HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220249 Ver 1_CRSCLLC_Bridge Proposal_20220125a A n00 O Dz O = D 1n C ID 10 o 0 0 r — II iB 0 + 196.40 rn m o Ili ? N - m 0 11 3 0 0 0 ul 0 O rD tZ - _ 196.35 I I I + 196.1 p o n It IIt " ° w 6= I 195.95 - - o to + o 196.03 ° I" 912 9-2 �- 196.10 fmmz mmsog�� p I g m�mm mia �mpNaya �fo 6�m� �o o m =gym Q�zFgmO IT mpg it Q� o 0 + 0 0 196.25 I zzo�o 0 �m e�Psa om�o�y�o�mn_o z m�mxm o z coo mz Mcn mm���m�m02tiwZ mmtiw 2 DD fin.. S�� 9z8a�F mie=a m4 C 2fm*192�ZNm �p m 2 O D r m �g°m N Q m S C m-f D 7 m p y Z � 6 T O '—' w o� y A D m n yy l d <Dr I F < �m0 D>m O?mmfn m o Zm m,m oOz 2 0 PlOm p mtim0 mytim mmnmm N m ul O 2 2? m m N< C m V N •.oz �Nm Oho U<no ago m cy N�,U OZ� D m(Z» �Z�mtZi1 t o - - Om rmn f2il �D� yZ� �m C�It X . Oo motiU Comm ?zN< mm t7l - - r p'> O m? ✓_ i 11 3 z *71zol ti�=�� D D m y Z ti m y C y 'm ° m o �zmm °<asm o 4 �7' F j 3° MR. NASH LOCKLEAR CHICORA PLLC. 3180 CHERRY GROVE ROAD _ e CERRO GORDO, NORTH CAROLINA 28430 �� �„ ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION LICENSE NO.: P-1697 HYDRAULIC DESIGN FOR LONG BRANCH PEMBRO E, NC 28372 �910)322-6836 Columbus Coup L - 9-1-1 Addressing 991 $ss I-nfa.- Adiur-LLc.r dLBr. i4vilc l ?►Un?P C pC.�il1815'�Ldl� i0ccuparkff-Dwrner JMG-. "60 rj FW I'3AUYh: ki3 r3a9d Kamp: SCL�-S.PCJUY ❑wnw N--;L LL: SC+LES LLY:H Prcp viy LON'- 30273 Lol S'h ": REPLAr-PMENT UVIRPgri- Cq). JEMC T hpne Co! GENTLFRY LINE{ oascr�ption: f iwini%jgr y- CA- R-R(k G QHIDU rc54 7 Rewl Ramp- 91QZ QW Rord ale' CWTW VrMe. 910-noL4313 ,hlfllS&Akd% CULIM hn CwM!hf SubAIvr5+Gn Pyealaub Addr 36413 CHERRY GROVE fD M No vairr ct3Iar: 6EIGE SuMvng Type' INCM sec Corar GRAY Deqignalkn SC)tt SE comrrpanW 91' l ADI ESS READ IGNE D DUE 10 CHANGE IN EWA-Y UOM LMSN1Z -ROAD - ' Y I 4 . W in 3 I RIGHT, WORLEY9 POPE, EKSTER & MOSS, PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 200 SOUTH LEWIS STREET — POST OFFICE BOX 457 TABOR CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28463 10 653-5726 Telephone (910) 653-2082 — Fax (9 ) OTHER OFFICES: O. RICHARD WRIGHT, JR. DENNIS T. WORLEY- HAROLD G.-BUTCH" POPE D.P. McGOUGAN, JR. PAUL J. EKSTER • (1921-1994) KENNETH R. MOSS" MICHAEL T. SMITH" NAPOLEON B. BAREFOOT, JR. BOYDT. WORLEY PRESTON B. HILTON RICHARD S. "RICK" PARROTTE CHRISTOPHER C. RUSSELL BRITTANY C. MOORE" THOMAS V. ALDRIDGE, JR. DAVID H. COOLEY, JR.� GEORGE N. SPIRAKIS" JENNIFER B. BRYAN * MARTHA HENLEY SLEDGE (Retired) January 4, 2021 Personal & Confidential, -,/ Mrs. Polly Hayes Soles 3840 Cherry Grove Road Cerro Gordo, NC 28430 RE: 1.06 acre tract Dear Mrs. Soles: WHITEVILLE, NC SUPPLY, BRUNSWICK, NC N. MYRTLE BEACH, HORRY, SC `licensed only in SC • licensed in NC, DC & SC licensed in SC & MO • Of Counsel This letter is being sent to you at the request of Billy King. I want you to discuss this letter with Martin Scott who is a very fine lawyer and I would appreciate discussing this letter with Martin Scott and with your surveyor. If you would like to telephone me, please contact me at 910 653-2082, ext. 251; however, I would prefer that you take this letter to Martin Scott, discuss it with him and have him telephone me at 910 653-2082, ext. 251. Please find enclosed deed prepared by Martin conveying the 1.06 acre tract. You will note that your route to use to get to your 1.06 acre lot is the Riegel Paper Company Road. You therefore have a right-of-way to get to the 1.06 acre tract. Also enclosed is an unrecorded map showing the 1.06 acre tract with this prepared by Billy Duncan when he worked with Robert Inman many years ago. You will see that your lot adjoins the above mentioned easement on the northern boundary and you will note the map does not show any easement other than that to gain entry to the 1.06 acre tract. of Deed found in Book 258, page 557 by which Liston Lovett, et& Please also share with Martin a copy he easement el Paper ux conveyed to D.W. Hayes, ea� d [he06 acrdeed to you dese tract cribes the route ofthatright otway, which Company Road and this appears to be 2516.90 feet in length. Billy three Lovett ed Please now find deed by which Eva Mae Lovett, widow of Liston highway and