HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024911_Report_19980907NPDES DOCIMENT SCANNIN`i COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0024911 MSD Buncombe County WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) • Report ,''n Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: September 7, 1998 Thia document iisc printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the rezrerae side N(O0Zy9/) EVALUATION OF CHLORINATION ALTERNATIVES METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA HARRY B. BUCKNER, P.E. McGill ASSOCIATES Engineering • Planning • Finance Asheville, North Carolina SEPTEMBER, 1998 98715.00 ti: SEAL 9rt 22541 y • .7-c* ,9'i',Q•:: �INEt�',��1 8.8''' ' rail AI ran MR WI PRI EMI PER FIN Pliq FM Section I Introduction and Background Section II Chlorination Chemistry Section III Existing Disinfection System Section IV Alternative Disinfection System Section V Safety and Compliance Issues Section VI Summary and Conclusions Appendix A Bibliography Appendix B OSHA Process Safety Management Plan Information Appendix C EPA Risk Management Plan Information Appendix D Catastrophic Failure Scenario Descriptions 1 3 7 13 19 24 1 The Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County (MSD) currently owns and operates a 40 million gallon per day (MGD) wastewater treatment facility located on the French Broad River just north of Asheville, North Carolina. This facility serves the majority of the incorporated areas of Buncombe County and a portion of northern Henderson County, and treats waste collected by approximately 1000 miles of collection sewers in those areas. The waste is comprised of approximately 70 percent domestic waste and 30 percent industrial waste, primarily from textile industries. One of the most important processes at the facility is the disinfection of the final effluent prior to its discharge into the French Broad River. Currently liquid -gas chlorine is fed into solution and then added to the final effluent to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses prior to discharge. This wit method of disinfection has been utilized in the United States since the late 1800's and has been almost exclusively used since the middle part of this century because of its cost effectiveness, ease of use, and reliability. Today, chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant in the world at water and wastewater treatment plants. furl Due to recent promulgation of safety regulations governing the safe transport, storage, and use of liquid -gas chlorine, publicly owned treatment works (POTW's) are being forced to evaluate their use of the product. Many POTW's are realizing that significant health and safety concerns exist as the population near once rural water and waste treatment facilities increases. 1 NMI P.A. of Asheville, North Carolina, with recent developments, McGill Associates, e In light of these report to evaluate and compare the assistance and at the dire ction of MSD staff, has pTepared this rep ' ne as a disinfectant for the District. In sodium hypochlorite to liquid -gas chlorine the use of liquid however, the testingof ultraviolet light disinfection, the staff of the District underwent pilot resent in the 1997 due to the significant amount of colorp res ults of this process were unacceptablealternative disinfection logprogression in the search for wastewater. This report is the next g processes for the District. in this report the Metropolitan Sewerage By carefully evaluating the information contained capital in the two processes, ' ct will be able to understand the differences and evaluate both the understand the District rocesses, and ongoing operations and maintenance costs associated with the p potential safety implications of choosing one process over the other. fir Fag 2 Mal fowl A. BASIC CHLORINE CHEMISTRY The most common chlorine compounds used in wastewater treatment plants are liquid -gas Pal chlorine (C12), calcium hypochlorite [Ca(OC1)21, sodium hypochlorite (NaOC1) and chlorine MI dioxide (C102). Both calcium and sodium hypochlorite are most often used at very small wastewater treatment plants, where simplicity and safety are much more important than cost. Sodium hypochlorite is also often used at large facilities primarily for reasons of safety as m' influenced by local conditions. Chlorine dioxide, because of its unusual properties (it does not react with ammonia), is used at some treatment facilities. Regardless of the form of chlorine used, however, the basic reactions and effectiveness of each of the compounds is essentially the ' same. For the purposes of this report, only liquid -gas chlorine and sodium hypochlorite will be considered. FM Mil WI farl TI Mil When chlorine compounds are added to water, two reactions take place: hydrolysis and ionization. For chlorine gas, hydrolysis may be defined as C12+H20aHOC1+H++Cl" Ionization is defined as HOCI a H+ OCl" 3 The quantities of HOC1 and OC1' that is present in water is called the free available chlorine. 1.1 The distribution of these two species is very important because the killing efficiency of HOC1 is about 40 to 80 times that of OC1 When free chlorine is added to water in the form of sodium hypochlorite salts, the pertinent reaction for hydrolyses is as follows: NaOC1 + H2O HOCI + NaOH I1 and the reaction for ionization is the same as for liquid -gas chlorine `an HOC1 a Ht OC1" IJ The hydrolyses reaction of chlorine gas tends to lower the overall pH, while the hydrolyses reaction of sodium hypochlorite tends to raise overall pH. This becomes important because the 1.1 ratio of HOCI to 0C1" is directly related to the pH of the water. This can become a factor in poorly buffered water since the concentration of the more effective HOC1 is higher in lower pH 1.1 water and lower in higher pH water. The table below shows the distribution of HOC1 and OC1' r., with pH. I1 pH Percentage of Total Free Chlorine as: HOCI ocr 6.0 96.8 3.2 7.0 75.2 24.8 7.5 49.1 50.9 8.0 23.2 76.8 9.0 2.9 97.1 Because of this dependency on pH to determine the amounts of each form of free chlorine, depending on the buffering capacity of the wastewater, the results of liquid -gas chlorine application can be more effective than that of sodium hypochlorite application. 4 PM WI B. FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DISINFECTION EFFICENCY OF CHLORINE In addition to the buffering capacity of the water, the following items are some of more important factors that affect the disinfection efficiency of chlorine: (1) the importance of initial mixing, (2) the contact time, (3) the characteristics of the wastewater, and (4) the characteristics of the microorganisms. (1) Mixing: According to "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse" by Metcalf and Eddie, the importance of initial mixing cannot be overstressed. Testing data has conformed that when chlorine is added in a highly turbulent manner, the resulting bacteria kill levels will be on the order of two (2) magnitudes greater than when when chlorine is added separately to a complete mix reactor. Mixing times on the order of one second are desirable. (2) Contact Time: Because of all of the various forms of chlorine that can. exist in wastewater, each compound with its own disinfection efficiencies, the amount of contact time is very important to ensure optimization of the entire process. A well designed plug -flow reactor is critical in the overall disinfection process. (3) Characteristics of the Wastewater: The BOD, COD, TSS, and nitrogen levels in the effluent can impact the chlorine disinfection efficiency. Generally, the higher these levels are, the more chlorine it will take to achieve suitable results. There is also the possibility that there can exist 5 certain interfering organic compounds that either make the total residual chlorine measurement unreliable, or otherwise reduce the overall effectiveness of the chlorine. (4) Characteristics of the Microorganisms: Testing data has shown that microorganisms that 9.0 are relatively young (1 day old or less) may only require a 2 mg/1 chlorine dose with 1 minute of contact time to destroy. Microbes that are older (10 days or more) approximately 30 minutes were required at the same dosage level. As the microorganisms age, they develop more resistant sheaths that protect them from the chlorine. The age of the microorganisms is directly related to '"' the type of wastewater treatment process used and is somewhat controllable by adjusting recycle rates, mixed liquor concentrations, and return sludge flow rates. C: AQUATIC TOXICITY One of the other factors that must be considered when using chlorine as a disinfectant in wastewater is aquatic toxicity. Chlorine has been proven to be toxic to some aquatic life at levels as low as 11 micrograms per milliliter. Also, the reaction of chlorine with naturally occurring organic matter in the receiving stream may form chlorinated compounds that can be toxic. These compounds may have long term adverse effects on the beneficial uses of the receiving waters. 1119 To minimize these effects, some applications have found it necessary to dechlorinate wastewater treated with chlorine. While the evaluation of dechlorination options is not a portion of this study, it is mentioned here so that further consideration of a dechlorination program may be evaluated in the future if improvements to the chlorination process are implemented. 6 1101 cm II SECTION III EXISTING DISINFECTION SYSTEM A. GENERAL The Metropolitan Sewerage District currently utilizes a Fischer -Porter liquid -gas chlorine feed system to disinfect the effluent discharged to the French Broad River. The system was last improved in the early 1990's and has performed without major problems since the original facility was constructed. The system is in generally good condition, is functional and adequately disinfects the flows generated at the plant. Figure III-1 shows the general plant layout and location of the major chlorination facilities. B. METHOD OF OPERATION AND EQUIPMENT Liquid -gas chlorine is delivered to the plant in ton cylinders, ten at a time, via truck from Jones Chemical in Charlotte, North Carolina. Bulk tanks are stored outdoors under a covered shed and 0.1 lifted indoors to the chlorine tank room two at a time for connection to the chlorination equipment. Two tanks are ganged together and connected with an automatic switchover device to another pair of tanks. The cylinders are placed on load cells and the weight is monitored and recorded to determine the amount of chlorine fed to the system. When one pair of tanks empty, P., the automatic switchover device automatically converts to the second pair of cylinders, and the first pair that is empty can then be switched with full tanks. The gas is withdrawn from the ganged cylinders to an evaporator that converts the liquid �► chlorine to a gas. The gas is then fed into a chlorinator that meters out the appropriate amount of 7 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SZU;F LAC OVERFLOW R.4 NERN OR 5EUDGE HANDLING !M7FliL 47E PUSER BUILDING PARALLEZ ASH/SLtiWCE 70 LAGOON • • • • 0.1 MOD nuArE7t7 MSO FRENCH BROAD RIVER NOT TO SCALE CHLORINATION BUILDING jFSFND FILTRATE/ DECANT FLOW GREASE GRIT SLUDGE 7 r; fir+ Are FIGURE Ii-1 PtETROPOUTAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT OVERALL RANT FLOW DIAGRAM 0 McGill ASSOCIATES mUCnRRIENc•PILAR NO•►RURCI iR+EV*?a, NORiE CAROM& '� chlorine to the injector. Effluent water enters the injector and then becomes the vehicle by which the chlorine gas is converted into solution. The resulting chlorine solution is then fed into the Mel head of the chlorine contact basin. The solution is mixed through a diffuser in the chlorine MI contact basin and then flows through the plug flow reactor (chlorine contact chamber) to achieve contact time. Finished effluent is then sampled and discharged to the French Broad River. MR Figure III-2 shows the basic liquid gas chlorination system diagram. Fr MI MI Mgt WI Chlorine is also dosed into the feed of each of the secondary microscreens to provide some additional contact time as well as prevent growth on the microscreen surface. See Figure III-1 for a schematic of the current chlorine feed system. C. FEED RATES AND ESTIMATED COSTS PMCurrently the plant uses an average of 600 pounds of chlorine per day at an average daily flow of 23 million gallons per day. This equates to a feed rate of approximately 3.1 milligrams of Fool chlorine per liter of wastewater (mg/1). The year ending July 1998 price for chlorine was $347 ,as, per ton cylinder. Therefore the projected annual chemical cost for disinfection is estimated as follows: WI 0.9 600 lbs per day x $347 / 2000 lbs = $104.10 per day $104.10 per day x 365 days = $38,000 per year. PM WA COMPRESSED LIQUID -GAS EVAPORATOR CHLORINE CYLINDERS LEGEND LIQUID CHLORINE GAS CHLORINE EFFLUENT WATER CHLORINE SOLUTION . UNDISINFECTED WASTEWATER FKE IF-2 P ETROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DSTFICr LIQUID -GAS CHLORINATION SYSTEM DIAGRAM 011180CI•TES IN 013013627t a • rux7[17V a • TOO1ms 1U11ETR1S. NORTH CABIIIINA McGill INJECTOR CHLORINATOR 0 JJ w L z w 0 DISCHARGE TO RECIEVING STREAM CHLORINE CONTACT CHAMBER fml T1 Extrapolated to plant design flow, the annual chemical cost is estimated as follows: 600 lbs per 23 MGD x 40 MGD x $347 / 2000 lbs = $181.04 per day $181.04 per day x 365 days = $66,100 per year. In addition to the direct cost of liquid gas chemical, there are several additional annual operational costs that are unique to the use of liquid gas chlorine. A summary of these additional annual costs is summarized below. Estimated Annual Operational, Maintenance, and Compliance Costs Liquid Gas Chlorine System Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County - Description .Estimated Costs Cost of coordination with Bucombe County Hazardous Materials Response Team $5,000 Internal Safety Training $5,000 Chlorinator Service Contract $5,000 Estimated Total Annual Compliance Costs $15,000 �+ B. ESTIMATED COST FOR COMPLIANCE IMPROVEMENTS Poi rwel There are several improvements that may be required at the existing liquid -gas chlorine system if improvements are ever made to the system. In evaluating a similar system at a separate municipal installation, the addition of an air scrubber to the existing system was required to bring the facility into compliance. The project cost estimate for the required improvements is below. 