HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061327 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070122~v M~HIM&cIZEED TO Division of Water Quality 401 /Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 ATTENTION: Cyndl KdTOIy WE ARE SENDING: ^ Originals ®Prints ^ Specifications ^ Calculations LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 19, 2007 PROJECT NO: 4289-0006 TASK NO: 4O RE: Watermark Landing NWP 14 Permit Resubmit DWQ: 061327 TRANSMITTAL NO: PAGE 1 OF 1 ^ Shop Drawings ^ Samples ^ Other - Quantity Drawing No. Rev. Description Status 5 McKim & Creed, PA response letter dated January 11, 2007 G 5 USACE comment email dated November 22, 2006 C 5 Narrative, Revised date January 10, 2007 G Added: Model Declaration Restrictions G Added: EEP In-Lieu Request from and transmittal confirmation C 5 NCEEP Accceptance Letter C Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Remarks Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 2. Make Corrections Noted 3. Other 4. Amend & Resubmit 5. Rejected -See Remarks REMARKS: McKim & Creed, PA will simultaneously copy DWQ (Raleigh) with the appropriate permit package information. Thank you and please call if you have any questions. 243 NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (970) 343-]048 FAX (9]0) 251-8282 ~~ File w Noelle Lutheran w/ 2 copies ~ ~ ~ u V l5 n McKIM & CREED, PA ~J JAN 2 2 2Q07 ;~,~~,,,~,,- ~( ~~~~ Signed ~~.y;:-~~~VR WQQ~T~k ~uA1.~7Y Ramon E. Marconi for Richard M. Collier, P.E. S \ 4289 \ 0006 \ ] 0-Comm \ O] 1707 N WP 14 NCDENR Resum$ii "Il SrtsR~dF~R M ~ ~ ~~ ENGINEER S SURVEYORS PLANNERS January 11, 2007 o~ - i3a~ M&C 4005-0003 Jennifer Frye PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 RE: Watermark Landing Subdivision Action ID No. SAW-2001-1253-065 Dear Ms. Frye: Thank you for your comment email dated November 22, 2006 regarding the above referenced project. Your comments are attached for convenience. McKim - ~ "- " " &"Creed PA responded-to the-concerns m the narrahve~ Revisions and additional information to the narrative can be located on page 2 in the last paragraph and on page 3 in third paragraph. The owner proposes payment into the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program at a 2:1 ratio. A request for full payment in-lieu has been submitted and is currently under review. Once McKim & Creed, PA has written confirmation of acceptance, we will forward USACE a copy. A preservation document from the USACE website will be prepared by an attorney and recorded. The document for reference is attached. We trust you will find the enclosed satisfactory. If you should have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact us at (910) 343- 1048. Sincerely, McKIM & CREED, P.A. 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ` Ramon E. Marconi Enclosures C~~C~D~1{~ p 91 0.3 4 3. 1 0 4 8 cc: Ken Wrangell, Stowmac, LLC JAN 2 2 X007 Fax 910.251.8282 S:\4005\OD03\10-Comm\011107 USACE Response Ltr.Doc ~W~t~ www.mckimcreed.com !!!"'YYY~~~NNN Page 1 of Ray Marconi From: Frye, Jennifer S SAW [Jennifer.S.Frye@saw02.usace.army.mil] Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:26 PM To: Richard Collier; Margaret Gray; Ray Marconi; Kenny Johnson; kwrangell@wrangellhomes.com Cc: Noelle Lutheran; Robb.Mairs@ncmail.net Subject: Watermark Landing ello all: received additional information from McKim & Creed for the Watermark Landing authorization request. I appreciate your efforts in :ducing impacts to jurisdictional waters. I have some remaining questions regarding the mitigation proposal before I can verify the se of NWP 14. you are proposing on-site preservation, please submit a copy of a draft preservation document for our review. Please see the ttached link to our website for our model language -keep in mind, if you propose any changes to this language, you must provide ~d-lined' copy of the original document with justification for any changes. We and our Office of Counsel will review these changes. 'ou must also submit a copy of a draft preservation map/survey (to be recorded w/ NHC Register of Deeds w/ the preservation ocument) that clearly identifies the preservation areas and overall site plan for our review. so, your narrative is a somewhat unclear w/ respect to mitigation ratios. Are you proposing to preserve all remaining wetlands on ie property - or just 2:1 (0.38 acres)? We must also have a written confirmation from EEP that they will accept the in-lieu fee ayment before we can issue the verification. (See the website link to the EEP for information of submitting a request) Be aware the ny mitigation to EEP for this project would be for impacts to riparian wetlands in the Cape Fear 03030005 HUC. Depending upon ie amount and location of your preservation, your mitigation to EEP may be 2:1. We strongly encourage and support preservation Fall remaining wetlands on the property w/ a 1:1 EEP payment. i recalling our conversation regarding on-site preservation and recreation areas, I have noticed that your site plans incorporate a ture Active Recreation/Road Shoulder/Jogging Trail and Passive Recreation/benches/fishing platform/picnic area. Are these area: ithin your proposed preservation? How will you