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20071382 Ver 1_401 Application_20070807
E'nV FJ'~V~'Of1111~ C011S11~11~ $E:1'V~CGS ~11C. August 10, 2007 3764 Rominger Road ~ BanneP Elk, NC 28604 ~h/Fax: 828-297-6946 e-ma~: john~enwecs.com ~' Ar I ------_ 0 7- 1 3 8 2 Ms. Cyndi Karoly NC DENR DWQ Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 RE: Shikina Falls and Meadows Watauga County, NC Dear Ms. Karoly: Transmitted with this letter are 7 copies of the 404/401 permit application for the referenced project and a check for $475.00 to cover the permit fee. The application is for a NWP's 27 and 29 and WQC's 3631 and 3626. Proposed impacts are 158 linear feet of intermittent stream. The streams are designated trout waters. Wetland impacts on this project are appro~amately 0.09 acres. The applicant is Eaglewood Development Inc., Mr. Jay Adams is the listed contact. E'nV Inc. is the consultant and alternate contact. Please indude me on the copy list of all project related correspondence. If you have any questions regarding these items please call me at 828-297-6946, thank you. Sincerely, L ~--. J hn C. Vilas President, E'nV Environmental Consulting Services Inc. ° ~~L~M~' /~Uf, l 3 2007 DENR -WATER 'rYETLAr~lD? min ST(1!?+,pQ T~v ~R NGH cc: Mr. Jay Adams Mr. Daryl Lamb E'nV file 1 1 1 1 Shikina Falls and Meadows Project Pre-Construction Notification Application Stream Restoration/Relocation Watauga County, North Carolina P~i~ Prepared By: E'nV-Environmental Consulting Services Inc. 3764 Rominger Road Banner Elk, NC 28604 828.297.6946 ~~ ~~~' 0 ~ ~ ~ .041 G ' ,~ (~~ J~P.~~~t,4hPF~Cg~~J~ p~N~. ~.~~11.;v August 2007 CI, Sections: 1 Table of Contents 1) Pre-Construction Notification Application 2) Stream Restoration and Relocation Narrative 3) Stream Design Plan and Revegetation Plan 4) Figures for North Fork Sawyer Creek Restoration Project 5) Figures for UT-NFSC Relocation Project 6) Stream and Wetland Data Sheets ~ ~ Shikina Falls and Meadows i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Section 1 Pre-Construction Notification Application August 8, 2007 ^ III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Shikina Falls and Meadows 2. T.LP. Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 1984-71-5422-000 4. Location County: Watauga Nearest Town: Boone Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Shikina Falls and Meadows Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Take Hwy 421 North from Boone turn left onto Silverstone Rd., go approximately 1'/z mile, turn right onto Old Hwy. 421, go approx. 1.0 miles, turn right onto Ode Wilson Road, go approx. 0.7 miles turn left onto Camp JoYRoad, og_aapprox. 0.2 miles and project entrance is on left. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): 36 18' 13" N / 81 45' 4" W (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) ' 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Rural Agricultural, pasture land with surrounding wooded slopes. An old barn exists in the pasture. Several farm roads and fords also exist. ' 7. Property size (acres): 32.2-acres 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean lake): North Fork Sawyer Creek ' 9. River Basin: Watauga (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The ' River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 2 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. 10. Describe the overall project in detail and the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of ' the project is to restore the North Fork of Sawyer Creek to it's previously existing_path prior to the hurricane induced floods of September 2004. To construct a subdivision access road across the valley through which North Fork Sawyer Creek flows; this road will involve a ' bridge crossing over North Fork Sawyer Creek. To construct 3 small off-line ponds in the current (to-be-abandoned) path of NF Sawyer Creek. To construct a network of subdivision roads and driveways to access approximately 7 lots within the 32.2-acre tract; the construction of this road network will involve the installation of 2 piped driveway crossings and the relocation and enhancement of a portion of intermittent stream (UT North Fork Sawyer Creek). ' There are four categories of activities that will result in impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States: ^ Stream Restoration: This phase of the project will involve the restoration of approximately 700 linear feet of North Fork Sawyer Creek (NFSC). NFSC is a second order stream with a drainage area of approximately 1.03 square miles. This ' stream is classified as a D4b (Rosgen classification) throu hg_ the project reach. Above the posed restoration reach the stream is a B4 and is e~y stable; this reach is used as the reference reach for the restoration design. During the fall of 2004 two ' major, hurricane induced, flooding events occurred that caused a large debris dam in the channel at the location indicated on the Existing Conditions Map, following the storm a new flow pattern had formed to the left of the original channel. The new ' channel exists today but is significantly undersized, is head-cutting rapidly in two locations, has poor habitat quality, and is enerally unstable. This channel, if left alone, will undergo dramatic adjustments in dimension, pattern and profile, resulting in severe in-channel erosion and poor habitat qualit~_years, before a becoming stable. The proposed restoration project will involve the removal of a debris blockage at the upper end of the restoration reach. The existing (ori ig nal) ' channel below the debris blocka e~good shape and requires only minor rading to the upper banks in places to restore abank-height ratio of 1.0. A second debris blockage, approximately 200 feet in length, is located at the lower end of the reach (approximately 500 feet below the upper blockage); both areas aggraded during the 2004 floods. This lower area is so completely blocked that instead of truing to exactly match the on ig'nal pattern, a reach of approximately 200 feet in length will be ' constructed through this area and will be designed based on the reference reach located immediately above the upper debris blockage. In addition, minor adjustments will be made to the remainder of the reach to establish the proper dimension, pattern and profile. At the completion of the restoration approximately 550 linear feet of the ' currently flowing (post 2004 hurricane) channel will be abandoned and filled. The goal of the restoration project will be to reestablish a stable "B4" channel through this valley. ^ Pond Construction: Three small ponds are proposed along the path of the currently flowing channel and are shown on the Proposed Site Plan.. The primarypurpose of these ponds is aesthetic but they will also serve to facilitate the reshapin of the valley to create conditions more conducive to a stable "B" channel. The ponds will be constructed by excavating down below existing_grade and berming around the Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 3 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. perimeter. The perimeter berms will serve to limit the available flood prone area ' adiacent to the restored reach of NFSC in order to bring the entrenchment ratio more in line with a "B" channel. The berm around the upper pond will effectivelyprevent the stream from following the same path as during the 2004 floods. The berm t surrounding Pond 3 will impact a small area of wetlands, shown as Wetland Impact 1 on the Site Impact Map. This wetland unit, NFSC-W 1 is associated with a linear Wiring head next to the state road (Camp Joy Rd.) and feeds an area of wetlands adjacent to NFSC which most likely formed during the floods by debris damming. ^ Driveway Crossings: Two piped crossings are proposed over the intermittent unnamed tributary to the North Fork of Sawyer Creek. Both crossings are for private ' driveways that will access 2 or fewer lots. Both proposed pipes will be 40 feet long This len tgth of pipe is needed to allow for the 8 to 10 feet of fill over the pipes needed to reduce required cut and fill impacts associated with driveway construction. Low ' retaining walls will be used to_ confine the fill at these crossing locations. These two culvert installation impacts are referenced on the Site Impact Map as Stream Impact 2 and 3. ' ^ The lower portion of UT-NFSC, below Stream Impact 2 and the lower proposed driveway crossing, currently flows into the lower debris blockage that filled the original NFSC channel during the 2004 floods. As part of this project, UT-NFSC will ' be re-routed to avoid the debris field and will be extended to the west of its current location and will tie into NFSC at a bedrock control just below the restoration reach. The length of UT-NFSC to be abandoned will be 78 linear feet; 22' of channel is in an existing, culvert, as seen on the Existing Conditions Map and is being treated as credit as part of the stream relocation_proiect. The proposed relocated section will be approximately 206 linear feet. There will be a net gain of approximately 128 linear ' feet. 10. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Standard construction ' equipment: track excavator, bulldozer, backhoe, loader, and dump truck. 11. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Rural residential, agricultural and ' undeveloped. Very low density. IV. Prior Project History ' If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include ' the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, ' list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. No previous USACE 404.permits or NCDENR 401 permits have been used to develop this ' property ' Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 4 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. ii 1 V. Future Project Plans ' Are any additional permit requests anticipated for this project in the future? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current t application: No additional 404/401 permit requests are anticipated for any planned future development of this property VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (es/no Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet Type of Wetland*** Impact 1 Fill/excavation 0.03 no 1' Riparian Impact 2 excavation 0.03 no 0' Riparian Impact 3 Fill 0.03 no 35' Linear seep Temp. Impacts Temporary 0.08 no 0' Riparian * List each impact sepazately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized cleazing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, sepazately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps aze available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at htttr//w~wti~.fema.ao~. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) ' List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: 0.23-acres Total area of wetland impact proposed: 0.09-acres (permanent) 0.08-acres (temporary) Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 5 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on ma Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Im act Perennial or Intermittent? leases eci Restoration Site Restoration O if N.F. Sawyer Ck 14' Perennial Impact I Relocation 78' UT NF Sawyer Ck 4' intermittent Impact 2 Culvert 40' UT N.F. Sawyer Ck 4' intermittent Impact 3 Culvert 40' UT N.F. Sawyer Ck 4' intermittent * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at uw~~.usas.aov. Several Internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., ww~~.toporone.com, w~~w.mapquest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 0' Perennial, 158' intermittent 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number indicate on ma * Type of Impact Area of Impact (acres Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Waterbody Make, pond, estuary, sound, ba ,ocean, etc. * List each impact separately and identity temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not hm~ted to: till, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): X uplands ^ stream X wetlands Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 6 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of ' draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Ponds will be created by excavation into water table and small pipe diversion from NFSC upstream. A low berm will be constructed around ponds berms will not exceed 5 feet in hei hg~t. All ponds will be much less than 10 acre-feet and no containment structure will exceed 15' in height. Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Three small aesthetic ponds are proposed near the entrance to the project. These ponds will be constructed in the path of the currently flowing channel (Ponds #1 and #3) and in a debris clogged section of the old channel that will be dug out (Pond #2). The uppe_pond (Pond #1) will be fed by a diversion from N.F. Sawyer Creek and the Pond #3 will discharge back into N.F. Sawyer Creek. Pond #2 will be excavated into ground water and will receive runoff from areas above. The ponds and associated berms will facilitate the reshaping of the valley to confine the flood-prone area of NFSC, lower the entrenchment ratio and reduce the potential for future side channel formation in lar eg flood events. This work could be accomplished without building_ponds but all of the soil fill would ' have to be trucked in from off-site at react expense to the applicant. Size of watershed draining to pond: Pond #1: less than 0.25 acres, Pond #2 approximately ' 1.0 acres, Pond #3: less than 0.25 acres. Expected pond surface area: Pond #1: 0.2 acres, Pond #2: 0.16 acres, Pond #3: 0.15 acres. VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide ' information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts ' were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. There are four activities that will result in impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States: ' 1. Stream Restoration: This phase of the protect will involve the restoration of approximately 700 linear feet of North Fork Sawyer Creek. Impacts associated with this restoration effort are full justified because the restored channel will be more stable, provide better habitat and will be approximately 100 feet longer than the existing flowing_ channel on the site. Furthermore, impacts will be minimized by all restoration ' work being performed in the drv. This restoration effort is justified to minimize the long term erosion and sedimentation effects that will result if the current flow path is allowed to continue to adjust and stabilize naturally. The current channel (post 2004 flood flow path) is best classified as a "D4b" (Rosgen terminology) but this is not a perfect fit as ' illustrated by its cross-sectional area of 7.5 sq.ft. compared to the bankfull area above the Wiper debris blockage along the N. F. Sawyer Creek which is 18.85 sq.ft. The difference in channel area explains the widespread evidence of flow and associated erosion and ' deposition along this section of the valley. During lame flow events, evidence indicates water spills back into the on ig pal pre-2004 channel in the vicinity of the proposed Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 7 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. restoration area, but because of the debris blockages within the valley these out-of--bank flow events only fill up the old channel periodically before resuming flow down the valley. We conclude that the proposed stream restoration project will provide the following beneficial effects on the impaired section of the North Fork of Sawyer Creek: a. Remove the debris blockages, b. Restore the stream to the original channel, c. Provide enhancements to the original channel and surrounding flood-prone-area to prevent future side channel formation, and d. Provide riparian plantin sg along the entire corridor A stream restoration project at this site will eliminate a long period of channel adjustment and instability associated with erosion and stream sedimentation. The proposed restoration will also rg eatly enhance in-stream habitat for trout and other aquatic life. 2. Pond Construction: Impacts associated with the construction of the three small ponds has been minimized by making the ponds smaller than on finally desired and keeping the ponds off-line. Two of these ponds are proposed along the path of the currently flowing channel that is to be abandoned following the restoration portion of the project. The third pond will be located adjacent to the proposed restoration channel in an area heavily impacted by debris following the 2004 floods. The primarypurpose of these op nds is aesthetics, however, the ponds and associated berms will facilitate the reshaping of the valley to confine the flood-prone area of NFSC, lower the entrenchment ratio and reduce the potential for future side channel formation in large flood events. This work could be accomplished without building_ponds but all of the soil fill would have to be trucked in from off-site at reg at expense to the applicant. The ponds will be constructed by excavating down below existing_grade and berming around the perimeter. The perimeter berms will serve to limit the available flood prone area adjacent to the restored reach of N.F. Sawyer Creek in order to bring the entrenchment ratio more in line with a "B" channel. The berm around the upper pond will effectively prevent the stream from following the same path as during the 2004 floods. The berm surrounding Pond 3 will impact a small area of wetlands, shown as Wetland Impact 1 on the Site Impact Mai