11 Construction Cost Estimate Liquid Gas Chlorination System Improvements ►trnnnlitan Sewerage District of Buncombe Coun Enclosure of Ton Cylinder Storage Shed $50,000 Chlorine Scrubber and Enclosure $98,000 Total Estimated Construction Costs - _- . $148,000 Design Fee $22,200 Construction Administration $11,840 Total Estimated Project Costs -_ _ -- L$182,040 Project Contingency $36,400 Total Estimated Project Budget = _S218 440 rawl Note that the above estimated project costs may require modification based on the results of a 'o' full analysis of the existing safety equipment, code requirements, and evaluation of best available technology. fowl Pol ON ALTERNATIVE DISINFECTISYSTEM SECTION IV S 11 a sodium hypochlorite feed A.GENErequired to install describes the necessary This section ecessary components required capital costs as well as treatment plant and estimates the q e system at MSD's wastewater analysis of this system, Y system. To assist in the analy annual chemical costs for the proposedY sodium hypochlorite estimated arin visited three vied by MSD operations staff, McGill Associates, accompanied plant and two at water treatment plants). Additionally, several printed Tina (one at a wastewater treatment feed systems in Concord, North CEO (see attached Y sources were consulted ine the proposed layout of the system. bibliography) to determ B. EQUIPMENT REQUD Company in Charlotte, North available from Jones Chemical 'on. Sodium hypochlorite is also a 15 all shipped in 6600 gallon tankers at percent concentration solution. Carolina. It is traditionally One of the disadvantages of using C re IV-l. feed diagram is shown in Figure AtYP typical system presence of heat and light. The that is degrades over time in the pre sodium hypochlorrte is of sodium hypochlorite. are generally accepted for the storage following decay ratesTemperatures ' es of Various Solution Concentrations when Stored at Ambient Temp Salf-Lives id decay rate, it is standard practice Because of the rap imately 5 to 8 percent immediately. dilute it to approx to unload the chemical from the tanker and This increases the amount of required 13 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DILUTION WATER 15% SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SOLUTION DELIVERED IN BULK 0 Lil CE h-- w U U Z W TRANSFER U' ~ PUMP z LEGEND 15% SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SOLUTION DILUTION WATER DILUTE SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SOLUTION UNDISINFECTED WASTEWATER FIGURE IV-1 METROPOUTAN SEWERAGE DISTRCT SOOILM HYPOCHL ORffE SYSTEM DIA(1AM McGill ASSOCIATES ENCINEEHING• PLOIONG •FINANCE IEFIEVILIB, NORTH CAROLINI BULK STORAGE TAN K DISCHARGE TO RECIEVING STREAM CHLORINE CONTACT CHAMBER MI . MI WI PEI OW SW 11111 MI storage, but ultimately saves money by retaining the chlorine in solution where it can be utilized. The system calculations are as follows: Assumptions: Loads are estimated to be 6,600 gallons each at 15% concentration Specific Gravity of Sodium Hypochlorite = 1.14 Desire to store chemical at 7.5% concentration Desire to store 15 days of chemical at plant design capacity Current chlorine demand is 600 lbs of chlorine to treat 23 MGD First, calculate the pounds of chlorine required per day per million gallons of flow per day. M+ 600 lbs / 23 MGD = 261bs/MGD Extrapolate to design capacity of 40 MGD, and the total pounds of chlorine required is: pm 261bs/MGD x 40 MGD = 1040 lbs per day '"' Now calculate the required amount of sodium hypochlorite required. First, the concentration must be corrected for specific gravity: MI 15%/ 1.14= 13.16% Then calculate pounds of chlorine per gallon of NaOC1: 8.34 lbs/gal x 0.1316 = 1.10 lbs chlorine per gallon NaOC1 delivered. At plant design flow rate, the total gallons of sodium hypochlorite needed per day is 1040 lbs chlorine / 1.10 lbs chlorine per gal NaOC1= 950 gpd (at 15% solution) Therefore, one tanker load of NaOC1 will last 6600 gallons / 950 gallons / day = approximately 7 days. 15 foil MIN For operational flexibility, it is proposed to provide four (4) 15,000 gallon bulk storage tanks to store the sodium hypochlorite and allow the concentration to be cut in half. Upon startup, all four tanks will be filled with one tanker full of sodium hypochlorite. Two tanks will be fed to the system, and when empty, the system will be switched to the other two tanks. At that point, two additional tanker loads will be ordered to fill the empty tanks, and the process will proceed accordingly, switching between the pair of tanks as necessary. Additional equipment necessary for the system includes metering pumps, yard piping, and a new building to house the storage tanks in a controlled environment out of direct sunlight. Figure IV-2 shows the preliminary layout and configuration of the proposed Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System Control Building. The estimated costs associated with this system are summarized below: Construction Cost Estimate Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System Metropolitan Seweraie District of Buncombe Coun Sodium Hypochlorite Control Building $96,000 Metering Pumps $7,500 Yard Piping $4,000 Bulk Tanks $90,000 Automatic Control System $25,000 Site Development $20,000 Total Estimated. Construction Costs $242,500 Design Fee $36,375 Construction Administration $19,400 Total Estimated Project Costs S298,275 Project Contingency $60,000 Total Estimated Project Budget = S358,275 Note that the above cost estimate does not include surveying services that may be required, nor does it include dechlorination equipment that may be required to be added at a later date. The proposed Control Building, however, can accommodate the installation of a dechlorination system in the future. 16 I 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dilution 40'-0" Water Piping 0' 0" Roll —Up Door Standard 3-0 Door Storage Tank Fill Piping (Typ 4) 15,000 Gallon Storage Tank #1 Roll —Up Door I ,Sodium Hypochlorlte Transfer Pumps (Typ 4) Standard 3-0 Door Pump Discharge Piping LEGEND Suction Piping Discharge Piping Dilution Water Piping Fill Piping FIGURE IV-2 METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT PRELMNARY SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE CONTROL BULDING LAYOUT McGill ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING • PLANNING •FINANCE ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA rfir C. FEED RATE AND ESTIMATED CHEMICAL COSTS At the current plant flows, the plant utilizes approximately 600 lbs of chlorine per day. At an equivalent chlorine dosage of 1.10 lbs of chlorine per gallon of sodium hypochlorite, this equates to a sodium hypochlorite usage of 550 gallons per day. The estimated current pricing for sodium hypochlorite (From Jones Chemical Company) is estimated to be $0.54 per gallon. Therefore, 550 gpd x $0.54 / gallon = $297 per day $297 per day x 365 days per year = $108,500 per year at current flows Extrapolated to plant design flow, this equates to 950 gpd x $0.54 / gallon = $513 per day $513 per day x 365 days per year = $187,250 per year at design flow full While for planning purposes the price of $0.54 per gallon was tentatively confirmed with Jones Chemical, it is anticipated that a slightly improved price will be obtained in a competitive bidding situation. FIR 11 18 Fool r" Pon 1I Fon 1011 FOR rni ran for fon A. BACKGROUND As communities continue to grow and cities and towns begin to encroach upon once rural water and wastewater treatment plants, the potential for mass injuries and property damages due to the release of process chemicals increases greatly. Regulatory agencies were reminded of this fact during a major accident in Yougstown, Ohio in 1978, when a liquid -gas chlorine release killed eight people and injured almost 250 more during a railcar accident. Public concern regarding the release of process chemicals intensified again in 1984 when following the release of methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, India, which killed more than 2,000 people. A subsequent release in Institute, West Virginia sent more than 100 people to the hospital and made Americans aware that such incidents can and do happen in the United States. B. APPLICATION TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND POTW's In the early 1990's, both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) began to evaluate programs that could be implemented to help avoid, or at least minimize the dangers associated with accidental chemical releases. OSHA was the first agency to implement a program, called the Process Safety Management Standard which was issued February 24, 1992. This program established chemical usage and storage thresholds for approximately 140 hazardous chemicals, which, if exceeded, required the user to prepare and keep on file a Process Safety Management Plan (PSMP). The program was designed primarily to regulate industrial users, however, specifically in regard to 19 r ;;;1 chlorine (which has an action level of 1500 pounds connected) the impact to POTW's was also felt. Basically all facilities that utilize ton cylinders for liquid -gas chlorine disinfection were required to have a PSMP in place by May 26, 1997. PRI More recently, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Risk Management Program rim (RMP) was promulgated on June 20 of 1996. This program has three levels of compliance, each one requiring higher levels of analysis and record keeping. Program 1 applies to processes for Fmr which a worst -case release, as evaluated in a hazard assessment, would not affect the public. ram Remotely located sources using listed flammables are primarily those that are eligible for this program. It is required that Program 1 compliance facilities have no previous releases with run serious offsite consequences. Program 2 plans apply to less complex operations that do not involve chemical processing and those that are not currently covered under OSHA PSM standards. It includes retailers, non- '"' chemical manufacturers, and propane users, as long as they are not eligible for Programs 1 or 3. foni Program 3 compliance includes the major industrial processes, including those that are higher risk, with complex chemical processing operations. Processes already regulated under OSHA PSM fall into this category as well as other major industries such as petroleum refineries, industrial organic producers, agricultural chemicals, and pulp mills. A list of the threshold quantities of compounds under EPA RMP is included in the appendix. It is important to note that the threshold quantities do vary between the OSHA rule and the EPA 20 r izl rule, specifically with regard to chlorine. The difference, however, is that OSHA rules apply to connected quantities, while EPA thresholds apply to total quantities stored on site. Nonetheless, the Metropolitan Sewerage District, with it's current liquid -gas chlorine system, does fall under the requirements of both the PSM and RMP rules. RMP rule requirements are comprised of six basic elements of risk management planning: Po, MEI IvPI PIM • An offsite consequence analysis that evaluates specific potential release scenarios, including worst case and alternative scenarios. • A 5-year history of certain accidental releases of regulated substances from covered processes. • An integrated prevention program to manage risk. • An emergency response plan. • An overall management system to supervise the implementation of these program elements. • A risk management plan (RMP) revised at lease once every five years, that summarizes and documents these activities for all covered processes. The current deadline for facilities to be in compliance with the RMP requirements of EPA is June 20, 1999. Compliance with the rule means that the RMP must be submitted to an as yet unnamed "implementing agency" to be designated by EPA where the plan can be evaluated and kept on file in a central location in case of an emergency More information on both OSHA's PSMP rule and EPA's RMP are included in the appendices of this report. 21 C. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS In light of the recent and upcoming regulatory events, many publicly owned treatment works have begun to formally evaluate their current processes, particularly liquid -gas chlorine use, and to evaluate alternatives. Several similar sized POTW's in North Carolina municipalities have already abandoned their liquid -gas chlorination systems in favor of sodium hypochlorite, including, Greensboro, Burlington, Charlotte, Concord, and, locally, The Regional Water Authority of Asheville, Buncombe and Henderson. The dilemma of how to achieve the reliability and cost effectiveness of liquid -gas chlorine without the potential risk to workers and the public has forced POTW's to closely investigate their chosen disinfection methods and their available options. It is also important to note that the risk of using liquid -gas chlorine not only comes form the chemical's use at the plant, but also from the potential dangers of transporting materials from the supplier to the end user. Pail Because of the chemical similarities of sodium hypochlorite and liquid -gas chlorine, a fm.' comparison of the two chemicals is almost always a part of any disinfection process evaluation. As a disinfectant, it behaves almost identically as liquid -gas chlorine, however, it is not as MEI corrosive and does not volatilize rapidly if released. In general, liquid sodium hypochlorite is ral much safer to transport, handle and use than liquid -gas chlorine. It is not currently subject to the OSHA Process Safety Management rule or the EPA Risk Management Plan rules. fail Because of these benefits, many POTW's have accepted the higher operating costs and replaced ,., their liquid -gas chlorine systems with sodium hypochlorite feed systems. The general consensus ral 22 in the industry is that the risk of one loss of life is well worth the increased operational costs of switching to sodium hypochlorite. ral 23 Rol A. INTRODUCTION The Metropolitan Sewerage District is currently evaluating its disinfection process and the potential impacts of the use of liquid -gas chlorine on the surrounding area in the event a catastrophic release were to occur. Sodium hypochlorite is a viable alternative that has many of the benefits of liquid -gas chlorine without the extreme safety concerns of a possible chlorine gas release. By evaluating this process, the District is proactively evaluating the safety of the ro, treatment plant and its operations and its potential impact on the communities that it serves. By carefully evaluating the information contained in this report, the Metropolitan Sewerage District will be able to understand the differences in the two processes, evaluate both the capital and rwri ongoing operations and maintenance costs associated with the processes, and understand the potential safety implications of choosing one process over the other. Based on the data in this report, the following conclusions are made. B: CHLORINATION CHEMISTRY rim Sodium hypochlorite functions essentially identical as a disinfecting agent as liquid -gas chlorine. '""' The primary differences include a tendency for sodium hypochlorite to increase effluent water pH, while liquid gas chlorine decreases effluent water chlorine. This