construct these features? Will it require any mechanized land clearing and/or ischarge of fill material into the wetlands? Will a CAMA permit be required for any of these structures? If so, are you planning to btain this permit now or leave it "open" (so to speak) for the HOA to handle in the future? such, your application is still consider incomplete. ease let me know if you have any questions, ~nnifer Frye tp//www saw _usace.army. ml1WETL.AN DS../Mitigationlpreservato, n. html tt~://www. nceep. net/pages/inlieureplace. htm / 11 /2007 NATIONWIDE PERMIT 14 DESIGN NARRATIVE WATERMARK LANDING New Hanover County, NC Cape Fear Township McKim & Creed Project #04005-0003 January 10, 2007 Prepared for: Stowmac, LLC Post Office Box 3234 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 792-1123 Prepared by: ~~1"1~~~ 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 343-1048 GIB WATERMARK LANDING New Hanover County, NC Cape Fear Township McKim & Creed Project #04005-0003 January 10, 2007 Table of Contents DESIGN NARRATIVE Existing Site Proposed Improvements Avoidance and Minimization Maintenance ATTACHMENT 1 -BUILT UPON CALCULATIONS (no revisions since August 14, 2006) ATTACHMENT 2 -MODEL DELCARATION RESTRICTIONS ATTACHMENT 3 - EEP IN-LIEU REQUEST FORM ATTACHMENT 4 -CONSTRUCTION PLANS (no revisions since November 13, 2006) Page i WATERMARK LANDING New Hanover County, NC Cape Fear Township McKim & Creed Project #04005-0003 January 10, 2007 DESIGN NARRATIVE Existing Site Figure 1 -Site Vicinity Map The existing site is undeveloped and sparsely to moderately wooded with undisturbed upland and wetland areas with mature trees and under story growth. 1 The New Hanover County SCS Soil Survey indicates that the predominate soil within the project limits site is Kureb sand (Kr). The remainder of the property boundary contains Leon sand (Le), Borrow pits (Bp), Lynn Haven fine sand (Ly), and Dorovan soils (DO). All of these soil types have well drained soils that have a sand and fine sand surface layer and a sand, fine sandy loam, and loamy fine sand subsoil or underlying layer; on uplands. The seasonal high water table is greater than 6 ft below grade. Page 1 Stowmac, LLC owns a 64.62 acre tract of land, located in New Hanover County at the 8400 River Road (SR 1100), approximately 3.5 miles south of the intersection of River Road (SR 1100) and Sanders Road (SR 1187). The proposed project area discharges to Cape Fear River. Cape Fear River is within the Cape Fear River Basin and is classified SC. The classification is dated 08/09/81 and the stream index number is 18-(71). Wetlands and Coastal Marsh are located within the property boundary; these areas will be excluded and protected from construction activity. Proposed Improvements The proposed development of this 64.62 acre tract of land will be for 33 duplex residential homes with an average lot size approximately 0.10 acres. To provide a safe finished floor elevation, the existing uplands will be built above the 100-year flood elevation (10.0 ft) and protected with the installation of treated timber bulkheads. The bulkheads will prevent a sufficient amount of impact to the wetlands and prevent any future accidental disturbances. The improvements will consist of the clearing and grubbing, wall installation, bridge installation, cross drainage piping, fill material, roadway and utilities construction. The project is being pursued as high density. Wetlands have been excluded from the impervious area percentage calculation. The impervious area is based on the total property minus the wetland area. The impervious area will be 66,644 sf of roadways, a 12,685 sf clubhouse, 31,680 sf of driveways, and 33-lots totaling 74,280 sf, making the total built upon area 185,289 sf, 62.8% of the 294,900 sf drainage area. To further diminish the adverse environmental effects on surface water quality resulting from development, stormwater will be treated via infiltration trenches. To maximize the stormwater runoff treatment and avert possible erosion, roof drains shall tie into the infiltration trenches. As a comparison to ponds, infiltration trenches BMPs reduce adverse effects of changes in land use on the aquatic environment. Emergency overflow devices will be set at the 50-yr event in each individual system. Both the county stormwater regulations and state stormwater regulations will be accommodated. NCDENR has issued stormwater Permit No. SW8 060630 and New Hanover County has returned Approved drawings with signatures. Several design concepts have implemented throughout the project history. The project has been designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects to waters of the US to the maximum extent practicable at the project site. Given the limited uplands, options were limited. Avoidance and Minimization The infrastructure has been carefully designed to limit the wetland impacts. The utility trench will not be constructed with extensive gravel layers of backfill, creating a french drain effect. The sewer line will be in the center of the roadway. The waterline will be will 5 ft from the edge of pavement. The force main, where applicable, will be on the opposite side of the roadway, 5 ft from the