HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140246 Ver 1_Application_20140314j`y�,;,: c` =.s.l:;..Y± ���� j • M � e �"� til ��, I . 1 . ,{? F +' � ,� . , , F{ .+I�� ! � ... `�� R � j � �=�'�: . , ;: . .�` ��� � ,,��� . ; �.;�'�� .��,�� . ; ,� � ��� :;", �" � �� ,, t� 1. � �ty y.. STATE t)F N(JRTH CARfJLINA DEPARTMENT CJF TR.�.NSPORTATIC)N PAT McCRQRY P. CJ. Bax 252{J 1, R.aleigh, NC 27611-5202 TCJN'�'" T.�,T'A GOVERNCJR PH(JNE: 919-733-252(� �ECRETARY 1Vlar�h 14, Zt� 14 Mr. Andy Wxlliams �CJ. S . Army �orps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field C)f�ce 3 3 31 �-Ieritag� Trade Drive, �u1te 1 Q5 Wake Forest, NC 2758� Subj ect: Nationwlde Per�nit # 14 Replace Bridg� #9�7 on SR 1333 with 3-sided Bottc�mless �ulvert Avery Caunt�, Nor�th Carolfnd Proj �ct Number: 17BP,11.12.54 (I�WQ Permit �'ee: $24U) Dear Mr. Willlams: The North Carolina Department af Transpo�atian is scheduled to replace �ridge #9� w�th a 1�'x 4'x 5�' 3-sided bottomless culvert at the same loc��ion. Th� existing bridge 1s 1$' lang by 3�' wide (ineluding footer) w�th all timber cor�apa�ents except far the salvaged I-beams and lar�e concrete footers. An an-site 66" detour pipe is prapt�sed {see EC plan for phasin�). S1nce the new permanent structure is bot�omless, nc� mitigation has beer� pursued. The strearr�bed fs bedrock contralled. Stream impacts are tabulated below. Stream Impacts: Proposed. Tern►porary R.iprap/Wing Tot�.11rnpacts StatYOn Existing �tructure I)evva�ering Impacts �.� this �tation 1�lumber Structure Size Size ID�etour feet feet 1$' x 3 0' bridge S 0' long x l 0' 1 Q' (�eyand Bridge #9'7 (including wide x 4' t�.11 p�� impact 47 7�7 footer) 3-slded culvert i11�11tS Perm. Fill/Riprap Impacts Total Froject Impaets = 7'7 = 67 feet fe+�t The replacement of the existing bridge with the praposed new bottc�mless culvert will require temporar� dewatering during fc�c�ter constructlon and riprap installa�lon. �.n xmpervlous d�ke wlll be constructed upstream of the existing struc�ur� to cre�.te a small pcaol. Clean �rater wi11 ternporarily be plped through the constructlon ar�a and wi11 be dis�harged do�vnstream. .r�.r�y P. o. Box 2so, h1. W��,�ESBO�o, Nc 2s659 PHONE (336) 66�-9111 FAx (336) 667-4549 Mr. Andy �1Villiams Bridge #9� �►n SR 1333, Avery Page 2 March 14, 2� 14 dirty water lacated inside the cons�ruction area will be pumped Into a silt bag ifnec�ssary. �r�c� the new structure is in place, the impervious dike �vi11 be remc,ved ar�d pr�constructic�� str�ambed elevations will be restored. Construction of this praj ect will requlre impacts to w�.ters of the tTnited States 1r� the V�atau�a River Basin. The existing brldge crosses an unnanled tributa�-y to Shawneehaw Creek (Class: C; Trout). The sub'ect project will have na effect on any federally listed enda�gered plar�t t�r animal species. Cultural resource cc�mpl�ance work ha� be�n completed (see atta�hed). The project impact� are not signi�cant in �ature and should not remove or degrade e�.�sting water quality uses. Stor�nwater will be routed �hrou�h grass c�r rack lined d�tches, de�ending an the ditch line slope. Total land di�turbance will be less than 1 acre. B� utiliz��g the eroslo� control measures outlined in the attachmenis to this applicatlor�, dowr�stream wa�er quallty sta�dards will be protected. All appropriate BMPs wil� be used durxng constructian. By copy of this eleetranic letter, it is requested that Mrs. Marla Chambers with the 1�Torth Carolina Wildlife Resources �ommission camment directl� to you concern��g �he 4�4 Nationvvlde Per�nit appllca�ion w�th a copy sent to me. By capy of this electronic letter, it is requested that the Division af Water (�uality, 4U 11V�etlands LJnit, issue the appropriate permit for construct�on �f this proj ect. It is reques�ed that arry comments related to the 4� 1 cerii� cation be farwarded directly to me wlth a copy sent to the T�T� Ar�ny Carps of Engineers. We would li�.e ta begin co�struction as soon as possible. If fLirther infor�nation is required, please let me knc�w. Your early review and consideration w111 be appreciated. Sincer�ly, ; , �-leath �laughter I�ivislon Enviror�mental t�f�cer Enclosures cc: Marla Chambers, NCWRC .Amy Chapman, L)1'�151011 (Jf W�.t��' C,�l�a.11t� Dave Wanucha, I�ivision of Water Quality Marella Buncick, tJ�FWS Mike P�ttyjohn, PE, Division Engineer David Wa�ne, PE, Bridge Mainte�ance Engineer Jam� G'ruynn, Division Bridge Pragram l��anag�r I�eath Slaughter, I�ivision Environmental Of��er Neil Trivette, Roadside Envlronmental F�eld CJperatlons Engineer �,f � �� ; , ,,; � �,�,� ��,� 9 k'. f �` � ,+ � � � p � b � ti � ; , b � � � s�': � ; , �� � a��� �` ' ' �� ��; $t:' z � �+ � ap N�,, > Y " 4 i £ l' t j t`. 4 � � l 4'�. $''�aI �+4. <e rF°� ��1 � , i J ,., ,4C.�'i ��� �tiA ��,�� � ;,� � ` �' �� �� � w � ! � " S�G�"'+k �( Et�� s i'.�x. �" ,ns : ',�G�' � U f..,.� .i t�ff ICE' �..jSG i�C1I�J: Corps action I D nca. �WQ p�"O��Ct C1O. Form Version 1.3 Dec 1t� 2048 Pre-�onstruc�ion Natification (PCN Form A. A licant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of appravai saught from the Section 404 Permit Section 1 C� Permit Car s: � � � 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or Generai Permit (GP} nurr�ber: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? [� Y�s (� �io 1 d. Type{s) of approvai sought from the DWQ (check all th�t apply}: � 4+D1 Water Quality Certification — Regular 0 Nan-4�4 Jurisdictional Gener�l F�errnit ❑ 441 Water Quality Certification -- Express ❑ Ripari�n Buffer AuthoriZation 1 e. Is this notificatian solely for the recard For the recc�rd only for DWQ 4Q1 For the record aniy far Corps Permit. becau�e written appraval is not required? Certification. [� Yes � No ❑ Yes j� No 1 f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program propased for mitigation � Y�� ��Q of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance Ietter from mitigation bank ar in-Iieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project Iocated in any of NC's twenty co�stal caunties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NG DCM Are� of Environmental Cor�cern (AEC)`? ❑ Yes � Na 2. Praject Informatic�n 2a. Name of project: Bridge #97 on SR 1333 2b. County: Avery 2c. Nearest municipality / tawn: Banner Elk 2d. SubdivisiQn name: 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. c�r state � 7gP.11.R.54 project no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) an Recarded Deed: NCdOT 3b. Deed Book �nd Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for L�C if applicable): 3d. Street address: 801 Statesville Road 3e. City, state, zip: North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 3f. Telephane no.: 336-9Q3-9202 3g. Fax na.: 336-66?-4549 3h. Email address: hsl�ughter��ncdot.gov Page 1 of 1� PCN F�rm -- Version 1.3 December 1�, 2��8 �I�r�ian 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ C�ther, specify: 4b. Name: 4c. Business name (if appiicable): 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. Telephc�ne no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Emai! address. 5. Agent/Consultant Informatian (if applicable� 5a. Nam�. 5b. Business name (if appiicable): 5c. Street address: 5d. City, state, zip. 5e. Telephone no.: 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Err�aii address: Page 2 of 10 PCN Form -- Versic�n 1.3 December 1�, 20�8 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Pro►perty Identification 1 a. Property identification no. (tax PI N or paree[ I D): 1 b. Site coordinates in decimal de rees : Latitude: 3�.17344 Longitude: - 81.85��19 t g ) (DD.DDI�DDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: � 1 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to �-� ta �hawneehaw Creek praposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification c�f nearest receiving water: C; Trout 2c. River basin: Watauga 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing canditions on the site and the gener�l Iand �se in the vicinity of the project �t the time c�f this application: Substandard bridge ta be replaced in a rural area 3b. L.ist the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 acres 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (interr�ittent and perennial) on the property: 10� Iinear feet 3d. Expl�in the purpose of the prapased project: lJpgrade substandard stream crossing 3e. Describe the overalf pro}ect in detail, including the type of equipment ta be used: See attached cover letter. 4. Jurisdictional Determinatians 4a. Haue juri�dictianai wetlartd or stream determin�tions by the Corps c�r �t�#e been requested or obtained far this property / project (including all prior phases} in the past? � Yes � No C] Unknawn �amments: 4b. ff the �orps made the jurisdictional determination, what type af determination was made? � Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. !f yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: Nam� (if known}: CJther: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Carps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach dc�cument�tior�. 5. Project Histary 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested c�r abtained for 0�,�s � No ❑ Unknown this project (including al! prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detai! according ta "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? 0 Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 1 !� PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decer�nber 10, 2C�08 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. lmpacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your praject (check all thafi apply}: ❑ Wetlands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Bu�fers Q Open Waters [� Pand Con�truction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetl�nd impacts praposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetl�nd area impact�d. 2a. Zb. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland imp�ct Type of jurisdiction number -- Type of irnpact Type of wetland For�sted (�c�rps - 4�4, 1� Area c�f imp�ct Permanent (P} or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres� Tem orar T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps W1 ❑ P❑ T Nc� QWQ ❑ � ❑ Yes ❑ Corps W2 � P Q T Na DWQ ❑ � [� Yes ❑ Corps W3 ❑ P❑ T No DWQ ❑ ❑ [� Y�s [� Corps W4 ❑ P � T Nca DWQ 0 0 ❑ Yes [] Corps W5 ❑ P 0 T Nca DWQ ❑ Q ❑ Yes � Garps �� � P � T Nta DWQ � ❑ �g. Total wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Strearn Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name �'erennia! Type of jurisdiction Average ��p��t number - (PER) or (Carps - 404, 10 stre�m length Permanent (P) or intermittenfi DVVQ -- non-444, width (linear TemporarY CT) (II�T)2 other) (feet) feet) Bottomless UT to S1 P T Culvert, Riprap, Shawneehaw � PER (� �orps 9 77 � � Win s & INi DWQ � Creek 0 � Dewatering ❑ PER [� Corps �� � P� T � INi aWQ ❑ ❑ PER ❑ Corps S3 ❑ P❑ T C] I NT ❑ DWQ ❑ PER ❑ Corps 54 �j P Cj T [� I NT ❑ DWQ ❑ P�R ❑ Ct�rps S5 ❑ P❑ T I NT DWQ ❑ 0 ❑ PER ❑ Corps S6 ❑ P❑ T i NT �WQ ❑ � 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts ?� 3i. Comments: 10 feet dewater, 47 riprap & Wings, Za bottamiess cuivert Pag� 4 of i4 P�N F�rm -- Versian 1.3 December 10, 2U�8 Version 4. tJpen Water impacts If there are proposed impacts ta lakes, ponds, estuaries, tribufiaries, sounds, the Atlantic Oce�n, or �ny ather apen water of the U.