HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0041696_Staff Comments_19950418NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0041696 Lake Rhodhiss WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance ,/ frier y,i, 1 am%. Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Staff Comments Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: April 18, 1995 Whim document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the rezzerse side Page 1 Note for Jackie Nowell From: Carla Sanderson Date: Tue, Apr 18,1995 3:52 PM Subject: RE: valdese To: Jackie Nowell; Susan Wilson I concur!! From: Jackie Nowell on Mon, Apr 17, 1995 9:47 AM Subject FW: valdese To: Carla Sanderson Responded to Susan last week about Valdese and phenols limit, I recommended continuation of weekly sampling. When talking about how we didn't have a 30q2 flow on Lake Rhodhiss for phenols and that limit probably should be a little higher, she recommended changing monitoring frequency for the limit to 2 per month instead of weekly, since limit is probably too stringent. What do you think about the reduction to 2/mo? Although I requested weekly in my response, I think as long as the phenols limit remains in the permit, a frequency reduction may be okay. From: Susan Wilson on Mon, Apr 17, 1995 9:31 AM Subject valdese To: Jackie Nowell any more thoughts on phenols limit and frequency for valdese? DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 5,1995 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: THRU: SUBJECT: Susan Wilson Jackie Nowell Ruth Swanek Carla Sanderson Draft Permit Comments for Town of Valdese WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0041696 Burke County The Instream Assessment Unit has reviewed the draft comments from the subject facility concerning the monitoring frequency for NH3 and phenols. We acknowledge the financial concerns raised by the Town because of the increase in monitoring. However, we would like to point out that effluent monitoring for several metals and other substances, (which include cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, chromium , chlorides, and sulfates) has been deleted from the NPDES permit. It would appear that no longer having to sample for all these parameters could provide some savings to the Town that may offset the additional cost for monitoring for NH3 and phenols. Regarding the comment, that no other nearby dischargers in the Catawba River Basin have a phenols limits except Valdese. It should be noted that a review of permit applications by the Towns of Morganton and Lenoir, indicate that phenols is not discharged from their effluent pipe. On the other hand, Valdese indicates on its permit application that phenols is present in their effluent and subsequent sampling confirms it. A further evaluation of the phenols data determines that Valdese's effluent should have a limit for the protection of the receiving waters. The data indicates that while it was not exceeded, several of the monthly phenols values in 1994 have been close to the limit of 21 µg/1. In fact, in July 1993, the phenols limit would have been exceeded. Based on this information, we do not recommend that the monitoring frequency of phenols be reduced back to monthly. We recommend that Valdese continue with the weekly sampling for phenols and after twelve months they can request that the Division reevaluate the data. Regarding NH3, because of the consistently low values (often less than 1 mg/1) of