edge of pavement. The utilities will be within the roadway right-of-way. The width of the fill is limited to the minimum necessary for a safe crossing. The right-of-way width has been reduced from 50 ft to 40 ft, to further reduce wetland impacts. While the roads have been designed to meet NCDOT specifications and New Hanover County requirements they will be privately dedicated. To further limit wetland impacts, interconnectivity and cul-de-sac lengths were not obtainable based on the site characteristics. Emergency vehicle "hammer-heads° are provided in lieu of cul-de-sacs. Of the 64.62-acre tract of land, 51.13 acres of wetlands are on the property. Two areas of wetlands totaling 0.190 acres will be permanently impacted as a consequence of development. An additional 0.037 acres will be temporarily impacted during construction. The wetland Page 2 disturbance is a requirement for roadway and utility crossings. The home owners association will be responsible for the preservation of the wetlands. A preservation document from the USACE website will be prepared by an attorney and recorded. The document for reference is attached. Designating an exact location of preservation is impracticable as the county also has open space requirements which must be considered. This is discussed in more detail below. Due to the inability to designate a specific preservation area, the owner would like to request full payment in-lieu. Further, the existing characteristics of the site prevent neither on-site restoration nor creation will be an option. The owner proposes payment into the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program at a 2:1 ratio. A request for full payment in-lieu has been submitted and is currently under review. The impacted areas that are designated as wetlands are typically dry. Culverts will be installed to provide equalization of the wetlands during sufficient storm events. The stream cross section will be placed to its original grade and elevation. The ends of the pipes will be flush with bulkheads with a flared end sections. The flared end sections provide a more smooth transition of water movement. To promote the safe passage of fish and other aquatic organisms, the pipes will be buried 20 percent of the culvert diameter. The 20 percent burial will limit the disruption of the necessary life-cycle movements of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the water body, including those species that normally migrate through the area. Due to the negligible flow and to prevent further disturbance, rip rap will not be used. Orange safety fencing will be installed along the wetland perimeters which are within 100 ft of construction activities. Details, cross sections, and blowups can be found on sheets CN-101. The temporary impacts will occur as the bulkheads are being installed. This includes temporary construction mats (e.g., timber, steel, geotextile} used during construction and removed upon completion of the work. Temporary silt fence will be installed as erosion control measures. Silt fencing will be used as noted on the plans and as needed. The length of proposed silt fence does exceed the 100 ftper'/< acre of disturbed area criteria. To restore the temporary impacts, the areas will be backfilled with 6 inches to 12 inches of topsoil taken from the disturbed area. The areas will be restored to preconstruction contours and elevation. Temporary cleared wetland areas shall be re-vegetated to the maximum extent practicable with native species of canopy, shrub, and herbaceous species. Fescue grass shall not be used. New Hanover County implements an open space policy for new residentia- developments. To accommodate the needs of the requirements, the development will install a walking trail/boardwalk. The boardwalk will be built of pretreated wood with spaces between the walking planks. The boardwalk will be 6' wide, and elevated approximately 3' above the existing grade. A detail is located on Plan Sheet 7, CG-501. The boardwalk will be constructed without the use of heavy machinery, and will not require discharge of fill material into the wetlands. The boardwalk will be constructed by manpower and the use of hand tools. No permanent impacts will occur and further permits will not be required to accommodate the boardwalk. The boardwalk will be part of the home owners association to maintain. To avoid further wetland impacts, the uplands off Skipjack Trail will be connected via bridge with pilings. The pilings will be placed on the uplands surrounded by bulkheads, the bridge will span from one upland to the neighboring upland. Utility line construction will be attached to the underside of the bridge structure. The bottom of the bridge will be approximately 6 ft above the water surface, providing more than adequate space for the utilities of three residential units. The construction of utilities in this area will not impact the wetlands in any manner. Several discussions and site visits have taken place with representatives of the Division of Coastal Management. To install a bridge, the DCM will require a CAMA Minor Permit. The area of concern will not be impacted by culverts, fill, or any other permanent impacts. Construction