This wetland unit, NFSC-W 1 is associated with a linear spring head next to the state road (Camp Joy Rd.) and feeds an area of wetlands adjacent to North Fork of Sawyer Creek which most likely formed during the floods by debris damming_ 3. Driveway Crossings: The main subdivision entrance road was designed to avoid any impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States crossing such waters by constructing a bridge spanning the restored stream channel with no resulting impacts. There will be two piped crossings of the intermittent stream UT-NFSC, these are both associated with private driveways. Impacts have been minimized with these crossings by keeping the driveway widths to l2' and by using retaining walls to limit the extent of fill slopes in the vicinity of streams and wetlands. These culverts will be countersunk during installation in order to provide substrate for the redevelopment of aquatic habitat. Shikina Falls and Meadows August 8, 2007 Page 8 of 12 PCN Application E'nV-ECS, Inc. 4. Intermittent Stream Relocation: The lower portion of UT-NFSC below Stream Impact 2 ' and the lower proposed driveway crossing, currently flows into the lower debris blockage that filled the original NFSC channel during the 2004 floods. As part of this project, UT-NFSC will be re-routed to avoid the debris field and will be extended to the west of its current location and will tie into NFSC at a bedrock control just below the restoration reach. A pond (Pond 2) is proposed to be built in the cobble and debris filled area. The relocation of UT-NFSC will also serve to make Pond 2 an off-line pond The ' length of UT-NFSC to be abandoned will be 78 linear feet; 22' of channel is in an existing culvert, as seen on the Existing Conditions Man and is being treated as credit as part of the stream relocation project. The proposed relocated section will be ' approximately 206 linear feet. There will be a net aig n of approximately 128 linear feet. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC ' Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. ' USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of ' aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. ' If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as ' incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http:J/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmt ide.html. ' 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) ' of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 9 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. • Mitigation on the Shikina Falls and Meadows site will consist of the stream ' restoration project along the North Fork of Sawyer Creek, which will replace an unstable eroding channel created during the 2004 flood with a stable properl sized channel and a net increase of approximately 100 linear feet of B4 channel. A minimum vegetated buffer width of 25 feet will be established around the restored channel. In addition, the small intermittent stream on site (UT-NFSC) will be restored and relocated to bypass a proposed pond. There will be a net increase of approximately 128 linear feet of UT-NFSC from the stream relocation project. • All temporary wetland impacts associated with the posed stream restoration work and pond construction will be mitigated in-situ following its completion by means of re-~radin~ the impacted areas and re-ve etating afterwards with indigenous wetland plant species. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wn~~index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): 0 Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): 0 Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): 0 Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres):, Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): 0 IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) 0 Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ^ No X If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether aNEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No ^ If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ Shikina Falls and Meadows Page ] 0 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) ~ It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide ' justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No X If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer ' mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact s uare feet Multiplier Required Miti ation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. ' XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss Stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. Pre-development impervious cover on the site is essentially zero. The subdivision development will consist of 7 single family lots with approximately 5000 sq. ft. per lot of impervious cover and approximately 1900 linear feet of subdivision grade road with an average width of 20 feet. ' Adding an extra 7000 sq. ft. for currentlyunplanned improvements the total impervious cover on the site is approximately 1.84-acres; the total site area is approx. 32.2-acres brin ink the total ' Shikina Falls and Meadows Page 11 of 12 PCN Application August 8, 2007 E'nV-ECS, Inc. impervious cover for the site to approx. 5.7% There are no high intensity areas of development ' proposed. t XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) ' Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Each lot will have an individual septic system with no anticipated discharge of wastewater Each ' septic drainfield will be installed according to Watauga County standards and inspected by Health Department officials. XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No X ' Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No X ~ XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and ' Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). ' ~A~li~~ ~(Ageirt's Signature r g~--~ is valid only il`an audxorazatian letter l t>he appiic~ant is provides.) r 1 N ~ ~ ~ N a. ~ Q~ 'D > ~ ' ~ ~ ~U ~ ~_ ~ (~ J+ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ N ~ a ~~ o ~_~~/a ' f~^ L.L v r ~~~~ ~~ .1/~ ~{~ C~'`. ~~~ ~er~ t1r A~ ~~~ ,~ ~.~ ~~ i ~ ~~. %+ M cn i Y v1 ,.. 3 ~ ~ fv F ~ Y ~'~- ~~. ,~ ~C'~ 1„1 ~ ~ 4 r* ~. ~~ ~~ '~,~" ~~ if ,~ ,~' ~ ;~; a ~ ~ .~ L Q ::• ~ ~~;a ~,,~,~ ; 1~;~ ~i,~ ~~t?lTCf7 1:24,000, 7'/2 minute quadrangle 0 1000 2000 3000 Sherwood, N.C.-Tenn. - - - - - Photo Revised 1969 Feet ~ _ O ~ N ~ ~ Q ~ ~. (~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ >, _~ ~ ~ to :._. N Q ~ ~ O C ~ ~ Y ~ ,L ~ f ~ " L j~ ~ ' 4 ~ ~~ N ~ ~ C~ p '~.' A N `~ , a~tf R °P ~ ` CF+ G9 V .- ~ t~ N ~ ~~ $W ~ ~~ I o~s ~ ~ .ti R ~ h ~ ~ h h r ~ fh N ~' n' p '' `! _ ~ Qa ~, ~, ~ ~~4 i, ~ ~ -~-- o P ~' ~1 ~t ~ ~ ` O „~ ~ L'k ~' Q PM1t ~~ Q '~ K.~ ~Q ti'` m Q3 ~ ~ h P ~) ~~ ~ (~ ('~ ~ 1r^'r ~ T~ _ ,;fit' M f ~I ~.~ ~' _~.~ ~+ ~R'~ '? ~ d. 4t1 '+! Cri "~~~ CA t~ 1T il" ~ (,T, 4 m ~y ^. (7 `*. ny .~y C~; ~~ ~ 9`M t ~ ~4~ ~ VT ~ ~ +; ~, " j(jj~: ~ ~; m ~~~ q ""~ h' _ n .t rs _- ti r, t'~ ..'S`,~ ~ ~ `y (Q n 4 ~ q T 9 ~"~ ~ ± v ~ ~ r5 as es C~ ~~1~ ~ ~ r r- m C: O � O a A 2 C o C Oc O 0 m c O rrt�1 C vJ a O N o CL @ o (Z Ui (d p J O C > 'i O O o M O N C. cn 0 Q o C/) LL d (� (� O d [� a o oN o �' 0 0 0 LL � _ --Ci d N ' Q) U co ,q d d d d L(') ,C O Cn N W 02 m °? co C7 � c� °P f C7'1 r r- ' Shikina Falls and Meadows Residential Development Photo Sheet One I^ Photo One: View of the top portion of the 'flow pattern at the upper debris blockage. was taken at station 5+20. post-2004 Photo Two: View of the upper debris blockage from the This photo 2004 flood event. Post-2004 flow pattern is on the right of photo and pre-2004 pattern would have been on the left side of photo. Photo Three: View looking downstream along post- '2004 flow pattern approximately 200' below the debris blockage. In this photo, the abandoned channel is visible in the background with the existing flow pattern 'coming within 20' laterally with approximately 8" of vertical elevation separating the channels. This photo demonstrates the level of instability with the current 'flow pattern. Photo Four: View looking downstream of project site with the post-2004 flow pattern visible in the foreground. Wetland section is visible in the center of photo and confluence with the intermittent tributary on the right side of photo. Pre-2004 flow pattern was along the base of the hill slope on the right side of photograph. ' Shikina Falls and Meadows Residential Development ' Photo Sheet Two I~ r_ ~e. .:~. rz ~,~ _ ~ ~ . Phot Five: View of the abandoned pre-2004 channel in Photo Six: View looking upstream along project site. 