NH3 that have recorded over two years, we will recommend that the monitoring frequency for NH3 be revised from 3 per week to weekly. If there are additional questions, please contact me. cc: Forrest Westall Central Files WLA File Va0crc. !ai(/' TOXICANT ANALYSIS 'arameter = Phenols Standards ; 1wg/l n BDL=1/2DL Actual Data RESULTS 1 5 < 10 Std Dev. 12.84 2 14 14 Mean 10.36 3 5 <1 0 C.V. 1.24 4 12 12 5 5 < 10 6 ; 5 < 10 Mult Factor = _.,_. .0004110 �3.6 7 5 < 10 Max. Value 68 µg/1 ptg/1 8 5 < 10 Max. Pred Cw 244.8 9 5 < 10 Allowable Cw 20.7 µg/I 10 5 <10 11 11 11 12 5 <1 0 13 15 15 14 15 15 15 11 11 16 68 68 17 ; 21 21 18 12 12 19 5 <10 20 5 <1 0 21 5 <1 0 22 5<10 23, 5<10 24 5 <10 25 5<10 26 27 4/5/95 PAGE Memorandum To: From: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Ms. Jackie Nowell Susan A. Wilson April 3, 1995 Subject: Valdese WWTP (Lake Rhodhiss WWTP) Draft Permit Comments NC0041696 Burke County Please review the enclosed comments submitted by D. Alan Abee, Superintendent of the WWTP. The NH3-N frequency of 3/Week is a requirment of 15A NCAC 2B .0500. However, please review the facility's data regarding phenols to determine if the frequency may be reduced. This is a Class IV facility, so weekly sampling was recommended for phenols (due to the parameter being limited). The schedule to issue date for this permit is April 15, 1995. TOWN OF VAL•DESE TEL Mar 31,95 14:17 No.003 P.02 Marti 3 1996 TOWN.:.;O .VAL:DESE NORTH CAR04NA'B FRIBNOLY;TOWN P.O. 80X 339 VALD�BE,'NORTH CAROLJNA28690•0339 PHONE (704)137G 212.I. Lake Rhodhjss Wastewater Treatment Plant Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management .1',O.; J (*, 29536 aleigh, l$C, 27626 tteni Susan Wilson :Dear Ms. Wilson • In'regards to the draft perniit recently issued. to the Lake Rhodhiss Wastewater Treatment Plant (NPDES Permit # NC004.1696), there: are. several :. -questions which have arisen pertaining to two parameters, NH3•N and phenols. A,a you can gee by the enclosed information of the Lake Rhodhiss effluent .. concentratjons of NH3-N andphenols, this plant. has not had any problems handling the loadings to the plant for either parameter, :''1'ht new requirements for both of these parameters is cause forconcern;. however, the change in the phenol requirements need clarification, Upon discussion with other POTW's, in close vicinity to the Town of Valdese, which alao :discharge into the Catawba River Basin and/or,it's tributaries, it was • ., discovered that only the Lake Rhodhiss Wastewater Treatment Plant was required to analyze for. phenols. This is acceptable based upon ;the fact that this analysis was also 'a measured parameter under the old permit. The point which needs . clarification is the frequency change from once per month to once per week with the: inclusion of a daily limit set for this parameter, considering that this parameter analysis is not required of other Catawba River Basin dischargers. The increased sampling frequency of NH3-N will increase our cost from $988.00 per year to $2,964.00 per year. The increased sampling frequency of phenols will. increase our costs from, $$40.Op. per year, to $2340,00 per year, these cost projections do not include the extra cost of manpower associated with trarisporting the samples to the outside: test laboratory. This shows an i.norease in cost of $3,778,00 that we will have to budget `fax our new year, • • TQWN OF VALDESE TEL Mar 31,95 14:17 No.003 P.03 . !1:. •%•:.+'• ..:.. . . :<.._ ...r:.