can reduce the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite in poorly buffered water. mei 24 C: LIQUID -GAS CHLORINATION CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONS COST The following table summarizes the estimated chemical costs associated with the continued use fw, of liquid gas chlorine IND P•, fml floR Estimated Annual Chemical Costs Liquid Gas Chlorine System Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County Flow Treated .Estimated Annual Chemical Cast Current Demand (23 MGD) $38,000 per year Design Capacity Demand (40 MGD) $66,100 per year Additionally, there are additional operational costs associated with the use of liquid -gas chlorination systems. These are summarized below: Estimated Annual Operational, Maintenance, and Compliance Costs Liquid Gas Chlorine System Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County Description Estimated Costs Cost of coordination with Buncombe County Hazardous Materials Response Team $5,000 Internal Safety Training $5,000 Chlorinator Service Contract $5,000 Estimated Total Annual Compliance Costs $15,000 In addition to the annual operational costs associated with the system, there are several improvements that may be required to help the system comply with current best management practices for safety. The costs are estimated as follows: 25 rFmR { fun RIM Construction Cost Estimate Liquid Gas Chlorination System Improvements Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County Enclosure of Ton Cylinder Storage Shed $50,000 Chlorine Scrubber and Enclosure $98,000 Total Estimated Construction Costs- $148,000 Design Fee $22,200 Construction Administration $11,840 Total: Estimated Project Costs = . $182,040 Project Contingency $36,400 Total Estimated Project Budget $218,440 D: SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE CONSTRUCITON AND OPERATIONS COST Before the sodium hypochlorite can be used as the disinfecting agent, a storage and handling ram facility must be constructed to provide bulk storage and application equipment for the solution. The following cost estimate summarizes the estimated total project costs for the facility. fmt IMM MIR Construction Cost Estimate Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County Sodium Hypochlorite Control Building $96,000 Metering Pumps $7,500 Yard Piping $4,000 Bulk Tanks $90,000 Automatic Control System $25,000 Site Development $20,000 Total -Estimated Construction Costs - -: - :. $242,500 = . Design Fee $36,375 Construction Administration $19,400 Total Estimated Project Costs _ - :_ - : =- ,$298,275 $60,000 - _-.: ,_ - Project Contingency Total Estimated Project Budget - $358,275 - - _ 26 FRI PRI See Chapter IV for more detail regarding the proposed feed system and cost estimate. In addition to the capital costs associated with the installation of the facility, the following table summarizes the estimated chemical costs associated with the use of sodium hypochlorite as the disinfecting agent. Estimated Annual Chemical Costs Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County Flow Treated Estimated Annual Chemical Cost Current Demand (23 MGD) $ 108,500 per year Design Capacity Demand (40 MGD) $187,250 per year D: SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE ISSUES With the implementation of OSHA's Process Safety Management Program, and, more recently, EPA's Risk Management Program, POTW's have been forced to evaluate the potential impact of a catastrophic failure of their chemical processes on their plant and the surrounding communities. Fon With the District's plant located so close to several institutional facilities, including a FRI Department of Corrections prison facility, Woodfin Elementary School, Town of Woodfin, and Riverside Business Park, the potential impact of a major release of chlorine gas could be quite FRI severe. The PSMP's and RMP's are designed to make state and local safety and emergency officials aware of the potential hazards that exist at the facility, however, it is conceivable that there could still be significant damage to property or possible loss of life if a release occurred. While it is possible to place a value on the capital costs and increased operational costs associated with the 27 switch to sodium hypochlorite, it is impossible to quantify the potential damage, not only direct, ,.., but also indirect through potential liability, that may occur during a release. Mt The information contained in this study can be used to educate the District to one available mil disinfection alternative and help to explain the complex issues surrounding safety at the 'm District's POTW. By utilizing, this information, the District can make informed decisions about the operations of the plant while providing its members with the most environmentally sound and rm cost effective wastewater treatment available. WI WI WM rINI ,r MI MI WI MIPI PM Foil 28 PM APPENDIX: A BIBLIOGRAPIY- ,ir U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Design Manual, Municipal Wastewater Disinfection, EPA/625/1-86/021, October 1986. Metcalf & Eddie, Inc.: Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, Reuse, Third Edition, ,., McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 1991. Owl I1 Pal Water Pollution Control Federation: Sewage Treatment Plant Design, Manual of Practice 8, Washington DC, 1977. McGhee, Terence J.: Water Supply and Sewerage, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 1991. fln PROCESS- MANAGEMENT - -I 71- - -PtAN INFORMAflCT 04/01/1993 - Process Safety Management of Hi... Page 1 of 3 OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration rl OSHA Fact Sheets Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals JOSHA ?SH \ Fact Sheer9 - Table :ii Ci-mtent3 T.wnt f++l • Record Type: Fact Sheets • Subject: Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals 1.9 • Information Date: 01 /01 / 1993 • Fact Sheet: 93-45 U.S. Department of Labor Program Highlights rim Fact Sheet No. OSHA 93-45 PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT OF HIGHTLY HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Introduction -The Process Safety Management(PSM) of Highly Hazardous run Chemicals(HHC's) standard, 29 CFR 1910.119 is intended to prevent or minimize the consequences of a catastrophic release of toxic, reactive, flammable or explosive HHC's from a process. A process is any activity or combination of activities including any use, storage, manufacturing, handling or the on -site movement of HHC's. A process includes any group of vessels which are interconnected and separate vessels which are located such that a HHC could be involved in a potential release. Application -The standard applies to a process which contains a threshold quantity or greater amount of a toxic or reactive HHC as specified in Appendix A. Also, it applies to 10,000 'o`' pounds or greater amounts of flammable liquids and gases and to to the process activity of manufacturing explosives and protechnics. Exceptions -The standard does not apply to retail facilities, normally unoccupied remote facilities and oil or gas well drilling or servicing activities. Hydrocarbon fuels used solely for work place consumption as a fuel are not covered, if such fuels are not part of a process 'm' containing another HHC covered by the standard. Atmospheric tank storage and associated transfer of flammable liquids which are kept below their normal boiling point without benefit of chilling or refrigeration are not covered by the PSM standard unless the atmospheric tank run is connected to a process or is sited in close proximity to a covered process such that an incident in a covered process could involve the atmospheric tank. AEI Process Safety Information -Requires compilation of written process safety information (PSI) including hazard information on HHC's, technology information and equipment information on covered processes. Employee Involvement -Requires developing a written plan of action regarding employee 01/01/1993 - Process Safety Management of Hi... rAFI participation; consulting with employees and their representatives on development of process hazard analyses and on the development of of safety management required under the rule; providing to employe.: — access to process hazard analyses and to all other informal' the rule. Employees include work site and contractor employees. fm' Process Hazard Analysis -Specifies that process h7.,z7-: as soon as possible for each covered process using comic: required considerations. At least twenty-five percent o: be completed by May 26, 1994; 50 percent by May 26, and 100 percent by May 26, 1997. Process hazard analyses mu<-. at least every five years and must be retained for the life of tile Operating Procedures -Must be in writing and provide conducting activities involving covered process consistent v. each operating phase, operating limits, safety and and their functions; be readily accessible to employees who v, process, and be reviewed as often as necessary to ass'!7e •pti practice; and must implement safe work practices to p,.o as lockout/tagout and confined space entry. Training -Employees operating a covered process must b:; t.; .. . process and in the operating procedures addressed previ ^t." a- . - ,., specific safety and health hazards, emerge-.:. : training must occur before assignment the process as of May 26, 1992, have required knov.'1� refresher training is required at least ev ,_7 : • Contractors -Identifies responsibilities of work site cmj-:. ,:, respect to contract employees involved in maintenance. repair or specialty work, on or near covered proce . their employees to safely perform their jobs, . . understood training, and assui ti tut c hazards and the work site employer's emergency action p safety rules of the facility, and advise the work site emn'.?.. poses or hazards identified by contract employees. Pre -startup Safety Review -Mandates a safety review fo modified work sites to confirm that the construction a nu tic accordance with design specifications; to assure that a degt :. and emergency procedures are in place; and to assure process c), completed. Also, for new facilities, the PHA must be performed a-� resolved and implemented before start up. Modified facilities rr:,. change requirement. Mechanical Integrity -Requires the on -site employer to csta'., . procedures for the ongoing integrity of process equipment particu which contain and control a covered process. I1 rwr Hot Work -Hot work permits must be issued for hot work operation, ;,1 01/01/1993 - Process Safety Management of Hi... Page 3 of 3 Pin covered process. Management of Change -The work site employer must establish and implement written procedures to manage changes except "replacements in kind" to facilities that effect a covered process. The standard requires the work site employer and contract employers to inform and train their affected employees on the changes prior to start-up. Process safety information and operating procedures must be updated as necessary. Incident Investigation -Requires employers to investigate as soon as possible (but no later than 48 hours after) incidents which did result or could reasonably have resulted in catastrophic releases of covered chemicals. The standard calls for an investigation team, including at least one person knowledgeable in the process involved, (a contract employee when the incident involved contract work) and others with knowledge and experience to investigate and analyze the incident, and to develop a written report on the incident. Reports must be retained for five years. Emergency Planning and Response -Requires employers to develop and implement an emergency action plan. The emergency action plan must include procedures for handling small releases. Compliance Audits -Calls for employers to certify that they have evaluated compliance with process safety requirements at least every three years. Prompt response to audit findings and documentation that deficiencies are corrected is required. Employers must retain the two most recent audit reports. Trade Secrets -Sets requirements similar to trade secret provisions of the 1910.1200 Hazard Communication standard requiring information required by the PSM standard to be available to employees (and employees representatives). Employers may enter into confidentiality agreement with employees to prevent disclosure of trade secrets. ran This is one of a series of fact sheets highlighting U.S. Department of Labor programs. It is intended as a general description only and does not carry the force of legal opinion. This information will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: (202) 523-8151. TDD message referral phone: 1-800-326-2577. run JOSHA OST-TA Fact Sheets - Table of Contents List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics an... Page 1 of 5 "'OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics and Reactives (Mandatory). - 1910.119 App A "'OSHA i_1jHRe(ruiations ; Ctanuard - CFR) R) - :ble of (Tontents • Standard Number: 1910.119 App A ram • Standard Title: List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics and Reactives (Mandatory). • SubPart Number: H • SubPart Title: Hazardous Materials Purl This Appendix contains a listing of toxic and reactive highly hazardous chemicals which present a potential for a catastrophic event at or above the threshold quantity. CHEMICAL NAME Acetaldehyde Acrolein (2-Propenal) Acrylyl Chloride Allyl Chloride Allylamine Alkylaluminums Ammonia, Anhydrous Ammonia solutions (greater than 44% ammonia by weight) Ammonium Perchlorate Ammonium Permanganate Arsine (also called Arsenic Hydride) Bis(Chloromethyl) Ether Boron Trichloride Boron Trifluoride Bromine Bromine Chloride Bromine Pentafluoride Bromine Trifluoride 3-Bromopropyne (also called Propargyl Bromide) Butyl Hydroperoxide (Tertiary) Butyl Perbenzoate (Tertiary) Carbonyl Chloride 1 CAS* 75-07-0 107-02-8 814-68-6 107-05-1 107-11-9 Varies 7664-41-7 I 7664-41-7 I I 7790-98-9 I 7787-36-2 7784-42-1 I 542-88-1 10294-34-5 7637-07-2 7726-95-6 13863-41-7 7789-30-2 7787-71-5 I 106-96-7 1 75-91-2 I 614-45-9 I TQ** 2500 150 250 1000 1000 5000 10000 15000 7500 7500 100 100 2500 250 1500 1500 2500 15000 100 5000 7500 Poll List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics an... Page 2 of 5 (see Phosgene) Carbonyl Fluoride Cellulose Nitrate (concentration greater than 12.6% nitrogen Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Dioxide Pentrafluoride Trifluoride Chlorodiethylaluminum mil (also called Diethylaluminum Chloride) 1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene wq Chloromethyl Methyl Ether Chloropicrin Chloropicrin and Methyl MR Bromide mixture Chloropicrin and Methyl Chloride mixture rum Commune Hydroperoxide Cyanogen Cyanogen Chloride Cyanuric Fluoride Diacetyl Peroxide ran i PoR (concentration greater than 70%) Diazomethane Dibenzoyl Peroxide Diborane