HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0041696_Wasteload Allocation_19950213NPDES DOCVHENT SCANNING COVER :SHEET NC0041696 Lake Rhodhiss WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance r Wasteload Allocation _1. Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: February 13, 1995 This document is printed on reuse paper. - ignore any content on the reYerase side NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0041696 PERMITTEE NAME: FACILITY NAME: Facility Status: Existing Town Of Valdese Perna Status: Renewal Major �I Pipe No.: 001 Minor Design Capacity: 7.5 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 53.0 % Industrial (% of Flow): 47.0 % Comments: Pretreatment information requested. RECEIVING STREAM: Catawba River (Lake Rhodhiss) Class: WS-IV & B CA Sub -Basin: 03-08-31 Reference USGS Quad: D12SE County: Burke Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office (please attach) Previous Exp. Date: 4/30/94 Treatment Plant Class: IV Classification changes within three miles: Changes To WS-IV approx. 2 mi. downstream at Rhodhiss dam Requested by: 7 Prepared by: LiaC Reviewed(by! aoD /35 5' Sean Goris Date: 10/25/93 Date: ,Z /6 ate: 9 Modeler Date Rec. # .SMn1 / o/i 0 7(P 3 Z- Drainage Area (mi2 ) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 7Q10 (cfs) 9. 7 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC f8 % Instream Monitoring: Parameters / 7 4 / T LocatioAUt- 1S Upstream Downstream Y 30Q2 (cfs) Acut hronic Location / Ail d1/.,� 4reicpyz. 6 5Z /O°/ Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) 3° NH3-N (mg/l)tP? i' D.O. (mg/1) tAY' TSS (mg/1) 30 F. Col. (/100 ml) 26p pH (SU) G ^ ? ?4,4- 6( 4 ,2/ 4...2 4 Co ments: hitraid�� nt71 ToS STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION M. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM FOR AGENCY USE l 111111111 Submit a description of esch major Industrial facility discharging to Me municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard industrial Ctasstticatlon (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material. the flow (in thou:. sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial faculty Into the municipal system. Consult l 3b1e ill for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (sti instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (sec Instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume Of water discnarged into the municipal sys tem In thousand gallons per day and wnetner this discnargs Is inter. mittent or continuous. S. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if Dretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system i. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 406a 406b 401a 401b 4014 401d 4010 4011 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 Alba-Waldensian, Inc. John Louis Plant P.O. Box 100 • 770 Main St. W. valdpga Burke North Carolina 28690 2252 intimate apparel cotton, nylon 111 thousand gallons per day ® Intermittent (Int) ❑Contlnuous(Con) Yes ( No •so3d:, Quantity 403s. `sox Parameter Name BOD 1 TSS Zinc Copper Parameter Number 00310 1 00530 01092 01042 ' Value . 150 1 40.0 0.25 0.019' Units (See Table Ill) IV-1 CPO 865.706 This section contains 1 page. - • STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM FOR AGENCY USE 1 I•1•I 1[11111111i Suarnit a description of each major industrial 1sctllty discharging to Me municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each faculty descrip- tion. indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material. the flow (in thou- sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial faculty Into the municipal system. Consult : able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) 3. Prindoal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and wnetner tnis discharge is inter- mittent or continuous. S. Pretreatment Provided indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system g. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) .4.0601 401a 401b 401c 4a1d ♦01e 4011 402 403a 403b 404a 4040 405 Burke Mills, Inc. P.O. Box 190 191 Sterling St. SW Valdese Burke North Carolina 28690 -2282 dyed yarn synthetic & natural yarns 338 thousand gallons per day gj intermittent (Int) QContinuous(con) Yes EaNo L' s Quanttty 403s Units (See Table 1111 ParameterI Name BOD I TSS Zinc 1 Chromium' I Parameter Number f nnl10 I nosln 01092 ! •01034 ) • Value 240 ..112.6 0.26 I 0.076 I CP 0 565.706 This section eantains 1 page. STANDARD FORM A --MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM 1 FOR AGENCY USE 1 Submit a description of each maior Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Inoustrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry. the maior product or raw material. the flow (in theft -- sane: gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able ill for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1• Maier Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard industrial Classification Code (see instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (sae instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municioal sys- tem in thousand gallons per day and wnetner this discharge Is inter- mittent or continuous. S. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (sae instructions) 4068 406b 401a 401b 401c 401d 401e a01f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 rarn1inn Mi11Sr Plant 4JA 705 Lovelady Road Valdese Burke North Carolina 28690 2269 bleached & dyed tubular knit 1174 thousand gallons per day ❑ Intermittent (int) Continuous(con) C Yes ®NO Quantity 75,000 Units (See Table ill) 40341 lb s paraeter Namer1 BOD TSS Arsenic Cadmium Copper Cyanide 'Lead parameter Number I Of31 n 1 0D531) - cal nn9 I. 01077 111042 0.177 00720 (' 01051 Value . I 149 140.0 0.005 10. 003 0: 006 0.06 GP 0 865.706 This section cc.ntafna 1 page. • 1 STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM FOR AGENCY USE 1 I 1 i 1 1 I I i Suomit a description of each major industrial faelllty discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard industrial Casslflcatlon (SIC) Code for the industry. the major product or raw material. the flow (in then: - sand gallons per day). and the cttaracterlstla of the wastewater discharged from the industrial facility Into the municlpai system. Consult : 3bte Ili for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1- Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial C:assificatlon Code (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see Instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem in thousand gallons per day and wnetner this discharge Is Inter- mittent or Continuous. S. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 400a 406b 401a 401 b 4014 401d 401 e 4011 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 Carolina Mills, Plant #9 (continued) thousand gallons per day ❑ Intermittent (Int) Continuous (con) ['Q Yes CNo 4026 j• f'i 4Q3d Quantity, 4034 •403t Units (See Tame t111 oarsn+cter Marne MPrr•nry INirkpl I Silver ChroID1Lt Zinc PHarameterlumocr I71900 101067 01077 101034 01092 Value • 10.0003' 1 0.02 I 0.0081 n. n081 0.04 GPO 1165.706 IV-1 This section contains 1 Foige. 0 STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION 37 INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM [FOR AGENCY USE 11.11i11 Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the industry, the major product or raw material. the flow (in then:. sand gaiions per day). and the charactert$tiu of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult : able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see InstrUctlans) 1. Major Contributing Facility (sea instructions) Name Numosrd, Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard industrial Classification Cods (see Instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) PrbeuCt Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys. • tem In thousand gallons per day and wnether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided Indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 5. Characteristics of Wastewater (sae instructions) 406a 4af� 401a 401 b 4014 401d 4010 • 401f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 Neuville Industires, Inc. P.O. Box 286 T-4(l Ar•r e s R all Hi1raPa„-ar Buvk.e North Carolina 28637 »50 Hosiery yarn 125 thousand gallons per day 0 intermittent (Int) a C.ontlnuous(can) C Yes ( No Quantity, floss sox Parameter Name BOD I TSS 'Lead I Parameter Number ()n31 n 1 