Page 3 activities will not commence until a copy of the approved CAMA permit is furnished to USACE and NCDENR. Attached is a proposal from Steadfast Bridges, which provides construction details To further diminish the adverse environmental effects on surface water quality resulting from development, stormwater will be treated via infiltration trenches. To maximize the stormwater runoff treatment and avert possible erosion, roof drains shall tie into the infiltration trenches. As a comparison to ponds, infiltration trenches BMPs reduce adverse effects of changes in land use on the aquatic environment. Emergency overflow devices will be set at the 50-yr event in each individual system. Both the county stormwater regulations and state stormwater regulations will be accommodated. NCDENR has issued stormwater Permit No. SW8 060630 and New Hanover County has returned Approved drawings with signatures. New Hanover County strictly enforces their 75 ft COD Buffer regulation. New Hanover County will allow road crossings if no other alternative can be provided. McKim & Creed, PA originally proposed the idea of connecting Marada Way and Lanyards End through the 75 ft COD Buffer. New Hanover County denied this option- due to the accessibility of a connection to Diligence Trail without impending the 75 ft COD Buffer. New Hanover County did not favor the idea of placing a road in this area, as the bulkheads would restrict any natural flow and create a pocket of isolated wetlands. Due to other 75 ft COD Buffer crossings, New Hanover County felt this crossing would be excessive and not critical, as other options are available. Additionally, the horizontal alignment of the roadway would create further wetland impacts of approximately 0.08 acres. Another proposed option to limit wetland disturbance, was to install a bridge structure connecting Diligence Trail and Lanyards End. Wetland disturbance would not be completely eliminated. For a structure to span the 250 ft crossing, a support would be required midway, with a permanent impact of 0.07 acres. Attached is a proposal from Steadfast Bridges, which provides construction pricing for structures only. From previous work, McKim & Creed, PA adds additional 40 percent to the price of the structure to encumber the foundation. From the supplied cost estimate, McKim & Creed, PA estimates the cost of bridges to approximately $915,000.00. This price does not include construction labor and equipment. The property value of the 9 lots the bridge served would not be able to justify this additional construction cost. If this option were chosen, the owner would not be able to encumber the cost of construction through the sell of the lots. The cost would outweigh the profit, creating a net project loss. To maximize the use of the land available on the property, McKim & Creed, PA has explored various options to limit wetland disturbance and abide by New Hanover County regulations. Of the 64.62-acre tract of land, 51.13 acres of wetlands are on the property. Two areas of wetlands totaling 0.190 acres will be permanently impacted as a consequence of development (0.37% of the total wetlands). Maintenance Sediment will be removed from the infiltration system annually or when the depth in the unit is reduced to 75% of the original design depth. A benchmark shall be established in each individual infiltration system. The system shall be restored to the original design depth without over excavating. Removed sediment shall be hauled offsite. To ensure public safety, the bulkhead retaining wall shall be inspected and maintained annually and after a sufficient storm event. Upon completion of construction and the establishment of stabilizing ground cover, the property owner shall be responsible for site maintenance. Page 4 ATTACHMENT 1 -BUILT UPON CALCULATIONS (no revisions since August 14, 2006) PROTEST II~rPt ERVIOUS A~tE_A 1~atermark i andin0 New Hanover County Project No. 4005-0003 .. On-site Buildings - _ .~..,: 74,280 SF On=site Street /Parking 66,644 SF On-site Driveway 31,680 SF On-site Sidewalks 0 SF Other on-site (Clubhouse) 12,685 SF Off site 0 SF Total: .__185.289 SF _________.__ 5:\400510003120-Tech\ All Calculations-0713D6.xls PCN Imps ``4~~~St:llfF~t~,~' k ti~~~~~~ G.4Rp~ . iti os ~~ !~,• t ~ e i! L r =_ 022674 i :~r~l~ fi~G~~ ~¢u`~~` f~°p~,,~RL~ lCa~' `~,t ~~ ~~ $i~ i2oo6 R~chment A Watermark Landing Lots Building Square Foota a Driveway Square Foota a Total SF o Buildings + Drivewa DA 1 1 2,400 960 3,360 2 2,400 960 3,360 3 2,400 960 3,360 4 2,400 960 3,360 5 2,080 960 3,040 DA 2 6 2,400 960 3,360 7 2,400 960 3,360 8 2,400 960 3,360 9 2,400 960 3,360 10 2,400 960 3,360 11 2,400 960 3,360 12 2,400 960 3,360 13 2,080 960 3,040 14 2,400 960 3,360 FA-3 - ----- -- - --~-- - - - - -- ----- 15 2,400 960 3,360 16 2,400 960 3,360 17 2,400 960 3,360 1 B 2,400 960 3,360 19 2,080 960 3,040 2D 2,060 960 3,040 DA 4 21 2,400 960 3,360 22 2,025 960 2,985 23 2,025 960 2,985 24 2,025 960 2,985 25 2,025 960 2,985 26 2,025 960 2,985 27 2,025 960 2,985 28 2,025 960 2,985 29 2,025 960 2,985 DA 5 30 2,400 960 3,360 DA 6 31 2,400 960 3,360 32 2,080 960 3,040 33 2,080 960 3,040 Total 74,260 31,680 105,960 ``tttt4itt(IFFF(~~/ ~ ~ ` ~ `C? sa ,~ o ~~ o2z~i4 c f~~^Qe ~f~~ ~+ v~`~~ `` ff `fP~~ ~~~ ````tt r FFF ~ 5:1400510003120-Tech1 All Calculations-071306x1s 81112006 BUA per lot 40050003 F e~ ~ B_~1 0 n -----~ ~s- U C5 _~ N F a 'Y F ~ L ~ c~~ g ~ Aga ete = O u~i o h a « ~+/ ~ ~ ~ ~ `e' reB:C+ GnV'~+n C t `Yp E p€ F ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ t~ ~~,.;.g ~ ~ ~ ~~ bY 0 p'd @$66~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~~~~€~ 3 ~. ...