HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210446 Ver 1_B-5808 CE Document_signed_20220215 1 Updated 11/7/2018 Type I and II Ground Disturbing Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form STIP Project No. B-5808 WBS Element 45762.1.1 Federal Project No. NHP-0029(062) A. Project Description: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 57 and Bridge No. 59 on Concord Parkway (US 29/US 601) over Irish Buffalo Creek in Cabarrus County (Refer to Figure 1). Built in 1951, Bridge No. 57 (Northbound) and Bridge No. 59 (Southbound), built in 1938, have two 12-foot lanes each, approximately 170 feet in length, with reinforced concrete deck and girder construction. The project is scheduled for Right of Way in August 2019 and Let in August 2020. Minor ROW acquisition will be required. Proposed improvements include adding 5-foot sidewalks, an additional northbound 12-foot left turn lane, and a southbound 12-foot right turn lane. The proposed bridge would be 180 feet in length, and the bridge replacement would be constructed in place through the use of an on- site detour, crossovers, and phased construction (Refer to Appendix A). B. Description of Need and Purpose: NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 57 and Bridge No. 59 have sufficiency ratings of 48.27 and 49.73 out of a possible 100 for a new structure (respectively). Bridge No. 57 and Bridge No. 59 are considered structurally deficient due to a substructure condition appraisal of 4 out of 9 according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standards. The two bridges also meet the criteria for functionally obsolete due to a deck geometry appraisal of 2 out of 9. Both bridges are approaching the end of their useful lives. C. Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: ☒ TYPE I A □ TYPE I B □ TYPE II A □ TYPE II B D. Proposed Improvements: 28. Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad crossings, if the actions meet the constraints in 23 CFR 771.117(e)(1-6). DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 2 Updated 11/7/2018 E. Special Project Information: Capacity Analysis: In March 2018, a capacity analysis was completed that analyzed the intersection of US 29/601 and Poplar Tent Rd/McGill Ave. The 2016 Base Year No-Build found an overall LOS E during AM and PM peak hour with Poplar Tent Rd. A 2025 construction year analysis was conducted to understand the impacts of construction phasing at the intersection of US 29/601 and Poplar Tent Rd/McGill Ave. The following three options were analyzed:  Option 1 – Michigan Left as proposed in C-4918A (a locally administered congestion mitigation air quality (CMAQ) project that will provide intersection improvements and additional turn lanes for Poplar Tent Rd at US 29/US 601).  Option 2 – Divided US 29/601 to restrict east/west through movements along Poplar Tent Road/McGill Ave.  Option 3 – Divided US 29/601 along with the detour of McGill Ave Traffic Poplar Tent Rd being restricted to right turns only. After analyzing all three construction phasing options, it is predicted that option 1 will achieve acceptable overall LOS at the intersection of US 29/601 and Poplar Tent Rd/McGill Ave. Phasing: During Phase I, a temporary detour bridge will be constructed while a temporary crossover for northbound traffic is constructed. Existing traffic patterns will not be altered. Southbound traffic will be rerouted to the temporary detour bridge and northbound traffic will shift via the crossover to the existing southbound lane during Phase II. In this phase, the east side of the new bridge will be constructed. Phase III shifts northbound traffic to the newly constructed bridge while maintaining southbound traffic on the temporary detour bridge. The remaining side of the new bridge is constructed in this phase. In the final phase, Phase IV, southbound traffic will be shifted to the newly constructed bridge and the temporary detour bridge will be removed. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: The proposed project has been designated as a CE for the purposes of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation. As a result, a Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 will likely be applicable. A NWP 33 may also apply for temporary construction activities such as stream dewatering, work bridges, or temporary causeways that are often used during bridge construction or rehabilitation. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. If a Section 404 permit is required, then a Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) from NCDWR will be needed. Irish Buffalo Creek, which is part of the Yadkin-PeeDee River basin, crosses under Bridge No. 57 and 59 and is listed on the North Carolina 2016 Final 303(d) list of impaired waters but not for sedimentation. Environmental Commitments: Greensheet commitments are located at the end of the checklist. DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 3 Updated 11/7/2018 Estimated Costs (Pending): The estimated costs, FY 2018, are as follows: Utility $ 1,417,100 (NCDOT) R/W $ 309,200 (NCDOT) Const. $ 8,760,000 (STV Engineers Inc.) Total $ 10,486,300 Estimated Traffic: A traffic forecast was conducted in September 2016, and a capacity analysis completed in March 2018. The SYNCHRO analysis determined the need for a six (6) lane section of the bridge in 2040 to provide additional storage for vehicles traveling north/south on US 29/601. Current 2016 32,000 vpd Year 2040 51,400 vpd TTST 1% Dual 3% Crash Analysis: A crash analysis was completed on February 15, 2017 by NCDOT on this section of US 29 and US 601(Concord Parkway) from 500 feet south of Bridge No. 57 to 500 feet north of the bridge. The crash analysis was performed using NCDOT’s TEAAS system with a study period of five years, from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016. 111 crashes were found occurring in the vicinity of the project. The crash analysis found the Total Crash Rate for crashes per 100 million vehicle miles to be 943.70 which is higher than the comparable state average of 321.99. Design Exceptions: There are no anticipated design exceptions for this project. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations: There are no existing bike and pedestrian facilities along Concord Parkway (US 29/US 601). The City of Concord requested incorporating sidewalks on both bridges as well as 14-ft outside wide lanes to accommodate bicycles. B-5808 proposes 5-foot sidewalks along Concord Parkway. Irish Buffalo Creek is the future site of the Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway, which is an adopted segment of the Carolina Thread Trail connecting Concord to Kannapolis. This segment is noted in the adopted Carolina Thread Trail Master Plan for Cabarrus County (August 2009). The NC Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation recommended working with the City of Concord to discuss accommodations underneath the replaced bridge. B-5808 proposes vertical clearance ranging from 8 feet to 18 feet underneath the bridge. The City of Concord confirmed on May 22, 2018 that the proposed greenway is not funded and the trail is planned to be a paved path along Irish Buffalo Creek. On July 2, 2018, the City of Concord confirmed that none of the parcels surrounding Bridge Nos. 57 & 59 are owned by the City of Concord, Cabarrus County, or have publicly owned easements on them. DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 4 Updated 11/7/2018 Alternative Analysis: No Build – The no build alternative would not replace deficient bridges, and thus is not a viable option. Rehabilitation – Rehabilitation would only provide a temporary solution to the structural deficiency of the bridge. Staged Construction with Onsite Detour (Preferred Alternative) – Staged construction is the current and preferred alternative since it utilizes an onsite detour bridge. Phased construction will be utilized. Southbound traffic will be moved to a temporary detour bridge and northbound traffic will be shifted to the existing southbound lanes. In addition, due to concerns regarding the number of school