�. then individually fist all open water impacts below. ' 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name af waterbody impact number -- (if applicabl�) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tem ora T C�1 QP�]T 02 [�] P ❑ T CJ3 [�P❑T 04 ❑ P C] T 4f. Total open water impaets 4g. Comments; 5. Pond or Lake Construction If and ar lake cc�nstruction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Imp�cts (feefi) Upland Pand I D Praposed use or purpose (�cres) number �� pond Fboded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Exc�vafied Flooded P1 P2 5f. Total 5g. Comments: NIA 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes � No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surFace area (acres): 5j. Size c�f pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If praject will imp�ct a pratected riparian bufifer, then camplete the cha�t below. If yes, then individually list �II buffer impac�s below. If an im acts require miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Secfiion D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse [�] Tar-Pamlic+� � C�ther: Praject is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba � Randleman 6b. �c. 6d. �e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason BufFer Zane �1 imp�cfi Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or far Stream name mitig�tian (square feet} (squ�re feet} Tem orar T im �ct re uired? C] Yes 61 �P[]T ��� ❑ Yes B2 ❑P❑T ❑�Jo �� QPOT � Y�s CI �o 6h. Total buf�'er impacts 6i. Comments: Page 5 �f 10 PCN F�rm — Version 1.3 Decemb�r 10, 2Q48 Versian D. Imp�act Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe me�sures taken to avaid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing pro}ectn The culvert is bottamless and the length is the minimum needed to improve safety at this lacation. 1 b. �pecifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through canstructian techniques. AI! appropriate BMPs will be used during construction 2. Compensatory Mitiga�tion for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Y�s � No impacts to Waters af the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): � DV1/Q ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigatior� bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this Pa ment to in-lieu fee ro r�m ro"ect? � Y � g p 1 Q F'err�ittee Responsible Mitig�tian 3. Complefie if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name af Mitigatian Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. Gomplete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter fram in-lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: Iinear fe�t 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm Q cool ❑cald 4d. Buffer mitigatian requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: a�res 4f. Non-ripari�n wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) we�land rnitigation requested: acres 4h. Camments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigatian Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigatian plan, provide a description af the propased mitigatian plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Fc�rm -- Version 1.3 December 1�, 2�(�8 Version 6. Buffer Mitigatian (�tate Regutated Riparian Buffer Rules) �- required by DWQ 6a. Wili the prc�ject result in an impact within a protected riparian bufifer fihat requires [] Yes � Na bufFer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. �alculate the amaunt c�f mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone �eason for impact Total impact �/iuitipiier Required mitig�tion {square �feet) (�quare fieet� Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6t. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation �s propo�ed (e.g., payment to private mifiig�tion bank, perrr�ittee responsible riparian bufFer restaration, payment inta an approved in-lieu fee fund). 6h. Comrnents: Page 7 caf 10 P�N Form -- Version 1.3 December 10, 2408 Ver�ic�n E. Stc�rmwater Management and Diffuse F1c�w Plan (required by DWQ} 1. Diffuse Flow Pian 1 a. Daes the praject include or is it adjacent �o protected riparian buffers identified Y.�� N� within ane of the NC Ri arian BufFer Protectian Rules? � � p 1 b. if yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes � rvc� Comments: 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the averall percent imperviousness of this project? % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan'? � Yes � No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stc�rmwater Management Plan, explain why: Disturbing les� than 1 acre 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide � brief, narrative descriptior� of the plan. ❑ Certified Local �overnment 2e. Who will be respansible for the review af the Stormwater Man�gement Plan? [�] DWQ Sfiormw�t�r Program ❑ DWQ 40'I Unit 3. Certified Local Covernment Stormwater Review 3a. In which local governmer�t's jurisdiction is this project? 0 Phase II 3b. Which of the followin locafl -im lemented stormwater mana ement ro rams ���� g Y P � P g ❑ USMP apply (check all �h�t apply}: [� tNa�er Supply Watershed ❑ t�tner: 3c. Has the appraved Stormwater Man�gement Plan with prc�of of approval been ❑ Yes �] Nc� attached? 4. DWQ �tormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coast�l counfiies ❑ NQW 4a. Which of the fallowing stat�-implemented stormwater management programs apply ��R� (check all that app�Y): ❑ Session L.aw �OQ6-24�i ❑ t�ther: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Man�gement Plan with proof af appraval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Daes the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requiremenfis'? ���S ��� 5b. Have all c�f the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ���� � N� Page 8 of � 0 PCN F�rm — Version 1.3 December 10, 2U08 V+�rsican F. Supplementary tr�formation 1. Environmental �ocumentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does fihe praject involve an expenditure of pubiic {federal/state/locai) funds ar the ��� � use of ublic federal/state land'? � �° P t ) 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, doe� the project require preparatic�n of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes (�) Na (Narth Carolina) Enviranmental Policy Act {NEPAfSEPA}? � c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finaliZed by the State Clearing House? {If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA� final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violatian of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0504), Isolated Wetland Rules (15P� NCAC 2H .130�), DWQ �urFace Water or Wetl�nd Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .02�Q)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to ane or both of the above qu�stions, provide an explanatior� of the viol�tion{s): 3. Cumulative fmpac�ts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Wiil this project (based on past and reason�bly anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No a d d i t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t, w h i c h c o u l d i m p a c t n e a r b y d o w n s t r e a m v o i a t e r q u a l i t y? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantit�tive cumulative impact an�lysis in accc�rd�nce w'rth the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposai (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge ar discharge} of wa�tew�ter gener�ted frc�m the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. NiA Page 9 af 14 PCN F�rm -- Ver�ion 1.3 December '1�, 2��8 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Criticai Habitat {Corps i�equirement) 5a. Wili this project accur in or near an area with federally protected species or Y�� �� habitat? � � 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS cancerning Endangered Speci�s Act ��S �� im acts? ❑ � � ❑ Raleigh 5c. if yes, indicate the USFWS Fieid OfFice you haue contacted. ❑ Asheviile 5d. What data sour�es did you use to determine whether your sit� would impact Endangered Species or Design�ted �ritic�l Habitat? GIS and visual observation 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement� 6a. Will this project occur in ar near an area designated as essenfiial fi�h habitat? ❑�Yes � No 6b. What d�ta sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? WR+G will comment 7. Historic or Prehistaric Cultural Resources (Corps Requireme�t) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or triba! governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation Yes No status e. ., Nat'ron�l Historic Trust desi nation or ro erties �i ni�icant in � � � � 9 p P g hlorth Carolina histary and archaeo(ogy)? 7b. What data sources did you use ta determine whether your site would impact historic or archealogical resources'? Project was reviewed by the OHE. Project was determined to have no effect. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Wilf this project accur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodpl�in? ❑ Yes �j No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA r�quirements. 8c. What �ource(s) did you use to make the floodplain determinatian? ncfloadm�ps.com J. IIeath Slaughter 4/14/14 � e e ApplicantlAgent's Printed Name Applicant/Agent's �ign e Date {Agent's si nature �s valid only if an authorizati etter frc,m the applicant is provided.} Page 10 af 10 P�N F�rm -- Versian 1.3 Decemb�r 'I 0, 2�►C}8 Versic�n (Version 1.2; Released July 2012) 17BP.11.R.54 (Culvert #050097)County(ies):Avery Page 1 of 1 Project Type:Date: Phone:Phone: Email:Email: County(ies): CAMA County? Design/Future:Existing: Supplemental: Trout Waters (Tr) None Primary: UT to Shawneehaw Creek Watauga 8-22-7 (Shawneehaw Creek) jclemmons@sungatedesign.com 18' Wide Paved Roadway 15' Wide Gravel Roadway N/A NCDWQ Stream Index No.: Project/TIP No.: NCDOT Contact: Project No.:17BP.11.R.54 (Culvert #050097) Contractor / Designer: rhenegar@ncdot.gov Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 General Project Information Address: 2/21/2014 915 Jones Franklin Road 1590 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27606 North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR LINEAR ROADWAY PROJECTS Randy Henegar, PE Bridge Replacement ac. General Project Narrative:This project involves the replacement of Bridge No. 050097 over an unnamed tributary to Shawneehaw Creek on SR 1333 (Shoemaker Rd) in Avery County, NC. The bridge will be replaced with a 1 @ 10’ x 4' cast-in-place, three sided, bottomless culvert. The proposed culvert is approximately 50' in length at a skew of 37° to the proposed roadway and has a slope of 7.0%. The first option considered for replacing the existing bridge was a 36" girder bridge. This option was ruled out because the girders blocked the channel to an extent that the bridge would not have functioned hydraulically. In order for a girder bridge to work the proposed roadway grade would have needed to have been raised significantly which was not possible at this site. With this in mind the proposed bottomless culvert was chosen. Bridge replacement and associated roadway improvements have been designed in a manner to minimize the increase in impervious surface area to the maximum extent possible. A proposed roadway ditch tying to the existing roadway ditch will transport drainage flowing to the project from the North West. The proposed roadway ditch will tie back into the existing roadway ditch prior to flowing past the downstream wing wall of the proposed culvert on the western side of the stream. This section of existing roadway ditch will be protected from erosive forces with class 'B' rip-rap toe protection. The drainage shall empty onto the class 'I' rip-rap stream bank stabilization downstream of the proposed culvert and flow to the unnamed tributary to Shawneehaw Creek. Drainage flowing to the project from the East will be collected in the proposed roadway ditch and be transported south along the proposed roadway until it ties into the existing roadway ditch. The proposed detour allowing for construction of the proposed bottomless culvert will be constructed using temporary shoring where necessary to avoid overly long fill slopes and will have minimal impacts on the surface water drainage on the project. During construction, drainage flowing to the project from the North West will flow alongside the fill slope of the proposed detour before emptying into the UT to Shawneehaw Creek. Drainage flowing to the project from the East will be unaffected by the detour. Typical Cross Section Description: References 170 0.10 Average Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): ac. Other Stream Classification: Sungate Design Group, PA City/Town: (919) 859-2243 Hydraulics Unit Address: Banner Elk (919) 707-6726 Avery No None NCDWQ Surface Water Classification for Primary Receiving Water 303(d) Impairments: River Basin(s): Primary Receiving Water: Class C Buffer Rules in Effect Project Description None Surrounding Land Use: Rural Residential255 LF 170 0.01Project Built-Upon Area (ac.) Proposed Project Existing Site Project Length (lin. Miles or feet): Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fill In Fill In in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No.