•. c• .:Due to budget restraints, we are requesting that the NH3'N free uencY continue at a weekly basis, and the phenol freqm uen, , reain.on a raon o thirto • • • •• wevpreoiate your understsli ' and • matter, ding. eonaid�ratiou of our concerns in thi$,. piler S• incerely, • D. Alan .bee • S 4erintendent lItItttrtit4113 • (Page, 2 0f 5) • Yyl . TOWN OF VALDESE TEL:704-879-2139 Mar 31,95 14:18 No.003 P.04 Pieuols . •Efiliiiiii.Concentrations • j994 .. 2-24 • •..�8, • . -25 9�2 :•2'. : 10-20 • 111.0 ". . • 12:15:: r.: • • • • • `.1.24- g.!? • '549 . • ••7M27• . • 8-25 • 9*1$ • 1.0=, • I -8 • • . . • •. p.0iible Laboratory Error g�!1114 0.011 1-14 <0.010 .2-8':. <0.010•• •`• '346 <0.010 • 44p::.,. " <0.010• 5-11 <0.01.0 8.2 .. 50,010 7�2: 0.012 • . 8-25 . <0.010 9-16 <'0.010 10-28... 0.016 12-16 <0.010 1.22 • <0.010 •• 2-7 • <0.010'". 3.18 <10* 4.12 <0.010 548 ' <0.010 8-12 . <0.010 7-16 <0,010 • 8.15 <0.010 9.17 <0.010 10.22• ..• <0.01 A:. 11-14 . • • • <0.010 • 12-16 . • • %�• i� �.. _ . • , ., -,•4r ''' .• • mud • <0.010 . • •<6.4310 0:015 • <0,010 : .<4.010••• • : Q,021 •.` : 0.012 . • • <U.010' 140.10 • <;0.10 • .• : 0.476. • •'<0,010 .. • 010 . 'o.a10 50;010' • y �� % . • (Page: of 5) o • TOWN OF VALDESE TEL:704-879-2139 Mar 31,95 14:18 No.003 P.05 ::': N144,1 •Ettluent Concentrations 1994 '. DAtiL . :3.3 . 3-10 .3;16 •• .•:4-7 •. 4-14 . 5=5 $20 • • 64..... 6-14 • • • 1-71•• •�' • Lab Error 7-7 O.I9 ' 744 0.93 . '740 1;12 1.01 8-4 0.25 8-11 0.75 . 8-18 1.74 8-26 0.64 y„Z 0.71 9-8. 0.'19 ' 9-16. 0.50 • 952i 0.53 . • 9�28. • 1.15 .104 • . <0.2S •1041•..: • <0.50 . , .. 10.20 • : . <0.50 •• • 10.27• .. `0.50 . 114 <0.10 •• 11-10 <040 11.1.7 <0.50' • : • ' .114040 11-0. ' 0.68 12.g' 1.59 <0.50 • 124i '•• <0.50 • ' 7 9' • • ' .450.. <04 . . 1.5 ,ma.s0 2.28 ' <0,50a:• 'r 0.91' <0.50 • <0.0 40:50 <0. 0 • A.50 <0.50 ' • <0.-50 • • 40.. • {{+9 f • u.4 .A.. • •.. • •• 0.2O (P. .4. ot5) • • • .f¢:t$;klS:+'AWALZJ•: .:4 tW+11;t • `• ti TOWN OF VALDESE TEL:704-879-2139 Mar 31,95 14:18 No,003 P.06 Nfl -N Effluent Concentrationb 1993 1-8 1.15 1-22 1-26 ..212 249 . . 342 3-19 344 4-2 4-9 446 4-23. 4-30 $-14 5-21 5-28 6-4 641 b-18 6-Z5 7-2 . . 1.80 0,43 1.40 0.52 0.52 0.38 0.61 0.48 0.84 0.41 0.42 0.31 0.54 0.39 0.31 0,50 0.56 0.62 0.84 0.59 0.59 0.83 0.69 1.63 1.57 0.68 : • Pale 7.9. 7.16 7-23 7-30 8-6 8-13 8-20. 8-25 9.3 9.1Q 9-17 9-24 10-1 10-8 ..:.. . 10-15 10-22 10-29. , 11-5 11-12 11.19 11-24 12.3 12-10 12-16 .• . 12-23 12.31 , •. • 0.57 0.77 0.60 0.50 0,68 0.71 0.61 0,A6 1.07 1,13 1.39 0.74 0.61 0.46 0.90 0.72 p,69 0.52 3.00 0.52 0.6q.' 0:67 0.68 0.44 0.61 0.52 (Page 5 •of 5) DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT February 20, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Susan Wilson THRU: Ruth Swanek t2G? Carla Sanderson FROM: Jacquelyn M. NowellI SUBJECT: Instream BOD Monitoring Town of Valdese NPDES Permit No. NC0041696 Burke County Per your request, the Instream Assessment Unit has reviewed the necesssity of instream monitoring for BOD5 for the Valdese facility. After a review of the daily monitoring reports for 1994, the Instream Assessment Unit recommends deletion of the instream monitoring requirement for BOD5. Data for 1994 shows that the monthly values for downstream BOD range from 1.0 to 3.1 mg/l. This range of values would not appear to predict any problems for the receiving stream. If there are any questions, please contact me. cc: Forrest Westall Central Files WLA File O, o,-7a' /. 2- /, z_ z, v Z.S