buses using the bridge and the high level of impact on emergency response services, an offsite detour was not feasible. New Alignment – A new alignment option for US 29/US 601 (Concord Parkway North) is not feasible. Offsite Detour – The closest available detour route is approximately 7 miles long and follows Concord Parkway North, NC 73 (Church Street North), and SR 1002 (Cabarrus Avenue West). Given the potential for a high level of impact on emergency response services and school transportation, an alternative that utilizes a temporary on-site detour is preferred. Agency Comments: Start of Study letters were sent to the City of Concord, Cabarrus County, Cabarrus-Rowan MPO, NC Department of Parks and Recreation, NC DEQ, NC Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, and the US Army Corps of Engineers in December of 2015. In 2016, The City of Concord’s Transportation Director noted C-4918A, a locally administered congestion mitigation air quality (CMAQ) project, which modifies the current US 29 Poplar Tent/McGill intersection to a superstreet, is located in the study area. Due to an unpermitted left turn from US 29 south to McGill Ave, it is requested that width be provided on the northbound lane to provide future storage for the U-turn north of the intersection. Input forms were sent to the Concord Fire Chief, Town of Concord Planner, and the Cabarrus County Schools Transportation Technical Planner in April and May of 2016. Comments were received back from the Concord Fire Chief and the Cabarrus County Schools Transportation Technical Planner in April and May of 2016. The Cabarrus County School Transportation Technical Planner expressed concern regarding the potential impact of this project on school transportation services and high impacts for regular traffic if the bridge was closed for up to a year. The Concord Fire Chief expressed concern regarding the potential high level of impact this project would have on EMS services if the bridge was closed for up to a year. DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 5 Updated 11/7/2018 Public Involvement: Census data indicates a Spanish language-speaking population which exceeds the US Department of Justice Limited English Proficiency Safe Harbor threshold within the DCIA. Census data also indicates an Asian/Pacific language speaking populations within the area. A landowner notification letter was sent on February 16, 2016 to all property owners affected directly by this project to inform them of representatives being present on their property. The letter indicated the following, “Please note that if the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has already issued a Jurisdictional Determination on your property confirming the presence of streams and/or wetlands, or if you have general questions or comments about the project, contact the NCDOT Planning Engineer Jonathan Carr by phone (919) 707-6014, or via email at jecarr@ncdot.gov.” No comments have been received to date. F. Project Impact Criteria Checklists: Type I & II - Ground Disturbing Actions FHWA APPROVAL ACTIVITIES THRESHOLD CRITERIA If any of questions 1-7 are marked “yes” then the CE will require FHWA approval. Yes No 1 Does the project require formal consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)? ☐ ☒ 2 Does the project result in impacts subject to the conditions of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA)? ☐ ☒ 3 Does the project generate substantial controversy or public opposition, for any reason, following appropriate public involvement? ☐ ☒ 4 Does the project cause disproportionately high and adverse impacts relative to low-income and/or minority populations? ☐ ☒ 5 Does the project involve a residential or commercial displacement, or a substantial amount of right of way acquisition? ☐ ☒ 6 Does the project require an Individual Section 4(f) approval? ☐ ☒ 7 Does the project include adverse effects that cannot be resolved with a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) or have an adverse effect on a National Historic Landmark (NHL)? ☐ ☒ If any of questions 8 through 31 are marked “yes” then additional information will be required for those questions in Section G. Other Considerations Yes No 8 Does the project result in a finding of “may affect not likely to adversely affect” for listed species, or designated critical habitat under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA)? ☐ ☒ DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 6 Updated 11/7/2018 9 Is the project located in anadromous fish spawning waters? ☐ ☒ 10 Does the project impact waters classified as Outstanding Resource Water (ORW), High Quality Water (HQW), Water Supply Watershed Critical Areas, 303(d) listed impaired water bodies, buffer rules, or Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)? ☒ ☐ 11 Does the project impact waters of the United States in any of the designated mountain trout streams? ☐ ☒ 12 Does the project require a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Individual Section 404 Permit? ☐ ☒ 13 Will the project require an easement from a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensed facility? ☐ ☒ 14 Does the project include a Section 106 of the NHPA effects determination other than a no effect, including archaeological remains? ☐ ☒ Other Considerations (continued) Yes No 15 Does the project involve hazardous materials and/or landfills? ☒ ☐ 16 Does the project require work encroaching and adversely affecting a regulatory floodway or work affecting the base floodplain (100-year flood) elevations of a water course or lake, pursuant to Executive Order 11988 and 23 CFR 650 subpart A? ☒ ☐ 17 Is the project in a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) county and substantially affects the coastal zone and/or any Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ☐ ☒ 18 Does the project require a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) permit? ☐ ☒ 19 Does the project involve construction activities in, across, or adjacent to a designated Wild and Scenic River present within the project area ? ☐ ☒ 20 Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) resources? ☐ ☒ 21 Does the project impact federal lands (e.g. U.S. Forest Service (USFS), USFWS, etc.) or Tribal Lands? ☐ ☒ 22 Does the project involve any changes in access control? ☐ ☒ 23 Does the project have a permanent adverse effect on local traffic patterns or community cohesiveness? ☐ ☒ 24 Will maintenance of traffic cause substantial disruption? ☐ ☒ 25 Is the project inconsistent with the STIP or the Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO’s) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (where applicable)? ☐ ☒ 26 Does the project require the acquisition of lands under the protection of Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Act, the Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Act, the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), or other unique areas or special lands that were acquired in fee or easement with public-use money and have deed restrictions or covenants on the property? ☐ ☒ DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 7 Updated 11/7/2018 27 Does the project involve Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) buyout properties under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)? ☐ ☐ 28 Does the project include a de minimis or programmatic Section 4(f)? ☐ ☒ 29 Is the project considered a Type I under the NCDOT's Noise Policy? ☐ ☒ 30 Is there prime or important farmland soil impacted by this project as defined by the Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA)? ☐ ☒ 31 Are there other issues that arose during the project development process that affected the project decision? ☐ ☒ G. Additional Documentation as Required from Section F Response to Question 10- 303(d) Impaired Water Bodies: Irish Buffalo Creek is listed on the North Carolina 2014 and 2016 Final 303(d) list of impaired waters in the study area. Impacts to water quality resulting from the design and construction of the proposed improvements will be minimized or avoided through the