Dibutyl Peroxide (Tertiary) ram Dichloro Acetylene Dichiorosilane Diethylzinc Diisopropyl Peroxydicarbonate Dilauroyl Peroxide Dimethyldichlorosilane Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1- Dimethylamine, Anhydrous 2,4-Dinitroaniline Ethyl Methyl Ketone Peroxide (also Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide; concentration greater than 60%) Ethyl Nitrite Ethylamine Ethylene Fluorohydrin Ethylene Oxide Ethyleneimine Fluorine Formaldehyde (Formalin) Furan Hexafluoroacetone Hydrochloric Acid, Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid, Anhydrous 75-44-5 I 353-50-4 9004-70-0 I 7782-50-5 10049-04-4 13637-63-3 7790-91-2 96-10-6 I 97-00-7 107-30-2 76-06-2 None None I 80-15-9 460-19-5 506-77-4 675-14-9 110-22-5 I 334-88-3 94-36-0 19287-45-7 110-05-4 I 7572-29-4 4109-96-0 557-20-0 105-64-6 105-74-8 75-78-5 57-14-7 124-40-3 97-02-9 100 2500 2500 1500 1000 1000 1000 5000 5000 500 500 1500 1500 5000 2500 500 100 5000 500 7500 100 5000 250 2500 10000 7500 7500 1000 1000 2500 5000 1338-23-4 I 5000 109-95-5 5000 75-04-7 7500 371-62-0 100 75-21-8 5000 151-56-4 1000 7782-41-4 1000 50-00-0 1000 110-00-9 500 684-16-2 5000 7647-01-0 5000 7664-39-3 1000 List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics an... Page 3 of 5 Hydrogen Bromide Hydrogen Chloride Hydrogen Cyanide, Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride Hydrogen Peroxide (52% by weight or greater) mm Hydrogen Selenide Hydrogen Sulfide Hydroxylamine Iron, Pentacarbonyl min Isopropylamine Ketene Methacrylaldehyde Methacryloyl Chloride mm Methacryloyloxyethyl Isocyanate Methyl Acrylonitrile Methylamine, Anhydrous Methyl Bromide mm Methyl Chloride Methyl Chloroformate Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (concentration greater than 60 0 ) Methyl Fluoroacetate Methyl Fluorosulfate Methyl Hydrazine Methyl Iodide Methyl Isocyanate Methyl Mercaptan Methyl Vinyl Ketone Methyltrichlorosilane Nickel Carbonly (Nickel Tetracarbonyl) Nitric Acid (94.5% by weight or greater) Nitric Oxide Nitroaniline (para Nitroaniline Nitromethane Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides (NO; NO(2); N204; N203) Nitrogen Tetroxide (also called Nitrogen Peroxide) Nitrogen Trifluoride Nitrogen Trioxide Oleum (65% to 80% by weight; also called Fuming Sulfuric Acid) Osmium Tetroxide Oxygen Difluoride (Fluorine Monoxide) Ozone Pentaborane 10035-10-6 7647-01-0 74-90-8 7664-39-3 7722-84-1 I 7783-07-5 7783-06-4 7803-49-8 13463-40-6 75-31-0 463-51-4 78-85-3 920-46-7 30674-80-7 126-98-7 74-89-5 74-83-9 74-87-3 79-22-1 1338-23-4 I 453-18-9 421-20-5 60-34-4 74-88-4 624-83-9 74-93-1 79-84-4 75-79-6 13463-39-3 I I 7697-37-2 I 110102-43-9 I 100-01-6 I 75-52-5 110102-44-0 110102-44-0 I 110544-72-6 I 7783-54-2 110544-73-7 8014-94-7 I 20816-12-0 I 7783-41-7 10028-15-6 I 19624-22-7 I 5000 5000 1000 1000 7500 150 1500 2500 250 5000 100 1000 150 100 250 1000 2500 15000 500 5000 100 100 100 7500 250 5000 100 500 150 500 250 5000 2500 250 250 250 5000 250 1000 100 100 100 100 Poll List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics an... Page 4 of 5 Peracetic Acid (concentration greater 60o Acetic Acid; also I called Peroxyacetic Acid) Perchloric Acid (concentration greater than 60% by weight) Perchloromethyl Mercaptan Perchloryl Fluoride Peroxyacetic Acid (concentration mm greater than 60o Acetic Acid; also called Peracetic Acid) Phosgene (also called Carbonyl Chloride) Phosphine (Hydrogen Phosphide) Phosphorus Oxychloride (also called Phosphoryl Chloride) Phosphorus Trichloride Phosphoryl Chloride (also called Phosphorus Oxychloride) Propargyl Bromide Propyl Nitrate Sarin Selenium Hexafluoride Stibine (Antimony Hydride) Sulfur Dioxide (liquid) Sulfur Pentafluoride �n Sulfur Tetrafluoride Sulfur Trioxide (also called 79-21-0 I 1000 I I 7601-90-3 I 5000 594-42-3 I 150 I 7616-94-6 I 5000 I I 79-21-0 I 75-44-5 7803-51-2 I 10025-87-3 I 7719-12-2 10025-87-3 I 106-96-7 627-3-4 107-44-8 7783-79-1 7803-52-3 7446-09-5 5714-22-7 7783-60-0 Sulfuric Anhydride) I 7446-11-9 I mm Sulfuric Anhydride (also called Sulfur Trioxide) Tellurium Hexafluoride Tetrafluoroethylene Tetrafluorohydrazine Tetramethyl Lead Thionyl Chloride m" Trichloro (chloromethyl) ran Silane Trichloro (dichlorophenyl) Silane Trichlorosilane Trifluorochloroethylene Trimethyoxysilane I 7446-11-9 7783-80-4 116-14-3 10036-47-2 75-74-1 7719-09-7 I 1558-25-4 I 127137-85-5 I 110025-78-2 ( 79-38-9 I 2487-90-3 Footnote* Chemical Abstract Service Number 1000 100 100 1000 1000 1000 100 2500 100 1000 500 1000 250 250 1000 1000 250 5000 5000 1000 250 100 2500 5000 10000 1500 Footnote** Threshold Quantity in Pounds (Amount necessary to be covered by this standard.) List of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics an... Page 5 of 5 [57 FR 7847, Mar. 4, 1992] JOSHA ;;;i-ik Psawiations (Standards - FR': Vole of Contents D m1I mot; rot Pal �9 OM WI Mil Ail WI MR MI WI PEI Pr PM Pull Mr MOM *Pi EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5101) 550-F-96-002 May 1996 RISK MANAGEMENT PLANNING: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION Final Rule: Clean Air Act section 112(rj FACTSHEET MANAGING CHEMICALS SAFELY Section 112(r) of the amended Clean Air Act (CAA), signed into law on 15 November Preventing accidental releases of hazardous chemicals is the shared responsibility of industry, government, and the public. The first steps toward accident prevention are identifying the hazards and assessing the risks. Once information about chemicals is openly shared, industry, gov- ernment, and the community can work together toward reducing the risk to public health and the environment. Important new provisions in the Clean Air Act advance the process of risk management planning and pub- lic disclosure of risk. These requirements will affect facilities that pro- duce, handle, process, distribute, or store certain chemicals. The final rule for risk management planning was promulgated on 20 June 1996. 1990, mandates a new federal focus on the preven- tion of chemical accidents. The objective of section 112(r) is to prevent serious chemical accidents that have the potential to affect public health and the environment. Under these requirements, industry has the obligation to prevent accidents, operate safely, and manage hazardous chemicals in a safe and responsible way. Government, the public, and many other groups also have a stake in chemical safety and must be partners with industry for acci- dent prevention to be successful. The risk management planning requirements of CAA section 112(r) complement and support the Emergency Planning and Community Right -to - Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA). A milestone in federal actions, EPCRA helps local communities prepare for and respond to chemical accidents. It requires communities to develop emergency response plans, based on information from industry con- - cerning hazardous chemicals. Under the new CAA requirements, stationary sources (facilities) must identify and assess their chemical hazards and carry out certain activities designed to reduce the likelihood and severity of accidental chemical releases. Information summarizing these activities will be available to state and local governments, the public. and all other stakeholders. Using this information, citizens will have the opportunity to work with industry to reduce risks to the commu- nity from chemical accidents. In the broadest sense, risk management planning relates to local emergency preparedness and response, to pollution prevention at facilities, and to worker safety. In a more focussed sense, it forms one element of an integrated approach to safety and complements existing industry codes and standards. The risk management planning require- ments build on OSHA's Process Safety Management Standard, the chemical safety guide- lines of the Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and 2 Risk Management Planning Final Rule May 1996 similar standards of the American Petroleum Institute and Chemical Manufacturers �—, Association, as well as the practices of many other safety -conscious companies. IT'S THE LAW... kAA section 112(r) mandates that EPA pub- ilish rules and guidance for chemical acci- dent prevention. These rules must include `i' requirements for sources to develop and imple- ment risk management programs that incorpo- rate three elements: a hazard assessment, a pre- vention program, and an emergency response program. These programs are to be summarized in a risk management plan (RMP) that will be • made available to state and local government agencies and the public. Pon WHO'S COVERED ny source with more than a threshold quan- rttity of a listed "regulated substance" in a single process must comply with the regulation. "Process," in terms of the regulation, means manufacturing, storing, distributing, handling, or using a regulated substance in any other way. • Transportation, including pipelines and vehicles under active shipping orders, is excluded. On 31 January 1994, EPA promulgated a final list of 139 i regulated substances: 77 acutely toxic sub- stances, 63 flammable gases and volatile liquids, and Division 1.1 high explosives as listed by ▪ DOT. The final list rule established threshold quantities for toxics ranging from 500 to 20,000 pounds. For all listed flammables, the threshold quantity is 10,000 pounds. EPA proposed modifi- foa' cations to the final list on 15 April 1996. These modifications would exclude facilities handling explosives, exploration/production facilities for �•, oil and gas, and gasoline. EPA estimates that approximately 66,000 sources ▪ will be covered by the rule, assuming the pro- posed list amendments are adopted. The uni- verse includes chemical manufacturers, other manufacturers, certain wholesalers and retailers, drinking water systems, wastewater treatment works, ammonia refrigeration systems, utilities, and federal facilities. Sources with at least one covered process must comply with the rule by June 20,1999. THREE LEVELS OF COMPLIANCE Ttionhe final risk management planning regula- CFR (40 part 68) defines the activities sources must undertake to address the risks posed by regulated substances in covered processes. To ensure that individual processes are subject to appropriate requirements that match their size and the risks they may pose, EPA has classified them into three categories ("Programs"). Program 1 requirements apply to processes for which a worst -case release, as evaluated in the hazard assessment, would not affect the public. These are sources or processes that have not had an accidental release that caused serious offsite consequences. Remotely located sources and processes using listed flammables are primarily those eligible for this program. Program 2 requirements apply to less complex operations that do not involve chemical process- ing (e.g., retailers, propane users, non -chemical manufacturers. and other processes not regulat- ed under OSHA's PSM Standard). Program 3 requirements apply to higher risk, complex chemical processing operations and to processes already subject to the OSHA PSM. RMP BASICS ources with processes with a regulated sub- b.../stance above a threshold quantity will be required to carry out the following elements of risk management planning • An offsite consequence analysis that evaluates specific potential release scenar- ios, including worst -case and alternative 3 a Risk Management Planning Final Rule May 1996 Fal scenarios 1'4 • A 5-year history of certain accidental releases of regulated substances from covered processes 1101 • An integrated prevention program to man- age risk rm • An emergency response program Er • An overall management system to supervise the implementation of these program elements • A risk management plan (RMP), revised at least once every five years, that summarizes and documents these activities for all covered processes IR Based on their limited potential for serious offsite consequences, sources are not required to imple- W , ment a prevention program, an emergency response program, or a management system for Program 1 processes. Sources with processes in Program 2 and Program 3 must address each of p'" the above elements. PM PM WI PEI ran MR Min lug LINKS The OSHA PSM Standard (29 CFR 1910.119) reflects the key elements that the petrochemical industry, trade associations, and engineering soci- eties have deemed essential to safe management of hazardous substances for complex, chemical -pro- cessing operations. EPA has adopted OSHA's PSM requirements as the Program 3 prevention pro- gram, with only minor changes in terminology. With few exceptions, processes assigned to Program 3 are already subject to the OSHA PSM Standard; the remaining Program 3 processes are in industry sectors that have a significant accident history. EPA has also worked closely with other regulatory programs that focus on risk management issues for hazardous chemicals in order to foster co-ordina- tion and reduce burden. EPA and the National Response Team have prepared Integrated Contingency Plan Guidance to assist sources sub- ject to multiple regulations in preparing a consoli- dated emergency response plan. Further, EPA believes that many of the prevention program requirements for Program 2 processes and the emergency response program requirements can be satisfied without additional effort because of exist- ing compliance with other federal and state regula- tions, industry standards and codes, and good engineering practices. MAKING IT WORK To document compliance with the rule and pro- vide risk information, all sources must submit to a central location a risk management plan that includes a registration, an executive summary, a 5- year accident history, and offsite consequence analysis information. Sources with Program 2 and 3 processes also must submit information in the RMP regarding compliance with requirements for the prevention program and the emergency response program. EPA is developing a reporting mechanism and form to collect RMPs in a way that encourages elec- tronic submission. This will make risk management planning information available far more widely to the public and at a far lower cost than would tradi- tional reporting. To support electronic submission and reduce the reporting burden, EPA has stan- dardized the RMP requirements. With the excep- tion of the executive summary, data elements will be primarily check -off boxes, yes/no answers, or numerical entries. An "implementing agency" will oversee these requirements and receive the RMPs. It will audit and inspect a percentage of sources each year and require whatever revisions to the RMPs are neces- sary. Under CAA section 112(1), states may request that EPA delegate the authority to serve as the implementing agency to a state or local agency with the appropriate expertise, resources, and authority. States may implement their own pro- grams, although the