(From/To)Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp.Design (ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ft)(ft)(ft) 10+98 -11+26 -L-TEMPORARY DEWATERING < 0.01 6 11+12 -11+49 -L-STREAMBANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 25 11+37 -11+87 -L-BOTTOMLESS CULVERT < 0.01 20 11+81 - 12+07 -L-WINGWALL EXTENSION < 0.01 22 11+71 - 12+19 -L-TEMPORARY DEWATERING < 0.01 4 TOTALS*: < 0.01 < 0.01 67 10 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: ATN Revised 3/12/13 SHEET 5 OF 5 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 02-21-2014 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS AVERY COUNTY BRIDGE 097 ON SR 1333 OVER UT SHAWNEEHAW CREEK VICINITY MAP See Sheet 1-A For Index of Sheets N A D 83 194 184 194 184 184 R d . G a u lt n e y Dobbins Rd. BEGIN PROJECT END PROJECT -L- SHOEMAKER RD. SR 1333 TO SI LVERS TON E RD. TO SHERWOOD RD. BRIDGE #97 N.T.S. See Sheet 1-B For Conventional Plan Sheet Symbols S R 1333 Rd. Shoe maker STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. STATE PROJ. NO.F. A. PROJ. NO.DESCRIPTION NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. SHEET DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 1/ 2 3 / 2 0 14 0 5 0 0 9 7 _ E C _ d s n _ t s h _ P S H 0 1 j c l e m m o n s PLAN FOR PROPOSED HIGHWAY EROSION CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CONSTRUCTION. GRUBBING PHASE OF FOR CLEARING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS THIS PROJECT CONTAINS Temporary Silt Ditch Temporary Silt Fence Silt Basin Type B Stilling Basin TDTemporary Diversion Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B Type A Type B Type C A B C Temporary Silt Fence TSD Std. #Description Symbol Temporary Berms and Slope Drains Rock Inlet Sediment Trap: 1630.03 1630.05 1605.01 1622.01 1633.01 1634.01 1634.02 1635.01 1635.02 1630.04 1632.01 1632.02 1632.03 Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type-A Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type-B Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type A Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type B Temporary Silt Fence Roadway Standard Drawings The following roadway english standards as appear in "Roadway Standard Drawings"- Roadway Design revison thereto are applicable to this project and by reference hereby are considered a part of these plans. Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type A EC-1 1606.01 Special Sediment Control Fence 1634.01 1634.02 1635.01 1605.01 1630.01 Temporary Berms and Slope Drains 1606.01 1622.01 Special Sediment Control Fence Riser Basin 1635.02 Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type B 1604.01 Railroad Erosion Control Detail 1607.01 Gravel Construction Entrance Skimmer Basin for Special Considerations. Refer To E. C. Special Provisions ON THIS PROJECT SENSITIVE AREA(S) EXIST ENVIRONMENTALLY STANDARDS. SENSITIVE WATERSHED BEEN DESIGNED TO THIS PROJECT HAS Tiered Skimmer Basin Infiltration Basin Special Stilling Basin1630.06 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A with Matting and Polyacrylamide (PAM) Wattle/Coir Fiber Wattle Wattle/Coir Fiber Wattle with Polyacrylamide (PAM) 1630.02 1633.02 NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY. ISSUED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NCG-010000 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3, 2011 WITH THE REGULATIONS SET FORTH BY THE THESE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS COMPLY Unit - N. C. Department of Transportation - Raleigh, N. C., dated January 2012 and the latest 1630.05 Temporary Diversion 1630.04 Stilling Basin 1630.03 Temporary Silt Ditch 1630.02 Silt Basin Type B 1630.06 Special Stilling Basin 1631.01 Matting Installation 1632.02 1632.01 Rock Inlet Sediment Trap Type B Rock Inlet Sediment Trap Type A 1632.03 Rock Inlet Sediment Trap Type C 1633.01 1633.02 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type B Temporary Rock Silt Check Type A 1640.01 Coir Fiber Baffle 1645.01 Temporary Stream Crossing EW CFW LOCATION: TYPE OF WORK: AVERY COUNTY TRAFFIC CONTROL GRADING, PAVING, DRAINAGE, STRUCTURE AND OVER UT TO SHAWNEEHAW CREEK BRIDGE NO. 050097 ON SR 1333 (SHOEMAKER ROAD) INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS 10 20 40200 GRAPHIC SCALES PLANS Prepared in the Office of: 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TEL (919) 859-2243 FAX (919) 859-6258 915 JONES FRANKLIN ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27606 SUNGATE DESIGN GROUP, P.A. ENG FIRM LICENSE NO. C-890 17BP.11.R.54 LEVEL IIIA CERTIFICATION NO. 3473 LEVEL IIIA NAME JOSHUA M. CLEMMONS, EI P R O J E C T : W B S 1 7 B P . 1 1 . R . 5 4 C O N T R A C T : C 2 0 2 9 7 7 -L- STA. 11+52.25 BEGIN CULVERT -L- STA. 11+68.9 END CULVERT -L- STA. 11+20.00 END GRAVEL GRADING BEGIN ASPHALT PAVING END ASPHALT PAVING BEGIN GRAVEL GRADING -L- STA. 12+00.00 -L- POT STA. 10+00 BEGIN PROJECT 17BP.11.R.54 -L- POC STA. 12+55.00 END PROJECT 17BP.11.R.54 UT TO SHAWNEEHAW CREEK Hickory Nup Gap Rd Dobbins Rd O ld H or s e Bottom Elevation 3940 Hemlock Hill Horse Bottom Ridge Balm Elem. Banner Elk College Lees - McRae FLOW A A *T = 12" MIN., 18" MAX. WIDTH *T PLAN SECTION A-A SECTION B-B B B 2/3 CHANNEL STRUCTURAL STONE SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE 2’ MIN 2’ MIN L=3xH 12" H = 12" MIN MATTING EXCELSIOR MATTING EXCELSIOR CLASS B STONE PAM INSET A See Inset A USE EXCELSIOR FOR MATTING MATERIAL AND ANCHOR MATTING SECTION AT TOP AND BOTTOM WITH CLASS B STONE. TO TOP OF MATTING SECTION AND AFTER EVERY RAINFALL EVENT THAT EQUALS OR EXCEEDS 0.50 INCHES. MATTING EXCELSIOR CLASS B STONE HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. EC-2 HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 17BP.11.R.54 NOT TO SCALE TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK TYPE ’A’ WITH EXCELSIOR MATTING AND POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM) TO BE APPLIED TO EACH ROCK SILT CHECK. MATERIAL, AND ANALYZE FOR APPROPRIATE PAM FLOCCULANT A SOIL SAMPLE FROM PROJECT LOCATION, AND FROM OFFSITE PRIOR TO POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM) APPLICATION, OBTAIN NOTES INITIALLY APPLY 4 OUNCES OF POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM) (4 OZ.) HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 17BP.11.R.54 EC-2A NATURAL GROUND NATURAL GROUND FLOW 2’(MAX.) CROSS SECTION CROSS SECTION TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH VEE DITCH EDGE OF PAVEMENT ISOMETRIC VIEW PAVEMENT SHLD. SLOPE BACK SLOPEDITCH STAKE 2’ UPSLOPE MATTING STAKE 2’ DOWNSLOPE STAKE 2’ UPSLOPE MATTING STAKE 2’ DOWNSLOPE TOP VIEW 6’(MIN.) 12"(MIN.) EXCELSIOR WATTLE STAKE UPSLOPE STAKE DOWNSLOPE MATTING MATTING See Inset C INSET C See Inset B INSET B STAPLES VAR. 2’(MIN.) 2 IN. See Inset A INSET A STAKES PAM PAM (1 OZ.) (1 OZ.) PAM AFTER EVERY RAINFALL EVENT THAT IS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDS 0.50 IN. WATER WILL FLOW AND 1 OUNCE OF PAM ON MATTING ON EACH SIDE OF WATTLE. REAPPLY INITIALLY APPLY 2 OUNCES OF ANIONIC OR NEUTRALLY CHARGED PAM OVER WATTLE WHERE TO BE APPLIED TO EACH WATTLE. LOCATION, AND FROM OFFSITE MATERIAL, AND ANALYZE FOR APPROPRIATE PAM FLOCCULANT PRIOR TO POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM) APPLICATION, OBTAIN A SOIL SAMPLE FROM PROJECT INSTALL MATTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1631 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. AND AT EACH END TO SECURE IT TO THE SOIL. INSTALL STAPLES APPROXIMATELY EVERY 1 LINEAR FOOT ON BOTH SIDES OF WATTLE U SHAPE NOT LESS THAN 12" IN LENGTH. PROVIDE STAPLES MADE OF 0.125 IN. DIAMETER STEEL WIRE FORMED INTO A TO WEDGE WATTLE TO BOTTOM OF DITCH. INSTALL A MINIMUM OF 2 UPSLOPE STAKES AND 4 DOWNSLOPE STAKES AT AN ANGLE WATTLE AND SCOUR DITCH SLOPES AND AS DIRECTED. ONLY INSTALL WATTLE(S) TO A HEIGHT IN DITCH SO FLOW WILL NOT WASH AROUND USE 2 FT. WOODEN STAKES WITH A 2 IN. BY 2 IN. NOMINAL CROSS SECTION. USE MINIMUM 12 IN. DIAMETER EXCELSIOR WATTLE. NOTES: WATTLE WITH POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM) DETAIL PAM (1 OZ.) FLOW PAM (1 OZ.) PAM (2 OZ.) SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 17BP.11.R.54 EC-3 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SOIL STABILIZATION SUMMARY SHEET HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER 4 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS MATTING TO BE INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TOTAL SAY SIDESTATION TO STATION FROM LINESHEET NO. CONST ESTIMATE (SY)STATION TO SIDESTATION FROM LINE SHEET NO. CONST ESTIMATE (SY) MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL -L-1000 1150 Rt 85 55Lt12551180-L-4 140 6260 6400 6400 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER 17BP.11.R.54 SITE DESCRIPTION SOIL STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES STABILIZATION TIME 7 DAYS TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITCHES AND SLOPES HIGH QUALITY WATER (HQW) ZONES 7 DAYS NONE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10’ OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED. NONE SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50’ IN LENGTH. ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES FLATTER THAN 4:1 NONE, EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS AND HQW ZONES. EC-3A ENGINEER. NEED TO BE INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY THE ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES MAY REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL BY ENGINEER. NOTES: ANY DEVIATION FROM OPTIONS GIVEN WILL INSTALLED DURING CLEARING AND GRUBBING PHASE. PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE NOTE: BUFFER ZONE TROUT STREAM SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA CONSTRUCTION SHEET 04 EROSION CONTROL FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBINGEROSION CONTROL PLAN EC-04/CONST.04 HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 17BP.11.R.54 N C G R ID N A D 8 3 /N S R S 2 0 0 7 3 9 0 9 3 9 0 9 3 9 1 0 3 9 11 3912 3 9 13 3 9 14 3914 3 9 15 3 9 15 3916 3 9 16 3 9 16 3 9 1 7 3917 3 9 1 8 3918 3919 3 9 1 9 3920 3 9 2 0 3920 3920 3921 3 9 2 1 3 9 2 1 3922 3 9 2 2 3923 3923 3924 39 2 4 39243 9 2 5 3 9 2 5 3925 39 2 5 3 9 2 5 3925 3926 3926 3 9 2 6 3 9 2 6 3927 3927 3 9 2 7 3928 3 9 2 8 3 9 2 8 3 9 2 9 3929 3 9 2 9 3930 3930 3930 3930 3 9 3 0 3 9 3 0 3 9 3 0 3931 3 9 3 1 3 9 3 1 3932 3932 3932 3932 3933 3933 3933 3933 3934 3934 3934 3935 3935 3 9 3 5 3 9 3 5 3 9 35 39 35 3 9 3 5 3936 3936 3936 3936 3937 3937 3 9 3 7 3937 3 9 3 7 3938 3938 3 9 3 8 3938 3939 3939 3939 3 9 3 9 3940 3940 3940 3940 3 9 4 0 3 9 4 0 3 9 4 0 3940 3941 3941 3 9 4 1 3941 3942 3942 3 9 4 2 3942 3943 3943 3 9 4 3 3943 3944 3944 3944 39 4 4 3945 3945 3945 3945 3 9 4 5 3 9 4 5 3 9 4 5 3945 3946 3946 3946 3946 3947 3947 3 9 4 7 3 9 4 7 3947 3948 3948 3948 3 9 4 8 3948 3 9 4 8 3949 3949 3 9 4 9 3 9 4 9 3949 3950 3950 3950 3950 3950 3 9 5 0 3950 3950 3950 3951 3951 3951 3 9 5 1 3951 3952 3952 3952 3 9 5 2 3 9 5 2 3953 3953 3953 3 9 5 3 3 9 5 3 3 9 5 3 3954 3954 3954 3 9 5 4 3954 3955 3955 3955 3955 3955 3 9 5 5 3 9 5 5 3955 3 9 5 5 3956 3956 39563956 3957 3957 3 9 5 7 3957 3958 3958 3958 3 9 5 8 3959 3959 3959 3959 3960 3960 3960 3960 3960 3 9 6 0 3961 3961 3961 3961 3962 3962 3 9 6 2 3963 3963 3 9 6 3 3964 3964 3 9 6 4 3965 3965 3965 3965 3965 3 9 6 5 3965 3966 3966 3966 3966 3967 3 9 6 7 3968 3968 3 9 6 8 3969 3969 3970 3970 3970 3970 3 9 7 0 3971 3971 3 9 7 1 3972 3972 3972 3 9 7 2 39733974 3975 3975 3975 3 9 7 5 3976 3976 3976 3977 3977 3977 3978 3978 3979 3980 3980 3980 3981 3981 3982 3982 3983 3983 3984 3984 3985 3985 3985 3986 3986 3987 3987 3988 3988 3989 3989 3990 3990 3990 3991 3991 3992 3992 3993 3993 3994 3994 3995 3995 3995 3996 3997 3998 3998 3999 3999 4000 4000 4000 4001 4001 4002 4002 4003 4003 4004 4004 4005 4005 4005 40064007400840094010 4010 4011 401240134014 4015 4015 4016 40174018 40194020 402040214022 40234024 4025 40254026 GRASS GRASS WOODS WOODS 2 2 . 