use of the NCDOT Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox. Response to Question 15 – Hazardous Materials: A GeoEnvironmental Report completed on August 12, 2016 identified nine petroleum Underground Storage Tank (UST) facilities within the project limits (Refer to Figure 1). There will be ROW acquisition on two parcels that have identified UST’s. An active gas station is located on the western quadrant of the Concord Parkway (US 29/US 601) and Poplar Tent Rd intersection. A cement plant is in the northeastern quadrant of the intersection with two UST’s and one above ground storage tank (AST). All nine UST facility sites are anticipated to present low geoenvironmental impacts to this project. Soil and ground water assessment will be conducted at each of the affected sites prior to right of way acquisition. Response to Question 16 – Floodplain: This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as- built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), to determine status of project with regard to applicability of NCDOT’S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 8 Updated 11/7/2018 H. Project Commitments Cabarrus County Bridge No. 57 and No. 59 over Irish Buffalo Federal Project No. NHP-0029(062) WBS No. 45762.1.1 STIP No. B-5808 Structures Management Unit, Project Manager FEMA Coordination The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), to determine status of project with regard to applicability of NCDOT’S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as-built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100 -year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. Division Ten, Division Bridge Program Manager Sidewalks Proposed sidewalks are included on both sides throughout the project. This should be included in the municipal agreement between NCDOT and the City of Concord. Division Ten, Division Bridge Program Manager, GeoEnvironmental Hazardous Materials If further design indicates potential impacts to Hazardous Materials, soil and groundwater assessments will be conducted at each of the affected sites prior to right of way acquisition by NCDOT GeoEnvironmental. DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 9 Updated 11/7/2018 I. Categorical Exclusion Approval STIP Project No. B-5808 WBS Element 45762.1.1 Federal Project No. NHP-0029(062) Prepared By: Date Elizabeth Scott, EI, STV Engineers Inc. Prepared For: Reviewed By: Date Garland Haywood, PE, Division Bridge Program Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation ☒ Approved If all of the threshold questions (1 through 7) of Section F are answered “no,” NCDOT approves this Categorical Exclusion. ☐ Certified If any of the threshold questions (1 through 7) of Section F are answered “yes,” NCDOT certifies this Categorical Exclusion. Date Kevin Fischer, PE, Structures Management Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation FHWA Approved: For Projects Certified by NCDOT (above), FHWA signature required. Date John F. Sullivan, III, PE, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration North Carolina Department of Transportation DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 11/7/2018 11/8/2018 11/26/2018 Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe,GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity $+ $+ 4 #*"J "J EVA DR NW M C G I L L A V E N W P O P L A R T E N T R D C E N T R A L D R NWEVANS ST NWT R O X L E R CIR N W G U R L E Y D R N W CONCORD PKWY NPARKWAY AVE NWLIZZIE CT NWGROFF ST NWTIFFANY ST NWCLIFFWOOD ST NWRALEI GH ST NWBRUTON DR NWTERMI NAL CT NWSIG N D R NW H A R T M A N P L N W CAMDEN CT NWW ALTER DR NW LAKE DR NWTO W ER C IR N WSWEET BAY LN NWVIOLET TER NWC E N T R A L D R N WCONCORD PKWY NIrish B uffalo Creek U T o f Irish B u ffa lo C re e kTIP Project B-5808 Bridge Replacements Bridge Nos. 57/59over Irish Buffalo Creek on US 29/US 601Cabarrus County September 2018 Source: USDA Geospatial Gateway;NCOneMap; USFWS LEGEND#*Bridge Location Project Study Area Floodplain NWI Wetland Parcel $+Church 4 School "J UndergroundStorage