law demands that program requirements must be as stringent as EPA's and must include all EPA -regulated substances and processes. Approximately 30 per cent of the sources subject to the risk management program Risk Management Planning Final Rule May 1996 requirements must also comply with Title V of the Clean Air Act, which requires permits for emis- - sions of air pollutants. Section 112(r) is an applica- ble requirement for Title V permits. HELP FOR SMALL BUSINESS Small and medium-sized enterprises may receive information about CAA section 112(r) through the Small Business Assistance Program in each state, through the Federal Small Business Assistance Program, through the network of Small Business Development Centers across the country, — through the EPCRA Hotline, and through a range of electronic outlets. — To make compliance easier for small businesses, EPA is working with industry groups to develop model risk management programs. Initially, these model programs will be developed for ammonia refrigeration, propane handling, and water treat- ment operations. The RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance will eliminate the need for cov- ered small operations to invest in computer model- ing programs and to answer complex technical questions (e.g., how to model liquefied gases) relat- - ed to this element of the hazard assessment. LOOKING AHEAD... A s this final rule is implemented, EPA plans to publish general technical guidance, guidance for states on implementation, guidance for Local Emergency Planning Committees on ways to use RMP information in the community, and additional model plans for certain industry sectors and regu- lated substances. In addition, the Agency will pro- - duce training packages and disseminate training through a variety of educational outlets. Workshops, in co-operation with industry and engineering societies, will also be presented around the country, as well as teleconferences to introduce the new risk management planning requirements to a diversity of stakeholders. ♦.. With risk management planning as the basis for accident prevention, everybody wins. Industry has an opportunity to demonstrate excel- lence in safety. Government can show effective, efficient leadership in developing sensible require- ments. And communities will have a powerful right -to -know tool, as citizens work together toward reducing chemical risks to public health and the environment. FOR MORE INFORMATION... CONTACT THE EMERGENCY PLANNING AND COMMUNITY RIGHT -TO -KNOW HOTLINE (800) 424-9346 OR (703) 412-9810 TDD (800) 553-7672 MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9 AM TO 6 PM, EASTERN TIME ♦•♦ VISIT THE CEPPO HOME PAGE ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB AT: http://www.epa.gov/swercepp/ 01.1 Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office & EPA cEi i * United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5101) May 1996 550-F-96-003 LIST OF SUBSTANCES FOR ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION CLEAN AIR ACT section 112(r) FACTSHEET The purpose of the CAA provisions for accident prevention is to ensure that facili- ties reduce the likeli- hood and severity of accidental chemical releases that could harm the public and the environment. These provisions also ensure that the public and state and local governments can receive facility -specific information on potential hazards and the steps being taken to prevent accidents. REGULATORY BACKGROUND In 1986 the Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -Know Act (EPCRA) became law. EPCRA improves the ability of communities to prepare for and respond to chemical accidents. Under EPCRA, communities must develop emergency response plans, based on information that facilities must provide on the hazardous chemicals they handle. In the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act, Congress included requirements for accidental release prevention regulations in section 112(r). Congress also mandated that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) adopt a process safety management standard to protect workers from the workplace effects of chemical accidents; the standard was issued on 24 February 1992. On 31January 1994, EPA promulgated a final rule under provisions of the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments s.112(r) for the prevention of accidental releases of hazardous substances. The rule establishes a list of chemicals and threshold quantities that identify facilities subject to subsequent accident prevention regulations. The listed substances have the potential to pose the greatest hazard to public health and the environment in the event of an accidental release. On 15 April 1996, EPA proposed several amendments to the final rule. The list constitutes the first of two necessary elements for the prevention of chemical accidents under EPA's CAA mandate. The second element is the requirement for risk management planning. A facility that handles more than a threshold quantity of a listed substance in a process is subject to the risk management planning requirements of CAA section 112(r). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FINAL RULE Under the CAA, EPA must develop an initial list of at least 100 substances that, in the event of an accidental release, could cause death, injury, or serious adverse effects to human health or the environment. If a facility has more than a threshold quantity of these substances in a process, then it must develop and implement a risk management program. That program must include a hazard assessment, prevention program, and an emergency response program. Summary risk management plans will be submitted to a central location and will be made electronically available to state and local authorities as well as the public. The final rule for risk management planning was promulgated on 20 June 1996. The statutory criteria EPA considered in selecting substances for the list include severity of acute adverse health effects, likelihood of release, and 2 List of Substances for Accidental Release Prevention May 1996 potential magnitude of human exposure. EPA set threshold quantities for each regulated substance based on its toxicity, reactivity, volatility, dispersibility, and flammability, as well as the amount known or anticipated to cause effects of concern. The list EPA promulgated in 1994 includes 77 acutely toxic chemicals, 63 flammable gases and volatile flammable liquids, and Division 1.1 high explosive substances as listed by DOT in 49 CFR 172.101. The final rule establishes threshold quantities for toxic substances ranging from 500 — to 20,000 pounds. For all listed flammable substances, the threshold quantity is 10,000 pounds, while all explosive substances have a threshold quantity of 5,000 pounds. The rule sets forth the procedures for determining whether a threshold quantity of a regulated substance is present at a stationary source. Specific exemptions to the threshold determination are also included for mixtures, articles, and certain uses and activities. The rule also specifies the requirements for petitions to the Agency to add substances to, or delete substances from, the list. PROPOSED CHANGES ollowing EPA's promulgation of the final list rule, some members of the regulated community raised questions about certain provisions they felt were inconsistent with the intent EPA expressed in the preamble and other documents supporting the final rule. In response, EPA published proposed amendments to the final rule on 15 April 1996. The first proposed modification would be to delete the category of Division 1.1 explosives. The Agency also proposes to exempt from threshold quantity determinations regulated flammable substances in gasoline used as fuel and in naturally occurring hydrocarbon mixtures prior to initial processing. Further, the Agency proposes clarification of the provision for threshold determination of flammable substances in a mixture. Modifications to the definition of "stationary source" are proposed to clarify the exemption of transportation and storage related to transportation and to clarify that naturally occurring hydrocarbon reservoirs are not stationary sources or parts of stationary sources. In addition, EPA proposes to clarify that 40 CFR part 68 does not apply to sources located on the Outer Continental Shelf. EPA believes these proposed changes will focus accident prevention more appropriately on stationary sources with high hazard operations and reduce duplication with other similar requirements. For those provisions of the list rule that EPA is proposing to amend, the Agency has finalized a stay of effectiveness until it takes final action on the proposed modifications. Thus, owners and operators of processes and sources that EPA has proposed not be subject to risk management planning requirements would not have to comply with CAA section 112(r) until EPA has determined whether to finalize the proposed list rule amendments. AFFECTED UNIVERSE EPA estimates that approximately 66,000 facilities will be affected by the list and risk management planning rules, if the proposed list amendments are adopted. The facilities include chemical and many other manufacturers, cold storage facilities with ammonia refrigeration systems, public water treatment systems, wholesalers and distributors of these chemicals, propane retailers, utilities, and federal facilities. CONCLUSION Ncording to the risk management planning equirements of the Clean Air Act, facilities that handle certain hazardous substances must act to prevent chemical accidents. They must also share information about their prevention efforts with the public, workers, and government. EPA expects these new partnerships among stakeholders in prevention activity to prove a dynamic force in reducing the number and severity of chemical accidents. FOR MORE INFORMATION... CONTACT THE EMERGENCY PLANNING AND COMMUNITY RIGHT -TO -KNOW HOTLINE (800) 424-9346 OR (703) 412-9810 TDD (800) 553-7672 MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9AM TO 6PM, EASTERN TIME VISIT THE CEPPO HOME PAGE http://www.epa.gov/swercepp/ 44 EPA coP United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste 550-F-96-004 and Emergency Response May 1996 (5101) CHEMICAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND THE CLEAN AIR ACT AMENDMENTS OF 1990 The Clean Air Act (CAA) makes it clear that facilities that handle hazardous substances bear the primary responsibility for ensuring their safe use. The CAA section 112(r)(1) general duty clause outlines the basic statutory principle that facilities are responsible for designing and maintaining a safe plant, identifying their hazards, and minimizing the consequences of accidental chemical releases. This clause applies to any facility that handles any hazardous substance, regardless of the quantity on site. CAA SECTION 112 (r) : BASIC REQUIREMENTS Under nder CAA s.112(r), EPA must: • Publish a list of at least 100 substances and associated threshold quantities that determine who must comply with the new regulations Preventing accidental releases of hazardous chemicals is the shared responsibility of industry, government, and the public. The first steps toward prevention are identifying the hazards and assessing the risks. Once information about chemicals is openly shared, stakeholders can work together toward reducing chemical risks to public health and the environment. Important new provisions in the Clean Air Act of 1990 advance the process of risk management planning and public disclosure of risk. The amendments, which cover a wide range of air pollution issues, include specific provisions addressing accidental releases of hazardous chemicals. These requirements will affect facilities that produce, handle, process, distribute, or store certain chemicals. • Develop regulations and guidance for the response, prevention, and detection of accidental releases associated with these regulated substances. Certain facilities must: • Prepare risk management plans that include a hazard assessment, accident prevention program, and emergency response program • Comply with other accidental release regulations that EPA may adopt. One of the other key provisions of section 112(r) is a mandate for OSHA to establish a chemical process safety management standard for the workplace. .4 2 Chemical Accident Prevention and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 May 1996 The CAA, under s.507, also requires that each state set up programs to provide small mm businesses with technical assistance on the CAA and to help them comply with the Act's regulations. By statute, these small business '" programs must include assistance related to accidental release prevention and detection. These programs provide information on cal alternative technologies, process changes, products, and methods of operation that help reduce air pollution. PM MEI BACKGROUND: CHEMICAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION BEFORE 1990 ublic awareness of the potential danger from accidental releases of hazardous substances has increased over the years as serious chemical accidents have occurred around MR the world. Public concern intensified following the 1984 release of methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, India, which killed more than 2,000 people. A r..i subsequent chemical release in Institute, West Virginia, sent more than 100 people to the hospital and made Americans aware that such incidents can and do happen in the United w' States. rm EPA's RESPONSE TO BHOPAL n response to this public concern and the Iiii hazards that exist, EPA began its Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program (CEPP) in 1985. CEPP was a voluntary program to encourage state and local authorities to identify m^ hazards in their areas and to plan for potential chemical emergencies. This local planning complemented emergency response planning rim carried out at the national and regional levels by the National Response Team and Regional Response Teams. im The following year, Congress enacted many of the elements of CEPP in the Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -Know Act of 1986 ,,., (EPCRA), also known as Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This law requires states to establish State Emergency Response 1•1' Commissions and Local Emergency Planning Committees to develop emergency response plans for each community. EPCRA also requires facilities to make information available to the public on the hazardous chemicals they have on site. EPCRA's reporting requirements foster a valuable dialogue between industry and local communities on hazards to help citizens become more informed about the presence of hazardous chemicals that might affect public health and the environment. According to OSHA requirements, workers on site also have a right to know about the hazardous