~3e@~s ~ ~ €~ .. >~"'~~~~t~nNUrr~, • ,~A... ww~~~~E 6 R ye ~~ t ~, fnc. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NOR (Joins sheet 27) NQYt~i C`(~YOlina ~a~efRb©dies Lisped b~ C`©~n~v Note: Waterbodies are listed in more than one county if they cross county lines. Report Dafe: 09/30/05 Records Fvund: 60 Name of Stream Descripfion Curr. Class .Date Prop. Class Basin Stream Index # CA_pE FEAR RIVER From raw water supply C;Sw 04/01/59 Cape Fear 16-(63) intake at Federal Pape r Board Corporatioa (Riegelwood) to upstream mouth of Toomers Creek Catfish Creek From source to Cape C;Sw D9/O1/74 Cape Fear SB-69 Fear River ~r'`CAP.E•3~'~EBR RHEA 2r From upstream mouth • ;-'.SIIt°.:µ'''=` OB/D9/Bl of Toomers creek to e Cape Fear 16- (71} line across the river ------ from Snows Po_int__ - - -------- -------- -- --- - - --- -- ------ - - -- --------- --- -------- -- (through Saows Marsh) to Federal Point Cartwheel Branch From source to Cape SC;Sw Da D1 59 -/ / Cape Fear 18 Fear River -72 Toomers Creek From upstream mouth WS-IV DB 03 92 / / Cape Fear 16-73-(1) to a point D.B mile upstream of mouth Toomers Creek From a point 0.8 mile WS-IV;CA OB D3 92 / / Cape Fear 1B-73-(2) upstream of mouth to mouth (City of Wilmington water supply iataY.e ) Northeast Cape F From N.C. Hwy, 21D to B;Sw DB/01/67 Cape Fear 18-74-(47 5) ear River Prince George Creep, . Island CreeY, From source to C;Sw 07/01/73 Cape Fear 18-74-SD Northeast Cape Fear P.iver Sturgeon Creek From source to C;Sw D9/D1/74 Cape Fear 1B-74-52 Northeast Cape Fear P.iver Northeast Caae From Prince George C;Sw 09 D1 74 / / Cape Fear 18 7 Fear P,iver Creek to mouth of - 4-(52.5) Ness Creek Priace George From source to C;Sw 07/01/73 Cape Fear 16-74-53 Creek Northeast Cape Fear P,iver Search Parameters: County. Neva Hanover Class: SpDes: Name: Desc: Index: Page 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT 2 -MODEL DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS RESTRICTIVE COVENANT GUIDANCE August, 2003 Often, developers of residential or commercial subdivisions subject the property on which the subdivision is built to restrictive covenants, that include provisions such as setbacks, types of homes/buildings that can be built, etc. If the District has determined that restrictive covenants are acceptable as a means of preserving mitigation property, the following language can be added to those restrictive covenants: "The areas shown on the recorded plat (identify the plat by title, date, and recording data) as conservation areas shall be maintained in perpetuity in their natural or mitigated condition. No person or entity shall perform any of the following activities on such conservation area: a. fill, grade, excavate or perform any other land disturbing activities b. cut, mow, burn, remove, or harm any vegetation c. construct or place any roads, trails, walkways, buildings, mobile homes, signs, utility poles or towers, or any other permanent or temporary structures d. drain or otherwise disrupt or alter the hydrology or drainage ways of the conservation area e. dump or store soil, trash, or other waste f. graze or water animals, or use for any agricultural or horticultural purpose This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the mitigation condition of a Clean Water Act authorization issued by the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Action ID and therefore may be enforced by the United States of America. This covenant is to run with the land, and shall be binding on the Owner, and all parties claiming under it." Usually, restrictive covenants have a provision that the property owners (either all of them or some percentage of them) can amend or modify the restrictive covenants. If that is the case, that provision needs to provide that our required paragraph (usually identified by paragraph number) cannot be amended without the express written consent of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. The permit condition should state that the permittee will record restrictive covenants, acceptable to the Corps of Engineers, for the purpose of maintaining the mitigation areas in their natural state in perpetuity, prior to the sale or conveyance of any lots or other property within the subdivision. It is important that the restrictions be recorded prior to the sale of any property within the subdivision (or phase, if it is being developed by phase). If they are not, then any property sold prior to the recording of the restrictive covenant are not subject to those covenants. Suggest the following: "Permittee shall execute and cause to be recorded in the County Register of Deeds restrictive covenants acceptable to the Corps of Engineers for the purpose of maintaining the conservation areas, as shown on the recorded plat* (identify