.. ~ 95 -----__ _-- - -- c -- _ _- - i w 93 - - --- -- _ - - 92 __ _ - _. __- -- --- -- 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Meadow Fork New description: ;fit .; height of instrument (ft): ;;>r omit distance FS FS FS W fpa channel Manning's notes pt. (ft) (ft) elevation bankfull top of bank (ft) slope (%) "n" - J 96.94 , , ~._,- [: ~ 97.31 94.25 94.94 ~ 94.94 f 94.24 ~ 93.42 j 93.05 ~ ' ~_-; 91.82 _] 92.03 1 91.43 91.37 ~J~ 91.35 91.25 f 1 91.32 ~ 91.45 _-~ 92.03 ~~ 91.79 93.08 _.j 93.18 r i- 93.49 94.24 94.95 [ _~ 95.73 ~ - 96.07 ~, ~ i. -, ..A. 97.25 dimensions 47.7 x-section area 1.9 d mean 25.3 width 27.7 wet P 3.0 d max 1.7 h d radi 3.7 bank ht 13.4 w/d ratio 83.0 W flood prone area 3.3 ent ratio hydraulics 0.0 veloci ft/sec) 0.0 dischar a rate, Q (cfs) 0.83 shear stress ((Ibs/ft sq) 0.65 shear velocit (fUsec 0.000 unit stream power Ibs/ft/sec) 0.00 Froude number 0.0 friction factor u/u' 50.4 threshold rain size (mm) check from channel material 107 measured D84 (mm) 5.4 relative roughness 7.0 fric. factor 0 041 Manning`s r~ from ehannei material 40 96 95 94 93 c 92 m w 91 90 89 88 4+28 Pool Meadow Fork 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Pool Meadow Fork aesci ~Ni height of instrument omit distance FS notes pt. (ft) (ft) ~__~ 93.27 I, ~ u 93.01 ~_ j 93.71 r ~ 91.73 I~ 90.18 __l 89.78 ] ~_ 89.38 _ J 89.34 ~; _ ; 89.01 l.~ 88.79 ( ~ = 88.44 r ] x,~i 88.43 !~~ ~~ A' 88.46 _~ ,~ ~~. 89.56 ~ 90.18 i_] i, 4~; 90.73 ~~ 91.26 i_] 91.73 _] 93.49 95.14 I ::=~ 95.58 bankfull top of ba _.,... 91.73 95.14 dimensions 55.3 x-section area 2.2 d mean 25.1 width 26.6 wet P 3.3 d max 2.1 h d radi 6.7 bank ht hydraulics 1.00 shear stress ((Ibs/ft s ) 0.72 shear velocit (ft/sec) 72.9 threshold grain size (mm) ~I -- 41 dimensions 62.0 x-section area 2.2 d mean 28.1 width 30.5 wet P 3.1 d max 2.0 h d radi 4.1 bank ht 12.7 w/d ratio 125.0 W flood prone area 4.4 ent ratio hydraulics 5.6 veloci (ft/sec) 350.0 dischar a rate, Q (cfs) 0.98 shear stress ((Ibs/ft s ) 0.71 shear velocity (ft/sec) 6.000 unit stream power (Ibs/ft/sec) 0.45 Froude number 7.9 friction factor u/u" 69.7 threshold rain size (mm) check from channel material 107 measured D84 (mm) 6.3 relative roughness 7.4 Eric. factor 0 ()4E) IVlar~ning's n from channel material 42 0 o I -- - - °o ao. ' m ° 1 i ~ v ._ , ~ 0 o 0 - _ __ O j ~ o ~ --- - - - --- a~ ~ ~ ~, Q ~ M ~ _._. ___ ~ -_ _.. . -. C w U M _ _ - - - -.. _ ___ ~ W t ~. _. _.. -.. __._ - _. _._ ... _ ~ a 6 L ~' m o • O ~ ~ W ~ ~ M _..__ __ _ - __ ____. __ _. _..... O U C N L _~ a a o _. O m N N ~ .~-~ Y f0 i ~ O O 7 T ~ LL 3 ~ __ ~ m ' o U ~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ i a - ! ~ I a ~ ~ ~ ~ o v ~ v - - cn _ _ m I ~ ~ ~e .n ~ . - ~ _ _ _ _ __ __ , ._. c `0 o ,~ a _ m ~ `~ ° rn m ~ c - ~ a i - ~ n p ui ~ z Q ~ c ~ a~ a O Z U_ ~ N C~7 ~ o a ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 ° O O O OD ~ ( O ~~ M N O O ~ ue yl ~a ui~ }u a~~a d O ~ N ~ o c ui ik ~k ~k ~k ~t ik ~k ~k ik 3k ~k ~k ~k ~k ~k 7k ~k ~k ~k 4t ~k ~k *k ~k .. C7 c c U ~ ~ ~ aoco aornrn~~c~M vv,cou~~~ ~o~rn 0 0 0 0 0 °0 0 N r i~ d' N N d' N Ch V' V ~~ N f~ T~ ~O N O O O O O O .. N t aa ~ ~~ ~' O ~ N ~ (fl OD S O N (N7 ~ CEO W N O M O E E ~ O O N O N ~} 'p N a~ ~ L O rn °' ~ t0 ~ O ~ 0 ~'`~ N o r- N ~ cO CO ~ (O N N ' tn ' '7 O N OOD O[f cN0 N N ~ ~ co ~ ~ N O 0 0 0 ~ N C 7 V c0 6) ~ ~ N M to O N O H N ~ N 7 aa Y o ~~a >>>>>>>>> n~ -n~ a~ a~ a~ d m - - - c i H o ~ mm mmm ~ ~ ~ y ~ mmmmmmmmm . . ~~~~ av a v o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o - ~ a _ c ~ ~ ia ~ ~ , ~~ ~~ c_ c_ ~wm _ rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn NNN~~NNNN l N N o 0 0 ~$ ~ 0 - a~a~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~~~~s o ~ ~N N (O w~ O O C C C O O !p L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t6 (O (6 16 ~p d) ~ O ~ N N ~ ~ 7 O7 m a d N ~ ~ U v ~ m a~ v v v v l6 N u, ~-- ~ ~~ m m ~ E E ~ E E a > o > > ~ > 43 ', m O a ~.' O N d m O1 C O a z 0 3 0 a a`ai 0 0 M X ~~ O O 0 0 __ - 0 O rn X • 0 0 i 0 0 Y 00 O O ~ 00 v X C f4 O N U ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 C (n C c6 Q7 L i0 U ~ 0 o a v ~, m O O N F-;~--:r-i-irl I I I O rn rn rn rn rn o00 oCOO vm (u) uoilenal3 44 45 46 Appendix 5 Design Cross-Sections 47 I 0 .a_~a Q ~~~.__ ' er__..r ~~ W A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` . . i~ !I i o O\ ~ M M H w ~ V1 _ y C, ~ C ++ ~ ~ m A 1 ~ 0 ~. U i I 1 N i~ O 1 i 0 1~ N ~ ~ ~~~ UOI;BAOj~ 48 O bD w d0 r ~h ~Y4 ~ W A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • 0 v •! • I ~ ! w 0 M N ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ j W ~, u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v v ~ A ~ { V ~ * N I I I I O r r' 0 M 00 ~ ~ ~~~ QO[~6A0~~ 49 _ O C o ~ ~ ~ W A O O O 00 t~ p z H w ~ C .~ u O ~ C ~ v ~ ~ • ~ ' '' .n Q ~ O ~ ~ L U ~ } ~ I , I 1 i M I f ~~ e o N ,t ~ ~ ~~ • O ~ i ~ ~ ,i ~' 0 rn rn m (~) aogana~~ 50 Appendix 6 Livestock Exclusion Plan 51 i .~ cj A~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ y Fl ~S V, ,t Z O'a' $y~, ' S ,.p ~ ~ ~ 4 CR of Iv A ~ ~ ~ ~ d w a ` s e a OF x } ~ ~..,0 Yr $~ c Iri G d ~ A ~ ~ ;±' 2 .F w + ~ ~ oc a ?f ~ 6* ` -ice p~, ~ ~ ,. 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Q ~ d ~ a o N ~ W U Z vi rn C ~ N N ~ L ~ w o a 3 ~ U J Q W O U ~ C ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ` ~ ~ F- `. a m Q ~ a~ ~ vi a c ~ `- a~ .r .-. ui a ~'' c ~ ~ a~ .«. vi -a c ~ N ~- m ~ ° O w ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 N ~ Y Z = O 'd v ~ N .C U > u~ C ~ ~ ~ N U > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N U > w ~ p ~ ~ ~ •~ ti m 2 a ~ w a~~i ~ a. ~ -~ ~ L a ~ c 3 c'o °i~ °- ai a? > v °~ w a3 > ~ Ov ni a? ~ cLi °v a~~i m a °' ~ ~ a~i ~ ~ ~ ~ a°~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ v m m ao ~ a a C~ C~ T U n. C~ C7 T U a C~ C7 T cn > ao U O ~ W ~ ,uj W ~ ~ u. w~ a~ mF-~ r N M ~ ZQ m A .,~ ~i m dl N f~ a a b U .~ fr' U m H 53 a Q rn ~~ U N z O a v ~U O awa W ~ _ ~ ~ ~ Z V ~ N ~va z z°=o ~~ J ~ ~ W V N C9 O Q V Z wv 0~ U~ zo win w ~ gj z o ~ w } Q Qz a ~ ~}o z =~~ ,~ ~ w ~w 00~ } w vai a ~ ° ~'~ w m a ~ 0 = U p 0 ~ ' O O ~ ~ ~ N ~ ti ~ O 0 W N ~ ~ ~ ~ o D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ W = U ~ ~ ~ n ~ a c 0 w 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ O Q 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O N U~ r r ~ r r r ~- r ~ ~ ~ _ l0 r w Q~ O N p ~ 0 O p N O p ~ m a O N ~ ~ 0 M ~ N N O N ~ ~ CO 'd' Q Q Q O O H F- z ~ ~ `~ COO f~ ~ ~ ~' M N ~ d' o CNO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ N W U Z vi rn c ~ W ~ N ~ Y ~ ~ J Q ~ ~ ~ .