chemicals to which they could be exposed. MILESTONE REPORT ON SYSTEMS FOR PREVENTION EPCRA did not require facilities to establish accident prevention programs. However, under EPCRA section 305(b), EPA was required to conduct a review of emergency systems to monitor, detect, and prevent chemical accidents at facilities across the country. The final report to Congress, Review of Emergency Systems (EPA, 1988), concluded that the prevention of accidental releases requires an integrated approach that considers technologies, operations, and management practices, and it emphasized the importance of management commitment to safety. EPA's PREVENTION PROGRAM TAKES SHAPE EPA recognized that prevention, preparedness, and response form a safety continuum. Therefore, in 1986, EPA established its Chemical Accident Prevention Program, integrating it with the Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program. The first initiative was to begin collecting information on chemical accidents. Then EPA began working with other stakeholder groups to increase knowledge of prevention practices and encourage industry to improve safety at facilities. Under the Chemical Accident Prevention Program, EPA developed the Accidental Release Mel May 1996 Chemical Accident Prevention and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 3 NMI Information Program (ARIP) to collect data on the causes of accidents and the steps facilities „m take to prevent recurrences. EPA also developed its Chemical Safety Audit Program to gather and disseminate information on successful practices to mitigate and prevent chemical accidents. The audit program also points out problematic practices and ways to improve them. Through the program, EPA has trained its regional staff as well as state officials on process safety and auditing techniques. Another significant component of EPA's Chemical Accident Prevention Program involves outreach to small and medium-sized enterprises, which the section 305(b) study indicated are generally less aware of risks than larger facilities. EPA has worked with a broad spectrum of stakeholder groups to determine the best ways to reach these smaller operations. PEI All these efforts are based on the premise that while industry bears the primary responsibility for preventing and mitigating chemical accidents, many other groups also have a role to play. Workers, trade associations, environ- mental groups, professional organizations, public interest groups, the insurance and financial community, researchers and academia, the medical profession, and governments at all levels can help facilities that use hazardous chemicals identify their hazards and find safer ways to operate. A number of stakeholder groups have now developed programs and guidance to assist facilities in the management of chemical hazards. Many of these safety measures can make businesses more efficient and productive. CLEAN AIR ACT REQUIREMENTS: WHAT CHEMICALS ARE COVERED? Under CAA 112(r)(3)(5), EPA must develop and publish an initial list of at least 100 substances that, in an accidental release, could cause death, injury, or serious adverse effect to human health or the environment. To build its list, EPA considered the severity of any acute adverse health effects, the likelihood of an accidental release, and the potential magnitude of human exposure. The threshold quantities for each chemical (which determine the facilities subject to the RMP requirements) reflect toxicity, reactivity, volatility, flammability, explosivity, and dispersibility as well as the amount known or anticipated to cause effects of concern. On January 31,1994, EPA promulgated a final rule on the substances and thresholds: 77 acutely toxic chemicals, 63 flammable gases and volatile flammable liquids, and Division 1.1 high explosive substances as listed by DOT. On April 15, 1996, based on concerns raised by the regulated community, EPA proposed modifications to the final rule. The modifications would clarify "flammables" so that gasoline and crude oil would not be covered; clarify "stationary source": and make clear the exclusion of facilities handling explosives, exploration and production facilities for oil and gas, and gasoline. It is important to note that the threshold quantity is determined by the maximum amount of a substance in a proccess, not the maximum quantity on site. The list rule also sets forth the requirements for petitions to the Agency to add substances to, or delete substances from, the list. RISK MANAGEMENT PLANNING For industry, chemical accident prevention has become an important way of doing business. More and more plant managers, whether they are subject to regulation or not, recognize chemical safety management as an integral part of running an efficient operation. At the same time, new CAA regulations ensure that the public can be properly informed about chemical risks in their neighborhoods, and community organizations, states, and the federal government all have become active players in helping to lower these risks. RMP Basics EPA proposed its regulation on risk management planning on October 20, 1993. Its 4 Chemical Accident Prevention and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 May 1996 requirements apply to facilities that have more than a threshold quantity of a regulated substance in a process. As mandated by the CAA, the final rule requires facilities to develop and implement a risk management program that includes a hazard assessment of the off site consequences of releases under worst case and alternate scenarios, a prevention program, and an emergency response program. Information about the program must be documented in a risk management plan that is submitted to a central location and made available electronically to ▪ states and local planning agencies as well as the public. Building on Chemical Process Safety Management These new risk management planning requirements are not unique. Rather, they form one element of an integrated approach to safety ▪ and complement closely related industry standards and practices. In the broadest sense, risk management planning relates to local Sol emergency preparedness and response, to pollution prevention at facilities, and to worker safety. In a more focussed sense, these requirements build on OSHA's Process Safety Management Standard (issued on February 24, 1992). They also draw from the chemical safety guidelines of the Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and similar standards of the American Petroleum Institute and Chemical Manufacturers Association, as well as the practices of safety - fun conscious chemical companies. In addition, four states --New Jersey, California, Nevada, and Delaware --also have regulations on accidental release prevention. For facilities to comply with the new risk management planning rule, EPA is encouraging them to incorporate these existing industry standards and approaches that many already practice for chemical safety management. rign Prevention Program Requirements The elements of the prevention program include the following: • Review and documentation of the plant's chemicals, processes, and equipment • Detailed process hazard analysis to identify hazards, assess the likelihood of accidental releases, and evaluate the consequences of such releases • Development of standard operating procedures • Training of employees on procedures • Implementation of a preventive maintenance program • Management of changes in operation that may impact the safety of the system • Reviews before initial start- up of a process and before start-up following a modification of a process • Investigation and documentation of accidents • Periodic safety audits to ensure that procedures and practices are being followed May 1996 Chemical Accident Prevention and the Clean Air Act Amendments of I990 5 POI Affected Universe EPA estimates that approximately 66,000 facilities will be affected by the risk management planning requirements, if proposed amendments to the list rule are adopted. These facilities include manufacturers in the chemical and petrochemical and refining industries, other manufacturers in many manufacturing sectors (e.g., manufacturers of pulp and paper; organic and inorganic chemicals; manufacturers and handlers of chlor- alkalis, plastics and resins, nitrogen fertilizers, and agricultural chemicals), cold storage facilities that use ammonia as a refrigerant including food processors and distributors and refrigerated warehouses, public water treatment systems, chemical retailers, federal facilities, and "Er some service industries. Many other stakeholder groups will also be at ru•r least indirectly affected by the new 112(r) requirements. These include federal agencies and departments (especially OSHA, DOT, DOD, DOE, SBA, FEMA , and Coast Guard) and state and local representatives (particularly State Emergency Response Commissions and Local Emergency Planning Committees, state air fir offices, local fire departments, emergency management agencies, environmental protection and public health departments, land use planning officials, and natural resource planning and management offices). Other interested stakeholders will be public interest groups and the environmental community, insurance companies, labor organizations, and international bodies such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. fur RMP Registration and Submittal Facilities covered by the rule will comply by submitting to a central location a registration form along with a risk management plan that describes their risk management program. Facilities will submit their plans electronically, selecting options to be spelled out in guidance. The information will be available immediately to state and local authorities as well as to the general public and all other stakeholders who may be interested. The final rule with the requirements for risk management planning was promulgated on June 20, 1996. Submittals of registration forms and risk management plans are due from facilities by June 20, 1999, with updates required every five years. Should EPA add to the list of regulated substances, the regulations would take effect for newly covered facilities three years after the date on which a substance is first listed. OTHER CAA PROVISIONS Presidential Review The CAA requires the President to conduct a review of the current authority of various federal agencies regarding chemical release prevention, mitigation, and response and to report the findings to Congress. The purpose of the review is to clarify and co-ordinate responsibilities and to identify any gaps and/or overlaps that may exist. The President delegated this authority to the EPA Administrator in 1993. Hydrofluoric Acid Study As required by the CAA, EPA conducted a study on the potential hazards of hydrofluoric acid (HF). Transmitted to Congress in the fall of 1993, the study investigates the physical and chemical properties of HF, its hazards in commercial and industrial use, and the types and numbers of facilities in which HF is handled. The document also describes accidents that have resulted in the release of HF, as well as any public and environmental impacts that resulted from these releases. An analysis of scenarios using atmospheric dispersion models investigates potential impacts on the public from a range of worst -case accidental releases. The study also describes the current industry and government controls to prevent accidental releases of HF and to mitigate the potential consequences of accidents through emergency preparedness and response efforts. 6 Chemical Accident Prevention and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 May 1996 Research Programs Under the CAA, EPA must establish a program of long-term research on methods and techniques for conducting detailed hazard assessments. The CAA also requires EPA to test substances at the Liquefied Gaseous Fuels Spill Test Facility in Nevada. These tests would develop and validate improved predictive models for atmospheric dispersion, evaluate existing dispersion models, and evaluate technology for mitigation and — emergency response. 119 New OSHA Standard On February 24, 1992, OSHA adopted a standard for chemical process safety management in the workplace as required under the CAA 1990 amendments. Just as CAA s.112(r) protects public health and the environment, the OSHA standard is designed to protect workers from accidents involving hazardous chemicals. The OSHA standard applies to facilities that handle certain acutely toxic, highly flammable, and reactive substances. Requirements of the standard cover safety information on chemicals and processes, a workplace process hazard analysis, periodic audits, standard operating procedures, training, maintenance, pre -startup safety reviews, management of change, emergency response, and accident investigation. In formulating the regulatory requirements for risk management planning, EPA incorporated OSHA's Process Safety Management Standard nearly verbatim into the prevention program requirements of CAA s.112(r) for higher risk facilities. NATURAL EVOLUTION Sonce the mid-1980s, EPA has been working closely with the whole gamut of prevention stakeholders to help reduce the likelihood and severity of chemical accidents. Beginning with the voluntary Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program in 1985, extending to the SARA Title III regulations in 1986, and now culminating in the new Clean Air Act, these efforts address the entire safety continuum from emergency response to preparedness to prevention. In this way, a new partnership involving government, business, and the public is being forged. Working together, each of these groups is playing a key role in preventing accidental releases of hazardous chemicals. FOR MORE INFORMATION... CONTACT THE EMERGENCY PLANNING AND COMMUNITY RIGHT -TO -KNOW HOTLINE (800) 424-9346, OR (703) 412-9810, OR TDD (800) 553-7672 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 9:00 AM TO 6:00 PM, EASTERN TIME ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB, VISIT TILE HOME PAGE OF EPA's CHEMICAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION OFFICE AT: http://www.epa.gov/swercepp/ MIER United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5101) 550-F-96-005 May 1996 CLEAN AIR ACT SECTION 112(r) Excerpts from Statute FACTSHEET CLEAN AIR ACT SECTION 112 (r) EXCERPTS (r) Prevention of Accidental Releases Section 112(r) of the amended Clean Air Act deals with the preven- tion and detection of accidental releases of hazardous chemicals. EPA has promulgated the two regulations that the Act calls for con- cerning risk management planning. As a reference document to accompany those rules, this fact sheet sets forth relevant portions excerpted from the statute.The Clean Air Act is codified in the U.S. Code at 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.; section 112(r) may be found at U.S.C. 7412. (1) Purpose and General Duty It shall be the objective of the regulations and pro- grams authorized under this subsection to prevent the accidental release and to minimize the conse- - quences of any such release of any substance listed pursuant to paragraph (3) or any other extremely hazardous substance. The owners and operators of stationary sources producing, processing, han- dling, or storing such substances have a general duty in the same manner and to the same extent as section 654 of Title 29 to identify hazards which may result from such releases using appropriate hazard assessment techniques, to design and main- tain a safe facility taking such steps as are neces- _, sary to prevent releases, and to minimize the con- sequences of accidental releases which do occur. For purposes of this paragraph, the provisions of section 7604 of this title shall not be available to — any person or otherwise be construed to be applic- able to this paragraph. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted, construed, implied or applied to create any liability or basis for suit for compen- sation for bodily injury or any other injury or prop- erty damages to any person which may result from accidental releases of such substances. (2) Definitions (A) The term "accidental release" means an unan- ticipated emission of a regulated substance or other extremely hazardous substance into the ambient air from a stationary source. (B) The term "regulated substance" means a sub- stance listed under paragraph (3). (C) The term "stationary source" means any build- ings, structures, equipment, installations or sub- stance emitting stationary activities (i) which belong to the same industrial group, (ii) which are located on one or more contiguous properties, (iii) which are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control), and (iv) from which an accidental release may occur. 2 CAA s./12(r) Excerpts May 1996 Pin (3) List of Substances The Administrator shall promulgate not later than 24 months after enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 an initial list of 100 substances which, in the case of an accidental release, are known to cause or may reasonably be anticipated to cause death, injury, or serious adverse effects to human health or the environ- ment. For purposes of promulgating such list, ray' the Administrator shall use, but is not limited to, the list of extremely hazardous substances pub- lished under the Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -Know Act of 1986 [42 U.S.C. B 11001 et seq.], with such modifications as the Administrator deems appropriate. The initial list shall include chlorine, anhydrous ammonia, methyl chloride, ethylene oxide, vinyl chloride, methyl isocyanate, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, toluene diiso- cyanate, phosgene, bromine, anhydrous hydro- gen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous sul- fur dioxide, and sulfur trioxide. The initial list shall include at least 100 substances which pose the greatest risk of causing death, injury, or seri- ous adverse effects to human health or the envi- ronment from accidental releases. Regulations ▪ establishing the list shall include an explanation of the basis for establishing the list. The list may be revised from time to time by the • Administrator on the Administrator's own motion or by petition and shall be reviewed at least every 5 years. No air pollutant for which a national primary ambient air quality standard r"`' has been established shall be included on any such list. No substance, practice, process, or activity regulated under subchapter VI of this chapter shall be subject to regulations under this subsection. The Administrator shall establish procedures for the addition and deletion of sub- stances from the list established under this para- graph consistent with those applicable to the list in subsection (b) of this section. 111,11 Pol PEI Fag (4) Factors to be Considered In listing substances under paragraph (3), the Administrator shall consider each of the follow- ing criteria , (A) the severity of any acute adverse health effects associated with accidental releases of the substance; (B) the likelihood of accidental releases of the substance; and (C) the potential magnitude of human exposure to accidental releases of the substance. (5) Threshold Quantity At the time any substance is listed pursuant to paragraph (3), the Administrator shall establish by rule, a threshold quantity for the substance, taking into account the toxicity, reactivity, volatility, dispersibility, combustibility, or flam- mability of the substance and the amount of the substance which, as a result of an accidental release, is known to cause or may reasonably be anticipated to cause death, injury or serious adverse effects to human health for which the substance was listed. The Administrator is authorized to establish a greater threshold quan- tity for, or to exempt entirely, any substance that is a nutrient used in agriculture when held by a farmer. (7) Accident Prevention (A) In order to prevent accidental releases of regulated substances, the Administrator is authorized to promulgate release prevention, detection, and correction requirements which may include monitoring, recordkeeping, report- ing, training, vapor recovery, secondary contain- ment, and other design, equipment, work prac- tice, and operational requirements. Regulations promulgated under this paragraph may make distinctions between various types, classes, and kinds of facilities, devices and systems taking into consideration factors including, but not lim- ited to, the size, location, process, process con- trols, quantity of substances handled, potency of substances, and response capabilities present at any stationary source. Regulations promulgated pursuant to this subparagraph shall have an effective date, as determined by the Administrator, assuring compliance as expedi- tiously as practicable. (B) (i) Within 3 years after November 15, 1990, the Administrator shall promulgate reasonable AMR 3 CAA s.112(r) Excerpts May 1996 PEP regulations and appropriate guidance to provide, !w, to the greatest extent practicable, for the prevention and detection of accidental releases of regulated substances and for response to such releases by the owners or operators of the sources of such releases. w The Administrator shall utilize the expertise of the Secretaries of Transportation and Labor in promul- gating such regulations. As appropriate, such reg- ulations shall cover the use, operation, repair, replacement, and maintenance of equipment to monitor, detect, inspect, and control such releases, including training of persons in the use and main- tenance of such equipment and in the conduct of periodic inspections. The regulations shall include procedures and measures for emergency response after an accidental release of a regulated substance in order to protect human health and the environ- ment. The regulations shall cover storage, as well as operations. The regulations shall, as appropri- ate, recognize differences in size, operations, processes, class and categories of sources and the voluntary actions of such sources to prevent such rim releases and respond to such releases. The regula- tions shall be applicable to a stationary source 3 years after the date of promulgation, or 3 years riml after the date on which a regulated substance pre- sent at the source in more than threshold amounts is first listed under paragraph (3), whichever is ,.R, later. (ii) The regulations under this subparagraph shall require the owner or operator of stationary sources m, at which a regulated substance is present in more than a threshold quantity to prepare and imple- ment a risk management plan to detect and prevent or minimize accidental releases of such substances "1 from the stationary source, and to provide a prompt emergency response to any such releases in order to protect human health and the environ- ment. Such plan shall provide for compliance with the requirements of this subsection and shall also include each of the following: ' (I) a hazard assessment to assess the potential effects of an accidental release of any regulated substance. This assessment shall include an esti- mate of potential release quantities and a determi- nation of downwind effects, including potential exposures to affected populations. Such assess- ment shall include a previous release history of the past 5 years, including the size, concentration, and duration of releases, and shall include an evalua- tion of worst case accidental releases; W' (II) a program for preventing accidental releases of regulated substances, including safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring and employee train- ing measures to be used at the source; and (III) a response program providing for specific actions to be taken in response to an accidental release of a regulated substance so as to protect human health and the environment, including pro- cedures for informing the public and local agencies responsible for responding to accidental releases, emergency health care, and employee training measures. At the time regulations are promulgated under this subparagraph, the Administrator shall promulgate guidelines to assist stationary sources in the prepa- ration of risk management plans. The guidelines shall, to the extent practicable, include model risk management plans. (iii) The owner or operator of each stationary source covered by clause (ii) shall register a risk management plan prepared under this subpara- graph with the Administrator before the effective date of regulations under clause (i) in such form and manner as the Administrator shall, by rule, require. Plans prepared pursuant to this subpara- graph shall also be submitted to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, to the State in which the stationary source is located, and to any Iocal agency or entity having responsibility for planning for or responding to accidental releases which may occur at such source, and shall be avail- able to the public under section 7414(c) of this title. The Administrator shall establish, by rule, an auditing system to regularly review and, if neces- sary, require revision in risk management plans to assure that the plans comply with this subpara- graph. Each such plan shall be updated periodical- ly as required by the Administrator, by rule. (C) Any regulations promulgated pursuant to this subsection shall to the maximum extent practica- ble, consistent with the subsection, be consistent with the recommendations and standards estab- lished by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM). The Administrator shall take into consideration the concerns of small business in promulgating regulations under this subsection. (D) In carrying out the authority of this paragraph, the Administrator shall consult with the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Transportation and shall coordinate any requirements under this para- graph with any requirements established for com 4 CAA s. I I L(r) Excerpts WWI May 1996 MIMI parable purposes by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the Department of Transportation. Nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted, construed or applied to impose requirements affecting, or to grant the Administrator, the Chemical Safety and Hazard '— Investigation Board, or any other agency any authority to regulate (including requirements for hazard assessment), the accidental release of . , radionuclides arising from the construction and operation of facilities licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. . , (E) After the effective date of any regulation or requirement imposed under this subsection, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any station- ary source subject to such regulation or require- - ment in violation of such regulation or require- ment. Each regulation or requirement under this subsection shall for purposes of sections 7413, 7414, um 7416, 7420, 7604, and 7607 of this title and other enforcement provisions of this chapter, be treated as a standard in effect under subsection (d) of this ▪ section. (F) Notwithstanding the provisions of subchapter V of this chapter or this section, no stationary .. source shall be required to apply for, or operate pursuant to, a permit issued under such subchap- ter solely because such source is subject to regula- tions or requirements under this subsection. me (G) In exercising any authority under this subsec- tion, the Administrator shall not, for purposes of section 653(b)(1) of Title 29, be deemed to be exer- cising statutory authority to prescribe or enforce standards or regulations affecting occupational safety and health. (9) Order Authority (A) In addition to any other action taken, when the Administrator determines that there may be an •. imminent and substantial endangerment to the human health or welfare or the environment because of an actual or threatened accidental release of a regulated substance, the Administrator may secure such relief as may be necessary to abate such danger or threat, and the district court of the United States in the district in which the threat ▪ occurs shall have jurisdiction to grant such relief as the public interest and the equities of the case may require. The Administrator may also, after notice to the State in which the stationary source is locat- ed, take other action under this paragraph includ- ing, but not limited to, issuing such orders as may be necessary to protect human health. The Administrator shall take action under section 7603 of the title rather than this paragraph whenever the authority of such section is adequate to protect human health and the environment. (B) Orders issued pursuant to this paragraph may be enforced in an action brought in the appropriate United States district court as if the order were issued under section 7603 of this title. (C) Within 180 days after enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the Administrator shall publish guidance for using the order authori- ties established by this paragraph. Such guidance shall provide for the coordinated use of the author- ities of this paragraph with other emergency pow- ers authorized by section 9606 of this title, sections 311(c), 308, 309 and 504(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, sections 3007, 3008, 3013, and 7003 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, section 1445 and 1431 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, sec- tion 5 and 7 of the Toxic Substances Control Act, and section 7413, 7414, and 7603 of this title. FOR MORE INFORMATION... CONTACT THE EMERGENCY PLANNING AND COMMUNITY RIGHT -TO -KNOW HOTLINE (800) 424-9346 OR (703) 412-9810 TDD (800) 553-7672 MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9 