G053D 101051 - Value 286 • l 55 1 0.04 I Units (See Table t111 GPO 565.706 IV-1 This section contains 1 page. • STANDARD FORM A --MUNICIPAL SECTION i INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM AGENCY USE 1 [FOR lillllll Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material. the flow (in trim: - sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the munldpal system+. Consult :iota III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (sae instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial C'.asslfication Code (see instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see Instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys• tem ln thousand gallons per day and wnether Mis discharge is inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system 6. Characteristics Of Wastewater (see instructions) 401a 401 b 4014 acrid 401e 401f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 OMS • Textiles, Inc, P [) Rnx u0 • One bidG,.$o., Valdese Burke North Carolina ..1111141. 28690 2228 dyed and finished cloth 510 thousand gallons per pay 1.3 Intermittent (Int) 0 Continuous (con) p Yes No •sex .7 •403d: Quantity, 4034 403f Units (See Table ill) Parameter Name BOD I TSS Silver 'Arsenic I t I Parameter Number 00310 100530 101077 101002 I f value 71 •. I 28 1 0.005 I 0.0021 I IV-1 GPO 365.706 This section contains I page. FOR AGENCY USE • STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION IQ INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for cacti facility descrip- tion. indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Cods for the Industry, the major product or raw material. the flow (in thou- sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able III for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code (see Instructions) • 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem in thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge is inter- mittent or continuous. S. Pretreatment Provided Indicate If pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system G. Characteristics of Wastewater (sae instructions) 406a 406b 401a M• 401b 4014 401d 401e • 4011 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 403 •Valdese Textiles, Inc. P.O. Box 490 19l1 Main St_ r_ Valdese Burke North Carolina 28690 "62 dyed .polyester 181 thousand gallons per day X] intermittent (int) ❑ Conti nuous(con) QYes • •Z3No Quantity Parameter Narne Parameter Number BOD' TSS 00310 00530 Value • 177 17 Units (See Tabie III) IV-1 GPO 665.706 This section contains 1 page. FOR AGENCY USE1 -1 STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION 13r. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip- tion. indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry. the major product or raw material. the flow (in thc+i:- sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility into the municipal system. Consult : able 111 for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard industrial Classification Code (sae instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (sae instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand cations per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- mittent or continuous. S. Pretreatment Provided indicate if pretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system S. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 406a 406b 401a 401b 401c 401d 401e 401 f 402 403a 403b 404a 404b 405 Valdese Manufacturing Co. P.O. Drawer 10- S11 Main St_ W V l rlase Burro North Carolina 28690 2281 dyed spun yarn 826 thousand gallons per day ® Intermittent (Int) Continuous (con) Q ves • jSNo 4I1>30 Quantity 4034 'sox Units (See Table III) Parameter Name BOD TSS Lead Zinc Parameter Number 00310 00530 01051 01092 . Value 107 80.8 0.31 O.055j IV-1 GPO 865.706 This section contains 1 page. • STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION W. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM FOR AGENCY USE1 i SuOmit a description of each major Industrial facility discharging to the municipal system. using a separate Section IV for each faculty descrip- tion. Indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry. the major product or raw material. the flow (in Mow - sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial facility into the municipal system. Consult : 31210 iti for standard measures of products or raw materisis. (see Instructions) 1. Major Contributing Facility (see instructions) Name Number& Street City County State Zip Code 2. Primary Standard industrial Classification Code (sae instructions) 3. Principal Product or Raw Material (see Instructions) Product Raw Material 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discnarged into the municipal sys- tem In thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge is Inter- mittent or continuous. 5. Pretreatment Provided indicate if oretreatment is provided prior to entering the municipal system G. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) 40sa ,web 4013 401b 401c 401d 401e 401f 402 4033 403b 404a 404b 405 Valdese Weavers. Inc. P_n_ DrawPr 7a 1000 Perk4rs RA Valdese SF Burke North Carolina 28690 2231 jacquard upholstery fabric 221 thousand gallons per day x0 intermittent (int) OContinuous(con) ®Yes O No .403d: Quantity, �.4034 sa3f Parameter Narne BOD i I TSS I Parameter Number nm i n I nnslo• f _ Value 179 26 Units (See Table 111) CPO 865.706 This section contains 1 page. Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request # 7632 Town of Valdese NC0041696 53% DOMESTIC / 47% INDUSTRIAL Existing Renewal Catawba River (Lake Rhodhiss) WS-IV & B CA 03083$ Burke Asheville Doris—�ioCM I [-44- 10/25/93 D12SE Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (n i2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): 228.7 cfs 4.8 Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Facility requesting renewal of NPDES permit. Tech Support has evaluated and recommends renewal of existing limits and chronic toxicity test. New analysis of metals and toxicant data has caused a revision of monitoring requirements. Monitoring for these metals: Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Cn, will be done in the Valdese Pretreatment Program's Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP). All new and expanding dischargers of oxygen consuming wastes that discharge to the Catawba River Chain of Lakes or are predicted to increase oxygen demanding waste loading to the lakes, (Lake James, Rhodhiss Lake, Lake Hickory, Lookout Shoals Lake, Lake Norman, Mountain Island Lake, and Lake Wylie) will be required to meet a minimum of advanced treatment limits. Typical NPDES permit conditions for advanced treatment facilities are 15 mg/1 BOD5 and 4 mg/1 NH3-N. These limits will help to protect water quality standards in the Catawba River chain of lakes and will allow for�(continued growth in the re on. (4 / 5/7/1/.y�'cs -�Y c�C y fry c.►�rrIn,�o�roti, g�v� ✓�rfri£�f? �!6/9�1,�5 � �pazt-i vCr�31 Special Schedule Requiremefits and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Region 47/4 Date: Date: /2/9S- 65 Date: Permits & Engineering: Date: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY: FEB 1 5 1995 1AN 20199 2 CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Existing Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 7.5 BOD5 (mg/1): 30 NH3N (mg/1): monitor DO (mg/1): monitor TSS (mg/1): 30 Fecal Col. (/100 m1): 200 pH (SU): 6-9 Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor TP (mg/1): monitor TN (mg/1): monitor Recommended Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL Wasteflow (MGD): 7.5 BOD5 (mg/1): 30 NH3N (mg/1): monitor DO (mg/1): monitor TSS (mg/1): 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 pH (SU): 6-9 Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor TP (mg/1): monitor TN (mg/1): monitor Limits Changes Due To: Parameter(s) Affected Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures New facility information (explanation of any modifications to past modeling analysis including new flows, rates, field data, interacting discharges) (See page 4 for miscellaneous and special conditions, if applicable) 3 Type of Toxicity Test: Existing Limit Recommended Limit: Monitoring Schedule: Existing Limits Cadmium (ug/1): Chromium (ug/1): Copper (ug/l): Nickel (ug/1): Lead (ug/1): Zinc (ug/1): Cyanide (ug/1): Phenols (ug/1): Chlorides (mg/1): Sulfates (mg/1): Recommended Limits Phenols (ug/1): TOXICS/METALS Chronic Ceriodaphnia Qrtrly 4.8% 