-. +.: ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ 7 'gyp ~ O ~ Q W N ~ } ~ L CA ~ ~ ~': .N ~ Y ~ Z ~ -p ~ Q fn N t ~ j ~- rn ~ C N to ° t ~ ~ In ~ ~ x w i a ~ ~ U a ~ ~ o C ~ 0 0 O N ~ ~ ~ (n ~ ~ td N ~ C (0 > N CO ~- O O r- fn fn O O O Q O J ao ~ ~ r ~~ W ~ W ~ W w~ ag '` zQ m~~ ~ ~ ro a .~ b m m a U .,~ U m H O U a~ U .,.., O «3 r~ ~./ N U O U P~ C~ N U a~ O N N N CCS Q~ O 0 . ,..~ N N h U .~ N 54 Appendix 7 Vegetation Guidelines Riparian Seeding and Planting Guidelines For NCWRC Mitigation Program These guidelines will provide the methods to be used for reestablishing riparian vegetation at NCWRC mitigation sites. They will include seedbed preparation, nutrient enhancement, temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and erosion control. Methodology for planting sod mats, live stakes, and trees will also be presented. Herbaceous Vegetation Sod mats Prior to sloping stream banks within easement areas the sod on these banks will be removed. Mats should be deep enough to contain a majority of the roots. These mats should be stockpiled for later use. After banks are sloped the mats should be placed from the bankfull elevation down to the normal water line or onto the interberm feature. Mats should be laid as close to one another as possible and pushed into the underlying soil, 36-48 inch wooden stakes will be used to secure the sod mats to the underlying soil. Openings between mats should be filled with soil and seeded with temporary seed mix. Mats should be fertilized at a rate of 251bs. per 1000 sq. ft. and watered using a pump or by dipping water out of the creek with a clean track-hoe bucket. Seed Seedbed Preparation: On sites where equipment can be operated safely the seedbed shall be adequately loosened and smoothed. This may require disking and dragging. On sites where equipment cannot be operated safely, the seedbed shall be prepared by hand scarifying to provide a roughened surface so that seed will stay in place. If seeding is done immediately following construction, seedbed preparation may be required only on areas where heavy equipment has caused compaction of the ground. Fertilizing: Evenly distribute lime and fertilizer over the area to be seeded using a tractor mounted fertilizer spreader or with a hand held fertilizer spreader. Uniformly mix lime and fertilizer into the top 3 inches of the soil using a drag or hand rake. Where surface materials are predominately gravel and/or cobble, no incorporation is required. Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil test or at the following rates. Per 1000 sq. ft. Per Acre Lime 461bs. 1 ton 10-10-10 Fertilizer* 181bs. 800 lbs. *(half of fertilizer will be applied in fall at planting and other half in spring) Seeding: Temporary seeding -Use where needed for erosion control, when permanent vegetation cannot be established due to planting season and where temporary ground cover is needed to 3 allow native or woody vegetation to become established. Apply the following vegetation at the listed rates. Fall, Winter, and Spring Seeding Per 1000 sq. ft. Per Acre Rye Grain 3 lbs. 1201bs. Winter Wheat 1 lb. 401bs. Summer Seeding Per 1000 sq. ft. Per Acre Sudangrass 1 lb. SO lbs. Browntop Millet 1 lb. 40 Ibs Permanent Seeding -Use in combination with woody plantings on the up-slope side of the riparian area and down to the bankfull