'foreground, with the lower debris blockage visible in Pre-2004 abandoned channel is on the left side of the center, and post-2004 flow pattern in the photo and the post-2004 flow pattern is on the right background. side. Note distance of separation between the two ' channels and the degree of instability with the current flow channel. Lower debris blockage is visible on the left side of photo. - --- -- ii `~`~ I' ii i~ ii Photo Seven: View looking upstream above the upper Photo Eight: Looking upstream at the upper portion of 'debris blockage at the lower reference portion of the the reference stream portion of the site standing at stream system standing at station 4+45. station 2+00 below reference cross-section one. i~ Shikina Falls and Meadows Residential Development Existing Conditions Map - -- ~ UT-NFSC UT-NFSC-W3 T-NFSC-W2 Existing Barn ;~ ~tio ,ire a o`a~r 4`~ UT-NFSC-W 1 =~ Existin ~ ... 181,x ~~o AMP ~~ v ~ iv i ~. W `„ 0o s N i~~ (bntour Interval: 10' ` '~~ One Inch = 150' I I PT Debris ~ ~ Oa blockage ~~ ~; o :-: ~S J ~~ ~~ ~~~ e ~ ~~ ~.J s a yc'~ CCe 1 S Existing Storwater Pipe off, ~o~{~~~ ~°~~~~{G S`~~ Existing F Reference Stream Section for Proposed Stream Design Debris blockage Wetland Table I D _ S i_z_e _ _ NFSC-W ] 6,198 sf UT-NFSC-W 1 1,968 sf UT-NFSC-W2 470 sf UT-NFSC-W3 1,360 sf E'nV ~ rmaonmeow Conte Secri«s, tnc. 3764 RomiryR Lr0 P6unNFY.a: l1D.197.6916 Uamer Ilk. NC ZNNK iueeil'. jrdeQDrnrecs.com T}~pe Irater-stream Riparian Seep Riparian Shikina Falls and Meadows Residential Development Site Impact Map 0 --- S E'nV Environmental Consulting Scrvices, Inc. „~,;~,u~ In~„~, ~.v.. n i lnc Inch -- '. ~U 3764 Rnmiager Roes Poorc/Paa: 81B247.6916 Gamer F.Ik, NC 2REM P il: ir~eov~ecs.com S l~ ikina ~~alls and Meadows kesidential Development Proposed Site Plan I ~( 60" Double Bosswood ~. .. .,~I,,,y Blanche T. Coffey D.B. 99, Pg. 490 SCOtt E. WilkS Sadie D. Wilks B.O.R. 1094, Pg. 404 Locust Post Fence Corner j -' Y 4 ~o ~ a~. 1~ e Qco4os ~`~e: O ~~: ~~./ 0 -' ,,~ Paul Cabell Gra W Billie M. Gragc ~p D.B. 85, Pg. 044 'v1i i=.. N 5 rfti Contour Interval: 10' 0 25 50 One Inch = 150' FEET i .:::. QQ' `~O ~~ ~O ,p~ ~~Q E'nV Eno~inmmental Consulting Services, i> ~_~_-__ 37ld &xninecr Rend PhnrclFax~ R"¢ ".. ' Shikina Falls and Meadows Section 2 Stream Restoration and Relocation Narrative August 8, 2007 Shikina Falls and Meadows Stream Restoration and Relocation Narrative North Fork Sawyer Creek 07-1382 Project Purpose and General Description: The purpose of the project is to restore the North Fork of Sawyer Creek to its previously existing path prior to the hurricane induced floods of September 2004. During the fall of 2004 two major, hurricane induced, flooding events occurred that caused a large debris dam in the channel at the location indicated on the Existing Conditions Map. Following the storm, a new flow pattern had formed to the left of the original channel. The new channel exists today but is significantly undersized, is head-cutting rapidly in two locations, has poor habitat quality, and is generally unstable. The current channel (post- 2004 flow path) is best classified as a D4b. This channel, if left alone, will undergo dramatic adjustments in dimension, pattern and profile, resulting in severe in-channel erosion and poor habitat quality for years before again becoming stable. The proposed restoration project will involve the removal of a debris blockage at the upper end of the restoration reach. The existing (original) channel below the debris blockage is in good shape and requires only minor grading to the upper banks in places to restore abank-height ratio of 1.0. A second debris blockage, approximately 200 feet in length, is located at the lower end of the reach (approximately 500 feet below the upper blockage); both areas aggraded during the 2004 floods. This lower area is so completely blocked that the precise location of the previously existing channel cannot be determined. In this area, instead of trying to exactly match the original pattern, a reach of approximately 200 feet in length will be constructed through this area and will be designed based on the reference reach located immediately above the upper debris blockage. In addition, minor adjustments will be made to the remainder of the reach to establish the proper dimension, pattern and profile. At the completion of the restoration approximately 550 linear feet of the currently flowing (post 2004 hurricane) channel will be abandoned and filled. The goal of the restoration project will be to reestablish a stable "B4" channel through this valley. Shikina Falls and Meadows 1 Stream Restoration/Relocation Narrative This restoration project is proposed as part of a planned low-density residential ' development. The Shikina Falls and Meadows development will include a road network to access seven residential lots on a 31.2 acre site. There will be a large amount of open t space with trails and other low intensity amenity features. ' Design Considerations: It is apparent that several factors contributed to the abandonment of the pre-2004 channel ' including a massive debris flow, a high entrenchment ratio fora "B" channel, and minimal buffer vegetation. All of these factors have been considered in the design of the ' restoration project. Of these factors, the one that could be best controlled is the entrenchment ratio (ER). The high ER of the current flow path and previous channel was t and is exacerbated by the presence of a low area in the floodplain that serves as an alternative flow path for flows that overtop the existing banks. To address this situation, it ' was necessary to consider options to reshape the valley to eliminate the alternative flow path and to decrease entrenchment. The selected approach involves the construction of ' three small ponds along the path of the currently flowing channel. The primary purpose of these ponds is aesthetic. The ponds will be constructed by excavating down below ' existing grade and berming around the perimeter. The perimeter berms around all three ponds will serve to limit the available flood prone area adjacent to the restored reach of ' N.F. Sawyer Creek in order to bring the entrenchment ratio more in line with a "B" channel. The berm around the upper pond will effectively prevent the stream from ' following the same path as during the 2004 floods. ' To the extent possible, the existing abandoned, pre-2004, channel will be used. This will reduce total grading and land disturbance, preserve existing habitat and make use of ' existing structural controls present in the old channel. The pre-2004 channel is incised for most of its length with bank/height ratios ranging from 1.1 to 1.5. In areas where clear ' evidence of past bank stress exists or where future bank stress can be reasonably predicted, the existing upper banks will be graded back to create a bankfull bench that ' will be stabilized and re-vegetated with native species suitable for riparian zones. The lower portion of the restoration project was more impacted by debris during the 2004 Shikina Falls and Meadows 2 Stream Restoration/Relocation Narrative floods and the previous channel has completely lost definition. In this area a new channel will be designed and constructed based on reference reach data and natural channel design principles. This reach of channel will be approximately 350 feet in length and will tie into the existing channel just above a bedrock control at the downstream end of the project. Intermittent Stream Relocation: As part of the Shikina Falls and Meadows development, the lower portion of the intermittent tributary to the North Fork of Sawyer Creek (UT-NFSC) on the project site is being relocated in conjunction with the pond creation and stream restoration work on the North Fork of Sawyer Creek (NFSC). The design for the restoration of NFSC involves using vegetated berms and ponds to create entrenchment for the restored channel. The proposed location of Pond 2 is in the vicinity of the current confluence of UT-NFSC and NFSC. An on-line pond, fed by UT-NFSC is not desired and therefore the intermittent will be relocated around this area (see Stream Restoration and Relocation Plan). As a result of the proposed relocation, approximately 78 linear feet of UT-NFSC will be abandoned and approximately 206 linear feet will be constructed in its place. There will be a net gain of 128 linear feet of stream length from the relocation project. Reference data for the design of UT-NFSC was obtained from the upper portion of the same stream along a 190' segment which is in a stable condition with good stream morphological characteristics. This upper portion of the stream is characterized as an "A4" Rosgen channel with occasional bedrock grade control. The slope of the reference reach is 9%. The reference reach has an approximate drainage area of 7.3-acres, while the proposed relocation segment will have an approximate