4.8% JAN APR JUL OCT Limits Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow New pretreatment information Daily Max. monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor Daily Max. WQ or EL 21 WQ Tarameter(s) Affected Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cn - Will be monitored thru Valdese Pretreatment LIMP Failing toxicity test Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) X Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 4 INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: Above discharge point Downstream Location: 1 mi. below discharge @ State Road 1001 Parameters: DO, Temperature, Fecal Coliform, Conductivity, & BODS Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes V No I\ If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? Y (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Facility Name Valdese WWTP Permit # NC0041696 _. Pipe # 001 _ CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 4.8 % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of JAN APR JUL OCT .. Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 228.7 cfs Permitted Flow 7.5 MGD IWC 4.8 % Basin & Sub -basin CTB31 Receiving Stream Lake Rhodhiss County Burke QCL PIF Version 9191 VALDESE WWTP 1/5/95 LAKE RHODHISS JMN 030835 Facility requesting renewal of existing NPDES permit for 7.5 MGD plant. Valdese discharges into Lake Rhodhiss, approximately 2 miles downstream of the Morganton (8 MGD) discharge and approximately 1 mile below the Valdese water supply intake. The WTP is planning an expansion from 8 MGD to 12 MGD (per 1993 EA). Staff concluded that the increase in withdrawal would not effect downstream discharges or aquatic life because of the volume of water in Lake Rhodhiss. Current limits are 30/30, monitoring for NH3, DO, chlorine, Cd, Cn, Cr,Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Chlorides, Sulfates, and Phenols. No apparent problems with compliance, however have had exceedances of TSS limit in Feb., March, and August 1994. A chronic ceriodaphnia toxicity test of 4.8% (JAN APR JUL OCT) is also included in the permit. Facility has consistently passed tox test since Feb. 1992. The Instream Assessment Unit does not have a lake model and the Level B results are not reliable for this type of water body. However a Level B model that was run (1992) did predict a DO minimum of 3.5 mg/1 about 15 miles downstream of Valdese's discharge. USGS and other agencies are working on a model for the Catawba chain lakes and results should be available within the next permit. BACKGROUND: Original limits of BOD=18, NH3 = 8, TSS of 30 mg/1, fecal of 200, pH = 6-9, TP limit of 1.0 mg/1 (EPA required) were issued in 1978. In 1979, the Town requested a change in the limits to BOD=30, NH3 =5 mg/1. DEM concurred with this request since the UBOD would remain the same. In 1983, new Level B model of Valdese plant was done and limits of 30/30, fecal limit and pH limit were established. No longer had NH3 limit or TP limit.1989 WLA renewed existing limits but added monitoring requirements for NH3, Cd, Cn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, chlorides, sulfates, and phenols. The chronic toxicity test of 4.8% was also given at that time. RECOMMENDATION: Renewal of all conventional limits: 30/30, fecal limit of 200, pH, effluent monitoring for NH3, chlorine, TP, TN. Toxicity test of 4.8% renewed also. Limit for phenols of 21 µg/i. TOX ANALYSIS - Limit for Phenols of 20.7 µg/1 Monitoring for most metals wool be deleted from NPDES permit and monitored under pretreatment .LTMP based on toxicity analysis. Also monitoring for chloride and sulfates not longer needed. 