Tank Stream / 0 250 500 Feet US 29/US 601Shankletown School Eva DriveBaptist Church Liberty Primitive Baptist Church FIGURE 1-LOCATION MAP Caba rrus C ounty B-5808 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF Appendix A DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 2 0'POT Sta. 10+00.00PC Sta. 12+00.00PRC Sta. 13+88.19PT Sta. 15+56.09PC Sta. 17+73.44PRC Sta. 19+40.68PT Sta. 21+28.1420+0015+0012'12'12' 12' 12'12'POT Sta. 10+00.00PC Sta. 12+00.00PRC Sta. 13+57.78PT Sta. 14+98.55PC Sta. 16+73.16PRC Sta. 18+13.93PT Sta. 19+71.71POT Sta. 21+10.6815+0020+0012'12'10/19/2018r:\roadway\proj\alt's\phasing\preferred alt1\B5808_rdy_psh01.dgnmabdelaziz8/17/99DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 100502550 Scale : 50 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 1B-5808 R/W SHEET NO. CONCEPT DATED 9/27/2018 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CONCEPT PLANS NC License Number F-0991 Charlotte, NC 28202 900 West Trade St., Suite 715 STV Engineers, Inc. US 29/US 601 SB (CONCORD PKWY) US 29/US 601 NB (CONCORD PKWY)SR 1394 POPLAR TENT RDMCGILL AVEFURTHER INVESTIGATION OF THE PROFILE / SUPERS. ACTUAL TIE LOCATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY NOTE: (WITH SOUTHBOUND RIGHT-TURN) LOS - 2025 CONSTRUCTION YEAR AM PEAK PM PEAK D D PI Sta 12+95.18 L = 188.19' T = 95.18' R = 510.00' D PI Sta 14+73.11 D L = 167.90' T = 84.92' R = 455.00' PI Sta 18+58.01 L = 167.24' T = 84.58' R = 455.00' D PI Sta 20+35.48 D L = 187.46' T = 94.80' R = 510.00' -DET- DRIVEWAY TEMPORARILY CLOSE IMPACT TO GAS STATION: GIRDER BRIDGE 90 220' = = =BRIDGE LENGTH BRIDGE SKEW BRIDGE TYPE O PI Sta 17+44.11 D L = 140.77' T = 70.95' R = 455.00' PI Sta 18+93.46 D L = 157.78' T = 79.53' R = 510.00' -XL- PI Sta 12+79.53 D R = 510.00' T = 79.53' L = 157.78' PI Sta 14+28.73 D L = 140.77' T = 70.95' R = 455.00' DETOUR CROSS-OVER C-4918A PROJECT DESIGN BY OTHERS CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY CROSS-OVER FOR NB TRAFFIC CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY DETOUR FOR SB TRAFFIC PHASE 1: WITH ON-SITE DETOUR REPLACE IN PLACE (DESIGN OPTION - INCLUDE RIGHT TURN LANE) PREFERRED CONCEPT - PHASE 1 B-5808 CABARRUS COUNTY TEMPORARY DETOUR DESIGN DATA DESIGN STANDARDS = =DESIGN SPEED 35 MPH =ADT 2016 32,000 =ADT 2040 =T = = = = FUNC. CLASS * MIN. RADIUS MAX. GRADE = TERRAIN DESIGN EXCEPTION 7% URBAN ARTERIAL REGIONAL 272' NONE 51,400 12% ROLLING * LOW-SPEED URBAN STREETS TABLE 4' 7' W/GR .02 .02 POINT GRADE 2:1 4 :1 ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION 2' FDPS 2' FDPS C -DET- & -XL-L 4' 7' W/GR 3'VARIES 2:1 12'12' GROUND ORIGINAL GROUND ORIGINAL BRIDGE TYPE TBD C -DET-L 28' CLEAR ROADWAY .02 .02 POINT GRADE BRIDGE TYPICAL SECTION 2'2'12'12' F F F F F F FF F F C F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F FFF F C F F C C F F F F DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 5/28/99SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 2B-5808 10/19/2018r:\roadway\proj\alt's\phasing\preferred alt1\B5808_rdy_psh02_XL1-DET1.dgnmabdelazizDOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED Scale : 50 R/W SHEET NO. CONCEPT DATED 9/27/2018 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CONCEPT PLANS PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 0 50 1002550 PROFILE (VERTICAL) 0 10 20510 NC License Number F-0991 Charlotte, NC 28202 900 West Trade St., Suite 715 STV Engineers, Inc. 2322212019181716151413121110 23222120191817161514131211 24 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 650 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 650 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 650 620 610 600 590 580 570 630 ON-SITE DETOUR PREFERRED CONCEPT CROSSOVER DETOUR PREFERRED CONCEPT (-)0.4847% (+)0.6535%(-)1.1549% (-)1.1549%(+)0.7076%(+)0.7076%(+)1.9349% BEGIN GRADE ELEV = 612.42' -DET- STA. 13+13.04 PI = 13+70.00 EL = 612.15' VC = 100' K = 88 DS = 45 MPH PI = 14+85.00 EL = 612.90' VC = 100' K = 55 DS = 40 MPH END GRADE ELEV = 611.55' -DET- STA. 21+28.14 PI = 20+70.00 EL = 610.43' VC = 100' K = 81 DS = 45 MPH PI = 18+40.00 EL = 608.80' VC = 100' K = 54 DS = 35 MPH PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GROUND (-)0.7319% (-)0.7565%(+)0.5623% BEGIN GRADE ELEV = 608.52' -XL- STA. 17+78.00 END GRADE ELEV = 608.44' -XL- STA. 18+63.00 BEGIN GRADE ELEV = 612.20' -XL- STA. 13+24.53 END GRADE ELEV = 611.66' -XL- STA. 13+98.31 PI = 18+20.50 EL = 608.20' VC = 85' K = 64 DS = 40 MPH EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED GRADE DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 2 0'20+0015+0012'12'12' 12' 12'12'15+0020+0012'12'40'10/19/2018r:\roadway\proj\alt's\phasing\preferred alt1\B5808_rdy_psh03.dgnmabdelaziz8/17/99DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 100502550 Scale : 50 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 3B-5808 R/W SHEET NO. CONCEPT DATED 9/27/2018 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CONCEPT PLANS NC License Number F-0991 Charlotte, NC 28202 900 West Trade St., Suite 715 STV Engineers, Inc.MCGILL AVEWORK AREA FURTHER INVESTIGATION OF THE PROFILE / SUPERS. ACTUAL TIE LOCATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY NOTE:SR 1394 POPLAR TENT RDCROSS-OVER DETOUR US 29/US 601 SB (CONCORD PKWY) US 29/US 601 NB (CONCORD PKWY) C-4918A PROJECT DESIGN BY OTHERS GIRDER BRIDGE 90 220' = = =BRIDGE LENGTH BRIDGE SKEW BRIDGE TYPE O CONSTRUCT EAST SIDE OF NEW BRIDGE SHIFT NB TRAFFIC TO CROSS-OVER SHIFT SB TRAFFIC TO TEMPORARY DETOUR PHASE 2: WITH ON-SITE DETOUR REPLACE IN PLACE PREFERRED CONCEPT - PHASE 2 B-5808 CABARRUS COUNTY TEMPORARY DETOUR DESIGN DATA DESIGN STANDARDS = =DESIGN SPEED 35 MPH =ADT 2016 32,000 =ADT 2040 =T = = = = FUNC. CLASS * MIN. RADIUS MAX. GRADE = TERRAIN DESIGN EXCEPTION 7% URBAN ARTERIAL REGIONAL 272' NONE 51,400 12% ROLLING * LOW-SPEED URBAN STREETS TABLE 4' 7' W/GR .02 .02 POINT GRADE 2:1 4 :1 ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION 2' FDPS 2' FDPS C -DET- & -XL-L 4' 7' W/GR 3'VARIES 2:1 12'12' GROUND ORIGINAL GROUND ORIGINAL BRIDGE TYPE TBD C -DET-L 28' CLEAR ROADWAY .02 .02 POINT GRADE BRIDGE TYPICAL SECTION 2'2'12'12' F F F F F F F F F F F F F F FFF F C F F C C F F F F F F F F F F FF F F C F DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 2 0'20+0015+0012'12'40'59'-7"10/19/2018r:\roadway\proj\alt's\phasing\preferred alt1\B5808_rdy_psh04.dgnmabdelaziz8/17/99DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 100502550 Scale : 50 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 4B-5808 R/W SHEET NO. CONCEPT DATED 9/27/2018 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CONCEPT PLANS NC License Number F-0991 Charlotte, NC 28202 900 West Trade St., Suite 715 STV Engineers, Inc.MCGILL AVEWORK AREA 12' 12'12' 12'SR 1394 POPLAR TENT RDFURTHER INVESTIGATION OF THE PROFILE / SUPERS. ACTUAL TIE LOCATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY NOTE: US 29/US 601 SB (CONCORD PKWY) US 29/US 601 NB (CONCORD PKWY) DETOUR C-4918A PROJECT DESIGN BY OTHERS GIRDER BRIDGE 90 220' = = =BRIDGE LENGTH BRIDGE SKEW BRIDGE TYPE O CONSTRUCT REMAINING SIDE OF NEW BRIDGE MAINTAIN SB TRAFFIC ON TEMPORARY DETOUR SHIFT NB TRAFFIC TO NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BRIDGE PHASE 3: WITH ON-SITE DETOUR REPLACE IN PLACE PREFERRED CONCEPT - PHASE 3 B-5808 CABARRUS COUNTY TEMPORARY DETOUR DESIGN DATA DESIGN STANDARDS = =DESIGN SPEED 35 MPH =ADT 2016 32,000 =ADT 2040 =T = = = = FUNC. CLASS * MIN. RADIUS MAX. GRADE = TERRAIN DESIGN EXCEPTION 7% URBAN ARTERIAL REGIONAL 272' NONE 51,400 12% ROLLING * LOW-SPEED URBAN STREETS TABLE 4' 7' W/GR .02 .02 POINT GRADE 2:1 4 :1 ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION 2' FDPS 2' FDPS C -DET- & -XL-L 4' 7' W/GR 3'VARIES 2:1 12'12' GROUND ORIGINAL GROUND ORIGINAL BRIDGE TYPE TBD C -DET-L 28' CLEAR ROADWAY .02 .02 POINT GRADE BRIDGE TYPICAL SECTION 2'2'12'12' F F F F F F F F F F F F F F FFF F C F F C C F F F F DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF 12' 12'12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12'20+0015+0025+0012'99'-7"10/19/2018r:\roadway\proj\alt's\phasing\preferred