elevation. This mixture can be planted at any time but will do best in spring or late fall. Spring planted seed should be treated with a cold wet chill process to maximize germination. Fall plantings should be planted with a lightly sown cool season annual to hold soil and does not need to be chilled. Seeding should be done evenly over the area using a mechanical or hand seeder. A drag should be used to cover the seed with no more than'/2 inch of soil. Where a drag can not safely be utilized the seed should be covered by hand raking. All seasons: WNC Riparian Diversity Mix (as described on the attached sheet) '/41b. per 1000 sq. ft. and l O lbs. per Acre Erosion Control All seeded areas, areas disturbed by heavy equipment, or other areas disturbed by mitigation activities should be protected from erosion by installation of erosion control materials, such as straw, net free-wood fiber blanket, coir matting or in some combination with the coir matting laid over top of the mulch. All of these materials should be installed and stapled according to the manufactures recommendation. Staples should be installed on 2 ft. spacing. Woody Vegetation Live stakes Live stake material should be dormant and gathered locally or purchased from a reputable commercial supplier. Stakes should be % to 3 inches in diameter and living based on the presence of young buds and green bark. Stakes should be kept cool and moist to improve survival and to maintain dormancy. Stakes should be driven into the ground using a rubber hammer or by creating a hole and slipping the stake into it. The ground around the stake should be firmed against the stake after planting. Stakes should be placed so that 75% of the stake is below the ground and 2 or 3 buds aze above ground. Stakes should be planted on 2 - 3 foot spacing and at a density of 160 - 360 stakes per 1000 sq. ft. 4 Bare rooted or potted stock Care and handling: Desirable trees and shrubs on the construction site should be dug and stored. These plants should be stored in a cool moist environment or heeled in. Roots of bare root stock should be kept moist during planting operations. Bare root material should only be planted during winter and early spring. Container or potted stock shall be kept moist at all times. Do not let roots freeze or dry out prior to planting. Site Preparation: The soil in the area of tree planting should be loosened to a depth of at least 1 foot. This is only necessary on hard compacted soil. Planting: On site material -Transplants should be replanted to the same depth they were originally growing. Potted stock -Planting should be done mechanically or by hand using a shovel. The planting trench or hole must be deep enough and wide enough to permit roots to spread out and down without J-rooting. Potted stock should be planted in a hole 2-3 times the diameter of the root ball and at the same depth as the root ball. When setting plants, be certain to plant them high. Locate the root ball on solid soil and not loose backfill. Wire baskets do not need to be completely removed from large field grown trees. Be sure to remove plastic liners or synthetic burlap materials. Construct an earthen dam 4-6 inches high around the drip zone area of the plant after planting. This will allow for self watering and runoff will be minimized. Bare rooted