1/9/95 Meeting w/ Tom Poe of Pretreatment: Concurs with tox analysis, LIMP will be monitoring for Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cn, Cu, and Zn. 0 TiceS /3 /9f, 3o/10- s z — ff 4414;5 - /s/`fe/s-- 7,5-s /, s ,q , a/4h.,7tr- ,, raw,/ 7MC44. TOXICANT ANALYSIS Facility Name Valdese WWTP NPDES # NC0041696 Qw (MGD) 7.5 7010s (cfs) _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..229 4.83 IWC (%) Rec'ving Stream Lake Rhodiss Stream Class WS-IV & B CA FINAL RESULTS Sulfates Max. Pred Cw 1358 Allowable Cw 5174731.2 Chloride Max. Pred Cw 814.8 Allowable Cw 5174731.2 Phenols Max. Pred Cw 33.6 Allowable Cw 20.7 Copper Max. Pred Cw 142.8 Allowable Cw 144.9 Cadmium Max. Pred Cw 22.2 Allowable Cw 41.4 Nickel Max. Pred Cw 112 Allowable Cw 517.5 Lead Max. Pred Cw 80 Allowable Cw 517.5 Zinc Max. Pred Cw 102 Allowable Cw 1034.9 Chromium Max. Pred Cw 39.2 Allowable Cw 1034.9 Cyanide Max. Pred Cw 32 Allowable Cw 103.5 0 Max. Pred Cw 0 Allowable Cw 0.0 1/5/95 PAGE - WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TESTING 4ISELF-MONITORING SUMMARY] Mon, Dcc 19, 1994 FACILITY USMC CIIERRY POINT 01 PERM: 48HR LC50 AC LIM 90%; UPON RELOC(1 I/1/94) TC 90 — NC0003816/001 Begin:7/1/94 Frequency: Q PA' A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE 91 — County:CRAVEN Region: WARO Subbasin:NEU10 92 — PE: 3.5 Special 93 — 7Q10: TIDAL IWC(%):100.00 Order 94 — REOIIIRF!MENj YPAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 1111. AMID SF.P OCT PASS PASS — — PASS' — — PASS - - PASS — — PASS — — PASS - - PASSSIG — — PASS — — PASS — PASS — — PASS — — PASS - - >100' — — PASS' — — >100' I ISM(' ('I IIiRRY IY)INT M114 I'IERM:2411R PA' AC mow907E Fri NC0003816/114 Begin:7/1194 Fnqucncy: Q MAR JUN SEP DEC Counly:CRAVVAR I'N Region: WARD Subbnsin:NI(U10 PSpecial 7Q Q10:0.00 IWC(%): 100.00 Order._ to ((RAB) NonComp: w — 91 — 02 — 93 — 94 r- ,ou — — — — — -- I 1 — — — — _ — — — — — 1 I — — — — — — — — 1 — 1 — — — — I I II) (GRAB) NonComp: 90 — 91 — 92 —• 93 -- 94 — PASSI M — — — — PASSI PASSISIG PASSI >1001 — — — -- — 611 147 — •— — — PASSI PASSI PASSI PASSI — - — — NI NI --- — — — PASSI - PASSI -- PASSI — PASSI NI NI — PASSI PASSI PASSI PASSI IISMC CHERRY POINT 0136 I'IRRM: 241IR WE A(' MONTT 90% I'll N00003816/I36 Bcgin:7/1/94 Frequency: Q MAR JUN S1iP DEC County:CRAVEN Region: WARO SuIbn in: NI?1110 PE VAR Special 7QI0:0.0 IWC.(%):100.0 �r NNonep: 90 FAIL Of PASS I -AIL 93. PASS 94 PASS PASS -- PASS — — — •-- — — — PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS — -- -- — — — •-• — PASS PASS PAa:i PASS PASS — --- — — — PASS --- PASS — PASS — PASS PASS — — — --- — VAI.I)ISIEWWII' PERM CIIRI.IM:4.8% Ntnalir,'uJtxlI Ilcµin:(.II/No Pmpnwy I) 1'A' A JAN AI'IA 1111.047 County:BURKIi Region: AkO Subbnsin: camu2 PF:7.50 Special 7Q10:228.7 IWC(%):4.83 Order NonComp:SINGLE 90 — 91 — 92 FAILI 93 — 94 — — — PASSI — — FAILI PASS( PASSI PASSE PASSI — — — — — — — — — — LATE PASSI FAILI PASSE PASSI FAILI — PASSI — — - — — FAILI FAILI PASSI - PASSI FAILI.PASSI — PASSI PASSI — — PASSI FAILI PASSI PASSI VEEDER ROOT COII'/004(COMB 01,02.03) PERM: 24IIR PA' AC LIM 90% (PAID) NC0001121/004 Begin:9/1/93 Frequency: Q 6 MAR JUN SEP DEC County:BLADEN Region: FRO Subbasin:CPF16 PI::0.152 Special 7Q10: 812.5 IWC(%):0.03 der NonComp: 90 — 91 FAIL 92 — 93 — — — PASS — — — — PASS PASS FAIL PASS — — — BI — — — — NI — — PASS FAIL PASS PASS — — PASS — — - — — PASS — FAIL PASS PASS — PASS FAIL PASS - — — LATE PASS PASS PASS WADE IIAMPTON CLUB PERM CHR LIM:34% NC0062553)001 Begin:8/1/90 Frequency: Q P/F 6 MAR JUN SEP DEC County:JACKSON Region: ARO Subbasin: SAV02 PF:0.125 Special 7Q10:0.37 IWC(%):34 Order.D4 6MGD NonComp:SINGLE 90 — 91 — 92 — 03 — 94 — PASS PASS PASS N1 PASS — — — PASS — — — — — — PASS hA PASS PASS PASS — PASS - — — - — — PASS PASS FAIL PASS PASS — — — - PASS — — — PASS PASS N7 PASS - PASS WAKE FOREST WWIP PERM CIIR LIM:2.7%; 12% IF PF NC0030759/001 Bcgin:12/1/93 Frequency: Q PA' 6 MAY AUG NOV FliI3 County: WAKE Region: RR() Suhlmain: NEIJ02 I'I':1.2 Special 7QI0:67 IWC(%):2.5 Order: NonCom1,:SINGIJ( 90 — 01 — 02 35.35' 03 M 04 — NONE NONE' >100' NI NONE 70.71' >100' PASS LATE >100' >100' — — LATE >100' >100' ... — NONE' 70.71' >100' LATE — >97.7' >100' >100' NIUf'AIL — >00' >100' >100' N11/PASS IA 94.6' 74'SIG >100' >100' >100' >100' — PASS 611 141 >100' FAIL — NONE' >100' PASS WAKE TECHNICAL INSTflUIIi PERM CIIR LIM:90% NC'0025611/001 Begirt:3/I/94 Frequency: Q I'A' A MAR 11IN SEP I)EC County:WAKEE Region:RRO Subhasin:NLiUO3 1'1':0.020 Sperinl 7Q10: 0.0 IWC(%):100.0 Order: NoriComp:SINGI.11 90 PASS 91 PASS U7 I'AI:!) U3 FAIL 94 — — — --- -- — — — --- - PASS FAIL LATE PAS))--- I•AIL — — LATE PASS — — PASS --• PASS PASS FAIL PASS ('AM) — — - --. — ••- PASS — FAIL PASS I'MIS PASS — — KS — Nl PASSPASS7Q10: WAIJACE WWII' l'IsRM CIIR I.IM:27% N(•0020702/001 Bcgin:S/1/93 Eminency: Q I'/' A MAR JIIN SEP DEC ('aur