by title, date, and recording data), in their natural state in perpetuity, prior to the sale or conveyance of any lots or other property within the subdivision. The permittee shall enforce the terms of the restrictive covenants and, prior to conveyance of the property, shall take no action on the property described in the covenants inconsistent with the terms thereof. The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded restrictive covenants to the Corps of Engineers within 15 days of recording." * It is possible and acceptable that the plat may not be recorded at the time of the issuance of the permit. If that is the case, delete the word "recorded" and be sure you have a copy of a plat showing the conservation areas in the file, and identify it in the permit condition by title and date. The plat, however, must be recorded at the time the restrictive covenants are recorded, and prior to the sale of any lots in the subdivision. 2 MODEL DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS August, 2003 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY CONSERVATION DECLARATION This DECLARATION of CONSERVATION COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, and RESTRICTIONS (" ") is made on this day of , 200_, by [NAME AND ADDRESS OF DECLARANT) "Declarant"). RECITALS & CONSERVATION PURPOSES A. Declarant is the sole owner in fee simple of the certain Conservation Property (Property) being approximately acres, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein [reference to a recorded map showing a survey of the preserved area may be required]; and B. The purpose of this Conservation Declaration is to maintain wetland and/or riparian resources and other natural values of the Property, and prevent the use or development of the Property for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the maintenance of the Property in its natural condition. The preservation of the Property in its natural condition is a condition of Department of the Army permit Action ID issued by the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps), required to mitigate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized by that permit, and this Conservation Declaration may therefore be enforced by the United States of America. NOW, THEREFORE the Declarant hereby unconditionally and irrevocably declares that the Property shall be held and subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions as set out herein, to run with the subject real property and be binding on all parties that have or shall have any right, title, or interest in said property. ARTICLE I. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES Any activity on, or use of, the Property inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Declaration is prohibited. The Property shall be maintained in its natural, scenic, and open condition and restricted from any development or use that would impair or interfere with the conservation purposes of this Conservation Declaration set forth above. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited or restricted. A. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Property or any introduction ofnon-native plants and/or animal species is prohibited. B. Construction. There shall be no constructing or placing of any building, mobile home, asphalt or concrete pavement, billboard or other advertising display, antenna, utility pole, tower, conduit, line, pier, landing, dock or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility on or above the Property. C. Industrial, Commercial and Residential Use. Industrial, residential and/or commercial activities, including any right of passage for such purposes are prohibited. D. Agricultural, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, grazing, animal husbandry, and horticultural use of the Property are prohibited. E. Ve etation. There shall be no removal, burning, destruction, harming, cutting or mowing of trees, shrubs, or other vegetation on the Property. F. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails or walkways on the property. G. Si a e. No signs shall be permitted on or over the Property, except the posting of no trespassing signs, signs identifying the conservation values of the Property, signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Property and/or signs identifying the Grantor as owner of the property. H. Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste, or any placement of underground or aboveground storage tanks or other materials on the Property is prohibited. I. Excavation, Dred ing or Mineral Use. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials, and no change in the topography of the land in any manner on the Property, except to restore natural topography or drainage patterns. J. Water Quality and Drainage Pattern. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or related activities, or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing 2 or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water into, within or out of the easement area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. K. Development Rights. No development rights that have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Declaration shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise. L. Vehicles. The operation of mechanized vehicles, including, but not limited to, motorcycles, dirt bikes, all-terrain vehicles, cars and trucks is prohibited. M. Other Prohibitions. Any other use of, or activity on, the Property which is or may become inconsistent with the purposes of this grant, the preservation of the Property substantially in its natural condition, or the protection of its environmental systems, is prohibited. ARTICLE II. ENFORCEMENT & REMEDIES A. This Declaration is intended to ensure continued compliance with the mitigation condition of authorizations issued by the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, and therefore may be enforced by the United States of America. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under the Declarant. B. Corps, its employees and agents and its successors and assigns, have the right, with reasonable notice, to enter the Property at reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the Property to determine whether the Declarant, Declarant's representatives, or assigns are complying with the terms, conditions and restrictions of this Conservation Declaration. C. Nothing contained in this Conservation Declaration shall be construed to entitle Corps to bring any action against Declarant for any injury or change in the Conservation Property caused by third parties, resulting from causes beyond the Declarant's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, and earth movement, or from any prudent action taken in good faith by the Declarant under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to Property or harm to the Property resulting from such causes. ARTICLE III. PUBLIC ACCESS A. This Conservation Declaration does not convey to the public the right to enter the Property for any purpose whatsoever. ARTICLE IV. DOCUMENTATION AND TITLE A. Conservation Property Condition. The Declarant represents and acknowledges that the Property is currently undeveloped land, with no improvements other than any existing utility lines, Declarations and rights of way. B. Title. The Declarant covenants and represents that the Declarant is the sole owner and is seized of the Property in fee simple and has good right to make the herein Declaration; that there is legal access to the Property, that the Property is free and clear of any and all encumbrances, except Declarations of record. ARTICLE V. MISCELLANEOUS A. Conservation Purpose. (1) Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, agrees that this Conservation Property shall be held exclusively for conservation purposes. B. Entire Agreement. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Declaration and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Declaration. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Conservation Declaration, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. C. Recording. Declarant shall record this instrument and any amendment hereto in timely fashion in the official records of County, North Carolina, and may re-record it at any time as may be required to preserve its rights. D. Environmental Condition of Conservation Property. The Declarant warrants and represents that to the best of its knowledge after appropriate inquiry and investigation: (a) the Property described herein is and at all times hereafter will continue to be in full compliance with all federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations, and (b) as of the date hereof there are no hazardous materials, substances, wastes, or environmentally regulated substances (including, without limitation, any materials containing asbestos) located on, in or under the Property or used in connection therewith, and that there is no environmental condition existing on the Property that may prohibit or impede use of the Property for the purposes set forth in the Recitals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [Signature of Declarant in proper form) 4 ATTACHMENT 3 - EEP IN-LIEU REQUEST FORM NORTH CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM, NCEEP IN-LIEU FEE REQUEST FORM Revised 11/28/2006 Print this form; fill in requested information, sign and date, and either mail to NCEEP, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652, or fax to 919-715-2219. Attachments are acceptable for clarification purposes. CONTACT INFORMATION APPLICANT'S AGENT o tional APPLICANT 1. Business or Individual Name McKim & Creed, P.A. Stowman, LLC 2. Street Address or P O Box 243 North Front Street PO Box 3234 3. Ci ,State, Zi Wilmin ton, NC 28401 Wilmin ton, NC 28406 4. Contact Person Mar aret Gra Ken Wran ell 5. Tele hone Number 910-343-1048 910-794-8704 6. Fax Number 910-251-8282 910-251-0215 7. E-Mail Address o tional m ra mckimcreed.com kwran ell wran ellhomes.com PROJECT INFORMATION 8. Pro'ect Name Watermark Landin 9. Pro'ect Location nearest town, cit 8400 River Road, Wilmin ton, NC 10. Lat-Lon Coordinates o tional 34°04'33"N / 77°55'17"W 11. Pro'ect Coun New Hanover 12. River Basin Ca a Fear 13. Catalo in Unit 8-di it See Note 1) _ _ 0303000___ __ _____ 14. Ri arian Wetland Im act ac. e. ., 0.13 0.19 15. Non-Ri arian Wetland