stock -Bare rooted material can be planted using a hoedad or a dibble bar (see diagram below). Planting slits for bare rooted material should be 6-8 inches in diameter and should be at least 8-12 inches deep. Damaged roots should be trimmed. Plants should be placed with the root collar slightly below the soil surface. Holes and slits should be closed completely, including and especially at the bottom of the hole. Guidelines for Planting Bare-Root Plants "Y-. „+-~ _, . ..t . .; t? t~iniS tY"Y 7. tf t k?r;~ xuy. :3 ( . +(.?'!:f 1 ,"JAY' $\j C1~,:~F~ fk~S 7X _ X7vQ1. f C. ~I gf?: # 1 `..?. 3~.t A€3 ~sn~t f3T ;,%rr Yr? t~k~1F.?. z:~f 4 'Jk~r1 ;~~~ '*x ~.stl~. ,~rac~71 . r x ! f7r;tp tt~ so~t4 air &odceRs= a*~ ^ xr, A rte, `,. t,'"~ ,j ~ 4~ e ~, ~. \ . s + . ~ ~ _ '~ , ~%_ A . 4~'// 1 /f~ ;j' t~-=~ `_- .-.. 5 Spacing of rooted Woody Vegetation -the following guidelines should be used for spacing rooted woody vegetation. Type spacing # per 1000 sq. ft. Shrubs, less than 10 ft. in height 3 - 6 ft. 27 - 111 Shrubs and Trees, 10 -25 ft. in height 6 - 8 ft. 15 - 27 Trees greater than 25 ft. in height 8 -15 ft. 4 -15 Plant List Herbaceous, permanent seed mixture labeled "WNC Riparian Diversity Mix" Common Name Botanical Name 5.00% Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibillis 2.50% Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium fistulosa 2.50% Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata 2.50% Eastern Gamagrass Tripascum dactyloides 5.00% Green Bulrush Scirpus atrovirens 5.00% Hop Sedge Carex lupilina 10.00% Rice Cut Grass Leersia oryzoides 2.50% Soft Rush Juncus effusus 2.50% Softstem Bulrush Scirpus validus 2.50% Three Square Spikerush Scirpus americanus 10.00% Va Wild rye Elymus virginicus 10.00% Woolgrass Scirpus cypemus 2.50% Deertongue Panicum clandestinum 5.00% Button Bush Cephalanthus occidentalis 5.00% Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 2.50% Red Chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia 5.00% Silky Dogwood Cornus amomuin 2.50% Winterberry Ilex verticillata 2.50% Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 2.50% Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvancia 2.50% Red Maple Acer rubrum 2.50% Pin Oak Quercus palustris 2.50% Wild Black Cherry Prunus serotina 2.50% Silver Maple Acer saccharium This mixture was taken from the list of plants that begins on the following page. It was created from a database compiled by TVA and distributed on CD format as a product called "Banks & Buffers" (Tennessee Valley Authority. 1996. Banks & Buffers, A guide to selecting native plants for streambanks and shorelines; Riparian Plant Selector, Version 1.0; Environmental Research Center and Clean Water Initiative, Muscle Shoals, AL.). As more information becomes available we will add to this list in an effort to encompass as many riparian species native to Western North Carolina as possible. A variety of shrub and tree species will be chosen from the following list, and will be planted at mitigation sites as either live stakes, potted stock, balled stock, or bare root stock. These 6 plantings will take place in the winter or early spring. Spacing suggestions should be used as guidelines, but can be varied depending on species requirements and landscape objectives. For example species that are commonly found