ourotract of 06 acres, tracts, with the first tract being the land between the public highway Y tin the 1.06 acre tract because it uad been r 06 acre is the Riegel Paper Company with that first tract excepting Again, that exception indicates that your route to get to y Road. or and your This is to put you on notice that Billy King is closing the cartwamy opinion, which you, your survey ur 1.06 acre tract. In my opnion, since you have a recorded right - builder have been using thget to his oas never granted you or anyone else right-of-way across s tract, has the who of -way, Billy King, right to terminate your use of his land to get to your 1.06 acre tract- over his cropland. He wants the entire tract farmed and does not want anyone crossing th copy of this letter I confirm the above to Billy and advise him This is a complicated matter and wiou or any others from using the route which you to put up any type of gate or other devise to keep y have been using. ears there was a bridge across a ditch which gave the 1.06 acre It is my understanding that for many y you would need to do is have ane bridge �y tract access to the above mentioned a tilesince that is your route to use. constructed or perhaps p rls'x''f os dble and then being back in touch I look forward to your discussing this with Martin as soon as our surveyor and have your surveyor with me. I would also be deligheemdafor dds ss discuss richardwriwith ht, ww emlaw.com. get in touch with me also. My Sincerely yours, EKSTER & MOSS, PLLC WRIGHT, WORLEY, POPE, . O. Richard Wright, Jr A, y, ORWJr/amw/T-3559 Enclosures �i aVL CC: Mr. Billy Franklin King Vlk-f 5858 Swamp Fox Hwy West Tabor City, NC 28463 R01M 381 re1EE 498 , FLED ILA H PENNY 1981 MAR -2 PM 4* h4 COLUMBUS COUNTY, R.OF u BY aaelw Tax I Recording Time, Book and �— _...... Parcel Idantlaer No. .. ... ....... .. Tax Lot No.YAR Tp.N r. RECEIVED _ day of ._.__... _.... ... A v.ria.a by Y t st TERN County on the � � ••••• by .......................................................................................EREMIMpOK:M.'dMLMItltIM!l1I.M.Fx.......... JAH after recsrding to .._............. Im nA111M 1111E kill"AIX"ANIM ....._................ ..... ...._.................. ........ ..Rt.ME MM ILUM....................................... Grlton F.... Williaeaos...AttorneT..... ....................... .................. ............._._... ..... ...... ..... This Instruwwnt wu Onpatwd 6r ....... ................. - Brief description for the Ind" NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Febrwr it) bet — en , by and beten THIS DRRD leads thin 27th..,,,,• Opy of ............................t............... GRANTEE GRANTOR WU HAYES, Widow WILLIAM J. HAYES lit. 1, box 212 Cerro Gordo, NC 28430 Enter In appr•pr,.ee block I., each party: name, addreaa, and. IJ aVp.,uJ.t.. ehua W at erAlty, e.q• to p-11an or V.--hip. We a, used ,d masculine, f rolln noherein oneuter r ) eel required byrcontextalr helm, successor.. and Assign., and The dedgnation Grant., ., ,hall include singular, plural, WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valnnble conbargain, s paid by the Grantee, the receipt f which Is hereby acknowledged, has end by these pre" doeflstrant, bargain, Bell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or Darcel of (end ellunteJ to ................... _.. ................... ........... ...... Gerra..Gordo _._. Townehlp, Columbus , ._. County, North Carolina and mere* particularly described as follows: ...................... A certain tract or parcel of lend lying and being in Cerro Gordo Township, Columbus County, North Carolina, and being a Portion of Tract O1 of that certain deed dated 11 rebzuary, look, 07, prances Blackwell Of 00 unlbus Ciou my �anndbeing more particularlyand being rded in Deed described as Book 207, page 524, RI'onrde followsl Branch) and Beginning at the on the Of 8 side off Riiegel (formerly pompeny Road, id beginningapointhbeing further errata) being the following traverse along said coed (beginning at a nail and cap set f�ttter located pavement of S.R. r1352 at a point about one tenth of a mile Northwest in the West edge of pa Company