0 0 ’ EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W EX IST ING R /W EXISTING R/W 2 2 . 0 0 ’ S R 1333 WOODS GR BARN SHED 3 S B W 3SBW 3SBW 3 S B W 3 S B W BARN GRASS 3SBW 3SBWGR TO SHERWOOD RD. T O SI L VE R S T ONE R D. UT TO SHAWNEEHAW CREEK SH O EM A K ER R D. 15’ GRAVEL MATCH EXISTING -L- POC STA. 12+55.00 END CONSTRUCTION END PROJECT MATCH EXISTING -L- POT STA. 10+00.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BEGIN PROJECT PC Sta. 9+69.11 PT Sta. 10+00.00 PC Sta. 10+21.97 PT Sta. 11+21.73 PC Sta. 11+72.68 PRC Sta. 12+48.13 PT Sta. 13+48.30 .0 5 .0 4 .0 3 .0 2 .0 5 8 .0 1 .0 2 .0 0 6 . 0 2 . 0 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0 5 5 .0 4 4. 0 2 .0 3 .0 4 BEGIN ASPHALT PAVING END GRAVEL GRADING -L- STA. 11+20.00 -L- STA. 12+00.00 END ASPHALT PAVING BEGIN GRAVEL GRADING SEE DETAIL 1 EST 15 SY GEOTEXTILE EST 10 TONS CL ’B’ RIP-RAP TOE PROTECTION SEE DETAIL 1 EST 7 SY GEOTEXTILE EST 5 TONS CL ’B’ RIP-RAP TOE PROTECTION THREE SIDED CULVERT CAST-IN-PLACE PROP 1 @ 10’ X 4’ EST 33 TONS CL ’I’ RIP RAP STREAM BANK STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FLATTER2:1 OR FROM STA. 11+56 TO STA. 11+71 RT FROM STA. 11+51 TO STA. 11+71 LT DETAIL 1 Type of Liner= CL ’B’ Rip-Rap d=1.5 Ft. GROUND NATURAL SLOPE FILL GEOTEXTILE F F F C F C F C F F C F F EC-05/CONST.04 HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 17BP.11.R.54 N C G R ID N AD 8 3 /N S R S 2 0 0 7 ENGINEER. NEED TO BE INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY THE ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES MAY REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL BY ENGINEER. NOTES: ANY DEVIATION FROM OPTIONS GIVEN WILL EROSION CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION SHEET 04 EROSION CONTROL FOR FINAL GRADE Sta. 10+00 to Sta. 11+52 -L- Lt on Slope as Work Allows. Place Matting for Erosion Control Sta. 11+69 to Sta. 12+55 -L- Lt on Slope as Work Allows. Place Matting for Erosion Control Sta. 10+00 to Sta. 11+52 -L- Rt on Slope as Work Allows. Place Matting for Erosion Control Sta. 11+69 to Sta. 12+55 -L- Rt on Slope as Work Allows. Place Matting for Erosion Control PROPOSED DITCH LINE. EROSION CONTROL IN THE INSTALL MATTING FOR D PROPOSED DITCH LINE. EROSION CONTROL IN THE INSTALL MATTING FOR D GRASS GRASS WOODS WOODS 2 2 . 0 0 ’ EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W EX IST ING R /W EXISTING R/W 2 2 .0 0 ’ S R 1333 WOODS GR BARN SHED 3 S B W 3SBW 3SBW 3 S B W 3 S B W BARN GRASS 3SBW 3SBWGR TO SHERWOOD RD. T O SI L VE R S T ON E R D. UT TO SHAWNEEHAW CREEK SHO EM AK ER R D. 15’ GRAVEL MATCH EXISTING -L- POC STA. 12+55.00 END CONSTRUCTION END PROJECT MATCH EXISTING -L- POT STA. 10+00.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BEGIN PROJECT PC Sta. 9+69.11 PT Sta. 10+00.00 PC Sta. 10+21.97 PT Sta. 11+21.73 PC Sta. 11+72.68 PRC Sta. 12+48.13 PT Sta. 13+48.30 .0 5 .0 4 .0 3 .0 2 .0 5 8 .0 1 .0 2 .0 0 6 . 0 2 . 0 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0 5 5 .0 4 4. 0 2 .0 3 .0 4 GRAU 350 TL-2 GRAU 350 TL-2 GRAU 350 TL-2 GRAU 350 TL-2 BEGIN ASPHALT PAVING END GRAVEL GRADING -L- STA. 11+20.00 -L- STA. 12+00.00 END ASPHALT PAVING BEGIN GRAVEL GRADING SEE DETAIL 1 EST 15 SY GEOTEXTILE EST 10 TONS CL ’B’ RIP-RAP TOE PROTECTION SEE DETAIL 1 EST 7 SY GEOTEXTILE EST 5 TONS CL ’B’ RIP-RAP TOE PROTECTION THREE SIDED CULVERT CAST-IN-PLACE PROP 1 @ 10’ X 4’ EST 33 TONS CL ’I’ RIP RAP STREAM BANK STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FLATTER2:1 OR FROM STA. 11+56 TO STA. 11+71 RT FROM STA. 11+51 TO STA. 11+71 LT DETAIL 1 Type of Liner= CL ’B’ Rip-Rap d=1.5 Ft. GROUND NATURAL SLOPE FILL GEOTEXTILE F F F C F C F C F F C F F NAD 83/ NSRS 2007 GRASS GRASS WOODS WOODS 22.00’EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 2 2 . 0 0 ’SR 1333 WOODS GRBARN SHED 3 S B W 3 S B W 3SBW 3SBW 3 S B W BARN GRASS 3SBW 3SBW GR TO SHERWOOD RD. TO SILVERSTONE RD. UT TO SHAWNEEHAW CREEK SHOEMAKER RD. NAD 83/ NSRS 2007 GRASS GRASS WOODS WOODS 22.00’EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 2 2 . 0 0 ’SR 1333 WOODS GRBARN SHED 3 S B W 3 S B W 3SBW 3SBW 3 S B W BARN GRASS 3SBW 3SBW GR TO SHERWOOD RD. TO SILVERSTONE RD. UT TO SHAWNEEHAW CREEK SHOEMAKER RD. TEMP 66" CMP PHASE 1 PHASE 2 UT SHAWNEEHAW CR STA 11+61 -L- 3 SIDED BOTTOMLESS CULVERT 1 @ 10’x4’ CAST-IN-PLACE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AVERY COUNTY SF-050097 R E V IS I O N S HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. $ $ $ $ $ $ S Y S T IM E $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ D G N $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ 8 / 1 7 / 9 9 DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION 20 40 80400 PLANS SPECIAL STILLING BASIN 1 IMPERVIOUS DIKE 2 IMPERVIOUS DIKE 1 TEMP 18" PIPE IMPERVIOUS DIKE 2 SPECIAL STILLING BASIN 2 IMPERVIOUS DIKE 3 IMPERVIOUS DIKE 1 TEMP 18" PIPE 11. TRANSFER TRAFFIC TO PROPOSED ROADWAY 10. CONSTRUCT PROPOSED ROADWAY 9. REMOVE SPECIAL STILLING BASIN 1 TO DS PROP EOP (APPROX 40 LF) 8. CONSTRUCT PROP 1@10’x4’ 3 SIDED CULVERT 7. REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE 6. DEWATER CONSTRUCTION AREA W/ TEMP 18" PIPE 5. CONSTRUCT IMPERVIOUS DIKES 1 AND 2 4. INSTALL SPECIAL STILLING BASIN 1 3. TRANSFER TRAFFIC TO DETOUR (USE TEMP SHORING AS NEEDED) 2. CONSTRUCT DETOUR 1. INSTALL TEMP 66" CMP 17BP.11.R.54 EC-06 9. FINISH PROPOSED ROADWAY 8. REMOVE SPECIAL STILLING BASIN 2 AND TEMP 18" PIPE 7. REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES 1 AND 3 6. INSTALL STREAM BANK STABILIZATION 1@10’x4’ 3 SIDED CULVERT (APPROX 10 LF) 5. CONSTRUCT FINAL PORTION OF PROP 4. REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKE 2 4. DEWATER CONSTRUCTION AREA AND EXTEND TEMP 18" PIPE DS 3. CONSTRUCT IMPERVIOUS DIKE 3 2. REMOVE DETOUR AND TEMP 66" CMP 1. INSTALL SPECIAL STILLING BASIN 2 F F F C F C F C F F C F F F F F C F C F C F F C F F HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 17BP.11.R.54 RF-1 SEE PLAN SHEETS FOR AREAS TO BE PLANTED DIBBLE PLANTING METHOD firming soil at top. 5. Push handle forward PLANTING NOTES: N.C.D.O.T. - ROADSIDE ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT correct depth. and place seedling at 2. Remove planting bar USING THE KBC PLANTING BAR PLANTING DETAILS MIXTURE, TYPE, SIZE, AND FURNISH SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: toward planter. as shown and pull handle 1. Insert planting bar root systems from drying. container to prevent the canvas bag or similar shall be kept in a moist During planting, seedlings PLANTING BAG soil at bottom. toward planter, firming 4. Pull handle of bar thoroughly. hole open. Water 6. Leave compaction PAID FOR AS "STREAMBANK REFORESTATION" NOTE: TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE STREAMBANK REFORESTATION TYPE 1 50% CORNUS AMOMUM 50% SALIX NIGRA SILKY DOGWOOD BLACK WILLOW TYPE 2 TYPE II TYPE I FT. STREAM STREAMBANK REFORESTATION TYPICAL 8 FT. 4 from seedling. 2 inches toward planter 3. Insert planting bar 1 inch thick at center. 4 inches wide and be 12 inches long, cross section, and shall blade with a triangular Planting bar shall have a KBC PLANTING BAR root collar. 10 inches below the no roots extend more than pruned, if necessary, so that All seedlings shall be root ROOT PRUNING 2 inch 25% BETULA NIGRA 25% PRUNUS SEROTINA 25% PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS 25% LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA 12 in - 18 in BR 12 in - 18 in BR 12 in - 18 in BR 12 in - 18 in BR RIVER BIRCH BLACK CHERRY SYCAMORE TULIP POPLAR BAREROOT PLANTING DETAILLIVE STAKES PLANTING DETAIL BUDS (FACING UPWARD) ANGLE CUT 30-45 SQUARE CUT GROUND EXISTING/PROPOSED LIVE STAKES BANK STABILIZATION WITH LIVE STAKES LIVE STAKE COIR FIBER MAT (1/2"-2" DIAMETER) LIVE CUTTING 2 - 3 Feet 2 ft - 3 ft LIVE STAKES 2 ft - 3 ft LIVE STAKES STREAMBED EXISTING/PROPOSED DETAIL SHEET 1 OF 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION APPROXIMATELY 2724 PLANTS PER ACRE. ON CENTER, RANDOM SPACING, AVERAGING 4 FT. ON CENTER, TYPE 1 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 3 FT. TO 5 FT. APPROXIMATELY 680 PLANTS PER ACRE. ON CENTER, RANDOM SPACING, AVERAGING 8 FT. ON CENTER, TYPE 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 6 FT. TO 10 FT. OF LIVE STAKE IS WITHIN GROUND LIVE STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN UNTIL APPROXIMATELY 3/4 ON CENTER LIVE STAKES SHALL BE SPACED APPROXIMATELY 4 FEET NOTE: HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 17BP.11.R.54 RF-2 N.C.D.O.T. - ROADSIDE ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT DETAIL SHEET 2 OF 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION REINFORCEMENT BAR #10 STEEL 12" 1" 24" 4" 1" STAPLE 1" (nominal) DIAMETER BEND 4" WOODEN STAKE 2" x 2" (nominal) BACKFILLMATTING COIR FIBER GROUND EXISTING FLOODPLAIN/ TO NWSEL EXTEND MATTING OF FLOW DIRECTION IN TRENCH MATTING AND BACKFILLED PLACED IN TRENCH MATTING SHALL BE COIR FIBER MATTING DETAIL ANCHOR OPTIONS PLAN VIEW TYPICAL CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE STREAM BED { ON 1’ CENTERS ANCHOR TRENCH ON 1’ CENTERS ANCHOR OVERLAP 3’ CENTERS ANCHORS ON 6" OVERLAY(MIN) (TYP) 18" 3’ CENTERS ANCHORS ON 6" MIN IN TRENCH 1’ CENTERS ANCHORS ON 12-24" 1-2" 1-2" 1’ CENTERS ANCHORS ON 1’ CENTERS ANCHORS ON 1’ CENTERS ANCHORS ON 11 17BP.11.R.54 (SF-050097) DIVISION LET DATE Project No. 3 (High Quality Waters have DWQ designation of HQW, ORW, WS-I, WS-II, SA) Are there any Trout streams on the project?2 (Trout Waters are DWQ designation of Tr, or identified by NCWRC as Trout) Are there streams/rivers with Riparian Buffer Rules on the project?3 (Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba (Main Stem), Randleman or Jordan Lake Watersheds) Are impacted streams on the 2010 Final 303(d) list for Construction-related turbidity impairment?3 Are there endangered species sensitive to sediment present?3 (Dwarf Wedgemussel, Carolina Heelsplitter, Cape Fear Shiner, etc.) * - For "YES" responses to any of these 5 questions, all jurisdictional streams on the project will need a 50-ft. Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) hatched on both sides of stream to ROW or Easement. Perimeter protection provided between the Stream and Approach Fill?2 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type A placed at outlet of each ditch (existing and proposed)?3 Polyacrylamide (PAM) devices utilized in ditches (existing and proposed) with 50 ft. spacing?2 Type A Silt Check with Matting and PAM utilized in ditches with greater than 2.5% grade?3 Type of Drainage Breaks in Silt Fence?2 Type of Wattle with PAM used in ditches with 2.5% grade or less?2 Select same type of Wattle (Excelsior or Coir Fiber) for use throughout project. Velocity control provided at beginning and end of project in existing ditchlines?3 Clean Water Diversion (CWD) utilized to divert offsite runoff around project area?3 Riparian Buffer Erosion Control Design applied to project?NO Clearing & Grubbing Erosion Control design included?2 Contour Lines included on Erosion Control Plan Sheet(s)?2 Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) applied to streams and rivers?2 (ESA is a 50-ft. hatched area on both sides of stream to ROW or Easement) Culvert/Pipe/Conspan Construction Phasing included?2 Note to Utilize Special Stilling Basin(s) for Drilled Piers included?3 COUNTY Erosion Control Plan Sheet Checklist If CWD is utilized, place detail on plan sheet and place Temp. Rock Silt Check Type A at outlet with Temp. Rock Silt Checks Type B every 2 ft. of elevation change. Proposed ditches that flow through buffer to stream, place PAM device (Wattle or Type A Silt Check) outside of Buffer Zone 2 and place Type A Silt Check at outlet of ditch. Erosion Control Plan Design Checklist for Low Impact Bridge Projects Are any streams on the project classified as High Quality Water (HQW)? Water Quality Checklist* Erosion Control Design Checklist RIVER BASIN:Watauga See http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/construction Avery Is there an Erosion Control Title Sheet?2 Engineer's name with Level IIIA Certification No. on Erosion Control Title Sheet or Plan Sheet?2 * - Include as Separate Plan Sheets -Wattle with Polyacrylamide (PAM) -Reforestation Detail included as sheet RF-1 after plan sheets Stabilization Guidelines Sheet included as separate sheet before first plan sheet?2 Option 1 - Ditchline Matting/Permanent Soil Reinforcement Mat (PSRM) Summary Sheet included?2 Option 2 - Ditchline Matting/PSRM Note on Plan Sheet with location and Station Numbers included?3 Type of Erosion Control Plan Submittal?3 High Quality Water Worksheet included with Submittal?2 Ditchline Spreadsheet included with Submittal?2 Erosion Control Plan Design and Submittal Checklist included with Submittal?2 Completed Erosion Control Quantities Spreadsheet included with Submittal?2 Appropriate Erosion Control Special Provisions included with Submittal?2 Roadway Plans and Profile included with Submittal?2 Roadway Cross Sections (Half-Size) included with Submittal?2 Permit Drawings included with Submittal 1 General Structure Drawing included with Submittal 1 Prepared by:Date: See Roadside Environmental Unit: Soil & Water Section - Special Provisions Additional Documents Submittal Checklist Summary Sheets needed with Erosion Control Plans: See Matting Determination Spreadsheet on Soil & Water Engineering Downloads Page Erosion Control Spreadsheets and Special Provisions Checklist Erosion Control Notes Checklist See Erosion Control Quantities Spreadsheet on Soil & Water Engineering Downloads Page See Erosion Control Quantities Spreadsheet on Soil & Water Engineering Downloads Page Notes needed for Erosion Control Title Sheet: -Clearing & Grubbing Note -Environmentally Sensitive Area(s) Note Erosion Control Details and Summary Checklist Details* needed with Erosion Control Plans: Joshua M. Clemmons, EI 1/24/2014 -Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds Note 2012 English Standards & Quantity Estimates Name:Date:01/24/14 Project Engineer: CONTRACT #COUNTY 6 DIV.11 RDY, PS or DDC?2 TIP #LETTING MILEAGE 0.048 miles 1 STANDARDS NEEDED:SUMMARY SHEETS NEEDED: 1605.01 (TSF) 1606.01 (SSCF) 1633.01 (SC-A) 1622.01 (TSDN)1633.02 (SC-B) REFORESTATION SHEETS: 1630.06 (SP. STILL) 1631.01 (MATT) # OF YEARS FOR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION 0.5 YRS MAINTENANCE FACTOR 1.25 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES # OF ENTRANCES:0 FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE REQUIRED 0 SY CLASS A STONE REQUIRED 0 TONS SPECIAL STILLING BASINS NO. OF DRILLED PIERS 0 # OF SPECIAL STILLING BASINS 0 EA FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE REQUIRED 0 SY SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE 0 TON # OF SILT CHECKS TYPE A with MATTING & PAM 1 # OF WATTLES WITHOUT PAM 0 MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL REQUIRED 5 SY POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM) REQUIRED 4 LB # OF COIR FIBER WATTLES WITHOUT PAM 0 # OF TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS 0 FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE REQUIRED 0 SY TEMPORARY PIPE FOR STREAM CROSSING 0 LF SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE 0 TON EROSION CONTROL STONE, CLASS B 0 TON # OF CSX RAILROAD BRIDGE CROSSINGS 0 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE REQUIRED 0 LF FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE REQUIRED 0 SY ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION RIPARIAN BUFFERS (50 FT.) ON PROJECT 3 PROJECT IN FALLS LAKE WATERSHED 3 HIGH QUALITY WATER (HQW) ON PROJECT 3 PROJECT IN JORDAN LAKE WATERSHED 3 DESIGN STANDARDS IN SENSITIVE WATERSHEDS (DSSW)2 WATTLES IN DITCHLINE WITHOUT PAM 3 303(d) STREAM FOR CONSTRUCTION-RELATED TURBIDITY 3 WATTLES USED AS SILT FENCE BREAKS 3 BORROW EXCAVATION QUANTITY 0 CY CRIMPING SP NEEDED ON PROJECT:NO CCPCUA PERMIT AND SP REQUIRED :NO SPECIAL PROVISIONS NEEDED: 1. SEEDMIX TYPE:West West 6. LAWNFINISH 14. ESA 16. MINIMIZE 38. IMPERVIOUS DIKE 39. TEMPORARY PIPE 7. REFORESTATION 4. NATIVE SEEDING & MULCHING (add above Temp. Seeding): 40. COIR FIBER MAT 17. STOCKPILE/HAUL ROAD 29. WATTLES WITH POLYACRYLAMIDE Joshua G. Dalton, PE, CPESC -TRSC-A with Matting & PAM 22. SAFETY FENCE 17BP.11.R.54(SF-050097) C202977 -Matting Summary Sheet -Stabilization Guidelines Joshua M. Clemmons, EI DETAILS NEEDED: 18. WASTE/BORROW -Wattle with Polyacrylamide 35. TRSC-A W/ MAT & PAM RF-1 Reforestation Project Quantities SECTION #TRNS-PORT ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 270 GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION 0 SY 1005 #57 STONE 0 TON 876 RIP RAP, CLASS I 0 TON 876 RIP RAP, CLASS II 0 TON 876 RIP RAP, CLASS A 0 TON 876 RIP RAP, CLASS B 0 TON SP BOULDERS 0 TON 876 GEOTEXTILE FOR DRAINAGE 0 SY 1605 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE 450 LF 1610 EROSION CONTROL STONE, CLASS A 0 TON 1610 EROSION CONTROL STONE, CLASS B 50 TON 1610 SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE 65 TON 1615 TEMPORARY MULCHING 0.50 ACR 1620 SEED FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING 50.00 LB 1620 FERTILIZER FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING 0.25 TON 1622 TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAINS 200 LF SP SAFETY FENCE 100 LF 1630 SILT EXCAVATION 50 CY 1631 MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL:6260 140 SY 6400 SY SP COIR FIBER MAT 100 SY SP PERMANENT SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT 0 SY +0 SY 0 SY 1632 1/4" HARDWARE CLOTH 75 LF SP LOW PERMEABILITY GEOTEXTILE 0 SY SP **" TEMPORARY PIPE - (15")0 LF SP **" TEMPORARY PIPE - (18") 100 LF SP **" TEMPORARY PIPE - (24")0 LF SP **" TEMPORARY PIPE - (36")0 LF 1636 TEMPORARY PIPE FOR STREAM CROSSING 0 LF SP FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN 0 SY 1638 STILLING BASINS 0 CY 1639 SPECIAL STILLING BASINS 2 EA SP WATTLE 50 LF SP COIR FIBER WATTLE 0 LF SP WATTLE BARRIER 0 LF SP COIR FIBER WATTLE BARRIER 0 LF SP POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM)15 LB 1640 COIR FIBER BAFFLE 0 LF SP **" SKIMMER - (1-1/2")0 EA SP **" SKIMMER - (2")0 EA SP **" SKIMMER - (2-1/2")0 EA SP **" SKIMMER - (3")0 EA SP **" SKIMMER - (4")0 EA SP **" SKIMMER - (5")0 EA 1660 SEEDING AND MULCHING 0.50 ACR 1660 MOWING 0.50 ACR 1661 SEED FOR REPAIR SEEDING 50.00 LB 1661 FERTILIZER FOR REPAIR SEEDING 0.25 TON 1662 SEED FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SEEDING 50.00 LB 1663 WATER 0.0 M/G 1665 FERTILIZER TOPDRESSING 0.50 TON SP IMPERVIOUS DIKE 90 LF 1667 SPECIALIZED HAND MOWING 10 MHR 1675 RESPONSE FOR EROSION CONTROL 0 EA SP ROOTWADS 0 EA SP CULVERT DIVERSION CHANNEL 0 CY 1670 REFORESTATION 0.10 ACR SP STREAMBANK REFORESTATION 0.00 ACR SP WETLAND REFORESTATION 0 ACR SP GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM - DISKING 0 ACR SP GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM - RIPPING 0 ACR SP GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM - WETLAND GRASS PLANTING 0 ACR SP GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM - COMPOST BLANKET 0 ACR SY+DITCH Project Checklist TIP DATE CHECKED BY ROADWAY/PS/DDL SKIMMER/TIERED SKIMMER BASIN DETAIL(S) INCLUDED EARTHEN DAM WITH SKIMMER DETAIL INCLUDED INFILTRATION BASIN DETAIL INCLUDED BORROW PIT DEWATERING BASIN DETAIL INCLUDED WATTLE/COIR FIBER WATTLE DETAIL(S) INCLUDED SILT CHECK TYPE A WITH MATTING AND PAM DETAIL INCLUDED MATTING SUMMARY SHEET(S) AND STABILIZATION GUIDELINES INCLUDED ENV. SENS. AREAS SHOWN ON PLAN SHEETS (TROUT/HQW/CA/303(d)/DSSW/STREAM RELOCATION) NEUSE/TAR-PAM/JORDAN LAKE/RANDLEMAN/CATAWBA RIVER BASIN (ESA) TREE REFORESTATION SHEET INCLUDED (APPROPRIATE WORDING IN SP) STREAMBANK/WETLAND/BUFFER REFORESTATION SHEETS INCLUDED STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHOWN ON PLANS (MATTING ON SLOPE NOTE) STILLING BASIN NOTE (BRIDGES OVER WATER) EARTH BERMS/CLEAN WATER DIVERSION WITH DETAIL ON PLANS CULVERT PHASING ON PLANS/QUANTITIES INCLUDED TEMPORARY PIPE(S) QUANTITY (CULVERTS & STREAM CROSSING) SKIMMER BASIN QUANTITIES INCLUDED RISER BASIN QUANTITIES INCLUDED GRAVEL CONST. ENT. QUANTITIES INCLUDED STREAM RELOCATION QUANTITIES & SP'S INCLUDED SAFETY FENCE QUANTITY INCLUDED PLAN DESIGNED TO HQW/SENSITIVE WATERSHED STANDARDS QUANTITIES MATCH SPECIAL PROVISIONS MATCH TITLE SHEET CORRECT TIP PROJECT NUMBER NOTES (HQW/ESA/303(d)/SENS WATER STD/C & G) CORRECT STANDARDS BEGIN & ENDING PROJ. TIP NUMBER SPECIAL PROVISIONS (PDF) PUT IN CONTRACTS FOLDER LATE - EMAILED TO: DATE: BY: COMMENTS & NOTES: Roadside Environmental Unit Surface Waters Present Worksheet County Division WBS #TIP River Basin(s) Name(s) of stream(s) or lake(s) with DWQ index number and classification (Go to DWQ web site: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications) No High Quality Water (HQW), Trout Water, or 303(d) Streams for Sediment or Turbidity Trout Water and/or Inland County HQW and/or Location of zone within 1 mile and draining to TrW:From Sta.to Sta. to HQW:From Sta.to Sta. Coastal County High Quality Water Exists Location of zone within 600' to HQW:From Sta.to Sta. * Coastal Counties:Beaufort, Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington For projects in the following river basins, Riparian Buffer Zones need to be identified: Neuse River Basin Tar-Pamlico River Basin Catawba River (Main Stem)Randleman Lake Watershed Mark project limits on USGS topographic map(s). Topo map names(s) Mark project limits on USDA County Soil Survey map(s), if available. Soil map sheet number(s) Filed by:Date (See North Carolina Online Soil Survey Manuscripts, NRCS Soils: http://soils.usda.gov/survey/online_surveys/north_carolina/) 303(d) Stream(s) Exist From Sta.to Sta.to 303(d): (For 303(d) Stream List (2010): http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/construction) 303(d) Streams with Construction-related Impairments Jordan Lake Watershed Avery Division 11 SF-050097 17BP.11.R.54 Watauga UT to Shawneehaw Creek 8-22-7 C;Tr ✔ 10+00 -L-12+55 -L- Valle Crucis Avery 9 Joshua M. Clemmons, EIJan 21, 2014 Co n s t r u c t i o n S h e e t # Co n s t r u c t i o n L i n e ( - L - , - Y - , e t c . ) -L - - L - Le f t o r R i g h t ( L T . , R T . , M e d i a n ) Rt L t Up p e r S t a t i o n N o . 11 5 0 1 2 5 5 Up p e r S t a t i o n E l e v a t i o n ( f t . ) 39 3 7 3 9 4 3 Lo w e r S t a t i o n N o . 10 0 0 1 1 8 0 Lo w e r S t a t i o n E l e v a t i o n ( f t . ) 39 3 0 . 7 3 9 3 9 De s i g n D i t c h F l o w D e p t h ( f t . ) 0. 3 8 0 . 