growing in clumped distributions should be planted that way. It is desirable for the final distribution of trees and shrubs to have a more natural, random appearance. In order to accomplish this exact spacing should be avoided and mixing of various species should be done. Plants native to the riparian and wetland areas of Western North Carolina Type Common Name Scientific Name Flooding Light Wetland pH wildlife region val. 1 American Pillwort Pilularia americans Reg sun obli 0-7 birds all 1 Cinnamon Fern Osmunda cinnamomea Irreg to reg Part to shade Fac.wet 0-7 birds all 1 Netted Chain Fern Woodwardia areolata seas to reg all obli less birds all 1 Royal Fern Osmunda regalis seas to reg Part to shade obli 0-7 birds, sm all 1 Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis Irreg to reg all facu 0-7 birds all 2 American Lotus Nelumbo lutes reg to perm sun oblig 0-7 birds,SM all 2 American Pondweed Potamogeton nodosus perm sun oblig 7 birds,SM all 2 Arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia seas-perm sun to shade oblig all B, Sm all 2 Broad-leaf Cattail Typha latifolia seas-perm sun oblig all B, Sm all 2 Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis irreg-seas sun fac.wet 0-7 B, Sm all 2 Hollow Joe-pye-weed Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus irreg-seas sun facu 0-7 birds all 2 Narrow-leaf Cattail Typha angustifolia seas-perm sun oblig all B, Sm all 2 Pickerelweed. Pontederia cordata seas-perm sun-partsh oblig 0-7 B, Sm all 2 Spotted Touch-me-not Impatiens capensis nreg-seas part.sh fac.wet 0-7 B, Sm all 2 Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata irreg-reg sun-partsh oblig 0-7 B, Sm all 2 Swamp Rose Mallow Hibiscus moscheutos seas-reg sun-part.sh oblig 0-7 B, Sm all 2 Virginia Blueflag Iris virginica seas-perm sun oblig 0-7 birds all 2 Water Plantain Alisma subcordatum seas-perm sun oblig 0-7 B, Sm all 2 Waterwillow Justicia americans reg-perm sun-partsh oblig 0-7 B, Sm all 2 White Waterlily Nymphaea odorata reg-perm sun-part.sh oblig 0-7 B, Sm all 2 Yellow Cowlily Nuphar luteum reg-perm sun-partsh oblig 0-7 B, Sm all 3 Creeping Spikerush Eleocharis palustris seas-perm sun-part. oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Green Bulrush Scirpus atrovi seas-reg sun oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Hop Sedge Carex lupulina seas-reg sun-part. oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Rice Cutgrass Leersia oryzoides reg-perm sun oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 River Cane Arundinaria gigantea irreg-seas sun-part. fac.wet 0-7 B,Sm all 3 River Oats Chasmanthium latifolium irreg-seas part: shade facu 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Slender Spikerush Eleocharis acicularis seas-perm sun oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Soft Rush Juncus effusus seas-perm sun-part. fac.wet 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Softstem Bulrush Scirpus validus seas-perm sun oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Square-stem Spikerush Eleocharis quadrangulata seas-perm sun oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Three-square Bulrush Scirpus americanus seas-perm sun oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all 3 Virginia Wildrye Elymus virginicus irreg-seas part.