drainage area of 18.25-acres. The proposed channel design criteria will closely resemble the dimensions of the reference reach. The upper end of the UT-NFSC relocation will begin just below a proposed private driveway culvert (36" by 40' CMP). The channel will pass over a bedrock dominated section before falling towards NFSC. A retaining wall will be constructed to support Shikina Falls and Meadows 3 Stream Restoration/Relocation Narrative approximately 40' of fill that will effectively confine the floodprone area of UT-NFSC as ' it passes over the bedrock section. The total relocated stream length will be approximately 206' and will have a designed slope of 9%; currently the existing slope ' along the lower segment of the intermittent stream is 11 %. Small boulder grade control structures will be installed at the top of most riffle sections. The tie-in to NFSC has been ' located at a bedrock control to prevent the likelihood of a head cut. The channel banks will be stabilized with sod and erosion control matting. Reference cross-sections will be t established as part of the monitoring plan as well as one vegetation plot to determine the success of the stream relocation project. Sediment and Erosion Control: ' Erosion and sediment control measures will be designed, installed, and operated in accordance with the current version of the NC Sediment and Erosion Control Planning ' and Design Manual. The proposed sequence of construction is designed to allow for most of the channel construction and enhancement to be conducted off-line. There will be a temporary diversion required during the time the lower restoration reach and Pond #3 are constructed. The final phase of construction will involve the construction of Pond #1 and Pond #2. All graded areas near the stream will be immediately stabilized following completion of final grading. Sod mats will be used as available and erosion control ' blankets will be installed on seeded areas adjacent to the channel. All disturbed areas in the riparian zone and buffer will be seeded with a temporary mix within 7 days of completion of grading and later over-seeded with native species and planted with trees and shrubs. Revegetation Plan: ' Revegetation planting will be carried out in the 25' buffer zone surrounding the restored stream channels, the relocated intermittent stream channel, and along the vegetated berms ' encompassing the three proposed ponds. Several types of native vegetation will be installed based on the differing zones of moisture, flooding potential, and purpose. Areas ' within the flood prone zones along the stream will be a specific vegetation belt, upper portions of the buffer in the riparian zone, with a deeper water table, will be a separate Shikina Falls and Meadows 4 Stream Restoration/Relocation Narrative belt, and the vegetated berms will contain a separate group of vegetation. Hydrophytic vegetation will be planted in the flood prone zone, native trees and shrub tolerant of both wet and dry conditions will be installed in areas along the upper riparian belt, and native grasses, rushes, and sedges will be grown on the vegetated berms. All trees and shrubs are to be planted on an average 10' spacing throughout the buffer zone. Plant List U~ner Riparian Belt Taxa Acer rubrum- Red Maple Achillea millefolium- Yarrow Aster cordifolius- Aster Aster novae-angliae- New England Aster Betula lenta- Sweet (Black) Birch Botrychium virginiana- Rattle Snake Fern Clethra acuminata- Sweet Pepper Bush Diospyros virginiana- Persimmon Eupatorium rugosuml- White Snakeroot Fraxinus pensylvanica- Green ash Hydrangea arborescens- Wild Hydrangea Lendera benzoin- Spicebush Monarda didyma- Bee Balm Oxydendron arboreum- Sourwood Ostrya virginiana- Hop hornbeam Parthenocissus quinquefolia- Virginia Creeper; erosion control Polystichum acrostichoides- Christmas Fern Rhododendron maximum- Greater Rhododendron Sambucus canadensis- Elderberry Tsuga canadensis- Eastern Hemlock Viburnum lantanoides- Hobblebush Viburnum acerifolium- Maple Leaf Viburnum Vegetated Berm Taxa Andropogon scoparius-Little Bluestem; erosion control Andropogon virginicus- Broomsedge; erosion control Agrostis stolonifera- Red Top Carex lurida-sedge Carex baileyi-sedge Eragrostis spectabis- Purple Lovegrass Muhlybergia capillaris- Muhly Grass Scirpus cyperinus- Woolgrass . Flood Prone Zone Taxa Acorous calamus- Sweet Flag Alnus serrulata- Tag Alder Asclepias incarnate- Swamp Milkweed Corpus amomum- Silky Dogwood Eupatorium fistulosum- Joe-Pye Weed Helianthus angustifolius- Swamp Sunflower Impatiens pallida- Jewel Weed Onoclea sensibilis- Sensitive Fern Osmunda cinnamonea- Cinnamon Fern ' Shikina Falls and Meadows 5 Stream Restoration/Relocation Narrative 1 Salix nigra-Black willow ' Salix sericea- Silky Willow; erosion control Solidago caesia- Bluestem Goldenrod Vernonia noveboracensis- New York Ironweed Stream Restoration and Design Monitoring: Following the construction phase and implementation of the riparian zone revegetation plan, an as-built survey of the stream and riparian area will be conducted. This survey and subsequent Level 1 monitoring will be performed in accordance with the April, 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines. The as-built plan will include longitudinal profile of the entire restored reach, reference cross sections of riffles, pools and runs, and a plan view showing the thalweg, left and right top of bank and buffer boundaries. Reference photos will be included for all cross sections and other areas of significance including rock vane and J-hook structures. Pebble counts will be performed at least six cross sections. The plan view will also show the location and type of stabilization methods used in riparian areas as well as the location and type of vegetation installed. Monitoring Schedule: Monitoring of stream bed stability, bank stability, and riparian vegetation survival will occur on an annual basis for 5 years following the completion of the stream restoration portion of the Shikina Falls and Meadows project. Monitoring will be conducted in accordance with the April, 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines. In the first year, quarterly site inspections will take place recording conditions at monitoring locations, photo- documenting, and submitting an annual report with the initial site visit within one week of site completion. Following the first year, annual visits will take place with the submission of an annual report to the USACE and NCDWQ at the end of each yearly monitoring period. If failures are observed during a site visit, the NCDWQ will be notified within 20 days describing the reason for failure and provide a corrective action plan to remedy the situation. All problems shall be addressed by the permittee. If considerable failures take place during the cycle of monitoring, then the monitoring period shall be extended based on a confirmation by the NCDWQ in order to make sure of the successful establishment of the project. Shikina Falls and Meadows 6 Stream Restoration/Relocation Narrative Shikina Falls and Meadows Stream Design Plan and Revegetation Plan Section 3 August 8, 2007 1 0 ~ .~ ~ ~ -r-~ U O ~ O ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~~ ~ ~' ° ~ ~ r w ~~ ~o w ~ ~ sf~ ° ~~ .~ ~ b ° p ~ 3 3 ~ ~ ~ ~' S o O 'b • r..1 "J s. a" w W ~' lV ~ •v ^ S ~ G ~ --I .~D 7 O d d -r. ~ m ` '-~ '^ `.10 711 Q~ ~ y, 'ilk y '.J '+W/ N h ~OOC] ~ Ll l ~7 y-~ ~~ ~ ,~ x ~~ ~ ~~~ o~~~ ~~~ ~, ti ~~ ^ ~ ~~9 ~ o~ Q O ~ ~~ , o ~ ~~ ~ '.~, ~-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ • ~-+ ~ ~ ~ , ~ o ~I l ~ O O W U ~ - ` (VlL/• -3~ ~~ . ~ V 1 ~, ~ ~x3 U = y ° ~~~ `' .W 4~ ~ = 4 ~/ o ~ r~ h-~-~I - U C. ~~,o y N ~ ~ `7. ~ v > o m O oc; - ono Ala ~ ~ q a~~~a ~~ Y ~~ ~~ 0 ~ ~~ ~ ~. J~ _ ~~, ~~ p ~ o ~ ~ ~ "o,o ~ ~ ~ ~/ W ~ ~`bc~~~ ~~~0 v ~ -°c " T ~ m N `~ ~ ~~[ ~ ~ ~~r~ O a~ C1, '' ''u v ° R ~ ,1 :.. ,_ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ; ,7 x w, -- N ano a -- - -- Y P N ~ ~~, - `~ aq of did_ ~ ~ ~-i a~ CL, ~, .~ .~ ~ i W C/~ '~ ~ > o ~' ro ~ r--' a. 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O I ~ ~ r T ~~ ^ l ~ ~ ---iii w J ~ r..i • ^~ ~ ~?•-•~j ~ ~ o p . ^., 4~ ,~/ F-ti ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~:. ~ ~~ \ O~ •~. ••~ an - , o ~\ + ~ ~ a% ~ ~ o ®s w ®• ~~ ~ r < ~ ~ "" C ~., _ ~ ~, .: O ~` .~ O O ~.~ bA a~ ~~ i ~ O ~U / O ~-_ ; ~ ~~ y~ ~_ o _. ____ _ __ ~N y~_ - f C O .