4 2 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 Ac t u a l D i t c h D e p t h ( f t . ) 0. 7 5 1 Fr o n t s l o p e G r a d e ( i . e . 2 f o r 2 : 1 ) 44 Ba c k s l o p e G r a d e ( i . e . 2 f o r 2 : 1 ) 22 Ba s e W i d t h ( f t . , 0 f o r V - D i t c h e s ) 00 Me a s u r e d D i t c h l i n e L e n g t h ( f t . ) 15 6 7 7 Di t c h G r a d e ( % ) 4. 2 0 5 . 3 3 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 Vel o c i t y ( f t / s ) 4. 2 2 5 . 0 8 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 Sh e a r S t r e s s i n D i t c h ( l b / f t 2) 1. 0 0 1 . 4 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 Di t c h L i n e r R e q u i r e m e n t M a t t i n g M a t t i n g N o n e N o n e N o n e N o n e N o n e N o n e N o n e N o n e Ma t t i n g Q u a n t i t y ( y d 2) 855 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PS R M M a t t i n g Q u a n t i t y ( y d 2) 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co n s t r u c t i o n L i n e ( - L - , - Y - , e t c . ) Le f t o r R i g h t ( L T . , R T . , M e d i a n ) Up p e r S t a t i o n N o . Up p e r S t a t i o n E l e v a t i o n ( f t . ) Lo w e r S t a t i o n N o . Lo w e r S t a t i o n E l e v a t i o n ( f t . ) De s i g n D i t c h F l o w D e p t h ( f t . ) 0. 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 0 . 3 3 Ac t u a l D i t c h D e p t h ( f t . ) Fr o n t s l o p e G r a d e ( i . e . 2 f o r 2 : 1 ) Ba c k s l o p e G r a d e ( i . e . 2 f o r 2 : 1 ) Ba s e W i d t h ( f t . , 0 f o r V - D i t c h e s ) Me a s u r e d D i t c h l i n e L e n g t h ( f t . ) Di t c h G r a d e ( % ) 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 Vel o c i t y ( f t / s ) 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 Sh e a r S t r e s s i n D i t c h ( l b / f t 2) 0. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 Te m p o r a r y L i n e r ( M a t t i n g ) i n D i t c h l i n e C a l c u l a t i o n s ( E n g l i s h ) STABILIZATION REQUIREMENTS: Stabilization for this project shall comply with the t ime frame guidelines as specified by the NCG-010000 general construction permit effective August 3, 2011 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality. Temporary or permanent ground cover stabilization shall occur within 7 calendar days from the last land- disturbing activity, with the following exceptions in which temporary or permanent ground cover shall be provided in 14 calendar days from the last land-disturbing activity: · Slopes between 2:1 and 3:1, with a slope length of 10 ft. or less · Slopes 3:1 or flatter, with a slope of length of 50 ft. or less · Slopes 4:1 or flatter The stabilization timeframe for High Quality Water (HQW) Zones shall be 7 calendar days with no exceptions for slope grades or lengths. High Quality Water Zones (HQW) Zones are defined by North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 04A.0105 (25). Temporary and permanent ground cover stabilization shall be achieved in accordance with the provisions in this contract and as directed. SEEDING AND MULCHING: (West) The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined. All rates are in pounds per acre. Shoulder and Median Areas August 1 - June 1 May 1 - September 1 20# Kentucky Bluegrass 20# Kentucky Bluegrass 75# Hard Fescue 75# Hard Fescue 25# Rye Grain 10# German or Browntop Millet 500# Fertilizer 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone 4000# Limestone Areas Beyond the Mowing Pattern, Waste and Borrow Areas: August 1 - June 1 May 1 - September 1 100# Tall Fescue 100# Tall Fescue 15# Kentucky Bluegrass 15# Kentucky Bluegrass 30# Hard Fescue 30# Hard Fescue 25# Rye Grain 10# German or Browntop Millet 500# Fertilizer 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone 4000# Limestone Approved Tall Fescue Cultivars 2nd Millennium Duster Magellan Rendition Avenger Endeavor Masterpiece Scorpion Barlexas Escalade Matador Shelby Barlexas II Falcon II, III, IV & V Matador GT Signia Barrera Fidelity Millennium Silverstar Barrington Finesse II Montauk Southern Choice II Biltmore Firebird Mustang 3 Stetson Bingo Focus Olympic Gold Tarheel Bravo Grande II Padre Titan Ltd Cayenne Greenkeeper Paraiso Titanium Chapel Hill Greystone Picasso Tomahawk Chesapeake Inferno Piedmont Tacer Constitution Justice Pure Gold Trooper Chipper Jaguar 3 Prospect Turbo Coronado Kalahari Quest Ultimate Coyote Kentucky 31 Rebel Exeda Watchdog Davinci Kitty Hawk Rebel Sentry Wolfpack Dynasty Kitty Hawk 2000 Regiment II Dominion Lexington Rembrandt Approved Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars: Alpine Bariris Envicta Rugby Apollo Bedazzled Impact Rugby II Arcadia Bordeaux Kenblue Showcase Arrow Champagne Midnight Sonoma Award Chicago II Midnight II Approved Hard Fescue Cultivars: Chariot Nordic Rhino Warwick Firefly Oxford Scaldis II Heron Reliant II Spartan II Minotaur Reliant IV Stonehenge On cut and fill slopes 2:1 or steeper add 20# Sericea Lespedeza January 1 - December 31. Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. TEMPORARY SEEDING: Fertilizer shall be the same analysis as specified for Seeding and Mulching and applied at the rate of 400 pounds and seeded at the rate of 50 pounds per acre. German Millet, or Browntop Millet shall be used in summer months and rye grain during the remainder of the year. The Engineer will determine the exact dates for using each kind of seed. FERTILIZER TOPDRESSING: Fertilizer used for topdressing shall be 16-8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8- 8 analysis and as directed. SUPPLEMENTAL SEEDING: The kinds of seed and proportions shall be the same as specified for Seeding and Mulching, and the rate of application may vary from 25# to 75# per acre. The actual rate per acre will be determined prior to the time of topdressing and the Contractor will be notified in writing of the rate per acre, total quantity needed, and areas on which to apply the supplemental seed. Minimum tillage equipment, consisting of a sod seeder shall be used for incorporating seed into the soil as to prevent disturbance of existing vegetation. A clodbuster (ball and chain) may be used where degree of slope prevents the use of a sod seeder. MOWING: The minimum mowing height on this project shall be six inches. STABILIZATION REQUIREMENTS: Stabilization for this project shall comply with the t ime frame guidelines as specified by the NCG-010000 general construction permit effective August 3, 2011 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality. Temporary or permanent ground cover stabilization shall occur within 7 calendar days from the last land- disturbing activity, with the following exceptions in which temporary or permanent ground cover shall be provided in 14 calendar days from the last land-disturbing activity: · Slopes between 2:1 and 3:1, with a slope length of 10 ft. or less · Slopes 3:1 or flatter, with a slope of length of 50 ft. or less · Slopes 4:1 or flatter The stabilization timeframe for High Quality Water (HQW) Zones shall be 7 calendar days with no exceptions for slope grades or lengths. High Quality Water Zones (HQW) Zones are defined by North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 04A.0105 (25). Temporary and permanent ground cover stabilization shall be achieved in accordance with the provisions in this contract and as directed. NATIVE GRASS SEEDING AND MULCHING: (West) Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall be performed on the disturbed areas of wetlands and riparian areas, and adjacent to Stream Relocation and/or trout stream construction within a 50 foot zone on both sides of the stream or depression, measured from top of stream bank or center of depression. The stream bank of the stream relocation shall be seeded by a method that does not alter the typical cross section of the stream bank. Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall also be performed in the permanent soil reinforcement mat section of preformed scour holes, and in other areas as directed. The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined. All rates are in pounds per acre. August 1 - June 1 May 1 – September 1 18# Creeping Red Fescue 18# Creeping Red Fescue 8# Big Bluestem 8# Big Bluestem 6# Indiangrass 6# Indiangrass 4# Switchgrass 4# Switchgrass 35# Rye Grain 25# German or Browntop Millet 500# Fertilizer 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone 4000 Limestone Approved Creeping Red Fescue Cultivars: Aberdeen Boreal Epic Cindy Lou Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. Temporary Seeding Fertilizer shall be the same analysis as specified for Seeding and Mulching and applied at the rate of 400 pounds and seeded at the rate of 50 pounds per acre. German Millet or Browntop Millet shall be used in summer months and rye grain during the remainder of the year. The Engineer will determine the exact dates for using each kind of seed. Fertilizer Topdressing Fertilizer used for topdressing shall be 16-8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8- 8 analysis and as directed. Supplemental Seeding The kinds of seed and proportions shall be the same as specified for Seeding and Mulching, and the rate of application may vary from 25# to 75# per acre. The actual rate per acre will be determined prior to the time of topdressing and the Contractor will be notified in writing of the rate per acre, total quantity needed, and areas on which to apply the supplemental seed. Minimum tillage equipment, consisting of a sod seeder shall be used for incorporating seed into the soil as to prevent disturbance of existing vegetation. A clodbuster (ball and chain) may be used where degree of slope prevents the use of a sod seeder. Mowing The minimum mowing height shall be 6 inches. Measurement and Payment Native Grass Seeding and Mulching will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1660-8 of the Standard Specifications. LAWN TYPE APPEARANCE: All areas adjacent to lawns must be hand finished as directed to give a lawn type appearance. Remove all trash, debris, and stones ¾" and larger in diameter or other obstructions that could interfere with providing a smooth lawn type appearance. These areas shall be reseeded to match their original vegetative conditions, unless directed otherwise by the Field Operations Engineer. REFORESTATION: Description Reforestation will be planted within interchanges and along the outside borders of the road, and in other areas as directed. Reforestation is not shown on the plan sheets. See the Reforestation Detail Sheet. All non-maintained riparian buffers impacted by the placement of temporary fill or clearing activities shall be restored to the preconstruction contours and revegetated with native woody species. The entire Reforestation operation shall comply with the requirements of Section 1670 of the Standard Specifications. Materials Reforestation shall be bare root seedlings 12"-18" tall. Construction Methods Reforestation shall be shall be planted as soon as practical following permanent Seeding and Mulching. The seedlings shall be planted in a 16-foot wide swath adjacent to mowing pattern line, or as directed. Root dip: The roots of reforestation seedlings shall be coated with a slurry of water, and either a fine clay (kaolin) or a superabsorbent that is designated as a bare root dip. The type, mixture ratio, method of application, and the time of application shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. With the approval of the Engineer, seedlings may be coated before delivery to the job or at the time of planting, but at no time shall the roots of the seedlings be allowed to dry out. The roots shall be moistened immediately prior to planting. Seasonal Limitations: Reforestation shall be planted from November 15 through March 15. Measurement and Payment Reforestation will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1670-17 of the Standard Specifications. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: Description This project is located in an Environmentally Sensitive Area. This designation requires special procedures to be used for clearing and grubbing, temporary stream crossings, and grading operations within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas identified on the plans and as designated by the Engineer. This also requires special procedures to be used for seeding and mulching and staged seeding within the project. The Environmentally Sensitive Area shall be defined as a 50-foot buffer zone on both sides of the stream or depression measured from top of streambank or center of depression. Construction Methods (A) Clearing and Grubbing In areas identified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas, the Contractor may perform clearing operations, but not grubbing operations until immediately prior to beginning grading operations as described in Article 200-1 of the Standard Specifications. Only clearing operations (not grubbing) shall be allowed in this buffer zone until immediately prior to beginning grading operations. Erosion control devices shall be installed immediately following the clearing operation. (B) Grading Once grading operations begin in identified Environmentally Sensitive Areas, work shall progress in a continuous manner until complete. All construction within these areas shall progress in a continuous manner such that each phase is complete and areas are permanently stabilized prior to beginning of next phase. Failure on the part of the Contractor to complete any phase of construction in a continuous manner in Environmentally Sensitive Areas will be just cause for the Engineer to direct the suspension of work in accordance with Article 108-7 of the Standard Specifications. (C) Temporary Stream Crossings Any crossing of streams within the limits of this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements of Subarticle 107-12 of the Standard Specifications. (D) Seeding and Mulching Seeding and mulching shall be performed in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specifications and vegetative cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be installed immediately following grade establishment. Seeding and mulching shall be performed on the areas disturbed by construction immediately following final grade establishment. No appreciable time shall lapse into the contract time without stabilization of slopes, ditches and other areas within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas. (E) Stage Seeding The work covered by this section shall consist of the establishment of a vegetative cover on cut and fill slopes as grading progresses. Seeding and mulching shall be done in stages on cut and fill slopes that are greater than 20 feet in height measured along the slope, or greater than 2 acres in area. Each stage shall not exceed the limits stated above. Additional payments will not be made for the requirements of this section, as the cost for this work shall be included in the contract unit prices for the work involved. MINIMIZE REMOVAL OF VEGETATION: The Contractor shall minimize removal of vegetation at stream banks and disturbed areas within the project limits as directed. STOCKPILE AREAS: The Contractor shall install and maintain erosion control devices sufficient to contain sediment around any erodible material stockpile areas as directed. ACCESS AND HAUL ROADS: At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall install or re-establish temporary diversions or earth berms across access/haul roads to direct runoff into sediment devices. Silt fence sections that are temporarily removed shall be reinstalled across access/haul roads at the end of each working day. WASTE AND BORROW SOURCES: Payment for temporary erosion control measures, except those made necessary by the Contractor’s own negligence or for his own convenience, will be paid for at the appropriate contract unit price for the devices or measures utilized in borrow sources and waste areas. No additional payment will be made for erosion control devices or permanent seeding and mulching in any commercial borrow or waste pit. All erosion and sediment control practices that may be required on a commercial borrow or waste site will be done at the Contractor’s expense. All offsite Staging Areas, Borrow and Waste sites shall be in accordance with “Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects” located at: http://www.ncdot.gov/doh/operations/dp_chief_eng/roadside/fieldops/downloads/Files/Contracte dReclamationProcedures.pdf All forms and documents referenced in the “Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects” shall be included with the reclamation plans for offsite staging areas, and borrow and waste sites. SAFETY FENCE AND JURISDICTIONAL FLAGGING: Description Safety Fence shall consist of furnishing materials, installing and maintaining polyethylene or polypropylene fence along the outside riparian buffer, wetland, or water boundary, or other boundaries located within the construction corridor to mark the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland, endangered vegetation, culturally sensitive areas or water. The fence shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activities. Interior boundaries for jurisdictional areas noted above shall be delineated by stakes and highly visible flagging. Jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits, whether considered outside or interior boundaries shall be delineated by stakes and highly visible flagging. Materials (A) Safety Fencing Polyethylene or polypropylene fence shall be a highly visible preconstructed safety fence approved by the Engineer. The fence material shall have an ultraviolet coating. Either wood posts or steel posts may be used. Wood posts shall be hardwood with a wedge or pencil tip at one end, and shall be at least 5 ft. in length with a minimum nominal 2" x 2” cross section. Steel posts shall be at least 5 ft. in length, and have a minimum weight of 0.85 lb/ft of length. (B) Boundary Flagging Wooden stakes shall be 4 feet in length with a minimum nominal 3/4” x 1-3/4” cross section. The flagging shall be at least 1” in width. The flagging material shall be vinyl and shall be orange in color and highly visible. Construction Methods No additional clearing and grubbing is anticipated for the installation of this fence. The fence shall be erected to conform to the general contour of the ground. (A) Safety Fencing Posts shall be set at a maximum spacing of 10 ft., maintained in a vertical position and hand set or set with a post driver. If hand set, all backfill material shall be thoroughly tamped. Wood posts may be sharpened to a dull point if power driven. Posts damaged by power driving shall be removed and replaced prior to final acceptance. The tops of all wood posts shall be cut at a 30- degree angle. The wood posts may, at the option of the Contractor, be cut at this angle either before or after the posts are erected. The fence geotextile shall be attached to the wood posts with one 2" galvanized wire staple across each cable or to the steel posts with wire or other acceptable means. Place construction stakes to establish the location of the safety fence in accordance with Article 105-9 or Article 801-1 of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for the staking of the safety fence. All stakeouts for safety fence shall be considered incidental to the work being paid for as “Construction Surveying”, except that where there is no pay item for construction surveying, all safety fence stakeout will be performed by state forces. The Contractor shall be required to maintain the safet y fence in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. (B) Boundary Flagging Boundary flagging delineation of interior boundaries shall consist of wooden stakes on 25 feet maximum intervals with highly visible orange flagging attached. Stakes shall be installed a minimum of 6” into the ground. Interior boundaries may be staked on a tangent that runs parallel to buffer but must not encroach on the buffer at any location. Interior boundaries of hand clearing shall be identified with a different colored flagging to distinguish it from mechanized clearing. Boundary flagging delineation of interior boundaries will be placed in accordance with Article 105-9 or Article 801-1 of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for delineation of the interior boundaries. This delineation will be considered incidental to the work being paid for as Construction Surveying, except that where there is no pay item or construction surveying the cost of boundary flagging delineation shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items in the contract. Installation for delineation of all jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits shall consist of wooden stakes on 25 feet maximum intervals with highly visible orange flagging attached. Stakes shall be installed a minimum of 6” into the ground. Additional flagging may be placed on overhanging vegetation to enhance visibility but does not substitute for installation of stakes. Installation of boundary flagging for delineation of all jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits shall be performed in accordance with Subarticle 230-4(B)(3)(d) or Subarticle 802-2(F) of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for this delineation, as the cost of same shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items in the contract. The Contractor shall be required to maintain alternative stakes and highly visible flagging in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. Measurement and Payment Safety Fence will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of polyethylene or polypropylene fence installed in place and accepted. Such payment will be full compensation including but not limited to furnishing and installing fence geotextile with necessary posts and post bracing, staples, tie wires, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete this work. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Safety Fence Linear Foot WATTLES WITH POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM): Description Wattles are tubular products consisting of excelsior fibers encased in synthetic netting. Wattles are used on slopes or channels to intercept runoff and act as a velocity break. Wattles are to be placed at locations shown on the plans or as directed. Installation shall follow the detail provided in the plans and as directed. Work includes furnishing materials, installation of wattles, matting installation, PAM application, and removing wattles. Materials Wattle shall meet the following specifications: 100% Curled Wood (Excelsior) Fibers Minimum Diameter 12 in. Minimum Density 2.5 lb/ft3 +/- 10% Net Material Synthetic Net Openings 1 in. x 1 in. Net Configuration Totally Encased Minimum Weight 20 lb. +/- 10% per 10 ft. length Anchors: Stakes shall be used as anchors. Wooden Stakes: Provide hardwood stakes a minimum of 2-ft. long with a 2 in. x 2 in. nominal square cross section. One end of the stake must be sharpened or beveled to facilitate driving down into the underlying soil. Matting shall meet the requirements of Article 1060-8 of the Standard Specifications, or shall meet specifications provided elsewhere in this contract. Provide staples made of 0.125" diameter new steel wire formed into a u shape not less than 12" in length with a throat of 1" in width. Polyacrylamide (PAM) shall be applied in powder form and shall be anionic or neutrally charged. Soil samples shall be obtained in areas where the wattles will be placed, and from offsite material used to construct the roadway, and analyzed for the appropriate PAM flocculant to be utilized with each wattle. The PAM product used shall be listed on the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality (DWQ) web site as an approved PAM product for use in North Carolina. Construction Methods Wattles shall be secured to the soil by wire staples approximately every 1 linear foot and at the end of each section of wattle. A minimum of 4 stakes shall be installed on the downstream side of the wattle with a maximum spacing of 2 linear feet along the wattle, and according to the detail. Install a minimum of 2 stakes on the upstream side of the wattle according to the detail provided in the plans. Stakes shall be driven into the ground a minimum of 10 in. with no more than 2 in. projecting from the top of the wattle. Drive stakes at an angle according to the detail provided in the plans. Only install wattle(s) to a height in ditch so flow will not wash around wattle and scour ditch slopes and according to the detail provided in the plans and as directed. Overlap adjoining sections of wattles a minimum of 6 in. Installation of matting shall be in accordance with the detail provided in the plans, and in accordance with Article 1631-3 of the Standard Specifications, or in accordance with specifications provided elsewhere in this contract. Apply PAM over the lower center portion of the wattle where the water is going to flow over at a rate of 2 ounces per wattle, and 1 ounce of PAM on matting on each side of the wattle. PAM applications shall be done during construction activities after every rainfall event that is equal to or exceeds 0.50 in. The Contractor shall maintain the wattles until the project is accepted or until the wattles are removed, and shall remove and dispose of silt accumulat ions at the wattles when so directed in accordance with the requirements of Section 1630 of the Standard Specifications. Measurement and Payment Wattles will be measured and paid for by the actual number of linear feet of wattles which are installed and accepted. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this section, including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to install the Wattles. Matting will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1631-4 of the Standard Specifications, or in accordance with specifications provided elsewhere in this contract. Polyacrylamide(PAM) will be measured and paid for by the actual weight in pounds of PAM applied to the wattles. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this section, including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to apply the Polyacrylamide(PAM). Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Polyacrylamide(PAM) Pound Wattle Linear Foot TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK TYPE A WITH EXCELSIOR MATTING AND POLYACRYLAMIDE (PAM): Description Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A with Excelsior Matting and Polyacrylamide (PAM) are devices utilized in temporary and permanent ditches to reduce runoff velocity and incorporate PAM into the construction runoff to increase settling of sediment particles and reduce turbidity of runoff. Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A with Excelsior Matting and PAM are to be placed at locations shown on the plans or as directed. Installation shall follow the detail provided in the plans and as directed. Work includes furnishing materials, installation of Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A, matting installation, PAM application, and removing Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A with Excelsior Matting and PAM. Materials Structural stone shall be class B stone that meets the requirements of Section 1042 of the Standard Specifications for Stone for Erosion Control, Class B. Sediment control stone shall be #5 or #57 stone, which meets the requirements of Section 1005 of the Standard Specifications for these stone sizes. Matting shall meet the requirements of Excelsior Matting in section 1060-8(B) of the Standard Specifications, or shall meet specifications provided elsewhere in this contract. Polyacrylamide (PAM) shall be applied in powder form and shall be anionic or neutrally charged. Soil samples shall be obtained in areas where the Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A with Excelsior Matting and PAM will be placed, and from offsite material used to construct the roadway, and analyzed for the appropriate PAM flocculant to be utilized with each Temporary Rock Silt Check Type A. The PAM product used shall be listed on the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality (DWQ) web site as an approved PAM product for use in North Carolina. Construction Methods Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A shall be installed in accordance with Section 1633- 3(A) of the Standard Specifications, Roadway Standard Drawing No. 1633.01 and the detail provided in the plans. Installation of matting shall be in accordance with the detail provided in the plans, and anchored by placing Class B stone on top of the matting at the upper and lower ends. Apply PAM at a rate of 3.5 ounces over the center portion of the Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A and matting where the water is going to flow over. PAM applications shall be done during construction activities and after every rainfall event that is equal to or exceeds 0.50 in. The Contractor shall maintain the Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A with Excelsior Matting and PAM until the project is accepted or until the Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A with Excelsior Matting and PAM are removed, and shall remove and dispose of silt accumulations at the Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A with Excelsior Matting and PAM when so directed in accordance with the requirements of Section 1630 of the Standard Specifications. Measurement and Payment Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A will be measured and paid for in accordance with section 1633-5 of the Standard Specifications, or in accordance with specifications provided elsewhere in this contract. Matting will be measured and paid for in accordance with section 1631-4 of the Standard Specifications, or in accordance with specifications provided elsewhere in this contract. Polyacrylamide(PAM) will be measured and paid for by the actual weight in pounds of PAM applied to the Temporary Rock Silt Checks Type A. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this section, including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to apply the Polyacrylamide(PAM). Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Polyacrylamide(PAM) Pound IMPERVIOUS DIKE: Description This work consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing an Impervious Dike for the purpose of diverting normal stream flow around the construction site. The Contractor shall construct an impervious dike in such a manner approved by the Engineer. The impervious dike shall not permit seepage of water into the construction site or contribute to siltation of the stream. The impervious dike shall be constructed of an acceptable material in the locations noted on the plans or as directed. Materials Acceptable materials shall include but not be limited to sheet piles, sandbags, and/or the placement of an acceptable size stone lined with polypropylene or other impervious geotextile. Earth material shall not be used to construct an impervious dike when it is in direct contact with the stream unless vegetation can be established before contact with the stream takes place. Measurement and Payment Impervious Dike will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of impervious dike(s) constructed, measured in place from end to end of each separate installation that has been completed and accepted. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work including but not limited to furnishing materials, construction, maintenance, and removal of the impervious dike. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Impervious Dike Linear Foot TEMPORARY PIPE FOR CULVERT CONSTRUCTION: Description This work consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining and removing any and all temporary pipe used on this project in conjunction with the culvert construction. Construction Methods The Contractor shall install temporary pipe in locations shown on the plans in such a manner approved by the Engineer. The temporary pipe shall provide a passageway for the stream through the work-site. The minimum size requirements will be as stated on the erosion control plans. Measurement and Payment __" Temporary Pipe will be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of temporary pipe approved by the Engineer and measured in place from end to end. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this section including but not limited to furnishing all materials required for installation, construction, maintenance, and removal of temporary pipe. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit __" Temporary Pipe Linear Foot COIR FIBER MAT: Description Furnish material, install and maintain coir fiber mat in locations shown on the plans or in locations as directed. Work includes providing all materials, excavating and backfilling, and placing and securing coir fiber mat with stakes, steel reinforcement bars or staples as directed. Materials Item Section Coir Fiber Mat 1060-14 Anchors: Stakes, reinforcement bars, or staples shall be used as anchors. Wooden Stakes: Provide hardwood stakes 12"- 24" long with a 2" x 2" nominal square cross section. One end of the stake must be sharpened or beveled to facilitate driving through the coir fiber mat and down into the underlying soil. The other end of the stake needs to have a 1"- 2" long head at the top with a 1"- 2" notch following to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Steel Reinforcement Bars: Provide uncoated #10 steel reinforcement bars 24" nominal length. The bars shall have a 4" diameter bend at one end with a 4" straight section at the tip to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Staples: Provide staples made of 0.125" diameter new steel wire formed into a u shape not less than 12" in length with a throat of 1" in width. Construction Methods Place the coir fiber mat immediately upon final grading. Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris that will prevent the contact of the mat with the soil. Unroll the mat and apply without stretching such that it will lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. For stream relocation applications, take care to preserve the required line, grade, and cross section of the area covered. Bury the top slope end of each piece of mat in a narrow trench at least 6 in. deep and tamp firmly. Where one roll of matting ends and a second roll begins, overlap the end of the upper roll over the buried end of the second roll so there is a 6 in. overlap. Construct check trenches at least 12 in. deep every 50 ft. longitudinally along the edges of the mat or as directed. Fold over and bury mat to the full depth of the trench, close and tamp firmly. Overlap mat at least 6 in. where 2 or more widths of mat are installed side by side. Place anchors across the mat at the ends approximately 1 ft. apart. Place anchors along the outer edges and down the center of the mat 3 ft. apart. Adjustments in the trenching or anchoring requirements to fit individual site conditions may be required. Measurement and Payment Coir Fiber Mat will be measured and paid for as the actual number of square yards measured along the surface of the ground over which coir fiber mat is installed and accepted. No measurement will be made for anchor items. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Coir Fiber Mat Square Yard