uyrll(111.IN Itrµiuo• WIlirl Suhbn.ur ('1'1'll Special Q10:4.20 IWC(%):20.53 Order: NonComp:SINGLE 90 — 91 PASS 92 PASS 93 — 94 — — — — — -- — PASS PASS PASS PASS — — — — — — — - — — FAIL PASS NO/FAIL LATE — PASS FAIL PASS — - PASS fJl NR PASS FAIL PASS PASS FAIL LATE 613 — — bt LATE PASS PASS WALSfONBLIRG WWI? PERM CIIR LIM:90% NC00203621001 Begin:5/1/94 Frequency: Q P/F 6 MAR JUN SEP DEC County:GRE ENE Region: WARD Subbasin: NEU07 PF:0.138 Special 7Q10: 0.01 IWC(%):95.5 ter 0 2 consecutive failures = significant noncompliance. Y Pre (990 Data Available LEGEND: PIiRM = Permit Requirement LIST = Administrative Ixtter - Target Frequency = Monitoring frequency: Q- Quarterly; M- Monthly; BM- Bimonthly; SA- Semiannually; A• Annually; OWD- Only when discharging:1)- Discontinued monitoring requirement; IS- Conducting independent study Begin = First month raouirrd 7Q10 = Receiving stream low flow criterion (cis) 6 = quarterly monitoring increases to monthly upon single failure Months that nesting must occur - ex. JAN,APRJUL,OCT NonComp = Current Compliance Requirement 1'F= l'enuiucd flow (MGD) IWC% = Instream waste conccntcuion PA' = Pass/Vail chronic test AC = Acute CIIR = CI)ronic Data Notation: f - Fathead Minnow: • - Ceriodanhnia sp.; my - Mvsid shrimn: ChV - Chronic value: P - Monality of stated percentage at highest concentration: at - Performed by DIEM Tot livid Group: b( - Bad test Heralding Notation: •-• = Data not required; NR - Not reported; ( ) • Beginning of Quarter Facility Activily Status: 1- Inactive. N - Newly Issucd(fo construct);11- Active hut not discharging; t-More data availohle for month in question SIG = ()RC signature needed 51 VALDESE WWTP Upstream Month Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity Oct-93 Sep-93 Aug-93 JuI-93 Jun-93 May-93 Apr-93 Mar-93 Feb-93 Jan-93 Deo-92 Nov 92 19 24 27 29 25 20 14 9.3 8.9 8.1 8.5 8.5 9.3 9.2 100% 106% 102% 111% 103% 102% 89% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4.6 5 7 4 3 9 34 134 120 104 75 69 46 41 Downstream Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity 19 25 27 29 25 20 14 9.5 8.9 8.3 8.6 8.6 9.5 9.4 102% 108% 104% 112% 104% 105% 91% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5.7 6 9 5 5 10 56 136 120 105 75 70 48 42 Ammonia - Residual Chlorine - Fecal Coliform Instream Waste Concentrations Residual Chlorine 7010 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) Stream Std (mg/I) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 228.7 228.7 7010 (cfs) 7.5 7.5 Design Flow (mgd) 11.63 11.63 Design Flow (cfs) 17 1 Stream Std (mg/I) 0 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mgli) 4.8% 4.8% IWC (%) 351.4 16.3 Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Fecal Limit 200/100m1 Ratio of 1 : 4.8 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 228.7 7Q10 (cfs) 7.5 Design Row (mgd) 11.63 Design Flow (cfs) 1.8 Stream Std (mg/l) 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mg/l) 4.8% IWC (%) 329 Allowable Concentration (mg/I) UPS- VALDESE WATER PLANT 1/12195 DWN- CASTLEBRIDGE BOAT LANDNG VALDESE WWTP Upstream Month Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity Oct-94 Sep-94 Aug-94 Jul-94 Jun-94 May-94 Apr-94 Mar-94 Feb-94 Jan-94 Dec-93 Nov-93 17 23 24 27 25 20 15 8.7 9.2 8.0 8.5 7.9 8.4 9.1 90% 107% 95% 107% 96% 92% 90% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 22 17 88.3 30.2 6 3 10 73 63 67 80 76 51 47 Downstream Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity 17 23 24 27 25 20 15 8.7 9.2 8.0 8.6 8.0 8.5 9.2 90% 107% 95% 108% 97% 94% 91% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 20 13 90 48.5 12 4 20 73 66 68 84 77 51 47 Ammonia - Residual Chlorine - Fecal Coliform Instream Waste Concentrations Residual Chlorine 7010 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Row (cfs) Stream Std (mg/I) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/i) Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 228.7 228.7 7010 (cfs) 7.5 7.5 Design Flow (mgd) 11.63 11.63 Design Flow (cfs) 17 1 Stream Std (mg/I) 0 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mg/i) 4.8% 4.8% IWC (%) 351.4 16.3 Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Fecal Umit 200/100m1 Ratio of 1 : 4.8 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 