road South 84 from its intersection with S.R.feetl tbence � ��r�a30 minutes went 251.07 feet; degrees 15 minutes west 4B�S1�*n � West 248.9 feet to said beginning point of the lot tjoence South 89 dpgrees proc s from said beginning point with said ditch South 3 degrees 45 herein described)t Pry minutes Fast 210.00 feett thestce $O11ta 86 degrees 15 minute, wart 9ta feet to nu iron ,take line marker, thence continuing Same course 210.00 feet to an iron etake1 thence North 3 degrees 45 minutes west 183.75 feet to an iron stake line miArker, thence continuing same course 26.25 feet to the center of the aforementioned canal; thence with Said canal North eon 381 499 86 degrees 15 minutes Peet 219.00 feet to the point of beginning and rnntalns 1.06 Wrfy. Being eocordiral to a survey by Robert D. Insert and Asaoolatee 16 September, 1970. Book 758, • The properly h•ralnbove de4rlbrd wn scyulred by Grantor by Instrument raeerded le..........................P!�......... ......... ,........ 557, Columbus. Count? Registry,Ur., N...,fl44gtiled,.,reeld9!LQ..9.._�R�M!IHilil..G1lAl1AZ...QB...July ..�.!.......... 1985. A map showing the .boys described property le reesdad In Plot Book ... ................ ............ ., ap ......................... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD m. afonesid Its or fora) of Ind and all prlrileges and Appurboonees tbesato belonging to the Greeter In fee elmpl.. And the Grantor covenants with the Grant", that Grantor Is seized of the premises In is..Implo, he. the right to convey the mew In fee elope.. that title Is morkatable and fW and clear of all enrumb....... nd that Grantor will warrant and defend the Lille egeinat the lawful claim of all person whomesarer except for the axceptione hereinafter .rated. Title to the property heesinabow described Is sublest to W following exe.ptions: e.wa.reeeoeuIIn w.xur...,•m• n.mmI. wwa.- xemy .... W.. N n.nWn.le..u.m.x.el...r. .s.un.xn.a,reuea. uaae . Wn.Mru erImpolruxnU.nv., eY.a I4. ra•Nni wrrx N INuN. 1 a,:...... ................. - - O a ........................ _...................... _.......... taG., Argaall u ........................................................... _. a •..-•yr.::.i...: ••^--•-«aaY.ry (mere.. sou m o!XlA1 Arr ••. , .. lea etl c.aeoLN.......--...Wua hll -------,eww. ARV°A —M ., IN f.•0. reautr .e. wl. _'we" ...ft uY �UJaA HARES, Nid r `�:x } y � O V 0 V ., aY.Ne. . ? yt. n yP t: a ne:ulu xpnne nr r r:. Ulr era n..Ueeww4N W Nrnt1N Y Ue Mea., twono." —_ xr � .:°fq•. ••.^...,.5 f 27rh. . •, •d a.N ue n .I,I<YI .,ewr P•brwr B7 .e r.4 Ula .. 4> Y .................. xr ew.wwN...nr..:.,_1-6-............_...........•-F-Rbmu 91 f. n• /1N.kR.... wN.re —.1. eG4.TANI NaaTtl CA....A.................. _.............. .sooner. r, • N.4r1 raNle of U. CNN, W 6...... sK Ywtly IW ............... • . —we., e.x. ae— se. Uie ax Ye .<e.awryea UY .... . to ........... ......... sam., Y A ....................................................... NetU C.I.lya n,M,aUM, aes Uel '� er —ors", .err al— "'ere", Ur IN.arro ,nenNNa was.k.N Is IN.W or 4............... ........... N ............................ Wnuuy. whnN v eu. se. —an aYw/ Y " lea .......W al .......... ., Ir.......« reauaWles .y,rni.....--.....«................_a.....«..«.«.._..-.... .... aswas, ta....NW 4.UM1 Y - ... . ... I.IW • .. .. .. ..-. ..- .. ..1.......«.............. -- ....... .. ........«.................................... .........a ................_. . f....««....... �. i tyaff�yy ....................«.........................._................_...........-.......-..... afY We ou Tay W laic .aNYYW an Gale aMWaN Y M aW W atle W Y Y aaaa W - M awe Nara .-••..••..•YYIY ter ••W I,&_ .........Ytlarl 4 ........... ...