AM TO 6 PM, EASTERN TIME ♦•♦ VISIT TIIE CEPPO HOME PAGE ON TIIE WORLD WIDE WEB AT: http://www.epa.gov/swercepp/ Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office Threshold Quantities of Compounds Under EPA Risk Management Program' "1" Pollutant • ran Threshold Pollutant (Ibs) Threshold (Ibs) 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine (Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl-] 1,3-Butadienc 1,3-Pentadiene 1-Butene 1-Chloropropylene (1-Propene, 1-chloro-] 1-Pentene 2,2-Dimethylpropane [Propane, 2,2-dimethyl-] 2-Butene 2-Butene-cis 2-Butene-trans (2-Butene, (E)] 2-Chloropropylene (1-Propene, 2-chloro-] 2-Methyl-l-butene Fan 2-Methylpropene (1-Propene, 2-methyl-] 2-Pentene, (E)- - 2-Pentene, (Z)- rm 3-Methyl-l-butene Acetaldehyde Acetylene (Ethyne] 1.9 Acrolein (2-Propenal) Acrylonitrde (2-Propenenitrile] Acrylyl chloride (2-Propenoyl chloride] Allyl alcohol (2-Propen-l-ol] ram Allylarnine (2-Propen-l-amine] Ammonia (anhydrous) Ammonia (conc 20% or greater) Arsenous trichloride Arsine Boron trichloride (Borane, trichloro-] Boron trifluoride (Borgne, trifluoro-] Boron trifluoride compound w/methyl ether (1:1) Brom inc Bromotrifluorethylene (Ethene, bromotrifluoro-] Butane Butene Carbon disulfide Carbon oxysulfide (Carbon oxide sulfide (COS)] Chlorine Chlorine dioxide (Chlorine oxide (C102)] Chlorine monoxide (Chlorine oxide] Chloroform (Methane, trichloro-] Chlorom ethyl ether (Methane, oxybis[chloro-] Chlorom ethyl methyl ether (Methane, chloromethoxy-] Crotonaldehyde (2-Butenal) •- 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 20,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 15,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 • 20,000 10,000 2,500 1,000 10,000 20,000 1,000 5,000 20,000 Cyclopropane Diborane Dichlorosfane (Slane, dichloro-] Difluoroethane [Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-] Dimethylamine (Methanamine, N-methyl-] Dimethyldichlorosilane [Slane, dichlorodimethyl-] Epichlorohydrin (Oxirane, (chloromethyl)-j Ethane Ethyl acetylene (1-Butyne] Ethyl chloride (Ethane, chloro-] Ethyl ether [Ethane, 1, 1'-oxybis-] Ethyl mercaptan [Ethanethiol] Ethyl nitrite [Nitrous acid, ethyl ester] Ethylamine (Ethanamine] Ethylene [Ethane] Ethylene oxide (Oxirane) Ethylenediamine (1,2-Ethanediaminej Ethyleneimine (Aziridine] Fluorine Formaldehyde (solution) Furan Hydrazine Hydrochloric acid (conc 30% or greater) Hydrocyanic acid Hydrogen Hydrogen chloride (anhydrous) (Hydrochloric acid] Hydrogen fluoride/Hydrofluoric acid (cone 50% or greater) Hydrogen selenide Hydrogen sulfide Iron, pentacarbonyl- (Iron carbonyl (Fe(CO)5), (TB-5-11)-] Isobutane[Propane, 2-methyl] Isobutyronitrlle [Propanenitrile, 2-methyl-] Isopentanc (Butane, 2-methyl-] Isoprene (1,3-Butadiene, 2-methyl-] Isopropyl chloride [Propane, 2-chloro-] Isopropyl chloroformate (Carbonochloridic acid, 1-methylethyl ester] Isopropylamine (2-Propanamine] Methacrylonitrile (2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyI-] Methane Methyl chloride [Methane, chloro-] Methyl chloroformate (Carbonochloridic acid, methylescer] Methyl ether [Methane, oxybis-] Methyl formate [Formic acid, methyl ester] 10,000 • .. 2,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 1,000 15,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 2,500 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 10,000 2,500 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 t From Federal Register List 59 FR 4478. 4 Threshold Quantities of Compounds Under EPA Risk Management.Program' (continued) rum Mel Pollutant Threshold Pollutant (Ibs) Crotonaldehyde, (E)- (2-Butenal, (E)-) Cyanogen (Ethanedinitrile] Cyanogen chloride Cyclohexyla,mine (Cyclohexanamine] Methylamine (Methanamine] Methyltrichlorosilane (Shane, crichloromethyl-] Nickel carbonyl Nitric acid (cone 80% or greater) Nitric oxide (Nitrogen oxide (NO)] Oleum (Fuming Sulfuric acid) (Sulfuric acid, mixture with sulfur trioxide] Pentane Peracetic acid (Ethaneperoxoic acid] Perchloromethylmercaptan (Methanesulfenyl chloride, trichloro-] Phosgene (Carbonic dichloride) Phosphine Phosphorus oxychloride (Phosphoryl chloride] Phosphorus trichloride (Phosphorous trichloride] i Piperidine Propadiene (1,2-Propadiene] Propane Propionitrile (Propanenitrile) Propyi chloroformate (Carbonochloridic acid, propylescer] min Propylene (I -Propene] Propylene oxide (Oxirane, methyl-) Propyleneirnine (Aziridine, 2-methyl-] Propyne (L-Propyne) Shane PEI PER 20,000 10,000 10,000 15.000 10,000 5,000 1,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 500 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Methyl hydrazine (Hydrazine, methyl-) Methyl isocyanate (Methane, isocyanato-] Methyl meraptan (Methanethiol] Methyl thiocyanate (Thiocyank acid, methyl ester] Sulfur dioxide (anhydrous) Sulfur tetrafluoride (Sulfur fluoride (SF4), (T-4)-] Sulfur trioxide Tetrafuoroethylene (Ethene, tetrafluoro) Tetramethyllcad (Plumbane, tetramethyl-] Tetramethylsiiane (Shane, tetrarnethyl-) Tetranitromethane (Methane, tetranitro-] Titanium tetrachloride (Titanium chloride (TiCI4) (T-4)-) Toluene 2,4-diisccpnate (Benzene, 2,4-diisocyanato-l-methyl-)1 Toluene 2,6-diisocyanace (Benzene, 1,3-di socyanato-2-methyl-]1 Toluene dusocyanate (unspecified isomer) (Benzene, l,3-diisocyanatomethyl-] Trichlorosilane (Slane, trichloro-] a ifluorochlotoethylene (Ethene, chlorotrifluoro-] Trirnethylamine (Methanamine, N,N-dimechyl-] Trirnedtylchlorosilane (Silane, chlorotrimethyl-) Vinyl acetate monomer (Acetic acid ethenyl ester] Vinyl acetylene (I-Buten-3-yne] Vinyl chloride (Ed ene, chloro-) Vinyl ethyl ether (Echene, ethoxy-) Vinyl fluoride (Ethene, fluoro-) Vinyl methyl ether (Ethene, methoxy-] Vinylidene chloride (Ethene, 1,1-dichloro-] Vinylidene fluoride (Ethene, 1,1-difIuoro-] Program 3 Source industrial Classification (SIC) Codes2 SIC Code 2611 2812 2819 2821 2865 2369 2373 2379 2911 Industrial Process Description Pulp Mills Alkali and Chlorine Manufacturing Industrial Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Plastic Materials and Resins Manufacturing Cyclic Crudes and intermediates Manufacturing Industrial Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Nitrogenous Fertaizer Manufacturing Agricultural Chemicals Manufacturing Petroleum Refining Thresho. (Ibs) 15,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 5,000 2,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,00C 10,000 10,00C ' From Federal Register List 61 FR 31717. APPENDIX D CATASTROPHIC L SCENARIO DESCRIPTIONS 69:ZT Q3,H 86/Z0/60 (LLC9 ON Xh/XZ] 0 7 • Stability Class B (1) Morning Morning - Clear, Low Winds 0 Y Axis Distance in Feet 17. n Dart shading Concecaration Excmds 25 ppm 0 Light shading Ccmoectration Exceeds 10 ppm Scenario Description: a. A 1-on cylinder is struck and its liquid valve is sheared off. Liquid chlorine is released from a 3/8-inch hole. b. The container is full 2,000 pounds C12. c. The valve body has a 3/8-inch hole. d. Release height is 3 feet. The container is on a concrete slab. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 11 11� 340• O. ... mo•+--�i aR :¢ v x$=a=s ,Y. " . 71'.xS)., ' ` _ ' ; J'K 1 1 1 1 1 1) 1 i 1 1 1 11 11 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111 .w 11 1 1 1 1• AI f•fL• 0. 6000. DISTANCE (FEET) • Stability Class D All other Conditions art x Y-Axis Distance in Feet 0 1 O f-j 3 part shading Concentration Exooabs 25 ppm Light shading Cassoraar oo Exceeb 10 ppm 680 L r,11 ,1 i • - - 340. x ti, Sri.•'•.. - n•` . { t �:5, ,�}tip, •-. r 1IJIlllljl _ 11J111111 111111111_ t11111111 _- 0. haw. 12000. DISTANCE (FEET) Stability Class F Nighttime - Mostly Clear Skies, Low Winds Q Y Axis Distance in Feet 0 Dut shading ng Light shading C000mtrtrion Exceeds 25 ppm Cooamlrstim Exceeds 10 ppm 11 1 i i i 1 1 1 I i 1 1 I i l i i i l I I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i e 1 i II 680. r> > , •..� Sao • r•�.�'•s. atz -2}q%: tiRj%?tyt v`t;• r� rr.;,''' • —:�. ,�RV ?...�r••r:, ^ajt:t '.. • Q��� :Y-', �`,.-'.• -ttc l dy "“Zt.:,i•, r; •.1slit;L;. = — k~�fT•:•7qz• %a�xH:. 7`::xi§�: X. t3E e l i 34a•w--= x3Dx i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i l i l l l l l l l l l l i l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.680.--., 0. 6000. 12000. 18000. 24000. DISTANCE (FEET) cT 1' c 1: t 1 r• 69:ZT (MA 86/Z0/60 800 Ej [LLC9 ON 121/XZ Scenario Description: a. Half -inch, type-K copper tubing is sheared off. Chlorine gas is released (modeled with infinite supply). b. Release height is 3 feet. (� Stability Class B Morning _ Clear, Low Winds Y-Axis Distance in Feet 7 0 N a) Dnk shading CAocestrasiao Exceeds 25 ppm Light shading C000tensticn Exceeds 10 ppm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111 ftiili111 FEIN WEB "11111 1111i' 160. • WNW 11.1 0. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111. IU00. 111111111 2000. DISTANCE (FEET) 80. -80: -160. 1 11.11 1 111 3000. 4000. B '� Stability Class D 3 Alt other Conditions to Q Y-Axis Distance in Fat ? x 8C) n g to D n shaft Licht thaw Conne nation Exceeds 25 ppm Ca oeatrstion Exceeds 10 ppm Stability Class F Nighttime - Mostly Clear Skies, Low Winds Y Axis Distance is Feet Ds k shading litbi s6sdi� Concentration Exceeds 23 ppm Ceoeatta600 Excoofb 10 ppm l i 1 1 1 1 i I 1 I l till 1 1 11 it tilt 1 1 1 NINO C 111111111 1111111111111111111 1000. 2000. DISTANCE (FEET) 1111111+1 160.—� 80.-- 1 -80. 160. ._11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3000. 4000. 1 1 1 1 _ 4000. :`? C U • G • 0 U 1 1 1 • (EA 86/ZO/60 [LLC9 ON XdI/XI] 0 3 a .0 46 3 3 0 W r 1 Scenario Description a. A 1-inch, schedule-80 pipe is sheared off. Chlorine gas is released (modeled with infinite supply). b. Release height is 3 feet. Stability Class B Morning - Clear. Low Winds • Y-Axis Distance in Feet Dort sliding ld stud Coocentrmico pxr odds 25 ppm Ccumeatratioa Exceeds 10 ppm YON 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 l 'tit till I 11111i111 320. x by 111111111 111111111 0. 2000. 4000. DISTANCE (FEET) 111111111 160. • OEM -160. •320. 111111111 6000. 8000. Stability Class D All other Conditions Y Axis Distance in Feet Dolt abaft Lied shodieg Coot mosian Exceeds 25 ppm Commotion Exceeds 10 ppm 1iii11111 iil lrlill'1111111i1‘ i l Iliil3f 20.—i ` , IIIIII1.12`�y 8000. IM 111111111 1 1I III I I I 111111111_ 6000. n 2000. 4000. DISTANCE (FEET) Stability Class F Nighttime - Mostly Clear Skies, Low Winds Y-Axis Distance in Feet Dui shoring Wit shbill Comentrnfico Exceeds 25 ppm Cooeaocnbao Exceeds 10 ppm 11141i1I1i111111111111111111 4000. DISTANCE (FEET) I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 320. -320. 8000. assaI 65:ZT UM 96/Z0/60 (LLE9 ON XH/Xl) w. so 8 13 0 70 0� O X. 3 0 v �-A C ZT to Soamrio Description a. Half-incb, type -IC copper tubing is sheared off. Liquid chlorine is released (modeled with infinite supply). b. Release height is 3 feet. Stability Class B Morning - Clear, LOW Winds Y-Axis Distance in Feet Datk iodine Veit labdict Caocca tsioo Eiseeds 25.. Caoccu raoco Eucoods lappet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111 Vic. .0.. 4. k . 3,/,,0„,..,.:.s. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 l t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0. 2500. 5000. 7500. DISTANCE (FEET) 10000. Stability pass D All other Conditions Y Axis Distance in Feet Dart kaki Liibt abldbe Coeoad*atiaio Weeds Xi rpm Gaoccustias Exceeds 10 *pm I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 f l i` mmilr ,r. 11Tti1i11 S00. 9. 111111 11111.1 2500. 1111111 1111111_1 1,_l1 5000. 7500. DISTANCE (FEET) O•• • 1111111 10000. Stability Class F Nighttime - Mostly Clear Skies. Law winds Y•Axis Distance in Fed tht iodic( Comotritioa Exceeds u» Com ore= Bute& 10 ppm 2500. So®. DISTANCE (FEET) 1/ c .n 0 2 c c c 1, c l 1 1 1 t1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6S:ZT Q3M 86/Z0/60 [LL£9 ON X3/XL] r so a O 2.?; 8 2 lD ox 3 n —Ui 5 A to K. 1Q Q Scenario Description: a. A 1-inch, schedule-80 pipe is sheared off. Liquid chlorine is released (modeled with infinite supply). b. Release height is 3 feet. Stability Class B Morning - Clear, Low Winds Y Adis Distance in Feet Did ihadia C ic1s sit r Cooccatrtiea Eacccas 10 ppm Stability Class D All other Conditions Y Axis Distance in Feet Dirt shading L% & dig Cooemtratian Eacaeds 2.5 pro Sao ExaoeEs 10 ppca 11111 rl 11j11111 1 11 f 111111111� 111111111 760: .: ;_ v,.•+'till N. • $:•• i _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t i l O. 5000. 100 0. DISTANCE (FEET) • Stability Class F Nighttime - Mostly Clear Skies, Low Winds Y Axis Distance in Feet Deit* ibadig 000trstioo Exceeds 23 ppa Ccocmwic* Eueeas 10 ppm 111 760. 380.. t. . x.,y , ; - r s:•.Sr`+ a % 110011i ..wi, ..w• xG • ii •9C:w 4E$ 4 ? w .� ��4rgu� g£ggXt A� jj. qX•t'',' = ^^n iiulivL JYw. 7GwZ�`:vww vv v 60. � l 1 1 t I l 11 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 l t I1 l 1 1 1 1 t 1 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .-t371 I 0. 5000. 10000. 15000. 20000. DISTANCE (FEET) 1 Table 2. Summary of Dispersion Distances and Downwind Concentrations for Chlorine Release Scenarios Scenario Stability Class B Stability Class D Stability Class F Description Distance in Distance in Distance in feet and miles feet and miles feet and miles . 25 ppm 10 ppm 25 ppm 10 ppm 25 ppm 10 ppm 1) 1-ton cylinder Is struck and the valve is sheared 3,600 5,400 5,400 9,600 10,800 18,000 off. Liquid chlorine Is released from a 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.8 2.0 3.4 3/8 inch hole. 1- 2) Half -Inch copper tubing Is sheared off. 800 1,200 1,200 2,100 1,800 3,300 Chlorine gas is 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 released (modeled with _ Infinite supply). 3) A 1-inch pipe is sheared off. chlorine gas is 1,600 2,800 2,600 4,400 4,200 7,400 released (modeled with infinite supply). 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.4 4) Half -inch copper tubing is sheared off. 2,000 3,750 3,000 5,500 5,250 9,250 Liquid chlorine Is released (modeled with infinite supply). 0.4 0.7 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.8 5) A 1-inch pipe Is sheared off. Liquid chlorine is 4,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 11,000 18,500 released (modeled with infinite supply), 0.8 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 3.5 • Isopleths, indicating the plume of the chlorine from the release point Is shown in Appendix C. 09/02/98 WED 12:59 [TX/RX NO 6377] Q]007 Appendix E Area Location of Metropolitan Sewerage District During a release under Stability Class B, the chlorine concentration can reach a concentration of greater than 10 ppm at a distance of approximately one mile. During a release under Stability Class F, the chlorine concentration can reach a concentralon of greater than 25 ppm at a distance of approximately two miles. (Predominant wind direction is from North to South) 09/02/98 WED 12:59 (TX/RX NO 6377] 0008