-, ' Shikina Falls and Meadows r 1 Figures for North Fork Sawyer Creek Restoration Project Section 4 august 8, 2007 l Shikina Falls Reference Reach Profile North Fork Sawyer Creek (B4) 110 r.. ~ ... ~ ,. ~ . ~.. ~,. ,- . ~ -~~ - ~~ ~ , ~ i t_ I - ~ ( ~_ r I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ , I i ~ 1 i 1 ~ ~ I t ~ j i ~ , ~ _, i - t _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ , ~, t ~, a -1 - ~ , . . i i_ i ~ 4 I ~ ~ 108 ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ r ~ I -I -- ; ; = ~ ~ ,_ s ,j ~ i i i - a ; = 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. } , f - ~ t ~ ~ ~ r_ r ~ - ~ ~ F I , _ _ ~ r ~ ~- ,:_ _ ~~ r ~_ ~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~ ~ _ , ~ I ,a ~ ,, ~ ~ , 106 ~ ~ Cross Section 1 ~ i ~ , ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ' ' i station 1+68 I ~ i ~ ~ ~ ! I ~ r ~ _ I I i ~ i L 1 I.. I ~ ~ ~ ~ k 'a t ~ ~ ~ 104 ~ ~~ ~ , ~ I ,. r ~ i ~ ~ r = i ~ 1 . ~ .... m ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 2 ~ _ Proposed Tie-in to + i w °' , . 102 , + ~ ' ~ i - '- ~ 1 ~ _i ~ + ~~ st ton ! ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ Upper Restoration Reach . c ~ ~ r ~ - ~~ -~ ~- ~ ~~ f I E ~ ~ , I ~~ 1< i' }~.. ~~1 ~ 4 r i ~ ' ~ ` ± ~ 100 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 i i ~ ~ ,` ,~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~ r , ~ r ' ~ ~ ~ r ~ w r ' f , ~ ~ i _ ~ ~ ~ Cross Section 5 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ Cross Section 8 98 _ ~- ~ ~ I ~ E- i f ~ station 2+15 =~ I _~ _ station 3+81 ~ ~ ~ ~ , ... , ~ ~ , ~ _ ~ '., t ~ , i ~ k , ~ _-~ ~ ~ `.. ~i - . ,- ~ I ~ r j ~ ' Cross Section 7 ~ i 96 ~ r ~_ , , - ~ ~ ~ ~ ! r , ~ ~ ~ , station 2+63 ~ 1 ,_ r , t _ , _F i ~, ~ _ ~~ ~ _ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 ~ , ,. i ~. ~ ~ 1 ,_ 1 i ~ ~ 94 ~ 1 _ { ~ _ r ~ ~ - i 1 t r r r T ~ t r{ r , ~ ~ .- € , ~ ~ j ~ ;_ ~~ f G ~ 1 ~ , I ~ ~ ~ t i t I ~ ~ F= , ~ ~ E ~~ ~~ , . ~ , t ~ ~ ` i ~ ~ ~ } , ~ i ' j ~ ~ ~ _ € ~ r t ~ ~ r ,_ _ ~ ~ ~ i ~ __~__ _ __w _ ~ ~ ..~ __ 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Station (feet) Shakina Falls Restoration Reach (upper) North Fork Sawyer Creek 0 ~_~ _~_ I l . , _ ~. __ j i ~' _~- ~ f 700 800 900 1000 1100 -~--proposed twg sex ground Shakina Falls Restoration Reach (lower) North Fork Sawyer Creek 1200 1300 1400 Shikina Falls Existing Condition North Fork Sawyer Creek Cross Section 3 Station 6+55 98 96 94 $ 92 c 90 m w 88 86 84 82 ~- 0 Station (ft) 50 100 150 200 250 Shikina Falls Existing Condition Cross Section 4 (7+75) North Fork New River Station Shikina Falls Reference Reach North Fork Sawyer Creek Cross Section 2: Riffle Station 2+55 106 , 105 104 I r $ ! = 103 o :~ ~a a~i 102 w 101 100 99 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Shikina Falls Reference Reach Cross Section 8: Riffle (2+77) North Fork Sawyer Creek 104 103 102 101 ~ 100 0 ca a~i 99 w 98 97 96 95 0 ~'~ 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Station (ft) Shikina Falls Reference Reach Cross Section 5: Run (2+15) North Fork Sawyer Creek 100.5 ~- ~ ~ ,. ~ G ~ ~ ~, _, ~ 0 10 60 20 30 40 50 70 Station (ft) Shikina Falls Reference Reach Cross Section 7: Pool (2+63) North Fork New River 103.5 103 102.5 102 ~ 101.5 101 ca m w 100.5 100 € r 99.5 99 98.5 ~ 0 Station (ft) 5 10 15 20 25 i i t ~^ .. r. 1 o a-T~: ~: axr wcr~ES rA11i1CLE tiR. wsiit serwi mttr ii~x sew t~rac~: TaT a frp s ~ tw w ~~ ~i2 - 1!i ~ s t v,q ~. w tli • A . . ii ~ • N o~M c . . ie-ta D .a - .os s. e..A. . t.i - t 8 6 I ts 14M 2 -1 1 .Oi - • /1 t-i Q ~' I .tt - 21 ~ ~ 1 i - i R ( .2t . ]1 hy i • 12 A ( .31 - .4T YAM !i- to E 5e.$ .a • .st eor.. ~- n ~ .ot -pis e..... i C ]2 • a ~ 7 13.9 s 2i • +.! awM r s s4- is C -~ 2s • s.t s t !t • t2i O 7.i • S.0 tiwM l •2s- sit s s.o • T.i i s sii - aie t ,o • is n r xo-st: ~ _ +s • 2i su ~ i12 • t~1 D i 20 - t0 IMaiA , t0 •1i0 tON-tMi R • i + ~~ .i I t~ _~o ~~ ~~ V w 5~ a ~' ~~ Ilrf'NNf ~ l~A~..i". 1 1 ~~ s 1 ' 84 ' b 1- 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 $~e ~ ' ?flr. r ~+CMES .-~iE ~ *Ks t~ '~~ tars ~~ '~f9 llpi+t ~tCW t Nr .Ai1-.91'i = ~ .tli-J! A wet. .!S-.!i K Cws~ .i!-t.i O .a • .os a.... u- t S ` .a - .ts w.. : - ~ .ts • sa w~. a.s A 1 .2c . 3t ter t. • R ~ .11 • .a7 M~rw • • 12 A .aT • .a w~~ n -u v o .a • sa pr.. u- !a ~ t~ • t.s ow.. 3i- M s /o ~a - S.0 Sw-M M • 12a O s.o - T.s ~u - »t e T.6 - t0 t~ - S1S39 L 10 - t3 SaW Zii - i0R a t5 • 10 S~ !M•Stt L _ ~ 20 • b wrM t~->ut 0 a0 • t60 rota • a9ao R t-~owoeu ~ ~ 7C ~ 70 r ~- 60 SI ~50 w ~- W ~~ U ~ ZO !r0 07 O ?a a t0 I ' l1 ! 0 PEE Si~E - Winelea ~ _ Morphological Data ' Project: Shikina Falls and Meadows Stream: Existing -North Fork Saywer Creek, Reference Reach -North Fork Saywer Creek Proposed Channel: North Fork Saywer Creek I n n 1 Proposed Existin Channel Reference Reach Channel Rosgen Stream Type D4b B4 B4 Drainage Area (sq mi) 1.03 1.03 1.03 Bankfull Width (Wbk,) (ft) 14.8 14.45 14.5 Bankfull Mean Depth (~bkr) (ft) 0.5 1.3 1.3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (~kr) (sf) 7.8 18.85 19 Width/Depth ratio Mbk+/dbkr) 27.9 11.1 11.2 Maximum depth (cj„bkr) (ft) 1.3 2.06 2 Width of flood prone area (1ryPa) (ft) 104 50-80 25-35 Entrenchment ratio (ER) 7 3.5-5.5 1.7 - 2.4 Water surface slope (S) (fUft) 0.042 0.035 0.031 Sinuosi stream len th/valle len th K 1.21 1.4 DIMENSION DATA Pool Depth (ft) max 2.71 2.7 Pool Depth (ft) mean 1.66 1.7 Riffle Depth (ft) 1.3 1.3 Pool Width (ft) 14.07 14 Riffle Width (ft) 14.45 14.5 Pool XS Area (sf) 23.35 23.5 Riffle XS area (sf) 18.85 19 Pool depth/riffle depth 1.3 1.3 Pool width/riffle width 1 1 Pool area/riffle area 1.2 1.2 Max pool depth/~kr 2.1 2.1 Low bankheighUmax bankfull depth ~0.5 1 1 Mean bankfull velocity (V) (fps) Bankfull dischar e Q cfs PATTERN DATA Meander length (L,,,) (ft) 500 200 Radius of curvature (Rc) (ft) 19.45-58.6 58 Belt width Mb~J (ft) 27 45 Meander width ratio (V~,rlWbkr) 1.87 3.1 Radius of curvature/bankfull width 2.70 4 Meander len th/bankfull width 33 13.8 PROFILE DATA Valley slope 0.0396 0.0396 0.0396 Valley Length/Fall 992/39.3 992/39.3 992/39.3 Average water surface slope (ft/ft) 0.035 0.035 0.031 Riffle slope .039-.067 (0.056) 0.05 Pool slope .0001-.011(.007) 0.007 Pool to pool spacing 25-70 (45) 40-60 (50) Pool length 8' - 25' 8'-25' Riffle slope/avg water surface slope 1.6 1.6 Pool slope/avg water surface slope 0.2 0.2 Run slope/avg water surface slope Run depth/dkr Pool length/bankfull width 1.20 1.2 Pool to ool s acin /bankfull width 3 3.4 CHANNEL MATERIALS D16 0.062 0.062 0.062 D35 0.25 0.25 0.25 D50 6.5 6.5 6.5 D84 42 42 42 D95 90 90 90 8/9/2007 ENV-ECS Inc. Shakina Falls Restoration Reach (upper) North Fork Sawyer Creek 0 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 ~- 700 Shakina Falls Restoration Reach (lower) North Fork Sawyer Creek -f-proposed twg ~ ex ground ~, j 1 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Shikina Falls Stream Restoration Plan Proposed Typical Riffle Section Station (ft) Shikina Falls Stream Restoration Plan Proposed Typical Riffle Section Distance (ft) Shikina Falls Stream Restoration Plan Proposed Typical Pool Section 103.5 103 102.5 102 $ 101.5 101 c~ a~ w 100.5 100 99.5 99 98.5 0 Station (ft) 5 10 15 20 25 Shikina Falls Proposed North Fork Sawyer Creek Cross Section 3 Station 6+55 Station (ft) Shikina Falls Proposed Cross Section 4 (7+75) North Fork New River Station Shikina Falls and Meadows Proposed Stream Restoration: North Fork Sawyer Creek Cross-Section A Typical 86 84 82 ~ 80 c 0 co w 78 76 74 72 ~ 0 '.5d 100 Station (ft) '~ ; 150 ', ; 200 250 Shikina Falls and Meadows 1 1 1 1 0 n 1 1 Figures for UT-NFSC Relocation Project Section 5 august 8, 2007 Morphological Data Project: Shikina Falls and Meadows Stream: Existing- UT-North Fork of Sawyer Creek Reference Reach- Upper portion UT-North Fork of Sawyer Creek Proposed Channel: Relocating lower segment UT-North Fork of Sawyer Creek Rosgen Stream Type A4a+ A4 A4 A4 Drainage Area 18-acres 18.25-acres 20-acres 7.3-acres Bankfull Width 3' 3.5' 6.5 3.5' Bankfull Mean Depth 0.35' 0.37' 0.67' 0.37' Bankfull Cross Sectional Area 1 sf 1.3 sf 4.4 sf 1.3 sf Width/Depth ratio 8.6 9.5 9.7 9.5 Maximum depth 0.7' 0.75' 1.05 0.75' Width of flood prone area 7' 7.5 14.5 7.5 Entrenchment ratio 2.3 2.1 2.23 2.1 Water surface slope Sinuosity Dimension Data Pool Depth max Pool Depth mean RifFle Depth Pool Width 7.8' 3.5' RifFle Width Pool XS Area Riffle XS Area Pool depth/Riffle depth Pool width/Riffle width Pool area/Riffle area Max Pool depth 1.2' 1.1' Low bank height/max bankfull depth 1 Pool depthlavg. bankfull depth 1.8 3 Pool width/bankfull width 1.2 1 Pattern Data Meander length Radius of curvature Belt width Meander width ratio Radius of curvature/bankfull width Meander length/bankfull width Profile Data Valley Slope 11% 9% 8.40% 9% Valley length/fall Average water surface slope 7.60% Riffle slope Pool slope Pool-to-pool spacing 10' Pool length Riffle slope/avg water surface slope Pool slope/avg water surface slope Run slope/avg water surface slope Run depth/dbkf Pool length/bankfull width Pool-to-pool spacing/bankfull width 2.52 2.8 Reference Intermittent Stream Profile Upper Portion of Stream Course Shikina Falls and Meadows Intermittent Stream Relocation Project Reference Riffle Cross-Section 12 L ~ 10 a a ~ ~ o ~ g as ~ >N ~ 6 ~ ~ = L ~ `~ 4 a~ oc a~ w 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Station Shikina Falls and Meadows Existing Intermittent Stream Profile Lower Portion of Stream Course 106 0 101 L 0 96 o .