«-.MMp/aYYYY.4HMM M tlYY —. er� 84GINNING at a point rn the neat sage or mans.., --•-�- ---- - - Carl J. - m h the South edge of Smith Street as mown on map of Nhiteville, N. C. by Carl J. Josenhano, C. E., y' m da Ju?y and August, 1928, and running ., hwardly with the ;Est edge of Franklin Street :moth 11 Y sw degr 24 minutes west 61 feet to a stake: thence *.twardly and parallel with Smith Street North 78 mow degree 6 minutesNest 140 feet to a stake; thence Northwardly and parallel with Franklin Stree art} +•Yg 11 degree 4 minutes nest 61 feet to a stake; thence castwardly a parallel with Smith Stre uth 78 degrees mutes last 140 feet to the Beginning, being a portion of the tract of Land cribed is Deed dated 3 nuary, 1956, Srom A. D. Currie and wife to Gray P, Williamson record n Deed Book is o 0 208, page 197, as red by agreement dated 8 February, 1956, between Grey P, Willi a and husband aq m and .Annie Pab+e et ale. recorded in Deed Book 210, page 51, ^Oluebus County Regis Being same as L conveyed by Or P: W11 mson at al to James Wiley Ballard and wife by Deed d December 13, 1965• ANE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD sad and and premises, together with all rights ivilOcon and appurtenances =ty mmm thersunto belonging or anrise rtaining unto them, the, said Parti I the Second Part, their heirs and assigns, in fee simple forev oy¢ AND 'SHE SAID Parties of the First rt covenants to and •. the said Parties of the Second Part, their heirs and assigns, that they are "aed of said her granted premises in fee and have the ;sQ' right to.comey the same in fee slr-Is; t the same free and clear Prom all encumbrances and that they do hereby warrant and will foreve. .fend title to the sameagainst the lawful claims ins'. a -- of all persons. e R. . Fi Fart have hereunto set their hands and seals, .a. IN 14ITNESS WHEREOF, the said Parties of this the day and year first above written mw> w•a o James Wiley Ballard (SEAL) ae pzm DAMES YlIEY BALLARD n°r'm a� (Stamps $12.50) ;.s+mw ii STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA There Ba1larryd� (SEAL) �E�SA B. BAr.r.ARD � ..>11 COUNTY GF GOILFCRD I, Eileen 0. Anderson, ry Public, do hereby certify that 's day persomlly appeared before ma, THERESA B. BALLARD, w acknowledged the due execution of the f ping Deed. tid�i'� ' mm n(LTNESS ap• lord an ricial seal, this Lhe 26 day of November, 1 o e wvV27cDy Zileen 0. ersonn "piNOTA.R C Gladys G. Tiepett, :4 F. C co:, N. C. Txegoing or annexed certificateCof Eileen 0. Anderson, N,P• of Guilford Co. N. certi- rrect. Presented for registration and recorad'in this office in Book•258, page 6, Day of Nov. 1970, at 4:30 O-clock P.H. i u . gistt' .Reer of Deedseeda By Gladys G. Wooten, Deputy 'NORTH CAROLINA COLMUS COUNTY THIS DEED, wads this 18th day of September, 1970, by Liston Lovett and wife, Eva Nae Lovett, of Columbus County, State of North Carolina, parti as of the first part, to D. W, Hayes and wife, Euta Hayes, of Columbus County, hate of North Carolina, parties of the second part, wITNESScTH: That said parties of the first part, in consideration of — Ten. Dollars ana other valuable considerations to them paid by said parties of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these presents, do grant, bargain, sell and' convey unto said parties ,of the second part. their heirs and assign, a certain tract or.pareei.of land in Cerro Gordo Township, Columbus County, State of North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cerro Gordo Township, Columbus County, North Carolina, and being a portion of Tract A 1 of that certain deed dated 11 Febniary, 1956, from Frances Blackwell Carter, at al, to Liston Lovett and being recorded in Deed Book 207, page 524, Records of Columbus County, and bning more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of a canal (formerly the run of long Branch) and a ditch, said canal being on the South side of Riegel Paper Company :load, said beginning point being further located by the following travarse along said road (beginning at a roil and cap set in the '+A:st edge of pavement of S. R. f 1352 at a point about one tenth of a mile :lorthwest from its interscction with S.N, a 1415i thence proceed. along said Company road South 84 degrees 15 minutes :Jest 2'16.o feet: thence North 69 degrees 30 minutes .Jest 251.07 feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes�e ts.