HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01589_Well Construction - GW1_20220120 I
(T \ FIA COtiSTRl1C;`T10jN III-00 111)ICi1�'YII -Put r.:rnr !rc(lnl}.
IrtlCnnrrvrtnr Infarr"ar,":
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MOLTER GCI�f. far w MfS cr W��Itr OA IXNClt jit fryfirs",
Cascade Drilling LP I=Wert to ml,s1►►a. tiftt a:ess ii;lratu - -_i
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1.1�'ell lot(cheek Wei)osr): R R tn;
witter Supply well: 17.SCREL�
UACficvltunsl raON TO nl�firrrR ttntilrl Trarkir it 7%rest:1I
t.�tlmietpab7bblic R 3 R I In. O o U
LICK nihtrT tat(Nexung�r,l,IrnF St�ly') CP.rsid ntiil 11'rta Supply(single) �
Glnduttriallmm�tat•la! R n to
OResi(lzatial W'aL Su{,ly(shurd) le t:siOlT
Cleo PtlOil OW'ells>IOO,000GPD room to MATERIAL evuentexrslr.TnonaA%IaI-VT
Nnn-�1'a►rr Sapptl'N'►II: q r
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Injection N'rll: V A0 :�1
3Aouifa RlxharFc R R
OGroundw•aler Rnnedialion
C1Aquifa51[mage and Recn%TTy OSalini Barrier If.SAND7GRAVEL/ACK fa keble .
^tAquifa Teas OSlnrnwnler Drainage MOM TO 31ATKRIAL R R 'Pr *1nd
CEV+eimenW Tochnolnn OSubsidence Control R n
uGenthamal(Or--rd L^T) OTracer 20.DRILUNC LOG attach addIdanat abteu If wmin
OGrnth-.=I(licatin rCoolin Return) OOther(explain under 1121 Remarks) rROM To nUClllrrOV rnan a.ran .olvrara nIn aw.rr.
n. R
d.Date N'rllpl Completed: �, ,�I I N4u IDa �1 A - R R
Sa N'e11 Iwrcatloa: R It.
*NC National Guard A. R
tacilrylOwncr.N's M. Facility ID#(if applicable) It. rL sue,
2051 National Guard Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560 rL rL
Phystral Addmea,Cry.and Lp R rL 0 1.
Wake 21.REMARKs '
Ccunq' Parecl Identification No.(PIN) r ? cc�
Sit.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees:
(If well Geld,onr 181.1an6 a sufficient) 22.CertlBeadon:
W M qa
6.Is(arr)1brwcU(s): *rrmsoenl or OTemporary SigmtureofCertified Well Contractor Date
By,rigning M form,thereby certify that the well(t)wnr(were)cow mcted N accordance wuh
7.Is this a repair to Be tdatlog Well: Dyes or aG�o 1 SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Cautrvction Standardi and that a copy
if thu 4 o upon,fill00lnoww wrll ronrbwctron rRfonwat/err and-plain the Rowe of the of thLt record har been provided to the well owner,
irpalr vender e2/reonorlr arrow err on the Gael ofthttlone 23.Site diagram Or addltlonal well details-
H.For Groprobe/Vilf or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to p"rovide additional well construction info
consuttc600,only I GW I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'Sec oval in Remarks Box),You may also attach additional pages if necessarq.
9.Total well depth below land surface: �// (11.) Submit this GW-I within 30 days or well completion per the following:
For mOtiple wr(4r GN oL depthr i/d!/JrrrRr(rmnrple•!}lW'and IG?j/00
I0.Sudc water Ind below top of uaing: Ift) 24s. For All Wells: Original form In Division of Witter Resources (DWR),
11 wan,dolei wa tr ie caring,we op of Informatlnn Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617
11.Borehole diameter: uC (in.) 24b,For Injection Wells:Copy to LAIR,Underground injection Control(IUC)
11togrom, 1616 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
12,Well eotutruetlon method: t �/ 24c,Fnr WaterSupply and O en-l.00 I Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the
f^' c.auger,rotary,able,dirty push,etc.) cultnly cnvlronmeruu tW l 1 t epartmenUo a county where
}'OR WATFR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells producine over,100 000 GPD:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA
Yield Permu Program,161 I MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611
13a. (gpm) Method of
13b.Disinfection type: Amount:
Form GW'.I North Carolina Ueputincm of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Rciouires Revised 6.6 201 B
Scawd with Camsc=w
Soil Boring Log
Sheet I of 3
Project Name: ARNG PFAS site: Morrisville AASF #1, NC Hole Ill:
Project Number:60552172/0006-SI $6 d�1i�rrlting: Total Depth(fLet):
Drilling Contractor: basting. Date'/Time Started )Z,t j,j t
Driller. I elevation(feet MSL): Ground: Date i Time Finished
Drilling Pquipmenl: {ec l 3T ( Water Depth During Drilling(R hgs): Date/Time Completed
Drilling Method:Roto Sonic Logged by: 0j U`OL Checked By:
Borehole Diameter(inches): 6 WeathedCommems:
Log Samples
a USCS Description o 22 E Remarks
`J E c 7 e (list sample numbers here)
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