HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000957 Ver 2_Approval Letter_20140313WDENR, ; North Carolina Department of Environment -and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality'Programs _ ;Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder JohnE. Skvarla, ,III Governor Director Secretary March, 13, 2014 DWR # 00- 0957v2 Wake County . Boafd of Trustees,of2the Endowmen,t Fund' of --NCSU Attu. Charles Leffler, Treasurer 'NCSU Campus Box,7501 Raleigh, NC 27695 =7501 Subject: AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE PER THE; NEUSE RIVER, BASIN, RIPARIAN BUFFER PROTECTION RUL6.(15A°NCAC 0213. 0233 )'WITH,ADDITIONALCON_DITIONS North Shore,Condominiums ;Phase I = NCSU Cehtenni'aI �Carnpus Dealt- Mr. Leffler: You hay&our apptb9al for the impacts listed below for1he,purpose described irnyoui ap�pli'cation dated ,February 19;'2014,an4recehfed,by, the Division of Water Resources,(Division') on Februar,y,19,.2014. Please notethatyou should'get any othe-rfederal,,state or local perrriits befoie, proceeding -with your project, includ ng,those r=equired by,(but notlimited'to),Sediment and Erosion Control; Nqn- Discharge, and Water Supply`Watershed regulations. This,Authorization�Certificate issued on March 11, 2014 is a,re- authorisation of the Authorization Certificate issued on December 7, 2000, and ,it ek,pires,fiv_e (5),.years from the date of this letter,. This app,roya`I_ requires you to, coi�npfywith,- the'followingconditions:, „ 1., The following- impacts are'l erebyrapprov',ed provided'that all of'the,other spec'ific,and,genera iconditions,of the Buffer R'ules`are met. No other, impacts are approved, including, inciden'tal'impacts., Typevf Impact, Amount,Approved •Amount Approved '(units) ('units) Permanent j Ternpofary Buffers— Zone 2 2;746 (sq pte feet) 0 (sgpgre feet), NorthCarolina North °Carolina Divis on d(Water Resources 1628 Mad Service Center `Raleigh„ NC 27699- 16280,hone, (919) 79,1 -4200 Internet_- wwW ncwaiefguality org Location 38WBarrett Dnve `Raleigh;, NC -27609 59 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmaUve Action'Empl6yer- 50 %!Recycled110 %,Post,Consumer Paper NCSU North Shore Condominiums DWR# 00- 095,7v2 BUFFER,AP.PROVAL - Page, 2, of 4 ,2. Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) and Diffuse Flow 'Because 'the'SIVIP approved by NC State, University on February 17, 2014 is being used to meet diffuse flow requirements for this project, no additional approvals for the SMP areaneeded from the Division. The approved SMP, received on February 19, 2014, is hereby, incorporated by reference and is enforceable by the Division. The SMP may not be modified without prior written authorization from NC State University.-If the SNIP is modified in the future, then you,shall provide one modified SMP with proof of approval to the DWR 1Nebscape Unit prior °to the commencement of the modifications: 3. Mitigation You have agreed to provide riparian buffer mitigation by payment into EBX's Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbeella'Mitig"ation Bank /Rudolph.Site, Forrest Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Bank, and /or the Upper Neuse Buffer Bank located in Neuse.-,Cedar Grove.,Site. .A total of 4,119 square feet of riparian buffer mitigation is required 'for impacting 2,746 square feet of riparian 'b'uffer as a result' of this project. Until, EBX receives .and clears your check, impacts specified in this Buffer Authorization shall not occur. You have 60 days from the date of this approval to make this payment. Payment into EBX will 'be, made to meet the following compensatory mitigation requirement: Mitigation Provider Type of Impact Compensatory Mitigation 'River and `Sub - basin' Number EBX Buffer 2;746 (square feet) Neuse /03020201 4. No Waste, Spoil; Solids', or Fill of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur- in wetlands, Ovate "rs, Ocriparian areas beyond th_e footprint of'the impacts depicted in the Pre - Construction Notification., All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation; and maintenance of`sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. 5. Protective Fencing The outside buffer; wetland or water boundary and along the construction corridor within these boundaries approved under this authorization shall be clearly marked with orange warning fencing (or similar high visibility,material) for the areas that hav_,e been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland or water prior to any land disturbing activities to ensure, compliance with, l5 NCAC 02H .0500. 6. This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference as part of the Buffer Authorization. If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you maybe required to submit a riew application package with the appropriate fee. If'the property is sold„ the,new owner must be. given a copy of this approval, letter and is responsible for complying with all conditions. 7. 'This approval and its conditions are final,and binding unless contested: N(fSU _Norih_'Shore Condommiums D W R *00= 0957v2 BUFFER APPROVAL ' Page'3 of 4, `This! Buffer'A'uthorization can be contested,as provided in,Ar fi`cles ' and 4 of General'statute 1506 by filing a written petition for an,adininistrative hearing'to the,Office,of Administrative,Hearing`s (hereby known•as OAH):, A petition form maybe obtai'ned'frohi:the OAR atihtip:% /www.neoah.corn %,or by calling,the.OAH' Clerk's Office at (919) 431 -3009 for informaiion., 1N ithi Thirty (30),calendar days,, of rede'ipt,dithis,notice, a petition ryfustbe filed with the.OAH'.. A, petition is, considered fil'e&when the original -and one (;1) copy,along with,any a,pplicable,OAH filing feels received in the OAH during,norma[office hours (MOnday,through Friday between,8:0.061rn, and 5:00,pm;_eXcludi6g official'staie holidays). 'The petition may, be'faxed''to the -OAH at (919),431- 3100,`provided the origWal.and,onecopy ofthe petition along with any applicable,OAH filing fee•is receivetl`by the, OAH,WithinJive� (5),businessAays following,the faxed'transmission. ` Mailirngaddress,f6t1he OAH: If sending,by,Fkst Class `Mail If'sending3via deliveryyservice vialthe,US PostaLServ_jce:• (e.g.,UPS, FedEx). Office of AdIM,)nistratiVe,H°eaeings 'Office- of Administrative H'e= a_nngs 6714Mail•Service Center 1711 New,Hope`Church Road, Raleigh, NC 27699 -6714. Raleigh,, NC17609 -6285 One,( ),cogyof the petition must,also''be,served to pENR: Cacy Presnell;,G'eneral ', Counsel Department of Environme_ nt;and,,Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service, Center R4leigh „NC'27699 =1601 `Please, send,one,(1)•- copy -of "the petition toIbWia: If sending,tiy First;Class 'Mad via- the,US ,Postal Service: `Karen 'Higgins NC DENRR ;DWR — Webscape Unit 1650, MJil.Servide Zenter _ Raleigh, NC 2769,_9,-1 °650, Ifsending, via delivery•service (e.g. SUPS, FedEx): Karen. Higgins NO DENR -D.WR — Webscape Unit 512 N: Salisbury •Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 } This letter•completes the, review,,oflhe Division under the'Neuse Riparian, Buffer.Rules as describ_ed in 15A, NCAC 0213:0233: Please,coritact Cherri Smith at,919- 79,1- 425II,or cherri.-smith @ncdenr.gov if *you haye pny questions or concerns. ' NCSU North Shore, Condominiums DWR# 00- 0957v2 BUFFER,APPROVAL Page 4 of 4 Si Eerely,, f' Danny Smith Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Section cc: DWR, RRO 401 files Martin Richmond; Withers & Ravenel; 115 MacKenan Drive; Cary, NC.27511 x