�48.9 feet to said beginning point of the lot herein described): proceeds from said beginning point with said ditch South 3 degrees 45 minutes wet 210':0 feet; thence South 86 degrees 15 minutes Neat 9.0 feet to an iron stake line marker( thence continuing sane course 210.00 feet to an iron stake: thence North 3 degrees 45 minutes :lest 183.75 feet to an iron stake line marker; thence continuing same course 26.25 feet to the center of the aforementioned canal: thence with said canal North 86 degrees 15 minutes East 219.00 feet to the point of beginning and contains 1.06 acres. Being according to a survey by Robert 0. Inman and Associates 16 September, 1970. W —TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise thereunto appertaining unto them, the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, in fee simple absolute forever. And the said parties of the first part do, for themselves and their heirs, executors and adminl- strators, covenant to a nd with the said parties of the second part, their executors, administrators, heirs and assigns, that they are seized of said premises in fee, and have a right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are free and clear from all encumbrances, and that they do hereby forever warrant and will forever defend the title to the sane aeainst the claims or all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands arri seals, the day and year first above written. Liston Lovett (SEAL) Liston Lovett (Stamps 500) Eva pee Lovett (SEAL) Eva 1• a Lovett NORTH CAROLINA COLUMNS COUNTY I, Lila L. Duncan, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Liston Lovett and wire, Eva Mae Lovett, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing deed of conveyance. ;Witness my hand and notarial seal, this 18th day of September. 1970. My commission expires: Lila L. 'Duncan (SEAL) 5-15-71 (LS) Notary Public NORTH CAROLINA COLUMNS COUNTY The foregoing or annexed certificate of Lila L. Duncan, a Notary Public of Columbus County, N. C. is certified to be correct. Presented for registration and recorded in this office in Book 258, page 557, This the 30 Day cf Nov. 1970, at 9:30 O'clock A.E. ,c.L egister of Deeds H CAROLINA GO U3 COUNTY 1'HI -'D, made this the 17th day of November, 1970, by Sara G. Stephens and husband 0— Stephen., Dillon County, State of South Carolina, Dulcie G. Hooks and husband, Bil . Hoo of Columbus Cou , State of North Carolina and Dorothy G. Hanna and husband, Herbert anna, Bladen County, State North Carolina, parties of the first part, to Rufus Doke Carrel d wife, rtle J. Carrell, of Dune ' , Florida, parties of the second part. WITNE33ETH: Tha he said parties of the first part in considerati f — Ten Doll s and other valuable considerations them paid by the said parties of the seco rt, the race1 of which is hereby acknowledged, have ained and sold and by these present grant, bargain, ell and convey unto the said -parties of the cond part, their heirs and ass' a tract or parce of Is nd in the County of Columbus and State of h Carolina, In South Wil Township, and bo ed as follows: Two lots lying and being in the To f Tabor City, th Carolina on the No h side of Floyd Street and being designated as Lots f110 a Ill of Anderson Subdivision being the same lots as are described along with two other lots in ed m J. W. Ray to C. D. Ga ell, recorded in Book 144, page 5G8, and also in deed from M. L. Perks o C. D. Carrell, record in Book'149, page 38, Registry of Columbus County, reference to whic r ereby made for comple and accurate description of said lots. Being the same tract or parcel of la described in t certain d d dated Flay 15, 1970, from Rufus Duke Carrell, and others, to Dal G. Hooks, Dorothy Hanna d Sara G. Stephens as recorded in Book 258, page 240, Registry of C We County. To have and to hold the afor id tract or parcel of land and 1 crivileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the sai arties of the second part their he and assigns forever. And the said parties of a first part do covenant tt they are sei d of said premises ir. fee and ha ve the right to con y the same in fee simple; that the same are f from encumhrances; and that they will warra and defend forever the said title to the same aga st the claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHLH Fthe said parties of the first part have hereunto