~ ~, a 91 'o ++ L a 86 c ~ 81 °-' 76 w 71 0 50 100 150 200 Station 250 300 350 Proposed Stream Relocation Profile 95 90 0 85 80 0 75 0 70 W 65 60 Station -50 0 50 100 150 200 90 0 89 0 88 87 L iJ 0 86 a~ 85 = 84 0 > 83 a~ w 82 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station Proposed Stream Relocation Profile Typical Stream Section Shikina Falls and Meadows Intermittent Stream Relocation Project Proposed Typical Riffle Cross-Section Intermittent Stream Relocation Cross-Sectional View Across Site Station 0+54.0 Along Stream Course Station ' Shikina Falls and Meadows u 1 1 Stream and Wetland Data Sheets Section 6 August 8, 2007 0 1 1 North C~raftna Clivjsion of Wtrtex QuaNty - $tre~m lslantFfcstion Forth; V-+itrsion 3.'I . pate: ~ ..."~ `~,•~_. Pro,~ct; .! a`~ ~a~ fi nr~S Lat~~do: Easlustor: ~ ~ ~~ ;,. _Siea: " ~ -~r., ~ ~4!. Longilu~: Sb+lart~ 7a at A!R ~ ~ , ~~ Geurity+ V u C~-~~.t ~ ~ 9.~, ttrnd Hams: 7f it i9 t~ .... . , A. Georno OjOgy (Si~fitY~d =,~.iiG.~ ~ W~t~- 1', Ccmpn bed. arul tmnk ,-t. _0 ~ ._ Z~° : I 2. Sirtuoait 0 , ~ _ ~ 3 . 3. tit-~haru~ei ru~iare: rife-uertvs _ .. - Q _ 2 3 4. SoN ta7durC ekes~tb substrate ~eott~- ~ 1 ~ g . 5. Aali~etreliG ~n ~ _~ ~ ~ ~ ._ ~ .. _ 1 _~ .. 3. 6. D bars ar ber~hca Q ~ ` 2 ' ~. 3 7. Brafoded net S _ ) 2 3 8. Recent aY t deposds .. 9"Natural ~,.~ .. 'f 2 ~ 3 . 0 ~ 1 2 3 _ 10. Fieadcuts _ 0 _ .. ' 1.5 1 ti. t3r8rde con role ~ ~ ,-,.- 12. Neturet w or d waY p 0.~ . • ' l ~ .6 ..1 ~ Secaed to ' ter wtler channel on t15GS rx RC3 reap ar other dooulnettted ~'~,Q ~ 3 3 . eY~denCB. , M8n-made d 5 aM not ratsd; Sal di3~tiWlioils p nib ... _ _. 14_ Grp ilg~ .' © ~~ Z 3 15. Wader in ~ $nd ~ r18 firs ci~Cc r>sin. t:t ~ 0 1: 3 w®tar in annel -- dN or proms seasa~ ._ 1~: L,eafl~Ger 1.5 0.5 ~ ..._ 17. Sediment .. or dsbr~ D ~ • 1 1.5 1 B. 4 tptic I~1C! br pNes ~ Nnes~ _. _ ~ O.b 1 1. 19. Fiydrlc a . redoxirnoY ttp >C features} pry?~- Na'= 0 ~ es =1-$ . 20°. Fibrous _ to ~ cfiannel -~ ~ i ~ 0 Z1°, Boated nts in channel 3 2 1 . 22 i,^,rayfish _ 0 _ ..~ 1 ~ 1.fa Z3. Hivaives ~~ 1 2 3 2d. Fish .{,Y-r D.S 1 _ 1.3 2$. os {note dtver~~ and atxu-danoe .0 _ 1 1.5 27. FNament a ~ Nergh~~, ~ 1 ~ 2 3 . 28. iron oxl ' • bactsrialfun ue. "-~..~_ 1 1.3 2y . Wieiiand piano In atreamhed FAC = tl.fi; CA W = {f.7' < _.. L =1,5 SAV - 2.0; CS~er s~ 8 b•items 20 21 focal on the pteSen04 nt upend P~T~~'ttem 2fa bauwo 'tree ea of aquatic or ws~ntl pts. Sketch; Notes: (uea k side of thin term for ubtktidnal nplali:~ . ~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WETLAND DELI~IEATIUAi DA'D'A FUItM .,..._ a~*~D+r ~ c•un~crc ~~.=z r~ ~ti far torn .,....._, 9srbr: ,~ E. f c.~r.~u, I i 1 i 'i '~ } ~'ti . ~'~; ~ _~ W~+TLAI\Ti1 DF.I.YNTATiiIN DATA TiORM ~ wily: _.. ~• cl.~.: :~ - '-• tltlsr . Cuwtst 1A1;s'(r~s3_r~~ lav isrst .. _ Stt1r: J\ t Soiu _ Soita -.. 9cn'I Ah Unit. : -:s c ~ Shc Unit Name: ProAle Deseri butt. ine H _ ~ 11lrtrtz ~6ton f'otr,r 1-iWtb t:aled 'future Depth isrclet. Borinon NIaWx Calm !w t~laeti " ?ex a St W '"" 1 a .. ._. t k rt'' ' ~• 1iy .. "- a.r, ~ .... E« . .._. •ddc .del l [ndkatEm Y H •dric ~i1 Galkawrs Hisunad etloas Iii~oosol ... C't+poi+4Unes I Iistic ~• tu- ~ C,ntnent ) Iiiylit. fi ' Cdtuf 1c Corlett tqB~ ._. Sui ' ~ fkkx Moisttttc Rechuha Coadi 'me i f anic stntak Locai Hrslriu Suits fist Nxianal tiv~0rir 5oits 1 ~ Sullidic tailor A is Moisture 'rra: tteahts Catt~itionc ~? Leal I is ~!e I:ist N 9triis Lint t! aTL~w nna Uthtx fRe~rks) ... ~~ url~~-t:lt~o~r4 Ottmr Remarks: .. kanarkst I -- WetNt+d liNtr~aetinu ~ •• ViFttlind Dtetwtaatfoa Ii a v Lunn Aesebt'.r V F7v9tittt? __.,. Wctlec~ fI •1'retent3 _ Wst6x~ ' PtdrnM ~ .. J ,~drin HaetN? ix Ihi: ~ 'n/ within o watktad" u ~~ lit Point with x w°stiiutti'' -- AesiarMr. NC Cr•~YY~V ... ~ ~rS R Zn:N1d•t;,A ~~~ ~vy.,nJ~ x~eatrw: .lay{ la~~ ~.~~~.~( i, r, r, r.~ ><sr>c•rtr swlhnT7.tr>tii~`A~TY[]NlE'IATA Ft)R14~ 1Pro~ eetR`Pfic[ ". _ , Dates ~ _ _ ~ A r1YttKilYaer lsax zf Mft: !1n . (: A ~.~ C.~• ~ {{ " t~~ tv Cottrsi[util Lt).: I7a 140IG1aI Giltxmt • tfirelhall 2. 1'bt I.b.: ancet C Ya[t t6E si[d? hw~-Wa_Nalul 4`,ttrreatuiity i.n.; ~ .Plat 1.1).; -- 1a0 circurnetanca e>ri-t not lhC stta4 ~!+ aituati+ul}'t ~xtudtarue aitaiaioa is thin s t arsa? ~ 1\ ~- Ix tttia a arts? Doasittt ~~ t. eelea tur ladiestar V fleadnant ' s iitratttm hndennr 1 ~ ~ e ~ z. 2 3 4 tv r - s G .. i 6 .. _ P erratN or dnn+ 'A~;w rr PAC, Nereeal of doatluarns (31gi., FA(.'VW tr l=/ 1t:• Hdn[arkst lteto{Pk7: ~ ~`~ t ~. s Fkld 8beerrx P {patxlrted Sa4natod ..l .vxxr tV(ttrkx Sediasettt Pie •drotioty s: o $urfwae Watcr r: ~ 1 Cin.} D~yllt tw Free VPaOCS ~j -'-(io.) Depth [u Satttreto[1 Sod. ~ (irt.) tt-~ ~~ Ut[idliod ltitia CEa w.enr-stai[ud icwCS t.ocot soil stt»w~ +~. }'A&:-noulral test tkher (Rtsmarks) H I+icw Alncrvatisss: 1]epAh oC S wakr - , _,_,~in. j Depth to Fine W~ec_ (Itt.) JlyNh to SeMki46d ~rtnar radieasets ~ea$f • Imikasan attodssed Orid)tmll3it 5lgsxatod <12" _. Water- los~tts Waur Metitt t .Deal trail Scdfllaait l [c FAC,Ilcatc last I Pouerai . t s Itc[onrka: 3kttsarka: _... sni) _ tilt ~ x.llx mmc[ ~ ~ .x,~.,MS 1•• .-.rnR.uw' 8~ uoY , t t~ao~: PreAlc t • proftklDesver' ~ Aeptp.. 1aeAa. H ma Matrix Coley h~leotHe C.olers 'fe=lure llepth Mclsaa. Horixen t~strlx Mottls Colon 'fet[hrc ~ H it: 5Ioi1 Irdfeaton tllydsit: t~foN' adrtwten[ IlJstoeol Hiatic dou Coecretions Or 'c C`asuent salt _ Hiatoeol ~ ~,,,,, Ilist~ doa . C 4k Content suiuud Sulfldic art ' a M„ittura t is ttcc[dci Lovell H _a Srsiis List S'tt ~ Cldar is Moistuet_R in)c tatrod I..q~rpd Soil Litt R C Mrti[ I tc ' List _ - ~ C:ondituwa ,~ .fit (} nr is ()IhcT KCtntrrlcs) rk eY d nr LatwCdrolna t1i1>rr ~natlcs Realarks: ftearurka: Yln b ie V Wdtlaed WetMsd hdcr[niaalion Pntsta[? vPrmeat" Wedastd I YC eutiari Ynseat'' Wcr~Int1H Pretentt .._T F Sails b thix . l? ' t WiYlilti a WcrJind? H S~Pntsdat! "" k tltk 1'ahtl Within a W~td? '~ Re[aarka: _ Ktbnarlls: !~. ' Iw+~r+t n 1 L I~ 1 1 ' 1\ {IIIT R. ~{~@q.IV4i. ~VV44~~4.NrAl ••-- .. •~ • `~,-'_,~ T4TWl~1' ~ ~ ~ tQ~ ^W~ y u~ -:. 1 [~ 1•~ ~ • ~ '~' • IL ~~ h ~ /} ~. ~ T ~ ~... 3 C. t• ., mac. ~,i'~~''1~l: A ,e '- i11,~, ~ : - b _ _. . ---- 7 Perctot at domin (~ r AC.'W cx FAC Pe+xent ~iPd~mnpcas fjFlT. Fat;. K; ~ F, Renrnrles: _ Rc~atsirkR[ H of _~ T[ "Ar t'feld +[: Dq>t!t BiSn(face ~Vatst '- 'tfl.} Fiield tfbNCr~ytit~c tkpth cif ivrBrce N+akr (in.) DapiY to ~rpo vr~t[x {~} ~ 1]Cp[h tq frce wua(r+_1 Ugdk 1n Salur>rGed Sot1„ t t ~ cif.} I'-oilth tv $Na~+GeA'Safi~_(in) Priem • i ledieate-~ Prir-trtr fsdic_ [ _ taAkatoea '• fDLn~ODt1 ~~ • TnwKbrlod Clk~ xn R ' Sata~tcd<1Z" YWaln-,t~ti~adleaties_ 5~tntatcd~lz" •^ Wara•cta~aodic~r+ct yyp~r lterkS l.BCal soN afl~ d~ 1#TrNOt I~fmk~ L.cx:a! ar t am~aZ ~ •• ~priiacnt I ,_ .. f ~-R!!1 tCt ~_ ......... 8iedimnni l [nits _... F• 41--~uttAl tGlt 1)teiaa Y C)dfer {Renmrlc;l • I•itniAft i'atA'inf h-- (htlar Rem>n'~s Tkmttriser t~ ~~1 North Caroi~a Dlv~ifon cif Water Qua~gt -.Stream Is~ntification Form; Veraton 3.1 Data: ~ .-'~ t}` Prajset; ~~ ~ t~ ,~:~hr1 ~ I.atihnte: L Itua~: Evaluasot: ~ ,~l~'~ C, s3iti: ~~-. ( ~~ N ~ ~ C, onq 5mrrm i~s~ae~a ~ k~iermranc ~?.7~ GauntY. ~V ~/t-~-~N t~ ~~ ~Q1rad N.+7~: ilx f0 ,A. Gt3omor alOgY {.subtotal a 12.~~ - ~~-..INoafc Madi~r~bl-~8tron •- 1'. Corrdnuo Md end bank .. 0 ...1 ,~•a.~ . 3 . ' 2. 9inuc~silr Y_ _ ~ 0 1 ~ 22 ' 3 . 3. In-cherstei nnture• riifla•p~l sequence ~ _. 7 3 ._ L4. Soil texture r stnsMm subatraie sort[rtp 0 1 _ 3 1 3. ~~ in 0 .. - 1 ~ 3 ~. & oars or be~hes 0 1 ? 3 7 Breaded 1 ~.. 1 2 3 8. Recant sl deposits 0 _ 1 ~ ~ ' 9' Natural s 0~ _ 1 Z 3 10. Hsadcuts p _ 1 ~ 3_ 11, grade con ~ 0 ~_ 1 i.b S2. f+laturtrl ~ or dninepewray 4 , 0.lS _ ..1 ., '1.5 , ' 13. Secartd or afar order chatxtel on LJ3t3S or FtCB rrre,P or ocher documented No = 0 . es • 3 . eYidence. Man-mddt d ere out rated; sea dlsaussions in rtisrn~at B. H dY rolOgy {Subtotal = ~ -,- ~• .~ 14. Groundwa llowldischsrpe .' ~~.- ~'~ . 3 3 15. Water fn nel and ~ 4a hrs sinus rain, Q~ Q 1 ~"'~`t 3 Wptt3r in ann•I •-dry or ~vw+~ seaieor+ .. . ' 16. Lsaflitter 1.5 _ _ Q.5 0 17. Sed4ment plants ar debris ., 0 ~. .~_ .. 1.S 18. Or anic lines or Iles (UWrad~ ~nea} ~ U.5 1 ' ~,._„• i.b ~. Hydr'tc s redaximorphic features) fuesent? ~.. No = 0 ) es'~~ G. Biology (ubtatal =-y -- _ -~ •~ ous _ is in a„~nel _ 3 ~ .__ 1~- 0 21 °. Rooted sin channel ., 3 .. 1 0 22. Gra sh ... ~ 1 t.6 23. Bivah+es - . ..1 .. ~ .. 2 _ 3 2+[. Fish ~` 0.5 _-- 1 1.5 . 2S Am ~ s 0 ~ - 1.5 • 26. Macraben oa (nat. diumslty and abuna:nce} .. 