Im act ac. na 16. Coastal Marsh Im act (ac. na 17. Stream Impact (ft.) (e.g. 1,234) See Note 2 Warm na Cool na Cold na 18. Buffer Impact (sq. ft.) (e.g. 12,345) See Note 3 Zone 1 na Zone 2 na 19. Regulatory Agency Staff Contacts Indicate last names, if known USACE: F e DWQ: Lutheran 20. Other Regulatory ID Information e. ., USACE Action ID, if known SAW-2001-1253-065 /DWQ: 061327 IMPORTANT Check (~l) below if this request is a: ^ revision to a current acceptance, or ^ re-submission of an ex fired acce tance Signature of A licant or Agent: -~ Date: January 9, 2007 Note 1: For help in determining the Cataloging Unit, go to EPA's "Surf Your Watershed" web page: http://cfpub. epa. gov/surf/locate/in dex. cfm Note 2: For guidance on stream temperatures, go to: http://www.saw.usace.army.miIN1/ETLANDS/Mitigation/Documents/Stream/Appendices/Appendixl.pdf Note 3: Buffer mitigation applicable only in the Neuse, Tar-Pamlico and Catawba River basins, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed. Direct all questions to Kelly Williams at 919-716-1921 or kelly.williams@ncmail.net AGENT AUTHORIZATION I, Ken Wrangell of Stowmac, LLC, hereby grant McKim & Creed, P.A. the right to represent Sto~~mac, LLC in matters regarding professional environmental permitting services for real property I:nown as tNatermark Landing owned by Sto~~nnac, LLC in New Hanover County, North Carolina until such time as further notified. Land Ov~rner: Ken Wrangell, Member Manager of Stotit=mac, LLC Date C.\Documants And Settings\Ken H~rnngell\Looal Setiings'~lemporary Internet Flles\OLI:E4\hgeni Authonzafion-Vdatermar{: Landina.Doc P. 1 Transmission Result Report(MemorvTX) (Jan~10~ 2007 3:06PM) ~ ~ ~ ,) 2) Date/Time: Jan~10~ 2001 3:U5PM File Page No, Mode Destination Pg(s) Result Not Sent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8303 Memory TX 19197152001 P~ 3 OK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reason for error E•1) Hans ua or line flail E•2) Busv E•3) No answer E•4) No fiacsimile connection ~j1Yl'1~liV1C:3l.P\G~,L LEITIIt OF T'KAAiSMITTAL •1O NCEEP 1652 Mall Service Curter Ra1eg1;, NC2769Y1652 m~ naa January 10, 2007 rno~Nn 42g9{Ip06 usNn qp °~ WaECrmadclandmg ~+,ws+snecxa rcm ] ~ 1 vnE ARE SENDING ®O>~e ^ Ptit,n ^ Shop Drawings ^ s.mplac ^ ~~ ^ cala.latie,e ^ other-- Wnntlq' Dewing No. Rev. - Desalptim Steen In-Lien F~ RequestFa~ c I Agerd Autlt®ti® C Issue 91atuc Cods A. Preliadnary B. Febrieafimt Only C Fe Infv~atioa D. Bld E. Ctaistroclion F. ForRevk~v & Cotnmertts G. Fa Approval K See Rema>~ Action Stators Code: 1. No Exceptions Talcai 2 Akalae Corrections Noted 3.0th 4. Amrnd & Resubatit S Rejected - 5re Rmuoim tnwOrtnlRtnTS'S1R![!.= ^]nn.A_+JYi1 M91161ap~PAT.In11RS~JdQ s F7. Mclim L-Creed, P.A w/o me McI~vI ~ Q~EDr PA Signed Ray Mazcard, II fr1dTYm5~~Pf+w1W tee+NRn^Im~cLv v~~vt~cr~ED TO~ NCEEP 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 ATTENTION: WE ARE SENDING: ®Originals ^ Prints ^ Specifications ^ Calculations LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 10, 2007 PROJECT NO: ~ TASK NO: ~~d RE: Watermark Landing TRANSMITPAL NO: PAGE 1 OF 1 ^ Shop Drawings ^ Samples ^ Other - Quantity Drawing No. Rev. Description Status 1 In-Lieu Fee Request Form G 1 Agent Authorization C Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Remarks Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 2. Make Corrections Noted 3. Other 4. Amend & Resubmit 5. Rejected -See Remarks REMARKS: 243 NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, NC 26401 (910) 343-1048 FAX (910) 251-8262 ~~~ File, McKim & Creed, P.A. w/o enc McICIM & CREED, I'A Signed Ray Marcoru, EI 5:14269 \ 0006 \ 10-Comm\ 011007 NCEEP Trans.Doc ATTACHMENT 4 -CONSTRUCTION PLANS (no revisions since November 13, 2006) Y - --i o ,stem PROGRAM January 17, 2007 Ken Wrangell 5towman, LLC PO Box 3234 Wilmington, NC 28406 Project: Watermark Landing County: New Hanover The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP} is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Pernaitl401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the 404/401/CAMA permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the 404 Permit and/or the 401 Certification an invoice will be issued and payment must be made. The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.net. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the followin table. Cape Fear 03030005 Stream (feet} Wetlands (acres) Buffer I (Sq. Ft.) Buffer II {Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Ri azian Non-Ri arian Coastal Marsh Impacts 0 0 0 0.19 0 0 0 0 Credits 0 0 0 0.38 0 0 0 0 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation credits greater than indicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for the additional mitigation, the applicant will need to submit a mitigation request to NCEEP for approval prior to permit issuance. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 71b-1921. Sincerely, illiam .Gilmore, PE Director cc; Cyndi Kazoly, Wetlands/401 Unit Jennifer Frye, USACE-Wilmington Noelle Lutheran, DWQ- Wilmington Margazet Gray, agent (elec.) File R~.stol'~u-t~... ~ .. Protr::ctc'~ Du,Y State ~E~ North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net