set th �r hands and seals day and year fi above written. the Sara G. Stephens P (SEAL) Sara G. Steohens (Stamps 50`) Kromer Stephens (SEAL) Kromer Stephens Dalcie G. Hooks (3EAL) Dulcie G. Hooks Billy A. Hooks (, L) Billy A. Hooks Dorothy 0. Hanna (iE4 'Dorothy G. Hanna Herbert H. Hanna (3cAL) !'erbert H_ Hama 1 AA 492 recE 482 SCHEDULE "A" erry c Road, MFirst Tr-- Beginningand at a rune with her take othe Cerro n Northward Gordoand ath Southwest corned than. Mary Buffkin corner, North 25 East !4 chains and 70 links to a stake in the run of Long Branch; thence down Long Branch about 10 1/2 chains to a stake in run of branch; thnce Southward to a stake on the North edge of :aid road; thence with said road to the beginning ontn fining tt t/9 acres. And to include all those land, conveyed by Johnnie Patterson and wife to Elven fie Blackwell Inow Haye:l, by deed dated May 26, 1926, recorded in Book 129, Page 13, and also the six acres exeepted therefrom conveyed by A.B. Black uell and wife, Lummie Blackwell, to Frances Blackwell (Carter) by deed dated November 12, :919, recorded in Deed Book 105, Page 394, Columbus County Reg ietry, which deeds are hereby referred to and made a part hereof for a Further de,cription of - ' said lands. LESS AND EXCEPT HOWEVER, from the above described Tract 01: Beginning at the intersect itheofouthaside(formarly of R egel PapernCompanygRoad,�c:aidnbeginn ing ditch, said canal being point being further located by the following traverse along said road (beginning at a nail and cap set in the We at udge of pavement of S.R. 01352 at a point about one tenth of a Is Northwest from its intersection with S.R. 1415; thence proceeds along said Company road South 84 degrees 15 minutes West 2116.9 feet; thence North 69 degrees 30 minutes West 251.07 feat; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes Weat 248.9 feet to said beginning point of the lot herein described); proceeds from said beginning point with said ditch South 3 degrees 45 minutes East 210.00 feet; thence South Bfi degrees 15 minutes West 9.0 feet So an ir[heneon ekNorths in 3mdegreeet45nminuteaiWest g 183m75cfeateto an 210.00 feet to an iron eiake; iron stake line marker; thence continuing same course 26. 25 feet to the cents: 19 the aforementioned can thence with said canal North 86 degrees 15 minutes East 219.00 feet to the point o£ beginning and contains 1.06 acres. Being according to a survey by Robert D. Inman and Aaaociata3 16 September 1970. For reference to the above described exception, reference is made to deed dated Sep ,byes 11, 11910 ad bNovember Love30, 1970ndi nwDeed Book Mae7LoP age 557,Columbus and Countyfe, Sul Ha , ftegietr y. nd Tr et• Beginning at a Stake in the edge of the Cerro Gordo and Cherry Grove Public Road, and rune about North with the said Emery Blackwell line to the run of L ightwood Log Branch, thence down the run of said branch to or near an old crossing, V.V. Stz is kland'e line; thence with V.V. 6tr irk lead's line; thence about South with V.V. Strickland'a line to the public road; thence with said public road about East to the beg>nn ing corner containing about 14 acre e, more or lees, lying and being on the North Side of the Cerro Gordo and Cherry Grove Public by dead dated Octoberd. Being same a. .23�e1937by C.E. Williamson et al. to Minnie Blackwell, deceased, y recorded in Book 152, page 6, Columbus County Registry, the said Minnie Blackwell being the sie ter 1 Elvenfa Blackwell Hayes and Martha Blackwell Scott, who are her sole heirs. Third Tract-, It being a part of Mary Buffkin's old home place. Beginning at a stake on the Cherry Grove Road, at E.M. Blackwell's corner, and runs with his line ard with Westward to a stake in edge of cleared IanthencenEaatwa rdwpa cal lel wiih thee f •firstd line 1 ard; then far enough to include 5 acres, to the Cherry Grove Road; thence with said road Southward to the beginning, containing 5 acres. Being same as conveyed by O.H. Williamson and wi recordedr inc0eedl Book 135, now Frances Blackwell Carter, by deed dated June 4, 931, Page 409, Columbus County Registry. This the 20th day of Occ her ' 1995. ..va M1laa Lovett, Widow kkk