0 ~ 1 ~ 1,5 27. Filamen ;peri~ah r~ 1 2 3_ 28. Inns o bacteri~iltur ua. , ,, .... ~ _ 1 1.5 . 28-~tiand ants in stnsemb+ed FAC = 0.5; CW ~ 0.7x5. OBL s t:5 SAY' 2.t); ©ther ~ 0 ~altems 20 a 21 focus on the preaenoe of upland p~-nts, It~n 29 focuses ce of aqueiic or ~Warx! pants. Sk~ch= tVatai: fuse skis of this fom~ fOr addirtionek notes) _.. ~-{ .171 M••{tY+`1l~ ~ CCA~ ~11~.~i•+ 1 1 1 Nor#t1 Careol~n>it Qivtslan ~f 1Hatrrr t~uatllty -:5#trearr~ (d~ttitica#ic~n i:+d~; Yer~bn 3.7 Debes ,~ 1 '~ _ L~•} pm~ct,;~r~•~ /4C~~t~ ta3litude• Evatu~or: {,,, '~ y+l G 34th: ~. {gar k• ~ ~ wY.cr~ Cnr'~-~~. Lextai>h~sde: Totilit Po1nlCSt .. c Qther Slaea~ h t1 hria# ir~tertttrtbnt J~ ~,,,~ ~+~' ~ it, ~ a ~ ~ h"~ ~ e.y, Quid Afavns: if 2 ip of ill 30 __ A. t~omcr o~ (Subtnlal =~ ~. . At>ft Wau~k ~'Mib - 1i: ~ bed end laenk , 0 1 2 3 7. Sinuoait _ ' 4 1 3 3. ht•channef ruc4ure ~i seg_uence 0 .. 1' ~ ~4. Sod texture rtre8rt- subetr~te sartutg 4 ~ ti ._ ~ ~ ~ L 5- Aditi~'ceAc pin _ -•-•~ 8. Deposttione bang Or benches I ~ 1 ~ . 7. 8ralded 1 -0 2. ~ 8. Recent a d~asits ~ _• 1 ._ 3 a ~ 1 3 9 Nslvual to ~~t 10. Hesdcuts ~ . t • 3 11. Grsde cwrt dx © 0:5 1.5 . 12. Neitutai on drairte9~/aY .. . ~ .. 1 13. SeCOnd or orckr ct~1rlei on g iJ3G3 or S map or other cbcumesrted No = 0 Yes ~ ~• ar~tdtnce. iNatamede dkC ae nd rated; see discussions h~ manuol . B. H r Subtiotai ~ ~~} .T •• 2 g~ ~~ • 1#. Gr tly~wldtsctae~ e~ 0~~~ ~- i 5. Water in mtel and ~ 48 hra sinoa r:dn, g ~ 1 /~ 3 V1fe~3er in attttel -• dry or ttrowirrg season _ t/ . 1.5 1 0.5 0 18. Lea$~ter _ . 17. Sec~rrtent' ' punts tx dabris Q 1 1.5 1 B. br snit tines 4r plies {Wrack fines} d 0.1~ . ,T_ ~ 15 _ ~ .. 19. My~d~ic sofE (r~atoxitr~ph~ fest~es} preaertt? ~._• Ho = d ~ 'Yee =1,5 C- Bi01 (ubtc~tal = ~ ~ --r ._ 2d°; Fibra~ r _ i~ channel 3 - - I, ~ ~` ... 1 - _ D 21 °. Rooted c in rhtel _ 1 4 22. Grayfisl- f! 0.8 ~ 1 _ 1.5 _ • 23. Bivenree i . ~ 3 ,, s _ 24. Fisi1 O,ti 1 1.b . .. ... 2r3- Q 0.. 1 1.5 26. (torte diversity and shundante~_ _ 1 1.8 27. File a se:, pe~rlpAyto~ ~ ~ ~ 28. -iron pzidi t-aC~iaHungt+s- _ _.... .---~•5 1 ._ 1.3 - L2 Wefiand in atneemhed ~ ~A~ - 4,~; ACW = 0.7 , ~?BL ~ 1.5 SAS i 2.Q; Other= 4J ~ iwn6 2Q and Locus cn tt~e presanoe ct',~u,d phni6. lprn 29 focusas of aquc ar wetirand plants. Sitetch: niatea: (use b side or tfiis farm Oaraddifionet Woos.} r , ~}@kVl~`> d,~~o ~. ~-~"Y t.o(1-~* mac... ~ ~ v_~.~r ~~{ c„~ `'~yr~' ~ria •,:,rn ~~ ~< a'~.~ ~ ~,A t~' tr~ t. lV • ;:; .,~,.c •a,• t~•i- G~ u 1 1 1;SACE AtD~ DWQ # hrbe !t ("indic~to r'+n attached mad} ~TRF1liJVI QUALITY' A~SESSMEN'T W O~KSHEET' Provide-the talio~ria~ i ou for tiAe ~tra~im reach: aster nst~+~mest: 1. Applicant's name: ~,`~.~,.GYl1~~. 2 Evaluator's nsatle: W~~,~ C 3.13nte of evaiuatio ' ... _ ~ <.} . ~ Tirtu,+ Qf evafuatfon:~~„ .S. Name ofstreem• N • ~T ~ t..~4~ h. Rtvtr basiu:v+'~'_,._'~.y~,~fi! . a~> & Strennt cxd~~r S~•c..~r-t 7, Approxinutte drainag _ ;erase 9. Length of reach _.. ~ ~ 0~ r 141. C.aa~trm I1. Site coordinates (1f n). prefer in c~.rimai deg~cea. 12. Subdivinipn name (if:tny) LH{if~~r3c{ex.34~BT231Z): L~S~u~4tfi.-7't.5'S6biij; ... Metlioc3 k~ttttan dca; [circle}. C:PS t~,a. 5 tarttu- (AcrxRl} ~e-taflilS alher tits tamer t.~, Location ofrcach ti der cYahaation {rota nectrt~y roods and landmarks taxi attach rnnp identifying stres~(s} talon): _ 14. i'rs~crsed citanncl (if any):.. pVG ' t ~*~"t3 ,r7~h ~ t v1. ~,.~ f.~ (.~ y'11't~.~ Recent u~csti~er 15 'ions; ~ ~ `- . . JC}* 1+1 ~ l V! ~ ~. IG. Site cv<-dtions at t r of visit: S~ 1n v r i 7. Identify any special ter-yay etassiticatians known: ~.•Sedian it) tidal W stets ~$S~ntial Fisheries Habitftt " . 't`rout Webers Outstanding Itcsttutrrt Waters. -Nutrient Sensitive Wuterg .-„Water 3t~ply Watershed (i-IV} 1 ~ Is there a pond or 1 e located ttF-.vtrt9m of t~ cvalt~etiou paint? YES ,NC1 I F yes, estunate the water stxihCe arert:~,~., 19. I)ctcs clmnnel a on USt;S quad map? ri~CS Nt) 20. Does"channel appear on USt)A Soil SurveyY Yi`5 NO 2t,Estirnats~d watarshe hmcl use: !~ %Residtntiel ~r6 Comtttercial °lo tttdu~riat ~~ "/e Aip'it:ulttual 4la Forested °/. C !eared l Log~eci ,_a/o 4tiltr { ----- - - - } ZZ.13ankfull width; / Y f~ ~ r:~ ~ 1~. Bank height (from beet w lop ofbutlc);,,,,,,_ ~ 24. Channel sk>pe do -Fiat {d to 2'~6) ~~j {3entle {2 w 4"/w) IKodea'tstc (~ to 1D3L) Steep (=~ la°J.~ center ofstrcam: 23. Cfiannct sinuosity: / Stmit,~ht V Qcc:~tsinttat bersds Frequent meantltr -Very sinuous _i3raided charrool Iastruetions for cost of rrorkl located on page Z): Begin by dabetmmn$ the:t~st apprcrprrau ecoragian based on location, Terrain. vege ion, strain etassiftcation, eta. Every characteristic mast lie scared usi~ the same ecozx,~i0rt. Assign points to escdt cirdracteristc within the tttnge shown fur. the eCOregion. Pie ~ pipYtdes a brraf description Ot' hOw In roview the chardt~rist4cs identii' in the worksheet, Scores sibould' ret'loct att overall assessmtmt of the stream reach under evaelutliion. If a Characteristic csanot evalut ~luo to site Ur weather ct~itions, enter d in the scoring box and provide an utpleaation;in the cwctrncnt section. iNh ro there ats3 obvious ciuttlges in ttte clcUcr of a stream ureter review (e.g., the stream flows fran a pasture into a forest}, the aim may la' divided into. ait4aika reaiehes that display mare continuity, and a separate farm used to ev~iiuwatc each rcacii. The total scot axsigned tR zs Au~eam reach must ram bctwcai 0 and 14H1, with a sooro of 1{i0 represeTtting a stream of the highest quality. T tat Score f ~ r sc):_? ~ ~ S Catameats: U~~: ' -~ ~~ i~T.' trc't.~ ~, 4,+~1 C;, a t ~.~w r ~ + t +, . •. n t/ti :• fl1/l t'l~ l'1Jt• t, _ U ~.~ ' ' ~ ~`' w u 1J L ~ it ~ "C L~ ~ tJG~ ! 43~! ~i4y/ ~ry.}'k,~ ~; ~ Y~•!r ~ -. . -~ ~"t "~.~ .~ _ " Evatlaator'a Si~ttu 'Ch1s chanttei evalY Datr on lords is i.t'eadcd to bb tt~cd ~y-b a gafde ~ at~t lsEada~rseru aa~d itttvirosmettal profcssioaals is gatiaorisg the data a~ Ay tLe Unikd States Arro~r ~+arpa of Esgiseers ~ [Hake a }freli,iii~pliy ~castocat n1' streasti yp~t.Y- Tbi totai re restektir~ from tltr compktiuq of t4ia farm is asbjcei to USiACTs approviti Aad does sat iinpty a partiealar tuitigiit ratio ur rregairt. Faun sul~}eat ~ ~'~e- Yersivn 4}6H'i3. To Cotnmatt, ~ilcasa etaU X19-876-8441 x 26. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STEAM t,~UALITY ASSESS~~IVT Vt~'USHEET. c.~ v , n F ~~~~~, •M1:^. ;: .,:•:. ~ . ,; 7 ,.. r ~ • ' ar.: ' ~ .118X •. `. , ~ ~ .w • 4'~..: a , .~ ~=,~'~- ~ „::g no ide ~. a~ opus , .. 4 '~@~Q~IX1'1bMt Ar' C1>~1~i1~ . ' ~ ,~ .,. •,,:~~,,~ ~.,.. :•;:•:;, o - ~ :~ .:~:' •. _..,,,.• ti •'~.#F:~?;~ mgtea ` "e diooi~ -~:0 • r1a d; ; ~.. ~ -vetii~ ~..~~~}~: ~.~: ~of.lldjp#e>~t floadpil~ . ~`' , : n ` ::,:.:..••,.;'.~. ~ Qi.~ ::.:0~~~ ;.,:.,. ~ ~, ::, ~. '~ t1d r i~ -4•.eacbesi ve ia~q.~ later ~ t ~, , . lsit~ ! flgo~rhiu aim . ; ., p ~ ,0'~ 6' •:i~;= ~;'~ S:~%i~'t.., .y.. ';: ~ ~ 2~ U (no wet a-=.•4' a ed t wettaac~s -~i4ia t~ • ex iV+e a iii ~ 'i 't t~tt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3lI• Y' :~X ~~ ~p F t ~: ~~~~ ~' ~ '~^ ~;: ' ~- . r. : . . ~~ ~ ".•:~,;,•~ ~ *x rtlic~ ornQSedim , . , . > ~ ~-,~;., '~,`#- ° p:~-~1 ;~~;.:,:~ , > { ~8• t' diver '~. t r~ _ 2 E '~ol''clE11n~ insl~rlon ar w1 3 a " : .:: ~ `~:.~~' ~ ~'*~ a' ~ , . '. ' ;'~... ~ `' ~,. ~ rt cs .4• stable trod drt. ti ~. ° .; ; +~• ~~ 8e{td~1p SfiRl'!{}"~i3 StAt?LCb +~ ~ '~ Q=.~ i~~.3" 5 1 t ~ [~•~ ~,• •~ ' ~• ' r.; ~o0t dep#!r a~td'~eBSity Q1~.1>sa • ~ ` p-3:~ ;8:;x:,4:"=.~ "' ;"6:'~:S ~' ntlvi rocAs'=0'de~s~roots. . ' 1 ~. t' r c ~ ti~111adr I l~ t~ ~ ..' 15 Inpu ...p? ~tg~ ca a x, - . .~ ~'".$ p.~.4 S 1 ' ~~~'~ _ ~• ruy evld~ce ~ i e . ,. ' ~ t~ ce•Mai#~k~•pnol~~'4p~c-puist~otieztir .." ~ ~ ~ ~ ... - Q: ~ ~ •, ~ T~ . ~ ' r-0 rime rib ~'0• well ss fis•4r ! H. •'~ ~• 17 tiUtla o~. ' )~sbTBatcnaipUeziiry. •.: l~bitiet= vsriai i~ii~a~a ~ 1litur •~^.6. ~4'-,~fi~'`'':'. ~~~ ~>: ' ~ ~:'~OC+:b 01'# 18 Caaag~ tava+'s~ ooer streiia~itlled =p•axlntinuous ,.~~ 0..=.5~.. b`~.5`;.~~.:!, _ ~. ~.'iT~~ 5 i9 ef~~. .~~:,>. , '/'r'~/J' V.'~~7 .' ~1J ""~ J. l1V•d~ ~. iO~e ~ Gal °6 c ,. , ~ . ~ ZO ' ~tste~al~t ~ig~~~ctebra#ts {~aie•p~ts ~1~:.:` . ~ •'.. `~• ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . [j ~~ 110 eV • Ce"" ,~,S:~UiA, nutiMU'ous iritq ~~ ' • ~ 2 i Pres~eACe of at~pii<it-ians 9 r11urt1omus~ ~ ~ ii' ' ~ '~ ~ ~'+~ ~'•; ~ ~: _ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~j ~~ . ~1o rY , i~l:. ~ .. .. prrrca~c 4f flsh ' y `" '.-~ ',~ ' • •110 lIG'~ `C'y „~'~."•` ~ 114Nr1i~'~ ~ ~ ~ z~ r ~c~sr . ~~~ . .. ~ ~ o:.~.s;:~~: :'~;'. ~-~~ 2 ~ ~ c ~ 7 ~.....,. ;. +~ ~s~ ~' y. _ ~,.: ,. ~i. ,~ ~ ..,.rr ~•~j. " ' • a :# r `~~ - ~ . f. ~ 4 . .. .: a. , ~^ ,r ~ . a .,.] " Tllesa characteristi sae nclt aasesscd in ooa~ai Nrcams. 2 ~•r "S ' ~ ,. ~~. ~~ ~•