228.7 7010 (cfs) 7.5 Design Flow (mgd) 11.63 Design Flow (cfs) 1.8 Stream Std (mg/i) 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mg/i) 4.8% IWC (%) 32.9 Allowable Concentration (mg/i) UPS- VALDESE WATER PLANT 1/12/95 DWN- CASTLEBRIDGE BOAT LANDNG 4. di 5 1- Z @,) C2,5- — --7r 5- ------ Ai/35), /,3*1,s1 5;q vgoy - N�J� � 09 D /9, 7 -- s-, = /3.7 7 z SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes No X IF YES, SOC NUMBER TO: PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT WATER QUALITY SECTION ATTENTION: Sean D. Goris DATE: September 2, 1993 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RE(ONEENDATION COUNTY Burke PERMIT NUMBER NC0041696 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Town of Valdese PO Box 339 Valdese, NC 28690-0339 2. Date of Investigation: September 29, 1992 3. Report Prepared By: James R. Reid : 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Ken Ingalls 704-879-2131 5. Directions to Site: From the intersection of NCSR's 1545 (Laurel St) and 1546 (Lovelady St), travel East on NCSR 1546 (Lovelady) approximately 0.7 mile to a point where NCSR 1546 crosses Hoyle Creek. Turn left onto Lake Rhodhiss Drive. The Town of Valdese's Lake Rhodhiss WWTP is at the end of Rhodhiss Drive. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 35° 46' 41" Longitude: 81° 32' 25" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No. U.S.G.S. Quad Name Drexel, NC 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application? X Yes No If No, explain: 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Flat-topped knoll above flood plain 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Greater than 500 feet 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Catawba River (Lake Rhodhiss) a. Classification: WS-IV&B CA b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: CTB 30831 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Lake Rhodhiss, recreation, wildlife, and water supply PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of wastewater to be permitted 7.5 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Wastewater Treatment facility? 7.5 c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity 7.5 d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years: No construction activities within the past 2 years e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: Existing. influent pump station, bar screen, grit removal, primary clarifiers, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, chlorination, gravity sludge thickeners, sludge centrifuges, sludge composting operation f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: No additional facilities, subject action is for renewal of NPDES Permit. g• Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: None known or expected h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): in development approved X should be required not needed 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Sludge composting with distribution to the public a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit Number WQ0001990 Residuals Contractor Telephone Number b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP PFRP X OTHER c. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utili2ation scheme (Specify): 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): IV 4. SIC Codes(s): 4952 Wastewater Code(s) of actual wastewater, not particular facilities i.e., non -contact cooling water discharge from a metal plating company would be 14, not 56. Primary 55 Secondary 01 Main Treatment Unit Code: 040.05 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only)? N/A 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: No 3. Important SOC, JOC, or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) N/A Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction Date 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non -discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: N/A Connection to Regional Sewer System: N/A Subsurface: N/A Other disposal options: N/A 5. Other Special Items: No Page 3 PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECO11MENDATIONS Renewal of Permit is recommended. ture of Report Preparer ater Quality Regional Supervisor Page 4