alt1\B5808_rdy_psh05.dgnmabdelaziz8/17/99DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 100502550 Scale : 50 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 5B-5808 R/W SHEET NO. CONCEPT DATED 9/27/2018 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CONCEPT PLANS NC License Number F-0991 Charlotte, NC 28202 900 West Trade St., Suite 715 STV Engineers, Inc. US 29/US 601 NB (CONCORD PKWY) US 29/US 601 SB (CONCORD PKWY) C-4918A PROJECT TIE TO DESIGN BY OTHERS FURTHER INVESTIGATION OF THE PROFILE / SUPERS. ACTUAL TIE LOCATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY NOTE: GIRDER BRIDGE 135 180' = = =BRIDGE LENGTH BRIDGE SKEW BRIDGE TYPE OMCGILL AVESR 1394 POPLAR TENT RDREMOVE TEMPORARY DETOUR SHIFT SB TRAFFIC TO NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BRIDGE PHASE 4: WITH ON-SITE DETOUR REPLACE IN PLACE PREFERRED CONCEPT - PHASE 4 B-5808 CABARRUS COUNTY .02 ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION .02 12'12'12'12'12'12' .02 .02 10' CONC MEDIAN 3:12'-6" 5' C&G 2'-6" C&G 5' 6'6' GROUND ORIGINAL GROUND ORIGINAL3:1SWSW POINT GRADE 1' C -L-L .02 .02POINT GRADE 12'12'12'12'12'12' 87' CLEAR ROADWAY BRIDGE TYPICAL SECTION 11' CONC MEDIAN 2'5'-6"2'5'-6"1'-3.5"1'-3.5" 100'-7" OUT TO OUT 1' C -L-L DESIGN DATA DESIGN STANDARDS = =DESIGN SPEED 50 MPH =ADT 2016 32,000 =ADT 2040 =T = = = = FUNC. CLASS MIN. RADIUS MAX. GRADE = TERRAIN DESIGN EXCEPTION 7% URBAN ARTERIAL REGIONAL 833' NONE 51,400 12% ROLLING C F C F C F F F F F F F C F F F F F F F FF C C C C DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED5/28/99SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 6B-5808 10/19/2018r:\roadway\proj\alt's\phasing\preferred alt1\B5808_rdy_psh06_L1.dgnmabdelazizDOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED R/W SHEET NO. CONCEPT DATED 9/27/2018 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CONCEPT PLANS PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 0 50 1002550 PROFILE (VERTICAL) 0 10 20510 NC License Number F-0991 Charlotte, NC 28202 900 West Trade St., Suite 715 STV Engineers, Inc. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 281615 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 PREFERRED CONCEPT BEGIN GRADE (-)0.7269% (+)1.1600% PI = 24+00.00 EL = 608.10' VC = 200' K = 106 DS = 50 MPH TIE TO C-4918A PROJECT END GRADE EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE ELEV = 612.40' -L- STA. 18+08.41 ELEV = 609.26' -L- STA. 25+00.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF North Carolina Department of Transportation Preliminary Estimate TIP No.B-5808 Func County:Cabarrus Route US 28 (Concord Parkway) From SR 1394 (Poplar Tent Road)CONSTR. COST Typical Section $8,760,000 Prepared By:G. McCauley Date 9/27/2018 Requested By:Date Line Item Des Sec No.Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Grading 1 LS $800,000.00 $800,000.00 Drainage Existing Location 0.20 Miles $950,000.00 $190,000.00 Fine Grading 2,430 SY $10.00 $24,300.00 New Pavement 2,430 SY $75.00 $182,250.00 Pavement Resurfacing 6,565 SY $20.00 $131,300.00 1'-6" Concrete Curb and Gutter LF $- 2'-6" Concrete Curb and Gutter 770 LF $25.00 $19,250.00 4" Concrete Sidewalk 470 SY $50.00 $23,500.00 5" Monolithic Islands 420 SY $100.00 $42,000.00 Erosion Control 4.0 Acres $50,000.00 $200,000.00 Each Upgrade Traffic Signal 1 Each $75,000.00 $75,000.00 Traffic Signal (New)1 Each $125,000.00 $125,000.00 Traffic Control 1.0 LS $300,000.00 $300,000.00 Thermo and Markers 0.2 Miles $50,000.00 $10,000.00 Structures Temporary Bridge (Monthly Rental)30.00 Month $20,000.00 $600,000.00 Stage Constructed Bridge 18,000.00 SF $170.00 $3,060,000.00 Utility Construction Relocate Existing Water Line 260 LF $500.00 $130,000.00 Relocate Existing Sewer Line 300 LF $500.00 $150,000.00 Misc. & Mob (15% Strs&Util)$591,000.00 Misc. & Mob (45% Functional)$955,170.00 Lgth 0.2 Miles Contract Cost …………..…………..…………..$7,608,770.00 E. & C. 15%…………..…………..…………..$1,141,315.50 Construction Cost …………..…………..…………..$8,750,085.50 DocuSign Envelope ID: FB2BE616-0EF4-44C3-8019-E3BE643DA2DF