-shade facu 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 3 Woolgrass Scirpus cyperinus seas-reg sun oblig. 0-7 B,Sm all Bluet Houstonia serpyllifolia 4 Bushy St. Johnswort Hypericum densiflorum irreg-seas sun-part fac.wet 0-7 birds all 4 Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis seas-perm sun-part oblig all B,Sm,Lm all 4 Wild Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens irreg part.-shade fac.upl 0-? B,Sm all 4 Yellowroot Xanthorhiza simplicissima irreg-seas part.-shade fac.wet 0-7 buds all 5 American Witch-hazel Hamamelis virginiana irreg part fac upl 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 5 Brookside Alder Alnus serrulata irreg-reg sun fac wet 0-7 birds all 5 Carolina Buckthorn Rhamnus cazoliniana irreg part fac upl all B,Sm all 5 Cazolina Willow Salix cazoliniana seas-reg sun-part. oblig 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 5 Common Pawpaw Asiminia triloba irreg-seas part.-shade facu 0-7 Sm all 5 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis irreg-seas sun-part. fac wet 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 5 Red Chokeberry Aronia azbutifolia irreg-seas sun-part. fac wet 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 5 Silky Dogwood Cornus amomuin irreg-seas sun-part. fac wet all B,Sm all 5 Silky Willow Salix sericea irreg-reg sun-part. oblig 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 5 Spicebush Lindera benzoin irreg-seas part.-shade fac wet 0-7 birds all 5 Winterberry Ilex verticillata irreg-reg part: shade fac wet 0-7 B,Sm all 5 Sweet Azalea Rhododendron azborescens irreg part fac wet acid B,Lm F,H,Lt S Rhododendron Rhododendron catawbi ense 6 American Hornbeam Carpinus cazoliniana irreg-seas all facu acid B,Sm all 6 Eastern Hornbeam Ostrya virginiana irreg part.-shade fac. Upl 0-7 B,Sm all 7 Baldcypress Taxodium distichum all sun -part oblig 0-7 birds all 7 Black Walnut Juglans nigra irreg sun -part fac upl 0-7 Sm all 7 Black Willow Salix nigra seas perm sun oblig 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 7 Blackgurn Nyssa sylvatica irreg-reg all oblig-fac 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 7 Boxelder Acer negundo irreg all fac wet 0-7 birds all 7 Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides irreg-seas sun facu 0-7 birds all 7 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica irreg-reg all fac wet 0-7 B,Sm all 7 Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos irreg-seas sun facu 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 7 Persimmon Diospyros virginiana irreg-seas sun -part facu 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 7 Red Maple Acer rubrum irreg-reg all obli-fac 0-7 B,Sm,Lm all 7 Red Mulberry Morus rubs irreg-seas part -shade facu 0-7 B,Sm all 7 River Birch Betula nigra irreg -seas sun fac wet 0-7 birds all 7 Silver Maple Acer saccharinum irreg all fac wet 0-7 birds all 7 Sweetgum Liquidambaz styraciflua irreg -reg sun facu 0-7 B,Sm all 7 Sycamore Platanus occidentalis irreg -seas sun -part fac wet 0-7 B,Sm all 7 American Basswood Tilia americana irreg all fac upl 0-7 B,Sm Ho,F,Lt 7 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Plant Twe Fern or fern allies 1 Em, float, or wetl herb 2 Grass, sedge, or rush 3 Small Shrub 4 Lazge Shrub 5 Small Tree 6 Lazge Tree 7 ~. °' 0 ~o U a~ w ' O" • ~ ~ ~.+ ~ ~ ~ • • N ~' o •3 >., ~ O r ~ N ~I ~ O ~ ~ v r ~ ° b ~ `~' O ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ° `'~ ° w ~ ~ i w CI O ti s , 0 , ~ ~ y y ~ ' ~ ,., ~ v ~ .,., 'O N °' , . ~ ~ ~' .., .^r ~ oil d ,-~ 3 v '~ ~ ~ y ~ ~~ °' ~ ~ ~ O ° ~ ~ O 3 O ~ '-+ N ~ 3 ` ~ ~ ~ ~ o ° ~ a '~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ° Q ;~ o N ~ x :~ 3 i v ° F ~ ~ i 3 i 3 ~ i 3 ~ • i 3 ~ ~ ' ~' y o ~ "~ 3 v ~ i 3 bb : ~ b ~ b ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ` ~ ~b ~ 3 ~ ¢' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o C ~b o o _o o b _o ~ Q" o .a .n a .a .fl O U N ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ T3 b • O a> ~ ~ y ~ ~ ,~ ,~ 'O ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O v, y ~ ~ , ~ ~ 'b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~} Q. ~L y ~ bA m (n rn ~ ~ vi ~ .n ~ .n ~ fn ~ (n y ~ ~ ~ m ~ `n ~ m y ~ `n ~ ~n ~ v~ ~ .n ~ ,~ W ~ ...~ W ~ W Qy M v1 (~ 01 M O ~--~ V1 O •-~ ~!1 v) vl ~ N ~O v) M N M N N . O ', ~ •~•» .b N ~ ~ ~ O c~ ~ v ? • V a ~ h .--. ~ .~ ~ ~" p fi N ~ t-," N ~ O y ~}•~!! ~ ^ • ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ O O ~ `~'Y ~ ~ O c~ ~ N © ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O U ~ O ~ N ~ ~ ~ ° O fem. • ,., A4 ¢5 a4 ~ct • A O v~ U v~ . U a O a a x a, w v~ ~ U N ~ , a . 0 o b a~ q W W ~ a" ° -o a~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o c ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~, ~, ,° N „ ou ~ a, ~ ~ ~ ~, . ~' ~ ~ •~ ~ ao ~ ,~' a~ on > ~ ~, ~ a~i ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~' ~ '° ~ ~ ~ at aa a a A w ~ ~ a a . ~ ~ in ~ > w c~ 3 ~ D3-oSgq V3 /\ ;~ 1. Sediment fence will be installed as needed. 2. N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission staff will be on site at all times during construction. 3. Use of the 2 downstream most construction entrances and access corridors should be limited to delivery of 1-2 truck loads of boulders each. .., to Potential Area = 5.9 Acres i ---~. /• Existing ~ Ford ~~.. Realign ~~ ~ ~ /~~ Channel ; i Staging Are _r / `~~ / Staging ~ ~ ' Area \~~~~ ~° '~ ~ J / \ Start of Project ,~ /~ ... ~ } w ~ ~ ~~~. Staging ~ i ~~~ Area \ ,RA~~~~~'~ ~~ 25' Trout Buffer ( `~ \ ~ ~~~g~~~. ~ ._ ~\ ~~ / ~.- ~ \~ rte: End Of Project ~'' \ ~. All structures are approximate locations since stream ~ "~ ' ~ conditions may have changed by the time of construction. Sta in Structure type could chonge due to adjustments mode \ 9 9 to stream conditions at time of construction. Area ~. .~ ~1 LEGEND I Stream Bank Construction \ \ ~.. Entrance Sediment Fence Wetland Areas ~ , ~T` Temp. Stream ' _ '._ \ ~ Crossing ~ \ / 25' Trout `'i Bank Shaping ~.-J Buffer Limit ___ ___, ~ Potential ~ r In-Stream Disturbed Area LJ ~ Structures _____.,._ Approximate 0 150' 300' - - - - Property Boundary -- -- ---- Drainage Ditch NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION Bowlin Mitigation Site on Peak Creek DRawN BY: J. Ferguson DATE: April, 2007 SHEET `"°`"" APPROVED: M. Fowikes DATE: April, 2007 WATERSHED ENHANCEMENT GROUP Stream Stabilization & Habitat Enhancement Ashe County ') REVISION: J. Fer uson DATE: May, 2007 P.O.BOX387 336.527.15470FFICE Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA 28821 336,527.1548 FAX CARD FILE ID: Bowlin,dWg ~F ~ ~ l / .;